Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Maya frowned as Hakeem taunted her. "You're mean!" She stuck her tongue out and continued going around the guild at the same speed, hoping she would win even though Hakeem was faster. Maya imagined that there was a room in the guild that had all the stuff in it and also had all the stuff that Hakeem had somehow teleported away, which would leave him with nothing.

Maya continued walking about, taking her time to look at all the stuff in the guild, since she had never been in the guild before. Maya then went into another room and found it was just like the one she had imagined.
"Yay! I'm going to win now!" Maya smiled and started stacking up all the items on her Bright red cart until it reached the ceiling. Maya frowned when she couldn't fit the rest of the stuff on the cart but smiled as she found another cart.

Maya started making her way back to Isabel with a happy smile on her face as she pulled three Bright Red carts, stacked full of all the stuff in the guild up to the ceiling behind her. She noticed Hakeem as she walked back to Isabel and stuck her tongue out at him.
"Told you I'd win!"

@Embaga Elder @Light
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Fola watches as Jackie leaves with Alpha, leaving him alone with Inaro, he frowned slightly and put his arms in the air in frustration. He spoke to himself, mocking Jackie slightly, "'Oh sure Fola, I'm always down for getting wasted; let me ditch you here and ruin all your plans so you feel like an asshole for letting your wife run off alone and sad!'"

He sighs and takes his drink from Inaro, "At least I'm not alone I guess, better than drinking alone." He tips back his drink and takes a long swig, releasing the bottle from his lips with a bitter look on his face, "This beer is complete and total fucking shite. What the hell is it made of? Dry turtle piss?"

@Embaga Elder
"Tell me where the safe is, Now." A girl said as she held her hand up to the man in front of her. He flew into the air, and broke through the ceiling. The next man was build like a wrestler, his arms bulging as he charged at the girl."There you are!"She said as the building vibrated, and shook. She flicked her wrist and he stopped mid charge, she glanced at the wall beside him and the crashed through it. "This is boring give me a challenge for once." She said as a 10 ft tall safe busted through the wall behind her. She stepped onto it, and it sped away from the bank she had just robbed. She headed too the guild that had recently been shut down, she needed to repay them. She saw the Guild hall in the distance and would arrive shortly.

GingerBread said:
"Yes, I'm completely crazy, that's what it is. Because how could they exist, right?" Vance started laughing and turned around, looking like he was about to walk away before turning back around and snapping his fingers, having tendrils of darkness wrap around the boy's throat. "Oh wait, I can use magic." Vance's smile completely faded from his face as he got serious. "So, what am I again?"

"Ack!" The boy began to struggle, slowly losing air as he attempts to speak. He furiously taps on the tendrils while his eyes roll into the back of his head. It really seemed like he had something to say.

Gianna continues to spin the egg on the burning tip of her cigar. She takes a lighter and sets it in between them to add more heat and fire. "Yeah they were. Really tough skin and bad breath. Megan...why were you being irresponsible with my egg? Taking Junior out of your sight was a fault on you."

Megan flinches and shudders, hoping she wouldn't face the consequences later. "I'm sorry."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked around the building admiring it's beauty and sturdy looks. Silently he glanced at other members smiled slightly then walked up to a pillar. Touching it he thought, "So beautiful and innocent." He looked around the building and sighed. He thought of a song in his head. There was a time when dragons roamed among the world with smiles that told of happiness and peace but then some turned and trust failed. When that day came the dragons fled to caves of stone and hid their watching for things unknown. The people came with swords alight and then the dragons hid and fled. To world unknown they came back and tried to help gain the old trust back. However the world scared by things unknown abandoned help and sacrificed themselves to evil Untold." He had made the last line up. It was a dirge sung in his mind. Things were going to change now for the world and it wasn't going to be good. He glanced at Grimm and smiled as he thought, "Well at least I have a friend."
Grimm turns to Draco and raises an eyebrow. "Hm? What did you say?" Grimm checks his phone and notices the fact that there's a police chase going on leading to the guild. "Wait what?" He steps out the door and notices a girl with a 10 foot safe. "Woah...."

GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Hakeem taunted her. "You're mean!" She stuck her tongue out and continued going around the guild at the same speed, hoping she would win even though Hakeem was faster. Maya imagined that there was a room in the guild that had all the stuff in it and also had all the stuff that Hakeem had somehow teleported away, which would leave him with nothing.

Maya continued walking about, taking her time to look at all the stuff in the guild, since she had never been in the guild before. Maya then went into another room and found it was just like the one she had imagined.
"Yay! I'm going to win now!" Maya smiled and started stacking up all the items on her Bright red cart until it reached the ceiling. Maya frowned when she couldn't fit the rest of the stuff on the cart but smiled as she found another cart.

Maya started making her way back to Isabel with a happy smile on her face as she pulled three Bright Red carts, stacked full of all the stuff in the guild up to the ceiling behind her. She noticed Hakeem as she walked back to Isabel and stuck her tongue out at him.
"Told you I'd win!"

@Embaga Elder @Light
( @Embaga Elder )

"It looks like Maya wins! Now for your prize." She gives both Hakeem and Maya an egg. Hakeem's egg was yellow and blue. Maya's egg was purple and white. "Now since Maya won..." She gives Maya another egg that was orange. "I need you two to take care of those eggs." Isabel has Julius send all the things they collected to his storage stomach. "Now you two...we have to go somewhere for a moment. How stealthy are you two? This is a rescue mission."
Grimm turns to Draco and raises an eyebrow. "Hm? What did you say?" Grimm checks his phone and notices the fact that there's a police chase going on leading to the guild. "Wait what?" He steps out the door and notices a girl with a 10 foot safe. "Woah...."
Silently Draco looked at Grimm and then glanced at the girl. He stated, "I said at least I have a friend and should we stop that girl or are we not allowed to do that?" He chuckled at that thought.

"Really? It's not even that tight." Vance shook his head as he snapped his fingers, having the tendrils unwrap themselves from the boy's neck. "Now, are you still sure I'm crazy and the people I'm looking for don't exist? Because I'm no longer under any obligation to not harm civilians."



"Yay in your face Hakeem. You big meanie!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem and then went to look at the eggs she had been handed. Maya thought for a second before putting them down on the ground so that they were leaning against a wall in the guild. "They'll be safe here since there's nothing here that can fall on them and break them!" Maya smiled confident with her idea of leaving the Egg's safely in the Guild Hall. "I'm good at rescuing people! Are we rescuing them from a dragon?! Or an evil witch?! Or are we going to be saving them from an Evil Queen?!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
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GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Hakeem taunted her. "You're mean!" She stuck her tongue out and continued going around the guild at the same speed, hoping she would win even though Hakeem was faster. Maya imagined that there was a room in the guild that had all the stuff in it and also had all the stuff that Hakeem had somehow teleported away, which would leave him with nothing.

Maya continued walking about, taking her time to look at all the stuff in the guild, since she had never been in the guild before. Maya then went into another room and found it was just like the one she had imagined.
"Yay! I'm going to win now!" Maya smiled and started stacking up all the items on her Bright red cart until it reached the ceiling. Maya frowned when she couldn't fit the rest of the stuff on the cart but smiled as she found another cart.

Maya started making her way back to Isabel with a happy smile on her face as she pulled three Bright Red carts, stacked full of all the stuff in the guild up to the ceiling behind her. She noticed Hakeem as she walked back to Isabel and stuck her tongue out at him.
"Told you I'd win!"

@Embaga Elder @Light
After he passed Maya, his chances on winning have gone from good to bad. Everything within the guild that was takable is now gone just gone. He went room from room finding nothing. He went back to the front and found that Maya has EVERYTHING that was within in the guild. Even the thinks he already claimed. As she taunted him he fell to his knees. He was too amazed by this win. You-you win Maya. How did you get these things so fast?? He asked full of amazement. @Light

LokiofSP said:

He sighs and takes his drink from Inaro, "At least I'm not alone I guess, better than drinking alone." He tips back his drink and takes a long swig, releasing the bottle from his lips with a bitter look on his face, "This beer is complete and total fucking shite. What the hell is it made of? Dry turtle piss?"

@Embaga Elder

Inaro snatches the beer from Fola.
I don't know what you're talking about this shit is delicious. He finishes the bottle. You don't know good quality beer, even if it hits you in the face. Shit let's just go to the damn Pub. @LokiofSP
Light said:
"Ack!" The boy began to struggle, slowly losing air as he attempts to speak. He furiously taps on the tendrils while his eyes roll into the back of his head. It really seemed like he had something to say.
Gianna continues to spin the egg on the burning tip of her cigar. She takes a lighter and sets it in between them to add more heat and fire. "Yeah they were. Really tough skin and bad breath. Megan...why were you being irresponsible with my egg? Taking Junior out of your sight was a fault on you."

Megan flinches and shudders, hoping she wouldn't face the consequences later. "I'm sorry."

Grimm turns to Draco and raises an eyebrow. "Hm? What did you say?" Grimm checks his phone and notices the fact that there's a police chase going on leading to the guild. "Wait what?" He steps out the door and notices a girl with a 10 foot safe. "Woah...."

( @Embaga Elder )

"It looks like Maya wins! Now for your prize." She gives both Hakeem and Maya an egg. Hakeem's egg was yellow and blue. Maya's egg was purple and white. "Now since Maya won..." She gives Maya another egg that was orange. "I need you two to take care of those eggs." Isabel has Julius send all the things they collected to his storage stomach. "Now you two...we have to go somewhere for a moment. How stealthy are you two? This is a rescue mission."
GingerBread said:
"Yay in your face Hakeem. You big meanie!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem and then went to look at the eggs she had been handed. Maya thought for a second before putting them down on the ground so that they were leaning against a wall in the guild. "They'll be safe here since there's nothing here that can fall on them and break them!" Maya smiled confident with her idea of leaving the Egg's safely in the Guild Hall. "I'm good at rescuing people! Are we rescuing them from a dragon?! Or an evil witch?! Or are we going to be saving them from an Evil Queen?!"
Hakeem got up holding his egg and summoned a bookbag full of cushions. He places his egg inside and puts the bookbag on his back. Stealth... He summons mask and puts it on covering his entire face. Stealth is my middle name. He said mysteriously.

He walks forward and stands next to me listening to her ask a bunch of questions. He decided to pitch in.
Is the person we're rescuing a princess? Is it heavily guarded? Will die again?
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at Grimm and then glanced at the girl. He stated, "I said at least I have a friend and should we stop that girl or are we not allowed to do that?" He chuckled at that thought.
( @The Imperial Flame )

"I guess we should try since she's coming straight for us. Though we shouldn't cause a ruckus so..." Grimm summons a stop sign and approaches the bridge. "Stop!"

Embaga Elder]Hakeem got up holding his egg and summoned a bookbag full of cushions. He places his egg inside and puts the bookbag on his back. [COLOR=#0059b3]Stealth... [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He summons mask and puts it on covering his entire face. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Stealth is my middle name. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He said mysteriously. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] He walks forward and stands next to me listening to her ask a bunch of questions. He decided to pitch in. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Is the person we're rescuing a princess? Is it heavily guarded? Will die again? [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=GingerBread] [B][I][SIZE=18px][COLOR=#ff0080]Maya[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [COLOR=#ff0080]"Yay in your face Hakeem. You big meanie!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem and then went to look at the eggs she had been handed. Maya thought for a second before putting them down on the ground so that they were leaning against a wall in the guild. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080]"They'll be safe here since there's nothing here that can fall on them and break them!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Maya smiled confident with her idea of leaving the Egg's safely in the Guild Hall. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0080]"I'm good at rescuing people! Are we rescuing them from a dragon?! Or an evil witch?! Or are we going to be saving them from an Evil Queen?!" [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Yes it's heavily guarded and no nothing will happen to you." Isabel looks at the eggs Maya left. "You should carry those two eggs with you at all times. It's not safe to leave them alone and cold. Someone might take them or they'll hatch into cold lonely things. We're saving these three kids of mine from ghosts holding them captive in a castle."

GingerBread said:
"Really? It's not even that tight." Vance shook his head as he snapped his fingers, having the tendrils unwrap themselves from the boy's neck. "Now, are you still sure I'm crazy and the people I'm looking for don't exist? Because I'm no longer under any obligation to not harm civilians."

The boy takes deep breaths and clings on to his neck. He rests for a moment before speaking up. "Wow you're just as she says. Yeah I know who Luna is but she told me to steer you away."
"I guess we should try since she's coming straight for us. Though we shouldn't cause a ruckus so..." Grimm summons a stop sign and approaches the bridge. "Stop!"
Nodding Draco walked after Grimm. His human form always carried a sword and knives. He knew how to use them to if necessary. Silently he looked at the girl wondering if she would stop at the stop sign. He doubts it. Deciding ahead that perhaps a illusion might help Draco thinks of an Illusion that might stop the girl yet be ordinary. He pondered then smiled as he found the idea then placed it in reserve just in case.

So why didn't you just tell me that in the fucking first place instead of lying and calling me crazy. Why did you think that was the best course of action? And how the hell do I know you're not just lying?" Vance took his dagger out of his sheath. "People who lie to me don't tend to last long"



"But I have nowhere to put them! I can't carry them" Maya tilted her head up to the ceiling and groaned as she went over and picked up the Eggs. "Eggs are boring anyway, they don't do anything Fun! They just sit there and do nothing! They're booooooooring" Maya huffed and crossed her arms without thinking and caused herself to drop the Eggs. "Nooooooo"

@Light @Embaga Elder
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Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame )

"I guess we should try since she's coming straight for us. Though we shouldn't cause a ruckus so..." Grimm summons a stop sign and approaches the bridge. "Stop!"

"Yes it's heavily guarded and no nothing will happen to you." Isabel looks at the eggs Maya left. "You should carry those two eggs with you at all times. It's not safe to leave them alone and cold. Someone might take them or they'll hatch into cold lonely things. We're saving these three kids of mine from ghosts holding them captive in a castle."

The boy takes deep breaths and clings on to his neck. He rests for a moment before speaking up. "Wow you're just as she says. Yeah I know who Luna is but she told me to steer you away."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Nodding Draco walked after Grimm. His human form always carried a sword and knives. He knew how to use them to if necessary. Silently he looked at the girl wondering if she would stop at the stop sign. He doubts it. Deciding ahead that perhaps a illusion might help Draco thinks of an Illusion that might stop the girl yet be ordinary. He pondered then smiled as he found the idea then placed it in reserve just in case.
(I just imagine grimm's with a police outfit on, a stop sign in one hand and a doughnut in the other. xD )

The Girl's eyes dart to Grimm's face, she stared into his eyes deeply, and the safe door busted open. A quarter of a million flew out as a mass, it looked like a flock of birds. the money swarm engulfed Grimm and Draco, and would pull them along with the girl back into the guild hall.
Crossing his arms Draco closes his eyes as the money swirls towards him. He feels his feet skid backwards as he was pulled away back towards the guild building. He doesn't resist he just keeps his arms cross. When he opens his eyes he is no longer moving inside the guild building. He blinks and looks around seeing the girl. He doesn't move or growl he just looks at her silently.

@The Imperial Flame @Light

Fola snorted, "I mean, if you think the taste of turtle piss is tasty, don't let me stop you. Maybe you'd be more suited for the zoo instead of the pub..." He smiled slightly and gestured for Inaro to go ahead, "You first, wouldn't want my presence to overshadow that of such a great beer connoisseur."

@Embaga Elder


Jayn had been running from the scene at the courthouse and prepping to teleport to the guild, but upon being contacted she flipped out,"Who is this? How did you get this number? Wait, better question, who do you think I am?! I have more decency than to 'have fun' with some stranger! I'm a high class girl who just so happens to have an interest in blowing things up and killing cops! Surely you must have me confused with some lower class lady willing to exchange such favors!"

"I'll have you know that I have over three hundred confirmed kills and am trained in guerrilla warfare! I can take you down in over nine hundred ways with just my bear hands! Bet you didn't think that this little, 'smart' comment would result in this kind of backlash, but you didn't, you fucked up, and now you're dead! As we speak I have over four hundred Reapers coming in on your position ready to wipe you off the face of this Earth, your dead kiddo!" She hung up and began to try to trace the call so she could beat up Raz...

Light said:
"Yes it's heavily guarded and no nothing will happen to you." Isabel looks at the eggs Maya left. "You should carry those two eggs with you at all times. It's not safe to leave them alone and cold. Someone might take them or they'll hatch into cold lonely things. We're saving these three kids of mine from ghosts holding them captive in a castle."
GingerBread said:
"But I have nowhere to put them! I can't carry them" Maya tilted her head up to the ceiling and groaned as she went over and picked up the Eggs. "Eggs are boring anyway, they don't do anything Fun! They just sit there and do nothing! They're booooooooring" Maya huffed and crossed her arms without thinking and caused herself to drop the Eggs. "Nooooooo"
Seeing the eggs fall, Hakeem summons a bunch cushions beneath the fallen eggs. He looks Maya like "what the hell". That kid needs a ass beating. Amon be nice she's about Hakeem's age. Yeah but Hakeem knows not to drop a god forsaken egg. Maya, what the deuce is wrong with you?! Why would drop them?! Hakeem summons another bag for Maya. He puts both of the eggs in the bag. Amon comes out still have a trail leading to his bracelet. Amon hold the eggs will you. Sure why not kido. He gave Amon the bag, and he puts it on his back. Hakeem looks at Maya. You should be more careful Maya. Eggs are indeed boring, but they're also extremely delicate. You can't just drop them carelessly. He sighs then puts his hands behind his head. @Light @GingerBread

Light said:
Gianna continues to spin the egg on the burning tip of her cigar. She takes a lighter and sets it in between them to add more heat and fire. "Yeah they were. Really tough skin and bad breath. Megan...why were you being irresponsible with my egg? Taking Junior out of your sight was a fault on you."
Megan flinches and shudders, hoping she wouldn't face the consequences later. "I'm sorry."

Crimson's aura started flowing off him as the thought of fighting the ogres excited him.
Hmm I think they'll be fun to fight, especially if I can get an egg like that. He looks at the egg, and finally realizes what she's doing with the egg. What the hell are you doing!?! He said as he jumped up to his feet. Why in the flying Fuck are you spinning the egg on the cigar?? @Light

LokiofSP said:
Fola snorted,
"I mean, if you think the taste of turtle piss is tasty, don't let me stop you. Maybe you'd be more suited for the zoo instead of the pub..." He smiled slightly and gestured for Inaro to go ahead, "You first, wouldn't want my presence to overshadow that of such a great beer connoisseur."

Inaro mocked Fola annoyingly, then grabbed him and tossed him inside the portal, walking in after him. @LokiofSP

"I know they break easily, I'm not dumb!" Maya crossed her arms, huffed and pouted, turning away from Hakeem. "I didn't Drop them on purpose anyway" She muttered under her breath before turning back around to face Hakeem, suddenly wanting her eggs back. "I want my Eggs back, I won them fair and square. I'm not a loser like you are" Maya stuck out her tongue at Hakeem and then had a box of cookies appear in her hands. She took one out and crushed it up before feeding the crumbs to Sir Snakenton while she waited for Hakeem to give her her Eggs that she won back. "You're so much cooler than Hakeem Sir Snakenton" Maya giggled slightly as she whispered to Sir Snakenton.

@Embaga Elder @Light
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Lighthouse8477 said:
Nodding Draco walked after Grimm. His human form always carried a sword and knives. He knew how to use them to if necessary. Silently he looked at the girl wondering if she would stop at the stop sign. He doubts it. Deciding ahead that perhaps a illusion might help Draco thinks of an Illusion that might stop the girl yet be ordinary. He pondered then smiled as he found the idea then placed it in reserve just in case.
"Ah. That's no way to treat the messenger! Why must the messenger always be punished?" The boy smirks and stretches. "The names Hermes. You're Vance right?"

GingerBread said:
"I know they break easily, I'm not dumb!" Maya crossed her arms, huffed and pouted, turning away from Hakeem. "I didn't Drop them on purpose anyway" She muttered under her breath before turning back around to face Hakeem, suddenly wanting her eggs back. "I want my Eggs back, I won them fair and square. I'm not a loser like you are" Maya stuck out her tongue at Hakeem and then had a box of cookies appear in her hands. She took one out and crushed it up before feeding the crumbs to Sir Snakenton while she waited for Hakeem to give her her Eggs that she won back. "You're so much cooler than Hakeem Sir Snakenton" Maya giggled slightly as she whispered to Sir Snakenton.

@Embaga Elder @Light
"Okay now let's not be mean to one another okay? You both have two beautiful eggs that'll hatch to be nice and strong companions and you have to take care of them. You can't drop them." Isabel smiles and squats down to their eye level.

"What do you mean get an egg out of it? You want them to get you pregnant? I didn't receive this I gave birth to this egg myself." She continues to spin the egg on the cigar. "It's because Junior likes it." She stops spinning it and cradles the egg in her arms. The egg seems to shake from side to side happily. "See? Each egg has their different like and dislike. Some eggs like the sound of silverware hitting bowls. Some eggs like being dipped in nacho cheese. Some like being rolled around. Some like being thrown into the air. If they wiggle in a good way, they like it, do it. My baby loves being spun on a burning cigar or a match. As long as it's warm and he gets a good spin."
Light said:
"Ah. That's no way to treat the messenger! Why must the messenger always be punished?" The boy smirks and stretches. "The names Hermes. You're Vance right?"
"Hermes, the son of Zeus? well doesn't narrow it down, does it?" Vance wryly smiled at Hermes "so how about we say, The bitch boy of the gods. The one who does all the menial tasks for them. Does that accurately describe you?" Vance shoved his hands into his pockets. "And yeah, I am Vance. But who the fuck else would I be? Anyway, what I want to know is, why you lied to me about Luna even existing and why you called me crazy. And I also want to know where she is." Vance paused for a second before thinking of another question. "And then as a bonus question, what's your opinion on Apollo?"


"Nuh Uh! I have two, Hakeem only has one because he's a loser!" Maya looked over at Hakeem briefly, only so she could stick her tongue out at him again. "I don't have two anymore, because Hakeem was mean and stole them from me and won't give them back! He's just a meanie!" Maya looked at Isabel with puppy dog eyes hoping she'd get her eggs back for her.

@Embaga Elder @Light
CelticSol said:
"Excellent," She grins. "I'll start scheming a little bit, and I should have a solid plan of what we're doing by the time we clean out the guild," She makes a portal leading to her room with a wave of her free hand, and steps through, pulling Alpha along with her. She lets go of him, absently making another portal in the middle of the room, and starts throwing all her shit through it.
As Jackie tossed all her stuff through the portal, Alpha sat down on her bed. "Sooooo, with the guild bring disbanded.... What are we supposed to do with all the free time?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola snorted, "I mean, if you think the taste of turtle piss is tasty, don't let me stop you. Maybe you'd be more suited for the zoo instead of the pub..." He smiled slightly and gestured for Inaro to go ahead, "You first, wouldn't want my presence to overshadow that of such a great beer connoisseur."

@Embaga Elder


Jayn had been running from the scene at the courthouse and prepping to teleport to the guild, but upon being contacted she flipped out,"Who is this? How did you get this number? Wait, better question, who do you think I am?! I have more decency than to 'have fun' with some stranger! I'm a high class girl who just so happens to have an interest in blowing things up and killing cops! Surely you must have me confused with some lower class lady willing to exchange such favors!"

"I'll have you know that I have over three hundred confirmed kills and am trained in guerrilla warfare! I can take you down in over nine hundred ways with just my bear hands! Bet you didn't think that this little, 'smart' comment would result in this kind of backlash, but you didn't, you fucked up, and now you're dead! As we speak I have over four hundred Reapers coming in on your position ready to wipe you off the face of this Earth, your dead kiddo!" She hung up and began to try to trace the call so she could beat up Raz...

"Wait I meant ki-,and she hung up.great."raz detroys the phone and teleports to Antarctica,looking for polar bears.
GingerBread said:
"Hermes, the son of Zeus? well doesn't narrow it down, does it?" Vance wryly smiled at Hermes "so how about we say, The bitch boy of the gods. The one who does all the menial tasks for them. Does that accurately describe you?" Vance shoved his hands into his pockets. "And yeah, I am Vance. But who the fuck else would I be? Anyway, what I want to know is, why you lied to me about Luna even existing and why you called me crazy. And I also want to know where she is." Vance paused for a second before thinking of another question. "And then as a bonus question, what's your opinion on Apollo?"

Hermes flinches at the comment, as if shocked at the fact that a mortal would say that. "Hahaha, very funny. You are as vulgar as she warned. I don't know, ask Luna why she asked me to lie. I simply did her a favour since she's an old friend of mine. All I know is that she's going to see Hekate and she told me to distract you if you arrived. If I had a good opinion on Apollon I wouldn't be helping Luna would I?"

GingerBread said:
"Nuh Uh! I have two, Hakeem only has one because he's a loser!" Maya looked over at Hakeem briefly, only so she could stick her tongue out at him again. "I don't have two anymore, because Hakeem was mean and stole them from me and won't give them back! He's just a meanie!" Maya looked at Isabel with puppy dog eyes hoping she'd get her eggs back for her.

@Embaga Elder @Light
( @Embaga Elder )

"Hakeem I know Maya messed up once but you should give her eggs back." Isabel looks to Hakeem with a mothering eyes.

Hakeem sighs in annoyance and Amon was getting aggravated by Maya's whining. Amon gave the bag back to Maya and went back inside his bracelet. There you happy now?? Cry baby. He said crossing his arms feeling a little upset, because Maya keeps making him feel bad about him self. @Light @GingerBread


Pregnant?? What?? No what's wrong with you? He chuckled a bit, while shaking his head. Cole was laughing at all the weird things the eggs liked that made them happy. So you say you birth that egg, what does that make you? Like a dragon or something of the sort. @Light
MTchaos1134 said:
"Wait I meant ki-,and she hung up.great."raz detroys the phone and teleports to Antarctica,looking for polar bears.
Another man appears not too far away from Raz. "Ah....so it seems like a Dragon's Roar member has appeared. So...how does it feel?"

"I'm a draconic phoenix." Gianna continues to spin little Junior on the cigar. "What are you?"
Light said:
Another man appears not too far away from Raz. "Ah....so it seems like a Dragon's Roar member has appeared. So...how does it feel?"
"I'm a draconic phoenix." Gianna continues to spin little Junior on the cigar. "What are you?"
"What do you mean how it feels? Do you mean dragons roar being disbanded? I'm fine with that,losing my powers? I'm pretty mad."he said turning and facing the man."who are you anyways?"

"I would've thought Luna would want me to meet my future mother in law" Vance shrugged and started toying with his dagger, pressing the tip of it against his index finger. "Well if Luna's alright. You up for getting a drink with me or something. The only other thing I've got to do is to read up on ways to kill a greek god. Unless you've got any advice on that"



Maya smiled as Hakeem gave her the eggs back. "Yay!" She skipped over to Hakeem and hugged him. "Thanks Hakeem!" Maya smiled happily at him. "You're still a loser though" She stuck her tongue out at him, though this time without any hint of malice. Maya then started skipping back over to Isabel. "So when are we going to save those people? I can't wait to go on another adventure to save them from ghosts!"

@Embaga Elder @Light
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