Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage' eye flew open when he heard Lust yell and he wet over to the blonde." What is wrong." He asked as he placed a hand on Lust's shoulder.
Lust gets up, still breathing heavily due to the severe lingering pain. "Pride... it looks like your little friend had beaten Pride."
Earl was frustrated while sitting on a rock trying to figure out the location of the sins. All of his stupid attempts fail, and he gains nothing but wasted his energy.

If he can't find them first, maybe he should do some preparation before they come......

He smirks......
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Light said:
"Greed is a she and that's easier than I was planning to do. Well actually that's just the gender of the body she looks like, we're basically genderless. We're technically not even living." Envy shrugs her shoulders and they both exit the shadow realm. "I'm Envy by the way." At this moment he can feel the literal feeling of envy building up inside of him, to tell him they were just names. They were the actual 7 deadly sins in a physical form. "Now would you like to know exactly what you're dealing with in terms of security?"
After the new information, Vance stared curiously at Envy "Yeah, that would be useful. I'm also going to need to know what Greed looks like" Vance stated sounding like this would be just another normal job, though this time he probably won't be killing his target I wonder how easy they are to kill? They seemed to have malicious intent with the army, now that she's just tried to kill me confirms that they aren't trying to be nice He thought, still carefully studying her I should try to get on their good side, that could end up being useful to me.

A brow was raised when the feminine being's facial expression shifted, their lips pursing themselves together; shortly followed after by the change of their eyes' focus, which had seemed to have found some interest on the snow. Zalgo's eye stayed on them though, even if they had removed their gaze from his.

The way Jackie had reacted to his query struck him with a hollowing sensation, a response he did not expect in the slightest. Never had the Deity spoke of a trial, especially one that she thought she was failing. His visage dampened to a melancholic sort, as his loosely interlaced fingers broke apart to return to his sides. What made the atmosphere heavier on his mentality was the stare that Ashlyn directed at him, in place of Jackie's.

'Perhaps she's misinterpreted my intentions behind my question...or am I just completely in the wrong?'

Zalgo stole one last glance at the two entities ahead of him, before closing his pale blue orb. One eye remained half-open but it longer saw them. Now all in sight was the Void, and the ominous that resided within it's black.

" I sincerely apologise for...not being specific. What I meant to ask was how...how you handled the situation that you were in; the sinking snow-- "

His brows furrowed in agitation at himself.

" Just how did you manage to stop it? "

'Enough with the queries, I'm sure they've grown tired of the like. I should...its better off on returning.


But then what
of the purpose I've been given? It'll be scrapped...'

He then remembered the symbol now engraved onto his hand, how it glowed brightly above his bandages. A ghost of a sigh slithered out from closed lips, as one hand clenched and unclenched.

' ...No. Not yet... I will not. '

It'll be taken away in the end, even if he never wanted it to.

@Light @CelticSol
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As the girl called Inaro dumb and ran away, he just continued to drink his water. Are you even real child?? He came to that assumption awhile back when he was in the kitchen. @Light
Jasmine didn't know what to do she sat on her knees with her hands on the bars. "Hey are you ok? What's wrong?" She didn't know what to do and Derek wouldn't explain to her. She knew all about the sins thanks to Bobby and thankfully she didn't she didn't fall victim to any but gluttony and sloth. Derek however fell under every other. @Light
Malren was exhausted, panting almost audibly. The one, one brave act he performed took a lot out of the young man, and he was utterly beat. However, at the same time, he was utterly satisfied that he had somehow beaten Kinziel. When the Essence of Pride washed over him, so did the knowledge of weapons. Dumbfounded, he opened up his hand, to summon a sword, an axe, and a gun. He pointed at the gun and fired with deadly accuracy. Oh. My. Goodness! One of his key weaknesses was eliminated. He smiled in joy, until... he saw Kinziel. The woman was still crying, probably because of what he had done. A pang of guilt shot through him, and he looked at his hand, still shocked at what he did. Though he was only admitting it to himself, he still did kinda like her... and he had to do something about it. He walked over to Kinziel and put his hand on her shoulder before flinching away. No, I can do this, he thought. He put his hand on Kinziel's shoulder, staring into the eyes that once kept him still in fear. "Uh, listen, Kinziel. I'm... really sorry about what I did, but I think it needed to be done." He paused before continuing. "Plus, well, if it makes you feel any better, you're still my master. The fight never changed that." Though he hated to say it, he hoped it would cheer the girl up. "Besides, I still owe you a lot. Sparing me, taking care of me, showing me how to operate a bathroom, and most of all, bringing out my bravery. I'm still in your debt." He blushed a bit before tacking on one last part. "And... can we still work together? I think I kinda... like your company."

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GingerBread said:
After the new information, Vance stared curiously at Envy "Yeah, that would be useful. I'm also going to need to know what Greed looks like" Vance stated sounding like this would be just another normal job, though this time he probably won't be killing his target I wonder how easy they are to kill? They seemed to have malicious intent with the army, now that she's just tried to kill me confirms that they aren't trying to be nice He thought, still carefully studying her I should try to get on their good side, that could end up being useful to me.

Envy was on her knees still clutching her chest in pain. "Pride....They beat her."

The girl was beside Inaro and she starts to think about the question. "I don't know but you're still stupid!" She starts to laugh and wanders off in the room. "Catch me if you can, idiot!"

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine didn't know what to do she sat on her knees with her hands on the bars. "Hey are you ok? What's wrong?" She didn't know what to do and Derek wouldn't explain to her. She knew all about the sins thanks to Bobby and thankfully she didn't she didn't fall victim to any but gluttony and sloth. Derek however fell under every other. @Light
"Shut up! I don't need you!" Greed backs say into the shadows of the cell.

djinnamon said:
Sage rubbed Lust's back soothingly as he looked around the room. @Light
Lust stands up and starts to walk to the door, he was going to kill Malren.

Lotusy said:
Malren was exhausted, panting almost audibly. The one, one brave act he performed took a lot out of the young man, and he was utterly beat. However, at the same time, he was utterly satisfied that he had somehow beaten Kinziel. When the Essence of Pride washed over him, so did the knowledge of weapons. Dumbfounded, he opened up his hand, to summon a sword, an axe, and a gun. He pointed at the gun and fired with deadly accuracy. Oh. My. Goodness! One of his key weaknesses was eliminated. He smiled in joy, until... he saw Kinziel. The woman was still crying, probably because of what he had done. A pang of guilt shot through him, and he looked at his hand, still shocked at what he did. Though he was only admitting it to himself, he still did kinda like her... and he had to do something about it. He walked over to Kinziel and put his hand on her shoulder before flinching away. No, I can do this, he thought. He put his hand on Kinziel's shoulder, staring into the eyes that once kept him still in fear. "Uh, listen, Kinziel. I'm... really sorry about what I did, but I think it needed to be done." He paused before continuing. "Plus, well, if it makes you feel any better, you're still my master. The fight never changed that." Though he hated to say it, he hoped it would cheer the girl up. "Besides, I still owe you a lot. Sparing me, taking care of me, showing me how to operate a bathroom, and most of all, bringing out my bravery. I'm still in your debt." He blushed a bit before tacking on one last part. "And... can we still work together? I think I kinda... like your company."
Kinziel starts to wipe away her tears. "Really?"
djinnamon said:
Sage went after Lust and grabbed his hand. " Where are you going." He asked feeling Lust killer intent. @Light
"I'm going to end this cycle of bullshit and finish things once and for all!" Lust shakes Sage off and disappears in a flash of light.
Malren nodded. "Really." While he wasn't keen on being a pet again, he knew that utterly humiliating Kinziel wasn't the answer. He smiled at her. "Plus, you said you would help me hone my fighting skills, right? I still need that help."

Jasmine slowly stood up. "Why do you have to be so mean? Just tell me what happened." She grabbed some food and put it in the cell. "Here you should eat." She sat back down hoping she would talk. @Light
Light said:
Envy was on her knees still clutching her chest in pain. "Pride....They beat her."
"Am i meant to care?" Vance asked, not knowing who Pride was and quite frankly not caring She seems like she'd be easy to kill right now. Though i shouldn't underestimate her it could end badly for me He thought trying to think of a plan to kill her, just in case. "Anyway Do you still want me to rescue your helpless friend?" Vance asked as he reached one hand towards his dagger, just incase Envy tried anything.

Inaro let at a sigh win the kid wandered off. He followed her ignoring the fact she called him stupid and an idiot. I hate kids. He said to himself as he followed the girl drinking his water. @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage teleported to the guild quickly and searched for Grimm. " Grimm" He yelled as he searched. @Light
A clone of Grimm appears on the ceiling, hanging And swinging from a chandelier singing the song. His silver hair was dangling with his arms. His turquoise eyes lock on to Sage and he suddenly appears on his head in a smaller form. "Yyyyeeess?" Grimm knew exactly what he was here for but asking would be the regular way of doing things.

Lotusy said:
Malren nodded. "Really." While he wasn't keen on being a pet again, he knew that utterly humiliating Kinziel wasn't the answer. He smiled at her. "Plus, you said you would help me hone my fighting skills, right? I still need that help."
Kinziel smiles and nods her head, only for her eyes to widen due to a beam of light traveling through her chest and through Malren's stomach. The same tactic he used to kill Iris and Sarah, both former Dragon's Roar members. Lust curses at the poor angle he fired his beam at and walks up to both Malren and the rapidly dying Kinziel. "I'll kill you for losing... and I'll kill you for beating her." Kinziel falls forward into Malren.

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine slowly stood up. "Why do you have to be so mean? Just tell me what happened." She grabbed some food and put it in the cell. "Here you should eat." She sat back down hoping she would talk. @Light
"I don't need your charity! Stop!" Greed was growing weaker due to Jasmine sharing. "I hate you, all of you!"

GingerBread said:
"Am i meant to care?" Vance asked, not knowing who Pride was and quite frankly not caring She seems like she'd be easy to kill right now. Though i shouldn't underestimate her it could end badly for me He thought trying to think of a plan to kill her, just in case. "Anyway Do you still want me to rescue your helpless friend?" Vance asked as he reached one hand towards his dagger, just incase Envy tried anything.

Envy begins to stand up, slowly breathing as she does. "Yes... She's hidden within the guild of Dragon's Roar. They're a troublesome bunch, they've already killed Gluttony and they've beaten Pride. I'll send you there as soon as you're ready."

Embaga Elder]Inaro let at a sigh win the kid wandered off. He followed her ignoring the fact she called him stupid and an idiot. [I][B]I hate kids.[/B][/I] He said to himself as he followed the girl drinking his water. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
When he follows her several arrows fly his way. Since this is the training area.
Light said:
Envy begins to stand up, slowly breathing as she does. "Yes... She's hidden within the guild of Dragon's Roar. They're a troublesome bunch, they've already killed Gluttony and they've beaten Pride. I'll send you there as soon as you're ready."
"One more question then i'm ready" Vance said as he went into a draw and pulled out a small smoke grenade before hiding it inside his cloak "what am i meant to do once i have her? And will she trust me or will i have to prove it somehow?" Vance asked, wanting to know these things before going I could just run off and not save this greed girl, But i've never turned down a Job and i'm not about to start now, though i don't seem to be getting much in return, though keeping my kidneys is nice i guess Vance thought, convincing himself to rescue greed.

Malren smiled back. "Good, now let's-" He winced as a beam of light tore through part of his lower torso, punching a clean hole in himself. Wincing, he was about to hold it in before he saw Kinziel. The girl was in a worse condition, as the light had traveled straight through her chest. Malren's eyes widened in surprise, shock, and anger as the girl fell forward into his arms. "Kinziel? Kinziel! No!" She was obviously dying, and fast, too. "No. Nonono. This can't be... it's going to be ok," he said, while setting her down at a nearby sofa. "Hang tight. Please."

As soon as he finished, he whirled around to face Lust. Despite breaking a few ribs, having two bullets in his lower body, and a small hole punched through him, Malren was reinvigorated with this new turn if events. Protecting Kinziel was his objective, and pain couldn't stop him now, but his strength was running away fast. He quickly pulled up his sleeve and touched the mark Reed left for him, before placing himself between Lust and Kinziel. Please, come fast, Dragon's Roar. We need you. He summoned Kinziel's sword from earlier, pointing it towards Lust with a style he wouldn't have been able to accomplish earlier. "Kill us? No, sir. You'll fight us." He tensed his legs, waiting for the first attack.


@Tazmodo, if you want to help them out.
Sage instantly heard the call and teleported to Malren. Once he arrived he jumped in front of Malren and shoot several ice shards at Lust.
Inaro was finishing his water and following the annoying child when he sensed the presence of arrows flying towards. He didn't care much about the arrows because his defenses kicked in. Meaning Inaro's body turned metallic by himself protecting him fully from the arrows. When the arrows hit his body they shattered due to the impact. So who fired those?? He asked calmly.


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