Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"Yay!" Maya smiled at Hakeem, happy that he accepted her offer to train him in the art of being cool; She took this as a sign that Hakeem wasn't mad at her. "First Rule of being Cool. Don't eat anything but Cookies. Cookies are great!" Maya had a box of thin mints appear in her hand before she handed them over to Hakeem. "Here's some cookies! I can get you more if you want some"
Light said:
Isabel opens a portal now that she was done talking to Vance and gestures for Hakeem and Maya to step through. "Alright, it's time for us to go to the castle for the rescue mission." She pats her sides and feels a ring. She pulls it out and her heart instantly freezes. She stifles tears, not wanting to cry in front of the kids and stashes the ring back in her pocket. She was getting the kids and she was getting out of here. It seemed like Fola was intending to marry someone else while she was gone. Isabel simply didn't know what to do anymore. She's officially lost everything and for once, she didn't feel like destroying. She was far too empty inside to feel that type of hatred. She holds back the urge to throw up and wants to scratch off the mating symbol on her chest oh so badly. She smiles towards Hakeem and Maya, trying to act happy and pulling it off quite nicely. "Follow me." She steps through the portal, feeling her heart crumble on the inside.
That first rule sounds more like a rule of becoming obsess, not cool. Hakeem snickered at bit. He grabs the box of cookies then places his summoning symbol on it. He snaps his fingers and banishes the cookies away until he's ready to eat them. Thanks I'll save them for later though. He looks at Isabel just standing there frozen. Whatever happened couldn't be good. Hakeem what's wrong with her?? I-i don't know. Hakeem stood there and wait to do if anything would change with her and it did. Isabel turned around smiling like everything is okay. He nodded and grabbed Maya's hand. Come on Maya it's Adventure Time.

LokiofSP said:

The bartender blinks and shakes his head, giving Fola and Inaro the thumbs up before walking off to the next customer. Fola leans back in his stool and takes a sip of his drink, "Doing that shit gets a bit dicey, would have like it much better if I had my jacket. That had everything: My wallet, my keys, the ring-" Fola's eyes widened as realization dawned on him, "SHE HAS THE FUCKING RING! IT'S IN MY JACKET POCKET" He bangs his head on the bar repeatadly, "Why! Am! I! Such! An! IDIOT?!"

@Embaga Elder

Inaro nodded being impressed by how he did that. He grabs his beer and pops it open. He drinks his beer about to drink it all, but spits it out on the bartender, when Fola yelled about the ring. Sorry. He said to the bartender. He looked at Fola who was banging his head on the bar. He grabbed his hair and held his head up. 1. Stop doing that. You'll get a massive headache. 2. You really need to get your life together. He chuckled. How could you leave that in your jacket pocket?? You should've placed that in a safe or something until it was time. he sighs then drinks some of Fola's beer. We gotta get that ring back before she finds it. Are you up for a retreval mission??

Light said:
"Ah I see." Little Junior began to shake even more. "Everyday he gets closer and closer to hatching. This little guy is just waiting to see the world."

Yeah the world is a nice place, especially when shits not hitting the fan. Cole lays back down on his lawn chair. Okay so I have two questions. 1. How does it take to hatch? 2.Can we have an egg?
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Grimm Draco steps forwards and grabs the girls arm gently. Silently he turns her towards Grimm not exactly sure what Grimm is going to do with the small red ball. However he trusts Grimm if the girl fights he would probably let her go although he couldn't be sure.
@Light @The Imperial Flame
"It's time to use my years of training as a Pokémon master to vanquish this evil!" Grimm prepares not only his poke ball but his master ball as well in case he needs it.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
That first rule sounds more like a rule of becoming obsess, not cool. Hakeem snickered at bit. He grabs the box of cookies then places his summoning symbol on it. He snaps his fingers and banishes the cookies away until he's ready to eat them. Thanks I'll save them for later though. He looks at Isabel just standing there frozen. Whatever happened couldn't be good. Hakeem what's wrong with her?? I-i don't know. Hakeem stood there and wait to do if anything would change with her and it did. Isabel turned around smiling like everything is okay. He nodded and grabbed Maya's hand. Come on Maya it's Adventure Time.

Isabel hides behind a bush and gestures for Maya and Hakeem to follow. She swears that the moment she gets Emily, Red, and Blue. She's breaking up with Fola and she's leaving. She looks towards Maya and notices that she looks slightly like her mother and Temperance.

Julius speaks up so they can all hear, shocking Isabel with what he has to say. "Do you like Maya? She is your daughter after all."

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Yeah the world is a nice place, especially when shits not hitting the fan. Cole lays back down on his lawn chair. Okay so I have two questions. 1. How does it take to hatch? 2.Can we have an egg?


"Depends on the type of egg. You'd have to get a being that has eggs pregnant. If you're asking me no, I'm not giving birth again and you're definitely not impregnating me. Ask Megan if she's interested in that."

"Okay fine then. I'll figure something out with it" Vance snapped his fingers and sent it to his darkness realm, deciding to store it there for a while. He then noticed Isabel pull out a ring and saw by her reaction that it wasn't hers. Guess Fola has fucked up, well I need them at the wedding. He said he was going to a bar. Ehh. I'm sure he can deal with it himself Vance shrugged and turned to Hermes. "So just this way to my room" Vance gestured towards a specific direction and started walking that way.

When Vance got to his room he found it stripped bare.
"Well then. Guess someone stole all my stuff. Including my alcohol. Fun" Vance then spun around to face hermes. "So with that in mind. I'm going to give up on the whole getting drunk thing. I'll go plan my wedding. But, I have a favour to ask of you" Vance snapped his fingers and had a envelope sealed with wax appear in his hands; inside the envelope was a letter that said "You've pissed of the wrong person. I'm giving you time to say your goodbyes". "I want you to deliver a letter to Apollo. Tell him who sent it if he asks, if he doesn't then don't" Vance held the letter out for Hermes to take.



Maya smiled as Hakeem took the cookies from her.
"Cookies are all I eat and look how cool I am! I'm the coolest person ever!" Her smiled dropped from her face as she heard Julius say that she was Isabel's daughter. "No I'm not!" Maya thought that this was another way that Fola was trying to give her away to someone. Not wanting to stay with Isabel any longer she ran off into the castle, imagining that they wouldn't be able to find her until she found the people they were looking for.

@Embaga Elder @Light
GingerBread said:
"Okay fine then. I'll figure something out with it" Vance snapped his fingers and sent it to his darkness realm, deciding to store it there for a while. He then noticed Isabel pull out a ring and saw by her reaction that it wasn't hers. Guess Fola has fucked up, well I need them at the wedding. He said he was going to a bar. Ehh. I'm sure he can deal with it himself Vance shrugged and turned to Hermes. "So just this way to my room" Vance gestured towards a specific direction and started walking that way.

When Vance got to his room he found it stripped bare.
"Well then. Guess someone stole all my stuff. Including my alcohol. Fun" Vance then spun around to face hermes. "So with that in mind. I'm going to give up on the whole getting drunk thing. I'll go plan my wedding. But, I have a favour to ask of you" Vance snapped his fingers and had a envelope sealed with wax appear in his hands; inside the envelope was a letter that said "You've pissed of the wrong person. I'm giving you time to say your goodbyes". "I want you to deliver a letter to Apollo. Tell him who sent it if he asks, if he doesn't then don't" Vance held the letter out for Hermes to take.

Hermes nods his head and takes the letter. "That'll be 50 dollars for shipping and handling! Kidding. We shall meet again in your conquest of Olympus, Vance!" With that, Hermes disappears due to speed.

GingerBread said:

Maya smiled as Hakeem took the cookies from her.
"Cookies are all I eat and look how cool I am! I'm the coolest person ever!" Her smiled dropped from her face as she heard Julius say that she was Isabel's daughter. "No I'm not!" Maya thought that this was another way that Fola was trying to give her away to someone. Not wanting to stay with Isabel any longer she ran off into the castle, imagining that they wouldn't be able to find her until she found the people they were looking for.

@Embaga Elder @Light
"Julius! What do you mean she's my child? M-maya please wait! Oh...did I give birth to her? I'm not sure if I did. Am I the mother and the father?!" Isabel gasps to herself. "Am I a man?"

Julius shakes his head and begins to pilot Isabel's body, moving her swiftly after Maya while grabbing Hakeem's hand. "No. It was when you joined hands with Fola. You were thinking about what your kids would be like along with Temperance and she came into existence because of it. So technically she's both your child and Fola's."

Isabel didn't remember directly doing so but Julius wouldn't lie to her. The evidence was slightly there. She did feel a connection and she definitely resembles both her mother and Temperance.

Maya could feel a ghastly presence as a scythe came swinging down upon her. Isabel rushes forward with Hakeem and summons Sunset, deflecting the scythe. She turns the chainsaw on, causing the chain of fate to come to live with 600 rotations per second. The blade begins to adapt and evolve along with Isabel due to a new maternal she's developed that she still has yet to understand. The hilt begins to extend and bend, turning the chainsaw blade into a chainsaw scythe. It was as if the length was made to keep enemies away more than focus on convenience. She keeps Hakeem and Maya behind her as she looks at the chainsaw scythe in shock. It was rotating 4,000 times per second.

"I don't get it either Maya b-but I'll ask you this. How would you feel if both Fola and I were your mother and father?" Isabel didn't know why the reapers were attacking her and her children but she felt like she had tone desperately defend them and didn't know why. She didn't understand the concept of maternal feelings all too well. There were at least 12 reapers surrounding them in their physical form. These reapers shift out of their physical form and become undetectable. Isabel didn't know how to detect or defend against them, but there was at least one thing she knew how to do, use her weapons. She starts up the timer on the evolved version of Sunset and waits. "

( Yay. Exactly 4,000 since Maya's name has 4 letters. Maya and Hakeem caused an evolution! I like mothering Isabel. )

( What it's structured like. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160418_093614.png.0986bfaa34f285fd2c9f9c3a0c2181f5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160418_093614.png.0986bfaa34f285fd2c9f9c3a0c2181f5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( What it looks like. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/03b9f47fbef2e88d4e216f5f6b15ccb7.jpg.2c52db35a3367f359a3d855b997b261f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/03b9f47fbef2e88d4e216f5f6b15ccb7.jpg.2c52db35a3367f359a3d855b997b261f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Who said I'm going to conquer Olympus? I just want the head of Apollo as a centerpiece. Anyway Time to go plan wedding stuff. I guess" Vance shook his head and went into the darkness realm. "So I'm going to need to get a suit and actually hire the places, why the hell can't these be easier, I'm already about to lose all my money" Vance sighed and created a bench of darkness and sat down, placing the egg next to him. He then had a laptop appear next to him that he had stored in the darkness realm beforehand and got to work on looking for the websites for the places and where to buy a good suit.


Maya Crossed her arms and pouted "No!" She stomped her foot on the ground. "I don't want a mom and dad! They're boring and my best friend can't be my dad, that would be silly" Maya started to run off again, not wanting to have parents as she feared that by having them then she would become uncool, like Hakeem. "I don't need a mommy or a daddy. They're boring and would stop me from eating cookies all the time. I wouldn't be able to go on adventures all the time either" Maya grumbled to herself as she continued running through the castle.

@Light @Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:
"Who said I'm going to conquer Olympus? I just want the head of Apollo as a centerpiece. Anyway Time to go plan wedding stuff. I guess" Vance shook his head and went into the darkness realm. "So I'm going to need to get a suit and actually hire the places, why the hell can't these be easier, I'm already about to lose all my money" Vance sighed and created a bench of darkness and sat down, placing the egg next to him. He then had a laptop appear next to him that he had stored in the darkness realm beforehand and got to work on looking for the websites for the places and where to buy a good suit.
The egg seems to rock from side to side happily as if it liked sitting down and Internet shopping with Vance. It continues to rock as Vance shops. It seems to go at the pace of a metronome.

GingerBread said:
Maya Crossed her arms and pouted "No!" She stomped her foot on the ground. "I don't want a mom and dad! They're boring and my best friend can't be my dad, that would be silly" Maya started to run off again, not wanting to have parents as she feared that by having them then she would become uncool, like Hakeem. "I don't need a mommy or a daddy. They're boring and would stop me from eating cookies all the time. I wouldn't be able to go on adventures all the time either" Maya grumbled to herself as she continued running through the castle.

@Light @Embaga Elder
( @Embaga Elder )

"Maya!" Isabel calls out to her as a reaper attacks. She receives a death scythe to the back, piercing through her shoulder blade. Several other death scythes pierce her body and obvious death fields were thrown upon Isabel as well. The floor around her began to decay. It seemed like Isabel was immune to the affects of death being enforced upon her. She pushes Hakeem out of the way and gives him Zeus's bolt and the sandals of Hermes to catch up to Maya. "Find Maya! Call out to Red, Blue, and Emily! Once you find them go back to the guild!" Isabel finishes the timer charge and taps the staff of the chainsaw down, encasing herself and the reapers in a dimensional sphere. Once the sphere fades away they were no longer there.
Light said:
"Depends on the type of egg. You'd have to get a being that has eggs pregnant. If you're asking me no, I'm not giving birth again and you're definitely not impregnating me. Ask Megan if she's interested in that."
Crimson yawns then sits back down. He lays back on the lawn chair. That seems like a lot of work. I'm the lazy angry type and Cole is the gentleman type. He's not gone go for something like that, but my eldest brother might. Is there anything simpler than that we can possibly do.


Maya wait!!
He held out while reaching out towards her. He turned back towards Isabel seeing her getting stabbed by multiple scythes. Ma!! He yelled out to only be pushed away. He looks back at Isabel seeing how much trouble she's in. She tosses some equipment and he catches it. Hakeem nods his head towards Isabel and wipes a tears that fell from his eyes. Hakeem get moving kid. Isabel still be alright. Hakeem places Hermes' sandals on his feet and takes off looking for Maya and the other kids. Maya! Emily! Blue! Red! Can anyone hear me!! Please respond!! @GingerBread @Light

"Right so, that's how much all this will cost. I better go and buy it before they actually get into my bank account"
Vance closed the laptop and place it on the ground, leaning against the bench he was sitting on. Vance looked towards the egg and saw it rocking side to side. "Okay then, you're a weird little egg aren't you? And I'm talking to an egg, god I hope Luna comes back soon. Anyway, I should probably take you with me, shouldn't I? Isabel told me you were a good gift and I know she's not the brightest tool in the shed, but she is really powerful. So I might as well keep you with me" Vance shrugged and picked up the egg, carrying it in the nook of his arm before snapping his fingers and leaving his darkness realm.

Vance decided to first go and hire the places he'd need before going and getting his suit, making sure he could hire them for any day he wanted on short notice as he still wasn't sure when Luna would need them.
"I'm probably going to be turned away if I ask to hire them for an unknown date, aren't I? I'd have to ask Luna when we need them for and come back. God that's effort"


Maya started to get tired while she was running and decided to take a break. When she Heard Hakeem shout her name she looked around and saw him running around really quickly. Maya thought he was going to take her back to Isabel, not wanting to go back to Isabel and have a parent, she took off running again. While Maya was running she ended up tripping and falling onto the ground, scraping her knee in the process. She felt tears well up in her eyes at the pain from scraping her knee. (( ! ) For Maya, I guess) Because of the pain and the fact that she had never experienced pain before, Maya started imagining that because she had scraped her knee and cut herself that she was going to die. She started hyperventilating and began to cry even more.

@Embaga Elder @Light

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Light said:
"I don't know how to bind things to souls. Since when can I bind things to souls though? Also please don't harm the egg. It's a good gift!"
Hermes appears at this moment and raises his eyebrow at the egg.

"Ah I see." Little Junior began to shake even more. "Everyday he gets closer and closer to hatching. This little guy is just waiting to see the world."

Isabel opens a portal now that she was done talking to Vance and gestures for Hakeem and Maya to step through. "Alright, it's time for us to go to the castle for the rescue mission." She pats her sides and feels a ring. She pulls it out and her heart instantly freezes. She stifles tears, not wanting to cry in front of the kids and stashes the ring back in her pocket. She was getting the kids and she was getting out of here. It seemed like Fola was intending to marry someone else while she was gone. Isabel simply didn't know what to do anymore. She's officially lost everything and for once, she didn't feel like destroying. She was far too empty inside to feel that type of hatred. She holds back the urge to throw up and wants to scratch off the mating symbol on her chest oh so badly. She smiles towards Hakeem and Maya, trying to act happy and pulling it off quite nicely. "Follow me." She steps through the portal, feeling her heart crumble on the inside.

( @The Imperial Flame )

Grimm summons a pokeball and holds it out. "I'm gonna catch her. Go! Draco!" He gestures for Draco to step forward.

"No...I don't want to be near the guild. That's quite alright thank you. Just take this as a warning." He flicks his wrist and a card lands in the snow in front of Raz. The card simply has the number 1 on it and he disappears in a burst of purple mist.
Raz picks up the card and looks at it for a while.he then puts it away in a pocket and teleports to the front of the guild,to see if anyone else was still around.


Light said:
Hermes nods his head and takes the letter. "That'll be 50 dollars for shipping and handling! Kidding. We shall meet again in your conquest of Olympus, Vance!" With that, Hermes disappears due to speed.
"Julius! What do you mean she's my child? M-maya please wait! Oh...did I give birth to her? I'm not sure if I did. Am I the mother and the father?!" Isabel gasps to herself. "Am I a man?"

Julius shakes his head and begins to pilot Isabel's body, moving her swiftly after Maya while grabbing Hakeem's hand. "No. It was when you joined hands with Fola. You were thinking about what your kids would be like along with Temperance and she came into existence because of it. So technically she's both your child and Fola's."

Isabel didn't remember directly doing so but Julius wouldn't lie to her. The evidence was slightly there. She did feel a connection and she definitely resembles both her mother and Temperance.

Maya could feel a ghastly presence as a scythe came swinging down upon her. Isabel rushes forward with Hakeem and summons Sunset, deflecting the scythe. She turns the chainsaw on, causing the chain of fate to come to live with 600 rotations per second. The blade begins to adapt and evolve along with Isabel due to a new maternal she's developed that she still has yet to understand. The hilt begins to extend and bend, turning the chainsaw blade into a chainsaw scythe. It was as if the length was made to keep enemies away more than focus on convenience. She keeps Hakeem and Maya behind her as she looks at the chainsaw scythe in shock. It was rotating 4,000 times per second.

"I don't get it either Maya b-but I'll ask you this. How would you feel if both Fola and I were your mother and father?" Isabel didn't know why the reapers were attacking her and her children but she felt like she had tone desperately defend them and didn't know why. She didn't understand the concept of maternal feelings all too well. There were at least 12 reapers surrounding them in their physical form. These reapers shift out of their physical form and become undetectable. Isabel didn't know how to detect or defend against them, but there was at least one thing she knew how to do, use her weapons. She starts up the timer on the evolved version of Sunset and waits. "

( Yay. Exactly 4,000 since Maya's name has 4 letters. Maya and Hakeem caused an evolution! I like mothering Isabel. )

( What it's structured like. )

View attachment 265254

( What it looks like. )

View attachment 265252
he took the card,and looked at it for a while,he then placed it in a pocket and defended it with a layer of shadows,after thinking of what to do next,Raz tries to communicate with thier ex leader Isabel.'hello? Can you hear me?'
GingerBread said:

Maya started to get tired while she was running and decided to take a break. When she Heard Hakeem shout her name she looked around and saw him running around really quickly. Maya thought he was going to take her back to Isabel, not wanting to go back to Isabel and have a parent, she took off running again. While Maya was running she ended up tripping and falling onto the ground, scraping her knee in the process. She felt tears well up in her eyes at the pain from scraping her knee. (( ! ) For Maya, I guess) Because of the pain and the fact that she had never experienced pain before, Maya started imagining that because she had scraped her knee and cut herself that she was going to die. She started hyperventilating and began to cry even more.
Hakeem slid to a stop and looked down at Maya. Maya, are you okay what's wrong? He said freaking out a bit. Of course she's not okay kid. She's hyperventilating. But why, nothing attacked her all she did was scrap her knee. Hakeem dropped to his knees and grabbed Maya, holding her in his arms. Maya, calm down okay. Whatever it is it's not the bad. Hakeem figured that it was the scrap. He looked at the scrap and held out his left hand towards it. Ai's gem glows and water flows off his finger tips heading towards the scrap. The water covers the scrap and begins healing it. Once the healing process was finish, the water faded away. See Maya everything is okay. Now just relax at bit and calm down. Hakeem started rocking back and forth, hoping she'll calm down. @Light @GingerBread

"It's not! I'm going to die!"
Maya shouted when Hakeem came over to her and told her it wasn't that bad. Maya hugged into Hakeem and started crying on him. When Hakeem healed her and took the pain away Maya moved out of her hug with Hakeem. "You saved my Life, Thank you!" Maya smiled happily and literally showered both of them with boxes of thin mint cookies, in celebration that she was no longer dying. "You're still a loser. But you're less of a loser now"

@Embaga Elder @Light
GingerBread said:

Maya started to get tired while she was running and decided to take a break. When she Heard Hakeem shout her name she looked around and saw him running around really quickly. Maya thought he was going to take her back to Isabel, not wanting to go back to Isabel and have a parent, she took off running again. While Maya was running she ended up tripping and falling onto the ground, scraping her knee in the process. She felt tears well up in her eyes at the pain from scraping her knee. (( ! ) For Maya, I guess) Because of the pain and the fact that she had never experienced pain before, Maya started imagining that because she had scraped her knee and cut herself that she was going to die. She started hyperventilating and began to cry even more.

@Embaga Elder @Light
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz picks up the card and looks at it for a while.he then puts it away in a pocket and teleports to the front of the guild,to see if anyone else was still around.

he took the card,and looked at it for a while,he then placed it in a pocket and defended it with a layer of shadows,after thinking of what to do next,Raz tries to communicate with thier ex leader Isabel.'hello? Can you hear me?'
"Emily wants to know who you two are!" A girl younger than they were looks up at them with a challenging expression down the hall. Red and Blue were sitting on her shoulders.

Isabel was in another dimension, deflecting attacks after Julius healed her with the scythe. Morgan was formulating attack patterns while deconstructing the reapers. She had the chainsaw off and had the chains retract into the clock section of the scythesaw. Isabel throws her scythe up into the air and ducks, dodging a swing at the head by a reaper. She spins as she stands up, catching her scythe and completing the rotation. She ends up slicing through the torso of this reaper, temporarily cutting it down since it could simply reform it's body. She starts the timer on the scythe and summons a pistol, firing at an upcoming reaper while backing away herself. The bullets hit their mark but it wasn't doing any damage. The reaper gets close enough and swings their scythe in a downward motion towards Isabel.

Isabel turns the chainsaw on and swings upwards with a slight lean to it. The death scythe slides down the staff and hits the chainsaw, causing the scythe to fly out of the reapers hand due to the pull. The reapers sword hand flies up and Isabel uses this opportunity to swing the scythe up in a complete circle and shift it into a sniper rifle after spinning it. She quickly puts the scope up to her eyes and fires, blowing a hole open in the reapers head. Isabel has the sniper rifle shift into Poseidons trident and awaits the next threat.

She hears Raz's voice and tries not to loose too much focus on what's going on. "Yes. I can hear you but I'm very busy right now." The two reapers she's struck down before stand back up, retrieving their death scythes. She slams the bottom of the trident down and causes salty waters to burst from her in an omnidirectional wave. The reapers seemed to be walking through this defense with ease though.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Crimson yawns then sits back down. He lays back on the lawn chair. That seems like a lot of work. I'm the lazy angry type and Cole is the gentleman type. He's not gone go for something like that, but my eldest brother might. Is there anything simpler than that we can possibly do.

"Uh. No. Not to my knowledge. Eggs are born dude. If you want one then find an egg orphanage or something dude I don't know." Gianna looks at Little Junior and hides a smile. "I wonder when this little guy is going to hatch."

GingerBread said:

"Right so, that's how much all this will cost. I better go and buy it before they actually get into my bank account"
Vance closed the laptop and place it on the ground, leaning against the bench he was sitting on. Vance looked towards the egg and saw it rocking side to side. "Okay then, you're a weird little egg aren't you? And I'm talking to an egg, god I hope Luna comes back soon. Anyway, I should probably take you with me, shouldn't I? Isabel told me you were a good gift and I know she's not the brightest tool in the shed, but she is really powerful. So I might as well keep you with me" Vance shrugged and picked up the egg, carrying it in the nook of his arm before snapping his fingers and leaving his darkness realm.

Vance decided to first go and hire the places he'd need before going and getting his suit, making sure he could hire them for any day he wanted on short notice as he still wasn't sure when Luna would need them.
"I'm probably going to be turned away if I ask to hire them for an unknown date, aren't I? I'd have to ask Luna when we need them for and come back. God that's effort"
The egg seemed a bit warmer and there seemed to be less internal activity as if it's situated itself.
Fola rubs a hand through his hair and snatched back his rum. He drinks the liquor and takes in a breath, "First off, watch the hair, shit fucking hurts to be pulled on. Second off, I WOULD go on a retrieval mission, but Jackie told me she needs to be alone. As much as I would want to get the damn ring back, I also don't want to risk setting Isabel backwards on the path to recovery. It sounds a bit to risky in my humble opinion..."

He sighed and tipped his glass upwards until his glass is empty, "Fucking sucks though, stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point..."

@Embaga Elder

"I could use you as a hand warmer. I guess that's kinda useful. Making a omelet could be a better choice though... I'll think on it"
Vance walked into the building and started talking with the owner. After much debate and shouting and even threats to call the police, Vance walked out unable to keep the venue free for the entire year. Apparently not knowing when your wedding is, isn't a good enough reason to cause them to lose business for the whole year. "Well Egg, I guess I'm going to have to wait for Luna, so I know when we need it for. I could use a snack while waiting though..."



Maya looked over at Emily and stood up, smiling at her. "I'm Maya and this is Hakeem, he's a loser. Though don't tell him I said that, it hurts his feelings" Maya then started walking towards Emily, pulling her red cart filled with cookies behind her that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "I'm selling cookies, Would you like some?" Maya picked up a box of cookies out of her box. "I've got thin mints" Maya threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem before picking up another box. "Strawberry cookies" She then threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem again before picking up a final box. "And my Favourite, Chocolate chip!" Maya threw the box behind her again and smiled at Emily. "Would you like any? All you have to do it be my friend! Isn't that a great deal?!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
After the disbanding of the guild Jackson went to train and gain the powers he had while in the guild.

Theodore went to mountains to live with monks and train to better develop his powers and expand his power.

Julliette said good bye to Grimm and went back to her farm house in Minnesota.

Jasmine and Derek lived in the Amazon as slothes.

Reed however didn't give a fuck. He went wherever he wanted whenever he wants.

The entire group took their eggs with them.
Light said:
"Emily wants to know who you two are!" A girl younger than they were looks up at them with a challenging expression down the hall. Red and Blue were sitting on her shoulders.
Isabel was in another dimension, deflecting attacks after Julius healed her with the scythe. Morgan was formulating attack patterns while deconstructing the reapers. She had the chainsaw off and had the chains retract into the clock section of the scythesaw. Isabel throws her scythe up into the air and ducks, dodging a swing at the head by a reaper. She spins as she stands up, catching her scythe and completing the rotation. She ends up slicing through the torso of this reaper, temporarily cutting it down since it could simply reform it's body. She starts the timer on the scythe and summons a pistol, firing at an upcoming reaper while backing away herself. The bullets hit their mark but it wasn't doing any damage. The reaper gets close enough and swings their scythe in a downward motion towards Isabel.

Isabel turns the chainsaw on and swings upwards with a slight lean to it. The death scythe slides down the staff and hits the chainsaw, causing the scythe to fly out of the reapers hand due to the pull. The reapers sword hand flies up and Isabel uses this opportunity to swing the scythe up in a complete circle and shift it into a sniper rifle after spinning it. She quickly puts the scope up to her eyes and fires, blowing a hole open in the reapers head. Isabel has the sniper rifle shift into Poseidons trident and awaits the next threat.

She hears Raz's voice and tries not to loose too much focus on what's going on. "Yes. I can hear you but I'm very busy right now." The two reapers she's struck down before stand back up, retrieving their death scythes. She slams the bottom of the trident down and causes salty waters to burst from her in an omnidirectional wave. The reapers seemed to be walking through this defense with ease though.

"Uh. No. Not to my knowledge. Eggs are born dude. If you want one then find an egg orphanage or something dude I don't know." Gianna looks at Little Junior and hides a smile. "I wonder when this little guy is going to hatch."

The egg seemed a bit warmer and there seemed to be less internal activity as if it's situated itself.
"Need help at all?"he asked,floating around Antarctica.looking at local wildlife.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Need help at all?"he asked,floating around Antarctica.looking at local wildlife.
GingerBread said:
Maya looked over at Emily and stood up, smiling at her. "I'm Maya and this is Hakeem, he's a loser. Though don't tell him I said that, it hurts his feelings" Maya then started walking towards Emily, pulling her red cart filled with cookies behind her that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "I'm selling cookies, Would you like some?" Maya picked up a box of cookies out of her box. "I've got thin mints" Maya threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem before picking up another box. "Strawberry cookies" She then threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem again before picking up a final box. "And my Favourite, Chocolate chip!" Maya threw the box behind her again and smiled at Emily. "Would you like any? All you have to do it be my friend! Isn't that a great deal?!"
(Heya, Light asked me to respond cuz he's a bit busy, so please love and accept my post)

(@Embaga Elder)

"Emily doesn't want any of your cookies, don't try to butter me up!" She gets closer to Maya, standing directly in front of the girl with a questioning look on her face, "Where are your parents? Emily hasn't seen any grown ups here..."

"Um...I'm completely fine, thank-" Isabel was cut off as a scythe missed her head by a mere inch, "YOU!" She gives the fight her complete focus once more. The other reaper swings his scythe at her in a horizontal slash, Isabel catches it in one of the prongs of Poseidon's Trident, moving the weapon under the other Reaper's scythe to move it away from her. She unhooked the trident from the Reaper's weapon and took a deep breath to steel herself for what was to come.

The Reapers rushed at her once more, one of them disappearing from her vision. She didn't have time to react to this however, as a slash from the scythe came crashing down upon her vertically. She rolled underneath the hit as she caught something from the corner of her eye. As soon as she stood up, she summoned the shield Aegis and positioned it slightly under the scythe; sparks went flying as metal scraped on metal, as the weapon reached the end of her shield and the Reaper's grip slackened, she pushed up and sent him stumbling backwards breaking his guard for a moment.

Isabel leaped from her spot, putting the shield in front of her and kicking it to the Reaper's head and disorienting the being for just a moment. She then wrapped her legs around the other reaper and twisted around, using her momentum to propel forward. at the middle of her swing she summoned Apollo's bow and focused on the Reaper directly across of her. She released the shot into the being's eyes as it stumbled back, she then flipped the one she was swinging on to the floor. She scrambled to her feet and leaned on Apollo's bow, taking deep breaths and attempting to calm her heart rate. As the Reaper's began to get up once more, she groaned and picked up the bow as she began to notch another arrow...

The Imperial Flame]The girl stands there her face blank. She rasied her hand and Draco found himself floating and then he was flying at Grimm's master ball. [/QUOTE] ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31729-lighthouse8477/ said:

Grimm's eyes widened as Draco approached the Master Ball, he yelled out, "No! You're not worth a Master Ball! Don't do it!" But it was to late. The purple sphere opened and took Draco inside. Grimm fell to his knees and took off his trainer hat as he began to cry, "Why? All I wanted was a legendary, but instead I got a basic route one starter! I only have one trick left..." Grimm stood up once more, adjusting his cap and turning it backwards. He then threw the basic bitch ball Pokeball at the girl, "This has to work! It carries all my hopes and dreams!"
GingerBread said:
Maya looked over at Emily and stood up, smiling at her. "I'm Maya and this is Hakeem, he's a loser. Though don't tell him I said that, it hurts his feelings" then started walking towards Emily, pulling her red cart filled with cookies behind her that seemed to appear out of nowhere. "I'm selling cookies, Would you like some?" Maya picked up a box of cookies out of her box. "I've got thin mints" Maya threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem before picking up another box. "Strawberry cookies" She then threw the box behind her, towards Hakeem again before picking up a final box. "And my Favorite, Chocolate chip!" Maya threw the box behind her again and smiled at Emily. "Would you like any? All you have to do it be my friend! Isn't that a great deal?!"
He sighed after being called a loser and looks at Maya. You know I'm right here right. I can hear you perfectly. He watched as Maya rolled her wagon towards Emily offering her cookies, but only if she becomes her friend. She's bribing people to be her friend with cookies. Woow . she probably can't get friends the normal way. Hakeem snickered then saw a box of cookies coming his way. He caught it then looked at Maya. Why are you.... he was caught off my another box coming his way. He caught that one as well. Stop throwing.... another box came his way but instead of catching it, he hits it to the ground with the other boxes. He walks up to maya and buts the two boxes back in the wagon. I think you dropped these. He goes back and picks up the chocolate cookies on the floor. He opens the cookies and begins eating them, while walking back to Maya's side. When Emily asked about their parents he looked down at the floor. He was thinking about Isabel and what type of trouble she could be in. Our mother is in a bit of trouble right now. The reapers got to her. Oh and by our he looks up at Emily I mean all five of us.

@Light @LokiofSP

Maya frowned as Emily said she didn't want any cookies. "But cookies are the best thing ever! Why wouldn't you want them? You could be as cool as me!" Maya smiled at Emily, confident that her argument for why emily should take her cookies would work. When Hakeem said that Isabel was the mother of all of them, Maya stomped her foot on the ground. "She's not my mommy! I don't need any parents!" She decided that Isabel had sent Hakeem to get her to become Isabel's daughter. Because of this Maya decided to yet again run off. "She'll never be my mommy!" She shouted as she ran away from both Hakeem, Emily, Red and Blue.

@Light/@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
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The girl stands there her face blank. She rasied her hand and Draco found himself floating and then he was flying at Grimm's master ball.
Spinning Draco changed dragon and zoomed upwards as Grimm's master ball spun towards him. But then it was to late the thing hit him on the tail as he felt something indescribable happen. He felt drawn into the small thing then he was inside. It was golden and it was a room with couches and corridors and food and everything needed for living. A light came from a small hole at the top of the spherical shaped room then he realized he was inside a ball! He blinked Grimm had just trapped him inside a ball! He snorted what good would he be? He had illusion powers that was it although with this stress he was likely to get more talents. He snorted sat on the couch and waited.
@The Imperial Flame @Light @Light
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LokiofSP said:
(Heya, Light asked me to respond cuz he's a bit busy, so please love and accept my post)
(@Embaga Elder)

"Emily doesn't want any of your cookies, don't try to butter me up!" She gets closer to Maya, standing directly in front of the girl with a questioning look on her face, "Where are your parents? Emily hasn't seen any grown ups here..."

"Um...I'm completely fine, thank-" Isabel was cut off as a scythe missed her head by a mere inch, "YOU!" She gives the fight her complete focus once more. The other reaper swings his scythe at her in a horizontal slash, Isabel catches it in one of the prongs of Poseidon's Trident, moving the weapon under the other Reaper's scythe to move it away from her. She unhooked the trident from the Reaper's weapon and took a deep breath to steel herself for what was to come.

The Reapers rushed at her once more, one of them disappearing from her vision. She didn't have time to react to this however, as a slash from the scythe came crashing down upon her vertically. She rolled underneath the hit as she caught something from the corner of her eye. As soon as she stood up, she summoned the shield Aegis and positioned it slightly under the scythe; sparks went flying as metal scraped on metal, as the weapon reached the end of her shield and the Reaper's grip slackened, she pushed up and sent him stumbling backwards breaking his guard for a moment.

Isabel leaped from her spot, putting the shield in front of her and kicking it to the Reaper's head and disorienting the being for just a moment. She then wrapped her legs around the other reaper and twisted around, using her momentum to propel forward. at the middle of her swing she summoned Apollo's bow and focused on the Reaper directly across of her. She released the shot into the being's eyes as it stumbled back, she then flipped the one she was swinging on to the floor. She scrambled to her feet and leaned on Apollo's bow, taking deep breaths and attempting to calm her heart rate. As the Reaper's began to get up once more, she groaned and picked up the bow as she began to notch another arrow...


Grimm's eyes widened as Draco approached the Master Ball, he yelled out, "No! You're not worth a Master Ball! Don't do it!" But it was to late. The purple sphere opened and took Draco inside. Grimm fell to his knees and took off his trainer hat as he began to cry, "Why? All I wanted was a legendary, but instead I got a basic route one starter! I only have one trick left..." Grimm stood up once more, adjusting his cap and turning it backwards. He then threw the basic bitch ball Pokeball at the girl, "This has to work! It carries all my hopes and dreams!"
"Sounds like you need it,but I will respect your decision if that's what you want."he sat on his shadow throne again.and decied to see if that one woman was still mad at her.he pulled out another phone and called."hi there.dont yell but,earlier when I said fun,I meant kill somone.sorry if you misunderstood or anything."
LokiofSP said:
Fola rubs a hand through his hair and snatched back his rum. He drinks the liquor and takes in a breath, "First off, watch the hair, shit fucking hurts to be pulled on. Second off, I WOULD go on a retrieval mission, but Jackie told me she needs to be alone. As much as I would want to get the damn ring back, I also don't want to risk setting Isabel backwards on the path to recovery. It sounds a bit to risky in my humble opinion..."

He sighed and tipped his glass upwards until his glass is empty, "Fucking sucks though, stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point..."

@Embaga Elder
Okay so since you don't want to do it, bitch, would you rather if I get Hakeem to do it. He's her adopted son. He can get the ring from her then bring it to us. Plain and simple. That way no one gets hurt. An Irish beer bottle appears in his hand. he pops the top off and chugs the bottle.

Light said:
"Uh. No. Not to my knowledge. Eggs are born dude. If you want one then find an egg orphanage or something dude I don't know." Gianna looks at Little Junior and hides a smile. "I wonder when this little guy is going to hatch."
When Gianna said egg orphanage, Crimson sprung forward sitting up very quickly. Wait there's an egg orphanage. No brother, I think she was exaggerating. I doubt there's an egg orphanage. See why you gotta say that?? Why can't you believe that there's an egg orphanage huh?? Became there isn't one, God. Crimson glares at Cole. How do you know??? He said in a deep calm way. Huh.... Exactly you dont!!! He chugs back a bottle of whiskey, but stops and sees if Gianna wants some.
GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Emily said she didn't want any cookies. "But cookies are the best thing ever! Why wouldn't you want them? You could be as cool as me!" Maya smiled at Emily, confident that her argument for why emily should take her cookies would work. When Hakeem said that Isabel was the mother of all of them, Maya stomped her foot on the ground. "She's not my mommy! I don't need any parents!" She decided that Isabel had sent Hakeem to get her to become Isabel's daughter. Because of this Maya decided to yet again run off. "She'll never be my mommy!" She shouted as she ran away from both Hakeem, Emily, Red and Blue.
Hakeem sighs as Maya runs off again. There she goes again. he said tossing his hands mildly in the air. Here can you hold these for me. he said giving her the box of chocolate chip cookies. Instead of running after her, he claps his hands together, and closes his eyes. He creates a portal leading in front of Maya. The portal floats towards her sucking her in and takes her to the guild. Hakeem looks at Emily and places his hand on her back. We must go. A portal opens up beneath them, and they fall in, leading back to the guild.

Hakeem, Emily, and Maya, all come out of the same portal inside the guild. He turns back to Maya.
You know you should really stop running off like that. Its really uncool. He said placing the lighting bolt on his back and crossing his arms. @Light
GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Emily said she didn't want any cookies. "But cookies are the best thing ever! Why wouldn't you want them? You could be as cool as me!" Maya smiled at Emily, confident that her argument for why emily should take her cookies would work. When Hakeem said that Isabel was the mother of all of them, Maya stomped her foot on the ground. "She's not my mommy! I don't need any parents!" She decided that Isabel had sent Hakeem to get her to become Isabel's daughter. Because of this Maya decided to yet again run off. "She'll never be my mommy!" She shouted as she ran away from both Hakeem, Emily, Red and Blue.

@Light/@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
"Emily refuses! She's not sharing her mommy with you two." She squeals as she ends up being taken to the guild, bursting into tears. Red and Blue seemed concerned as if they were going to cry. They begin to pat the sides of her head to comfort her since they're on her shoulders.

Isabel puts the bow of Apollo away once they surround her and grow too close, using Sunset once more. She has the chains of fate cover the blade and come to life as she turns the chainsaw on. A reaper sends out a blast of dark fire, causing Isabel to back flip so she can dodge. She uses her momentum and turns one flip into several others, stabbing her scythe into the ground with the chainsaw now off. It has a certian tilt to it but she's able to sit and lean on the staff of her scythe now that it's embedded into the ground, using the clocks and meters on the hilt piece to press her feet on. She turns on the chainsaw and summons a pulse gun. Once she turns on the chainsaw she begins to move backward on the scythe as it cuts through the ground and travels.

She looks to where she's going which is directly towards a reaper preparing a fury of twilight constructs. Isabel fires the pulse gun at the ground in which she's about to run on, causing an explosion that knocks her and the scythe into the air. She continues to travel in that direction while flipping, shooting over the reapers head. She swings her scythe and digs it into the reapers chest, dragging it upward as the chainsaw splits it's upper body in half. Isabel lands and watches as the reaper drops, actually dead. It seems like the chains of fate had some sort of effect on them when active enough.

The other reapers seem to become much more serious since they were now glowing in power. Isabel tightly grips Sunset, now becoming suddenly nervous. She could only hope Hakeem has finished his job.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Spinning Draco changed dragon and zoomed upwards as Grimm's master ball spun towards him. But then it was to late the thing hit him on the tail as he felt something indescribable happen. He felt drawn into the small thing then he was inside. It was golden and it was a room with couches and corridors and food and everything needed for living. A light came from a small hole at the top of the spherical shaped room then he realized he was inside a ball! He blinked Grimm had just trapped him inside a ball! He snorted what good would he be? He had illusion powers that was it although with this stress he was likely to get more talents. He snorted sat on the couch and waited.
@The Imperial Flame @Light @Light
( @The Imperial Flame )

Grimm scans Draco with his pokedex, taking interest in him after all. "I'm going to train you good. After I catch her as well!" Grimm was intent on becoming a Pokémon Master. He went through college for it and he knew his mentor, Oak, would never let him down.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
When Gianna said egg orphanage, Crimson sprung forward sitting up very quickly. Wait there's an egg orphanage. No brother, I think she was exaggerating. I doubt there's an egg orphanage. See why you gotta say that?? Why can't you believe that there's an egg orphanage huh?? Became there isn't one, God. Crimson glares at Cole. How do you know??? He said in a deep calm way. Huh.... Exactly you dont!!! He chugs back a bottle of whiskey, but stops and sees if Gianna wants some.

"Well...I guess there's an egg orphanage. I would assume there is if there's an orphanage for non egg babies. I'd rather not drink. I change forms when drunk. Why do you two want an egg so badly though?"

Sofia was looking at the time. It was getting late and they were spending their time just chatting away. She wouldn't say anything though.

Megan was still stuck on the thought of having a child of her own.

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