Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage left his room and in search of something to do and bumped into Jackson. " Oh sorry about the bump. " he said as he looked up at him.
"Don't worry about it." He said as he turned around. "Oh hey Sage." Jackson smiled seeing that he was feeling better and hopefully stopped avoiding him.
Vance felt himself rank up and felt most of his limitations get taken away as well as his muffle power being upgraded Well this is good, maybe i will stay in this cult; I doubt i get to keep these ranks up if i leave Vance thought as he wandered around aimlessly
Morpheus turned a tree into a nice and boat and got inside, riding it towards where he thought sloth had gone. He really hoped she hasn't gotten too far

Decimus decided to glide along on a shadow to Wrath, greatly picking up the speed

Ryan waited patiently for an answer then assumed Grimm was busy. While he waited longer he figured he'd walk around and find empty rooms for his team members. After some time of failing and running into locked doors he found one that seemed to be empty. For the time being this is where he would reside until Grimm answered and he went about his business there

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus turned a tree into a nice and boat and got inside, riding it towards where he thought sloth had gone. He really hoped she hasn't gotten too far

Decimus decided to glide along on a shadow to Wrath, greatly picking up the speed

Ryan waited patiently for an answer then assumed Grimm was busy. While he waited longer he figured he'd walk around and find empty rooms for his team members. After some time of failing and running into locked doors he found one that seemed to be empty. For the time being this is where he would reside until Grimm answered and he went about his business there

Derek was returning to his room when he remembered that he didn't lock the door. He walked in and saw a guy in the bed. He turned into a polar bear. "Looks like Goldylocks over here doesn't know not to walk into other people's room." Jasmine spoke in the back of his mind. *Don't hurt him he's probably lost* *I don't care he should have used his symbol.* *Please let me take over.* Derek sighed and changed into Jasmine. "Um what are you doing?"
Tazmodo said:
Derek was returning to his room when he remembered that he didn't lock the door. He walked in and saw a guy in the bed. He turned into a polar bear. "Looks like Goldylocks over here doesn't know not to walk into other people's room." Jasmine spoke in the back of his mind. *Don't hurt him he's probably lost* *I don't care he should have used his symbol.* *Please let me take over.* Derek sighed and changed into Jasmine. "Um what are you doing?"
Ryan rose up to reply to the comment when it seemed Derek had changed. "You... You're the girl from yesterday. And I'm guessing that was Derek, correct? Fascinating...." He got out of the bed and walked to her. "So your powers are shape shifting? But how does that affiliate with your gender? Oh I'd love to run a couple of tests." He gestured to the bed, implying for her to lay down. "I assure you. You wont feel a thing"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan rose up to reply to the comment when it seemed Derek had changed. "You... You're the girl from yesterday. And I'm guessing that was Derek, correct? Fascinating...." He got out of the bed and walked to her. "So your powers are shape shifting? But how does that affiliate with your gender? Oh I'd love to run a couple of tests." He gestured to the bed, implying for her to lay down. "I assure you. You wont feel a thing"
Jasmine shivered when he said tests. "Me and Derek share a body. My original form has no gender so when we are born our personality takes over and we take that form." She sat down on the bed. "Derek wouldn't allow that but what do you plan on doing?"
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine shivered when he said tests. "Me and Derek share a body. My original form has no gender so when we are born our personality takes over and we take that form." She sat down on the bed. "Derek wouldn't allow that but what do you plan on doing?"
He nodded. "I see... Well that's disappointing I was hoping they were connected. Well you seem to reside her. Ill find another room. Have a great day." Ryan gave a light bow and turned to leave
DizjayDeathPride said:
He nodded. "I see... Well that's disappointing I was hoping they were connected. Well you seem to reside her. Ill find another room. Have a great day." Ryan gave a light bow and turned to leave
Jasmine jumped up. "Hey wait don't you know where your room is?" *Just let him go find it out* *No* Derek couldn't do a thing and was pushed to the back of her mind.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine jumped up. "Hey wait don't you know where your room is?" *Just let him go find it out* *No* Derek couldn't do a thing and was pushed to the back of her mind.
He stopped and turned back. "You're right. I don't. Do you know how I'd find it"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He stopped and turned back. "You're right. I don't. Do you know how I'd find it"
Jasmine laughed. "Follow me." She walked out. "Just focus on your guild symbol and it will tell you where to go. Also I wouldn't mind you doing some test just don't harm my core. If it gets destroyed I will die."
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine laughed. "Follow me." She walked out. "Just focus on your guild symbol and it will tell you where to go. Also I wouldn't mind you doing some test just don't harm my core. If it gets destroyed I will die."
Ryan's curiousity was heightened again. "Your core? Now that I must see..." Ryan looked at her as he followed, thinking. "Tell me split personality girl. Which one is more dominant? You or Derek? I've seen you twice female now so that's my impression. And is it related to your core?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan's curiousity was heightened again. "Your core? Now that I must see..." Ryan looked at her as he followed, thinking. "Tell me split personality girl. Which one is more dominant? You or Derek? I've seen you twice female now so that's my impression. And is it related to your core?"
"Derek is the dominate one but only likes to come out when he's bored or when we need to fight. He says my tactics are stupid and will get us killed so he takes over. Also our core is what keeps me together without it I would have no body and would have to make a new one by absorbing some mass and changing it into a suitable body. My core becomes part of my body like a brain. I guess you could call it that to. It's basically my brain and needs to be protected. I can turn my body into anything I want." She turned her are into tempered steel. "See but I mostly keep a human body that way I can blend in." Her arm turned back.
Tazmodo said:
"Derek is the dominate one but only likes to come out when he's bored or when we need to fight. He says my tactics are stupid and will get us killed so he takes over. Also our core is what keeps me together without it I would have no body and would have to make a new one by absorbing some mass and changing it into a suitable body. My core becomes part of my body like a brain. I guess you could call it that to. It's basically my brain and needs to be protected. I can turn my body into anything I want." She turned her are into tempered steel. "See but I mostly keep a human body that way I can blend in." Her arm turned back.
Ryan walked to her and held her head in his hands. "If you ever die do make sure not to be around Morpheus. The scientific wonders I could accomplish with your core is far greater than that towering idiot could ever comprehend"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan walked to her and held her head in his hands. "If you ever die do make sure not to be around Morpheus. The scientific wonders I could accomplish with your core is far greater than that towering idiot could ever comprehend"
Jasmine blushed when she heard Morpheus's name. "If you want to see the core we'll have to go into your room I don't trust some of the people here." She looked at his symbol. "Just focus on finding your room and it'll lead you there."
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine blushed when she heard Morpheus's name. "If you want to see the core we'll have to go into your room I don't trust some of the people here." She looked at his symbol. "Just focus on finding your room and it'll lead you there."
"Easy enough." He closed his eyes and thought of where it would be, quickly getting a grip on this symbol. "Ah. This way." He turned and walked, soon finding a room with a upside down triangle on it. He opened it and looked around. On each of the opposite walls were doors. This was the main area. "So it seems we're together. Conveniently." He stepped aside for Jasmine to enter and closed the door behind her. "As we were?"
Vance had already done a lap of the guild and had made a mental map of all the rooms Well that's done, i could go to the rooms and sleep. There is someone who probably wants to kill me, but he wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last Vance thought as he walked to the rooms heading into the first unlocked room and laying on the bed, Sleeping light enough that someone breathing near him could wake him up.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Easy enough." He closed his eyes and thought of where it would be, quickly getting a grip on this symbol. "Ah. This way." He turned and walked, soon finding a room with a upside down triangle on it. He opened it and looked around. On each of the opposite walls were doors. This was the main area. "So it seems we're together. Conveniently." He stepped aside for Jasmine to enter and closed the door behind her. "As we were?"
Jasmine walked in. "So do you want to see the core. That's probably the only interesting things you'll find. Just be careful with it." Derek spoke at the back of her mind. *Don't do it* Jasmine didn't listen.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine walked in. "So do you want to see the core. That's probably the only interesting things you'll find. Just be careful with it." Derek spoke at the back of her mind. *Don't do it* Jasmine didn't listen.
The room got brighter and brighter, blindingly. Then the two were in the light realm. Such a bright light that no darkness was produced. He gestured to his operation table, his tools on the stand nearby. "Lay there and Ill get started"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The room got brighter and brighter, blindingly. Then the two were in the light realm. Such a bright light that no darkness was produced. He gestured to his operation table, his tools on the stand nearby. "Lay there and Ill get started"
Jasmine slowly lays down. "Just please don't brake it." She laid down. "If you want to see the core here." The core slowly pulled out from her body with a small strand still attached keeping her body togther. It was the size if a golf ball. It grew to the size of a bowling ball so he could get a better look.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine slowly lays down. "Just please don't brake it." She laid down. "If you want to see the core here." The core slowly pulled out from her body with a small strand still attached keeping her body togther. It was the size if a golf ball. It grew to the size of a bowling ball so he could get a better look.
Ryan marvelled, gently grabbing it. "How fascinating... A dense little orb of power.." He tapped on gently it with a little hook from the table. "Anything?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan marvelled, gently grabbing it. "How fascinating... A dense little orb of power.." He tapped on gently it with a little hook from the table. "Anything?"
She didn't react. "I can still feel and everything. It takes a lot more then a hook to damage it. But don't test that out. Anyways what are you trying to figure out?"
Tazmodo said:
She didn't react. "I can still feel and everything. It takes a lot more then a hook to damage it. But don't test that out. Anyways what are you trying to figure out?"
"Just that. How much damage it can take. And what exactly powers this orb itself." He placed it down and got a dropper. Inside was a powerful corrosive acid. "Now. Do tell me if this hurts." He dripped a few drops on the orb
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Just that. How much damage it can take. And what exactly powers this orb itself." He placed it down and got a dropper. Inside was a powerful corrosive acid. "Now. Do tell me if this hurts." He dripped a few drops on the orb
Jasmine flinches. "Hey that was cold. But other then that nothing. I don't know what it's made of and I know it's stronger then any known metal." She thought about the comic books. "Stronger then those too my body is made up of it and the core manipulates it."
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine flinches. "Hey that was cold. But other then that nothing. I don't know what it's made of and I know it's stronger then any known metal." She thought about the comic books. "Stronger then those too my body is made up of it and the core manipulates it."
Ryan was in his zone, barely listening to her now but her words did process. "Stronger than metal got it." He wiped off the acid with a soft rag and began talking to himself while getting the next test. "It appears the subject is immune to most humanoid means kf attack but still feels." He held up a cup and looked at its clarity. "Water appears to be cleansed of all pollutants." Be poured the cup of boiling water on it. "Anything?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan was in his zone, barely listening to her now but her words did process. "Stronger than metal got it." He wiped off the acid with a soft rag and began talking to himself while getting the next test. "It appears the subject is immune to most humanoid means kf attack but still feels." He held up a cup and looked at its clarity. "Water appears to be cleansed of all pollutants." Be poured the cup of boiling water on it. "Anything?"
Jasmine shook her head. "It was hot but it didn't hurt. How long will this take?" Derek started to stir. *I told you not to do it. What if something he does works and we die.* *I trust him.* Derek started to take over and her body changed. "Enough with the experiments." Jasmine took back over. "No it's fine."

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