Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Castiel looked around when he heard Ree introduce herself and felt Ruby nudge his arm, alerting him to the fact that he wasn't looking in the right direction, which he quickly corrected. He shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at Ree. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Ree." He didn't really want to give out his name so freely, when he didn't really know who these people were, though if he was going to work with them, he decided he probably should. Though he still wasn't planning on giving out his parents names any time soon. "I'm Castiel" Castiel wasn't sure if she was holding out her hand for him to shake, but he assumed she wasn't, though just in case she was, he decided to say something about it, in a way that it could seem like he would offer to shake her hand. "I would shake your hand, but my hands aren't really that clean at the moment."

@Caped Baldy


Mary smiled up at Zalena, happy at the prospect of making a new friend so soon after meeting everyone here. Still she was a little unnerved by how she was looking her directly in the eyes, but didn't mind too much, after all this could be her new friend. "I'm Mary. And I'm... kind of scared actually; I miss my mom and dad..." Mary sighed lightly and had a sad look in her eyes, but perked up quickly afterwards. "But we're going to find them and get them back, right? I'm sure God has just done this to test my belief and make it stronger." Mary smiled up at Zalena, though the sad look was still in her eyes, but she was trying her best not to show it. "How are you?"

@Caped Baldy )

Ruby smiles at Castiel being friendly to Ree. "So you're joining in too, right? It would be nice to have a friend along. Even if I may make more friends among the group starting off with one would be nice. I don't know if my friend Grace will accept this."

"Don't be too scared! I'm confident we can save your parents and make the world a happy place! Oh, your belief will be stringer and you'll make God so proud too. Trust me you will!" Zalena shows off her bright smile to cheer Mary up as a new idea comes to her head. "Maybe we can make everyone else happy and try to have everyone be friends. My big sister told me she was trying to do that but she was a bit cold and rude about it. She left it up to me! I'm feel so happy to do a job for her and you can help me as well. I'm feeling fantastic." Zalena extends her hand for Mary to shake. "Sign of friendship?"

Ree awkwardly retracted her hand from Castiel, a slight grimace creeping into her features.

"O..kaay?..Well thanks for being considerate.."

Ree's face softens as she turns a sympathetic glance toward Mary and Zalena, then back to the siblings.

"Anyways, I came over to ask how you felt about all of this. I mean, this is all just so hard to swallow...I'm kind of worried about how some of the people here are taking it.."

As soon as her melancholy appeared, it seemed to vanish beneath a kind smile.

"You looked like you were in kind of a funk about it earlier, but you look like you're doing a lot better!"

Ree's hand nervously reaches for her hair and her eyes wander toward the ceiling. She timidly mumbles,

"So I was thinking, since we're going to Morocco and all..Would you guys like to maybe see the sites if we get the chance to?"

CelticSol said:
Eppie steps forward in the direction of Valente, arms crossed, "These fucks have taken my parents, so hell yeah I'm gonna fuck their shit. They don't get to get away with this."
Leo looks around to the people, all of whom were stepping up for the sake of their missing parents. He taps Valente's shoulder, his expression worried, "If they've taken these other people's parents years after my father was taken, then their plan, whatever it may be, might be coming to a close. I want to help, not only for my father, but because I feel like this is something much bigger than we think."
[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]Ree awkwardly retracted her hand from Castiel, a slight grimace creeping into her features.
"O..kaay?..Well thanks for being considerate.."

Ree's face softens as she turns a sympathetic glance toward Mary and Zalena, then back to the siblings.

"Anyways, I came over to ask how you felt about all of this. I mean, this is all just so hard to swallow...I'm kind of worried about how some of the people here are taking it.."

As soon as her melancholy appeared, it seemed to vanish beneath a kind smile.

"You looked like you were in kind of a funk about it earlier, but you look like you're doing a lot better!"

Ree's hand nervously reaches for her hair and her eyes wander toward the ceiling. She timidly mumbles,

"So I was thinking, since we're going to Morocco and all..Would you guys like to maybe see the sites if we get the chance to?"

Valente has a degenerate approach Eppie so it could take her home. It opens its mouth wide enough for Eppie to step into. It was also being considerate of how much luggage she would need to bring back. ( @Caped Baldy )

Castiel didn't really care that Ree sounded like she thought he was a little bit weird for what he did, it was better than the alternative. He stayed quiet through all her questions, since they seemed to be directed towards Ruby, Castiel didn't really care, since he assumed she came over to talk to his sister and not him anyway. Though at Ree's last question, he decided to answer it, even though he presumed that it was meant more for just Ruby, since most of the other questions were. "I'd rather we didn't see the sights unless we have to.. But you guys can, don't let me ruin your fun" He smiled at Ree, still facing towards her. "Anyway, like Ruby said, we have to go and pack. Sorry for cutting this short, but, um, we do need to get and pack; I don't want to have to go on these journeys with no stuff"

@Caped Baldy


Mary smiled at Zelena's words, feeling even better now because of them. "Yeah! I want to help make everyone happy and be friends with everyone, that'd be great!" Mary had a huge grin on her face as she shook Zelena's hand enthusiastically. "So what are we going to do first? Have you gotten your stuff yet?" She paused for a moment as she got an Idea. "I could help people pack, couldn't I?"


When they were able to go the cousins got up. They wanted to skip the meet and greet part for right now so they really didn't say anything to anyone and just walked towards the nearest degenerate. Hey Valente, is this one prepped for us to leave. @Light
RJ and Clark were listening to the lady speak. RJ thought about how his mom would be in danger and how he would much rather just chill in his room with some Wizard101 or something but this was his family. "I'll go." He said through his mask.

Clark shrugged his shoulder. "Sure I'll help it can't be that hard plus it's not like I'll run into anything to difficult."

Grace nodded. "I will go as well. Thank you for the information so please send me on my way so I can save mother and father."

Marshall stood silent until he absorbed all the information given to him. "Well I'm going too then. It'll give me a chance to train more."

Clare looked down at her little sister and hugged her. "It's ok we'll find our parents. I promise." Skylar nodded and held back tears.
GingerBread said:

Castiel didn't really care that Ree sounded like she thought he was a little bit weird for what he did, it was better than the alternative. He stayed quiet through all her questions, since they seemed to be directed towards Ruby, Castiel didn't really care, since he assumed she came over to talk to his sister and not him anyway. Though at Ree's last question, he decided to answer it, even though he presumed that it was meant more for just Ruby, since most of the other questions were. "I'd rather we didn't see the sights unless we have to.. But you guys can, don't let me ruin your fun" He smiled at Ree, still facing towards her. "Anyway, like Ruby said, we have to go and pack. Sorry for cutting this short, but, um, we do need to get and pack; I don't want to have to go on these journeys with no stuff"

@Caped Baldy


Mary smiled at Zelena's words, feeling even better now because of them. "Yeah! I want to help make everyone happy and be friends with everyone, that'd be great!" Mary had a huge grin on her face as she shook Zelena's hand enthusiastically. "So what are we going to do first? Have you gotten your stuff yet?" She paused for a moment as she got an Idea. "I could help people pack, couldn't I?"

Tazmodo said:
RJ and Clark were listening to the lady speak. RJ thought about how his mom would be in danger and how he would much rather just chill in his room with some Wizard101 or something but this was his family. "I'll go." He said through his mask.
Clark shrugged his shoulder. "Sure I'll help it can't be that hard plus it's not like I'll run into anything to difficult."

Grace nodded. "I will go as well. Thank you for the information so please send me on my way so I can save mother and father."

Marshall stood silent until he absorbed all the information given to him. "Well I'm going too then. It'll give me a chance to train more."

Clare looked down at her little sister and hugged her. "It's ok we'll find our parents. I promise." Skylar nodded and held back tears.
"Yeah...we should do that but you should too." Ruby gives Ree a small smile. "We probably won't take long, then we can talk and wait on the others. I'll see you in a few minutes. Wait right here if you finish first." Ruby takes Castiel and guides him into the degenerate's mouth, waving at Ree before stepping in herself. ( @Caped Baldy @GingerBread )

"My sister will get my stuff ready, I rely on her most of the time to do boring stuff anyways. It's more interesting to help others pack so I can help around with that too. We should ask around." Zalena sets her hands behind her back and shifts her weight on to one leg. Her right hand holds on to her left wrist as she scans the crowd with her bright red eyes, a small grin rising on the left corner of her mouth. It isn't very hard to keep Zalena motivated and entertained, she seemed actually interested in helping out the others. ( @GingerBread )

"Well yes, they all are. All you have to do is approach one if it hasn't come up to you already and jump into its mouth." ( @Embaga Elder )

Degenerates approach RJ, Clark, Grace, Marshall, Clare, and Skylar. They open their mouth to transport them back home to pack their things. "Oh I believe this shouldn't be hard for you all, as long as you have each other." Valente was addressing Clark's comment. ( @Tazmodo )
As Valente's fam-filled introduction ended and the teens started going up, Jason eventually stepped up to talk to her, too. He wasn't too excited about traveling to Morocco - or by that standard, even traveling with this group. It wasn't like he didn't want to save the world, or that he didn't love his parents, but Jason really just didn't like he idea. Thus, a question.

"Hey, uh, Valente?" He asked, lolling around nervously at the teenagers milling around him. "With all due respect, ma'am, I'm not really sure I can do this. After all, these are powerful children, and..." Jason trailed off for a second. "I'm sorry, there's just a lot to process right now. Anyways, I'm nowhere near that level. Besides, I have a business to run and cases to solve." Then, an idea struck him. "Actually, new plan. You did that one of the keys to defeating our monarchs is getting regular people to not believe in them, right? That's grassroots work, and it's something I can easily do. Look, ma'am, these teenagers have superpowers. They're already all you need in terms of fighting force. Would you allow me to work with regular people, to bring them over to this cause?

@Light (Check your messages)

Castiel shook his head as he felt the sensation of going through the degenerate once again. "I hope we don't have to use them much. I hate the feeling of using them." He stumbled over to his bed, bumping into a chest of drawers and a wall before actually getting to it and sitting down on it. "..Ruby? Do you think it might be a good Idea if you don't go? I mean, I do want to save mom and dad... But, well you don't have any powers... Besides, the um.. The animals will need to be fed and... Yeah"



Mary looked over at everyone in the crowd as well, seeing if anyone looked like they needed help; She didn't want to bother anyone if they didn't want help or they'd already got their stuff or weren't going to. "Can you see anyone that looks like they need help? I don't wanna ask someone and annoy them..."

Andrew Blight

"I need nothing." He walked past it and back to the others. Not that he cared for what they were doing, but he was fine to just get started.
Light said:
Valente has a degenerate approach Eppie so it could take her home. It opens its mouth wide enough for Eppie to step into. It was also being considerate of how much luggage she would need to bring back. ( @Caped Baldy )
GingerBread said:

Castiel didn't really care that Ree sounded like she thought he was a little bit weird for what he did, it was better than the alternative. He stayed quiet through all her questions, since they seemed to be directed towards Ruby, Castiel didn't really care, since he assumed she came over to talk to his sister and not him anyway. Though at Ree's last question, he decided to answer it, even though he presumed that it was meant more for just Ruby, since most of the other questions were. "I'd rather we didn't see the sights unless we have to.. But you guys can, don't let me ruin your fun" He smiled at Ree, still facing towards her. "Anyway, like Ruby said, we have to go and pack. Sorry for cutting this short, but, um, we do need to get and pack; I don't want to have to go on these journeys with no stuff"

@Caped Baldy


Mary smiled at Zelena's words, feeling even better now because of them. "Yeah! I want to help make everyone happy and be friends with everyone, that'd be great!" Mary had a huge grin on her face as she shook Zelena's hand enthusiastically. "So what are we going to do first? Have you gotten your stuff yet?" She paused for a moment as she got an Idea. "I could help people pack, couldn't I?"

Light said:
"Yeah...we should do that but you should too." Ruby gives Ree a small smile. "We probably won't take long, then we can talk and wait on the others. I'll see you in a few minutes. Wait right here if you finish first." Ruby takes Castiel and guides him into the degenerate's mouth, waving at Ree before stepping in herself. ( @Caped Baldy @GingerBread )
"My sister will get my stuff ready, I rely on her most of the time to do boring stuff anyways. It's more interesting to help others pack so I can help around with that too. We should ask around." Zalena sets her hands behind her back and shifts her weight on to one leg. Her right hand holds on to her left wrist as she scans the crowd with her bright red eyes, a small grin rising on the left corner of her mouth. It isn't very hard to keep Zalena motivated and entertained, she seemed actually interested in helping out the others. ( @GingerBread )

"Well yes, they all are. All you have to do is approach one if it hasn't come up to you already and jump into its mouth." ( @Embaga Elder )

Degenerates approach RJ, Clark, Grace, Marshall, Clare, and Skylar. They open their mouth to transport them back home to pack their things. "Oh I believe this shouldn't be hard for you all, as long as you have each other." Valente was addressing Clark's comment. ( @Tazmodo )
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'll see you guys later! Can't wait to see your pig!"

Ree waves goodbye as they head into their degenerate and then reluctantly heads into the gaping maw waiting to take her home.


Ree arrived at her empty house, full of boxes left unpacked and various furnishings and decorations littering the floor. The oppressive silence was the only thing to greet Ree as she entered, serving as a reminder of her family's unfortunate fate and how it interrupted the new life that they had spent so much time looking forward to. Halfheartedly, Ree made her way over to the boxes that contained her personal belongings and searched for anything that would be essential to the long journey that awaited her.

Sensing the dread that had taken root within his master, Zeal clambered out from his place of dwelling and sat upon Ree's shoulder.

"Would you care for assistance in your search for provisions?"

With flat resignation, Ree answered:"No, I think I've got it."

"I sense that you are uneasy, are you apprehensive of the future that awaits you?"

Ree lets out a shaky breath through her nose.

"Well..yeah, I'm pretty scared of what's going to happen to me..to the people around me..I'm scared that it's my fault that my parents got dragged into all of this and I'm definitely scared of going up against the gods..."

Ree stands up, with a bag full of supplies, a more travel-oriented wardrobe, and with a heart full of newfound determination.

She turns toward her miniature second-in-command and confidently states:

"...But I know that I'm at least in good company. And that's more than enough for me to do this."

Ree takes one last look back before shutting the door on her house, and silently vows that the next time she comes back, her mother and father will be there with her. As Ree walks into the Degenerates mouth, she heartily cheers

"Alright gang! We got a world to save!"

The deep recesses of Ree's soul, where her horde slept and waited answered back with equally excited applause. Their prophecy was at long last underway!
Light said:
"Yeah...we should do that but you should too." Ruby gives Ree a small smile. "We probably won't take long, then we can talk and wait on the others. I'll see you in a few minutes. Wait right here if you finish first." Ruby takes Castiel and guides him into the degenerate's mouth, waving at Ree before stepping in herself. ( @Caped Baldy @GingerBread )
"My sister will get my stuff ready, I rely on her most of the time to do boring stuff anyways. It's more interesting to help others pack so I can help around with that too. We should ask around." Zalena sets her hands behind her back and shifts her weight on to one leg. Her right hand holds on to her left wrist as she scans the crowd with her bright red eyes, a small grin rising on the left corner of her mouth. It isn't very hard to keep Zalena motivated and entertained, she seemed actually interested in helping out the others. ( @GingerBread )

"Well yes, they all are. All you have to do is approach one if it hasn't come up to you already and jump into its mouth." ( @Embaga Elder )

Degenerates approach RJ, Clark, Grace, Marshall, Clare, and Skylar. They open their mouth to transport them back home to pack their things. "Oh I believe this shouldn't be hard for you all, as long as you have each other." Valente was addressing Clark's comment. ( @Tazmodo )
Clark shrugged his shoulders and he went back. He went to his room and packed a backpack full of water and food for him and RJ. "Hey I got the food you get the other stuff."

RJ went to his room and grabbed all the little gadgets he could. Most were prototypes but still viable. He took off his mask and started to adjust with the machinery in it. He put every into the bag and the mask back on. He then went for a first aide kit and toothbrush toothpaste body wash and shampoo. He walked out the bathroom and did a 360 to grab the deodorant. "Alright were good." He met with Clark in the living room and waited on Grace.

Grace grabbed weapons. Including knives, throwing knives, poison, a machete and a sword. She went to her parents room and went to the closet. She found her dad's scythe and thought it would be fitting to bring it. She went down stairs and gave it to Clark. "Just don't die. Please."

Clark grabbed the scythe and they walked out the house and locked it up. "Now what?" RJ said sitting in a chair.

Marshall grabbed mostly supplies. He grabbed the compact bow he takes when he goes hunting and his quiver of arrows and several vials of Phoenix tears. He had a hunters knife and he was ready to go.

Skylar grabbed her favorite stuffed animal. It was a little Rabbit she got from her mom and took it everywhere except for school. Clare grabbed some gear and her sword and they headed out. "What do we do now?" Skylar said looking up at Clare. "I don't know but we're ready that's all that matters we just need to know where to go."
Lotusy said:
As Valente's fam-filled introduction ended and the teens started going up, Jason eventually stepped up to talk to her, too. He wasn't too excited about traveling to Morocco - or by that standard, even traveling with this group. It wasn't like he didn't want to save the world, or that he didn't love his parents, but Jason really just didn't like he idea. Thus, a question.
"Hey, uh, Valente?" He asked, lolling around nervously at the teenagers milling around him. "With all due respect, ma'am, I'm not really sure I can do this. After all, these are powerful children, and..." Jason trailed off for a second. "I'm sorry, there's just a lot to process right now. Anyways, I'm nowhere near that level. Besides, I have a business to run and cases to solve." Then, an idea struck him. "Actually, new plan. You did that one of the keys to defeating our monarchs is getting regular people to not believe in them, right? That's grassroots work, and it's something I can easily do. Look, ma'am, these teenagers have superpowers. They're already all you need in terms of fighting force. Would you allow me to work with regular people, to bring them over to this cause?

@Caped Baldy @Tazmodo )
"Help me? Well..." Jason paused to think for a moment. This was a good chance to get some supernatural help, and besides, it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Well, do you have any assistants? Maybe a degenerate? I'd like to be able to send any helpful people I meet back to you. Also," the man stopped again, searching for what he wanted to say. "You had something that brought all these people here, right? I'm not sure if it's magic, or an item... but could you possibly do that for me?"


WHAT the fuck did she just say? Gather around HIM?! Damn her. He purposely began walking around, slipping through conversations or walking into places far too small to actually be around. He put effort into making sure it seemed natural, not planned. That's another one. Well played girl, that's one for you. And he was keeping score. @Light
Last edited by a moderator:
Lotusy said:
"Help me? Well..." Jason paused to think for a moment. This was a good chance to get some supernatural help, and besides, it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Well, do you have any assistants? Maybe a degenerate? I'd like to be able to send any helpful people I meet back to you. Also," the man stopped again, searching for what he wanted to say. "You had something that brought all these people here, right? I'm not sure if it's magic, or an item... but could you possibly do that for me?"
"It wasn't a magic item, it was just moogle, prophecies, and my degenerates. I could lend you one but I can't promise much, they're not the brightest of the bunch. If you're looking for complex orders and tasks you won't get far...at all."

Castiel winced at Ruby's words and when she stopped packing with a slam. "I'm sorry." He sighed lightly, closing his eyes as he did. "That's..." Castiel took a deep breath, still keeping his eyes closed, not that it made any sort of difference. "That's not what I meant; I want to save mom and dad as well... But.. I'm having trouble with my- I'm Blind, Ruby.... I'm Blind" Castiel took another breath, this one more shaky than the last. "And I don't care if I get hurt; I don't want you to get hurt, Because I can't protect you... I-I'm not saying you can't protect yourself, but... I.. I just don't know what I'd do if I lost you; You're my only friend Ruby" Castiel buried his head in his hands, finding comfort from it. "I don't feel like I can even slightly protect you... and I... I feel awful... I can't even protect my sister..."

RJ Grace and Clark go over to Andrew. "You ok?" Clark asked while he watching him try to walk natural. "What did we miss I'm confused?"

Marshall decides to walk around for other people to talk to. Groups weren't really his thing so he went the other way and waited.

Skylar and Clare just waited for others.
Jason shook his head. "Alright, alright. I can still work with that. It's not like I need the extra hand, but I will need to be able to send them back to you." He looked back at Valente. "Well, I guess I better get started. People's minds won't start changing themselves." Jason searched around for a degenerate to take him home, before quickly turning back to Valente. "Oh, one last question. Is there anything you'd like this new group to be called?"


Hassan turned towards Zalena and Mary looking at them with an emotionless facial expression and dull eyes. Okay, I'm Hassan and She's Alyson. We don't leave together so, you can decide on who you want to follow. I really don't need help and I doubt she does either. Hassan turns away with perfect posture and walks towards a degenerate, hopping into its mouth.

Appearing in his room within his house, he looks around and the first thing he does was head towards his parents room. No one was there. He then calls them countless times and no one answers. He falls to his knees with a tear falling down his left cheeks.
So it's true. They really are gone. Hassan began to fill more angry then sad. He balled his hands into a fist and stood back up. He rushed to his room. He goes in his closest and changes his clothes. He puts on a white T-shirt, black jeans, and black and white shoes. He goes back into his closest and grabs a black duffle bag which seemed already packed. He tosses the bag on to his bed, and unzips it pulling out a black shoulder gun holsters holding two Revolver Knives. He puts the holsters on and looks in his bag. He spots extra clothes, toothpicks, ammunition and money, in cash and gold coins. He rezips his duffle bag, puts on a black jacket, following up with the duffle bag going around his shoulder.

He rushed towards the back door and opened it wide. He whistled catching Vaku's attention. Vaku rushed inside and changing from his alpha form to his whelp form. He flapped he's wings flying onto Hassan's head.
Alright buddy, you ready for a rescue mission. Vaku wagged his tail excitedly. Alright then buddy, let's go. Hassan walks out the back door locking it behind him. He sat down on his padio waiting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rwby_oc_weapon_by_equestrianmarine-d9s7844.jpg.09729904c707c7b922b2a77420ee60da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rwby_oc_weapon_by_equestrianmarine-d9s7844.jpg.09729904c707c7b922b2a77420ee60da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alyson waves at the girls awkwardly as she was introduced. It's best if you follow me. She said shyly them turned around walking towards a degenerate, and goes into its mouth. Appearing in her messy room, Alyson bolts towards her parents room repeating the same process Hassan did. She collapsed on her parents bed and cried. Momma...Papa, please be okay. She begged weakly, crying on their bed. @Light @GingerBread



  • rwby_oc_weapon_by_equestrianmarine-d9s7844.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 27
GingerBread said:
Castiel winced at Ruby's words and when she stopped packing with a slam. "I'm sorry." He sighed lightly, closing his eyes as he did. "That's..." Castiel took a deep breath, still keeping his eyes closed, not that it made any sort of difference. "That's not what I meant; I want to save mom and dad as well... But.. I'm having trouble with my- I'm Blind, Ruby.... I'm Blind" Castiel took another breath, this one more shaky than the last. "And I don't care if I get hurt; I don't want you to get hurt, Because I can't protect you... I-I'm not saying you can't protect yourself, but... I.. I just don't know what I'd do if I lost you; You're my only friend Ruby" Castiel buried his head in his hands, finding comfort from it. "I don't feel like I can even slightly protect you... and I... I feel awful... I can't even protect my sister..."

Tazmodo said:
RJ Grace and Clark go over to Andrew. "You ok?" Clark asked while he watching him try to walk natural. "What did we miss I'm confused?"
Marshall decides to walk around for other people to talk to. Groups weren't really his thing so he went the other way and waited.

Skylar and Clare just waited for others.
Lotusy said:
Jason shook his head. "Alright, alright. I can still work with that. It's not like I need the extra hand, but I will need to be able to send them back to you." He looked back at Valente. "Well, I guess I better get started. People's minds won't start changing themselves." Jason searched around for a degenerate to take him home, before quickly turning back to Valente. "Oh, one last question. Is there anything you'd like this new group to be called?"
@Light[/URL] @GingerBread

"Now you're saying you're blind? Castiel, I've noticed by now so I've accepted that already. If you feel like you can't protect me on your own even though I'm completely capable myself, maybe picking fights with out future allies shouldn't be on your to do list anymore. We're still sixteen, there's a lot we can't do at the moment. We just have to do our best, okay?" ( @GingerBread )

Juniper had left the degenerates mouth with a backpack full of stuff on. Austrianna had made sure to get all possible necessities all in a backpack rather than a suitcase. Juniper ended up being the first one done since she was the first of concern. She walks over to the finished group but strays away from the others. She seriously didn't know what to do or say to anyone, if she wanted to talk to them in the first place. She wasn't too far away from Marshall. ( @Tazmodo )

"If you're looking for a name then I'd wait for the kids to be finished. It's not up to me to decide on the name. It's their group so it's their decision. I need to tell them to appoint two leaders anyways." ( @Lotusy )

"I'm going to follow the grumpy guy, he looks like he needs a hug and candy." Zalena hums while she skips over to the degenerate Hassan fell into. In less than thirteen seconds Zalena was out on the patio with Hassan, giving him a big smile. "Hey! What's up with you Hassan?" ( @Embaga Elder @GingerBread )


"I'm.. I'm not saying you can't protect yourself, you've probably got a better chance than I do right now." Castiel took a deep breath and exhaled lightly. "But, these people took our parents with apparently no problem at all. Judging by the fact that you were only alerted to the fact they weren't here and that most people didn't even notice, then that means that they were taken with next to no struggle. So how are we even meant to stand a chance?" Castiel leaned forwards as he took his head out of his hands. "We're not able to deal with any of this... Well I'm not anyway; I don't even want to go, because..."

Castiel placed his head into his hands and sighed before taking his hands away from his face.
"Because I'm scared... I'm scared of getting in people's way and ruining things because my Vision is completely gone. I'm scared of.... Of dying... I'm scared of not being able to protect you, or ending up dragging you down with me.... I'm scared of losing you at all..." Castiel pressed his hands into his face and let himself fall backwards on his bed before taking his hands away from his face. "I'm scared of being the reason you get hurt" He took a deep, shaky breath, still not looking in Ruby's direction. "I'm scared because I've never had to face with anything like this; The most I've done is training with dad... I've got no idea what to do in a situation like this.. and... I just want to go to sleep and wake up with mom and dad back here... I miss them and I feel terrible because I know that I can't even help to get them back.. I can't even pack my own stuff! I'm useless right now... and this" Castiel threw his arms up, trying to gesture to everything that was happening. "This is just one big reminder of it.."



Mary decided to Follow Alyson to help her pack up or just help in general since Zalena went with hassan. Mary arrived in Alyson's room after she'd already packed and left it. Mary decided to look around for her, when she heard the sound of crying. Mary walked over to where she heard the crying coming from and saw Alyson lying on a bed, crying. "I'm sure they'll be alright" Mary smiled at Alyson as she walked up to her. "And we're going to save them, along with everyone else's parents. Aren't we?"

@Embaga Elder
Light said:
"I'm going to follow the grumpy guy, he looks like he needs a hug and candy." Zalena hums while she skips over to the degenerate Hassan fell into. In less than thirteen seconds Zalena was out on the patio with Hassan, giving him a big smile. "Hey! What's up with you Hassan?"

Hassan didn't even look her way. Nothing, just ready to get my parents back. What's up with you? He kept his even tone and dull eyes. What made you decide to follow me huh? As you can see I'm already packed.

GingerBread said:
Mary decided to Follow Alyson to help her pack up or just help in general since Zalena went with hassan. Mary arrived in Alyson's room after she'd already packed and left it. Mary decided to look around for her, when she heard the sound of crying. Mary walked over to where she heard the crying coming from and saw Alyson lying on a bed, crying. "I'm sure they'll be alright" Mary smiled at Alyson as she walked up to her. "And we're going to save them, along with everyone else's parents. Aren't we?"

Alyson wiped her tears and nodded her head. Ye-yeah. Once she got herself together emotionally, she turned towards Mary and her eyes widened. She squealed and bolt up towards her room. If Mary chooses to follow, she'll spot Alyson standing up with a hoodie over her head as if she's trying to hide. On the bed was a packed black duffle bag with a fully stocked quiver and a bow sword next to it.
Light said:
"Now you're saying you're blind? Castiel, I've noticed by now so I've accepted that already. If you feel like you can't protect me on your own even though I'm completely capable myself, maybe picking fights with out future allies shouldn't be on your to do list anymore. We're still sixteen, there's a lot we can't do at the moment. We just have to do our best, okay?" ( @GingerBread )
Juniper had left the degenerates mouth with a backpack full of stuff on. Austrianna had made sure to get all possible necessities all in a backpack rather than a suitcase. Juniper ended up being the first one done since she was the first of concern. She walks over to the finished group but strays away from the others. She seriously didn't know what to do or say to anyone, if she wanted to talk to them in the first place. She wasn't too far away from Marshall. ( @Tazmodo )

"If you're looking for a name then I'd wait for the kids to be finished. It's not up to me to decide on the name. It's their group so it's their decision. I need to tell them to appoint two leaders anyways." ( @Lotusy )

"I'm going to follow the grumpy guy, he looks like he needs a hug and candy." Zalena hums while she skips over to the degenerate Hassan fell into. In less than thirteen seconds Zalena was out on the patio with Hassan, giving him a big smile. "Hey! What's up with you Hassan?" ( @Embaga Elder @GingerBread )
Marshall saw the girl and didn't know what to do. He could go and talk to her but he wouldn't know how. He thought about say hey all cool and suave but instantly threw that idea out the window. He okay various scenarios through his mind but everythingended with him being a fool. His body stiffened as he half walked half March over to her. "Hello my name is Marshall." He said forcing out the words and holding and awkward smile doing his best to be casual.
Yin nodded leaping into Squishy's mouth, she appeared a bock away from her urban home. Yin climbed the stairs once inside, making her way to her room. She glanced inside her parents room. She looked at her mothers makeup table, on it were pictures of her with another woman. They were both smiling and it looked like a giant rubber duck hovered overhead. She continued to her room, She grabbed her crystal necklace her mother gave her and supplies also grabbing her staff. She returned. She frowned "Sorry it took so long, I got distracted."


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