Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Sofia sighs and waves to them. "Hello my name is Sofia and this is Megan. We'd like to know why you were all up on my sisters egg!"
Well...we actually came her to train, but was greeted by the black and yellow egg. Crimson sits up, and looks at Megan. I'm curious. What type of egg is that?? @Light
GingerBread said:
"As I've said before I don't care what you do to the other guild members, I don't care. But. Vance looked up at the world leaders, his expression becoming deathly serious. "Fola and Colin are the two people you can't touch. Both of them actually helped me save the whole of reality. So they'll get the same crap I get, that's not up for debate. If you want to try to debate it, you'll find it won't turn out well for you guys. Trust me. As for everyone one else, I'm not a snitch..." Vance slyly smiled up at all the world leaders. "I might be able to be persuaded to give you guys some dirt on them for the right price."

LokiofSP said:
Illyana pondered her choices for a few moments, mulling over everything before looking to the leader in the center, "Pardon me sir, but if I may. I don't see why we even have to disband in the first place. Yes, there are bad people in the guild, but why must we punish the tree for the bad apples that went unpicked? Yes, there the fair share of child murders and ex-assassins *Cough* Sinners *Cough*..." She cast a glare at Vance before turning back once more to the leader, "But there's also good people here who don't deserve to be stripped of rank and power, so please sir, I implore you to rethink this decision."

@Light @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder


Jayn had pouted when Vance took away her guns, "Boo! That's unfair, why me?! All I did was try to kill people! Is that really such a bad thing? I'm reducing over population AND keeping Reapers in the job!" After realizing she wasn't being paid attention to, she hung her head low and walked inside, not speaking at all until the judge had offered them a deal. She raised her head and waved her hand in the air, jumping up and down, "Oo! Oo! Call on me next! Pick me! I want to say something!"

@Light @GingerBread
( @CelticSol @Daimao @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 )

The world leaders talk amongst themselves again. Once they were done the leader of Egypt speaks up. "We have decided that we shall only take away the powers that weren't registered when first joining the guild of those whom aren't present in this debate. Those whom were mentioned previously and only previously shall be spared. Though this current group shall be cut down to your base powers before registering as well if you lack convincing reasons as to why we shouldn't. The guild will be disbanded completely and you all must pay for lost lives and damages. All of your prestigious privileges you previously had as good Dragon's Roar members are taken and you will all be under watch for some time. I'm sorry but you're being completely shut down, this is the end of your guild and it's perks. As the representative of Egypt I'd also like to say you are forbidden from entering my country for the sake of my people's safety until you have been proven good. Several other world leaders speak up about their safety bans as well. In time they were banned from not only countries, but continents of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. Leaving only Europe, North America, and Antarctica for them to access.

LokiofSP said:
Fola had been thinking a answer to Isabel's question. It was difficult, after all, she was placing her entire future in him...Of course it wasn't anything new, but it just wasn't a decision to be taken lightly. Making the wrong one may lead to her life becoming worse, although...Maybe...

Fola shrugged, "Bell, I could honestly care less about whether or not you can blow up a galaxy, that's not why I love you. What matters to me is that you're happy, and if giving up whatever power you have is going to make you happy, then I'll be the first one in line to defend you're reasoning, no matter what."

Fola looked towards the being with interest as Isabel went behind him, his hand went to the Bioblade on the floor as he extended it towards the newcomer, "Who are you, and where the hell did you come from?"

@Light @The Imperial Flame
Before Isabel could respond, Grimm appears before them all. "I'm sorry to say but...due to a court battle regarding the guild of Dragon's Roar. You have been ordered to completely disband it Isabel. You have a half hour to do so and completely empty the guild of its things. I'm sorry, goodbye." With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of sad cofetti.

Isabel stood, too shocked to move. She hadn't grown close to the guild itself at all and didn't know how to conduct herself now that it's being taken away. She merely stares at where Grimm used to stand, frozen.

"Why would you want to know? You trying to steal it?!" Megan turns to the side with the egg, hiding it from Crimson.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 )
The world leaders talk amongst themselves again. Once they were done the leader of Egypt speaks up. "We have decided that we shall only take away the powers that weren't registered when first joining the guild of those whom aren't present in this debate. Those whom were mentioned previously and only previously shall be spared. Though this current group shall be cut down to your base powers before registering as well if you lack convincing reasons as to why we shouldn't. The guild will be disbanded completely and you all must pay for lost lives and damages. All of your prestigious privileges you previously had as good Dragon's Roar members are taken and you will all be under watch for some time. I'm sorry but you're being completely shut down, this is the end of your guild and it's perks. As the representative of Egypt I'd also like to say you are forbidden from entering my country for the sake of my people's safety until you have been proven good. Several other world leaders speak up about their safety bans as well. In time they were banned from not only countries, but continents of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. Leaving only Europe, North America, and Antarctica for them to access.

Before Isabel could respond, Grimm appears before them all. "I'm sorry to say but...due to a court battle regarding the guild of Dragon's Roar. You have been ordered to completely disband it Isabel. You have a half hour to do so and completely empty the guild of its things. I'm sorry, goodbye." With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of sad cofetti.

Isabel stood, too shocked to move. She hadn't grown close to the guild itself at all and didn't know how to conduct herself now that it's being taken away. She merely stares at where Grimm used to stand, frozen.

"Why would you want to know? You trying to steal it?!" Megan turns to the side with the egg, hiding it from Crimson.
"Does this mean I will lose my chaos magic and rock candy manipulation?beacuse I Canute them both to help whatever country wants my help.or world.like hunger."raz uses thier chaos magic for food.'please be good please be good.'he thought. A bag of sandwiches appear in his hand,but are slightly overdone in mustard and they are painted to have a a thumbs up."as I just said moments ago,I can use my magic to solve problems,so may I have permission to keep my powers?"he said,being safe,he didn't know if his powers were going to be taken or not.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 )
The world leaders talk amongst themselves again. Once they were done the leader of Egypt speaks up. "We have decided that we shall only take away the powers that weren't registered when first joining the guild of those whom aren't present in this debate. Those whom were mentioned previously and only previously shall be spared. Though this current group shall be cut down to your base powers before registering as well if you lack convincing reasons as to why we shouldn't. The guild will be disbanded completely and you all must pay for lost lives and damages. All of your prestigious privileges you previously had as good Dragon's Roar members are taken and you will all be under watch for some time. I'm sorry but you're being completely shut down, this is the end of your guild and it's perks. As the representative of Egypt I'd also like to say you are forbidden from entering my country for the sake of my people's safety until you have been proven good. Several other world leaders speak up about their safety bans as well. In time they were banned from not only countries, but continents of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. Leaving only Europe, North America, and Antarctica for them to access.

Before Isabel could respond, Grimm appears before them all. "I'm sorry to say but...due to a court battle regarding the guild of Dragon's Roar. You have been ordered to completely disband it Isabel. You have a half hour to do so and completely empty the guild of its things. I'm sorry, goodbye." With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of sad cofetti.

Isabel stood, too shocked to move. She hadn't grown close to the guild itself at all and didn't know how to conduct herself now that it's being taken away. She merely stares at where Grimm used to stand, frozen.

"Why would you want to know? You trying to steal it?!" Megan turns to the side with the egg, hiding it from Crimson.
Alpha nonchalantly slurps the last drops of milkshake out of the cup as he watches the world leaders with piercing eyes. It was a damn good milkshake.
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"You're not banning me from the countries. No way, I will go to them if I see fit. So at the end of the day, you guys are either with me or against me, there's no middle ground here. Try and enforce that ban and it won't end well for you guys. Also, I am in no way shape or form liable for any damages caused by my fellow dragon's roar members. If you would like to take money from me to pay for these alleged damages, I suggest you get in contact with me, so that I may get into contact with my lawyer. Anyway, See you later. Or rather I won't."
Vance snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Vance ended up appearing in front of Isabel and Fola and spotted the celestial weapons lying around on the ground, He snapped his fingers and had them all dragged into this darkness realm. He then turned to Isabel and Fola. "Hey guys, so Guild has gone to shit. People hate us now because of some certain members, I blame Inaro and his band of merry men. Anyway, how are you Isabel?"

@Light @LokiofSP @The Imperial Flame
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Silently Draco stood up and looked at the assembly of humans. He wondered how they would take their powers. Looking at them all he stated, "I hope you don't regret this decision. Their is a lot we have saved you from without knowing it." He closed his eyes then sighed as he stated, "We shall all be going to places where we can live because in our hearts." He tapped his chest then continued, "We will always follow a code. Protect the innocent. Uphold righteousness. Destroy evil and do your best to save those who cannot protect themselves. Thank you for your merciful ruling if you ever want us back we will always be there waiting."
The three cock their heads, and say together. "They are terminating a group for doing its job? This is not logical, Therefore they must be corrupt." They all three moved forward. "Our purpose is realized, destroy all who oppose you." They said to Juliet. They bowed, and said "We are in your service."

Light said:
( @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Lotusy @metalcity @Juju @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo )
"We shall remove your chaos magic and all other added powers of all guild members not present here in three...two...and..." At this moment, Grimmavus's father glows and wipes away the gained powers of the guild members that weren't here that they didn't have before they joined the guild. The world was watching on any TV or phone, as well as other realms. "You've all also been officially banned from those continents and you have a half hour until your guild is disbanding. You may leave now."

Isabel stood there, frozen completely. She was unable to register the words coming to her for a few minutes. "I-I'm sorry....what?"
The disquise glitched before Raz went into his dimension,whe he got there,he made a small town.the populated it with realistic life sized puppets,they had not strings but instead were controlled by shadow magic.raz started releasing thier frustration at the lost of thier chaos magic on the puppets.
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Looking at the judge Draco felt nothing. Not even a drain of energy. Silently he looked at his hand and it morphed dragonish he stopped then said nothing. Apparently his ability to change human wasn't a power but an ability his body kept. He was thankful for at least that ability. He didn't know if he could do Images that was a power. He smiled then had something appear in his mind. He extended his hand. Silently he watched the people around him their eyes were wide as they glanced at the floor. He stopped the image as everyone sighed in relief. He had just made everyone in the space think a small tremor had run through the building. Okay so he had all his powers. Thankfully he had made sure their was a fault line near here the place had earthquakes. He then looked at Grimm then turned his eyes ahead as he asked, "What do we do know?"


"Okay fantastic" Vance clapped his hands together and then turned to Fola. "So Fola, put aside the fact that your girlfriend just came back to life and that you must be going through some sort of emotional shit. And the fact that your girlfriends life work, pretty much at least, is being shut down because it's filled with arseholes. Forgot all about that stuff for a second" Vance waved his hand dismissively. "How would you feel about being a best man at a wedding? You can even bring Isabel if you'd like"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame
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MTchaos1134 said:
The disquise glitched before Raz went into his dimension,whe he got there,he made a small town.the populated it with realistic life sized puppets,they had not strings but instead were controlled by shadow magic.raz started realizing thier distraction at the lost of thier chaos magic on the puppets.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at the judge Draco felt nothing. Not even a drain of energy. Silently he looked at his hand and it morphed dragonish he stopped then said nothing. Apparently his ability to change human wasn't a power but an ability his body kept. He was thankful for at least that ability. He didn't know if he could do Images that was a power. He smiled then had something appear in his mind. He extended his hand. Silently he watched the people around him their eyes were wide as they glanced at the floor. He stopped the image as everyone sighed in relief. He had just made everyone in the space think a small tremor had run through the building. Okay so he had all his powers. Thankfully he had made sure their was a fault line near here the place had earthquakes. He then looked at Grimm then turned his eyes ahead as he asked, "What do we do know?"
"I don't know...go to the guild building and get our last look at it? Pack up all the stuff...say our goodbyes?"

GingerBread said:
"Okay fantastic" Vance clapped his hands together and then turned to Fola. "So Fola, put aside the fact that your girlfriend just came back to life and that you must be going through some sort of emotional shit. And the fact that your girlfriends life work, pretty much at least, is being shut down because it's filled with arseholes. Forgot all about that stuff for a second" Vance waved his hand dismissively. "How would you feel about being a best man at a wedding? You can even bring Isabel if you'd like"

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame
"A wedding? I think that would be nice." Isabel speaks but her voice lacks enthusiasm. Her eyes were stuck on the ground as well. It seemed like a fraction of her happiness was pulled out of her body. "Can we go to the guild first?"
Light said:
Why would you want to know? You trying to steal it?!" Megan turns to the side with the egg, hiding it from Crimson.

What the fuck? No he said while laughing. I don't want your sisters egg. I just wanted to know what type of egg it was gosh. He lays back down on his lawn chair. A couple of seconds later the trio all felt something strange happen to them. Their powers given to them by the guild were gone. They looked at each other. I'm guessing we all felt the same thing. Yeah, I'm about to go it out. You guys stay here with the egg and the aunts. I'm about to go speak to Sir Vancelot. He chuckles then teleports to Vance. @Light


Inaro teleported to Vance appearing next to him. Hey guys. He looked around seeing that he was in the frozen forest from before. He saw that Fola and Isabel were still here, but the robots the robots were new. I'll ask about them later. He says referencing to the robots. He looks at Isabel. Hey Izzy, how are you feeling? Inaro decided to ask about Isabel's well being before asking about his abilities. @GingerBread @Light @LokiofSP @The Imperial Flame


Hakeem head dropped when the final decree was made. Dragon roar was being disbanded. At least he still had his powers, but what's the point when you can't have fun adventures with them. He opens a portal back to his room in the guild hall and plops on his bed. He sighs and looks at the ceiling. Amon and Ai comes out. Now what are we going to do kiddo. I don't know Amon. I don't know. He said as a tear fell down his face. Ai gets on the bed with Hakeem and cuddles with him. Trying to make him feel better. It's okay Hakeem the guild will get together soon. I hope so Ai. I hope so. Hakeem closes his eyes, and falls asleep in Ai's arms.
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"I don't know...go to the guild building and get our last look at it? Pack up all the stuff...say our goodbyes?"
Looking at Grimm Draco stated, "Well I guess this make finding another girl for me that much more fun." He shook his head and chuckled. He walked out of the court then looked around as he stated, "I am going to fly back to the guild building and keep myself hidden by an Illision. You coming?" He looked at Grimm and smiled.

Fola pinched the bridge of his nose, "Really, Vance? Right now is literally the WORST time to ask...Whatever, fine, we'll go." He looked at his mate with a worried look on his face. He turned to Inaro and Vance, "So is it for real? Are we really done after all the shit we've been through? I'd thought people would put a LITTLE faith in us..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light


Illyana simply sighed and gave a pleasent nod, "If that is what you wish to do, then that is what shall happen. Thank you for your time kind sirs..." She bowed before teleporting to the guild...


(!) Jayn pouts and her eyes water slightly, "B-but, you didn't call on me...Why? Am I not pretty enough? I can't even have my guns back? You know what?! Fine!" She pulled out her sniper rifle and pointed it at Putin, "FUCK YOU BOB! OR WHATEVER YOUR FREAKING NAME IS! I'LL KILL YOU TO DEATH"

She pulled the trigger and put the rifle back on her back before jumping out the window,

Light said:
The world leaders talk amongst themselves again. Once they were done the leader of Egypt speaks up. "We have decided that we shall only take away the powers that weren't registered when first joining the guild of those whom aren't present in this debate. Those whom were mentioned previously and only previously shall be spared. Though this current group shall be cut down to your base powers before registering as well if you lack convincing reasons as to why we shouldn't. The guild will be disbanded completely and you all must pay for lost lives and damages. All of your prestigious privileges you previously had as good Dragon's Roar members are taken and you will all be under watch for some time. I'm sorry but you're being completely shut down, this is the end of your guild and it's perks. As the representative of Egypt I'd also like to say you are forbidden from entering my country for the sake of my people's safety until you have been proven good. Several other world leaders speak up about their safety bans as well. In time they were banned from not only countries, but continents of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. Leaving only Europe, North America, and Antarctica for them to access.
Daimao said:
Alpha nonchalantly slurps the last drops of milkshake out of the cup as he watches the world leaders with piercing eyes. It was a damn good milkshake.
After she finally picks the lock of her cuffs and removes them, she stands up and holds up her hand, her expression somewhat irritated, "Okay, first of all, fuck literally all of you, second of all, what the fuck?" She looks ready to cuss them out, but stops after a moment, her jaw clenching. "You know what? Fine. If your countries, if your cities, if your people are burning to the fucking ground, so be it. I will not be there to help. I will not save them. I'm going to get some popcorn, turn on my fucking TV, and I'm going to fucking laugh while all of you die. And guess what? That's exactly what's going to happen, because no one is going to save you, and you wanna know why? Because we're gone! We're disbanded! Exiled! Fuck you-" She points at Egypt's leader, then gestures broadly to the rest of the panel, "And have a nice fucking day!" She grabs Alpha, pulling him to his feet. She turns to stalk out of the building, but as she reaches the door, she pauses. Considering the fact that she's already banned out of their countries for shit she didn't do, she figures she might as well. Two tendrils split from her back, grab a table, and throw it full velocity at the side housing Asia and Africa, then picks up another to hit South America and Australia. She creates a portal to the guild and pulls Alpha through, which brings them before Isabel and the rest. Jackie says nothing, but she releases Alpha's hand and steps forward to hug Isabel tightly, which seems mostly for Jackie's benefit because she looks ready to murder.

"Yeah, they just got rid of us because some people, not naming any names here, But pretty much everyone in the guild has been killing more people than they've been saving or something. So we're banned from most places because the world hates us. They also said something about how they're going to take all our money to pay for the damages and the people we killed, Luckily. I invested my money in a chain of apartments around the world and I'm collecting rent on them, and they can't prove I killed anyone. So they're not taking my money anyway"
Vance shrugged and clapped his hands together. "So anyway, as you probably know. It's customary to get the bride and the groom a gift, so since I need something from you Isabel you can give me that, Fola you're going to need to me something yourself. Anyway Isabel, I need something to kill the god of the Sun, Apollo"

@Light @Embaga Elder @LokiofSP
CelticSol said:
After she finally picks the lock of her cuffs and removes them, she stands up and holds up her hand, her expression somewhat irritated, "Okay, first of all, fuck literally all of you, second of all, what the fuck?" She looks ready to cuss them out, but stops after a moment, her jaw clenching. "You know what? Fine. If your countries, if your cities, if your people are burning to the fucking ground, so be it. I will not be there to help. I will not save them. I'm going to get some popcorn, turn on my fucking TV, and I'm going to fucking laugh while all of you die. And guess what? That's exactly what's going to happen, because no one is going to save you, and you wanna know why? Because we're gone! We're disbanded! Exiled! Fuck you-" She points at Egypt's leader, then gestures broadly to the rest of the panel, "And have a nice fucking day!" She grabs Alpha, pulling him to his feet. She turns to stalk out of the building, but as she reaches the door, she pauses. Considering the fact that she's already banned out of their countries for shit she didn't do, she figures she might as well. Two tendrils split from her back, grab a table, and throw it full velocity at the side housing Asia and Africa, then picks up another to hit South America and Australia. She creates a portal to the guild and pulls Alpha through, which brings them before Isabel and the rest. Jackie says nothing, but she releases Alpha's hand and steps forward to hug Isabel tightly, which seems mostly for Jackie's benefit because she looks ready to murder.
LokiofSP said:
Fola pinched the bridge of his nose, "Really, Vance? Right now is literally the WORST time to ask...Whatever, fine, we'll go." He looked at his mate with a worried look on his face. He turned to Inaro and Vance, "So is it for real? Are we really done after all the shit we've been through? I'd thought people would put a LITTLE faith in us..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light
Isabel didn't want any of this and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't answer any of them because she was too focused on her emotions. She begins to cry into Jackie's shoulder, holding her tightly. "Why are they shutting us down? Why are they forcing us to disband?" Isabel still stood barefoot in the snow in the frozen forest. The snow was harming her at this point but she didn't care. She begins to sob loudly into Jackie's shoulder.

LokiofSP said:
Illyana simply sighed and gave a pleasent nod, "If that is what you wish to do, then that is what shall happen. Thank you for your time kind sirs..." She bowed before teleporting to the guild...
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Grimm Draco stated, "Well I guess this make finding another girl for me that much more fun." He shook his head and chuckled. He walked out of the court then looked around as he stated, "I am going to fly back to the guild building and keep myself hidden by an Illision. You coming?" He looked at Grimm and smiled.
"Don't say bad things like that around the egg!" Megan lightly slaps Crimson. "Child kidnapper!"

"Hey! What's going on here?" Another woman steps out of the forest, smoking a cigar with an obvious sniper rifle strapped to her back. It looks like she just got in a fight. "Who are these guys around my egg?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/48d9cdd8b01fdff8251b7241ef0969cf.jpg.b03b49aa565d87f312a5f17a8aac1629.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/48d9cdd8b01fdff8251b7241ef0969cf.jpg.b03b49aa565d87f312a5f17a8aac1629.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
Isabel didn't want any of this and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't answer any of them because she was too focused on her emotions. She begins to cry into Jackie's shoulder, holding her tightly. "Why are they shutting us down? Why are they forcing us to disband?" Isabel still stood barefoot in the snow in the frozen forest. The snow was harming her at this point but she didn't care. She begins to sob loudly into Jackie's shoulder.
Jackie picks her up, holding her by linking her hands underneath Isabel's upper thighs, getting her out of the snow. After allowing her a few moments to cry it out a little, Jackie frees up a hand to gently run her fingers through Isabel's hair, "Who says we're shutting down? Yeah, governments' are saying so, but, honestly?" She shrugs, "I've never cared much for rules. We just go underground. I've never counted on the feds, so just because they've got their panties in a bunch and are throwing a hissy-fit doesn't mean it's going to inhibit my business. I'm still gonna keep on keeping on, I'm just not going to step out of my way in order to help them out."
Fola let out a frustrated sigh, "God fucking dammit! I just...Jesus Christ this is getting fucking annoying! Dine, fuck it, I'll get you something with my ZERO dollars in the bank Vance...Fuck me..." He leaned against a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Jackie and Isabel and he watched his jacket with sudden interest.

He ran a hand through his hair as he began to think,
"Fine, fuck it. I'll head back to the guild and start packing up my shit, might as well try to find a new way to get back all the money I fucking lost. Was nice not having to pay rent while it lasted..." He got up from the tree and began to walk past Vance, "I need a damn drink and I need it now..." He turned to face Isabel briefly before turning away, deciding to allow her time with her best friend for a bit. He turned to Vance and Inaro, "Either of you in for drinking away whatever sorrows you have? Or maybe you just want a damn drink, whatever it is, I could use some company..."

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a frustrated sigh, "God fucking dammit! I just...Jesus Christ this is getting fucking annoying! Dine, fuck it, I'll get you something with my ZERO dollars in the bank Vance...Fuck me..." He leaned against a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Jackie and Isabel and he watched his jacket with sudden interest.
He ran a hand through his hair as he began to think,
"Fine, fuck it. I'll head back to the guild and start packing up my shit, might as well try to find a new way to get back all the money I fucking lost. Was nice not having to pay rent while it lasted..." He got up from the tree and began to walk past Vance, "I need a damn drink and I need it now..." He turned to face Isabel briefly before turning away, deciding to allow her time with her best friend for a bit. He turned to Vance and Inaro, "Either of you in for drinking away whatever sorrows you have? Or maybe you just want a damn drink, whatever it is, I could use some company..."

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder
Jackie looks over Isabel's shoulder, "I'm always down for getting wasted," She walks over to Fola's side, a bundle of crying Isabel in her arms, mouthing silently to him, "She just needs to cry it out."
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a frustrated sigh, "God fucking dammit! I just...Jesus Christ this is getting fucking annoying! Dine, fuck it, I'll get you something with my ZERO dollars in the bank Vance...Fuck me..." He leaned against a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Jackie and Isabel and he watched his jacket with sudden interest.
He ran a hand through his hair as he began to think,
"Fine, fuck it. I'll head back to the guild and start packing up my shit, might as well try to find a new way to get back all the money I fucking lost. Was nice not having to pay rent while it lasted..." He got up from the tree and began to walk past Vance, "I need a damn drink and I need it now..." He turned to face Isabel briefly before turning away, deciding to allow her time with her best friend for a bit. He turned to Vance and Inaro, "Either of you in for drinking away whatever sorrows you have? Or maybe you just want a damn drink, whatever it is, I could use some company..."

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder
Inaro sighs and a bottle appears in his hand. He pops it open and chugs the whole bottle. Fucking A, man. I can't believe it. A six pack appears in his hand. Let's go find an Irish Pub. They have good beer. He grabs a bottle and tosses it at Fola. Drink up Fola.
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a frustrated sigh, "God fucking dammit! I just...Jesus Christ this is getting fucking annoying! Dine, fuck it, I'll get you something with my ZERO dollars in the bank Vance...Fuck me..." He leaned against a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Jackie and Isabel and he watched his jacket with sudden interest.
He ran a hand through his hair as he began to think,
"Fine, fuck it. I'll head back to the guild and start packing up my shit, might as well try to find a new way to get back all the money I fucking lost. Was nice not having to pay rent while it lasted..." He got up from the tree and began to walk past Vance, "I need a damn drink and I need it now..." He turned to face Isabel briefly before turning away, deciding to allow her time with her best friend for a bit. He turned to Vance and Inaro, "Either of you in for drinking away whatever sorrows you have? Or maybe you just want a damn drink, whatever it is, I could use some company..."

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks over Isabel's shoulder, "I'm always down for getting wasted," She walks over to Fola's side, a bundle of crying Isabel in her arms, mouthing silently to him, "She just needs to cry it out."
Having finished the milkshake, Alpha simply tosses the empty cup over his shoulder. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and follows the others, not saying anything.
"I was joking fola, you don't have to get me shit. I just need to have Apollo's head on a god damn pike for various reasons. And you help me with that, I'll make sure you don't have to worry about money for a long while. But I can't stop and have a drink with you, much as I'd like to. Because you shouldn't really be out drinking anyway. Be there for your fuck buddy. If she's upset, you should be there to comfort her. Don't let Jackie do it, that's fucking pathetic. Also" Vance pointed over towards Maya. "There's still a child over there, not sure if anyone notice that. But she seemed to be feeding a snake some cookies or some crap. Actually, best you don't go near her, eh Fola? Anyway, I'll be off. I'll come talk to you guys later"

Vance gave Fola a brief wave before snapping his fingers and heading into his darkness realm. "If the guild goes I'll lose a lot of power won't I? I'll have to give Crybaby a call, he seemed to be powerful. I can probably threaten him into fixing that problem" Vance nodded in agreement with himself. "Hey Luna, I'm back. I have some bad news. I'm banned from like half the world and I was almost arrested. But anyway I'm back"


Maya was sitting in a chair she had build from snow, surrounded by snowmen while she waited for Fola to finish talking to the Strange lady that had appeared. Maya started summoning cookies so that she could feed Sir Snakenton, because she assumed that he was hungry. "I bet we're going to go the an even better adventure next time Sir Snakenton! It's going to be way more fun than this one." Maya then leaned in closer to Sir snakenton. "And now that mean cat lady is gone, so our adventures are going to be twice as good!"

@Light @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
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