Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
@GingerBread[/URL] @Light
GingerBread said:
"So right now you're trespassing on private property, that was your first mistake. Your second mistake was trying to arrest me. But if you'll answer 2 questions, I won't kill you on the spot, and I might even come with you so you can ask questions, sound good? Good" Vance clapped his hands together to make sure he definitely had the attention of the cops. "So first question, why are we under arrest? and second question. Why do you actually think it's a good idea to come in here and try to arrest us? I could turn you to, well, nothing. And I'm not even the most powerful person here.You guys are fucking stupid"

MTchaos1134 said:
Having his answer partiality answered,Raz warms up sligtlght and so does the bus.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco thanked Grimm although he had no telepathy powers he was glad Grimm had shut Raz up. It was growing cold in the bus then those people came back telling them all Dragon Roar members were being arrested for questioning. He sighed silently looked at them wanting to ask why but held his tongue.
"You're both under arrest and your questions will be answered soon in court. For now we'd like for you to come with us. All Dragon's Roar members are to be arrested." The law enforcement pull out handcuffs to arrest the Dragon's Roar members and lead them to the bus.
Light said:
"You're both under arrest and your questions will be answered soon in court. For now we'd like for you to come with us. All Dragon's Roar members are to be arrested." The law enforcement pull out handcuffs to arrest the Dragon's Roar members and lead them to the bus.
"I suggest you cuff my feet as well,just to be safe."raz puts out his arms to be cuffed,he was warmer now beacuse some more of his answers were questioned.
"You're both under arrest and your questions will be answered soon in court. For now we'd like for you to come with us. All Dragon's Roar members are to be arrested." The law enforcement pull out handcuffs to arrest the Dragon's Roar members and lead them to the bus.
Silently Draco smiled at the guards who handcuffed him. They looked at him confusedly and with a little fear in their eyes. He wondered if his smile seemed like a knowing smile. Perhaps it was. After all he could snap the handcuffs like they were dry twigs however he didn't mostly because he wanted to find out what on earth they were being arrested for aside form being dragons."

Vance shoved his hands in his pockets and looked towards the cops for a couple of seconds, mentally debating on what he should do. "Right, I'll go with you guys. It's just a short trip for nothing else but questioning, Yeah? Okay cool." Vance kept his hands in his pockets and stepped into the police bus. While on the Bus Vance tapped his guild symbol, making sure he did it out of sight of the police, so that he could talk to all the guild members present without the cops now "Right, all you people. Shut up, unless I tell you to talk. I'm not going to stop you. But trust me on this. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm fairly certain I can deal with this"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder
Looking at Vance Draco blinked. So that's what the symbol did. Silently he glanced around then touched his mark so he came on. He felt his mind link to all the dragons in his near viscinity. Streaching out his mind he let it wander towards the speaker he whispered, "Okay I will say nothing and let you speak. I am a new member my name is Draco what's yours?" He looked at the person who spoke and smiled.

MTchaos1134 said:
"I suggest you cuff my feet as well,just to be safe."raz puts out his arms to be cuffed,he was warmer now beacuse some more of his answers were questioned.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco smiled at the guards who handcuffed him. They looked at him confusedly and with a little fear in their eyes. He wondered if his smile seemed like a knowing smile. Perhaps it was. After all he could snap the handcuffs like they were dry twigs however he didn't mostly because he wanted to find out what on earth they were being arrested for aside form being dragons."
GingerBread said:
Vance shoved his hands in his pockets and looked towards the cops for a couple of seconds, mentally debating on what he should do. "Right, I'll go with you guys. It's just a short trip for nothing else but questioning, Yeah? Okay cool." Vance kept his hands in his pockets and stepped into the police bus. While on the Bus Vance tapped his guild symbol, making sure he did it out of sight of the police, so that he could talk to all the guild members present without the cops now "Right, all you people. Shut up, unless I tell you to talk. I'm not going to stop you. But trust me on this. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm fairly certain I can deal with this"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Vance Draco blinked. So that's what the symbol did. Silently he glanced around then touched his mark so he came on. He felt his mind link to all the dragons in his near viscinity. Streaching out his mind he let it wander towards the speaker he whispered, "Okay I will say nothing and let you speak. I am a new member my name is Draco what's yours?" He looked at the person who spoke and smiled.
The officers drive off with the bus filled with the current members since another bus pulled up to collect more. Vance, Hakeem, Draco, Grimm, and Raz were carried off towards the large court building at least 30 minutes away. They begin to pull into the buildings parking lot.
GingerBread said:
"I'll try my best to not be mad at what she says and try to get along with her. But I can't promise anything, after all I care about you more than I will ever care about her" Vance didn't think Luna's mother would be too bad and thought Luna was just thinking it would be worse than it would actually be since she seemed kind of worried. "So would you like to lead the way Luna? Since you have a better Idea of where we're going"



Colin nodded in response to Grimm, not really sure what to say since he got permission to think about whether he should let the guild hold him hostage or kill him, either by getting rid of his memories and killing him that way, or letting him keep his memories and physically killing him. Either way he as a person would be dying if he left.

Colin used his guild symbol to teleport to the guild, unsure of where else to go. He started aimlessly wandering the halls of the Guild.
I need someone to talk to, but Anna hates me and I doubt she would want to even talk to me, let alone help me right now Colin buried his head in his hands and sighed, almost close to tears again. Who else can I talk to? Fola is in a relationship with Isabel, who is the new guild leader, so I doubt he'd help me. If he even does care about me. There's Boris, but he might be busy fixing the guild or something, But he did say he liked the company sometimes. It's worth a shot at least

Colin started walking towards Boris area, hoping that he would be in and wouldn't see him coming to him for advice as a bother. When He got to Boris's workshop, He knocked on Boris's door. "H-Hey Boris, a-are you there? I-I could u-use someone to t-talk to if y-you wouldn't m-mind. I-If you d-do it's fine, I-I can go"

As Boris finished the final touches on his newest mech, he smiled warmly. With a quick press of a button, the small block of metal whirred to life, tottering around on its unsteady, insect-like legs. The old Russian carefully picked it up by its fragile metal body, placing the small machine on his desk. Soon afterwards, of course, the inventor heard a knock ok his door. "Privet?" he called, looking up from his newest invention. "Come in, come in!"

"So let's see here officers, you haven't read us our rights, so that's not good. You're taking us directly to court without any warning or even telling us what the case is about. Nor have you let us get into contact with our lawyers, I doubt you've even contacted them. So this whole thing right here, I'm fairly certain it's illegal. So, you're going to let us go, Because I'm almost certain this case will get thrown out of court. So you can uncuff everyone here and let us go on our way. Next time you want to do something like this, I'd suggest you actually get training on this instead of just buying a stripper outfit. Okay? Okay" Vance rested his hands behind his head and leaned back, relaxing.

@Light @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 @MTchaos1134


Colin gingerly opened the door and walked into the room and smiled sadly at Boris.
"H-Hey B-Boris. I-I really need some a-advice right now" Colin took a deep breath as he began to explain what he wanted to talk about. "I-I want t-to leave this G-Guild because I-I joined to help p-people and s-so far I-I've only really helped o-one person; I-Isabel. B-But I've been told th-that I-If I leave th-then I'll either h-have to die o-or lose a-all my memories s-since I-I've been in the guild, e-even the o-ones th-that h-have nothing t-to do with the guild. L-Like the t-time I spent with A-An-Anna." Colin buried his head in his hands. "I-I just d-don't know what to do"

GingerBread said:

"So let's see here officers, you haven't read us our rights, so that's not good. You're taking us directly to court without any warning or even telling us what the case is about. Nor have you let us get into contact with our lawyers, I doubt you've even contacted them. So this whole thing right here, I'm fairly certain it's illegal. So, you're going to let us go, Because I'm almost certain this case will get thrown out of court. So you can uncuff everyone here and let us go on our way. Next time you want to do something like this, I'd suggest you actually get training on this instead of just buying a stripper outfit. Okay? Okay" Vance rested his hands behind his head and leaned back, relaxing.

@Light @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 @MTchaos1134


Colin gingerly opened the door and walked into the room and smiled sadly at Boris.
"H-Hey B-Boris. I-I really need some a-advice right now" Colin took a deep breath as he began to explain what he wanted to talk about. "I-I want t-to leave this G-Guild because I-I joined to help p-people and s-so far I-I've only really helped o-one person; I-Isabel. B-But I've been told th-that I-If I leave th-then I'll either h-have to die o-or lose a-all my memories s-since I-I've been in the guild, e-even the o-ones th-that h-have nothing t-to do with the guild. L-Like the t-time I spent with A-An-Anna." Colin buried his head in his hands. "I-I just d-don't know what to do"

Boris sighed sadly, taking off his greasy gloves and limping over to Colin. "Take a seat," he said softly. "Make comfort." He patted a chair next to him, then fell downwards with a resounding clank, legs still settling into position. As he listened to Colin, Boris's face turned into a frown, and he locked his fingers together thoughtfully. "So you don't want to lose memories? I don't understand why Grimm wants to of do this, but his orders are orders, no matter how of unfair they are." He slowly unfolded his fingers, looking back up at Colin. "But if you want to be making free, why not leave now? What are memories to true happiness or freedom?"

Colin sat down in the chair next to Boris. "B-Because i-if I lose my m-memories, I-I would lose my reason f-for leaving a-and probably e-end up joining a-again, d-doomed to repeat th-the same mistake o-over and o-over" Colin buried his head in his hands once again and felt tears start to prick his eyes. He wiped them away and looked up at Borius again "M-My memories a-are p-part of wh-what makes me wh-who I am. I-I don't know h-how the G-Guild can g-get away with a-any of th-this.... I-It's just not right.... I-If I lose them i-it would be like d-dying because I-I wouldn't be th-the same person. M-Memories are a-a basic h-human r-right aren't th-they?"

GingerBread said:

"So let's see here officers, you haven't read us our rights, so that's not good. You're taking us directly to court without any warning or even telling us what the case is about. Nor have you let us get into contact with our lawyers, I doubt you've even contacted them. So this whole thing right here, I'm fairly certain it's illegal. So, you're going to let us go, Because I'm almost certain this case will get thrown out of court. So you can uncuff everyone here and let us go on our way. Next time you want to do something like this, I'd suggest you actually get training on this instead of just buying a stripper outfit. Okay? Okay" Vance rested his hands behind his head and leaned back, relaxing.

@Light @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 @MTchaos1134
( @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 )

The bus stops and pulls up to a building with massive crowds standing in front of it, either protesting against or for their arrest. There seemed to be a lot protesting for their arrest though. They could see each and every world leader stepping into the building. "I'm not to read you any rights since they've been temporarily revoked...nor do you get any assistance from a lawyer. I was one of your biggest fans too...I'm sorry. Good luck." He gestures for Grimm, Draco, Vance, Raz, and Hakeem to step out the bus into the building.
Light said:
( @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @Lighthouse8477 )
The bus stops and pulls up to a building with massive crowds standing in front of it, either protesting against or for their arrest. There seemed to be a lot protesting for their arrest though. They could see each and every world leader stepping into the building. "I'm not to read you any rights since they've been temporarily revoked...nor do you get any assistance from a lawyer. I was one of your biggest fans too...I'm sorry. Good luck." He gestures for Grimm, Draco, Vance, Raz, and Hakeem to step out the bus into the building.
A rock candy appeared in front of Raz and dropped through his hooded shadow disquise,he then got up and started walking into the building,as he was walking he gave floating rock candy to random protesters.

"I don't give two shits if you were my fan, I couldn't give a toss if a stripper dressed up as a cop was my fan. Our rights can't be taken away, at all. But let's say that they could, let's say that they could for a second. By not giving us a lawyer you are not giving us a right to a fair trial. Which is against the Basic Human Rights. Let me repeat that, it is against the Basic human rights. to deny us access to a fair trial. Also just to add, Our Basic Human Rights Cannot be taken away, under any circumstances. So with that in mind" Vance turned to the Guild members in the bus. "None of you have to go in that court, these guys have broken far more laws that we have, Laws that have far greater consequences if they are broken. So, we can all leave. But I say we stay here and watch them shit themselves"

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134
GingerBread said:
"I don't give two shits if you were my fan, I couldn't give a toss if a stripper dressed up as a cop was my fan. Our rights can't be taken away, at all. But let's say that they could, let's say that they could for a second. By not giving us a lawyer you are not giving us a right to a fair trial. Which is against the Basic Human Rights. Let me repeat that, it is against the Basic human rights. to deny us access to a fair trial. Also just to add, Our Basic Human Rights Cannot be taken away, under any circumstances. So with that in mind" Vance turned to the Guild members in the bus. "None of you have to go in that court, these guys have broken far more laws that we have, Laws that have far greater consequences if they are broken. So, we can all leave. But I say we stay here and watch them shit themselves"

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134
Raz was bored and was already gone,he was giving candy to random protesters as he walked towards the building,even one of the officers had a candy drop in thier hand.before Raz entered the building,a tall well dressed shadow figure rose up from the ground,the figure had a suitcase and looked like a lawyer.

Fola held Isabel tightly, looking at the portal with a crooked frown, "That can wait, I need to take care of some shit before we leave..." He looked back down to the women in his arms and removed one arm to lift her face up to face his, "Are you okay, Bell? You were out for a bit, also looked pretty scared when you came out. What am I saying? Must've been jarring as all hell...I'm so sorry for doing that to you, I never meant to hurt you..."



Oden walked through the portal and took one look at the cops before turning on his heel and beginning to walk away, "Not even going to RISK being caught, absolutely not. When you idiots get taken to jail, don't even let the thought cross your mind of contacting me at all please, I'd prefer to keep my distance from KNOWN criminals."


Illyana stuck out her hands for the officers to cuff, "I'm sure that you wouldn't just haul us off for no reason, after all, you should always listen to authority. So please sirs, do whatever you think you have to do so that you can ensure all our wrongdoings are righted."

She looked at Vance confusedly, "Excuse me sir, but why won't you comply? These kind officers are just trying to protect and serve as best they can. Besides, if we resist, things may simply become worse for us, it would be smart of us to just go along with these people and be calm about this whole orde-" Her eyes widened as she looked at Jayn, "OH NO MISS, THAT'S THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE SHOULD DO PLEASE!"

@GingerBread @Light


(!) Jayn looked at the cops gleefully, "Oh yay, you guys are here! I was wondering when you'd show up, I've been trying to get your attention for AGES!" She clapped her hands together and took out her guns, aiming them at a few cops heads, "I needed moving targets and I would feel bad about shooting random people, so I wanted to see if I couldn't do it to you guys instead! Don't worry, you won't die...Maybe...Probably...Actually you will, forget what I said!"

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134
LokiofSP said:
Fola held Isabel tightly, looking at the portal with a crooked frown, "That can wait, I need to take care of some shit before we leave..." He looked back down to the women in his arms and removed one arm to lift her face up to face his, "Are you okay, Bell? You were out for a bit, also looked pretty scared when you came out. What am I saying? Must've been jarring as all hell...I'm so sorry for doing that to you, I never meant to hurt you..."



Oden walked through the portal and took one look at the cops before turning on his heel and beginning to walk away, "Not even going to RISK being caught, absolutely not. When you idiots get taken to jail, don't even let the thought cross your mind of contacting me at all please, I'd prefer to keep my distance from KNOWN criminals."


Illyana stuck out her hands for the officers to cuff, "I'm sure that you wouldn't just haul us off for no reason, after all, you should always listen to authority. So please sirs, do whatever you think you have to do so that you can ensure all our wrongdoings are righted."

She looked at Vance confusedly, "Excuse me sir, but why won't you comply? These kind officers are just trying to protect and serve as best they can. Besides, if we resist, things may simply become worse for us, it would be smart of us to just go along with these people and be calm about this whole orde-" Her eyes widened as she looked at Jayn, "OH NO MISS, THAT'S THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE SHOULD DO PLEASE!"

@GingerBread @Light


(!) Jayn looked at the cops gleefully, "Oh yay, you guys are here! I was wondering when you'd show up, I've been trying to get your attention for AGES!" She clapped her hands together and took out her guns, aiming them at a few cops heads, "I needed moving targets and I would feel bad about shooting random people, so I wanted to see if I couldn't do it to you guys instead! Don't worry, you won't die...Maybe...Probably...Actually you will, forget what I said!"

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134
The shadow figure was watching behind Raz,noticing jayn.the shadow being immediately tapped Raz shoulder,he turned around to ask what it was but the shadow pointed to jayn,in mere seconds Raz uses his dimension to her right behind her.then rock candy flew at the guns,knocking them out of Jayns hands."don't hurt them,if you want to fight somone you can fight me after all of this,I can summon a lot of shadow people for you to shoot at."raz went in near the guns on the floor."ok?"

Vance looked over at Jayn and snapped his fingers, taking her guns off of her and having them appear in his hands.
"You young lady can have these back when you've earned them. Now let the responsible adults handle this, so just let me handle this since I'm the only one who has a clue about what to do here." Vance dropped the guns, but before they hit the floor he had them sent to his darkness realm. "By the way, next time I'll just destroy them, don't test me." Vance then discreetly used his guild Symbol to send a message to all the guild members that were close by. "I don't have to do shit to help any of you, I could sell you all out. But here I am trying to help you, so kindly shut the fuck up before I make you" Vance then turned back to the officer, waiting for his response and how he was going to try to bullshit his way out of breaking basic human rights.

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:

Vance looked over at Jayn and snapped his fingers, taking her guns off of her and having them appear in his hands.
"You young lady can have these back when you've earned them. Now let the responsible adults handle this, so just let me handle this since I'm the only one who has a clue about what to do here." Vance dropped the guns, but before they hit the floor he had them sent to his darkness realm. "By the way, next time I'll just destroy them, don't test me." Vance then discreetly used his guild Symbol to send a message to all the guild members that were close by. "I don't have to do shit to help any of you, I could sell you all out. But here I am trying to help you, so kindly shut the fuck up before I make you" Vance then turned back to the officer, waiting for his response and how he was going to try to bullshit his way out of breaking basic human rights.

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP
"Ask God danm nicer next time."raz responded back to Vance telepathically.as he used his dimension to go back to where he was.
MTchaos1134 said:
A rock candy appeared in front of Raz and dropped through his hooded shadow disquise,he then got up and started walking into the building,as he was walking he gave floating rock candy to random protesters.
GingerBread said:

Vance looked over at Jayn and snapped his fingers, taking her guns off of her and having them appear in his hands.
"You young lady can have these back when you've earned them. Now let the responsible adults handle this, so just let me handle this since I'm the only one who has a clue about what to do here." Vance dropped the guns, but before they hit the floor he had them sent to his darkness realm. "By the way, next time I'll just destroy them, don't test me." Vance then discreetly used his guild Symbol to send a message to all the guild members that were close by. "I don't have to do shit to help any of you, I could sell you all out. But here I am trying to help you, so kindly shut the fuck up before I make you" Vance then turned back to the officer, waiting for his response and how he was going to try to bullshit his way out of breaking basic human rights.

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP
LokiofSP said:
Oden walked through the portal and took one look at the cops before turning on his heel and beginning to walk away, "Not even going to RISK being caught, absolutely not. When you idiots get taken to jail, don't even let the thought cross your mind of contacting me at all please, I'd prefer to keep my distance from KNOWN criminals."


Illyana stuck out her hands for the officers to cuff, "I'm sure that you wouldn't just haul us off for no reason, after all, you should always listen to authority. So please sirs, do whatever you think you have to do so that you can ensure all our wrongdoings are righted."

She looked at Vance confusedly, "Excuse me sir, but why won't you comply? These kind officers are just trying to protect and serve as best they can. Besides, if we resist, things may simply become worse for us, it would be smart of us to just go along with these people and be calm about this whole orde-" Her eyes widened as she looked at Jayn, "OH NO MISS, THAT'S THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE SHOULD DO PLEASE!"

@GingerBread @Light


(!) Jayn looked at the cops gleefully, "Oh yay, you guys are here! I was wondering when you'd show up, I've been trying to get your attention for AGES!" She clapped her hands together and took out her guns, aiming them at a few cops heads, "I needed moving targets and I would feel bad about shooting random people, so I wanted to see if I couldn't do it to you guys instead! Don't worry, you won't die...Maybe...Probably...Actually you will, forget what I said!"

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134
( @CelticSol @Daimao )

"You aren't being trialed as humans. Those rights have been revoked in this situation as I've said. This is beyond a regular trial." The crowd gasps as Jayn pulls out a gun and the other Dragon's Roar members handle it. The officer stayed completely calm, since he's used to guns being pointed back at him. "I'd recommend you all stop making a scene, stop arguing, and just step in the building immediately." He watches as another officer pulls up in a car with Alpha and Jackie, releasing them to walk into the building.

LokiofSP said:
Fola held Isabel tightly, looking at the portal with a crooked frown, "That can wait, I need to take care of some shit before we leave..." He looked back down to the women in his arms and removed one arm to lift her face up to face his, "Are you okay, Bell? You were out for a bit, also looked pretty scared when you came out. What am I saying? Must've been jarring as all hell...I'm so sorry for doing that to you, I never meant to hurt you..."

Isabel was shaking in his arms due to fear and the cold. She buries her face into his chest and holds him tightly as if she were trying to hide herself. Fola could feel Isabel nod her head.

"Right, so right now, for all intents and purposes we are not being considered humans. So that means I don't not have to stick to any of the laws set before me, meaning that A, I could kill everyone here with no repercussions. And B, you can't put me through a trial in court if I am not considered human, as I would not have to adhere to any of the rules and laws set forth. So, no. None of us have to go into that courtroom. And We won't until you guys figure out what the fuck you are actually doing. So go see your head stripper and figure this shit out, otherwise I murder everyone here and I'd get away with it as well, due to the conditions you have set forth." Vance smiled at the cop before he took out his dagger and began throwing it up in the air and catching it.

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @CelticSol @Daimao
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao )
"You aren't being trialed as humans. Those rights have been revoked in this situation as I've said. This is beyond a regular trial." The crowd gasps as Jayn pulls out a gun and the other Dragon's Roar members handle it. The officer stayed completely calm, since he's used to guns being pointed back at him. "I'd recommend you all stop making a scene, stop arguing, and just step in the building immediately." He watches as another officer pulls up in a car with Alpha and Jackie, releasing them to walk into the building.

Isabel was shaking in his arms due to fear and the cold. She buries her face into his chest and holds him tightly as if she were trying to hide herself. Fola could feel Isabel nod her head.
Jackie barely remembers the last time she was in cuffs - when she was younger, and sloppier, with less experience, and made more mistakes. Last time, she fought it. Now? She simply goes with it. She's not sure what they're going to question and try to convict her with, so she'll wait till then before she either loses her shit or breaks the cuffs and walks out.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao )
"You aren't being trialed as humans. Those rights have been revoked in this situation as I've said. This is beyond a regular trial." The crowd gasps as Jayn pulls out a gun and the other Dragon's Roar members handle it. The officer stayed completely calm, since he's used to guns being pointed back at him. "I'd recommend you all stop making a scene, stop arguing, and just step in the building immediately." He watches as another officer pulls up in a car with Alpha and Jackie, releasing them to walk into the building.

Isabel was shaking in his arms due to fear and the cold. She buries her face into his chest and holds him tightly as if she were trying to hide herself. Fola could feel Isabel nod her head.
CelticSol said:
Jackie barely remembers the last time she was in cuffs - when she was younger, and sloppier, with less experience, and made more mistakes. Last time, she fought it. Now? She simply goes with it. She's not sure what they're going to question and try to convict her with, so she'll wait till then before she either loses her shit or breaks the cuffs and walks out.
Alpha followed behind Jackie in his human form. He was cuffed, yet was sucking on the straw to a milkshake that he had somehow acquired. To any onlookers, it would appear that he didn't give a shit about what was going on. They would be absolutely correct.
Silently Draco watched everything doing absolutely nothing. He was human and had remained so the entire time. He watched everything observing listening and thinking. Softly he whispered, "Basic Human Rights. Well were not exactly human are we?" He looked up as he addressed no one in particular and not expecting an answer. His eyes glinting in recognition. Silently he thought well it's a good time to die anyways. He looked at Grimm and touched his mark quickly making sure to put up an image of him normal as he whispered, "This trial is going to be rigged. We are not humans their fore the humans have determined we have no rights." He made sure Grimm was the only one who heard this he didn't want to cause a panic.

Daimao said:
Alpha followed behind Jackie in his human form. He was cuffed, yet was sucking on the straw to a milkshake that he had somehow acquired. To any onlookers, it would appear that he didn't give a shit about what was going on. They would be absolutely correct.
CelticSol said:
Jackie barely remembers the last time she was in cuffs - when she was younger, and sloppier, with less experience, and made more mistakes. Last time, she fought it. Now? She simply goes with it. She's not sure what they're going to question and try to convict her with, so she'll wait till then before she either loses her shit or breaks the cuffs and walks out.
GingerBread said:
"Right, so right now, for all intents and purposes we are not being considered humans. So that means I don't not have to stick to any of the laws set before me, meaning that A, I could kill everyone here with no repercussions. And B, you can't put me through a trial in court if I am not considered human, as I would not have to adhere to any of the rules and laws set forth. So, no. None of us have to go into that courtroom. And We won't until you guys figure out what the fuck you are actually doing. So go see your head stripper and figure this shit out, otherwise I murder everyone here and I'd get away with it as well, due to the conditions you have set forth." Vance smiled at the cop before he took out his dagger and began throwing it up in the air and catching it.

@Light @Lighthouse8477 @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @CelticSol @Daimao
( @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 )

The officer shakes his head at Vance and glows in Twilight. Vance could feel his head hit something before he slips into a state of unconsciousness. For others they could see he officer knock Vance out with a punch at high speeds. He carries Vance's unconscious body into the building that seemed to have many chairs in the center of what was like an arena. He sets Vance in a chair and guides the other Dragon's Roar members into one of their own. World leaders sit in front of them on a higher stand along with Grimmavus's father as the judge. He sat in the form of an ethereal body. There were cameras and people everywhere in the stand. Not just earth...but all realms and planets seemed to be watching. "Ah...so we have at least some Dragon's Roar members here. So let's begin. I'll tell you how it is right now...the world has turned against you and wants you to disband to pay for your crimes. You have done a lot of wrong while doing some positive. Though at times it seems like those positives are not enough to please the people. Now...let me ask you. How do you feel about exile?" At this moment, they should all realize the fact that they've been played. The world that they've fought to protect, was the same world that was turning their backs on them now, betraying them.

Light said:
( @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Lighthouse8477 )
The officer shakes his head at Vance and glows in Twilight. Vance could feel his head hit something before he slips into a state of unconsciousness. For others they could see he officer knock Vance out with a punch at high speeds. He carries Vance's unconscious body into the building that seemed to have many chairs in the center of what was like an arena. He sets Vance in a chair and guides the other Dragon's Roar members into one of their own. World leaders sit in front of them on a higher stand along with Grimmavus's father as the judge. He sat in the form of an ethereal body. There were cameras and people everywhere in the stand. Not just earth...but all realms and planets seemed to be watching. "Ah...so we have at least some Dragon's Roar members here. So let's begin. I'll tell you how it is right now...the world has turned against you and wants you to disband to pay for your crimes. You have done a lot of wrong while doing some positive. Though at times it seems like those positives are not enough to please the people. Now...let me ask you. How do you feel about exile?" At this moment, they should all realize the fact that they've been played. The world that they've fought to protect, was the same world that was turning their backs on them now, betraying them.

Alpha was slurping loudly on his milkshake as he rocked his chair on its back legs. He stopped for a moment when exile was mentioned, before slurping even louder.

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