Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
" I'm an orphan , my father is dead and I got no mother so why the hell should I help. " He asked , his eyebrow raising as he resisted to the urge to scoff. " Anyway what is this prophecy ? " He asked as he looked at Valentae.
@Caped Baldy [/color]

When Leo speaks to her she spins looks down towards him to make eye contact. "I'm sure if anyone could kidnap him it would have to be them. They did take the rest of the parents after all. Don't worry though, I'm sure that you can all liberate your parents safely." @CelticSol

"You're saying you're ready to accept being one of the chosen to save your parents? Squishy is a erm...fly name my dude." @The Imperial Flame

"Is there anything you two would like to say? This may be hard on you but I shall try to help to the best of my ability. Uumm...ain't no worries!" @Embaga Elder

Ruby was sure of one thing, her parents were gone. She had seen enough proof and had even tried calling out to her mom. Mom would never go this far just to prank her, not to the point in which she's actually scared. Once Ree had decided on believing Valente, something inside Ruby snapped. This was all so stressful. What if her mom and dad were already dead? It was her job to kill the old man not anyone else's. She begins to make her way over to Castiel and grips his arm tightly, digging her nails into his arm without meaning too. She leans into his ear to whisper, "Castiel...I'm actually scared. I just want mom and dad back. I don't care how." @GingerBread

Austrianna knew access to the Anti-God Zone would be normally impossible. Though these...degenerates happened to get inside and even take them away. Usually her mother would be on top of security but that wouldn't be too great if she weren't there. She turns to the rest of her siblings to speak her piece. "I have enough proof of my own to say that, she's telling the truth. I would like to go look for our parents but I need to know what you intend to do. I can't leave you all alone but we can't leave our parents behind." @LokiofSP

Castiel was about to argue against Valente's points, not want to believe it was true himself. Until something started digging into his arm, he gritted his teeth and sharply inhaled through them. He was ready to punch whoever or whatever was doing it to him, Until he heard Ruby whispering to him, leading him to assume it was her; He didn't bother say or do anything about her digging into his arm, knowing she was just doing it because she was scared. He sighed and let her grip onto her arm, not sure how else to make her feel better, since he was sure his word against Valente's would do nothing right now.

Castiel wanted to say no to Ruby and tell her that it wasn't true, though he didn't even believe that himself anymore; He was just scared of the possibility of them being kidnapped and him not being able to do anything because of his poor sight.
"I..." Castiel then thought about his parents dying because he didn't help save them, or worse, Ruby going alone and dying because she has no powers and no one was there to help her. Castiel then turned towards Ruby, trying to whisper to her. "It'll... It'll be alright Ruby... Don't worry" Castiel then turned to look forwards again, thinking of how much of a bad idea for him this was. "..I'll help..."

@Caped Baldy

Hassan sat up and looked towards Alyson, as she lifted her head looking towards him. Is there anything you wanna say? He asked her. She remained silent as she thought about what she wanted to say. It was hard for her to believe this, but she had to know for sure. If her parents really was kidnapped, she wanted to save them at all cost. I'll help. She said to Hassan, who nods and turned towards Valente. We'll help. He said in an even tone hoping they won't regret there decision.

@Caped Baldy
GingerBread said:

Castiel was about to argue against Valente's points, not want to believe it was true himself. Until something started digging into his arm, he gritted his teeth and sharply inhaled through them. He was ready to punch whoever or whatever was doing it to him, Until he heard Ruby whispering to him, leading him to assume it was her; He didn't bother say or do anything about her digging into his arm, knowing she was just doing it because she was scared. He sighed and let her grip onto her arm, not sure how else to make her feel better, since he was sure his word against Valente's would do nothing right now.

Castiel wanted to say no to Ruby and tell her that it wasn't true, though he didn't even believe that himself anymore; He was just scared of the possibility of them being kidnapped and him not being able to do anything because of his poor sight.
"I..." Castiel then thought about his parents dying because he didn't help save them, or worse, Ruby going alone and dying because she has no powers and no one was there to help her. Castiel then turned towards Ruby, trying to whisper to her. "It'll... It'll be alright Ruby... Don't worry" Castiel then turned to look forwards again, thinking of how much of a bad idea for him this was. "..I'll help..."

@Caped Baldy
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Hassan sat up and looked towards Alyson, as she lifted her head looking towards him. Is there anything you wanna say? He asked her. She remained silent as she thought about what she wanted to say. It was hard for her to believe this, but she had to know for sure. If her parents really was kidnapped, she wanted to save them at all cost. I'll help. She said to Hassan, who nods and turned towards Valente. We'll help. He said in an even tone hoping they won't regret there decision.

@Caped Baldy

Ruby nods her head in agreement, deciding that she'd help as well. Valente takes a deep breath and sets her hands on her thighs, sitting down in the small wooden chair she made for herself. "That's good to hear. Now we just need the remaining few to help. The more there are the easier it will become and the less painful." Valente meant emotionally when she said painful and hoped they would catch on to that as well.
Light said:
"You were one of the mentioned ones. Think of it as a grand calling to begin the big chapter in your life. The big start you need, bro. Besides the monarchs themselves are a problem. Just believe a do what is right, along the way you'll find your reason and compensation. The prophecy is exactly as I told you, didn't get too much information but I've gotten enough to help you." @Caped Baldy
Valente jumps at Eppie's words, turning away from Ree. "No, please don't shoot yourself in the face! You're one of the chosen ones, you're very valuable. Besides I don't have a gun on me, chill out fam." @Caped Baldy
Light said:
Ruby nods her head in agreement, deciding that she'd help as well. Valente takes a deep breath and sets her hands on her thighs, sitting down in the small wooden chair she made for herself. "That's good to hear. Now we just need the remaining few to help. The more there are the easier it will become and the less painful." Valente meant emotionally when she said painful and hoped they would catch on to that as well.
Ree made her way over to one of the thrones and rested a hand on one of it's ancient armrests,she contemplatively looked down on the seat before she tensed up and turned towards Valente with fresh, stern vigor.

"A-As much as I want to save my parents and go home, I can't agree to any of this yet. Not until you tell us about this prophecy."

Her posture deflates slightly as she quietly murmurs

"A-And could you do it without saying "fam"? It's kinda embarrassing.."
[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]
Ree made her way over to one of the thrones and rested a hand on one of it's ancient armrests,she contemplatively looked down on the seat before she tensed up and turned towards Valente with fresh, stern vigor.
"A-As much as I want to save my parents and go home, I can't agree to any of this yet. Not until you tell us about this prophecy."

Her posture deflates slightly as she quietly murmurs

"A-And could you do it without saying "fam"? It's kinda embarrassing.."

"Oh! The prophecy is exactly as I told you. That's all I received. That you specific heroes would save your parents from the monarchs as well as the world. Your adventure is to start in....Morocco was it? Yeah I think that was it. That's all I have, any other questions?"
"That prophecy that you guys kept telling me never mentioned my parents."

"We were just as surprised by the involvement of your progenitors as you are, m'lord. But fret not, we-

Ree subtly gives Zeal a light scratch on the chin and a lukewarm smile

"I know, you'll always be there for me"


Ree than took a deep breath and sat upon the throne. A concerning thought struck her soon after.

"H-Hey, wait..What do these thrones do?"

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[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]
"That prophecy that you guys kept telling me never mentioned my parents."
"We were just as surprised by the involvement of your progenitors as you are, m'lord. But fret not, we-

Ree subtly gives Zeal a light scratch on the chin and a lukewarm smile

"I know, you'll always be there for me"


Ree than took a deep breath and sat upon the throne. A concerning thought struck her soon after.

"H-Hey, wait..What do these thrones do?"

"They're just for you to sit on and new comfortable during this talk. I assumed you would be tired of standing so I set them up for you." Valente finishes sweeping and sighs, feeling accomplished. "Well that's done. Alright, time for you to mop!" She turns to the degenerate with its head in the bucket of water, completely limp. "Oh...."
"My approval and aid are granted." Yin said, her eyes on the floor. "My mother is physically weak, her heart is almost completely crystal. But her crystal manipulation is far beyond my comprehension." She smiled, placing Squishy down on the floor. She nudged him away, so he could join the horde of others.

@Caped Baldy @Inheritance @CelticSol
Amber sighed and nodded before registering what she called him. " Never call me 'bro' my name is Amber and if you need to be formal call me Altair. " He said to Valente , his arms folding.


Castiel didn't say anything after Valente replied, too tired, emotionally, to even want to reply. Castiel was also trying to think of some way, or any way in fact, that he could even be helpful to the group in his current condition. Castiel did want to help rescue his Mom and Dad, But he couldn't think of a single way he could actually help them; He was pretty much useless without his vision, everything he could do relied on him being able to see, he wasn't even good at talking to people like Ruby was, he just felt useless in the current situation. Sighing, Castiel turned to Ruby, or at least where he thought she was. "Can we go and sit down now?"

@Caped Baldy


Mary was silent throughout the whole thing, she doubted anyone would actually listen to her anyway. Not that she wasn't used to it, but now she didn't even feel like trying to talk to anyone. She sat down against one of the walls instead of in the seats, assuming that sitting in the seats was a sign of agreeing you were going to help. As the realisation of what actually happened hit her, she brought her knees up to her chest, and buried her head in them, silently crying. Unsure of why this would happen to her or her parents, she and her parents were both good people..

Mary wasn't even sure if she could help everyone or even anyone with saving their parents. Of course she wanted to, she wanted to help everyone save their parents, because that was the good thing to do. But she just wasn't sure if she could, all she could do was heal people, but that just made her a hindrance, since she'd end up getting hurt because of it.
"I just want my mom and dad back... why did they have to get taken?" Mary hugged her knees to her chest tighter as she kept thinking about it. "Maybe it's a test from God? He gave those to other people, right?" She thought over that for a moment, before decided that what it must be. God must be testing her. In a meek voice, Mary called out to Valente, only just peaking out of her knees, fresh tears lining her face. "I-I'll help..."

@Caped Baldy
Amber sighed and nodded before registering what she called him. " Never call me 'bro' my name is Amber and if you need to be formal call me Altair. " He said to Valente . " What else are there about the Monarchs , anything we weren't told of? I'll mop while you tell me. " He said gruffly while reaching for the mop.

"For all those who agree to helping, I do have enough energy to send you back to where you live. Pack up anything you feel is necessary for your journey and return to the awaiting degenerate!" Valente has the degenerates approach those whom have agreed to helping. Squishy turns around and faces Yin. Squishy opens its mouth wide enough for Yin to literally fall into if she chose to.

"Well Amber, if you'd like to know more about the monarchs then I can tell you as much as I know." Valente rubs her chin, looking through her old brain. "Well I do know that the monarch in Africa is located in Egypt. There obviously is a monarch for each continent. Currently the monarch of Europe is feuding with the monarch of North America. People fear a potential war between the two. Ah! The biggest piece that people don't know. Monarchs are not gods." Her voice became serious at this last sentence. "The populous believe that they are since they can use their powers without an injection but they're false gods, they bleed just like you and I. A great way to take them down is to make the people believe this as well." After this Valente seems less stern and goes back to a smile. "That's all I can remember."
Andrew Blight

The only reason he cared for his parents was because they had given him...some power. Not much, but also the capacity. He had always hoped to learn more, and that was his only drive for this. "Alright, can I ask you a question in private? Nothing bad I just need to address some things before I offer my assistance, even if it means very little." He needed a small thing cleared up, but then it should be no problem. He didn't care about this politic stuff, honestly, he believed in the end, all would burn. @Light
Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight

The only reason he cared for his parents was because they had given him...some power. Not much, but also the capacity. He had always hoped to learn more, and that was his only drive for this. "Alright, can I ask you a question in private? Nothing bad I just need to address some things before I offer my assistance, even if it means very little." He needed a small thing cleared up, but then it should be no problem. He didn't care about this politic stuff, honestly, he believed in the end, all would burn. @Light
"Sure, that would be okay." Valente begins to walk away from the group and waves for him to follow. She didn't know what the question was about but had full confidence she would at least have some form of an answer.

Castiel sighed and looked towards Ruby once again to help him to the apparently nearby degenerate. "Should we go now?" He smiled at Ruby as he waited for her to guide him to the waiting degenerate that would take them both back to their house. "I mean, we'll probably have to get a couple of things. Even if we don't, we still have to feed the animals."



Mary stepped into the Degenerates mouth, feeling a bit weird about it. Once she stepped in she was taken back to the school corridors where she had first started talking to Suria. Before going home though, she went to all her teachers, to ask for all homework that she'd have to do in the future, so that she wouldn't miss any of it. She'd also explained that she had to go away for a bit, to help people.

Once she'd got the homework, after a couple of weird looks of course, though the teachers just accepted it and gave her the homework, not wanting to really deal with her. Mary started heading home, running there as fast as she could because she assumed that she'd have to return to the degenerate that was inside the school

When mary got to her house, she went to open the door, only to find it locked, which only served to remind her that both her parents had gone missing. Shaking her head, Mary picked up a small rock that was by the side of the door, which held a small key in the underside of it, allowing her to unlock the door.

Mary stepped into her house, before running to up to her room and grabbing a small suitcase she had. She started loading up clothes into it, about eight pairs of shirts, jeans and dresses, along with underwear, socks and a couple of bras. Before grabbing a small wooden staff, around half her height. It didn't have any magical properties like her fathers, nor could she really use it as a weapon. But it held sentimental value to her, so she took it with her. She then reached into her bottom drawer, grabbing her Scythe-sawn off shotgun, that her mother had given to her, along with a couple of bullets for it. She then closed that drawer and reached into her top drawer, pulling out a single mana injection, that her father allowed her to have, just in case.

Mary double checked and triple checked that she had gotten everything she needed to get, Just in case she couldn't come back. Once she was sure, she closed her suitcase and zipped it up before heading back to the school and more importantly back to the degenerate so she could get back to help out.

Kristen looked away for a moment as she mumbled, "I mean, you COULD leave us alone we're not kids..." She took a moment to think. Sure, she wanted to help, but on the other hand, this all seemed so sudden. This wasn't some answer she could fake to look cool, this had so many implications on her future! On one hand, she trusted her siblings to get back their parents, but...what if something happened to them? What if something happened because she wasn't there, and because of it she lost a bother or sister? What if because she wasn't there, she had nobody to turn to when looking for help when growing up? Nobody to lay her head down in their lap and be held when things got down? What if she lost the people she built her entire life around?

But on the other hand, there was a chance she could lose her own life...

What would it be like to just...die? What was waiting beyond that? She wasn't stupid, if someone had managed to kidnap HER parents, they had to be strong, WAY strong. Maybe to strong for her...maybe even to strong for Austrianna.


Was she okay with leaving the world with just 15 years of impact? Dear god, there was so much more she could do after all, so many things she WANTED to do, and if she said yes she might just throw those dreams out the window. Even if she didn't die, what happened if she got paralyzed? Blinded? Deaf? Arms torn off? What happens if she became a vegetable?!

She looked at her sisters, all three of them. Sure, she was worried as fuck about Juniper, but she was sure that she could handle herself. She had her moments, and if there needed to be a time she was sure she could rise the the occasion. That wasn't even accounting for Zalena and Austrianna, who were even more equipped to deal with everything than her! Not only was she one of the youngest, but she was one of the least well equipped! She wasn't needed, and had no reason to go-

"I wanna do it, if mom and dad need help, we should help them! It's the least we could do for them letting us be alive and stuff..."

Kristen looked at her brother. He was thirteen and with a list of mental problems longer than the list of accomplishments she had. Yet here he was, sitting there bouncing up and down, like he was ready to go play kickball as opposed to go save their fucking parents. Jesus Christ, even if he didn't need to be watched over, the fact that he was even willing was fucking amazing. So Kristen sighed, and raised her hand to Austrianna, "Fine, I'm in to. Just try not to get us killed on the way there, alright 'fearless leader'?"

Ree glanced towards Ruby and her brother with a mixture of shame at her earlier weakness and sympathy for their mutual plight.

"Ruby looks like she's taking this kind of hard.."

"Who? Oh..the Pink One that assaulted my ears with her vicious


Zeal on the other hand, glared at the siblings with vengeful disdain.

"Oh, stop it! How was she supposed to know that you live in my ear when she whispered to me? I think I'm going to go say something to her."

Ree stands from her seat and steadily marches towards the two siblings. Zeal, taken by surprise by the sudden maneuver, nearly falls off of his perch but is able to clumsily scramble his way back on.

"Wha-!? Why!? Er-I mean..May I ask your reasoning?"

"Because I really don't think they're a threat."

Ree bashfully fidgets with her hair and mumbles quietly,

"And..well..Ruby is the closest thing that I've made to a friend in the past couple of months since I moved here..So I wanted to..y'know..cheer her and her brother up a little."


Ree puts on her best smile and salutes Ruby and Castiel with a friendly wave.

"Hey Ruby! And you must be her brother! Nice to meet you, My name's Ree."

Ree extends her hand outwards for a handshake, oblivious to Castiel's current situation.

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
"Sure, that would be okay." Valente begins to walk away from the group and waves for him to follow. She didn't know what the question was about but had full confidence she would at least have some form of an answer.
Andrew Blight

He followed her, and only when he was confident that they were unable to be eavesdropped on, he persisted. "Lay it to me straight, you seem to know about this kind of thing, how can I get more powerful? I have the capacity, and I have the base, but I want more. Will I gain more if I assist you? Or is there a better way?" He learned nothing in his schools, because they always beat around the bush, not addressing what he wanted to do most- burn all who stood in his way. "Lay it to me straight, don't play games with me, and I'll tell you who my parents are. You already know I know them." No use keeping it secret now, at least not to her now that he was confiding knowledge that was a bit secretive. "Oh and I'd rather you not tell anyone bout the whole parent thing, they don't need to know. Unlike them, I don't want people judging me off of what my parents did."
GingerBread said:

Castiel sighed and looked towards Ruby once again to help him to the apparently nearby degenerate. "Should we go now?" He smiled at Ruby as he waited for her to guide him to the waiting degenerate that would take them both back to their house. "I mean, we'll probably have to get a couple of things. Even if we don't, we still have to feed the animals."

@Caped Baldy

Zalena was ready to help since she arrived in this pocket dimension. Before she went home though she decides on talking with others. She zips up to Mary with a big smile, looking at the things she's packed and then into her eyes. "Hi, how are you? My name is Zalena!"

Juniper was doing her best to stay away from the eyes of the large group. "I'll go...I don't want to be left alone and I don't want to leave our parents behind. I'll just...go home and pack first." Without giving them a chance to reply, Juniper went back home with the degenerate. Austrianna follows after her as well just to check on her and pack as well.

"You want more power?" Valente raises her eyebrow and cracks a smile at his desire. "You'll grow stronger at the pace you need to in life. This task is your path in life and it's the best you've got in search for 'power'. You can't force it...it'll come to you on its own one day. Whether is now, months later, or years later. That's all I have to say on the subject. Also, next time around. Put things together and use information the other
doesn't already know if you really want to get something out of them." She gives him a small smile and walks back, returning to the group.
Andrew Blight

He certainly didn't like that response. He knew she probably knew, she was trying to be smart, and obviously wasn't. That was crap, his father never accepted that, why should he. Power would come, because he would command it to. She was obviously of no help, and he would remember this. He wouldn't act, but he would remember this. Valente. Valente. He repeated the name, and grinned. He would get her back for insulting him. @Light

Castiel looked around when he heard Ree introduce herself and felt Ruby nudge his arm, alerting him to the fact that he wasn't looking in the right direction, which he quickly corrected. He shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at Ree. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Ree." He didn't really want to give out his name so freely, when he didn't really know who these people were, though if he was going to work with them, he decided he probably should. Though he still wasn't planning on giving out his parents names any time soon. "I'm Castiel" Castiel wasn't sure if she was holding out her hand for him to shake, but he assumed she wasn't, though just in case she was, he decided to say something about it, in a way that it could seem like he would offer to shake her hand. "I would shake your hand, but my hands aren't really that clean at the moment."

@Caped Baldy


Mary smiled up at Zalena, happy at the prospect of making a new friend so soon after meeting everyone here. Still she was a little unnerved by how she was looking her directly in the eyes, but didn't mind too much, after all this could be her new friend. "I'm Mary. And I'm... kind of scared actually; I miss my mom and dad..." Mary sighed lightly and had a sad look in her eyes, but perked up quickly afterwards. "But we're going to find them and get them back, right? I'm sure God has just done this to test my belief and make it stronger." Mary smiled up at Zalena, though the sad look was still in her eyes, but she was trying her best not to show it. "How are you?"

Inheritance said:
Andrew Blight
He certainly didn't like that response. He knew she probably knew, she was trying to be smart, and obviously wasn't. That was crap, his father never accepted that, why should he. Power would come, because he would command it to. She was obviously of no help, and he would remember this. He wouldn't act, but he would remember this. Valente. Valente. He repeated the name, and grinned. He would get her back for insulting him. @Caped Baldy
( @Caped Baldy )

Ruby smiles at Castiel being friendly to Ree. "So you're joining in too, right? It would be nice to have a friend along. Even if I may make more friends among the group starting off with one would be nice. I don't know if my friend Grace will accept this."

GingerBread said:
Mary smiled up at Zalena, happy at the prospect of making a new friend so soon after meeting everyone here. Still she was a little unnerved by how she was looking her directly in the eyes, but didn't mind too much, after all this could be her new friend. "I'm Mary. And I'm... kind of scared actually; I miss my mom and dad..." Mary sighed lightly and had a sad look in her eyes, but perked up quickly afterwards. "But we're going to find them and get them back, right? I'm sure God has just done this to test my belief and make it stronger." Mary smiled up at Zalena, though the sad look was still in her eyes, but she was trying her best not to show it. "How are you?"

"Don't be too scared! I'm confident we can save your parents and make the world a happy place! Oh, your belief will be stringer and you'll make God so proud too. Trust me you will!" Zalena shows off her bright smile to cheer Mary up as a new idea comes to her head. "Maybe we can make everyone else happy and try to have everyone be friends. My big sister told me she was trying to do that but she was a bit cold and rude about it. She left it up to me! I'm feel so happy to do a job for her and you can help me as well. I'm feeling fantastic." Zalena extends her hand for Mary to shake. "Sign of friendship?"
Light said:
"For all those who agree to helping, I do have enough energy to send you back to where you live. Pack up anything you feel is necessary for your journey and return to the awaiting degenerate!" Valente has the degenerates approach those whom have agreed to helping. Squishy turns around and faces Yin. Squishy opens its mouth wide enough for Yin to literally fall into if she chose to.
Eppie steps forward in the direction of Valente, arms crossed, "These fucks have taken my parents, so hell yeah I'm gonna fuck their shit. They don't get to get away with this."

Leo looks around to the people, all of whom were stepping up for the sake of their missing parents. He taps Valente's shoulder, his expression worried, "If they've taken these other people's parents years after my father was taken, then their plan, whatever it may be, might be coming to a close. I want to help, not only for my father, but because I feel like this is something much bigger than we think."

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