Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"That's cool! So we should go weapon shopping for you huh? We can find something, I don't mind. We need to look for our supplies and Colin's supplies anyways. Browsing wouldn't hurt."
"I could use an extra sword, I am always breaking mine and as for our supplies, we need food and a tent or two in case we have to camp out somewhere. Plus whatever Colin needs." He tells her as he begins to look around. "How about this?" He picks up a katana much like his own, staring it down and examining the blade. "Yeah, I think this will work. So what else should we get? Do you need anything?"
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"I could use an extra sword, I am always breaking mine and as for our supplies, we need food and a tent or two in case we have to camp out somewhere. Plus whatever Colin needs." He tells her as he begins to look around. "How about this?" He picks up a katana much like his own, staring it down and examining the blade. "Yeah, I think this will work. So what else should we get? Do you need anything?"

"Well I guess the stuff you listed and maybe a couple convenience items. Just to prepare for any occasion, like a Ghoul attack or even a bakeneko." Alina grins and looks around. "Who knows what we could find at this store though."
Light said:
"Well I guess the stuff you listed and maybe a couple convenience items. Just to prepare for any occasion, like a Ghoul attack or even a bakeneko." Alina grins and looks around. "Who knows what we could find at this store though."
"Don't worry, if they do attack. I will protect you, I have fought off a few hordes of Ghouls before. I remember the time I got into a fight with a dragon too, it was a month ago. Ah, it was fun." He smiles a bit as he walks through the store, gathering all the essential items needed. "I think this about it." He tells her carrying the supplies. "Um...about pay. I don't have any money as I said..are you sure this is okay?"
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CelticSol said:
She laughs with him, "What do you mean 'when I become a crotchety old man'? You're what, three million years old or something ridiculous like that? Babe, I hate to break it to you, but you already are a crotchety old man."
Alpha laughed at that. "I mean, sure, I may be an old man, but I like to think I'm not crotchety yet," he replied, before stroking his hair. "Just starting to show some signs of age," he joked.
Daimao said:
Alpha laughed at that. "I mean, sure, I may be an old man, but I like to think I'm not crotchety yet," he replied, before stroking his hair. "Just starting to show some signs of age," he joked.
Her hand joins his in playing with his hair, leaning her head against his shoulder as she laughs, "Well, at least you're not balding. I happen to love your ridiculously soft hair."

Vance moved away as Luna began lightly pulling on his hair. "Bit too much?" He smiled at Luna and created a bench of darkness behind him which he then moved back to sit on, gently pulling Luna along with him.



"Go away!" Maya pushed Hakeem off of her when he started hugging her. She assumed that Hakeem was just coming over to mock her and make her feel worse because she wasn't a cute hamster like he was. And the fact that their mommy was giving him more attention because he could turn into a hamster. "You're both meanies!"

@Light @Embaga Elder (I accidently deleted this :/ )


While Alina and Akki were talking Colin had already been around the shop and got everything he needed, which was paint, nails and a toolbox that was filled with assorted tools. "I-I already got wh-what I needed" Colin held up the bag that contained what he had purchased. "D-Did you guys want me to w-wait for y-you? S-Sorry"

@Ethan Vail @Light


"I admit, I cannot take too much damage. But I do have more tricks up my sleeves. And I almost guarantee that they will work, unless all your guild mates will attack on site. But then they'd be locked up in a prison and probably be easier to collect. Wouldn't they? And even if they did win against a reality destroyer, it doesn't mean they're invincible. But as you're working for me now" Revvar reached into the pouch that was tied to his belt and pulled out a contract. "I'm going to need you to sign this. Feel free to add whatever you want in return from working for me. No matter what it is. I can also have it delivered to a location of your choice"

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Light said:
( @GingerBread )
"Oh yes that's fine! I can pay for this. We both need it anyways." Alina turns to Colin and blinks. "What did you need to get?"
GingerBread said:
While Alina and Akki were talking Colin had already been around the shop and got everything he needed, which was paint, nails and a toolbox that was filled with assorted tools. "I-I already got wh-what I needed" Colin held up the bag that contained what he had purchased. "D-Did you guys want me to w-wait for y-you? S-Sorry"
" So that's everything. Now where do we go? Anyone have any ideas or know any rumors? We need to make ourselves known." He tells them, trying to figure out what to do next. "But before that, we should all rest up and get something to eat."
Raz was wondering around,after using thier dimension to get away.they had nothing interesting to do,and if Grimm wanted to keep thoer Pokemon,they would have to come over and collect him.he starts to float.
GingerBread said:
Vance moved away as Luna began lightly pulling on his hair. "Bit too much?" He smiled at Luna and created a bench of darkness behind him which he then moved back to sit on, gently pulling Luna along with him.

Luna settles down on his lap and smiles with...hungry...eyes. "So? What's next?"

GingerBread said:
"Go away!" Maya pushed Hakeem off of her when he started hugging her. She assumed that Hakeem was just coming over to mock her and make her feel worse because she wasn't a cute hamster like he was. And the fact that their mommy was giving him more attention because he could turn into a hamster. "You're both meanies!"

@Light @Embaga Elder (I accidently deleted this :/ )
( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel only grows more upset at Maya calling her a meanie. "Maya what's wrong? Why are you saying these things?"

GingerBread said:
While Alina and Akki were talking Colin had already been around the shop and got everything he needed, which was paint, nails and a toolbox that was filled with assorted tools. "I-I already got wh-what I needed" Colin held up the bag that contained what he had purchased. "D-Did you guys want me to w-wait for y-you? S-Sorry"

@Ethan Vail @Light
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]" So that's everything. Now where do we go? Anyone have any ideas or know any rumors? We need to make ourselves known." He tells them, trying to figure out what to do next. "But before that, we should all rest up and get something to eat."

Alina buys all the things that both she and Akki needs. "No you didn't need to wait. Actually...Colin I would like to know if you're interested in venturing with us to make things right."

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz was wondering around,after using thier dimension to get away.they had nothing interesting to do,and if Grimm wanted to keep thoer Pokemon,they would have to come over and collect him.he starts to float.
A clone of Grimm appears there and sighs. "There's really nothing to do...except join the new adventure group trying to reform the guild. Also try to evade all the people trying to hunt us down."

"Well we've already had dinner together and we've gone on a small walk together. So I guess next" Vance smiled wryly at Luna. "We could go and kill Apollo together. Does that sound good? Or would you rather we did something... Different?"



Maya turned around to look at Isabel, still pouting. "Because you two are being meanies! Hakeem turned into a hamster and can turn into a dragon and I can't do anything like that. He's just doing it to make me feel bad! He won't even turn back! And you're letting him do it! It's not fair! You're both mean for doing it!" Maya turned back around, looking out of the vine ball and off towards the ocean.

@Light @Embaga Elder


"M-Make what thing right? a-and why are you guys trying t-to make y-yourself known?" Colin was confused and tried to think about why they would be. He had his staff appear and leaned on it while he tried to think about it. When Colin touched his staff and he saw Alina, he started looking at her strangely.

@Light @Ethan Vail
GingerBread said:
"M-Make what thing right? a-and why are you guys trying t-to make y-yourself known?" Colin was confused and tried to think about why they would be. He had his staff appear and leaned on it while he tried to think about it. When Colin touched his staff and he saw Alina, he started looking at her strangely.

@Light @Ethan Vail
"I plan to reform the guild, but in order to do that. We need to show the world that the guild is needed." He tells Colin before noticing the strange look he is giving Alina. "Colin? Is there something wrong?" He asks him a bit confused.
Light said:
Luna settles down on his lap and smiles with...hungry...eyes. "So? What's next?"
( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel only grows more upset at Maya calling her a meanie. "Maya what's wrong? Why are you saying these things?"

Alina buys all the things that both she and Akki needs. "No you didn't need to wait. Actually...Colin I would like to know if you're interested in venturing with us to make things right."

A clone of Grimm appears there and sighs. "There's really nothing to do...except join the new adventure group trying to reform the guild. Also try to evade all the people trying to hunt us down."
"But it's no fun if they can't find me and event try to capture me,anyways,I'll check out the new guild,but no promises.and can I have a cookie?"he wanted a cookie,so he could either eat it or do somthing else.
GingerBread said:
"M-Make what thing right? a-and why are you guys trying t-to make y-yourself known?" Colin was confused and tried to think about why they would be. He had his staff appear and leaned on it while he tried to think about it. When Colin touched his staff and he saw Alina, he started looking at her strangely.

@Light @Ethan Vail
"Kill Apollon not? Are you sure now is a good time or should we wait?" Luna needed time to plan things out. Especially with the way Olympus in combat is set up. "I'd like details on the scythe you've mentioned earlier."

GingerBread said:
Maya turned around to look at Isabel, still pouting. "Because you two are being meanies! Hakeem turned into a hamster and can turn into a dragon and I can't do anything like that. He's just doing it to make me feel bad! He won't even turn back! And you're letting him do it! It's not fair! You're both mean for doing it!" Maya turned back around, looking out of the vine ball and off towards the ocean.

@Light @Embaga Elder
"Alright then. Maya you can't tell Hakeem he can't turn into a dragon and a hamster and Hakeem you can't turn into a hamster to mess with Maya. You both choose. Either Maya gets to turn into a hamster and Hakeem gets a dragon or Maya gets a dragon and Hakeem gets a hamster."
Light said:
Alina gives Colin a strange look as well. "Yeah...yeah we're trying to reform the guild." Alina slightly steps behind Akki. "Is there something wrong?"
Grimm shrugs his shoulders and spawns a cookie in front of Raz. "Well it seems like there's about to be am uprising group. Just a warning." Grimm shrugs and floats upside-down while turning into an apple.

"Kill Apollon not? Are you sure now is a good time or should we wait?" Luna needed time to plan things out. Especially with the way Olympus in combat is set up. "I'd like details on the scythe you've mentioned earlier."

"Alright then. Maya you can't tell Hakeem he can't turn into a dragon and a hamster and Hakeem you can't turn into a hamster to mess with Maya. You both choose. Either Maya gets to turn into a hamster and Hakeem gets a dragon or Maya gets a dragon and Hakeem gets a hamster."
Raz takes the cookie and chucks it at the back of some random persons head.then iden shapeshifts in a floating Apple."I can be an apple too.its interesting."

"I mean, it would only take a couple of seconds anyway. But if you'd rather wait then we can. I could use some more time to find a way to get my power back anyway" Vance shrugged and smiled at Luna before snapping his fingers and having the birth scythe appear in his hand, making sure the blade was away from him and Luna. "This is the scythe, anything that touches the blade dies. It's pretty useful. What'd you think?"



"I can't turn into a Hamster! That's unfair. I don't know how to turn into a dragon either!" Maya stood up and was going to walk away from Isabel and Hakeem, but forgot that they were all currently trapped in a vine ball. She ended up tripping and falling into Hakeem and feeling how fluffy he was. "Hakeem you're so fluffy!" Maya wrapped her arms around Hakeem and hugged him tightly. "Mommy come feel how Fluffy Hakeem is!" Maya shouted over to Isabel, her dislike of her disappearing. Maya imagined how cool it must be for Hakeem to be able to turn into a hamster and back whenever he wanted.

@Light @Embaga Elder (Hakeem can now turn into a Anthropomorphic hamster whenever he wants. :D )


When he saw that he was slightly creeping out Alina, Colin stood up straight and stopped staring intently at her. "N-No. B-But are you ill or something A-Alina?" Colin asked, just so he could make sure; Since he had touched his staff and looked at Alina, he was sure that she was ill in some way. Though since his powers were still slightly weak, he wasn't sure how Ill she was. "A-And I-I can't help y-you w-with getting d-dragon's roar back together. I-I left for a reason, I-I didn't know it shut down th-though"

@Light @Ethan Vail
Since Hakeem can't really speak help calm Maya down, Ai and Amon comes out smile. Yo. Hellooo. They said waving. Amon voice was deep, and Ai's voice was sweet and elegant. Ai turns to Maya and Isabel. My name is Ai and this is my brother Amon. We're Hakeem's guardians, placed on him by his original mother. We came out to speak for Hakeem since his in this predicament. You see Hakeem doesn't have transformation powers, so this isn't his fault. This was caused by an outside source. For now his powers consist of only summoning. So he couldn't possibly have turn into a hamster on will. Oh and about that dragon thing. He can't turn into that either. He can only use either one of our powers to create a Dragon construct over his body. But we haven't done it yet so it's only a theory. They stopped and looked at Maya as she suddenly changed from angry to happy. Woow someone's bipolar much. Amon thought as Hamster Hakeem hugged Maya, back. Hakeem started messing his human body and started thinking about it. Suddenly he slowly turnes back into his human state hugging Maya. Uhhhh? What just happened?? Nothing much you're just being a loser again. Oh shut up Amon. Amon chuckled to only be hit across his head by Ai. Looks like you're back to your regular self. Yeah whatever caused me to transform must've worn off. He said still thinking about how he transformed. @Light @GingerBread
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz takes the cookie and chucks it at the back of some random persons head.then iden shapeshifts in a floating Apple."I can be an apple too.its interesting."
"You know what? Want to prepare a huge Walmart raid later? It'll be fun!" The apples collide and float away. "Steal things, knock things down. Whatever."

GingerBread said:
"I can't turn into a Hamster! That's unfair. I don't know how to turn into a dragon either!" Maya stood up and was going to walk away from Isabel and Hakeem, but forgot that they were all currently trapped in a vine ball. She ended up tripping and falling into Hakeem and feeling how fluffy he was. "Hakeem you're so fluffy!" Maya wrapped her arms around Hakeem and hugged him tightly. "Mommy come feel how Fluffy Hakeem is!" Maya shouted over to Isabel, her dislike of her disappearing. Maya imagined how cool it must be for Hakeem to be able to turn into a hamster and back whenever he wanted.

@Light @Embaga Elder (Hakeem can now turn into a Anthropomorphic hamster whenever he wants. :D )
Isabel slowly scoots to them and hugs both Maya and Hakeem, they suddenly both turn into fluffy hamsters. "Wow! You two are fluffy!"

GingerBread said:
"I mean, it would only take a couple of seconds anyway. But if you'd rather wait then we can. I could use some more time to find a way to get my power back anyway" Vance shrugged and smiled at Luna before snapping his fingers and having the birth scythe appear in his hand, making sure the blade was away from him and Luna. "This is the scythe, anything that touches the blade dies. It's pretty useful. What'd you think?"

Luna nods her head in approval, making sure to keep her hand away from the blade. "Can I have it?" Luna had plans and it would be nice to have it in her possession for testing.
Light said:
"You know what? Want to prepare a huge Walmart raid later? It'll be fun!" The apples collide and float away. "Steal things, knock things down. Whatever."
Isabel slowly scoots to them and hugs both Maya and Hakeem, they suddenly both turn into fluffy hamsters. "Wow! You two are fluffy!"

Luna nods her head in approval, making sure to keep her hand away from the blade. "Can I have it?" Luna had plans and it would be nice to have it in her possession for testing.
"He'll yeah I'm down for a Walmart raid,that be interesting."Raz sounded back to normal,but only for a moment.
GingerBread said:

When he saw that he was slightly creeping out Alina, Colin stood up straight and stopped staring intently at her. "N-No. B-But are you ill or something A-Alina?" Colin asked, just so he could make sure; Since he had touched his staff and looked at Alina, he was sure that she was ill in some way. Though since his powers were still slightly weak, he wasn't sure how Ill she was. "A-And I-I can't help y-you w-with getting d-dragon's roar back together. I-I left for a reason, I-I didn't know it shut down th-though"

@Light @Ethan Vail
"Well, it's a shame you can't help us with the reforming of Dragon's roar, I don't know what happened or why it disbanded, but If I get injured I am still going to come to you for help." He tells him with a smile on his face. "As for Alina, she told me she had a cold."

"You know I shouldn't just give this thing away, you might end up hurting someone with it. Or maybe you'll kill me in my sleep and this has just been one big ruse" Vance chuckled and smiled at Luna as held the scythe out for Luna to take. "Of course you can have it. I pretty much only got it for you anyway. So Have fun with it"



Maya stared at Amon and Ai in awe as they came out of Hakeem's rings. "Coool" She started frowning when Hakeem turned back into a normal person. But before she could ask any questions Isabel had come over to them and started hugging them both just before they turned into hamsters. "I'm so cute and FLUFFY now! This is the bestest thing ever!"

@Embaga Elder @Light


"A-A cold..." Colin stayed silent for a second, not really believing that it was just a cold. His face then brightened up and he smiled at them both. "O-Okay. Well I-I can get r-rid of that cold for h-her if sh-she'd like me to" Colin smiled at Alina before looking back at Akki. "Y-Yeah, You can a-always come to m-me if you need healing. W-Well as long as y-you stay on my g-good side." Colin thought for a second before speaking again. "B-But I-If y-you're a part of D-Dragon's roar I-I can't heal y-you unless I-It's life threatening. I-It's nothing a-against you th-though. P-please don't think th-that"

@Ethan Vail @Light
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GingerBread said:

"A-A cold..." Colin stayed silent for a second, not really believing that it was just a cold. His face then brightened up and he smiled at them both. "O-Okay. Well I-I can get r-rid of that cold for h-her if sh-she'd like me to" Colin smiled at Alina before looking back at Akki. "Y-Yeah, You can a-always come to m-me if you need healing. W-Well as long as y-you stay on my g-good side." Colin thought for a second before speaking again. "B-But I-If y-you're a part of D-Dragon's roar I-I can't heal y-you unless I-It's life threatening. I-It's nothing a-against you th-though. P-please don't think th-that"

@Ethan Vail @Light
"I understand, but what exactly happened? Why was it disbanded? and you seem to have your own reason for not wanting to see it revived." He asks Colin hoping he isn't being too nosy. "And as for Alina's cold, I say you get rid of it. If she will let you, I don't see why she wouldn't though."
MTchaos1134 said:
"He'll yeah I'm down for a Walmart raid,that be interesting."Raz sounded back to normal,but only for a moment.
"Hm....which Walmart though? We're banned from most all continents, seas, and oceans so where could we go?"

@Ethan Vail[/URL] @Light
"Don't worry! I'm getting over it anyways so it doesn't matter." Alina turns to Akki. "It was disbanded because we cause more casualties and chaos saving people than actually saving people."

GingerBread said:
"You know I shouldn't just give this thing away, you might end up hurting someone with it. Or maybe you'll kill me in my sleep and this has just been one big ruse" Vance chuckled and smiled at Luna as held the scythe out for Luna to take. "Of course you can have it. I pretty much only got it for you anyway. So Have fun with it"

Luna smiles at the birth scythe. "I'll be right back." Luna takes the birth scythe and disappears. She ends up orchestrating the old army she had before losing her power by using the birth scythe. Spirits in the Astral plane were no longer as erratic.

GingerBread said:

Maya stared at Amon and Ai in awe as they came out of Hakeem's rings. "Coool" She started frowning when Hakeem turned back into a normal person. But before she could ask any questions Isabel had come over to them and started hugging them both just before they turned into hamsters. "I'm so cute and FLUFFY now! This is the bestest thing ever!"

@Embaga Elder @Light
"Yes! You're really cute and fluffy now Maya!" Isabel begins to hug even tighter.

"Okay" Vance sat back on the bench, lazily looking around his marriage realm, as he had dubbed it. "I might be able to turn this into a job. I could rent this place out for weddings. That might actually be a decent Idea." Vance shrugged and placed his arms behind his head, relaxing until Luna came back.



"I'm cuter than Hakeem right mommy?" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem playfully. "Am I going to be a hamster forever? Will I get one of those cool hamster balls mommy?" Maya smiled up hopefully at Isabel, thinking about how fun it would be to race Hakeem in one of them while they were both hamsters.

@Light @Embaga Elder


"R-Really? Th-that's pretty much the s-same reason I-I left. B-Because no one seemed t-to actually car about s-saving people. J-Just about fighting s-something" Colin shrugged and smiled at both of them. "I-I actually started my own G-Guild when I-I left. Wh-which was only recently. Wh-which I should probably g-get back to, s-so I think I'm going to go now. B-But" Colin took out a scrap of paper from his pocket, along with a pen and hastily scribbled down his phone number before handing it to Alina. "F-Feel free to give me a-a call if you get hurt b-badly, o-or even if you w-want a m-medical checkup. I can do both" Colin smiled at the two of them before turning around and walking away.

@Light @Ethan Vail
Light said:
"Don't worry! I'm getting over it anyways so it doesn't matter." Alina turns to Akki. "It was disbanded because we cause more casualties and chaos saving people than actually saving people."
GingerBread said:
"R-Really? Th-that's pretty much the s-same reason I-I left. B-Because no one seemed t-to actually car about s-saving people. J-Just about fighting s-something" Colin shrugged and smiled at both of them. "I-I actually started my own G-Guild when I-I left. Wh-which was only recently. Wh-which I should probably g-get back to, s-so I think I'm going to go now. B-But" Colin took out a scrap of paper from his pocket, along with a pen and hastily scribbled down his phone number before handing it to Alina. "F-Feel free to give me a-a call if you get hurt b-badly, o-or even if you w-want a m-medical checkup. I can do both" Colin smiled at the two of them before turning around and walking away.

@Light @Ethan Vail
"I see, well. Colin, I wish you luck with your guild." He tells him watching him hand the paper to Alina before he walks away. "So, Colin gave me an idea Alina." He tells her now that Colin has left. "What if Instead of reforming Dragon's roar. We start our own guild and form an alliance with Colin's guild? But..I would like to see Dragon's roar back in business too. So what do you want?" He asks her. "Wherever you go, or whatever you decide, I have decided I will follow you."

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