Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Vance looked up at the man with a bored expression. "So you have assaulted me and taken away my basic human rights. I'm going to have to say, Nah. I'm good. We'll stay around. I'd like to see you try to stop me, you little bitch. You have broken more laws and seem to have gotten away from it. Are you a politicians wet dream?"

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GingerBread said:

Aedus frowned as he looked at the town that got destroyed because of the beings that came after them. "W-We should go see if anyone in the town needs help E-Ent. Make sure no one got h-hurt" Aedus smiled up at Ent as he put his free hand into his pocket to check how many matches he had left and found that he only had a singular match left.

"Nah, its fine." Ent passed off the chance of going to save people. He continued to hold Aedus's hand and he gave him a gentle smile. "Do you want to look around the guild hall? even though it seems empty. Do you even think we joined Dragon Roar?" Ent asked as he tried to scout out any members.

Slowly Draco stood up as he looked at the judge and spoke softly his voice echoing off the walls. "I just joined the Dragons Roar I know nothing about what it has or hasn't done however we came quietly and didn't harm a single person in fact we saved some of your men from being shot. From what I have heard the Dragons Roar has saved many lives and has protected the world. What wrongs have we done specifically? Could you please at least explain that to me? Because the only thing I have done is be a dragon and that is not a crime. I have never killed another person nor another dragon ever." He sat down silently looking at Vance who had spoken up before him. He was thinking the same thing as Vance however those type of comments normally got you a blank wall and shouts. He looked at the judge waiting patiently.
Light said:
( @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 )
The officer shakes his head at Vance and glows in Twilight. Vance could feel his head hit something before he slips into a state of unconsciousness. For others they could see he officer knock Vance out with a punch at high speeds. He carries Vance's unconscious body into the building that seemed to have many chairs in the center of what was like an arena. He sets Vance in a chair and guides the other Dragon's Roar members into one of their own. World leaders sit in front of them on a higher stand along with Grimmavus's father as the judge. He sat in the form of an ethereal body. There were cameras and people everywhere in the stand. Not just earth...but all realms and planets seemed to be watching. "Ah...so we have at least some Dragon's Roar members here. So let's begin. I'll tell you how it is right now...the world has turned against you and wants you to disband to pay for your crimes. You have done a lot of wrong while doing some positive.
Light said:
( @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 )
The officer shakes his head at Vance and glows in Twilight. Vance could feel his head hit something before he slips into a state of unconsciousness. For others they could see he officer knock Vance out with a punch at high speeds. He carries Vance's unconscious body into the building that seemed to have many chairs in the center of what was like an arena. He sets Vance in a chair and guides the other Dragon's Roar members into one of their own. World leaders sit in front of them on a higher stand along with Grimmavus's father as the judge. He sat in the form of an ethereal body. There were cameras and people everywhere in the stand. Not just earth...but all realms and planets seemed to be watching. "Ah...so we have at least some Dragon's Roar members here. So let's begin. I'll tell you how it is right now...the world has turned against you and wants you to disband to pay for your crimes. You have done a lot of wrong while doing some positive. Though at times it seems like those positives are not enough to please the people. Now...let me ask you. How do you feel about exile?" At this moment, they should all realize the fact that they've been played. The world that they've fought to protect, was the same world that was turning their backs on them now, betraying them.

"wait,I only joined recently,am I still going to get the same punishment as the members who has been in the guild longer?"raz asked,he seemed not surprised,but he was."do you mean only this planet?beacuse if I had to leave it completley alone,there would be no one to manage vengance."If they tried to banish him from earth and leave it completley alone,he would not,he had a job to do,and he will not let a banishment stop him from doing it.
Daimao said:
Alpha was slurping loudly on his milkshake as he rocked his chair on its back legs. He stopped for a moment when exile was mentioned, before slurping even louder.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Slowly Draco stood up as he looked at the judge and spoke softly his voice echoing off the walls. "I just joined the Dragons Roar I know nothing about what it has or hasn't done however we came quietly and didn't harm a single person in fact we saved some of your men from being shot. From what I have heard the Dragons Roar has saved many lives and has protected the world. What wrongs have we done specifically? Could you please at least explain that to me? Because the only thing I have done is be a dragon and that is not a crime. I have never killed another person nor another dragon ever." He sat down silently looking at Vance who had spoken up before him. He was thinking the same thing as Vance however those type of comments normally got you a blank wall and shouts. He looked at the judge waiting patiently.
MTchaos1134 said:
"wait,I only joined recently,am I still going to get the same punishment as the members who has been in the guild longer?"raz asked,he seemed not surprised,but he was."do you mean only this planet?beacuse if I had to leave it completley alone,there would be no one to manage vengance."If they tried to banish him from earth and leave it completley alone,he would not,he had a job to do,and he will not let a banishment stop him from doing it.
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao )

World leaders consider what Raz and Draco had to say. The actual leader of this landmass that the guild resides in speaks up. "Alright...that seems fair. For you two exile won't be the extreme. Though for the overall group disbanding is still a high possibility unless proven otherwise. Can you convince me as to why your guild deserves no punishment at all? Overtime Dragon's Roar has caused a lot of casualties and destruction."
Fola sighs and plants a kiss on his mate's head, holding her a bit tighter. He ran a hand through her hair and stood there in the cold with her. He looked at her in the dress and took off his jacket, putting it around her once more, "Listen, Bell, you never have to worry about anything ever again, okay? I'll always be here for you, I promised I would after all, the symbol on my chest is proof of that...It's just...I love you so much, more than you could ever possibly know..."

Light said:
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao )
World leaders consider what Raz and Draco had to say. The actual leader of this landmass that the guild resides in speaks up. "Alright...that seems fair. For you two exile won't be the extreme. Though for the overall group disbanding is still a high possibility unless proven otherwise. Can you convince me as to why your guild deserves no punishment at all? Overtime Dragon's Roar has caused a lot of casualties and destruction."
"Ever since i joined the guild thier intentions were always good,they try thier best to keep humanit and the world safe,sometimes damage and casualites can not be avoided,like in wars.but the guilds war is usally,constant,they try thier best to keep evreyone safe.for the small time I have been in dragons roar,they have been doing good things,but at the cost of some casualties and damage,there is always a negative to somthing.its unavoidable,people will probably die in the future if the guild stays,but thier deaths would not be in vain."raz spoke,he was only willing to try once or twice to save the guild,he did not want to sound like a broken record,repeating the same thing,but instead,save the members of the guild,it would probably disband if Raz managed to somewhat convince evreyone,but at least all the members would be safe. And not exiled from anything.
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighs and plants a kiss on his mate's head, holding her a bit tighter. He ran a hand through her hair and stood there in the cold with her. He looked at her in the dress and took off his jacket, putting it around her once more, "Listen, Bell, you never have to worry about anything ever again, okay? I'll always be here for you, I promised I would after all, the symbol on my chest is proof of that...It's just...I love you so much, more than you could ever possibly know..."

As she took in his words, it seemed like that was all she could receive in terms of positive emotion. Fola loved her and she believed him but it seemed like others didn't. She was always suffering because of her power. Her family seemed to want her back this time around and she was content with life with Fola, as if she felt safe. Though she didn't know what to do about her problem with the world and her power. "M-morgan?"

A purple light in the form of Morgan appears before her. "I know just what you're thinking, quite literally. I am your mind after all. I do have a solution to your dilemma but it is quite costly. I'll run the information through." After a few seconds, it seemed like Isabella's facial expression was uncertain due to whatever Morgan told her. "Yes I know it's crazy but it works out nicely in the end. The big problem is if you're willing to sacrifice all of that to do so."

All the other split personalities holograms appear with the addition of Azriel, Temperance, Carnage, and Julius. She wasnt completely sure on what to do so she turns to the one man whom could help her, Fola. "Póir...do you think. Letting go of all of my power is okay? As well as separating them all from me? Would you still love me? Would I still be the same? Should I do it?" Isabel looks up at Fola, hoping, just hoping that he'd have the answers she'd need.

MTchaos1134 said:
"Ever since i joined the guild thier intentions were always good,they try thier best to keep humanit and the world safe,sometimes damage and casualites can not be avoided,like in wars.but the guilds war is usally,constant,they try thier best to keep evreyone safe.for the small time I have been in dragons roar,they have been doing good things,but at the cost of some casualties and damage,there is always a negative to somthing.its unavoidable,people will probably die in the future if the guild stays,but thier deaths would not be in vain."raz spoke,he was only willing to try once or twice to save the guild,he did not want to sound like a broken record,repeating the same thing,but instead,save the members of the guild,it would probably disband if Raz managed to somewhat convince evreyone,but at least all the members would be safe. And not exiled from anything.

"So what are you trying to propose?" He leans forward, taking interest in his argument. It seems like things could be resolved in some shape or form.
Light said:
As she took in his words, it seemed like that was all she could receive in terms of positive emotion. Fola loved her and she believed him but it seemed like others didn't. She was always suffering because of her power. Her family seemed to want her back this time around and she was content with life with Fola, as if she felt safe. Though she didn't know what to do about her problem with the world and her power. "M-morgan?"
A purple light in the form of Morgan appears before her. "I know just what you're thinking, quite literally. I am your mind after all. I do have a solution to your dilemma but it is quite costly. I'll run the information through." After a few seconds, it seemed like Isabella's facial expression was uncertain due to whatever Morgan told her. "Yes I know it's crazy but it works out nicely in the end. The big problem is if you're willing to sacrifice all of that to do so."

All the other split personalities holograms appear with the addition of Azriel, Temperance, Carnage, and Julius. She wasnt completely sure on what to do so she turns to the one man whom could help her, Fola. "Póir...do you think. Letting go of all of my power is okay? As well as separating them all from me? Would you still love me? Would I still be the same? Should I do it?" Isabel looks up at Fola, hoping, just hoping that he'd have the answers she'd need.

"So what are you trying to propose?" He leans forward, taking interest in his argument. It seems like things could be resolved in some shape or form.
Instead of exile,the guild will either be disbanded and the members make up for what they did by doing somthing such as repairing the damage they have done,or work together to help earths and other worlds problems,rothe guild stays,but each member would have to let a specific group of people or single man thier weaknesses,so if they were to act up this group of people would be sent out.along with this they would have to do one of things things I have mentioned earlier.and if the guild were to screw up during this time or after.and I mean most of the guild not just one member screwing up,they would have temporary banishment and fix the damage they have done once more.we could even have collars or somthing to shock or stun a guild member if they were to do somthing they should not."raz thinks for a moment."and if the second option is chosen I will leave dragons roar to be part of the group that keeps dragons roar in check."raz waits for thier response,he didn't want to say to much,though he had a lot more to say,and many more ideas.
MTchaos1134 said:
Instead of exile,the guild will either be disbanded and the members make up for what they did by doing somthing such as repairing the damage they have done,or work together to help earths and other worlds problems,rothe guild stays,but each member would have to let a specific group of people or single man thier weaknesses,so if they were to act up this group of people would be sent out.along with this they would have to do one of things things I have mentioned earlier.and if the guild were to screw up during this time or after.and I mean most of the guild not just one member screwing up,they would have temporary banishment and fix the damage they have done once more.we could even have collars or somthing to shock or stun a guild member if they were to do somthing they should not."raz thinks for a moment."and if the second option is chosen I will leave dragons roar to be part of the group that keeps dragons roar in check."raz waits for thier response,he didn't want to say to much,though he had a lot more to say,and many more ideas.
The world leaders talk amongst themselves once more, debating about the specifics of Raz's idea. Once they come to an at least temporary conclusion the leader of this landmass turns to Raz. "So far that sounds like a fair point that we may actually go with instead of exile. Though disbanding Dragon's Roar may still be a high possibility exile is no longer being taken into consideration. The world would just like a small break from your heroism so the repairing damage is fine. I have the feeling you'd all somehow make things worse, no offense. We would just like to know where you all stand. You're a very powerful group that can barely be stopped and you're doing reckless things. Disbanding would be nice but that may not change anything. So we'd like to know where you all stand as indiviuals. We'd like more suggestions from your fellow guild mates before we completely make yours concrete to be as fair as possible in this already unfair trial."
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Light said:
The world leaders talk amongst themselves once more, debating about the specifics of Raz's idea. Once they come to an at least temporary conclusion the leader of this landmass turns to Raz. "So far that sounds like a fair point that we may actually go with instead of exile. Though disbanding Dragon's Roar may still be a high possibility exile is no longer being taken into consideration. The world would just like a small break from your heroism so the repairing damage is fine. I have the feeling you'd all somehow make things worse, no offense. We would just like to know where you all stand. You're a very powerful group that can barely be stopped and you're doing reckless things. Disbanding would be nice but that may not change anything. So we'd like to know where you all stand as indiviuals. We'd like more suggestions from your fellow guild mates before we completely make yours concrete to be as fair as possible in this already unfair trial."
"My final idea before another member speaks is that there will be training for guild members to hopefully make the guild members not as reckless.after that he waits for another member to speak.raz finished talking and started eating rock candy.
Power and Speed Glance at one another, and return to Mercy. Speed took off to scout ahead, and Mercy flew herself and power. They were heading to the nearest place the could find, and hopefully they could finally meet the head honcho.

MTchaos1134 said:
"My final idea before another member speaks is that there will be training for guild members to hopefully make the guild members not as reckless.after that he waits for another member to speak.raz finished talking and started eating rock candy.
"Hm...I don't think there will be a need for that since the guild may disband. It also seems like you already have enough training. Though I may be wrong, define training."

( You have to be more specific. There are several you can't just say head honcho and expect me to know what you're talking about xD )
Light said:
"Hm...I don't think there will be a need for that since the guild may disband. It also seems like you already have enough training. Though I may be wrong, define training."
( You have to be more specific. There are several you can't just say head honcho and expect me to know what you're talking about xD )
"Giving training,not for combat but for awareness and carefulness.training like this could help most members do less damage as they do a mission or somthing."raz stopped eating candy and just watched.
They want to find the guild leader. So they can either join or talk to them. They are lonely. "We will never find life forms like this."

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Light said:
"Hey! Don't touch that egg, that's my sisters baby!" A woman races in and picks up the egg, cradling it in her arms. "This is where you rolled off to! Sofia is going to kill me."

Suddenly another woman storms into the scene with an angry face and crossed arms over her chest. "Megan! Who are these people and why did you lose track of Gianna's egg?! You know who's getting in trouble for this and it's not me this time around."


The girl by the name of Sofia turns to the trio. "Now who are you?"
While on egg watch a woman comes running commanding the trio not to took the egg, and claiming that the egg is her sister's. Cole sat and looked at his brothers. Sooo anyone wanna question this?? Nope, I'm about to go to sleep, now that the egg problem is over. He puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes, to only reopen them because someone wanted to storm in yelling. Crimson chuckles and looks at Cole. Somes angry. He said while pointing his thumb towards Sofia. Sofia, after she got done chewing out Megan, turned to the trio and questioned them. Inaro sips his beer, Then Trio. He said vaguely. Crimson chuckled and Cole shook his head, and decided to answer her question the right way. My name is Cole, and these are my brothers. Inaro and Crimson. He said pointing to them name by name. May I ask for your names? He said even though they already pretty sure knew they names. @Light

MTchaos1134 said:
"Giving training,not for combat but for awareness and carefulness.training like this could help most members do less damage as they do a mission or somthing."raz stopped eating candy and just watched.
"This is true...but we're still a bit more on the idea of disbanding you. You've had so many chances and made so many errors. We can discuss other punishments but disbanding is a solid yes."

The Imperial Flame]They want to find the guild leader. So they can either join or talk to them. They are lonely. "We will never find life forms like this." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Isabel was in a frozen forest with Fola when the group appears. She yelps and hides behind him when they approach her. She ends up sneezing and several celestial weapons and pebbles drop around her. It seems like when she sneezes pebbles and weapons appear.

Sofia sighs and waves to them. "Hello my name is Sofia and this is Megan. We'd like to know why you were all up on my sisters egg!"
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"Okay so Disband us, that's all you guys need to do. We don't need any stupid training. I'm an ex assassin, I know not to leave a trace when I do something, and so far I've been okay doing that. So how about this, if you guys want to stop it and screw over yourselves in the process like you seem intent on doing, why not just stop us from ever forming the guild back together?"
Vance shrugged and started flipping his dagger in the air again. "Just take away powers from people who don't deserve them, or abuse them. Or from the people who cause the most destruction while using them. Quick and easy solution. Or if you want an easier one, seeing as I'm no longer in the guild. You can hire my services to... dispose of certain members of the guild"

@Light @MTchaos1134
GingerBread said:
"Okay so Disband us, that's all you guys need to do. We don't need any stupid training. I'm an ex assassin, I know not to leave a trace when I do something, and so far I've been okay doing that. So how about this, if you guys want to stop it and screw over yourselves in the process like you seem intent on doing, why not just stop us from ever forming the guild back together?"
Vance shrugged and started flipping his dagger in the air again. "Just take away powers from people who don't deserve them, or abuse them. Or from the people who cause the most destruction while using them. Quick and easy solution. Or if you want an easier one, seeing as I'm no longer in the guild. You can hire my services to... dispose of certain members of the guild"

@Light @MTchaos1134
"We won't ask you to kill them but taking away powers is a good idea. So tell me...who do you suggest we rob powers from? Wouldn't you be one of those people as well?"

"I think you should Hire me, maybe later though. I mean, you are putting me out of a Job because of a few arseholes in the guild. Now I know I have a few fans. So everyone knows I can do this"
Vance snapped his fingers and had a dagger made of darkness appear in his hand before having it turn into tendrils and then finally getting rid of it. "But fun fact, those aren't my only powers" Vance then repeated what he just did except this time he did it with Light instead of Darkness. "And I have other powers beside those. Now tell me, how often have you seen me use those powers? Hardly ever I would imagine, so tell me how I would've abused my powers in order for them to be taken away."

Vance paused for a couple of seconds as he toyed around with his dagger, but before anyone could say anything he spoke again. "Simple answer, I don't. I rarely even use my powers, and when I do it's because it is necessary for me to do so, hell I could've killed everyone before I was even taken here. But I didn't. Now you can say the guild is shit, and that may well be true. But you don't dare put me in the same group as these idiots. And I don't think you should take anyone's powers away, but equally. I don't care"

@Light @MTchaos1134
GingerBread said:

"I think you should Hire me, maybe later though. I mean, you are putting me out of a Job because of a few arseholes in the guild. Now I know I have a few fans. So everyone knows I can do this"
Vance snapped his fingers and had a dagger made of darkness appear in his hand before having it turn into tendrils and then finally getting rid of it. "But fun fact, those aren't my only powers" Vance then repeated what he just did except this time he did it with Light instead of Darkness. "And I have other powers beside those. Now tell me, how often have you seen me use those powers? Hardly ever I would imagine, so tell me how I would've abused my powers in order for them to be taken away."

Vance paused for a couple of seconds as he toyed around with his dagger, but before anyone could say anything he spoke again. "Simple answer, I don't. I rarely even use my powers, and when I do it's because it is necessary for me to do so, hell I could've killed everyone before I was even taken here. But I didn't. Now you can say the guild is shit, and that may well be true. But you don't dare put me in the same group as these idiots. And I don't think you should take anyone's powers away, but equally. I don't care"

@Light @MTchaos1134
The world leaders talk amongst themselves, debating on whether or not Vance should keep his powers. "We have decided to let you keep your powers. Though what about the other guild members?"

"As I've said before I don't care what you do to the other guild members, I don't care. But. Vance looked up at the world leaders, his expression becoming deathly serious. "Fola and Colin are the two people you can't touch. Both of them actually helped me save the whole of reality. So they'll get the same crap I get, that's not up for debate. If you want to try to debate it, you'll find it won't turn out well for you guys. Trust me. As for everyone one else, I'm not a snitch..." Vance slyly smiled up at all the world leaders. "I might be able to be persuaded to give you guys some dirt on them for the right price."


This trail was getting very bad for the guild, but not much for Hakeem. Hakeem looked at Vance, then looked down at his feet as he spoke about killing off some of the members himself. It's sad how you don't care about anyone in this world. Even for the ones that actually care about you. Hakeem said softly.

Hakeem wasn't down for losing his abilities. He enjoys them and finds them useful when defending himself. His only Powers is that of summoning and he only uses that for protection and to summon candy. No one should have their abilities taken. They're aren't many in the guild who abuses their abilities, and those that due aren't around anymore. I hope I'm right. Hakeem spoke out finally. He wanted to say more but there was no point. He's only ten who would listen to him. He summoned some gummy bears and begins eating them. I hope I don't lose my abilities for this. @Light @GingerBread @MTchaos1134

Fola had been thinking a answer to Isabel's question. It was difficult, after all, she was placing her entire future in him...Of course it wasn't anything new, but it just wasn't a decision to be taken lightly. Making the wrong one may lead to her life becoming worse, although...Maybe...

Fola shrugged, "Bell, I could honestly care less about whether or not you can blow up a galaxy, that's not why I love you. What matters to me is that you're happy, and if giving up whatever power you have is going to make you happy, then I'll be the first one in line to defend you're reasoning, no matter what."

Fola looked towards the being with interest as Isabel went behind him, his hand went to the Bioblade on the floor as he extended it towards the newcomer, "Who are you, and where the hell did you come from?"

@Light @The Imperial Flame


Illyana pondered her choices for a few moments, mulling over everything before looking to the leader in the center, "Pardon me sir, but if I may. I don't see why we even have to disband in the first place. Yes, there are bad people in the guild, but why must we punish the tree for the bad apples that went unpicked? Yes, there the fair share of child murders and ex-assassins *Cough* Sinners *Cough*..." She cast a glare at Vance before turning back once more to the leader, "But there's also good people here who don't deserve to be stripped of rank and power, so please sir, I implore you to rethink this decision."

@Light @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder


Jayn had pouted when Vance took away her guns, "Boo! That's unfair, why me?! All I did was try to kill people! Is that really such a bad thing? I'm reducing over population AND keeping Reapers in the job!" After realizing she wasn't being paid attention to, she hung her head low and walked inside, not speaking at all until the judge had offered them a deal. She raised her head and waved her hand in the air, jumping up and down, "Oo! Oo! Call on me next! Pick me! I want to say something!"

@Light @GingerBread
"I am Speed." the said the one with bee wings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.e31b3f237b7985e8a09bccd000154dcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.e31b3f237b7985e8a09bccd000154dcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I am Mercy." The angel like one said.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/overwatch___mercy_by_sakamina-d86d07o.jpg.b398d0a20aad08d750648632c6a73645.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/overwatch___mercy_by_sakamina-d86d07o.jpg.b398d0a20aad08d750648632c6a73645.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"And I am Power." Said the one with cords for hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.0cd45a482b623a452329bc2c6889bb22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.0cd45a482b623a452329bc2c6889bb22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"We are from... I do not know, We mean so harm. We wish to learn about this world." They all said together in sync. Mercy noticed that Fola is catching a minor cold and fires her healing beam at him. It would connect and remove the sickness from him, and place it upon Mercy.





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