Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( ! ) Envy turns into Greed and drops Vance into the shadow realm. Where his powers were negated and she limited the oxygen supply in the realm. "I need a section of your liver and one of your kidneys. It would have been easier to kill you but I suppose I'll do it the hard way."
This seems like a petty scare tactic, nevertheless i don't know where i am exactly or what's going to happen, but i'll die before anyone gets any part of me Vance thought, taking slow short steady breaths in case this place had limited oxygen as he didn't see any trees or plants in site. Drawing his dagger Vance started listening for any sounds that would alert him to any attacks being sent his way.

@Light (Is there any way to get out of the shadow realm? or is it until i get let out?)
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Malren smashes into the wall, his shell making a miniature crater behind him. While the shell did protect him from the hit, the impact still sent him reeling. In response, he turned into an eagle, flying over the battle. I've got to end this quickly... C'mon, Mal. He sailed right above Kinziel before transforming into a tortoise, crushing her sword. To follow up this move, he shifted into a jackrabbit and scampered away before becoming a bear again and throwing more tables, letting each one barrel into Kinziel at high speeds. Learning from his previous mistake, he transformed into a fox right after his table barrage and scampered under the remaining tables.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine smiled. "Thank you I'll see you around. Bye Bobby." She said waving bye to him. She walked in and went to her room to set things down. She then went into the main room. "Hey Ashlyn are you in here? I'm the new member."
Ashlyn wasn't there but she could communicate with her mentally through the symbol. "No I'm not but I can still hear you. How are you and what's your name?"

GingerBread said:
This seems like a petty scare tactic, nevertheless i don't know where i am exactly or what's going to happen, but i'll die before anyone gets any part of me Vance thought, taking slow short steady breaths in case this place had limited oxygen as he didn't see any trees or plants in site. Drawing his dagger Vance started listening for any sounds that would alert him to any attacks being sent his way.
@Light (Is there any way to get out of the shadow realm? or is it until i get let out?)
( You have to wait until she releases you. Yeah it really sucks, it's not as bad as the light realm or darkness realm. At least she didn't take you to the darkness realm. )

Envy was standing in front of him in her regular form, she seemed to take as many deep breaths as she wanted. "So I'll have to rip it from your body? Why must you make things so hard for me?"

djinnamon said:
Sage barely could make any words come out as his eyes flew open in shock. ' I didn't think he was so smart ' He thought.
"So I win?" Lust grins because he knew there was no way in hell he'd fail. He just wanted to ask to hear Sage's voice.

Lotusy said:
Malren smashes into the wall, his shell making a miniature crater behind him. While the shell did protect him from the hit, the impact still sent him reeling. In response, he turned into an eagle, flying over the battle. I've got to end this quickly... C'mon, Mal. He sailed right above Kinziel before transforming into a tortoise, crushing her sword. To follow up this move, he shifted into a jackrabbit and scampered away before becoming a bear again and throwing more tables, letting each one barrel into Kinziel at high speeds. Learning from his previous mistake, he transformed into a fox right after his table barrage and scampered under the remaining tables.
( It's an energy blade, it would have split into your shell but you didn't know that so I'll let that go. )

Pride couldn't just trigger explosions since her pride denied her from harming anyone else but Malren and the girl if he lost, sticking true to her word. She needed to end this now before he got any hope on beating her. The cannons on her back disappear and her sword reignites since its an energy blade and runs literally right through the tables. She decides on using her actual physical abilities and breaks the remaining tables coming to her with her fist. She uses the same tactic as before to track down which table he's under and rushes towards him a swift speeds, slicing the table in half. She has wins made out of energy spread from her back as she glares at Malren, pointing her blade at him. "Checkmate." If Malren turns around he would notice several guns that fire concentrated thermal energy charging up behind him.
Light said:
( You have to wait until she releases you. Yeah it really sucks, it's not as bad as the light realm or darkness realm. At least she didn't take you to the darkness realm. )
Envy was standing in front of him in her regular form, she seemed to take as many deep breaths as she wanted. "So I'll have to rip it from your body? Why must you make things so hard for me?"
Vance didn't reply to her, the only indication she got that he was listening was a glare Like hell you'll take my organs Vance thought, determined "Why Do you want them?" Vance asked trying to keep his sentences short, not trusting that there was oxygen in his place

@Light (So this isn't going to end till my organs are stolen D: Sounds fun :P )
Sage nodded dumbly with his mouth wide open. He slowly overcame the shock and glared at the grinning lust embodiment. " Yes you did win." He said begrudgingly. He stepped back slightly , feeling extremely tempted to run away. ( I'm going to sleep , bye)

GingerBread said:
Vance didn't reply to her, the only indication she got that he was listening was a glare Like hell you'll take my organs Vance thought, determined "Why Do you want them?" Vance asked trying to keep his sentences short, not trusting that there was oxygen in his place
@Light (So this isn't going to end till my organs are stolen D: Sounds fun :P )
( Or until you find a way to get her to let you out. )

"I'd like your organs for a number of reasons but lets just bring up one. It's to summon Greed whom is captured since you're the perfect greedy little candidate for a ritual." She turns her arm into a blade and and rushes forward, aiming for the exact organs she wants.

djinnamon said:
Sage nodded dumbly with his mouth wide open. He slowly overcame the shock and glared at the grinning lust embodiment. " Yes you did win." He said begrudgingly. He stepped back slightly , feeling extremely tempted to run away. ( I'm going to sleep , bye)
"With this deal I'm going to make you my slave... and not the usual kind." A twisted smile grows on Lust's face.
Light said:
Ashlyn wasn't there but she could communicate with her mentally through the symbol. "No I'm not but I can still hear you. How are you and what's your name?"
( You have to wait until she releases you. Yeah it really sucks, it's not as bad as the light realm or darkness realm. At least she didn't take you to the darkness realm. )

Envy was standing in front of him in her regular form, she seemed to take as many deep breaths as she wanted. "So I'll have to rip it from your body? Why must you make things so hard for me?"

"So I win?" Lust grins because he knew there was no way in hell he'd fail. He just wanted to ask to hear Sage's voice.

( It's an energy blade, it would have split into your shell but you didn't know that so I'll let that go. )

Pride couldn't just trigger explosions since her pride denied her from harming anyone else but Malren and the girl if he lost, sticking true to her word. She needed to end this now before he got any hope on beating her. The cannons on her back disappear and her sword reignites since its an energy blade and runs literally right through the tables. She decides on using her actual physical abilities and breaks the remaining tables coming to her with her fist. She uses the same tactic as before to track down which table he's under and rushes towards him a swift speeds, slicing the table in half. She has wins made out of energy spread from her back as she glares at Malren, pointing her blade at him. "Checkmate." If Malren turns around he would notice several guns that fire concentrated thermal energy charging up behind him.
Jasmine sat down. "I'm good and my name is Jasmine. Bobby gave me all the info and the guild symbol." She examined it.
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Light said:
"I'd like your organs for a number of reasons but let's just bring up one. It's to summon Greed whom is captured since you're the perfect greedy little candidate for a ritual." She turns her arm into a blade and and rushes forward, aiming for the exact organs she wants.
Greed? what a stupid name Vance thought as he swiftly moved out of the way of the attack "And what if i rescue him instead?" Vance offered, resisting doing any harm to her as it seemed she might be the only way of getting out of there.

When Inaro arrived at the training room he sees the 10 year old girl who was playing games with him. He just glared at her drinking his water without saying anything. @Light
Light said:
Ashlyn notices the scythe still strapped to Jackie's back but most of all, she was slowly getting closer to Jackie. The ground was moving towards Jackie as if she were absorbing it, growing even stronger with more matter being converted to energy. "Uuummm.... Hi Jackie... I knew I had desires but I didn't know my body would move to you on it's own. Oh wait... did I just throw that out there? Crap, by the way Jackie I was just a little gay for you." Ashlyn seemed comfortable talking this way with Jackie, she was smiling now even though she was previously upset. "Seriously though, what's going on with this?" Ashlyn starts to back away from Jackie, staying in the same place since the ground was indeed moving.
Austria said:
Hearing the reassurance coming from Ashlyn calmed his fears and cancelled his confusion, yet increased his anticipation. His intertwined fingers eased their grip, and now only were loosely connected.
' My faith has fallen upon them now. Yet If ill luck comes their way...will Chaos react? '

Zalgo could only spectate quietly; a pale blue orb narrowing as the lashing winds raised their cries once more, causing white dust to blow around the Deities and this Jackie.
The wind hit Jackie, along with flakes of snow, which stuck to her dark hair and her even darker eyelashes, and melted against her skin. She suddenly realized she should be dead - in a t-shirt and jeans, she should be starting to get hypothermia, but she felt almost feverishly warm, evident in the flush to her cheeks, and her fingers were tingling. Not the pins and needles, 'frostbite-is-slowly-claiming-my-extremities-please-help' kind, but the 'I-was-doing-hard-drugs-not-even-five-minutes-ago-and-the-high-just-hit-me-really-hard' kind of tingling. More than that, she noticed she was slowly sinking into snow that should be rock hard with ice. Jackie stepped out of the hole, looking up to Isabel, "You're talking like your whole 'I-want-Jackie-so-bad' sentiment is a surprise; anyone with eyes could tell that you were waiting for the slightest hint I was reconsidering my heterosexuality so you could jump my bones" She shrugs, sinking into the snow once more as she unconscious absorbs it. She curses when she notices. Sanctum, what the fuck are you doing? Why am I sinking in rock hard snow?

Why do you blame me for everything that goes wrong?

Ooh, boy, you want to go there? You really want me to pull receipts? Okay, let's count 'er down-

The essence from earlier has given you new powers. You absorb anything you touch, from what I've felt and seen. It gives you power. You're being childish; I did those things for you. They made you weak, Jackie. I freed you-

Cut the bullshit and turn it off. Now. No reply needed; I've barely been awake an hour and you've already started to grind on my nerves.

Jackie abruptly stops sinking into the snow, the same force pulling Ashlynn towards her cutting off just as quickly. Jackie's eyes dart once more to Zalgo, piercing, "I didn't catch your name. What is it?"
Just as how the snow beneath this Jackie abruptly ended it's sinking movements, the lashing winds quietened dowh to a whistle yet it's breath remained strong enough to send his coat's ends fluttering by his trousers. Zalgo felt pleased on their survival outcome and how his trust on Ashlyn's reassurance was not wasted.

However, the warmth on his visage dissipated as the tattered entity painted in crimson focused their gaze at his own. The Deity's only seeing eye stared back at them; curiosity, interest and a tinge of fear twinkled within his pale blue hue.

" ...Before I answer with a name, please tell me, how did you accomplish such a feat? "

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Tazmodo said:
Jasmine sat down. "I'm good and my name is Jasmine. Bobby gave me all the info and the guild symbol." She examined it.
Ashlyn assumes Bobby is another false name Grimm is going by and doesn't stutter with it. "Ah, so Bobby beat me to it. I hope you've settled in."

GingerBread said:
Greed? what a stupid name Vance thought as he swiftly moved out of the way of the attack "And what if i rescue him instead?" Vance offered, resisting doing any harm to her as it seemed she might be the only way of getting out of there.

"Greed is a she and that's easier than I was planning to do. Well actually that's just the gender of the body she looks like, we're basically genderless. We're technically not even living." Envy shrugs her shoulders and they both exit the shadow realm. "I'm Envy by the way." At this moment he can feel the literal feeling of envy building up inside of him, to tell him they were just names. They were the actual 7 deadly sins in a physical form. "Now would you like to know exactly what you're dealing with in terms of security?"

Embaga Elder]When Inaro arrived at the training room he sees the 10 year old girl who was playing games with him. He just glared at her drinking his water without saying anything. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
They stare at each other for a good 5 minutes until the girl clears her throat. "You're awfully stupid mister." She giggles and runs away, hiding behind a a large crystal.

CelticSol said:
The wind hit Jackie, along with flakes of snow, which stuck to her dark hair and her even darker eyelashes, and melted against her skin. She suddenly realized she should be dead - in a t-shirt and jeans, she should be starting to get hypothermia, but she felt almost feverishly warm, evident in the flush to her cheeks, and her fingers were tingling. Not the pins and needles, 'frostbite-is-slowly-claiming-my-extremities-please-help' kind, but the 'I-was-doing-hard-drugs-not-even-five-minutes-ago-and-the-high-just-hit-me-really-hard' kind of tingling. More than that, she noticed she was slowly sinking into snow that should be rock hard with ice. Jackie stepped out of the hole, looking up to Isabel, "You're talking like your whole 'I-want-Jackie-so-bad' sentiment is a surprise; anyone with eyes could tell that you were waiting for the slightest hint I was reconsidering my heterosexuality so you could jump my bones" She shrugs, sinking into the snow once more as she unconscious absorbs it. She curses when she notices. Sanctum, what the fuck are you doing? Why am I sinking in rock hard snow?

Why do you blame me for everything that goes wrong?

Ooh, boy, you want to go there? You really want me to pull receipts? Okay, let's count 'er down-

The essence from earlier has given you new powers. You absorb anything you touch, from what I've felt and seen. It gives you power. You're being childish; I did those things for you. They made you weak, Jackie. I freed you-

Cut the bullshit and turn it off. Now. No reply needed; I've barely been awake an hour and you've already started to grind on my nerves.

Jackie abruptly stops sinking into the snow, the same force pulling Ashlynn towards her cutting off just as quickly. Jackie's eyes dart once more to Zalgo, piercing, "I didn't catch your name. What is it?"
Austria said:
Just as how the snow beneath this Jackie abruptly ended it's sinking movements, the lashing winds quietened dowh to a whistle yet it's breath remained strong enough to send his coat's ends fluttering by his trousers. Zalgo felt pleased on their survival outcome and how his trust on Ashlyn's reassurance was not wasted.
However, the warmth on his visage dissipated as the tattered entity painted in crimson focused their gaze at his own. The Deity's only seeing eye stared back at them; curiosity, interest and a tinge of fear twinkled within his pale blue hue.

" ...Before I answer with a name, please tell me, how did you accomplish such a feat? "

Ashlyn didn't hear a 'You have no chance' so she was content with what she got. She approaches Jackie, trying not to interrupt the conversation she's having with Zalgo, wondering if she can have a mental

conversation with Sanctum. She just stares hard at Jackie's head now that she's standing on her right, wondering why Sanctum doesn't want to talk to his second favourite lady in the world.

( That's what she assumes. )

djinnamon said:
Sage a expressionless look. " Where is the bedroom ." Asked , already stripping
"Right this way." Lust directs Sage to a different room. Immediately shutting off the lights once he does.

( Fade to black. Time skip. )

Once they were finished Lust put his clothes back on, using the mental link between the remaining 6 sins to communicate. Though it seemed like Envy was the only one trying to stick to the plan while Wrath was focused on destroying Dragon's Roar, Pride was focused on Malren and not killing him, Greed was focused on corrupting Inaro, and Sloth was focused on sleeping and Alicia. "It seems like I'll have to do things myself."
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Light said:
Ashlyn assumes Bobby is another false name Grimm is going by and doesn't stutter with it. "Ah, so Bobby beat me to it. I hope you've settled in."
"Greed is a she and that's easier than I was planning to do. Well actually that's just the gender of the body she looks like, we're basically genderless. We're technically not even living." Envy shrugs her shoulders and they both exit the shadow realm. "I'm Envy by the way." At this moment he can feel the literal feeling of envy building up inside of him, to tell him they were just names. They were the actual 7 deadly sins in a physical form. "Now would you like to know exactly what you're dealing with in terms of security?"

They stare at each other for a good 5 minutes until the girl clears her throat. "You're awfully stupid mister." She giggles and runs away, hiding behind a a large crystal.

Ashlyn didn't hear a 'You have no chance' so she was content with what she got. She approaches Jackie, trying not to interrupt the conversation she's having with Zalgo, wondering if she can have a mental

conversation with Sanctum. She just stares hard at Jackie's head now that she's standing on her right, wondering why Sanctum doesn't want to talk to his second favourite lady in the world.

( That's what she assumes. )

"Right this way." Lust directs Sage to a different room. Immediately shutting off the lights once he does.

( Fade to black. Time skip. )

Once they were finished Lust put his clothes back on, using the mental link between the remaining 6 sins to communicate. Though it seemed like Envy was the only one trying to stick to the plan while Wrath was focused on destroying Dragon's Roar, Pride was focused on Malren and not killing him, Greed was focused on corrupting Inaro, and Sloth was focused on sleeping and Alicia. "It seems like I'll have to do things myself."
Jasmine laughed. "Yeah he was pretty funny and I'm all good. Is there any special missions you want me to do or just be on stand by?"
Jackson grows tired of waiting around and goes to train. He left a note saying to tell him if he's needed. He was tired of not doing anything and went into the forest to try and use his light and dark power together. @ anyone
Malren growled as the blade was put to his chest, turning back into human form. "Tch. Well fought," he grumbled. By this time, the restaurant was cleared out, with only himself and Pride left. Looks like no help is coming, he thought. As the blade inched closer to him, he threw up his arms, shrugging. "Now what? Are you going to kill me?" He tried his best to fight back his previous fear, staring Kinziel dead in the eyes.

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine laughed. "Yeah he was pretty funny and I'm all good. Is there any special missions you want me to do or just be on stand by?"
"Actually there is something you can do. Can you guard the prisoner Greed in the guilds prison? The symbol should take you underground there."

Tazmodo said:
Jackson grows tired of waiting around and goes to train. He left a note saying to tell him if he's needed. He was tired of not doing anything and went into the forest to try and use his light and dark power together. @ anyone
( Don't say her name at all Taz. )

( @Austria here's your next species hint. )

A girl stands with her back to him, her white hair flowing in the wind. "First you tell me you love me and then you join my split personalities guild. Well played Jackson. I have to go... cya around." With that, dragon wings sprout from the girls back, allowing her to swiftly fly away, disappearing.

Lotusy said:
Malren growled as the blade was put to his chest, turning back into human form. "Tch. Well fought," he grumbled. By this time, the restaurant was cleared out, with only himself and Pride left. Looks like no help is coming, he thought. As the blade inched closer to him, he threw up his arms, shrugging. "Now what? Are you going to kill me?" He tried his best to fight back his previous fear, staring Kinziel dead in the eyes.
Kinziel stops moving towards him. "Why are you giving up? You've lost again, why are you accepting this so easily?!" Her invulnerable body becomes vulnerable and her guns disappear. Her sword grows weaker as if it can't keep itself manifested.
Light said:
"Actually there is something you can do. Can you guard the prisoner Greed in the guilds prison? The symbol should take you underground there."
( Don't say her name at all Taz. )

( @Austria here's your next species hint. )

A girl stands with her back to him, her white hair flowing in the wind. "First you tell me you love me and then you join my split personalities guild. Well played Jackson. I have to go... cya around." With that, dragon wings sprout from the girls back, allowing her to swiftly fly away, disappearing.

Kinziel stops moving towards him. "Why are you giving up? You've lost again, why are you accepting this so easily?!" Her invulnerable body becomes vulnerable and her guns disappear. Her sword grows weaker as if it can't keep itself manifested.
Jasmine got up. "Ok will do also what if something happens to the prisoner because I won't do anything. It's Derek I'm worried about." She walked over to the cell with Greed in it.

Jackson's heart skipped a beat or two. "I haven't to seen you in god know how long. I only joined hoping I could find you. But it didn't work and I got sucked into guild missions. I'm sorry." He sat down not knowing what to do as she flew off. He started to manipulate light and dark trying to at the same time. His mind couldn't focus however.
Austria said:
Just as how the snow beneath this Jackie abruptly ended it's sinking movements, the lashing winds quietened to a whistle yet it's breath remained strong enough to send his coat's ends fluttering by his trousers. Zalgo felt pleased on their survival outcome and how his trust on Ashlyn's reassurance was not wasted.
However, the warmth on his visage dissipated as the tattered entity painted in crimson focused their gaze at his own. The Deity's only seeing eye stared back at them; curiosity, interest and a tinge of fear twinkled within his pale blue hue.

" ...Before I answer with a name, please tell me, how did you accomplish such a feat? "

When she looked to the man before her, she did, very acutely, notice how his expression lost some it's warmth, and the glimmer of fear that lit up in blue as he inspected her. Jackie's lips thinned to a grim line; it wasn't like she wasn't used to people being terrified of her - you didn't get a reputation as merciless and brutal as Jackie's and not inspire a little fear - but she hadn't, in her own eyes, done anything to him that would inspire it. Maybe her current appearance put him on edge? She swiped at her cheek with her cleaner hand, her eyes going to the ground. If he was magic, then he might be able to sense Sanctum. That could be another factor.

Jackie wiped her bloody hand off on her jeans, trying to gauge the meaning of the unknown man's words. Though she knew that there were more important things than having a scholarly, academic type of intelligence, the fact that Jackie did not have this was a bit of a hinderance. She scratched the back of her neck, purposely avoiding eye contact and seeming both sheepish and partially ashamed. "Listen, I don't know if I'm failing some kind of test or something, and I know for a fact that I'm going to sound like an idiot... But honestly, I don't know what you're referring to. What 'feat' are you talking about? Because, looking at me right now, we could be talking about a whole lot of shit."
Sage yawned slightly and turn around to Lust with a sheet held tightly on his waist. He looked Lust tiredly. " You are better than I thought you would he said before drifting off to dreamland in little chibi angel form.

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Malren stared down Kinziel as she held a sword at his throat, eyes shining with a defiance he definitely didn't have before. He didn't know if it was the moment, the child, or the restaurant in danger, but he knew he had to do something. "Easy? What do you mean, easy? I fought my heart and soul out, just trying to orotect these people from you!" He growled, prying himself from the debris and rubble for one, hard, slap across the face for Kinziel. "Get ahold of yourself!" He yelled, and uncharacteristically bold move for him. "Look at what you've done! Why did you do..." He gestured to the wreckage of the restaurant. "- All of this? What is wrong with you?"

Lotusy said:
"Giving up?" Malren shook his head. "Ma'am, no, Kinziel, I know when I'm beat. I'm not losing my pride as a living being, I'm simply becoming more modest." He sighed deeply before breaking a hand free from the rubble. "If I continued to hold onto my pride, I would only end up humiliating myself even further. That's my secret." He shrugged, seemingly indifferent to his current situation. "You see, that's something I can understand, not being blinded by pride. I know when the right place to stop is. Otherwise..." With his free hand, he mimicked a falling motion. "I would lose my dignity. I'm not sure you would see, if you were in my shoes."
Lotusy said:
Malren stared down Kinziel as she held a sword at his throat, eyes shining with a defiance he definitely didn't have before. He didn't know if it was the moment, the child, or the restaurant in danger, but he knew he had to do something. "Easy? What do you mean, easy? I fought my heart and soul out, just trying to orotect these people from you!" He growled, prying himself from the debris and rubble for one, hard, slap across the face for Kinziel. "Get ahold of yourself!" He yelled, and uncharacteristically bold move for him. "Look at what you've done! Why did you do..." He gestured to the wreckage of the restaurant. "- All of this? What is wrong with you?"
Due to his words going against pride, her sword disappears as her powers and wings dissipate. "Wh-what?!" She starts to back away from him, going against pride even more. She's never dealt with this before, this level of defeat was foreign to her. After the fact Malren started to yell at her more and she began to panic. She was going to back away even faster but she felt a hard slap to the face. Kinziel was frozen with humiliation since someone she considered to be below her actually struck her across the face. She's never been hit in the face and she didn't know what to do. Actually she's never been hit without her invulnerable power on. Her first reaction was to cry due to her defeat and the stinging pain as she raises her hand to her face. The essence of pride passes over Malren after the fact, he can feel mastery over any and all weapons. Even weapons that don't exist yet with the ability to create and manipulate them. He also gained resistance to pride and slight resistance to other sins.

CelticSol said:
When she looked to the man before her, she did, very acutely, notice how his expression lost some it's warmth, and the glimmer of fear that lit up in blue as he inspected her. Jackie's lips thinned to a grim line; it wasn't like she wasn't used to people being terrified of her - you didn't get a reputation as merciless and brutal as Jackie's and not inspire a little fear - but she hadn't, in her own eyes, done anything to him that would inspire it. Maybe her current appearance put him on edge? She swiped at her cheek with her cleaner hand, her eyes going to the ground. If he was magic, then he might be able to sense Sanctum. That could be another factor.
Jackie wiped her bloody hand off on her jeans, trying to gauge the meaning of the unknown man's words. Though she knew that there were more important things than having a scholarly, academic type of intelligence, the fact that Jackie did not have this was a bit of a hinderance. She scratched the back of her neck, purposely avoiding eye contact and seeming both sheepish and partially ashamed. "Listen, I don't know if I'm failing some kind of test or something, and I know for a fact that I'm going to sound like an idiot... But honestly, I don't know what you're referring to. What 'feat' are you talking about? Because, looking at me right now, we could be talking about a whole lot of shit."
Ashlyn stops trying to communicate with Sanctum and looks at Zalgo, curious as to what his response will be. She didn't like seeing Jackie like this at all, it actually made her upset to the point of anger. She hid it well and she wasn't entirely mad at Zalgo, it's just her seeing Jackie like this that made her see things a different way.

djinnamon said:
Sage yawned slightly and turn around to Lust with a sheet held tightly on his waist. He looked Lust tiredly. " You are better than I thought you would he said before drifting off to dreamland in little chibi angel form.
Lust grips his chest and drops to one knee. "What the hell?! PRIDE?!"

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine got up. "Ok will do also what if something happens to the prisoner because I won't do anything. It's Derek I'm worried about." She walked over to the cell with Greed in it.
Greed looks up at Jasmine as she grows near. "Who might you b-" Greed starts to scream in pain while she scratches at her chest. She can feel incredible pain in her chest while the feeling of defeat passes through her. "Pride was defeated?!"

Sloth wakes up immediately due to vast amounts of pain. "Pride too?!"

Wrath was walking around a military base but suddenly drops, falling on her face as her left hand clutches her chest and the right one forms a fist on the ground. "...K-Kinzie... no."

Envy was talking with her temporary partner when she drops down to both knees. Clutching her chest, her form becoming hazy. "Pride... They got pride..."
Sage' eye flew open when he heard Lust yell and he wet over to the blonde." What is wrong." He asked as he placed a hand on Lust's shoulder.

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