Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

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Glancing at Cleopatra Draco changed. He smiled kindly as he stated, "Thank you Queen Cleopatra." He glanced at the hieroglyphs. The Nile Dinner. Hmm sounded ancient not really. Oh well maybe he was reading it wrong. He walked into the restaurant then waited not knowing Egyptian to ask for a table.
@The Imperial Flame

Raz followed behind Draco,and waited patiently for so one to take thier order.

Iris smiles " Aww your so polite , it's nice to meet you Anubis . " looking around she turns to Anubis "Don't know about you but i think this place is about to collapse ." Iris grabbed Anubis harm and dragged him outside "Don't know how long you've been in there but , you woke up at the right second , or you would have become squashed Anubis ." Iris laughed at her own joke .

MTchaos1134 said:
"I do not remember how I died,and I am Anubis.i am an embalmer,guide for souls, and I weigh hearts.to judge if one can go to the underworld or be eaten by ammit."Anubis gives a slight bow.

CelticSol said:
Laughing at the comment about her trying to kill him, she wraps her arms around his midsection and hugs him tightly, "You're going to make me cry if you keep being so sappy," She says with a grin, but she grows a little more serious as she looks up at him, "I love you, Alpha. Even if I'm nervous and excited, I'm never going to regret saying yes."
Alpha smiled at Jackie's words. "Good, because even when I become a crotchety old man, there's no takesy backsies," he laughed, stroking Jackie's hair.
Daimao said:
Alpha smiled at Jackie's words. "Good, because even when I become a crotchety old man, there's no takesy backsies," he laughed, stroking Jackie's hair.
She laughs with him, "What do you mean 'when I become a crotchety old man'? You're what, three million years old or something ridiculous like that? Babe, I hate to break it to you, but you already are a crotchety old man."
MTchaos1134 said:
"It involves putting four people or more to rest,if you do not want to do it that is fine."Raz seemed slightly more energetic when they said that.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco sat waiting to be addressed or told to do something. In this scene he could do nothing because he was way out of his league even with his light powers. Until he mastered the light which was unruly and unpredictable he could do nothing at all to help really in his opinion.
"What are you talking about Raz?" Grimm steps into the restaurant and looks around in awe. He might actually come to like this venturing group.

GingerBread said:
Vance was getting slightly annoyed with how little Hekate respected personal space, but didn't say anything about it since she had just given him 5 extra lives and given him a new defence against Apollo. There was also the fact that he had a chicken wing in his mouth preventing him from talking. Vance nodded at Hekate and walked out of the kitchen.

He made his way towards Luna and set the plate down in front of her before taking a seat next to her as he took the chicken wing out of his mouth.
"There you go Luna. Enjoy. Your mother is... Nice. I just wish she wouldn't keep saying I don't eat enough. I'm not that skinny, Right?"

"Yeah you are pretty skinny but you're so good to me, thank you." She begins to kiss Vance's cheek, practically throwing herself on him.

GingerBread said:
"Yay!" Maya smiled happily, having never heard of Pirates of the Caribbean. "Pirates are the best thing in forever! I hope there are no Princesses, they're the worst" Maya stuck her tongue out and screwed her face up. Maya then looked up at Isabel with curiosity in her eyes. "Mommy, What's a Car-Rib-en?" Maya asked, having trouble with pronouncing Caribbean. "Is it a Dragon?! Ooh or is it a floating Island where all the pirates Live?!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"No its not a dragon but we're going to find out once we read the book." Isabel begins to read to Maya.

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"It's okay, it could be worse. Everyone here could of been gone, but thanks to luck I found an friend." He tells her with a smile on his face. "Besides, if we can prove that the guild needs to be reformed, then I can join and my trip won't be for nothing." He thinks about what he had just said to her carefully. "The only issue is, I have no idea how to do that. And I have no clue where to begin."

"Me neither." Alina begins to cough, composing herself afterwards. "Sorry about that. So are you up for shopping n? I can show you around the city."

Vance gently pushed Luna off of him. "Calm down there Luna. It's not that I don't appreciate the affection. But, it is a bit much. And your food is going to end up going cold if you kiss me for too long" Vance smiled wryly at Luna. "Also, do you still want to be the one to kill Apollo?" Vance asked before remembering something else he had to talk to Luna about. "Oh and before I forget, since I'm pretty sure I've lost all my money. I've had to find another place for our wedding. So would you like to take a look at it soon?"



"But Dragons are cool! Why aren't there any dragon in this story? Dragons make everything cooler" Maya muttered, folded her arms and pouted. When Isabel started reading the story Maya cuddled into her, going silent and enjoying listening to Isabel reading the story.

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[QUOTE="Light] "Are you okay? Sick?" He asked noticing your cough, as he looks at you a bit worried. "Yeah, I would get lost pretty easily if I went alone. So having someone show me around will be nice." He replies giving her a smile.

GingerBread said:
Vance gently pushed Luna off of him. "Calm down there Luna. It's not that I don't appreciate the affection. But, it is a bit much. And your food is going to end up going cold if you kiss me for too long" Vance smiled wryly at Luna. "Also, do you still want to be the one to kill Apollo?" Vance asked before remembering something else he had to talk to Luna about. "Oh and before I forget, since I'm pretty sure I've lost all my money. I've had to find another place for our wedding. So would you like to take a look at it soon?"

"Yes I would like to kill Apollon." Luna goes back to eating, this time eating the rice. "A new wedding place? I liked the old one though. We could get money from my mother."

GingerBread said:
"But Dragons are cool! Why aren't there any dragon in this story? Dragons make everything cooler" Maya muttered, folded her arms and pouted. When Isabel started reading the story Maya cuddled into her, going silent and enjoying listening to Isabel reading the story.

"I don't know. Did you know that mommy is a dragon?" Isabel cuddles with Maya as well and continues reading.

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]
[QUOTE="Light] "Are you okay? Sick?" He asked noticing your cough, as he looks at you a bit worried. "Yeah, I would get lost pretty easily if I went alone. So having someone show me around will be nice." He replies giving her a smile.

Once he says sick, Alina flinches and frowns. She didn't like bringing that part of her life up. She's spent most all of her years hospitalized due to her illness that will definitely kill her in a year's time. "It's a cold, yeah." Alina takes a deep breath, getting ready to face the vast city. "Alright...let's go." Alina begins the 20 minute walk across the long bridge.


"Yeah, we could. But could you at least look at the place? I think it's nice" Vance smiled at Luna and took a bite out of the chicken wing Hekate had shoved in his mouth earlier. "Also I've got a foolproof way to kill him. I acquired a Scythe that can kill pretty much anything in existence. So, I can give that to you. So that you can kill him easily after I beat the shit out of him"



Maya looked at Isabel with awe and excitement. "Really?! That's so cool!" Maya's face then contorted into a confused expression as she realised that Isabel didn't look like the dragon's she had seen. "You don't look like a dragon mommy. Are you lying to me mommy? Isn't it was bad to lie? You don't have to lie to me mommy, I still love you!"

Light said:
Once he says sick, Alina flinches and frowns. She didn't like bringing that part of her life up. She's spent most all of her years hospitalized due to her illness that will definitely kill her in a year's time. "It's a cold, yeah." Alina takes a deep breath, getting ready to face the vast city. "Alright...let's go." Alina begins the 20 minute walk across the long bridge.
"I am a bit excited, exploring is my hobby and getting to explore the city with a cute girl to guide me sounds fun. But don't push yourself too hard, even if it's just a cold." He says to her as he walk next to her over the bridge and into the city. "So we need to get supplies right? After that we need to find something that we can do to make people believe the guild is needed."
GingerBread said:
"Yeah, we could. But could you at least look at the place? I think it's nice" Vance smiled at Luna and took a bite out of the chicken wing Hekate had shoved in his mouth earlier. "Also I've got a foolproof way to kill him. I acquired a Scythe that can kill pretty much anything in existence. So, I can give that to you. So that you can kill him easily after I beat the shit out of him"

"Alright.. I'll go see it after I eat. Also I'd like to discuss the details of this scythe later." Luna continues to happily eat while leaning on Vance.

GingerBread said:
Maya looked at Isabel with awe and excitement. "Really?! That's so cool!" Maya's face then contorted into a confused expression as she realised that Isabel didn't look like the dragon's she had seen. "You don't look like a dragon mommy. Are you lying to me mommy? Isn't it was bad to lie? You don't have to lie to me mommy, I still love you!"

Isabel extends her arm and focuses, growing dragon scales on her arm. "I'm just in a human form right now. I can turn into a dragon!"

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"I am a bit excited, exploring is my hobby and getting to explore the city with a cute girl to guide me sounds fun. But don't push yourself too hard, even if it's just a cold." He says to her as he walk next to her over the bridge and into the city. "So we need to get supplies right? After that we need to find something that we can do to make people believe the guild is needed."

"Supplies are a must! Hm....there's a large mall a couple blocks down from here." Alina waits for the cars to pass by and walks across the busy street. She kept hiding her face to hide her light blush at his compliment. "So.....how old are you?"
Light said:
"Supplies are a must! Hm....there's a large mall a couple blocks down from here." Alina waits for the cars to pass by and walks across the busy street. She kept hiding her face to hide her light blush at his compliment. "So.....how old are you?"
I turned twenty a month ago, though I don't look it." He looks at you, and notices a bit of red in your cheeks. "Hey you okay? Fever?" He asks before taking off one of his gloves and putting his hand on your forehead. "Hmm. No fever."
Oden watched as Alina and Akki seemed to move on, not listening to his offers for help. He shrugged and readjusted his bag, getting ready to set off. He could tell when his chances were bust, and figured it was time to move on anyways, he didn't need anymore distractions. He had begun to walk away when he heard Revvar, to which he sighed and turned around, putting on a fake smile, "Well that depends on what the offer is sir! I've recently been cast into the job market, so I may take you up on whatever offer you have for me..."


"Sure, we can do whatever you want later. I mean I haven't got a job right now, So I'm free to do whatever. Because I doubt I can get my reputation as an assassin back now. So I'll need to find something else. Can you imagine me working in an office or something? I can't" Vance smiled at Luna and wrapped his arm around her.



Maya looked at Isabel's arm with disbelief and excitement. She gingerly reached out an arm to touch the scales, as if they would disappear if she touched them too quickly. After confirming they were real, Maya looked up at Isabel with an expression of pure joy on her face. "That's so cool! This makes you even cooler mommy!" Maya then thought for a moment and came to a realization. "If you're my mommy does that mean I can turn into a dragon as well? That would be so cool!"



Colin found himself walking around in town, searching for a hardware store so he could buy some paint, since the building he brought needed painting. Not really knowing his way around town, Colin walked over to two people he assumed they could help him find the store he needed.
"E-Excuse me. Do you know if th-there's a hardware store around h-here?"

@Ethan Vail @Light


Revver smiled when Oden said he was in the market for a job. He assumed this would be easier than he had first thought. "That's excellent." Revver's smile contorted into a grin. "I have a need for someone to help me in my endeavors. You see I'm a collector of rare 'things'. Now I'd love to give you more information. But, the information is sensitive as some people might disagree with what I collect. Just know that if you decide to accept my offer, you'll be collecting certain 'things' for me. In return I can offer you wealth or power. Does that sound like a good offer?"

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Oden could only internally cringe at how thick the man before him laid on his offer, he wasn't sure exactly what he collected, but there was no way it was legal or something good to begin with. He would guess it was something related to some sort of form of human trafficking had it not been for the 'collector' line. That wasn't a way somebody described the trade of living people for services, it was the line a eleven year old boy used to describe the mint condition action figures on his wall; he had to be careful as he chose his next words, the man before him had peaked his interest slightly, and he needed to figure out what he was after...

He outwardly smiled shyly, "I'm sorry sir, but I can't accept. After all, I know nothing about the job, funds aren't an issue, and the only reason I'd need a job is so I could have something to fill my time. Besides, I wouldn't be good at collecting much of anything; I don't have the strength to move things..." He rolled up his sleeve and gestured to his lack of muscle.

GingerBread said:

Colin found himself walking around in town, searching for a hardware store so he could buy some paint, since the building he brought needed painting. Not really knowing his way around town, Colin walked over to two people he assumed they could help him find the store he needed.
"E-Excuse me. Do you know if th-there's a hardware store around h-here?"
He looked at the stranger who had asked if they knew where the hardware store is and gave him a smile. "Sorry, you will have to ask her.I have no idea where anything is. I am new to the city." He replies pointing at Alina. "She might know."
@Ethan Vail[/URL] @Light
Alina looks at Colin and gasps. "Oh! Colin? How are you? Colin this is Akki, Akki this is Colin. In case you must know Colin we're on our way to a shop ourself so if you'd like to go with us you can!"

GingerBread said:
"Sure, we can do whatever you want later. I mean I haven't got a job right now, So I'm free to do whatever. Because I doubt I can get my reputation as an assassin back now. So I'll need to find something else. Can you imagine me working in an office or something? I can't" Vance smiled at Luna and wrapped his arm around her.

"My niether." Luna finishes her food and closes her eyes. "So...what is it that you wanted to show me?"

GingerBread said:
Maya looked at Isabel's arm with disbelief and excitement. She gingerly reached out an arm to touch the scales, as if they would disappear if she touched them too quickly. After confirming they were real, Maya looked up at Isabel with an expression of pure joy on her face. "That's so cool! This makes you even cooler mommy!" Maya then thought for a moment and came to a realization. "If you're my mommy does that mean I can turn into a dragon as well? That would be so cool!"

"Hmmm....yup! After we're done with cookies and this book and the adventure I can teach you!" Isabel slightly nudges Maya.
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When Maya and Isabel went to the living room for story time Hakeem followed them. He plopped onto an empty couch to only have Lunic follow him onto the couch and lay down on his chest. He rubs the fur of his pet wolf as Isabel begins reading Pirates of the Caribbean. If only Maya would stop asking questions, interrupting the story. He looked over at Maya and points his finger out towards her. That's your final question Maya. No more enjoy the story. Gosh. @Light @GingerBread

"The new place I got for our wedding? I wanted to show you that. It's in another realm though, the realm belongs to me. So I'm pretty sure I can change every part of it. So I can give you the perfect wedding. So I can take you to the realm and you can tell me what you want me to change about it."



"Yay!" Maya smiled as Isabel said she would teach her how to become a dragon later. When Hakeem told her she should stop asking questions and interrupting the story, Maya stuck her tongue out at him. "You're just jealous because I can become a dragon and you can't" Mommy said she was going to teach me how to do it. In your face Hakeem, you'll never be as cool as me!"

@Light @Embaga Elder


Colin looked at Alina with a confused expression. "I-I'm not sure I know y-you, s-sorry." Colin felt bad that Alina knew him and he didn't even have a clue who she was. "W-Were you apart of th-the guild? B-Because I didn't r-really meet a lot of people th-there. I-I guess I wasn't the best m-medic there if I-I hardly met anyone" Colin's hand went to the back of his neck as he awkwardly chuckled. "B-But Yeah, I-I'd like to come with you g-guys. I-If you d-don't mind that is."

@Light @Ethan Vail


Revvar frowned as Oden turned down his deal but decided to to see if he could change his mind. "When I say wealth, I'm refering to just money. I'm referring to many other things as well Sir. Maybe you'd like the company of woman. Maybe you would like more information. Maybe you'd like more power. Whatever it is you'd want in return, I'm sure it can be arranged for you to receive it" Revvar had a cheshire grin on his face as he looked at Oden. "And The job wouldn't require much physical strength, it would require more intelligence. After all, I don't want the things I'm collecting to get damaged if it can be avoided. But if you don't think you're strong in that area either, that's fine sir. I'm sure I could find someone else"

Light said:
Alina looks at Colin and gasps. "Once! Colin? How are you? Colin this is Akki, Akki this is Colin. In case you must know Colin we're on our way to a shop ourself so if you'd like to go with us you can!"
GingerBread said:
Colin looked at Alina with a confused expression. "I-I'm not sure I know y-you, s-sorry." Colin felt bad that Alina knew him and he didn't even have a clue who she was. "W-Were you apart of th-the guild? B-Because I didn't r-really meet a lot of people th-there. I-I guess I wasn't the best m-medic there if I-I hardly met anyone" Colin's hand went to the back of his neck as he awkwardly chuckled. "B-But Yeah, I-I'd like to come with you g-guys. I-If you d-don't mind that is."
"Nice, to meet you Colin. As she said, my name is Akki, Akki Yakunan." He tells him as he extends his hand, offering a hand shake. "I don't mind if you join us, if she doesn't the more the merrier. Right?"
Oden looked at Reevar intensely, attempting to get some kind of read from his face. Beyond the grin there was nothing, the man was terrible at subtlety, but excellent at keeping Oden away from any information he may want. He sighed under his breath before looking back up at Reevar with the same dumb smile. He knew that he shouldn't agree, but his want to keep up the act combined with his interest forced his hand. He just HAD to know this man's story.

He clapped his hands, "Well I'm not sure if I'll be up to the task, but I suppose we can see! I accept your offer sir, I can't wait to get started with this thing!"

GingerBread said:
"Yay!" Maya smiled as Isabel said she would teach her how to become a dragon later. When Hakeem told her she should stop asking questions and interrupting the story, Maya stuck her tongue out at him. "You're just jealous because I can become a dragon and you can't" Mommy said she was going to teach me how to do it. In your face Hakeem, you'll never be as cool as me!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"Let's be nice to one another okay?" Isabel clears her throat and continues reading the story. She was at the part when they were trapped in a vine ball swinging from wall to wall.

GingerBread said:
"The new place I got for our wedding? I wanted to show you that. It's in another realm though, the realm belongs to me. So I'm pretty sure I can change every part of it. So I can give you the perfect wedding. So I can take you to the realm and you can tell me what you want me to change about it."

"Alright then what are we waiting for? Seconds?" Luna raises an eyebrow and closes her eyes, taking a short rest until they're transported to the realm.

Alina smiles and looks down the street. "I don't mind either. This will be great! Akki and I are looking for ways to make Dragon's Roar great again anyways but we need supplies and such first. After we get supplies....it would probably be dark out. I don't know what we'd have planned then. Possibly leave to another continent or so for a journey since we decided on teaming up." Alina was extremely subtle about her hints towards being open to suggestions later on in the day with Akki. She might not have really had a first hand experience with these type of things since she's always been hospitalized but she did have the time to read up on them. She takes out a small mirror from her bag and checks her appearance to fix her hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/7f86a6e5ad69e1af89f6d4d6cc01dfd4.jpg.af93d9ef644787884cc63ddbd4e4c41b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/7f86a6e5ad69e1af89f6d4d6cc01dfd4.jpg.af93d9ef644787884cc63ddbd4e4c41b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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CALLA said:

Iris smiles " Aww your so polite , it's nice to meet you Anubis . " looking around she turns to Anubis "Don't know about you but i think this place is about to collapse ." Iris grabbed Anubis harm and dragged him outside "Don't know how long you've been in there but , you woke up at the right second , or you would have become squashed Anubis ." Iris laughed at her own joke .

Anubis watches as it collapses."if that was a joke it was not very funny.now,are you planning to be my companion?"he was looking around.

" Is that a trick question ? Of course i am that is only if you know the way around , because I'm bad at navigating . " Iris looked around sighing " Every where is sand , sand and nothing but sand ."

MTchaos1134 said:
Anubis watches as it collapses."if that was a joke it was not very funny.now,are you planning to be my companion?"he was looking around.


"No, it's just I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can bring people in and out" Vance smiled at Luna and snapped his fingers, dragging them both into the realm. "Well, here we are. Take a look around. Tell me what you think. The church is over there" Vance pointed over to the large church which the sun was just peaking over. "And over there is the venue thing. Where we'd have the party bit" He pointed over to a large building, that seemed like to could comfortably fit a large amount of people



"Okay mommy, but only if Hakem stops being so lame!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before cuddling into Isabel's side as she read the story. When she got to the part where they were trapped in the vine ball, Maya started imagining how cool it would be to be in that vine ball with the characters of the book. When Maya imagined it, her, Isabel and Hakeem appeared in the vine ball alongside the characters of the book. "This is so Cool! Did you do this mommy?"

@Embaga Elder @Light


Colin shook Akki's hand and smiled at him. His smile turned into a frown when Alina mentioned Dragon's roar. "Oh, well i-it's nice to hear that s-someone is trying to make the G-Guild better. I-I left because of how b-bad it got. I-I wasn't much use there a-anyway. N-No one ever really n-needed a medic. I-I don't think a-anyone there e-ever even got a-a cold" Colin smiled at the both of them. "S-So where are we off to f-first?"

@Ethan Vail @Light


"Fantastic" Revvar's grin got even wider as Oden accepted his offer. "So, I better tell you what I'm after, shouldn't I?" Without waiting for an answer, Revvar continued on. "As I said, I'm a collector. And right now, my goal is collect all of the dragon's roar members. Because they are far more valuable now that their guild has disbanded. Much rarer. Now I know you're a dragon's roar member yourself, So I would hope you know how to contact them. But, I assume you might have a problem helping me collect your Guildmates. So, Name your price"

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