Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Hmmm... what's your favourite thing to do in life?" The girl appears on a test dummy.

Lotusy said:
Malren sighed in relief as a coat of magic suddenly covered Kinziel, healing her wounds. "Thank you," he muttered quietly. "Thank you so much." As the pain and adrenaline from the battle started winding down, Malren found his eyes watering. He slowly let the tears roll down his cheeks as he waited for Kinziel to heal.
A magic veil appears around Malren and he can suddenly feel his Omega rank changing to Upsilon. 5 ranks from Omega. He had the option to get 4 power ups or 4 limitations added or taken off.

djinnamon said:
Sage smiled when he saw the two get away before turning to lust with a smirk. " Bye Bye" He said with a wink before blowing a kiss and teleporting to the guild where he promptly returned to normal and fainted.
@Lotusy @Light
A veil of healing wraps around Sage and begins to heal him. He ranks up to Tau.
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Vance stepped out of the shadows as he assumed that no one was coming Guess i can explore a bit He thought as he started walking out of the lobby looking area. He started walking through different rooms "Oi, Mysterious voice, you want to give me something to do?" Vance wasn't really sure if he'd get a response or not.

GingerBread said:
Vance stepped out of the shadows as he assumed that no one was coming Guess i can explore a bit He thought as he started walking out of the lobby looking area. He started walking through different rooms "Oi, Mysterious voice, you want to give me something to do?" Vance wasn't really sure if he'd get a response or not.
Derek nodded and looked for the new guy. Derek turned down a halfway and found him. "Hey your the new guy right? I'm Derek I'm semi new." He said walking towards him.
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Tazmodo said:
Derek nodded and looked for the new guy. Derek turned down a halfway and found him. "Hey your the new guy right? I'm Derek I'm semi new." He said walking towards him.
Vance had noticed the boy before he had even spoken; when addressed Vance turned to face the boy "Yeah, why do you want to know?" Vance glared at the boy, noting every detail he could incase he had to kill him.

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GingerBread said:
Vance had noticed the boy before he had even spoken; Vance turned to face the boy "Yeah, why do you want to know?" Vance glared at the boy, noting every detail he could incase he had to kill him.
Derek didn't like the way he spike and looked at him. "I was told to show you around or whatever by the guild leader. If you have a problem then get over it." He glared at him.
Tazmodo said:
Derek didn't like the way he spike and looked at him. "I was told to show you around or whatever by the guild leader. If you have a problem then get over it." He glared at him.
"Right well you can hurry up with the tour of the cult headquarters then" Vance said, noticing the boy was already glaring at him This kid, i think he said he was called derek, is easy to anger apparently Vance thought, making a mental note of it. "Come on hurry up, Allons-y"


GingerBread said:
"Right well you can hurry up with the tour of the cult headquarters then" Vance said, noticing the boy was already glaring at him This kid, i think he said he was called derek, is easy to anger apparently Vance thought, making a mental note of it. "Come on hurry up, Allons-y"

Derek noticed him say cult but didn't say anything. *Why would he say cult I've never heard anyone else say that. And aren't cults normally bad.* *I don't know this guy doesn't seem right. Just keep watch on him.* Derek started walking. "What was your name again?" (* means that he's talking in his head)
Tazmodo said:
Derek noticed him say cult but didn't say anything. *Why would he say cult I've never heard anyone else say that. And aren't cults normally bad.* *I don't know this guy doesn't seem right. Just keep watch on him.* Derek started walking. "What was your name again?" (* means that he's talking in his head)
"I don't believe I ever told you" Vance noticed that the boy was trying to get his name Gonna need to try harder than that child He thought as he began following Derek.

GingerBread said:
"I don't believe I ever told you" Vance noticed that the boy was trying to get his name Gonna need to try harder than that child He thought as he began following Derek.

Derek scratched his head noticing he was acting out of the ordinary. "Ok what's you name then I can't exactly call you that guy." Derek walk through some of the hallways. He showed him the kitchen and bedrooms. 'Hey Ashlyn I don't know if I trust this guy." @Light
"I don't know what my favourite thing is to do, actually I don't remember a lot." She was trying to remember something but it seemed like She couldn't.

Tazmodo said:
Derek scratched his head noticing he was acting out of the ordinary. "Ok what's you name then I can't exactly call you that guy." Derek walk through some of the hallways. He showed him the kitchen and bedrooms. 'Hey Ashlyn I don't know if I trust this guy." @Light
GingerBread said:
"I don't believe I ever told you" Vance noticed that the boy was trying to get his name Gonna need to try harder than that child He thought as he began following Derek.

Ashlyn links their mental communication so Vance could hear what Derek just said.
Inaro rubbed his chin. (Just as I thought....she don't have a decent memory of anything.) He thought to himself. It's okay we'll find something you like. He said with a smile.

Tazmodo said:
Derek scratched his head noticing he was acting out of the ordinary. "Ok what's you name then I can't exactly call you that guy." Derek walk through some of the hallways. He showed him the kitchen and bedrooms. 'Hey Ashlyn I don't know if I trust this guy." @Light
Light said:
Ashlyn links their mental communication so Vance could hear what Derek just said.
"Call me whatever you want, names are unimportant anyways" Vance replied, creating a mental map of the place as he was shown the rooms. Vance found himself hearing that he wasn't trusted by the boy "So you don't trust me?" Vance asked, a small smile on his face

GingerBread said:
"Call me whatever you want, names are unimportant anyways" Vance replied, creating a mental map of the place as he was shown the rooms. Vance found himself hearing that he wasn't trusted by the boy "So you don't trust me?" Vance asked, a small smile on his face
(God damn it)

Derek sighed. "Thanks a lot Ashlyn." He turned around. "No not one bit I don't trust most people. Especially when they can't even tell me their name or at least something to call them. And when you call this place a cult. So from what I've seen you more untrustworthy then most people. What are your intentions?"
Tazmodo said:
(God damn it)
Derek sighed. "Thanks a lot Ashlyn." He turned around. "No not one bit I don't trust most people. Especially when they can't even tell me their name or at least something to call them. And when you call this place a cult. So from what I've seen you more untrustworthy then most people. What are your intentions?"

"Normally i go to the person with the most money, But this whole thing looked interesting and i was bored, so here i am" Vance said as a grin started growing on his face "Did i mention i'm an assassin yet?"

GingerBread said:
"Normally i go to the person with the most money, But this whole thing looked interesting and i was bored, so here i am" Vance said as a grin started growing on his face "Did i mention i'm an assassin yet?"

Derek scratched his head. "You aren't helping yourself. So either you're naturally like this or you've been hired. And I seriously doubt it's the first one." He crossed his arms.
"Hired to do what exactly?" Vance asked, raising an eyebrow at Derek "Because if i was here to kill you lot, you wouldn't hear or see me until it was too late, though i shouldn't boast, pride is a deadly sin after all"

GingerBread said:
"Hired to do what exactly?" Vance asked, raising an eyebrow at Derek "Because if i was here to kill you lot, you wouldn't hear or see me until it was too late, though i shouldn't boast, pride is a deadly sin after all"

Derek laughed. "You could try but I doubt you can. But I still don't trust you. I'll be watching you." *I'm taking over* Derek morphed into Jasmine. "Hi I'm Jasmine. Sorry about Derek is always grouchy."
Malren stared ahead incredulously as he felt power surge through him. Well, I ranked up, he thought. 4 power ups and 5 ranks? How should I use them...? He looked down at Kinziel. Pride... a small voice whispered in his head. Alright, then. An animal of pride. He powered up, then slowly started transforming. After he finished, he stared. He was a full-fledged lion, mane and all. That's right. I was given the power of Pride. I better use it.

Tazmodo said:
Derek laughed. "You could try but I doubt you can. But I still don't trust you. I'll be watching you." *I'm taking over* Derek morphed into Jasmine. "Hi I'm Jasmine. Sorry about Derek is always grouchy."
Vance watched as Derek turned into a woman who called herself Jasmine, she also seemed to be a different person So this person is two people sharing the same soul maybe, either way it's two people, This Jasmine seems to be the more trusting of the two though Vance thought before looking straight at Jasmine "I don't care, you're all nuisances to me"

GingerBread said:
Vance watched as Derek turned into a woman who called herself Jasmine, she also seemed to be a different person So this person is two people sharing the same soul maybe, either way it's two people, This Jasmine seems to be the more trusting of the two though Vance thought before looking straight at Jasmine "I don't care, you're all nuisances to me"
Jasmine crossed her arms. "You don't have to be so mean. Anyways I'm going back to to relax." She turned the corner and went back to the main room.
Well this was the worst tour ever Vance thought as he watched the girl walk away before remembering that he needed to know where the prisoners were kept. Vance quickly caught up to the girl "You didn't finish the tour, do you capture people for information, or are you lot ruthless and kill everyone, because i dislike needless killing"

GingerBread said:
Well this was the worst tour ever Vance thought as he watched the girl walk away before remembering that he needed to know where the prisoners were kept. Vance quickly caught up to the girl "You didn't finish the tour, do you capture people for information, or are you lot ruthless and kill everyone, because i dislike needless killing"

Jasmine laughed. "You're an assassin and ask Ashlyn first. I'm not allowed in thereturn because the prisoner almost died from my hospitality."
"What does me being an assassin have to do with killing people needlessly?" Vance asked as he silently judged the girl "Anyway you can just show me to the room and then leave, If you haven't noticed i'm not nice" Vance glared at the girl "And a tour, normally means the whole place, not just two rooms"

GingerBread said:
"What does me being an assassin have to do with killing people needlessly?" Vance asked as he silently judged the girl "Anyway you can just show me to the room and then leave, If you haven't noticed i'm not nice" Vance glared at the girl "And a tour, normally means the whole place, not just two rooms"

Jasmine glared back at him. "You kill for money. And why should I show you I only know of the two rooms anyways. If your going to be so mean then you can go figure it out. "

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