Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Who are you?" To Kelsey this guy was a complete stranger. She scoots away, having no time for being hit on at the moment. She doesn't scowl just yet, she just stares hard.
"That's not funny dude! I thought you were cool but saying stuff like that isn't cool at all!" Gary was denying everything he was saying. "I don't want anything to do with you anymore dude." Gary turns around, getting ready to climb upon his water dragon.

Adrianna's knees grow weak while she vents out her anger. She tries to take hold of Reed for support but falls to her knees. Adrianna begins to cry, holding herself up to the best of her ability. "I can't live with this anymore..."

Ryder wasn't very hungry since he did eat a lot in their previous battle. Both Ryder and Sofia give Cole either a curious or strange look. "What's that?" Sofia tilts her head, Gianna begins to snore immediately after.

( ! ) Grazure opens his mouth, his jaw stretching out widely. He inhales and all the void in the area starts getting pulled in. The shield and blade went in first. Then the rest of Cole's body was slowly being dragged in as well.

Tink groans and continues to work, this child was a pain. "Fast...I wouldn't know...No...No. Step away so I can work."
Reed knelt down in front of her after trying to keep her up. He went to help her up but after hearing what she said he stop for a second. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. "Don't say that. What about Kelsey? You can't leave her behind. What about me? I made sure not to die and leave you alone in this world to deal with your grief and now you just want to throw it away. Please don't let it end like this. You mean a lot to me and not just as a friend. I'm sorry for lieing but I do like as much more then a friend and even if you don't feel the same I don't want to see you go like this. So please." He let go if her rememberin how she felt about the touching thing.
Jackson had settled in Vegas. He bought some land and started building with the money he had saved. He was building a bar called The Phoenix. He had a wide variety of drinking and decided to also some food. He needed a new steady income and this seemed profitable. He put an open sign outside the window and waited.
GingerBread said:
Colin didn't know how to react as Gary called him a liar and said he wanted nothing more to do with him. 'So I've hurt Gary and now he wants nothing to do with me... Just like Anna. Maybe I deserve this, I'm an awful person who just thinks he's doing good aren't I? Why else would this happen so often' Colin swallowed his sadness and looked over at Gary as he walked away. "O-Okay" He turned around and sat by the edge of the pond. 'Maybe everyone else would be better off if I have nothing to do with them. It seems that way anyway.. I should go and find Wade's real parents' Colin noticed small ripples appearing in the pond and realised that he had been crying. 'Why am I the one crying? I'm not the person who just got told by someone that their family is probably dead by someone who doesn't even know that for sure..... Everyone would be better off without me....'

Wade notices these ripples and begins to float to the surface by inflating his cheeks with air. Wade was floating by his puffy cheeks while doggy paddling over to Colin. Wade was trying to swim ashore To Colin but his lower body couldn't stretch past his puffy cheeks. He was stuck there with his head above the water.

Tazmodo said:
Reed knelt down in front of her after trying to keep her up. He went to help her up but after hearing what she said he stop for a second. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. "Don't say that. What about Kelsey? You can't leave her behind. What about me? I made sure not to die and leave you alone in this world to deal with your grief and now you just want to throw it away. Please don't let it end like this. You mean a lot to me and not just as a friend. I'm sorry for lieing but I do like as much more then a friend and even if you don't feel the same I don't want to see you go like this. So please." He let go if her rememberin how she felt about the touching thing.
Adrianna gave Reed a look of disbelief, she didn't know how to handle all the emotions that were her and his own. She just shifts her expression into a teary eyed gaze. "Please...just make the pain go away."

Tazmodo said:
Jackson had settled in Vegas. He bought some land and started building with the money he had saved. He was building a bar called The Phoenix. He had a wide variety of drinking and decided to also some food. He needed a new steady income and this seemed profitable. He put an open sign outside the window and waited.
A tall blonde man with purple mist floating off of him enters the bar. His eyes were an odd mix of red and brown. "I saw the open sign. Good morning." He politely bows and sits down in a chair.
Light said:
Wade notices these ripples and begins to float to the surface by inflating his cheeks with air. Wade was floating by his puffy cheeks while doggy paddling over to Colin. Wade was trying to swim ashore To Colin but his lower body couldn't stretch past his puffy cheeks. He was stuck there with his head above the water.
Adrianna gave Reed a look of disbelief, she didn't know how to handle all the emotions that were her and his own. She just shifts her expression into a teary eyed gaze. "Please...just make the pain go away."

A tall blonde man with purple mist floating off of him enters the bar. His eyes were an odd mix of red and brown. "I saw the open sign. Good morning." He politely bows and sits down in a chair.
Reed looked at her not knowing what to do. He didn't know how to make the pain go away just how to replace it. "It's a long shot but it's all I've got." He mumbled to himself. He looked at her eye's. "Please don't cry." He rests his forehead on hers. He then turns his head and slowly presses his lips on hers and expects the worst to happen. But even if it angers her at least it'll distract her from the pain.

Jackson looked at the guy. "HI good morning to you to. What can I get for you?" He slid him the menu full of drinks and food.

Colin quickly wiped his eyes of tears as he saw Wade trying to get out of the pond. He picked Wade up out of the pond when he realised he was having trouble. Colin then pulled his feet out of the pond, and began sitting cross legged as he placed Wade on his lap and smiled down at him. "D-Do you w-want to go now W-Wade?" Colin thought about asking Wade if he'd like to try and find his real mother, but he decided not to, not wanting to pretty much tell Wade he was adopted. "I love you W-Wade.. But I don't think I'm doing a good job looking after you.."



Vance was getting bored of sitting in his darkness realm. He'd seen Victoria call of for grimm and then get taken away, he wasn't sure why she didn't just ask him, but it wasn't any of his business, but he decided in future that he wouldn't just allow anyone in his darkness realm.
"I wonder where Luna is, I haven't seen her since she was trying to help that rude guy feel better about the dead girl. And I haven't seen Hekatae since that whole thing with the triangles, She probably left that with a worse view of me.. Maybe I should go talk to her or something.. But she might just end up going on about me being 'too skinny'"

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at her not knowing what to do. He didn't know how to make the pain go away just how to replace it. "It's a long shot but it's all I've got." He mumbled to himself. He looked at her eye's. "Please don't cry." He rests his forehead on hers. He then turns his head and slowly presses his lips on hers and expects the worst to happen. But even if it angers her at least it'll distract her from the pain.
Jackson looked at the guy. "HI good morning to you to. What can I get for you?" He slid him the menu full of drinks and food.
Adrianna doesn't get angry or fights back. She slowly and almost lazily raises her arms so she could grab hold of Reed. She closed her eyes and kisses back, trying to alleviate the pain.

"If you wouldn't mind going through the trouble. Eggs, waffles, and coffee would be nice." He nods his head and smiles at Jackson saying morning back. "Are you from around here?"

GingerBread said:
Colin quickly wiped his eyes of tears as he saw Wade trying to get out of the pond. He picked Wade up out of the pond when he realised he was having trouble. Colin then pulled his feet out of the pond, and began sitting cross legged as he placed Wade on his lap and smiled down at him. "D-Do you w-want to go now W-Wade?" Colin thought about asking Wade if he'd like to try and find his real mother, but he decided not to, not wanting to pretty much tell Wade he was adopted. "I love you W-Wade.. But I don't think I'm doing a good job looking after you.."



Vance was getting bored of sitting in his darkness realm. He'd seen Victoria call of for grimm and then get taken away, he wasn't sure why she didn't just ask him, but it wasn't any of his business, but he decided in future that he wouldn't just allow anyone in his darkness realm.
"I wonder where Luna is, I haven't seen her since she was trying to help that rude guy feel better about the dead girl. And I haven't seen Hekatae since that whole thing with the triangles, She probably left that with a worse view of me.. Maybe I should go talk to her or something.. But she might just end up going on about me being 'too skinny'"

Wade nods his head swiftly. He sneezes and a raincloud appears over Colin. At this moment, Reyla began to call his cellphone.

Hekate begins to call Vance by phone as well. As a goddess she would know when people are talking about her, especially when they say her name.

Colin smiled at Wade as he picked him up and placed him on the ground next to him before standing up. "A-Alright, lets go-" Colin heard his phone start ringing and sighed slightly. "Hold on a second Wade" Colin took his phone out from his back pocket and held it up to the side of his face. "Hello?"



Vance had a confused expression on his face as he heard his phone ringing. "Who the hell could that be? I haven't even given my number to anyone, Luna doesn't even have it yet" He shrugged and pulled his phone out of his pocket, holding it up to his face. "Hello, who's this?"

Light said:
Adrianna doesn't get angry or fights back. She slowly and almost lazily raises her arms so she could grab hold of Reed. She closed her eyes and kisses back, trying to alleviate the pain.
"If you wouldn't mind going through the trouble. Eggs, waffles, and coffee would be nice." He nods his head and smiles at Jackson saying morning back. "Are you from around here?"

Wade nods his head swiftly. He sneezes and a raincloud appears over Colin. At this moment, Reyla began to call his cellphone.

Hekate begins to call Vance by phone as well. As a goddess she would know when people are talking about her, especially when they say her name.
Reed was shocked about her reaction. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He continued with the kiss and stopped and rested his forehead on hers again. "That was unexpected but I'm glad for it. How do you feel?"

Jackson nodded and started with the waffles. A few minutes later he brought out all the food and a cup of coffee. "No actually I'm from New York I moved over here because it cost to much there. It wasn't the first idea in mind but it works. How about you?"
GingerBread said:
Colin smiled at Wade as he picked him up and placed him on the ground next to him before standing up. "A-Alright, lets go-" Colin heard his phone start ringing and sighed slightly. "Hold on a second Wade" Colin took his phone out from his back pocket and held it up to the side of his face. "Hello?"



Vance had a confused expression on his face as he heard his phone ringing. "Who the hell could that be? I haven't even given my number to anyone, Luna doesn't even have it yet" He shrugged and pulled his phone out of his pocket, holding it up to his face. "Hello, who's this?"

"Hey Colin. It's time to come over." Children laughing could be heard in the background. "You remember how to get here right? If not I can give you directions or my sister can meet you at the park and bring you here since she's on her way herself."

"It's Hekate. I heard you speaking of me so I called. Is there anything wrong?" Hekate was sitting in her home, using an old phone with a cord to call Vance. She still had her armour on and was enjoying the calm moments until she was mentioned. She's usually mentioned all the time so it wouldn't matter. Though it was who mentioned her is what caught her attention.

Tazmodo said:
Reed was shocked about her reaction. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He continued with the kiss and stopped and rested his forehead on hers again. "That was unexpected but I'm glad for it. How do you feel?"
Jackson nodded and started with the waffles. A few minutes later he brought out all the food and a cup of coffee. "No actually I'm from New York I moved over here because it cost to much there. It wasn't the first idea in mind but it works. How about you?"
"I still feel terrible and I don't know what to do..." Adrianna wasn't as emotionally unstable but she was still in a bad zone. With that kiss she honestly didn't know where things were going and she didn't know why she kissed back. She'd have to focus on why later though. For now she had other things to think about. Like a funeral for her family and the monarchy.

"Thank you." He could already smell the food and it was good. "Well, I've come from a far off land to continue my research. I'm passing through but I'd like to meet new people and experience new things while I'm at it. Might as well enjoy life! Though I can't go around off of my reserve money for long..." He rubs his chin and thinks deeply about his research goal, time, and amount of side effects delaying it could have. "Say...do you think it's possible for me to work here?"

"Oh, Hello. There's nothing- Wait. How did you hear me talking about you? Have you been spying on me or something?"
Vance left his darkness realm, appearing in the countryside, assuming that everyone somehow had access to his darkness realm in some way. "And how did you get my number anyway? I only just got this phone"



"H-Has it been two hours already? I guess time flies"
Colin awkwardly chuckled at his bad joke. "I-I think I know how to get to your house. It's the blue one near the park, right?" Colin hoped he got it right; He didn't want to appear even more useless by not remembering directions he was given not too long ago.

Light said:
"Hey Colin. It's time to come over." Children laughing could be heard in the background. "You remember how to get here right? If not I can give you directions or my sister can meet you at the park and bring you here since she's on her way herself."
"It's Hekate. I heard you speaking of me so I called. Is there anything wrong?" Hekate was sitting in her home, using an old phone with a cord to call Vance. She still had her armour on and was enjoying the calm moments until she was mentioned. She's usually mentioned all the time so it wouldn't matter. Though it was who mentioned her is what caught her attention.

"I still feel terrible and I don't know what to do..." Adrianna wasn't as emotionally unstable but she was still in a bad zone. With that kiss she honestly didn't know where things were going and she didn't know why she kissed back. She'd have to focus on why later though. For now she had other things to think about. Like a funeral for her family and the monarchy.

"Thank you." He could already smell the food and it was good. "Well, I've come from a far off land to continue my research. I'm passing through but I'd like to meet new people and experience new things while I'm at it. Might as well enjoy life! Though I can't go around off of my reserve money for long..." He rubs his chin and thinks deeply about his research goal, time, and amount of side effects delaying it could have. "Say...do you think it's possible for me to work here?"
Reed stood up and held his hand out for her to help her up. "I'm just glad you've calmed down. Are you ready to start preparing thing then. We need to find Kelsey and who ever else may still be alive.

Jackson thought for a moment. "I mean I don't see why not but you'd have to apply and all that stuff. What are you researching though?"
Fola began to wake up as he slowly noticed the bed springs digging into his back and the god awful smell of cheap liquor filling his nose. He stared up at the ceiling for just one moment before getting up. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on his clothes. He took a deep breath before stepping out his room. He put up his hood as he exited the cheap motel, beginning to make his way to the nearest bar so he could repeat his daily routine of getting up, drinking until he passed out, then doing it again the next day. He refused to contact anybody who knew him, not because he was ashamed, but because he didn't want to hear about how he, 'Had a problem.' or, 'He needed help.' He was a grown ass man who could make his own damn decisions. The fact people insulted him by making it out as if he couldn't do so was what pissed him off the most.

He scoffed at the thought as he entered the bar that smelled of loneliness and the cheapest hard liquor one could find, the typical smell of an open bar during daytime. He sat down and quietly ordered his rum before sipping slowly. He looked around, spotting a guy in the corner who was passed out, alone in a puddle of tears and booze. If his eyes went right, he saw an old war veteran looking out the window in longing, maybe it was the, 'What if girl' that forgot him as soon as he left for war, maybe it was his loss of his youth as he listened intently for that ONE song he forgot the name of,but reminded him of times past.

It was the same story for everybody there, losing someone and feeling alone, going to a bar in the morning so that they could feel alone with company. It was sad, and Fola knew their stories all ended in some variation. Either they're found hanging, get shot, or pass out on the counter and never wake up. He scoffed at their inability to be happy, how they all let one thing keep them down forever. Fola knew he wouldn't end up like them, the situation was temporary, and he was just sharing the space with them until he got back on his feet. He was still in the prime of his life, he was going to be SOMEONE. He refused to end up like the men in there with him, old alone and bitter, drinking drink after drink to cope. they wouldn't find happiness, and would be ALONE!



Utterly alone...




"Hurry up and pour me another one already..."

(Finally back
:P )
LokiofSP said:
Fola began to wake up as he slowly noticed the bed springs digging into his back and the god awful smell of cheap liquor filling his nose. He stared up at the ceiling for just one moment before getting up. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on his clothes. He took a deep breath before stepping out his room. He put up his hood as he exited the cheap motel, beginning to make his way to the nearest bar so he could repeat his daily routine of getting up, drinking until he passed out, then doing it again the next day. He refused to contact anybody who knew him, not because he was ashamed, but because he didn't want to hear about how he, 'Had a problem.' or, 'He needed help.' He was a grown ass man who could make his own damn decisions. The fact people insulted him by making it out as if he couldn't do so was what pissed him off the most.
He scoffed at the thought as he entered the bar that smelled of loneliness and the cheapest hard liquor one could find, the typical smell of an open bar during daytime. He sat down and quietly ordered his rum before sipping slowly. He looked around, spotting a guy in the corner who was passed out, alone in a puddle of tears and booze. If his eyes went right, he saw an old war veteran looking out the window in longing, maybe it was the, 'What if girl' that forgot him as soon as he left for war, maybe it was his loss of his youth as he listened intently for that ONE song he forgot the name of,but reminded him of times past.

It was the same story for everybody there, losing someone and feeling alone, going to a bar in the morning so that they could feel alone with company. It was sad, and Fola knew their stories all ended in some variation. Either they're found hanging, get shot, or pass out on the counter and never wake up. He scoffed at their inability to be happy, how they all let one thing keep them down forever. Fola knew he wouldn't end up like them, the situation was temporary, and he was just sharing the space with them until he got back on his feet. He was still in the prime of his life, he was going to be SOMEONE. He refused to end up like the men in there with him, old alone and bitter, drinking drink after drink to cope. they wouldn't find happiness, and would be ALONE!



Utterly alone...




"Hurry up and pour me another one already..."

(Finally back
:P )
(I'm getting mixed signals if you want interaction or loneliness idk what to do.)
Light said:
Ryder wasn't very hungry since he did eat a lot in their previous battle. Both Ryder and Sofia give Cole either a curious or strange look. "What's that?" Sofia tilts her head, Gianna begins to snore immediately after.
( ! ) Grazure opens his mouth, his jaw stretching out widely. He inhales and all the void in the area starts getting pulled in. The shield and blade went in first. Then the rest of Cole's body was slowly being dragged in as well.

Tink groans and continues to work, this child was a pain. "Fast...I wouldn't know...No...No. Step away so I can work."


Cole examined the key, still having no clue what it's for. It's a key but I don't know for what. Though I have a feeling I'm about to find out. He stared blankly into space as the destruction of the clone happened. When the death was certain the information was automatically sent to Cole. He looked at the key, then at Sofia and Ryder. It's a quest for the next generation. He said vaguely. He walked towards the refrigerator opening both the fridge and the freezer. Let's see. Let's see. What to eat? What to eat?


Hakeem jumped down crossing his arms. He felt that Tink was being a little mean. Vethna. He muttered to himself. He looks at Tink's work table, with full intentions on trying to touch something. He hands slowly reached out to touch something until a blue hand smacked his causing him to pull it back. The hand flowed back inside the sapphire gem, meaning it was Ai's hand. Stop touching stuff Hakeem and stop bothering Tink. Let him work. He sighs and rubs his eyes tiredly. I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired. He said aloud. Ai's voice could only be heard in Hakeem's head so when he spoke it probably caused some concerns wondering who he's talking to. Hakeem go tell Isabel that you're tired. He nods and walks towards Isabel and tugs on her shirt. Mama, I'm sleepy. He said rubbing his eyes yet again. @Light
GingerBread said:

"Oh, Hello. There's nothing- Wait. How did you hear me talking about you? Have you been spying on me or something?"
Vance left his darkness realm, appearing in the countryside, assuming that everyone somehow had access to his darkness realm in some way. "And how did you get my number anyway? I only just got this phone"



"H-Has it been two hours already? I guess time flies"
Colin awkwardly chuckled at his bad joke. "I-I think I know how to get to your house. It's the blue one near the park, right?" Colin hoped he got it right; He didn't want to appear even more useless by not remembering directions he was given not too long ago.

"I'm a goddess Vance, I know when people are talking about me no matter where they are. Your previous guild leader Ashlyn had that ability, so she always knew when you all talked either good or bad about her yet she never held it against you. Once again I'm a goddess Vance, if I wanted to I could grant you a flock of sheep and a farm at this very moment. Getting your number was child's play. So, what is it that you're oh so worried about?"

"Yes that's the one. What are you allergic to?" Reyla was still in the cooking process but she could make an easy switch if need be. "I wouldn't want to make anything you can't eat. My sister is allergic to silverware if that makes you feel less embarrassed to tell."

Tazmodo said:
Reed stood up and held his hand out for her to help her up. "I'm just glad you've calmed down. Are you ready to start preparing thing then. We need to find Kelsey and who ever else may still be alive.
Jackson thought for a moment. "I mean I don't see why not but you'd have to apply and all that stuff. What are you researching though?"
"Yeah..yeah we should look for her. I don't know where she is though, we both went our seperate ways to mourn. I shouldn't have let her go...I'm a terrible sister. That's why I was unable to stop the others from dying! I miss them so much!" Adrianna was beginning to cry again.

"Thank you kindly! I'll apply right away sir!" He smiles and takes a drink from his coffee. "I'm researching the new paradigm for human and mana relations. I've tried my research product on myself and it was quite successful. Now I'm working on a need generation of it. In a few years time this research will be put to good use." He grins and claps his hands together, sliding them together rapidly. "Now about this application!"

"Quest for the next generation? What are you talking about?" Sofia folds her arms above her chest and leans on one hip. When she sees Cole open both the fridge and the freezer she glares. "Gianna does the same thing! Open them both up just to stare at things and not choose. I barely know you and you make my blood boil! Close one of them! You know what? Here." She grabs the milk and closes both, shoving the milk into his chest. "Eat cereal. If you don't want that just put it back in the fridge and take out the quesadillas." Sofia begins to walk towards the stairs. "I'm going to get changed. Don't touch anything but that and don't you open up both!" Sofia began to march up the stairs, ranting and cursing in Spanish.

Isabel crouches down to his eyes level and brushes a little dirt off of his cheek, only to fix his hair afterwards. "Okay Hakeem. Come on." She extends her arms and takes hold of him, lifting him up so he could sleep in her arms. Tink manages to create the Maya Machine in the form of an animal.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/10226a658c07888895963f9a42df877d.jpg.6a8b6a70d3738b4ca86c752be582adfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/10226a658c07888895963f9a42df877d.jpg.6a8b6a70d3738b4ca86c752be582adfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"There...it's done. I've given it the ability to track all of your current children. If you have anymore you'll have to bring it back for an update. This is what it looks like in its searching and regular form. Though when it finds the children it takes a retrieving form. A bigger form that allows it to carry them around and or protect them. It's tail would be large and strong enough for them to sit on once it's in that form."

Isabel smiles brightly and nods her head at all of the information, it looked like she was too excited to pay attention but she was. "Okay! Thank you Tink! I'll find Maya right away and then we can celebrate this one's birthday!" Isabel points at the Maya Machine since he or she doesn't have a name yet. The Maya Machine took instant notice of the absence of Emily and a curries off. In fourty-five seconds it was carrying Emily to the group. "Emily wants to name her Puppy!" Emily had singlehandedly decided it's gender and name.

Isabel nods her head in agreement with this. "Okay! I think that's good enough Emily. Now it's time to find Ma-" Isabel was cut off by Puppy's bark which transported them instantaneously into the area of Maya. "Ya....what?" Isabel looks around, seeing nothing in the area. She didn't look up into the sky yet. "Where's Maya?"

( @Lotusy @GingerBread )



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GingerBread said:
MayaMaya screamed as she was launched into the air when the Aeroplane exploded in a giant fireball. "This is the coolest thing ever!" Maya smiled over at Obama but her mouth opened in awe when she saw his jetpack. "That's the coolest thing ever! Does it fire out sweets as well? That would be even cooler!" Maya had a grin on her face as she imagined it firing out giant marshmallows and chocolates, and chocolate covered Marshmallows!

Suddenly, the jetpack started firing out Marshmallows, chocolates and chocolate covered marshmallows, which got bigger as they approached the ground, becoming giant Marshmallows, chocolates and chocolate covered marshmallows. Though because Marshmallows, chocolates and chocolate covered marshmallows don't provide the best lift, all of them started falling down towards the ground and the selection of sweets.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Maya threw her arms up into the air as she fell towards the ground and the all the Marshmallows, chocolates and chocolate covered marshmallows. She ended up falling onto a giant marshmallow and started giggling as she was bounced harmlessly to the ground.

"Sweets? Girl, that is a brilliant idea!" Obama and Joe floated in the air, the wind opening up their cheeks like an envelope. However, once Maya hurtled past them and made their jetpack shoot marshmallows, the jetpack sputtered and the two plummeted, with the jetpack being unable to support their weight anymore. "HHHOOOOOOLLLLLDDD OOOOONNNNNNN!!!" Obama yelled, holding onto Joe like his life depended on it. "JOE! WE NEED TO SUPLEX! IT'S THE ONLY WAY!" Joe nodded, winking at Obama before joining hands with him and beginning the move. "USA!!!"

The two men smashed into the marshmallow land, spraying chocolate and drops of oil everywhere. "Argh! Girl, where are you? Help us?"
Last edited by a moderator:

"But I shouldn't have had any signal in the darkness realm- You know what, there's no point in asking; You're probably going to say that it's because you're a goddess, either that or I chose the best company to go with"
Vance shook his head and sighed as he sat down in the field he was in. "I'm not worried about anything. Well, pretty much nothing. But I've got questions now, do you still hear if I'm talking about you if I mispronounce your name? What are you limits on that whole thing anyway? You can't hear when I'm thinking about you, right? And how did you know about the thing with Ashlyn?"



"N-No, I'm not allergic to anything"
Colin wedged the phone between his shoulder and head while he crouched down and picked up Wade. "I-I'm not sure if W-Wade is allergic to anything though.." He started walking to Reyla's house with Wade in his arms. "I can probably check though" Colin shifted Wade slightly so that he could hold him with one arm while he had his staff appear before trying to use his powers to see if Wade had any allergies.



Maya was eating the giant marshmallows, chocolate and chocolate covered marshmallows that she had landed on when she 'fell' out of the aeroplane that exploded when she pressed all the buttons in it. "These are the best Sweets ever! They're so big!" Maya smiled as she started tunneling through a giant slab of chocolate. When she heard Obama call out for help she climbed up on top of a Marshmallow and started looking around for them "Mr leader of the world, where are you?!"

@Light @Lotusy @Embaga Elder
Light said:
"I'm a goddess Vance, I know when people are talking about me no matter where they are. Your previous guild leader Ashlyn had that ability, so she always knew when you all talked either good or bad about her yet she never held it against you. Once again I'm a goddess Vance, if I wanted to I could grant you a flock of sheep and a farm at this very moment. Getting your number was child's play. So, what is it that you're oh so worried about?"
"Yes that's the one. What are you allergic to?" Reyla was still in the cooking process but she could make an easy switch if need be. "I wouldn't want to make anything you can't eat. My sister is allergic to silverware if that makes you feel less embarrassed to tell."

"Yeah..yeah we should look for her. I don't know where she is though, we both went our seperate ways to mourn. I shouldn't have let her go...I'm a terrible sister. That's why I was unable to stop the others from dying! I miss them so much!" Adrianna was beginning to cry again.

"Thank you kindly! I'll apply right away sir!" He smiles and takes a drink from his coffee. "I'm researching the new paradigm for human and mana relations. I've tried my research product on myself and it was quite successful. Now I'm working on a need generation of it. In a few years time this research will be put to good use." He grins and claps his hands together, sliding them together rapidly. "Now about this application!"

"Quest for the next generation? What are you talking about?" Sofia folds her arms above her chest and leans on one hip. When she sees Cole open both the fridge and the freezer she glares. "Gianna does the same thing! Open them both up just to stare at things and not choose. I barely know you and you make my blood boil! Close one of them! You know what? Here." She grabs the milk and closes both, shoving the milk into his chest. "Eat cereal. If you don't want that just put it back in the fridge and take out the quesadillas." Sofia begins to walk towards the stairs. "I'm going to get changed. Don't touch anything but that and don't you open up both!" Sofia began to march up the stairs, ranting and cursing in Spanish.

Isabel crouches down to his eyes level and brushes a little dirt off of his cheek, only to fix his hair afterwards. "Okay Hakeem. Come on." She extends her arms and takes hold of him, lifting him up so he could sleep in her arms. Tink manages to create the Maya Machine in the form of an animal.

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"There...it's done. I've given it the ability to track all of your current children. If you have anymore you'll have to bring it back for an update. This is what it looks like in its searching and regular form. Though when it finds the children it takes a retrieving form. A bigger form that allows it to carry them around and or protect them. It's tail would be large and strong enough for them to sit on once it's in that form."

Isabel smiles brightly and nods her head at all of the information, it looked like she was too excited to pay attention but she was. "Okay! Thank you Tink! I'll find Maya right away and then we can celebrate this one's birthday!" Isabel points at the Maya Machine since he or she doesn't have a name yet. The Maya Machine took instant notice of the absence of Emily and a curries off. In fourty-five seconds it was carrying Emily to the group. "Emily wants to name her Puppy!" Emily had singlehandedly decided it's gender and name.

Isabel nods her head in agreement with this. "Okay! I think that's good enough Emily. Now it's time to find Ma-" Isabel was cut off by Puppy's bark which transported them instantaneously into the area of Maya. "Ya....what?" Isabel looks around, seeing nothing in the area. She didn't look up into the sky yet. "Where's Maya?"

( @Lotusy @GingerBread )
Reed teleported them to his house. "Hey its ok we can just find her. And when she finds out we are looking for her then the other survivors will as well. Please don't cry I'll take care of things. Just stay here and I'll be right back. Do you want anything while I'm out?"

Jackson slid him the application. "Wait do you mean giving people powers artifically? That's extremely useful why haven't you expanded on this? You could be rich out of your mind." He also gave him a pen.
GingerBread said:

"But I shouldn't have had any signal in the darkness realm- You know what, there's no point in asking; You're probably going to say that it's because you're a goddess, either that or I chose the best company to go with"
Vance shook his head and sighed as he sat down in the field he was in. "I'm not worried about anything. Well, pretty much nothing. But I've got questions now, do you still hear if I'm talking about you if I mispronounce your name? What are you limits on that whole thing anyway? You can't hear when I'm thinking about you, right? And how did you know about the thing with Ashlyn?"



"N-No, I'm not allergic to anything"
Colin wedged the phone between his shoulder and head while he crouched down and picked up Wade. "I-I'm not sure if W-Wade is allergic to anything though.." He started walking to Reyla's house with Wade in his arms. "I can probably check though" Colin shifted Wade slightly so that he could hold him with one arm while he had his staff appear before trying to use his powers to see if Wade had any allergies.

"Hhhmmm...to answer or not to answer. Yes I still can depending on the situation and how it affects me. Oh yes I can hear and see when one thinks of me. Well Ashlyn has brought up drama within her guild at least once or twice before so I simply brought that up as an example. Now you've confirmed something has definitely happened between you two."

Wade was allergic to bananas. Being a fish baby he shouldn't be around bananas anyways, meaning he'd be fine. "Okay, that's good. What is Wade allergic to then?" Reyla was looking through her batch of fruits and vegetables as she was asking.

GingerBread said:
Maya was eating the giant marshmallows, chocolate and chocolate covered marshmallows that she had landed on when she 'fell' out of the aeroplane that exploded when she pressed all the buttons in it. "These are the best Sweets ever! They're so big!" Maya smiled as she started tunneling through a giant slab of chocolate. When she heard Obama call out for help she climbed up on top of a Marshmallow and started looking around for them "Mr leader of the world, where are you?!"

@Light @Lotusy @Embaga Elder
Lotusy said:
"Sweets? Girl, that is a brilliant idea!" Obama and Joe floated in the air, the wind opening up their cheeks like an envelope. However, once Maya hurtled past them and made their jetpack shoot marshmallows, the jetpack sputtered and the two plummeted, with the jetpack being unable to support their weight anymore. "HHHOOOOOOLLLLLDDD OOOOONNNNNNN!!!" Obama yelled, holding onto Joe like his life depended on it. "JOE! WE NEED TO SUPLEX! IT'S THE ONLY WAY!" Joe nodded, winking at Obama before joining hands with him and beginning the move. "USA!!!"
The two men smashed into the marshmallow land, spraying chocolate and drops of oil everywhere. "Argh! Girl, where are you? Help us?"
( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel saw something land in the far distance. Before she could react, Puppy had her nose in the air. Puppy howls, confirming that one of those three is in fact Maya. With a jolt, Puppy races towards their far off direction while changing form. It was time for her to retrieve Maya.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3af4992911b6e34d5f9e7a7a65cc7d83.jpg.b9ebaf05d1c580a17a4788c75af6dab1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3af4992911b6e34d5f9e7a7a65cc7d83.jpg.b9ebaf05d1c580a17a4788c75af6dab1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tazmodo said:
Reed teleported them to his house. "Hey its ok we can just find her. And when she finds out we are looking for her then the other survivors will as well. Please don't cry I'll take care of things. Just stay here and I'll be right back. Do you want anything while I'm out?"
Jackson slid him the application. "Wait do you mean giving people powers artifically? That's extremely useful why haven't you expanded on this? You could be rich out of your mind." He also gave him a pen.
Adrianna goes silent and shakes her head. She stays there, on the floor balling up her fists. She would no longer utter another word for the time being. She'd just stare at the ground.

"Well...in a sense yes but that's not my main goal at all. I'm not looking for money either. I'm working on creating sentient life made out of mana. A being that is mana itself that can form contracts with others and co-exist or live independently."



  • 3af4992911b6e34d5f9e7a7a65cc7d83.jpg
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"Why did you emphasize that you could see when someone thinks about you? That just seems a bit wierd to emphasize, surely you'd want to keep something like that quiet, unless you said it threateningly? I don't know" Vance created a phone cord out of darkness so he'd have something to twirl in his fingers. "And why are you acting like me and Ashlyn having something happen between us is something noteworthy? Especially when it's me. I killed a god, is there really anything that's noteworthy for me anymore? But why did you call me in the first place? And why did you think I had a problem?"



Colin had his staff disappear after he found out what Wade was allergic to. "He's allergic to bananas, th-that's not going to be a problem is it?" Colin smiled as he saw Reyla's house in the distance. "I-I'm almost at your house, I-I can see it now" Colin started to walk slightly faster as he approached the blue house.



Maya didn't even notice Puppy bounding towards her; She was too focused on looking for Obama and Biden. As she was walking across all the marshmallows, Maya ended walking over one that had been near the fire of the jetpack before it had turned into just sweets; The Marshmallow was slightly melted and as Maya stepped on it she started sinking into it, giggling as she did.

@Light @Lotusy @Embaga Elder
Light said:
"Who are you?" To Kelsey this guy was a complete stranger. She scoots away, having no time for being hit on at the moment. She doesn't scowl just yet, she just stares hard.
"That's not funny dude! I thought you were cool but saying stuff like that isn't cool at all!" Gary was denying everything he was saying. "I don't want anything to do with you anymore dude." Gary turns around, getting ready to climb upon his water dragon.

Adrianna's knees grow weak while she vents out her anger. She tries to take hold of Reed for support but falls to her knees. Adrianna begins to cry, holding herself up to the best of her ability. "I can't live with this anymore..."

Ryder wasn't very hungry since he did eat a lot in their previous battle. Both Ryder and Sofia give Cole either a curious or strange look. "What's that?" Sofia tilts her head, Gianna begins to snore immediately after.

( ! ) Grazure opens his mouth, his jaw stretching out widely. He inhales and all the void in the area starts getting pulled in. The shield and blade went in first. Then the rest of Cole's body was slowly being dragged in as well.

Tink groans and continues to work, this child was a pain. "Fast...I wouldn't know...No...No. Step away so I can work."
"Razburne, ex Dragons roar member."he sets his hand out so she can shake it."sorry for just showing up and whatnot."raz was never really good with people, as he usually isolates himself in his dimension, so his social skills are lacking and he knows it. hopefully the woman wont run away.
LokiofSP said:
Fola began to wake up as he slowly noticed the bed springs digging into his back and the god awful smell of cheap liquor filling his nose. He stared up at the ceiling for just one moment before getting up. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on his clothes. He took a deep breath before stepping out his room. He put up his hood as he exited the cheap motel, beginning to make his way to the nearest bar so he could repeat his daily routine of getting up, drinking until he passed out, then doing it again the next day. He refused to contact anybody who knew him, not because he was ashamed, but because he didn't want to hear about how he, 'Had a problem.' or, 'He needed help.' He was a grown ass man who could make his own damn decisions. The fact people insulted him by making it out as if he couldn't do so was what pissed him off the most.
He scoffed at the thought as he entered the bar that smelled of loneliness and the cheapest hard liquor one could find, the typical smell of an open bar during daytime. He sat down and quietly ordered his rum before sipping slowly. He looked around, spotting a guy in the corner who was passed out, alone in a puddle of tears and booze. If his eyes went right, he saw an old war veteran looking out the window in longing, maybe it was the, 'What if girl' that forgot him as soon as he left for war, maybe it was his loss of his youth as he listened intently for that ONE song he forgot the name of,but reminded him of times past.

It was the same story for everybody there, losing someone and feeling alone, going to a bar in the morning so that they could feel alone with company. It was sad, and Fola knew their stories all ended in some variation. Either they're found hanging, get shot, or pass out on the counter and never wake up. He scoffed at their inability to be happy, how they all let one thing keep them down forever. Fola knew he wouldn't end up like them, the situation was temporary, and he was just sharing the space with them until he got back on his feet. He was still in the prime of his life, he was going to be SOMEONE. He refused to end up like the men in there with him, old alone and bitter, drinking drink after drink to cope. they wouldn't find happiness, and would be ALONE!



Utterly alone...




"Hurry up and pour me another one already..."

(Finally back
:P )
Darek had been traveling for a long time and was in need of a rest. Although he was already half drunk he had run out of alcohol. He walked in and sat down ordering a beer. He looked around at all the sad sacks who were there. He looked at one who had caught his eye. He seemed familiar. "Hey do I know you?" He said pointing at Fola. He tried to stay upright. He was in a complete human form so it allowed him to get drunk.

Light said:
"Hhhmmm...to answer or not to answer. Yes I still can depending on the situation and how it affects me. Oh yes I can hear and see when one thinks of me. Well Ashlyn has brought up drama within her guild at least once or twice before so I simply brought that up as an example. Now you've confirmed something has definitely happened between you two."
Wade was allergic to bananas. Being a fish baby he shouldn't be around bananas anyways, meaning he'd be fine. "Okay, that's good. What is Wade allergic to then?" Reyla was looking through her batch of fruits and vegetables as she was asking.

( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel saw something land in the far distance. Before she could react, Puppy had her nose in the air. Puppy howls, confirming that one of those three is in fact Maya. With a jolt, Puppy races towards their far off direction while changing form. It was time for her to retrieve Maya.

View attachment 306084

Adrianna goes silent and shakes her head. She stays there, on the floor balling up her fists. She would no longer utter another word for the time being. She'd just stare at the ground.

"Well...in a sense yes but that's not my main goal at all. I'm not looking for money either. I'm working on creating sentient life made out of mana. A being that is mana itself that can form contracts with others and co-exist or live independently."
Reed teleported into the deity realm. Hopefully they would recognize him from when he help saved the realm and not attack on sight. He looked around for the nicest deity he could. "Maybe I should called Isabel for a personal favor instead." He said as he looked around.

Jackson sat down. "A being like that would be extremely powerful. Are you sure it wouldn't turn on you? Unless if you raise it properly. But anyways you have my trust and support. If you need help with this project just tell me. Mana doesn't flow through me but I'll try my best."
Fola looked at Darek from the corner of his eye, looking back a moment afterward, "No you don't, and I don't know you, nor do I want to. So if your not going to be useful and buy me a drink, I suggest you fuck off..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at Darek from the corner of his eye, looking back a moment afterward, "No you don't, and I don't know you, nor do I want to. So if your not going to be useful and buy me a drink, I suggest you fuck off..."

It suddenly clicked to Derek. "Oh yeah you were in the group. Your the half that fell in live with the one girl." He tried his best not to spill any sensitive details. "Anyways if you don't remember me that's cool but why are you here? What's your damage?" He said as he slid a drink to him.
Light said:
"Quest for the next generation? What are you talking about?" Sofia folds her arms above her chest and leans on one hip. When she sees Cole open both the fridge and the freezer she glares. "Gianna does the same thing! Open them both up just to stare at things and not choose. I barely know you and you make my blood boil! Close one of them! You know what? Here." She grabs the milk and closes both, shoving the milk into his chest. "Eat cereal. If you don't want that just put it back in the fridge and take out the quesadillas." Sofia begins to walk towards the stairs. "I'm going to get changed. Don't touch anything but that and don't you open up both!" Sofia began to march up the stairs, ranting and cursing in Spanish.
Isabel crouches down to his eyes level and brushes a little dirt off of his cheek, only to fix his hair afterwards. "Okay Hakeem. Come on." She extends her arms and takes hold of him, lifting him up so he could sleep in her arms. Tink manages to create the Maya Machine in the form of an animal.


"There...it's done. I've given it the ability to track all of your current children. If you have anymore you'll have to bring it back for an update. This is what it looks like in its searching and regular form. Though when it finds the children it takes a retrieving form. A bigger form that allows it to carry them around and or protect them. It's tail would be large and strong enough for them to sit on once it's in that form."

Isabel smiles brightly and nods her head at all of the information, it looked like she was too excited to pay attention but she was. "Okay! Thank you Tink! I'll find Maya right away and then we can celebrate this one's birthday!" Isabel points at the Maya Machine since he or she doesn't have a name yet. The Maya Machine took instant notice of the absence of Emily and a curries off. In fourty-five seconds it was carrying Emily to the group. "Emily wants to name her Puppy!" Emily had singlehandedly decided it's gender and name.

Isabel nods her head in agreement with this. "Okay! I think that's good enough Emily. Now it's time to find Ma-" Isabel was cut off by Puppy's bark which transported them instantaneously into the area of Maya. "Ya....what?" Isabel looks around, seeing nothing in the area. She didn't look up into the sky yet. "Where's Maya?"

Cole palmed himself in the forehead for acting so ill-manored, and rude. Agh, great job Cole. He grunted. You pissed off the hostess. He walks towards each cabinet opening and closing them, gently until he finds the cereal cabinet, and the cereal bowls. Once he finds both the bowls, and some frosty flakes, he makes him a bowl of cereal. He sticks his hand into a void portal pulling out a spoon, as he makes a stool out of void energy. He sits down on the stool eating the cereal at the kitchen counter.


While asleep in Isabel's arms, Hakeem started having a nightmare. It started off with him waking up surrounded by his family. Isabel, Maya, Emily, Red, Blue, AI, Amon, Rose, and Lunic. Each and everyone of them had their backs turned to him. Hakeem sat up with a smile on his face. Hey guys what's going on? He asked, but no one responded. He felt that something was wrong, he looks at Lunic. Lunic buddy, come her boy. He commanded, but Lunic didn't move. Hakeem stood up with a face of concern and suspicion. His family slowly turned their heads in 180 degrees looking at Hakeem. They all spoke simultaneously. Your trial has begun. They said coldly with trance like expressions. Their heads started twitching slowly accelerating quickly until their heads turned into the head of his trail. Your trial has begun. They repeated. Hakeem's face and body was filled with fright. He slowly stepped back as his families body floated into the air spinning until each and everyone of them took the full form of his trail. Your trial has begun. Hakeem turned around and ran. As he ran the area around him started to shift and distort into the area he was in when he first meet his trail. He stopped and looked around in a fright, breathing heavily, both inside the dream and out.

The trails appear, surrounding Hakeem on all sides. The orbs appears, circling the trails.
Your trial has begun. The orbs were launched at Hakeem wailing at him as he stood there unable to move. Hakeem yelled in pain as he got beat. As he was yelling he started generating a blinding white light both inside the dream and out. Hakeem yelled in both realities releasing a concussive force of light damaging the trails and waking him up from his terrible nightmare. @Light @GingerBread @Lotusy
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