Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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'That was kind of weird.' Colin thought as he watched as Sömmer just walked off to the kitchen. He was secretly kind of happy that she didn't try to ask him out or anything; He didn't feel like he was ready to be in another relationship, after how badly he messed up his last one.

Colin decided it was probably best to not try to talk to Sömmer again, since she left without saying anything to him, leaving him to assume that she was annoyed with him. He chose to go out to the backyard where he had seen Wade going off to, assuming Sömmer Would let Reyla know he was there.



"No; You're not cool enough to go on the Adventure with me; I can do the adventure without your help. I'm the best adventurer. I don't need the doggy or you, Hakeem" Maya crossed her arms and pouted as she let out a huff. She felt like Hakeem and her Mommy weren't taking her adventure seriously, like she was.

@Light @Embaga Elder @Lotusy
GingerBread said:
'That was kind of weird.' Colin thought as he watched as Sömmer just walked off to the kitchen. He was secretly kind of happy that she didn't try to ask him out or anything; He didn't feel like he was ready to be in another relationship, after how badly he messed up his last one.

Colin decided it was probably best to not try to talk to Sömmer again, since she left without saying anything to him, leaving him to assume that she was annoyed with him. He chose to go out to the backyard where he had seen Wade going off to, assuming Sömmer Would let Reyla know he was there.

Sömmer's hadn't said a word to Reyla either, giving her the cold shoulder as well. She sits down and stares at the table before her.

Wade was watering the grass in the back with the other kids. Except the kids were using hoses. Wade seemed to learn how to propel water from his throat.
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Colin smiled as he watched Wade play with Reyla's children. 'He's better at getting along with people than I am' Colin then glanced over towards the kitchen and noticed Sömmer just sitting and staring at the table. 'I didn't upset her, did I? I hope I didn't... Maybe if I did she's told Reyla?' Colin stood up and walked into the kitchen, giving Sömmer a small smile as he walked past. "H-Hey Reyla" Colin waved slightly as he walked into the kitchen. "D-Did I upset S-Sömmer? D-Did she say that I-I did? I-I'm just asking because she a-asked me a question and th-then walked off without s-saying a word when I-I answered"

GingerBread said:
Colin smiled as he watched Wade play with Reyla's children. 'He's better at getting along with people than I am' Colin then glanced over towards the kitchen and noticed Sömmer just sitting and staring at the table. 'I didn't upset her, did I? I hope I didn't... Maybe if I did she's told Reyla?' Colin stood up and walked into the kitchen, giving Sömmer a small smile as he walked past. "H-Hey Reyla" Colin waved slightly as he walked into the kitchen. "D-Did I upset S-Sömmer? D-Did she say that I-I did? I-I'm just asking because she a-asked me a question and th-then walked off without s-saying a word when I-I answered"

"Well you...well no you didn't upset her kind of." Reyla glances at Sömmer briefly and then uses sign language to tell Colin to meet her outside. Once Reyla does this she steps out of the house. It seemed like she wanted to talk away from Sömmer.
Light said:
Sömmer's opinion seemed to change again once more with Colin's reacation, becoming much more blank minded and cold. She doesn't respond to Colin and begins to walk into the kitchen.
"Then take as long as it must. I think a half hour should be nice." Puppy comes closer and Isabel begins to pet it. "Puppy can handle herself. She'll be just fine, I promise you. She might impress you while she's at it!"

"I can give her that power she needs. She will be in my faction for her entire life. That's simply how it works." Athena leans back in the chair and looks around. "So what do you need from me?"
Reed nodded. "I need the whereabouts of any living siblings of Adrianna. They elemental royal family that was wiped out. I mean it should he an easy task."

GingerBread said:
"I'm not paying for him to come to the wedding, He's coming regardless. I'm merely offering to pay him, so he doesn't get too drunk during it." Vance turned his head slightly to look at Fola. "And that amount is how ever much he wants, maximum two and a half grand." He then turned his attention back to Derek. "Yes, the lack of friends I have. But look at you, you're talking to Fola in a bar, I doubt you even came here with the intent of talking to him. And I highly doubt he wants to talk to you, that is, if I know Fola, which I like to think I do."

He ordered a Rum and Coke from the bartender before smirking over at Derek. "So where are all your friends, cause so far I haven't seen you with any. And I don't have many, that much is true. But people I consider to be my friend, like Fola here. Aren't complete wastes of space, like you or your imaginary friends" Vance took a large swig of his drink before Grinning at Derek. "Maybe if you had some half decent friends, or any at all. That girl you knew wouldn't have died, Derek. What was her name again?" He finished his drink off, still grinning at Derek. "I don't think anyone remembers, I don't even think anyone cared about her"

@LokiofSP @Tazmodo
"It was Jasmine. And true not many people cared but she sacrificed a lot more then most members would have. I know she did more then I would have. Especially now. I'm done helping all you ungrateful fucks. The only time anyone shows any kind of remorse for a lose is when it's their own or if it's for their own person gain. Anyways I've cuts ties with all of them and I'm relatively young considering how I came about this world so I don't know many people and I'm tired of all you assholes who do nothing but try and make yourselves look good. Good bye." He walked out the door leaving the broken drunk his responsibility.
Tazmodo said:
Reed nodded. "I need the whereabouts of any living siblings of Adrianna. They elemental royal family that was wiped out. I mean it should he an easy task."
"Yes it is a fairly easy task. There are about two others alive and I can easily track the first one. He uses the element of water. Prepare yourself, he's quite unstable at the moment." Athena stands up and looks out the window. Across the street was a building made for teleportation. "Shall we go?"

"Well it looks to me that he can't take what he dishes out." Vance shrugged as he watched Derek leave. "So, what did he mean by 'He's done helping people'? Did he come to a cheap bar with the idea of helping people? Was he trying to help you? It looked to me like you weren't getting much help from him. I wasn't paying that much attention though" He ordered another drink from the bartender and smiled at Fola. "The best I can offer you, is twelve grand. That's like literally all of my savings, the rest got taken by the government or whoever the people who shut down the guild were." He downed half of his drink before wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "But, if that's all. I'll go, I'm sure you'd prefer that anyway and I've got like two or so other people to invite"



Colin would've been relieved that he'd not upset Sömmer, but the way Reyla put it made him doubt that he actually hadn't upset her. 'I don't know if I did do anything to upset her, or what I might've done to upset her; Reyla didn't exactly sound sure that I didn't anyway...' He had no idea what Reyla was saying in sign language, since he didn't speak it. But he quickly picked up on what she wanted him to do from the context. He waited a couple of seconds before walking outside the house and over to Reyla.

GingerBread said:
Colin would've been relieved that he'd not upset Sömmer, but the way Reyla put it made him doubt that he actually hadn't upset her. 'I don't know if I did do anything to upset her, or what I might've done to upset her; Reyla didn't exactly sound sure that I didn't anyway...' He had no idea what Reyla was saying in sign language, since he didn't speak it. But he quickly picked up on what she wanted him to do from the context. He waited a couple of seconds before walking outside the house and over to Reyla.

Once they get outside Reyla grabs Colin by his sleeve and pulls him farther away. "Look, the person who you think you've upset isn't Sömmer. The reason why I need a doctor like you is because my family suffers from a biological magic disorder. Think of schizophrenia but...boosted? The one you were talking goes by the name of Jaylen."
Xeron had finished his training. He had finished getting the ancient knowledge and the ancient artifacts-and he had now full control over his own power...of course his human side had become a distant memory, an annoying bug that occasionally surfaced but was easily put down. Well he was ready now. Nobody wanted that Human, so he wouldn't give it to him. They only respected his Devil. So he'd give it to them. To all of them. He would open hell. But Grimm wasn't going to do it and that was painfully obvious. So instead, he would go to the 9 planes of Hell himself, and he would speak with their lords so he could gain more support, he couldn't picture a scenario where they wouldn't want to help him. @Light (INTHELIGHT!!)
Inheritance said:
Xeron had finished his training. He had finished getting the ancient knowledge and the ancient artifacts-and he had now full control over his own power...of course his human side had become a distant memory, an annoying bug that occasionally surfaced but was easily put down. Well he was ready now. Nobody wanted that Human, so he wouldn't give it to him. They only respected his Devil. So he'd give it to them. To all of them. He would open hell. But Grimm wasn't going to do it and that was painfully obvious. So instead, he would go to the 9 planes of Hell himself, and he would speak with their lords so he could gain more support, he couldn't picture a scenario where they wouldn't want to help him. @Light (INTHELIGHT!!)
At this moment the ground begins to crack open, releasing wails from Hell. Someplace Xeron should be accustomed to. Violetta rises from this crack and looks around, her facial expression making it hard to decide whether or not she respected this place. "You are the Pit-Lord Xeron, correct?"
Light said:
At this moment the ground begins to crack open, releasing wails from Hell. Someplace Xeron should be accustomed to. Violetta rises from this crack and looks around, her facial expression making it hard to decide whether or not she respected this place. "You are the Pit-Lord Xeron, correct?"
Xeron was unsure how strong or respected this one was, but better safe then sorry when traversing the pits of hell. "I am, and may I ask who you are oh plane walker?"

"O-Oh, um. O-Okay" Colin wasn't exactly sure how to react to what he was being told; He'd never really dealt with mental disorders before and wasn't sure if his power could even affect them, let alone a magical one. He assumed that his powers could, but he didn't want to say that they could in case he was wrong. "S-So I-I didn't hurt Sömmer's feeling with my a-answer then? Th-that's good" Colin wondered if anything triggered Sömmer's change in personality or if it was just a coincidence. Colin then started wondering if Reyla had it. "S-So, d-do you and your children s-suffer from this as well? Or is it just S-Sömmer"

Inheritance said:
Xeron was unsure how strong or respected this one was, but better safe then sorry when traversing the pits of hell. "I am, and may I ask who you are oh plane walker?"
"I am Violetta Crest, supposed secretary of Lucifer." Violet walks over and extends her hand, having her palm face upwards. "Join me in hell. I have a business offer for you."

GingerBread said:
"O-Oh, um. O-Okay" Colin wasn't exactly sure how to react to what he was being told; He'd never really dealt with mental disorders before and wasn't sure if his power could even affect them, let alone a magical one. He assumed that his powers could, but he didn't want to say that they could in case he was wrong. "S-So I-I didn't hurt Sömmer's feeling with my a-answer then? Th-that's good" Colin wondered if anything triggered Sömmer's change in personality or if it was just a coincidence. Colin then started wondering if Reyla had it. "S-So, d-do you and your children s-suffer from this as well? Or is it just S-Sömmer"

"No, Sömmer's feelings should be fine. She's been through a lot so I don't think whatever you said could have hurt her." Reyla leans on the wall and folds her arms over her chest. "I have it but it's less apparent than Sömmer's. I don't know if my kids have it though, that's the problem."
Fola sighed, sure he didn't want to go to Vance's damn wedding, but he couldn't always use his powers, a�nd money was almost nonexistent for him at that point. He needed the cash, and Vance was desperate enough to need him. He downed his next drink and turned to Vance, holding up one finger, raising one every time he made a demand, "Fine, I'll go to your damn wedding, but there's a few things I need on top of the money. First, a place to stay for at least one week, because the hotel room I live in fucking reeks. Two, I need full rights to the free bar after the service, there's no way I can sit next to you sober. Third, I want to be uncensored throughout the ceremony, fuck toning it down or making people happy, I say what I want to whoever I wa�nt...Besides your wife or whatever, because that's probably off limits or something..."

Light said:
"I am Violetta Crest, supposed secretary of Lucifer." Violet walks over and extends her hand, having her palm face upwards. "Join me in hell. I have a...
"It is a pleasure to meet you. And of course. I am honored to serve." He took her hand, and if they entered hell he would leave this dreadful human form.

Vance wanted to tell Fola that he was already giving him enough and that he can take what he was offering or leave it, but he knew he need at least some people at his wedding. "I'll try to get you a place to stay, but at the moment, I don't even have a house or apartment; I just stay in my darkness realm. So, I'm going to need suggestions for that." Vance shrugged and finished off his drink before ordering a glass of water. "You can have as much alcohol as there is, just don't go dying, it could ruin the happy feeling of the wedding. You can say whatever the hell you want, as long as it isn't to me, Luna or her mother. Any of the other guests, I don't care as long as it doesn't cause a scene, okay?"



"I-I hope not. B-But I do tend to end up hurting a lot of people when I-I don't mean to. Th-That's why I wanted to make sure." Colin smiled at Reyla, deciding against actually telling her what the question was. "B-But would you like me to t-take a look at your kids? I-I might be able to tell if th-they have the same condition as y-you and your sister. A-And if I can see it, th-then I can probably cure it or at least make it e-easier to handle. Th-That is, if y-you want me to"

Inheritance said:
"It is a pleasure to meet you. And of course. I am honored to serve." He took her hand, and if they entered hell he would leave this dreadful human form.
Violet draws them into Hell, revealing an arena like structure in which two slaves were battling to the death for the entertainment of others. "I could smell the mal intent you have from here, tell me of your plans. I hope you'll like the entertainment. If it's a cause I can support, surely I will."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/e433a4564a9aac0d087da8484c74fb6d.jpg.31d61cfbe4f2f6e130070938ebbd2fe7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/e433a4564a9aac0d087da8484c74fb6d.jpg.31d61cfbe4f2f6e130070938ebbd2fe7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

GingerBread said:
"I-I hope not. B-But I do tend to end up hurting a lot of people when I-I don't mean to. Th-That's why I wanted to make sure." Colin smiled at Reyla, deciding against actually telling her what the question was. "B-But would you like me to t-take a look at your kids? I-I might be able to tell if th-they have the same condition as y-you and your sister. A-And if I can see it, th-then I can probably cure it or at least make it e-easier to handle. Th-That is, if y-you want me to"

"U-Uh yeah." Reyla raises her hand in the direction of her kids, bringing it back to her side with a clap. She nods her head while doing so, "Yeah...you can. Should have had that done earlier. I'm going to check on the food."



  • e433a4564a9aac0d087da8484c74fb6d.jpg
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He turned into his Pit-Lord self, and watched the display. "Indeed quite fun quite fun indeed. I assume you'll kill the winner anyway?" he said as he followed. "I would be honored to tell you of my plans and what I intend to do. I wish to surround the world in fire, it will all burn before us. You see, I have lived my human life being scorned by foolish mortals who believe the Xeron that is human is horrible. Alright then, they must prefer the devil." Dark energy flared around him as he spoke. Nothing new to any experienced Devil. "So I wish to give them the Devil. Lots of them. I want to help you open the planes of hell onto the Physical Plane, and watch as the world burns. Of course I would take place in the war-and I will follow your orders, oh maleficent one, but there seems to be one...well...problem. That is this entity of Death, Grimm...and Isabel." He spat the last part out. He wanted to make her burn.

"A-Alright, I-I'll go do that now" Colin smiled at Reyla and had his staff appear before walking over to where the kids are. 'I wonder where Reyla's husband is... I'm sure I'll meet him at dinner anyway' Colin shrugged as he scanned his eyes over each one of Reyla's kids, checking to see if they had what Reyla and her sister had.

Light said:
"Yes it is a fairly easy task. There are about two others alive and I can easily track the first one. He uses the element of water. Prepare yourself, he's quite unstable at the moment." Athena stands up and looks out the window. Across the street was a building made for teleportation. "Shall we go?"
Reed srood up. "Perfect lead the way." He did his best not to offend the goddess. "Out of simple curiosity why do you need to recruit people. Things seem peaceful now so why have an army?"
Inheritance said:
He turned into his Pit-Lord self, and watched the display. "Indeed quite fun quite fun indeed. I assume you'll kill the winner anyway?" he said as he followed. "I would be honored to tell you of my plans and what I intend to do. I wish to surround the world in fire, it will all burn before us. You see, I have lived my human life being scorned by foolish mortals who believe the Xeron that is human is horrible. Alright then, they must prefer the devil." Dark energy flared around him as he spoke. Nothing new to any experienced Devil. "So I wish to give them the Devil. Lots of them. I want to help you open the planes of hell onto the Physical Plane, and watch as the world burns. Of course I would take place in the war-and I will follow your orders, oh maleficent one, but there seems to be one...well...problem. That is this entity of Death, Grimm...and Isabel." He spat the last part out. He wanted to make her burn.
"Open the gates of hell to prove a point? I take back what I said, I cannot help you. Especially if it means crossing those two. I am to improve relations other factions have with Lucifer and this plane. My son is a useless lost cause but Isabel and her potential children...having them side with Lucifer is a possibility I am willing to entertain. Besides, I cannot assist you in stirring up that magnitude of trouble. That will be no more than a potential nuisance to my master."

GingerBread said:
"A-Alright, I-I'll go do that now" Colin smiled at Reyla and had his staff appear before walking over to where the kids are. 'I wonder where Reyla's husband is... I'm sure I'll meet him at dinner anyway' Colin shrugged as he scanned his eyes over each one of Reyla's kids, checking to see if they had what Reyla and her sister had.

Apparently the disorder had stopped at Reyla and Sömmer. The kids didn't have any sign of it except for the potential chance of being a carrier.

Tazmodo said:
Reed srood up. "Perfect lead the way." He did his best not to offend the goddess. "Out of simple curiosity why do you need to recruit people. Things seem peaceful now so why have an army?"
Athena opens the door to the teleportation building and chooses a booth. She begins to type in the coordinates and turns to Reed halfway through, giving him an agitated glare. "Who said I was building an army?"
Fola took a moment to think over what Vance had offered him, before eventually shaking his head, "Fine, I'll drop the house thing and take the rest. Now just pick me up whenever this bullshit is going down so I can enjoy my drink in peace..."


Once he had checked to see if Reyla's kids had what she and Sömmer had, Colin had his staff disappear. He then walked into the kitchen and walked up to Reyla, hoping he wasn't about to get in the way of something she was doing. "G-Good news, y-your kids don't seem to have it, but they might be carriers of it." Colin smiled at her before taking a glance over in Sömmer's direction. 'I wonder how long her personality changes normally last and when she'll change back; She seemed sweet.. now she just seems cold and unapproachable'



"You need to cheer up or something. I didn't think the breaking up of the guild affected you this much, are you this sad because you can't see me everyday?" Vance smirked at Fola as he stood up. "But, yeah. I'll pick you up when it starts. Make sure you dress all nice in a suit or something. Make sure you're at least somewhat sober as well" Vance placed a twenty on the bar counter before walking out of the bar.

"Right, so who's next? I don't need to tell Hekate about it, she'll already know about the wedding since she can hear everything I'm saying right now. I could go up for a chat with her though..." Vance thought about it for a second as he walked down the street. "I'm sure I can do that after everything else. it will leave more time for it anyway. Is there anyone else I could invite though?" Vance shrugged as he thought about it some more. "Isabel will probably come to the wedding... How the hell do I find her though? Fola was easy to find, just look in shitty bars. I wonder if Luna would know..... Luna?"

@Light @LokiofSP
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Light said:
"Open the gates of hell to prove a point? I take back what I said, I cannot help you. Especially if it means crossing those two. I am to improve relations other factions have with Lucifer and this plane. My son is a useless lost cause but Isabel and her potential children...having them side with Lucifer is a possibility I am willing to entertain. Besides, I cannot assist you in stirring up that magnitude of trouble. That will be no more than a potential nuisance to my master."
Xeron was half shocked, half annoyed. "Oh that's not the only reason- the Hells will get more powerful-and think of the souls you can take! How can you be so closed minded about possibilities?!" He didn't bother with manners now. "Who cares about them?! There must be SOME way of defeating them! How could a being be created that is the most powerful thing in the universe?! There MUST be a weakness! You know if she is on your side she won't listen to you, she'll eventually just take all of you out!" He suddenly stopped speaking. If the Devils and Demons of Hell wouldn't help him, nobody would. This dream was impossible, the leaders cared more about alliances then the destruction of all mortals...like the ancient tomes told him. "What kind of Demon are you to not wish the mortal plane to burn?" He hissed, before turning around. "I see no reason for this to continue then. I will find another way to end this wretched world." He spat the last part.
GingerBread said:
Once he had checked to see if Reyla's kids had what she and Sömmer had, Colin had his staff disappear. He then walked into the kitchen and walked up to Reyla, hoping he wasn't about to get in the way of something she was doing. "G-Good news, y-your kids don't seem to have it, but they might be carriers of it." Colin smiled at her before taking a glance over in Sömmer's direction. 'I wonder how long her personality changes normally last and when she'll change back; She seemed sweet.. now she just seems cold and unapproachable'



"You need to cheer up or something. I didn't think the breaking up of the guild affected you this much, are you this sad because you can't see me everyday?" Vance smirked at Fola as he stood up. "But, yeah. I'll pick you up when it starts. Make sure you dress all nice in a suit or something. Make sure you're at least somewhat sober as well" Vance placed a twenty on the bar counter before walking out of the bar.

"Right, so who's next? I don't need to tell Hekate about it, she'll already know about the wedding since she can hear everything I'm saying right now. I could go up for a chat with her though..." Vance thought about it for a second as he walked down the street. "I'm sure I can do that after everything else. it will leave more time for it anyway. Is there anyone else I could invite though?" Vance shrugged as he thought about it some more. "Isabel will probably come to the wedding... How the hell do I find her though? Fola was easy to find, just look in shitty bars. I wonder if Luna would know..... Luna?"

@Light @LokiofSP
Reyla's heart stops and her stomach drops at Colin's words. She puts her hand over her chest to catch her breath. "Oh thank the gods. Thank you so much...that's such a relief to hear."

The ground begins to split open with a bubbling white and red substance pouring out of it. This substance rises vertically and begins to harden, turning into bone. The bone capsule begins to crack and breaks open, allowing Luna to walk out. "You'd like to find Isabel, right?"

Inheritance said:
Xeron was half shocked, half annoyed. "Oh that's not the only reason- the Hells will get more powerful-and think of the souls you can take! How can you be so closed minded about possibilities?!" He didn't bother with manners now. "Who cares about them?! There must be SOME way of defeating them! How could a being be created that is the most powerful thing in the universe?! There MUST be a weakness! You know if she is on your side she won't listen to you, she'll eventually just take all of you out!" He suddenly stopped speaking. If the Devils and Demons of Hell wouldn't help him, nobody would. This dream was impossible, the leaders cared more about alliances then the destruction of all mortals...like the ancient tomes told him. "What kind of Demon are you to not wish the mortal plane to burn?" He hissed, before turning around. "I see no reason for this to continue then. I will find another way to end this wretched world." He spat the last part.
Violet listens to what Xeron has to say with a blank expression. She could have told him about how powerful Hell would get with the future piece they'd acquire through this alliance. Violet could have thrown in how easy it would be to keep Isabel under her thumb if she were allowed to interact with her and how weak Isabel currently is. She also could have told him she's a high ranking transcendent demon rather than a mindless degenerate in response to his mortal plane comment. Though she kept her lips sealed and simply played the loser of this dispute, watching him leave without a single regret.

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