Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Well I don't know what the guild leader for Dragon's Roar is up to so I guess starting our own guild is a good idea. Maybe we should try going to Europe. There have been problems with dragons there.
"Then we are going to Europe." He tells her with a smile. "I would like another taste of dragon meat too, but after my last scuffle with a dragon. I know it is going to be tough." He says now looking directly at her. "So how are you feeling? If your cold gets worse we should get Colin to handle it."
Light said:
"Hm....which Walmart though? We're banned from most all continents, seas, and oceans so where could we go?"
"Don't worry! I'm getting over it anyways so it doesn't matter." Alina turns to Akki. "It was disbanded because we cause more casualties and chaos saving people than actually saving people."

Luna smiles at the birth scythe. "I'll be right back." Luna takes the birth scythe and disappears. She ends up orchestrating the old army she had before losing her power by using the birth scythe. Spirits in the Astral plane were no longer as erratic.

"Yes! You're really cute and fluffy now Maya!" Isabel begins to hug even tighter.
We're not banned here right?mOregon too I think,we can raid that one."

"It's the best thing ever! I feel so fluffy!" Maya smiled up at Isabel and then looked over at Hakeem. "You're finally cute now Hakeem! But I'm still cuter than you!" She stuck her tongue out at Hakeem then looked back up at Isabel. "Can we go back home now? When we do me and Hakeem can both get hamster balls and then we can race in them and then I can beat him!" Maya tilted her head to look over at Hakeem. "Because I'm cooler than him. So that means I'll win!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Light said:
"Dragon meat can't taste that good can it? I'm fine by the way, it's a fading cold. It shouldn't get any worse than it is." Alina smiles and holds the bags, leaving the store.
"Yeah that sounds good since we're not banned from there. Want to go collect previous guild members now?"

( @Embaga Elder )

They all end up outside of the story and Emily ends up wandering off in a human state with Red and Blue to do their own thing. Isabel looks to her side as two hamster balls appear. "There they are!"
"Sure thing, are you teleporting us or am I?" Raz turned back into his hooded form.
Oden took the contract and took a pen out. He thought for a few moments and added two things down to the paper before signing his entire name and giving the paper back to Reevar. He then extended a hand, "Pleasure doing buisness, now when do we start exactly?"


Vance started getting bored as he waited for Luna, though he had been thinking more on his plan on starting renting out his new found realm to people.
"I wonder if anyone I know would want to use this realm. Jackie and her mutt? Nah, I doubt they'd need or even want to use something I own..." Vance leaned back on his seat as he thought about who he knew. "Fola? Yeah he has that thing going with Isabel. They probably haven't got married yet. Yeah, I'll go see if he'd want to rent this place out, he probably doesn't have that much money left anymore." Vance stood up and snapped his fingers, leaving his marriage realm and entering his darkness realm. "Ah, I can't find him easily anymore. The guild is gone."

Vance sighed and created a chair of darkness before sitting down. "I could go search for him, see if I can still do that sort of thing. He liked to frequent bars, right?" Vance sat forwards and rested his elbows on his thighs while he rested his head on his hands. "I could just see if he needs one when I run into him. I'll just see what happens; If Luna doesn't come back soon, then I'll go and try to find him. Because if Fola is willing to pay me to use it, then I'm sure loads of people would be."


Maya looked over at the hamster balls with excitement. "Come on Hakeem! Let's race!" Maya smiled at Hakeem before running over to one of the hamster balls. trying to work out how to get in it. "Mommy, I can't get in it!"

@Light @Embaga Elder


Revvar smiled as Oden signed the contract. When he was handed it, he placed it back into his pouch and smiled at Oden. "We can start now. I'll call you the brains of this operation, seeing as you know your fellow guild mates better than I. But If I may make a suggestion, I say we go after the higher ranking ones first. I have many ways of dealing with them, you can either get them to sign a contact I've drafted up." Revvar pulled out a contract from his pouch, looking vaguely similar to the one he had Oden sign. "Or you can get me one of their hairs, I can use that." He placed the contract back into his pouch and pulled out a blank voodoo doll before promptly putting it back into his pouch. "Do try to not damage them too much, but if you can't help it. I'm sure I can find some way to get them back up to perfect condition"

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Hakeem looks at Maya and shakes his furry hamster head. You won't beat me, as long as you don't cheat. Ai and Amon smiles at the kids. Each genie goes towards the hamster balls and opens the hatch for them. Alright in you go, Maya. Hakeem you better win. Hakeem gets inside of his, and once Maya gets in her the genies close them in twisting the hatch on securely. Alright they're all set Isabel. Ai said giving Isabel the thumbs up. @Light @GingerBread
MTchaos1134 said:
"Sure thing, are you teleporting us or am I?" Raz turned back into his hooded form.
"I will. First things first it's time by on visit our good old friend Reed." Grimm appears with Raz in front of Reed. "Reed! We're going to go on a Walmart raid! Join us!"

GingerBread said:
Maya looked over at the hamster balls with excitement. "Come on Hakeem! Let's race!" Maya smiled at Hakeem before running over to one of the hamster balls. trying to work out how to get in it. "Mommy, I can't get in it!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
The walls to the house open up for Maya and Hakeem to race. "Alright....ready.....set.....GO!"

Maya looked over at Hakeem and frowned. "I don't cheat! Only losers cheat!" When Isabel said to go, Maya started to run forwards as fast as she could. Though she wasn't going that fast because She kept falling over as she tried to run forwards while trying to keep steady on two legs. Maya suddenly came to a realization that hamsters don't run on two legs and since she was a hamster she shouldn't either. When she started running on all fours, maya started going faster than she was before.

@Embaga Elder @Light
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Light said:
"Dragon meat can't taste that good can it? I'm fine by the way, it's a fading cold. It shouldn't get any worse than it is." Alina smiles and holds the bags, leaving the store.
"It's an acquired taste. But if you cook it right, it tastes great." He tells her as he takes the bags from her. "I will carry these, you payed for them. So let me at least do something." He gives her a smile as he leaves the store with her. "So where to now?"
Light said:
"Well first we go to an airport after we book a flight. Allow me." Alina pulls out her phone and begins to type away, preparing to book a flight. "What type of seats do you want? Also when would be a good time?"
"Anytime you want, I have nowhere else to go anyway and as for seats. I have never flown anywhere before, so I have no idea." He tells her, watching her type on her phone. "I never had the money to afford any transportation. I walked here."
When Isabel said ready Hakeem dropped down to his all fours ready to run. He starts running once he hears go come out Isabel's mouth. He starts running after Maya. He was able to catch up only because she was running on her two hind legs, but once she got on all fours Hakeem had to work just for them to become neck and neck.

Hakeem starts thinking about how he lost to Maya last time and the memory of that strives him to work harder. He moves his legs faster and faster pulling ahead of Maya. @Light @GingerBread
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Anytime you want, I have nowhere else to go anyway and as for seats. I have never flown anywhere before, so I have no idea." He tells her, watching her type on her phone. "I never had the money to afford any transportation. I walked here."

"Alright well just get regular seats then. Our flight is in about 4 hours. I say we go to a restaurant to eat before then." Alina points down the street towards a restaurant in the distance. "What type of food do you like?"
Light said:
"Alright well just get regular seats then. Our flight is in about 4 hours. I say we go to a restaurant to eat before then." Alina points down the street towards a restaurant in the distance. "What type of food do you like?"
"Meat. As long as it's meat, I will eat it." He replies to her simply, smiling at her. "I am not a big fan of vegetables..what about you?"
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Meat. As long as it's meat, I will eat it." He replies to her simply, smiling at her. "I am not a big fan of vegetables..what about you?"

"I guess I like salad and other stuff though I can settle for meat. That restaurant is pretty ideal." Alina begins to walk. "It should only take us a few minutes."
Light said:
"I guess I like salad and other stuff though I can settle for meat. That restaurant is pretty ideal." Alina begins to walk. "It should only take us a few minutes."
"Great, not going to lie. I am starving." He tells her as he walks next to her. "Plus, I get to go to a restaurant with a cute girl." He says with a cheerful tone, smiling happily. "I can't wait."
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Great, not going to lie. I am starving." He tells her as he walks next to her. "Plus, I get to go to a restaurant with a cute girl." He says with a cheerful tone, smiling happily. "I can't wait."

"Well then eat to your hearts content!" Alina flashes him a bright grin at his compliment. "Thank you. I could say the same for you. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?" Alina stops in front of the restaurant door so they don't walk in busy with conversation.
Light said:
"Well then eat to your hearts content!" Alina flashes him a bright grin at his compliment. "Thank you. I could say the same for you. If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?" Alina stops in front of the restaurant door so they don't walk in busy with conversation.
"Well, I am from the far east. Just from a small town in the middle of no where. It took five months to get here, but only because I kept running into trouble, bandits, dragons, ghouls. I even stumbled upon a rather large battle and got caught up in it." He tells her recalling his journey here. "Come to think of it, even I don't know the name of my hometown.. Well, not that it matters I am not going back."
( @CALLA )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d434a7f8b4df37a6ad090efaef37a590.jpg.eeeb1d8e2fc4590d1d94fad8804378e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d434a7f8b4df37a6ad090efaef37a590.jpg.eeeb1d8e2fc4590d1d94fad8804378e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In a large castle within the country of Ziphros in the Supernatural Realm, a woman, dying of age, lay down in a large bed with 12 family members around her. "My....possessions have not been directed to any one of you."

This brought faces of shock, anger, and betrayal to many faces of these family members. "The next heir to the throne and the owner of all my possessions...will have to prove themselves through hard challenges. If any one of you can capture all the people....." She took a shaky breath, "Listed on this paper." The old queen retrieves a folded piece of paper from underneath her pillow. With shaking hands she finally manages to open it and reveal names and identities. "Dead or alive....you shall gain the right to the throne. Complete this deed before I pass on or the kingdom shall fall. I refuse to give up the throne to those whom are not worthy. If there are none amongst you, then it shall die with me."

The group of 12 look at the piece of paper, taking in every detail as if their life depended on it. Once done, the majority of them rush out the room to get a head start. While only 3 stay behind to keep the old queen company before they leave. It seemed like the hunt was on and it would be one to fulfill the desires of only one.

( I'll just be drawing names out of a jar for random, who's getting hunted next selection. Oouuurr unlucky character iiisss. Cleopatra! @The Imperial Flame )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b6e1bceb19c5bfcb820529fca1c20fac.jpg.2cb5cce17e9a24ba23fd5bc71811c3db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b6e1bceb19c5bfcb820529fca1c20fac.jpg.2cb5cce17e9a24ba23fd5bc71811c3db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Before Cleopatra inside the restaurant, stood a 24 year old woman with a bubble around her and static drills on her arm. "I don't want to fight first...look. I just need you to come with me for something alright? I have been requested to well...capture you dead or alive. I'd prefer you to walk out of this alive and unharmed. Don't worry, you shall be released once I've brought you to my grandmother to prove that I am strong. If you decline...I have no choice but to execute you or knock you out. Both are things I wish to refrain from."



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[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Well, I am from the far east. Just from a small town in the middle of no where. It took five months to get here, but only because I kept running into trouble, bandits, dragons, ghouls. I even stumbled upon a rather large battle and got caught up in it." He tells her recalling his journey here. "Come to think of it, even I don't know the name of my hometown.. Well, not that it matters I am not going back."

"Why? You seem really upset when it comes to talking about home. What could have happened that made you dislike your home so much?" Alina's blue eyes stare into his, curiosity filling the two discs as they locked on his.
Oden snorted, "Sorry sir, but I cannot be the one doing the heavy lifting here, I would stand no chance. You need to go to a member, 'fight' them and 'lose' for a few minutes, then I can rasily come up with a plan to beat any one of them. Until then, I must find a safe place to stay while this is done..." He took a bow and began to walk away, saying one last thi g before disapearing, "By the way, if you're going by rank, it may be best to begin with one Isabel Van Fen'rir. That's probably our best bet..."

Light said:
"Why? You seem really upset when it comes to talking about home. What could have happened that made you dislike your home so much?" Alina's blue eyes stare into his, curiosity filling the two discs as they locked on his.
He looks at her eyes and smiles a bit. "You really do have pretty eyes." He tells her still looking directly in her eyes. "My hometown was full of people who despised demons, I don't know my real parents, all I know is a family took me in. But they were judged for it, horribly. My father died when I was 17. My mother when I was 19. The only people in that town who cared for me were gone, so I came to find Dragon's roar. That's about it."
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