Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
CALLA said:

" Is that a trick question ? Of course i am that is only if you know the way around , because I'm bad at navigating . " Iris looked around sighing " Every where is sand , sand and nothing but sand ."

"Of course I know where to go here.but I plan to check on somthing.Are you willing to walk for a while?"he didn't even wait for an answer,he was a walking in the direction where dragons roar is.

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" y- on second thought- " Noticing that anubis has began walking she ran after him "Hey where are we going , Do you even know what direction your going in HEllO" Iris sighed as she followed .

MTchaos1134 said:
"Of course I know where to go here.but I plan to check on somthing.Are you willing to walk for a while?"he didn't even wait for an answer,he was a walking in the direction where dragons roar is.

All hints of the smile he wore before left Oden's face as his outward demeanor began to match to his inward emotion, caution. He looked at the man with interest, "I would have no problem on assisting in the collection of my former guild members. Our relationship and any ties or loyalty I had to any of them went out the window when the guild was disbanded in my mind, but the question is, how is one man going to accomplish what literal gods have failed to do? I could help you, come up with strategies and such to get past every member's strengths and take them down, but that would require more manpowe- sorry, power period, than you seem to have."

CALLA said:

" y- on second thought- " Noticing that anubis has began walking she ran after him "Hey where are we going , Do you even know what direction your going in HEllO" Iris sighed as she followed .

"We are going to America if I am correct.if you don't want to walk we could always request someone for a teleport."he was still walking."do you want to?"
Light said:
Alina smiles and looks down the street. "I don't mind either. This will be great! Akki and I are looking for ways to make Dragon's Roar great again anyways but we need supplies and such first. After we get supplies....it would probably be dark out. I don't know what we'd have planned then. Possibly leave to another continent or so for a journey since we decided on teaming up." Alina was extremely subtle about her hints towards being open to suggestions later on in the day with Akki. She might not have really had a first hand experience with these type of things since she's always been hospitalized but she did have the time to read up on them. She takes out a small mirror from her bag and checks her appearance to fix her hair.
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GingerBread said:
Colin shook Akki's hand and smiled at him. His smile turned into a frown when Alina mentioned Dragon's roar. "Oh, well i-it's nice to hear that s-someone is trying to make the G-Guild better. I-I left because of how b-bad it got. I-I wasn't much use there a-anyway. N-No one ever really n-needed a medic. I-I don't think a-anyone there e-ever even got a-a cold" Colin smiled at the both of them. "S-So where are we off to f-first?"

@Ethan Vail @Light
"Well, I assure you. Someone like me always needs a medic, welcome to the team Colin." He tells him giving him a sincere smile of gratitude, turning towards Alina who is fixing her hair. "You look great by the way." He tells her, complimenting her beauty. "So, first we are off to get supplies, we will need food and medical supplies." Still looking at Alina he asks her. "So after we get all the supplies, would you like to get something to eat? It would give us time to chat and get to know each other better."
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GingerBread said:
"No, it's just I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can bring people in and out" Vance smiled at Luna and snapped his fingers, dragging them both into the realm. "Well, here we are. Take a look around. Tell me what you think. The church is over there" Vance pointed over to the large church which the sun was just peaking over. "And over there is the venue thing. Where we'd have the party bit" He pointed over to a large building, that seemed like to could comfortably fit a large amount of people

Luna looks around the vast realm that seemed to be dedicated to marriage in awe. "Alright...I'll look around." Luna looks at the church first, taking in as many details as she can. She could already taste the marriage and though about what it would be like. Speaking of which she wanted to see the plants Vance got her.

@Ethan Vail[/URL] @Light
Alina smiles and nods her head in agreement. "Uh yeah...I would love to." She began to internally panic. What if she overdid it by saying she would love to? She walks for a bit longer until she stumbles across the large shop. "Here it is!"

GingerBread said:
"Okay mommy, but only if Hakem stops being so lame!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before cuddling into Isabel's side as she read the story. When she got to the part where they were trapped in the vine ball, Maya started imagining how cool it would be to be in that vine ball with the characters of the book. When Maya imagined it, her, Isabel and Hakeem appeared in the vine ball alongside the characters of the book. "This is so Cool! Did you do this mommy?"

@Embaga Elder @Light
Isabel thinks about the capabilities she does know of so far. "I think Temperance did it." Isabel shrugs and holds on to the ball as it swings to the other side. The characters of the book begin to give them strange looks. "Oh how! Are we hamsters right now?"
Light said:
Alina smiles and nods her head in agreement. "Uh yeah...I would love to." She began to internally panic. What if she overdid it by saying she would love to? She walks for a bit longer until she stumbles across the large shop. "Here it is!"
"Great, for a second there I was afraid you would say no." He tells her sighing in relief, following her to the large shop. "So is this where we are going to get the supplies?" He asks her, curious about the large shop in front of him.

"It's pretty nice isn't it? It hatched out of an egg actually." Vance smiled at Luna as he followed behind her. "I'm not really sure what I can do with it after our wedding though. It seems like a one trick pony really" Vance then remembered one more thing he had gotten, he snapped his fingers and had a bunch of the suicide tree flowers appear in his hand. "These were the flowers you wanted, right?"



"Weeeeeeeee!" Maya smiled as the ball began swinging to the other side. "This is so cool! this is so cool Hakeem looks slightly cool because he's a part of it!" She looked up at Isabel as she asked if they were hamsters. "I don't think we are mommy. Hakeem isn't cute enough to be a hamster anyway"

@Light @Embaga Elder


"Th-Thanks" Colin smiled as Akki said he would need a medic, he appreciated that he was trying to make him feel more useful. When Akki mentioned that they needed medical supplies Colin spoke up. "Why do y-you guys need medical S-Supplies? A-Are one of you hurt or s-something? Because I-I can help" Colin offered, giving Alina and Akki a smiled as he followed after them. "I-I don't think I-I ever come across something I-I can't heal. A-After all it is the m-main thing I-I'm good at"

@Ethan Vail @Light


"I don't find your lack of faith in me or my powers surprising. But I don't think you should underestimate me, I have a lot more power than you think. For example" Revvar reached into the satchel that was attached to his belt and pulled out a small cloth doll with buttons for eyes. "This is a voodoo Doll and it works like this" He reached a hand over to Oden and pulled out a hair from atop his head. He then took out a lit candle and attached the hair onto the doll by dripping wax onto it, while doing this Revvar muttered a small charm under his breath. "And there you have it. I can now kill you easily, or even use it to torture you." Revvar threw the doll over to Oden. "I'd take care of that thing if I were you, it could give someone a lot of power of you, But I can always destroy it if you'd like. But that isn't the only thing I can do. So do you still think I'm ill-equipped?"

Hakeem turns his head away from Maya and looks up at the ceiling. Feeling sad after being put down by Maya. Damn, I can tell that girl is going to be a problem for you. Don't let what she says get you. Yeah and plus you can technically turn in a dragon too. What I can? Yeah, you just have to use either one of our powers. We'll teach you while your mom is teaching Maya. Yeeaahh in your face Maya!! He turns his head back to Maya and Isabel. It's okay mama. What's there to be jealous about? You can turn into a dragon, while I can do summon one and turn into one. Soooo, I think I'm cooler than you now. I win. He looked back up at the ceiling. I just gotta learn how to do it.

All of a suddenly the object he was looking at turned to tree. He looked around seeing that they were in a scene from the book. He started swinging back and forth enjoying it. Weeeeeee! He smiled enjoying the fun. His smile didn't last long. It turned into a frown once Maya challenged his cuteness. Bur the frown turned to a smirk as he thought about changing her sentence around. You're right Maya. I'm not cute enough to be a hamster. I'm actually cuter than a hamster. He smiled as he successful made a comeback. @Light @GingerBread
@Ethan Vail[/URL] @Light
"Yes this is where we're getting supplies but none of us are hurt. We're getting them for future problems. I don't know what I'm good at so that's nice that you know. So how good are you though Colin?"

GingerBread said:
"Weeeeeeeee!" Maya smiled as the ball began swinging to the other side. "This is so cool! this is so cool Hakeem looks slightly cool because he's a part of it!" She looked up at Isabel as she asked if they were hamsters. "I don't think we are mommy. Hakeem isn't cute enough to be a hamster anyway"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"Let's be nice to one another now!" Isabel tells the kids as they swing from side to side. She notices Jack Sparrow beside her and waves. "Hi!"

GingerBread said:
"It's pretty nice isn't it? It hatched out of an egg actually." Vance smiled at Luna as he followed behind her. "I'm not really sure what I can do with it after our wedding though. It seems like a one trick pony really" Vance then remembered one more thing he had gotten, he snapped his fingers and had a bunch of the suicide tree flowers appear in his hand. "These were the flowers you wanted, right?"

"Yes they are! This place is amazing....Apollon's head will go nicely here Vance." Luna smiles and him and approaches him for a kiss.

"Great. I'm glad you like it Luna. I do actually want to make sure this wedding is good. Because you seem to like the idea of it and it's nice to see you happy" Vance smiled at Luna and helped close the gap between the two of them before gently pressing his lips against Luna and wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her.



"Well... I can make cookies anytime I want and I can turn into a dragon! And I'm friends with Sir Snakenton! So I'm cooler!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before summoning a box of cookies and eating the entire contents of the box to emphasise her point. "And you're not cuter than a hamster!" Maya closed her eyes and giggled to herself as she imagined Hakeem turning into a anthropomorphic hamster that was the same size as he was now. Maya's mouth hung open in awe as she saw Hakeem had become exactly what she had imagined. "No fair! Mommy, Hakeem turned in a hamster, tell him to turn back!"

@Light @Embaga Elder


"I-I'm great at h-healing people. I-I'm actually t-technically a d-doctor. Th-that's what I-I trained to be. B-But as for how g-good I am, L-Like I said before, I-I've never come across something I-I can't heal or make better. I-I've saved a-at least one person's life before " Colin intentionally neglected to mention the fact that he regretted helping save that person's life "But I-I've helped many people. I-If you're ever ill or hurt I-I'll always help you i-if you ask"

@Light @Ethan Vail
Light said:
"Yes this is where we're getting supplies but none of us are hurt. We're getting them for future problems. I don't know what I'm good at so that's nice that you know. So how good are you though Colin?"
GingerBread said:
"I-I'm great at h-healing people. I-I'm actually t-technically a d-doctor. Th-that's what I-I trained to be. B-But as for how g-good I am, L-Like I said before, I-I've never come across something I-I can't heal or make better. I-I've saved a-at least one person's life before " Colin intentionally neglected to mention the fact that he regretted helping save that person's life "But I-I've helped many people. I-If you're ever ill or hurt I-I'll always help you i-if you ask"

@Light @Ethan Vail
"That's great to know Colin, trust me when I say this. I get injured a lot." He tells him with a smile, turning to Alina he tells her. "You will find something you are good at, even if it's just the company. After five months of traveling alone, I learned that it's better to have company. And I am there is something you can do." Looking back to Colin he asks. "Hey, what about broken bones? Can you heal those?"
GingerBread said:
"I-I'm great at h-healing people. I-I'm actually t-technically a d-doctor. Th-that's what I-I trained to be. B-But as for how g-good I am, L-Like I said before, I-I've never come across something I-I can't heal or make better. I-I've saved a-at least one person's life before " Colin intentionally neglected to mention the fact that he regretted helping save that person's life "But I-I've helped many people. I-If you're ever ill or hurt I-I'll always help you i-if you ask"

@Light @Ethan Vail
Luna closes her eyes and deepens the kiss, allowing herself to press against Vance. She raises her arms to wrap around his neck. A light moan escapes her throat.

GingerBread said:
"Well... I can make cookies anytime I want and I can turn into a dragon! And I'm friends with Sir Snakenton! So I'm cooler!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before summoning a box of cookies and eating the entire contents of the box to emphasise her point. "And you're not cuter than a hamster!" Maya closed her eyes and giggled to herself as she imagined Hakeem turning into a anthropomorphic hamster that was the same size as he was now. Maya's mouth hung open in awe as she saw Hakeem had become exactly what she had imagined. "No fair! Mommy, Hakeem turned in a hamster, tell him to turn back!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"Hakeem you're so fluffy now!" Isabel begins to hug Hakeem while all the other pirates are confused.



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Light said:
Alina didn't want to interrupt the conversation those two would have. She merely looks around for supplies and finds an interesting weapon. "I wonder if Akki would like this."
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Turning his attention towards Alina, he saw her holding a weapon. "Thinking of buying it?" He asks staring at her before taking the weapon in hand. "It's well made. I think it would prove it's use." He tells her, handing back the weapon.

Vance broke away from the kiss so he could get his breath back. He then tilted his head sideways and moved his head towards Luna's neck and started gently kissing up and down the length of her neck.



"Mommy! tell Hakeem to stop being a hamster! It's not fair!" Maya pouted and crossed her arms angrily when Isabel hugged Hakeem. "I hate you both!" Maya turned away from everyone in the vine ball, feeling upset about the whole thing. Maya began muttering to herself. "Stupid Hakeem, Stupid mommy. Why can't I turn into a hamster as well"

@Embaga Elder @Light


"L-Like I-I said, I-I can heal p-pretty much everything. I-I can show y-you" Colin had his staff appear in his hands and used it to clone himself. Once he had cloned himself he then started deforming his clone, giving it every disease he could as well as breaking it's bones. "Th-this clone has pretty m-much every d-disease and g-genetic m-mutation as well as b-broken bones" Colin then tapped the base of his staff into the ground and sent out an invisible wave towards the Clone. In a matter of seconds, Colin's clone was back in perfect condition.

@Light @Ethan Vail
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GingerBread said:
"L-Like I-I said, I-I can heal p-pretty much everything. I-I can show y-you" Colin had his staff appear in his hands and used it to clone himself. Once he had cloned himself he then started deforming his clone, giving it every disease he could as well as breaking it's bones. "Th-this clone has pretty m-much every d-disease and g-genetic m-mutation as well as b-broken bones" Colin then tapped the base of his staff into the ground and sent out an invisible wave towards the Clone. In a matter of seconds, Colin's clone was back in perfect condition.

@Light @Ethan Vail
"Everything, huh. See, you will be extremely useful. I am always getting hurt, can't tell you how many times I almost died." He tells him with a smile as he watches him proving his power. "Seriously, that is amazing Colin. Glad to have you as our medic."
When Hakeem transformed into a hamster he was excited instead of freaking out. He was enjoying his fuzzy self and the warmth of his mother's huge. He turned to Maya seeing her pouting and sad. He swung towards her and hugged her, sharing some love with Maya. Maya please don't be sad. I don't like seeing you sad, not matter how much you make me sad. He said, but sadly all that came out his hamster mouth was hamster noises. @Light @GingerBread
Oden caught the doll, looking it at interest. He pinched it slightly, only to wince and rub the spot where he had pinched it, "I'm not doubting your skill, but you intend to take on people who have fought against beings that can destroy reality itself and WON. I'm worried because there are some limits even I don't know, and some information can only be gained by using the lives of others, especially if you want to do this non-lethally..."

"The question isn't how strong you are, it's how much damage can you take? Because you'll need to be able to take allot if it's just us..."
He pocketed the doll and crossed his arms.

Alina looks at the weapon and then at Akki. "Yeah but the problem is that I don't use a regularly. How about you? What can you do?"

GingerBread said:
"Mommy! tell Hakeem to stop being a hamster! It's not fair!" Maya pouted and crossed her arms angrily when Isabel hugged Hakeem. "I hate you both!" Maya turned away from everyone in the vine ball, feeling upset about the whole thing. Maya began muttering to herself. "Stupid Hakeem, Stupid mommy. Why can't I turn into a hamster as well"

@Embaga Elder @Light
When Maya says she hates them and when Hakeem leaves her arms, she also hears that Hakeem was sad. She was a terrible mother after all. She begins to lose her smile and becomes obviously sorrowful.

GingerBread said:
Vance broke away from the kiss so he could get his breath back. He then tilted his head sideways and moved his head towards Luna's neck and started gently kissing up and down the length of her neck.

Luna gasps at the gesture bit bites her lip with a small laugh afterwards. Her hands find their way to his hair on the back of his head and she begins lightly pulling.
Light said:
Alina looks at the weapon and then at Akki. "Yeah but the problem is that I don't use a regularly. How about you? What can you do?"
"Well, when it comes to combat. I can pretty much use any weapon." He looks at her with a smile. "I am pretty strong, but like you. I don't have a grasp on my powers. So I have to be careful on what weapons I use and how I use them." He looks at her again more closely. "You know, I told you how old I was, but I forgot to ask you. How old are you? and tell me more about your powers? If that is okay."
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Well, when it comes to combat. I can pretty much use any weapon." He looks at her with a smile. "I am pretty strong, but like you. I don't have a grasp on my powers. So I have to be careful on what weapons I use and how I use them." He looks at her again more closely. "You know, I told you how old I was, but I forgot to ask you. How old are you? and tell me more about your powers? If that is okay."

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Alina presents an embarrassed chuckle. "I'm 17...turning 18 soon. My power basically allows me to manifest imaginary friends into reality but so far I can only manifest hamsters...I don't know why. What can you do?"
Light said:
"Ah! I'm sorry!" Alina presents an embarrassed chuckle. "I'm 17...turning 18 soon. My power basically allows me to manifest imaginary friends into reality but so far I can only manifest hamsters...I don't know why. What can you do?"
"That is an interesting power, and so what if you can only manifest hamsters. I bet they are cute, and helpful in their own way." He tells her with a gentle smile. "As for me. Well, what do you think of demons first?" He asks a bit nervously.
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"That is an interesting power, and so what if you can only manifest hamsters. I bet they are cute, and helpful in their own way." He tells her with a gentle smile. "As for me. Well, what do you think of demons first?" He asks a bit nervously.

Alina thinks of the time when the guild faced the living embodiments of the seven deadly sins, Death, Lucifer himself, an A.I. war, the apocalypse, and the Anti-God herself. At this point, nothing surprised her anymore. "I don't see anything wrong with them. Why?"
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Light said:
Alina thinks of the time when the guild faced the living embodiments of the seven deadly sins, met Death, Lucifer himself, an A.I. war, the apocalypse, and the Anti-God herself. At this point, nothing surprised her anymore. "I don't see anything wrong with them. Why?"
"Ah, well where I came from, I was hated for my demon blood, I just wanted to see what you thought." He tells her, sighing a bit relieved. "My power in terms of strength and speed is probably equal to any high ranking demon. But my body is human. I am a hybrid. Half human and demon. So if I use to much strength, I end up getting injured." He tells her, neglecting to tell her that the countless times his power has almost killed him. "I am also skilled in hand to hand combat, and of course swordplay."
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Ah, well where I came from, I was hated for my demon blood, I just wanted to see what you thought." He tells her, sighing a bit relieved. "My power in terms of strength and speed is probably equal to any high ranking demon. But my body is human. I am a hybrid. Half human and demon. So if I use to much strength, I end up getting injured." He tells her, neglecting to tell her that the countless times his power has almost killed him. "I am also skilled in hand to hand combat, and of course swordplay."

"That's cool! So we should go weapon shopping for you huh? We can find something, I don't mind. We need to look for our supplies and Colin's supplies anyways. Browsing wouldn't hurt."

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