Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Daimao said:
Having finished the milkshake, Alpha simply tosses the empty cup over his shoulder. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and follows the others, not saying anything.
Jackie looks back at Alpha, then stops stroking Isabel's hair to hold her hand out to him, making grabby hand motions like she wanted him to come forward so she could hold his hand.
Fola nodded and used the Bioblade once more, cutting the top off the bottle and lifting it slightly towards Jackie and Alpha, "Fucking cheers..." He took a drink from the bottle. He stopped drinking from the bottle and looked at Jackie and Isabel with a slight frown. He handed Inaro the bottle, "Finish it off if ya want, I'll hold off until we reach the pub..." He grabbed his mate's hand, "Listen, Bell. We're gonna have a good time right now, okay? Like an outing, one last hurrah for the public side of Dragon's Roar and all that..."

He gently squeezed her hand and called to Maya, "Hey Maya, we're gonna go out, okay? But while we're walking, I have somebody I want you to meet, okay?"

@Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @CelticSol @Daimao
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks back at Alpha, then stops stroking Isabel's hair to hold her hand out to him, making grabby hand motions like she wanted him to come forward so she could hold his hand.
Alpha obediently went closer to Jackie and took her hand in his. However, he remained silent, as if he were intently thinking about something.

LokiofSP said:
Fola nodded and used the Bioblade once more, cutting the top off the bottle and lifting it slightly towards Jackie and Alpha, "Fucking cheers..." He took a drink from the bottle. He stopped drinking from the bottle and looked at Jackie and Isabel with a slight frown. He handed Inaro the bottle, "Finish it off if ya want, I'll hold off until we reach the pub..." He grabbed his mate's hand, "Listen, Bell. We're gonna have a good time right now, okay? Like an outing, one last hurrah for the public side of Dragon's Roar and all that..."

He gently squeezed her hand and called to Maya, "Hey Maya, we're gonna go out, okay? But while we're walking, I have somebody I want you to meet, okay?"

@Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @CelticSol @Daimao
At Fola's toast, Alpha merely nodded slightly.
LokiofSP said:
Fola nodded and used the Bioblade once more, cutting the top off the bottle and lifting it slightly towards Jackie and Alpha, "Fucking cheers..." He took a drink from the bottle. He stopped drinking from the bottle and looked at Jackie and Isabel with a slight frown. He handed Inaro the bottle, "Finish it off if ya want, I'll hold off until we reach the pub..." He grabbed his mate's hand, "Listen, Bell. We're gonna have a good time right now, okay? Like an outing, one last hurrah for the public side of Dragon's Roar and all that..."

He gently squeezed her hand and called to Maya, "Hey Maya, we're gonna go out, okay? But while we're walking, I have somebody I want you to meet, okay?"

@Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @CelticSol @Daimao
(@Light )

Jackie gently unwraps Isabel's arms from around her neck, then puts them around Fola, slowly switching her over to Fola's arms. Not that she didn't want to hold Isabel, but she figured that he could probably calm her down pretty effectively.

Daimao said:
Alpha obediently went closer to Jackie and took her hand in his. However, he remained silent, as if he were intently thinking about something.
After that, she looks up at Alpha, tilting her head, "You look like you're about to short circuit. Got something on your mind?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie picks her up, holding her by linking her hands underneath Isabel's upper thighs, getting her out of the snow. After allowing her a few moments to cry it out a little, Jackie frees up a hand to gently run her fingers through Isabel's hair, "Who says we're shutting down? Yeah, governments' are saying so, but, honestly?" She shrugs, "I've never cared much for rules. We just go underground. I've never counted on the feds, so just because they've got their panties in a bunch and are throwing a hissy-fit doesn't mean it's going to inhibit my business. I'm still gonna keep on keeping on, I'm just not going to step out of my way in order to help them out."
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks over Isabel's shoulder, "I'm always down for getting wasted," She walks over to Fola's side, a bundle of crying Isabel in her arms, mouthing silently to him, "She just needs to cry it out."
LokiofSP said:
Fola let out a frustrated sigh, "God fucking dammit! I just...Jesus Christ this is getting fucking annoying! Dine, fuck it, I'll get you something with my ZERO dollars in the bank Vance...Fuck me..." He leaned against a tree and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Jackie and Isabel and he watched his jacket with sudden interest.
He ran a hand through his hair as he began to think,
"Fine, fuck it. I'll head back to the guild and start packing up my shit, might as well try to find a new way to get back all the money I fucking lost. Was nice not having to pay rent while it lasted..." He got up from the tree and began to walk past Vance, "I need a damn drink and I need it now..." He turned to face Isabel briefly before turning away, deciding to allow her time with her best friend for a bit. He turned to Vance and Inaro, "Either of you in for drinking away whatever sorrows you have? Or maybe you just want a damn drink, whatever it is, I could use some company..."

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder
@GingerBread[/URL] @Embaga Elder )

Isabel continues to cry as they talk. "T-They said I have to erase even the guild symbol though." Isabel didn't want to be here anymore. Actually she had to go back to the guild to collect all of the things and move it to her house in the Supernatural realm. She also had to get Hakeem. She thinks about the others and where they'd go but at the same time she didn't want them to leave. She didn't have much and didn't know them very well but that didn't mean she wanted to let them go. Isabel wipes her eyes and shakes herself free of Fola. "I'm going to the guild to pack things up. I'm getting Hakeem and I'll take...Maya since you're going to that place. Póir, please take everyone to the house we have in the Supernatural realm once you're done with the bar. I don't want tone leave them with nowhere to go." Isabel approaches Maya with a fake smile. "How are you? Do you mind coming with me to the guild to pick somethings up? If you're friends of Fola then you'd like me too. I'm Fola's mate. My name is Isabel." Sir Snakenton seemed to like Isabel due to her being his creator.

GingerBread said:
"I was joking fola, you don't have to get me shit. I just need to have Apollo's head on a god damn pike for various reasons. And you help me with that, I'll make sure you don't have to worry about money for a long while. But I can't stop and have a drink with you, much as I'd like to. Because you shouldn't really be out drinking anyway. Be there for your fuck buddy. If she's upset, you should be there to comfort her. Don't let Jackie do it, that's fucking pathetic. Also" Vance pointed over towards Maya. "There's still a child over there, not sure if anyone notice that. But she seemed to be feeding a snake some cookies or some crap. Actually, best you don't go near her, eh Fola? Anyway, I'll be off. I'll come talk to you guys later"

Vance gave Fola a brief wave before snapping his fingers and heading into his darkness realm. "If the guild goes I'll lose a lot of power won't I? I'll have to give Crybaby a call, he seemed to be powerful. I can probably threaten him into fixing that problem" Vance nodded in agreement with himself. "Hey Luna, I'm back. I have some bad news. I'm banned from like half the world and I was almost arrested. But anyway I'm back"

Luna was no longer there, a note was left in her place. "I've left to Greece to face my mother on my own. I don't think you deserve being put through my drama. Go enjoy yourself while I handle Hekate."
CelticSol said:
(@Light )
Jackie gently unwraps Isabel's arms from around her neck, then puts them around Fola, slowly switching her over to Fola's arms. Not that she didn't want to hold Isabel, but she figured that he could probably calm her down pretty effectively.

After that, she looks up at Alpha, tilting her head, "You look like you're about to short circuit. Got something on your mind?"
Alpha shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just having a hard time deciding on how I want to cook those 'world leaders'. Maybe some politician hor d'oeuvres? Or some asshat hash? Ah fuck it, I'll probably just eat them raw. I'm no good at cooking anyways."
Light said:
Grimm shakes his head to Draco. "No...let's go immediately rather than flying." He touches his shoulder and teleports to the guild. He enters the building with Illyana as well and calls out to any guild members that may be in the buillding. "Hello?"
Amon and Ai both hears Grimm's voice. Ai looks at Hakeem and lightly wakes him up. Hakeem, it's time for us to go. Hakeem wakes up, and sits up. Is thirty minutes up yet?? He said rubbing his eyes. No, but Grimm is here clearing out the base. Hakeem sighs and gets off the bed. Well then I guess we should get going. The genies goes back into their bracelet's and Hakeem leaves his room heading to the front. He waves towards Grimm and the others then puts his hands in his pockets. @Light @LokiofSP @Lighthouse8477

Light said:
"Don't say bad things like that around the egg!" Megan lightly slaps Crimson. "Child kidnapper!"
"Hey! What's going on here?" Another woman steps out of the forest, smoking a cigar with an obvious sniper rifle strapped to her back. It looks like she just got in a fight. "Who are these guys around my egg?"


Crimson chuckled. Did you just slap me for cursing. It's not like that egg can hear me. Technical it can brother. Shut up Cole, before I beat you in Uno again. You would bring that back up. The brothers heard another female voice approach them. She looked a bit rougher than the other two. It's probably because she got out of a fight. God what's so special about that egg. If you must know my name is Crimson, and this is my partner Cole. He came here on our anniversary to have some alone time and we found the egg just laying there, unguarded. As Crimson lied Cole just shook his head laughing. @Light
Daimao said:
Alpha shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just having a hard time deciding on how I want to cook those 'world leaders'. Maybe some politician hor d'oeuvres? Or some asshat hash? Ah fuck it, I'll probably just eat them raw. I'm no good at cooking anyways."
She laughs at that, squeezing his hand as she leans her shoulder on him, "Well, if we ate them raw, we could have some shit-head sashimi. I've always loved sushi, so it's perfect."

Vance picked up the note and stared at it.
"Really Luna? Fucking really? You don't tell me what I do and don't deserve. I... I'm talking to myself. I've really got to get out of the habit of doing that. Especially if I have to go back to my old job" Vance shook his head and grabbed the note. "So I've just got to see if anyone around Greece knows Hekate. Shouldn't be too hard. I'll try around the place where all the gods hang out. Luna did go out with Apollo so it would make sense to be around that area" Vance snapping his fingers and teleported to greece and started searching around for Luna and her mother.



Maya smiled at Fola as she stood up and ran over to him. "Where are we going?! Is it going to be fun?! Who are we going to meet?! Are they nice? Are they going to take us on a Amazing adventure?! Are we going to have a lot of fun?! I wanna have a lot of fun!" Maya smiled up at Fola, wanting him to give her a piggy back ride but she didn't want to risk hurting anyone when she jumped up onto Fola's back. "So who is it? Are we going to meet them soon?!" Maya looked at Isabel with slight cation, and hid behind Fola slightly. "I'd rather stay with my best friend. So if he's not going I don't want to either! And besides my Best Friend wants me to meet someone!"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @Light @Embaga Elder
CelticSol said:
She laughs at that, squeezing his hand as she leans her shoulder on him, "Well, if we ate them raw, we could have some shit-head sashimi. I've always loved sushi, so it's perfect."
Alpha nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, that rice it comes on is honestly heavenly. I may have an addiction to it. So yeah, shit-head sashimi sounds perfect," he chuckled.
Fola blinked at Maya, "Um...Maya, Isabel is the person I wanted you to meet. She's my ma- I mean girlfriend..." He refereed to Isabel as his girlfriend as if he was trying to present the nature of his relationship with Isabel properly without scaring the girl off from the idea entirely. "She's gotta go do some stuff, and I'm gonna go with these guys to a place kids can't really go to. I really want you to get to know her though! So why don't you hang out with her for awhile, I think you'll have fun..."

He looked back up to Isabel, "If you really want to take care of all that, it's fine Isabel. Just take care of yourself for a little bit, alright? I love you..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light
Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, that rice it comes on is honestly heavenly. I may have an addiction to it. So yeah, shit-head sashimi sounds perfect," he chuckled.
"Perfect. We can have it on our next date - oh, actually, speaking of that, I'm formally asking you to go on a date, because we got attacked before we could go on our last one," She grins at him, "We can do anything you want, including eating shit-head sashimi."
CelticSol said:
"Perfect. We can have it on our next date - oh, actually, speaking of that, I'm formally asking you to go on a date, because we got attacked before we could go on our last one," She grins at him, "We can do anything you want, including eating shit-head sashimi."
LokiofSP said:
Fola blinked at Maya, "Um...Maya, Isabel is the person I wanted you to meet. She's my ma- I mean girlfriend..." He refereed to Isabel as his girlfriend as if he was trying to present the nature of his relationship with Isabel properly without scaring the girl off from the idea entirely. "She's gotta go do some stuff, and I'm gonna go with these guys to a place kids can't really go to. I really want you to get to know her though! So why don't you hang out with her for awhile, I think you'll have fun..."

He looked back up to Isabel, "If you really want to take care of all that, it's fine Isabel. Just take care of yourself for a little bit, alright? I love you..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light
Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, that rice it comes on is honestly heavenly. I may have an addiction to it. So yeah, shit-head sashimi sounds perfect," he chuckled.
GingerBread said:
Maya smiled at Fola as she stood up and ran over to him. "Where are we going?! Is it going to be fun?! Who are we going to meet?! Are they nice? Are they going to take us on a Amazing adventure?! Are we going to have a lot of fun?! I wanna have a lot of fun!" Maya smiled up at Fola, wanting him to give her a piggy back ride but she didn't want to risk hurting anyone when she jumped up onto Fola's back. "So who is it? Are we going to meet them soon?!" Maya looked at Isabel with slight cation, and hid behind Fola slightly. "I'd rather stay with my best friend. So if he's not going I don't want to either! And besides my Best Friend wants me to meet someone!"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @Light @Embaga Elder
Isabel opens a portal and smiles at Fola. "I love you too Fola." Isabel looks at Maya, gesturing towards the portal. "Would you like to come with me now? I'd like to show you something."

GingerBread said:

Vance picked up the note and stared at it.
"Really Luna? Fucking really? You don't tell me what I do and don't deserve. I... I'm talking to myself. I've really got to get out of the habit of doing that. Especially if I have to go back to my old job" Vance shook his head and grabbed the note. "So I've just got to see if anyone around Greece knows Hekate. Shouldn't be too hard. I'll try around the place where all the gods hang out. Luna did go out with Apollo so it would make sense to be around that area" Vance snapping his fingers and teleported to greece and started searching around for Luna and her mother.

Once Vance teleports there he ends up on a busy street of Greece. There was a boy in sandals off to the side, standing out on the sidewalk.
"Did you collect all your things and say your goodbyes? Your mother is coming around soon to pick you up so you should be ready. It's time to clear out."

Megan grows offended and was about to speak up, Sofia cuts her off though. Sofia wanted to see how this would go. Gianna approaches Megan and takes they egg, holding it carefully. She takes a drag from the cigar and exhales. "Unguarded? You should? I left Megan to protect my egg. I wouldn't think that it would he left unguarded."
Raz become bored of killing puppets,and decides to to a human or two,actual ones.but they can't be known by anyone,or will just be forgotten.and he didn't want to do it alone.he contacts the woman that wanted to kill officers."hey wanna do somthing fun with me?"

Grimmavus's father grew happy at its own plan coming out well together. The guild members didn't get exiled but that was okay. They had still disbanded and because of that the world grew weaker. Now that Dragon's Roar was out of the way, he could slowly work towards the ending day.
Light said:
"Did you collect all your things and say your goodbyes? Your mother is coming around soon to pick you up so you should be ready. It's time to clear out."
He smiled when he heard that his mother was coming back. He seemed a little happier, than before. Yeah, I cleared out my room, even though there wasn't much in there. He chuckled then places his hands on his head. So...how long until she gets here?

Light said:
Megan grows offended and was about to speak up, Sofia cuts her off though. Sofia wanted to see how this would go. Gianna approaches Megan and takes they egg, holding it carefully. She takes a drag from the cigar and exhales. "Unguarded? You should? I left Megan to protect my egg. I wouldn't think that it would he left unguarded."
Well it was when we got here. I don't care if you believe me or not. He pops open his whiskey bottle and drinks it all. He then lays down on his lawn chair, closes his eyes, and tries to fall asleep. Cole lights a cigarette and places it in his mouth. He takes a drag, then exhales. So I'm guessing you're Gianna. You seem a little banged up. What or whom were you fighting?? @Light

Vance sighed when he ended up on the busy streets Of course. Because Everything wants to go against me today Vance shook his head and started walking over the boy in sandals since he seemed to be staying still compared to everyone. "Oi child, I'm looking for two people, you know where I can find them? Hekate and Luna. Just point me in a direction or something"



"Oh" Maya felt slightly embarrassed that she didn't work that out, since Isabel sounded like she was going to take her somewhere and that could lead to an adventure! "I'm sorry Lady. I'm sure you're nice. But I met this really mean lady who had cat ears and stuff! She was really really mean." Maya smiled up at Isabel as she skipped over towards her. "Are you going to take me on a cool adventure?! My Best friend always took me on adventures!"

@LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder
CelticSol said:
"Perfect. We can have it on our next date - oh, actually, speaking of that, I'm formally asking you to go on a date, because we got attacked before we could go on our last one," She grins at him, "We can do anything you want, including eating shit-head sashimi."
Alpha nodded his head, smiling. "Well then, I formally accept your formal invitation to a date Miss Jacqueline Sapienti," Alpha replied.
Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head, smiling. "Well then, I formally accept your formal invitation to a date Miss Jacqueline Sapienti," Alpha replied.
"Excellent," She grins. "I'll start scheming a little bit, and I should have a solid plan of what we're doing by the time we clean out the guild," She makes a portal leading to her room with a wave of her free hand, and steps through, pulling Alpha along with her. She lets go of him, absently making another portal in the middle of the room, and starts throwing all her shit through it.
"Yes we are! We're going to a guild to play an evacuation game and pick someone up. The. We're going to another castle to sneak in past these guards and rescue three more people so we can travel through a big portal to another realm! You have to remember these plans or else the adventure will fall apart." Isabel guides Maya through the portal and appears before Hakeem and Grimm in the lobby. She smiles at Hakeem and Maya. "Alright. Maya this is Hakeem, my son. Hakeem this is Maya..." She stares at Maya for a moment, feeling an odd connection with her as if it were maternal. "We're going to play a game you two. It's the collection everything you can game. The more items around the building you collect and bring down to this lobby equals more points. Whoever gets the most points wins a special gift! Ready....set....go!"

Gianna spins the egg on the burning tip of her cigar like a basketball. "Oh just a couple grand ogres." Smoke from the cigar begins to rise around the egg since it's grinding against it. "What's up with hot head over there?" She gestures to Crimson.

GingerBread said:
Vance sighed when he ended up on the busy streets Of course. Because Everything wants to go against me today Vance shook his head and started walking over the boy in sandals since he seemed to be staying still compared to everyone. "Oi child, I'm looking for two people, you know where I can find them? Hekate and Luna. Just point me in a direction or something"

The boy smiles and shakes his head. "Point you to Hekate and Luna? You mean those titans from the story books? From Greek mythology? You're crazy right?"

"Yes, I'm completely crazy, that's what it is. Because how could they exist, right?" Vance started laughing and turned around, looking like he was about to walk away before turning back around and snapping his fingers, having tendrils of darkness wrap around the boy's throat. "Oh wait, I can use magic." Vance's smile completely faded from his face as he got serious. "So, what am I again?"



Maya smiled at the prospect of playing a game and winning a prize. "Yay! I'm going to win Hakeem!" Maya playfully stuck her tongue out at him before running off and going in and out of different rooms and grabbing whatever she could. Maya kept doing this until she couldn't carry all the stuff in her arms, she thought about going back to put the stuff she found in front of Isabel but didn't want to waste time going backwards and forwards.

Maya then imagined stumbling across her old red cart that she had when she met her best friend and to her surprise, she found it in the next room she went in. Maya deposited all of the stuff in her car and continued going around the guild and doing her best to take all the stuff from the rooms.

@Light @Embaga Elder
Hakeem smiles at the thought of competition. Hehe in your dreams Maya. He Summons a hover board and rides it throughout the guild slapping his summoning circle and any and everything thing. I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win. There's no way that Maya girl can beat me. He goes to the kitchen slapping a seal on the refrigerator, then leaves. He continues his way and heads towards the other rooms. He sees Maya and starts laughing. Hehe gotta move faster than that if you wanna beat me. He pulls ahead of Maya. He hops off his hover board goes inside the rooms that she hasn't been it. He infuses his summoning symbol on everything within the rooms, then leaves with nothing. He hops back on and takes off. @GingerBread @Light
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Light said:
Gianna spins the egg on the burning tip of her cigar like a basketball. "Oh just a couple grand ogres." Smoke from the cigar begins to rise around the egg since it's grinding against it. "What's up with hot head over there?" She gestures to Crimson.
Him?? If you think that's his hot head moment, you should see him when he's really mad. Even though he's always mad. But right now he just wants some sleep. Yeah which I can't get right now for various reasons. He sits back up and looks at Gianna. So were the ogres a little difficult to fight?? @Light

@GingerBread[/URL] @Light

@Light @GingerBread

Grimm shakes his head to Draco. "No...let's go immediately rather than flying." He touches his shoulder and teleports to the guild. He enters the building with Illyana as well and calls out to any guild members that may be in the buillding. "Hello?"
Silently Draco looked around the building admiring it's beauty and sturdy looks. Silently he glanced at other members smiled slightly then walked up to a pillar. Touching it he thought, "So beautiful and innocent." He looked around the building and sighed. He thought of a song in his head. There was a time when dragons roamed among the world with smiles that told of happiness and peace but then some turned and trust failed. When that day came the dragons fled to caves of stone and hid their watching for things unknown. The people came with swords alight and then the dragons hid and fled. To world unknown they came back and tried to help gain the old trust back. However the world scared by things unknown abandoned help and sacrificed themselves to evil Untold." He had made the last line up. It was a dirge sung in his mind. Things were going to change now for the world and it wasn't going to be good. He glanced at Grimm and smiled as he thought, "Well at least I have a friend."

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