Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Jasmines head came out of the shell. "You aren't scary it's just when you popped out of nowhere you scared me. I'm Jasmine by the way." @Light
"Alright Jasmine, why are you here?" Grimm turns into a cotton candy cloud.
Light said:
"Alright Jasmine, why are you here?" Grimm turns into a cotton candy cloud.
Jasmine turns back to her normal self. "Well I woke up this morning and was compelled to go here. Like a bird migrating you can say."
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine turns back to her normal self. "Well I woke up this morning and was compelled to go here. Like a bird migrating you can say."
"Ohhhh you're one of those people!" The cloud floats in circles. "It's nice to see you."
Light said:
"Yes I do, turns out when you killed Gluttony you affected all the other sins and stalled their plan by a lot! Other guild members have already handled the ships. Thank you for your work! I'm sending your pay check over to your account at the moment mentally and due to taking out a ship and beating Gluttony you're one step closer to Alpha! I have something to tell you... Reed kissed me today and I kind of... didn't kiss back. I frowned into the kiss and used telekinesis to send him to Brazil. I know that was too far but I was just upset and I don't know what to do. There's a new guild member Zalgo! He's just.... adorable. We have an abundance of new members actually." Jackie can feel the ship moving in a strange manner. In fact she didn't notice the fact that she was absorbing the ship into her body, making her feel more energized as she absorbed more matter.
Jackie barely listens to Ashlynn, only taking snippets of the conversation. "So... lemme summarize. I get special powers, you're still talking about me making Alpha even when you know for a fact I don't give a good god damn about it, you're also fucked because some dude tried to make out, we've got new members, and one of them sounds like he could be fucking buddies with Sanctum-" The entire ships groans, like the metal was being shredded apart, "Wait, fuck, lemme call you back-" The ship starts caving underneath Jackie as she unknowingly absorbs it, ripping holes into the lower deck's hull, allowing even more water to flood into the ship, which drags it further to the side as the ocean swallows more of ship. The ship keels at a sharp incline, forcing Jackie to hold on with her hands and hook her other foot to the railing. The crew members slide down the deck, screaming and scrambling for purchase on the smooth deck. One just slips off the edge and into the water, but the others are not so lucky - most make fatal impact with the supports of the railing, breaking necks and spines and skull, or rupturing important organs. Jackie secures her grip on the railing and unhooks her feet, allowing herself to dangle as water reaches up to the deck plates.

"Well, would you look at that," Jackie murmurs. Sanctum, is shadow travel while in a free fall a thing?

That is a stupid fucking idea, Jackie.

My last idea was to sink a ship I was still standing on, so the fact I have 'stupid fucking ideas' has been established. I asked if it can be done.

... Yes. It can. But you risk leaving your body behind, depending on the jump. To shore, maximum, you will leave behind some hair, maybe. Another continent? We hike up the importance of whatever you leave behind, or how much of it you lose.

So... If I were to go to Isabel right now...?

Then you might lose an entire limb. I have no use for a crippled host, Jacqueline.

Well, you better be careful, then.

She lets go of the railing before he can stop her, initiating shadow travel the minute she's in the cover of shade while in the middle of a free fall. She drops down under the cover of a cliff about 20 meters from where Ashlynn is standing, Jackie's rampant swearing audible from where Zalgo and Ashlynn are. Jackie comes out of the shade, cupping her hand in her other hand. Despite looking like she's in pain, she's grinning, "Haha, eat my dick! Only lost my fingernails!" She holds up her right hand, showing off her raw, bleeding and painful looking nail beds. She looks up, noticing Ashlynn is not alone, and laughs sheepishly. "... Awkward."

She runs her hand through hair, putting it into a further disarray. She knows she probably looks like a wreck -- her black clothes can't show any blood stains, but Jackie's pale skin makes a good canvas, and her left hand up to her elbow looks like she let it marinate in blood, and she knows she has blood splattered and smeared across her face. Making an effort at nonchalance, like she doesn't look like she came out of slaughterhouse five minutes ago, and does a two finger salute to the man, using the hand that actually had fingernails. "I'm Jackie. Are you a new member?"
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CelticSol said:
Jackie barely listens to Ashlynn, only taking snippets of the conversation. "So... lemme summarize. I get special powers, you're still talking about Alpha even though I haven't talked to him in a while, you're also fucked because some dude tried to make out, we've got new members, and one of them sounds like he could be fucking buddies with Sanctum-" The entire ships groans, like the metal was being shredded apart, "Wait, fuck, lemme call you back-" The ship starts caving underneath Jackie as she unknowingly absorbs it, ripping holes into the lower deck's hull, allowing even more water to flood into the ship, which drags it further to the side as the ocean swallows more of ship. The ship keels at a sharp incline, forcing Jackie to hold on with her hands and hook her other foot to the railing. The crew members slide down the deck, screaming and scrambling for purchase on the smooth deck. One just slips off the edge and into the water, but the others are not so lucky - most make fatal impact with the supports of the railing, breaking necks and spines and skull, or rupturing important organs. Jackie secures her grip on the railing and unhooks her feet, allowing herself to dangle as water reaches up to the deck plates.
"Well, would you look at that," Jackie murmurs. Sanctum, is shadow travel while in a free fall a thing?

That is a stupid fucking idea, Jackie.

My last idea was to sink a ship I was still standing on, so the fact I have 'stupid fucking ideas' has been established. I asked if it can be done.

... Yes. It can. But you risk leaving your body behind, depending on the jump. To shore, maximum, you will leave behind some hair, maybe. Another continent? We hike up the importance of whatever you leave behind, or how much of it you lose.

So... If I were to go to Isabel right now...?

Then you might lose an entire limb. I have no use for a crippled host, Jacqueline.

Well, you better be careful, then.

She lets go of the railing before he can stop her, initiating shadow travel the minute she's in the cover of shade while in the middle of a free fall. She drops down under the cover of a cliff about 20 meters from where Ashlynn is standing, Jackie's rampant swearing audible from where Zalgo and Ashlynn are. Jackie comes out of the shade, cupping her hand in her other hand. Despite looking like she's in pain, she's grinning, "Haha, eat my dick! Only lost my fingernails!" She holds up her right hand, showing off her raw, bleeding and painful looking nail beds. She looks up, noticing Ashlynn is not alone, and laughs sheepishly. "... Awkward."

She runs her hand through hair, putting it into a further disarray. She knows she probably looks like a wreck -- her black clothes can't show any blood stains, but Jackie's pale skin makes a good canvas, and her left hand up to her elbow looks like she let it marinate in blood, and she knows she has blood splattered and smeared across her face. Making an effort at nonchalance, like she doesn't look like she came out of slaughterhouse five minutes ago, and does a two finger salute to the man, using the hand that actually had fingernails. "I'm Jackie. Are you a new member?"
( Maybe I should've reminded her she could use the symbol to teleport to other members once you're at Beta and up..... oops? )

Ashlyn notices the scythe still strapped to Jackie's back but most of all, she was slowly getting closer to Jackie. The ground was moving towards Jackie as if she were absorbing it, growing even stronger with more matter being converted to energy. "Uuummm.... Hi Jackie... I knew I had desires but I didn't know my body would move to you on it's own. Oh wait... did I just throw that out there? Crap, by the way Jackie I was just a little gay for you." Ashlyn seemed comfortable talking this way with Jackie, she was smiling now even though she was previously upset. "Seriously though, what's going on with this?" Ashlyn starts to back away from Jackie, staying in the same place since the ground was indeed moving.
A soft glow was engraved onto his extended palm, but he hadn't noticed it until his hand returned to him. His eye inspected it closely, admiring the insignia's design. His thoughts began to wander on what the marking meant, why it had appeared after physical contact with the other Deity and could he ever remove it...?

The voice of Ashlyn brought him back from his pondering, and his excitement returned to him once more. Zalgo expected the 'story-telling' to occur at another given time and location, since the snowy environment held such a bitter cold climate and was not suited for one to tell their tale. But that was his own personal matter and he kept it out of their conversation.

"Well it all started with a girl named Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir..."

He blinked at the long-winded name, though finding the 'Sunset' part somewhat amusing; his imagination formed an image of the said girl with locks that was the colour of the setting sun.

' I've now heard of another unique name-- besting that of the mouthful's of the first entity that I've encountered previously. Olivianna Annesworth...was it not? I'm curious on how she's faring now. '

"Isabel was made up of every species her bloodline could offer from unique individuals, a gene pool of 125%. The only transcendent hybrid of her kind..."

Zalgo's head tilted to the side, only to return to it's straight posture after a moment.

' How is that even possible? What a fascinating girl she must've been. Then again, inheriting all traits of their bloodline will have its toll, be it for the worse or the opposite. '

" There were people in the world who would do anything for the sake of curiosity and power..."

' That I absolutely agree with. The current enemies of the members of the Dragon's Roar--who I suppose are also now my...enemies...?-- are attempting, I would say, the unbelievable since they crave such power. '

" Nameless but powerful scientists abducted her at the age of seven and for three years they tortured her, treating her like a lab rat... "

Zalgo prevented a gasp from escaping him by pursing his lips together. This action wasn't performed just because he was slightly horrified at what they had to go through during their youth, but the terms "scientists" and "lab rat" trigged a few seconds of terrible deja vu.

' ...There's a few things that the Void had taken from me, that I am quite happy with gone... '

" She killed herself... slighty... she split herself into five fragments... "

' ...The immense pain that these scientists forced the girl to go through, that only ended up with her suicide as their result--twisted, they leave a foul taste in my tongue. ' What a hypocritical thought. The Void can erase what he was before, but not what he had done.

The Deity had thoroughly paid attention to their tale and found himself in a similar mood that the other entity was now in, as it was apparent in their change of tone. Zalgo could only feel dreary and drained after listening, but it must be worse on their end.

A noise of a heavy thump and crunching snow was heard a short distance away, and his head turned in response to it. New encounters appearing seemed endless to him now, but he dared not complain in his thoughts. This was a first in eons that the Deity had interacted with few and learned many. All of this could gradually slow to a stop, and the Void will be the only thing he would turn to.

Curiosity frolicked in his mind as he heard a voice coming from that distance.

In all honesty, Zalgo had not a clue on what they were spouting at the beginning until he heard a familiar word that had the start of the letter 'F'. He had heard of many other words that began with 'F',but in with how the unknown was using it...the word wasn't worth getting into details.

Shortly after, the source of the voice had shown themselves. The mere sight of their battered body, especially the limbs that were dripping with crimson, caused his own hand to grasp its other tightly.

' What a sight to behold. I've have yet to have seen red snow, but from the ground they're standing on...I've seen it. '

Despite their ruined appearance, they introduced themselves and made a gesture in what he could assume as a greeting. Zalgo shifted on his spot, silently finding it amusing and fascinating that this Jackie could ask a question nonchalantly in their current state.

' Their body must be durable; years of honing, perhaps. '

However, before the Deity could speak to answer their simple query, Ashlyn had responded quicker with a new change of tone; one of a familiar fondness, definitely a positive change from previously. Zalgo never noticed the moving red snow from beneath the other feminine figure, until Ashlyn had pointed out it twice.

' Oh, something new in this environment? It seems to me that it's like...quicksand? Sinking sand; albeit in this case, sinking snow. '

The thought that floated into his mind seemed normal at first, until he realised that sinking snow was a bad situation. And that bad situation was happening to the one named Jackie, at this very moment. He felt the need to act, but the Deity besides him only took a step back--not using the force they had used before. Confusion, fearful apprehension and anticipation threw themselves at his mentality.

@Light @CelticSol
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Austria said:
A soft glow was engraved onto his extended palm, but he hadn't noticed it until his hand returned to him. His eye inspected it closely, admiring the insignia's design. His thoughts began to wander on what the marking meant, why it had appeared after physical contact with the other Deity and could he ever remove it...?
The voice of Ashlyn brought him back from his pondering, and his excitement returned to him once more. Zalgo expected the 'story-telling' to occur at another given time and location, since the snowy environment held such a bitter cold climate and was not suited for one to tell their tale. But that was his own personal matter and he kept it out of their conversation.

"Well it all started with a girl named Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir..."

He blinked at the long-winded name, though finding the 'Sunset' part somewhat amusing; his imagination formed an image of the said girl with locks that was the colour of the setting sun.

' I've now heard of another unique name-- besting that of the mouthful's of the first entity that I've encountered previously. Olivianna Annesworth...was it not? I'm curious on how she's faring now. '

"Isabel was made up of every species her bloodline could offer from unique individuals, a gene pool of 125%. The only transcendent hybrid of her kind..."

Zalgo's head tilted to the side, only to return to it's straight posture after a moment.

' How is that even possible? What a fascinating girl she must've been. Then again, inheriting all traits of their bloodline will have its toll, be it for the worse or the opposite. '

" There were people in the world who would do anything for the sake of curiosity and power..."

' That I absolutely agree with. The current enemies of the members of the Dragon's Roar--who I suppose are also now my...enemies...?-- are attempting, I would say, the unbelievable since they crave such power. '

" Nameless but powerful scientists abducted her at the age of seven and for three years they tortured her, treating her like a lab rat... "

Zalgo prevented a gasp from escaping him by pursing his lips together. This action wasn't performed just because he was slightly horrified at what they had to go through during their youth, but the terms "scientists" and "lab rat" trigged a few seconds of terrible deja vu.

' ...There's a few things that the Void had taken from me, that I am quite happy with gone... '

" She killed herself... slighty... she split herself into five fragments... "

' ...The immense pain that these scientists forced the girl to go through, that only ended up with her suicide their result--twisted, they leave a foul taste in my tongue. ' What a hypocritical thought. The Void can erase what he was before, but not what he had done.

The Deity had thoroughly paid attention to their tale and found himself in a similar mood that the other entity was now in, as it was apparent in their change of tone. Zalgo could only feel dreary and drained after listening, but it must be worse on their end.

A noise of a heavy thump and crunching snow was heard a short distance away, and his head turned in response to it. New encounters appearing seemed endless to him now, but he dared not complain in his thoughts. This was a first in eons that the Deity had interacted with few and learned many. All of this could gradually slow to a stop, and the Void will be the only thing he would turn to.

Curiosity frolicked in his mind as he heard a voice coming from that distance.

In all honesty, Zalgo had not a clue on what they were spouting at the beginning until he heard a familiar word that had the start of the letter 'F'. He had heard of many other words that began with 'F',but in with how the unknown was using it...the word wasn't worth getting into details.

Shortly after, the source of the voice had shown themselves. The mere sight of their battered body, especially the limbs that were dripping with crimson, caused his own hand to grasp its other tightly.

' What a sight to behold. I've have yet to have seen red snow, but from the ground they're standing on...I've seen it. '

Despite their ruined appearance, they introduced themselves and made a gesture in what he could assume as a greeting. Zalgo shifted on his spot, silently finding it amusing and fascinating that this Jackie could ask a question nonchalantly in their current state.

' Their body must be durable; years of honing, perhaps. '

However, before the Deity could speak to answer their simple query, Ashlyn had responded quicker with a new change of tone; one of a familiar fondness, definitely a positive change from previously. Zalgo never noticed the moving red snow from beneath the other feminine figure, until Ashlyn had pointed out it twice.

' Oh, something new in this environment? It seems to me that it's like...quicksand? Sinking sand; albeit in this case, sinking snow. '

The thought that floated into his mind seemed normal at first, until he realised that sinking snow was a bad situation. And that bad situation was happening to the one named Jackie, at this very moment. He felt the need to act, but the Deity besides him only took a step back--not using the force they had used before. Confusion, fearful apprehension and anticipation threw themselves at his mentality.

@Light @CelticSol

Ashlyn glances at Zalgo and thinks about the situation at hand in depth. "Don't worry. Just trust Jackie, she'll figure it out."
Hearing the reassurance coming from Ashlyn calmed his fears and cancelled his confusion, yet increased his anticipation. His intertwined fingers eased their grip, and now only were loosely connected.

' My faith has fallen upon them now. Yet If ill luck comes their way...will Chaos react? '

Zalgo could only spectate quietly; a pale blue orb narrowing as the lashing winds raised their cries once more, causing white dust to blow around the Deities and this Jackie.

Inaro started getting irritated at the young girl who's causing him to walk back and forth. Inaro fondly gets a good view of the girl and sees that she's a youngen, probably around 9 or 10. You fucking brat! He yelled as he got angry at the fact that he was getting tricked by a child. Inaro decides to make an actually attempt to catch the girl. Now you're mine. He says as he preps himself for a girly lunge towards the girl. Inaro takes a deep breath in and exhaled taking a giant lunge towards the child. By the time Inaro got towards her he had happy smile for victory on his face Haha gotta you brat!! He yells at he attempts to grab her. Sadly she disappears right before he makes contact with her.

He lands with a disappointed gave expression. Without saying a word he walks back to the kitchen slouching in disappointment. He grabs the beer/water and drinks it not caring of the fact that it's water, but when the liquid touched his Taste buds it was the wonderful taste of beer. Inaro was so happy That he finished the whole bottle and yells in excitement. YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! he then goes back to drinking his beer with a smile on his face. @Light
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Malren only flinched as Kinziel stared him down, but otherwise she was silent. As they took reservations in a nearby restaurant, Malren marveled at the inside, especially the tables, the kitchen, and even the seats. When Kinziel asked him if he wanted to eat grass though, he shook his head furiously. "What? Nonono. That's not what I mean. I-" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Uh, I've only ever eaten grass and plants before! I mean, sure, but... do they even sell grass here?"


(Imagine how humbling it would be for Pride to eat grass...)
Jasmine was confused. "What do you mean those kind of people?" She could feel Derek getting impatient and it worried Jasmine. She tried to holds him down longer.
djinnamon said:
Sage glared at Lust. " Why did you take me here?" He asked as he cocked his hip.
"I took you here because you need to relax and have some fun. Kinzie is taking her little pet boyfriend out for dinner. Let's go do something too!"

Inaro was the only one who could see that could see that girl. To others it seemed like he went insane about beer and chased around something he was calling a small girl. Only to go back and drink beer. Inaro can feel a calling to the holding cell shortly afterwards.

Lotusy said:
Malren only flinched as Kinziel stared him down, but otherwise she was silent. As they took reservations in a nearby restaurant, Malren marveled at the inside, especially the tables, the kitchen, and even the seats. When Kinziel asked him if he wanted to eat grass though, he shook his head furiously. "What? Nonono. That's not what I mean. I-" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Uh, I've only ever eaten grass and plants before! I mean, sure, but... do they even sell grass here?"

(Imagine how humbling it would be for Pride to eat grass...)
"They most likely do not but you can try salad if not." She calls a waiter and orders grass for Malren, only to receive a confused look and give a glare in return. Kinziel stands up and has several futuristic plasma guns float around the waiter's head. "Don't you ever look at me like I'm crazy again. Now get my pet here some salad." The waiter runs back to the kitchen in a hurry, the guns end up floating above his head wherever he goes. To keep others from running and causing a panic, sentry guns were set up along the walls of the restaurant and on every table. Daggers appeared above the feet of others, prepared to stab into their feet if they ran. Kinziel sits down and casts an angry look at Malren.

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine was confused. "What do you mean those kind of people?" She could feel Derek getting impatient and it worried Jasmine. She tried to holds him down longer.
"You're one of those potential members for Dragon's Roar!" Grimm gestures to the building.
Light said:
"I took you here because you need to relax and have some fun. Kinzie is taking her little pet boyfriend out for dinner. Let's go do something too!"
Inaro was the only one who could see that could see that girl. To others it seemed like he went insane about beer and chased around something he was calling a small girl. Only to go back and drink beer. Inaro can feel a calling to the holding cell shortly afterwards.

"They most likely do not but you can try salad if not." She calls a waiter and orders grass for Malren, only to receive a confused look and give a glare in return. Kinziel stands up and has several futuristic plasma guns float around the waiter's head. "Don't you ever look at me like I'm crazy again. Now get my pet here some salad." The waiter runs back to the kitchen in a hurry, the guns end up floating above his head wherever he goes. To keep others from running and causing a panic, sentry guns were set up along the walls of the restaurant and on every table. Daggers appeared above the feet of others, prepared to stab into their feet if they ran. Kinziel sits down and casts an angry look at Malren.

"You're one of those potential members for Dragon's Roar!" Grimm gestures to the building.
Jasmine scratched her head. "What's Dragon's Roar?" Derek got curious and settled down.
Malren nodded his head gratefully as Pride suggested a salad. "Thank you," he said. Of course, his happiness turned to horror as Kinziel whirled on the waiter, summoning guns and daggers around other restaurant customers. He could almost taste the waves of terror washing over the crowd as the weapons appeared. He had to do something for them. Stand up for them, Malren, you coward! You let her do this to you earlier! Don't let everyone else suffer the same way! He shut his eyes, "Kinziel! Please, stop it! You're hurting them!" As if to prove his point, a child in the crowd started crying. "You don't need to do this!"

Inaro who's still in the kitchen is drinking his final bottle of beer. As he drunk guys beer he thought about nothing but that strange little girl. He felt like that won't be the last time he'll see her. He grabbed all of his empty bottles and threw them away in the trash. He then suddenly felt a calling to the holding cells. Before walking to the cells he goes to the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water, holding it as he walked to the cells. @Light
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine scratched her head. "What's Dragon's Roar?" Derek got curious and settled down.
Grimm sends Jasmine the mental rundown about Dragon's Roar. "That's why you're here!"

( Uuhh... Why do you have that water... O.o )

Once Inaro reaches his destination he learns it was Greed calling him. "Why hello. How are you?"

djinnamon said:
Sage smirked. " Like what? " He asked as he walked closer to Lust as his hips swayed slightly.
"Who knows? Whatever you want too." Lust grins as Sage approaches him, he felt like he had him in the bag.

Lotusy said:
Malren nodded his head gratefully as Pride suggested a salad. "Thank you," he said. Of course, his happiness turned to horror as Kinziel whirled on the waiter, summoning guns and daggers around other restaurant customers. He could almost taste the waves of terror washing over the crowd as the weapons appeared. He had to do something for them. Stand up for them, Malren, you coward! You let her do this to you earlier! Don't let everyone else suffer the same way! He shut his eyes, "Kinziel! Please, stop it! You're hurting them!" As if to prove his point, a child in the crowd started crying. "You don't need to do this!"
"Oh? You're going to stand up to me? Aren't you my pet? Shouldn't you be helping me?" Kinziel rolls her eyes as a good idea and a smirk grows. "Alright then." A gun appears in his face, pointed at him. All other guns but the one in front of the child disappear. "Will you die for the child to live, let the child die for you to live, fight me and if you win this is over but if you lose the whole restaurant dies, or you can can show me you're a sorry good pet and and clamber over to my aside where you belong. Make your choice."
Malren steeled his eyes, brave for once in his life. A quick glance at the child bolstered his nerves once and for all. "I'll fight you. With all due respect ma'am, no, Kinziel, I can't just stand back and let these people get hurt!" He threw his hand to the side, and it slowly transformed into a talon. "I want a rematch."

Sage slowly got on Lust's lap and wrapped his arms around the demons neck. " I have a idea of what we can do." He said turning his attractiveness up a notch.

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Light said:
Grimm sends Jasmine the mental rundown about Dragon's Roar. "That's why you're here!"
( Uuhh... Why do you have that water... O.o )

Once Inaro reaches his destination he learns it was Greed calling him. "Why hello. How are you?"

"Who knows? Whatever you want too." Lust grins as Sage approaches him, he felt like he had him in the bag.

"Oh? You're going to stand up to me? Aren't you my pet? Shouldn't you be helping me?" Kinziel rolls her eyes as a good idea and a smirk grows. "Alright then." A gun appears in his face, pointed at him. All other guns but the one in front of the child disappear. "Will you die for the child to live, let the child die for you to live, fight me and if you win this is over but if you lose the whole restaurant dies, or you can can show me you're a sorry good pet and and clamber over to my aside where you belong. Make your choice."
Jasmine nods her head. "Ok then do I just walk in or wait for some one to let me in. I know about the symbol thing but idk how to get it."
Lotusy said:
Malren steeled his eyes, brave for once in his life. A quick glance at the child bolstered his nerves once and for all. "I'll fight you. With all due respect ma'am, no, Kinziel, I can't just stand back and let these people get hurt!" He threw his hand to the side, and it slowly transformed into a talon. "I want a rematch."
Kinziel has the remaining guns disappear and creates her weapon of choice. "Why don't you just quit? You know you'll lose and the remaining pride you have will be shattered, along with that child's skull."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2eb364e3c176576670d62b557bb3cb78.jpg.e5e71d3944e83f408f912e19f84a8ab3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2eb364e3c176576670d62b557bb3cb78.jpg.e5e71d3944e83f408f912e19f84a8ab3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

djinnamon said:
Sage slowly got on Lust's lap and wrapped his arms around the demons neck. " I have a idea of what we can do." He said turning his attractiveness up a notch.
"Thanks you you I'm no longer a demon. I'm now the living embodiment of lust. Along with Wrath and in mere seconds. Pride and Sloth with be an embodiment as well." He sets his hands on Sage's waist. "I must thank you people."

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine nods her head. "Ok then do I just walk in or wait for some one to let me in. I know about the symbol thing but idk how to get it."
"Yup, I've given you the inner guild symbol so just walk inside!" Grimm nods his head with excitement.



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