Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage teleported back to Jackson in time to hear his little speech. Sage stomped over to him. " I don't what your problem is but it has to stop you are rude as hell" He said
Jackson turned to him. "We have a mission and every time you decide to interrupt compromises that mission. I was merciful with you and sent you away so you would stop attacking. My patience runs thin."

(Please don't take these things to heart that's just how Jackson is)
" You do NOT do that to your teammates without attempting to tell then to stop , I couldn't care less about your patience." He said in a stern tine as he folded his arms and glared at Jackson.
djinnamon said:
Sage looked unamused before he flipped Lust the middle finger and began walking away.
Lust floats after Sage and smiles, floating on his back mid air. "Come on.... don't be like this. I just came to talk." Lust lands in front of Sage and puts his hands on Sage's to stop him. "Why can't we just relax and have a little fun?" He felt like he could handle it until Sage teleports back to the cave.

Lotusy said:
(This is gonna be great! Mal has no idea how to use the bathroom, lol)
Malren nodded, giving Kinziel a sort of half-salute. "Y-yes, ma'am! I mean, Kinziel!" With that, he rushed into the bathroom, staring at all the strange apparatuses coming from the walls and ground. His curiosity overwhelming him, Malren decided to try something out. When he twisted a knob on the sink, water came out, and Mal stared at it in shock. "Water... from the wall? Where does it come from?" He put his hand on it, recoiling from the cold. "Yikes! That's freezing." As he nursed his cold hand, Mal turned off the sink and stepped into the shower. After he pulled the small knob, cold water came gushing out, startling the young druid. He yelped in surprise, slipping and falling into the tub. Though he tried to get up again, the young man kept slipping. "Uh... Kinziel? A little help here, please?"

Kinziel sighs and walks into the bathroom, with little concern if Malren took his clothes off. "You're so pathetic, you can't even operate a shower. Why the hell do I even keep you around?" She begins to teach him how to operate everything inside a shower. "Now, get in." Kinziel stands right there, expecting him to undress and get in. She wanted to get nuisances over with so she was going to make sure there was no mistakes made.

Austria said:
As Ashlyn's attention returned to him, Zalgo leaned forward slightly to have his back off the snow-clad rock, since he could feel it's icy cloak soaking through his clothing. She ended the silence that they shortly held between them when she proceeded on explaining her idea; her tone had shifted subtly, but he managed to take note of it.
Once more the Deity hears of the Dragon's Roar.

A new sensation entered his emotional turmoil: a spark of excitement appeared amongst the flames of fear and curiosity.

" Dragon's Roar. I've only had come to know its purpose, but if you yield any more information, I'll gladly lend you my ears. "

Zalgo left the other question's answer unspoken, since what they were asking was a commitment of a sort. For now he was only intrigued on the details of the Dragon's Roar than that.

"Well Dragon's Roar is an underground guild that handles problems throughout all the realms. We don't attract as much attention as other guilds at all and we like to keep it that way. Guild members do get paid and we do have a ranking system." Ashlyn sends all the information on the ranking system and the power that comes with it. "We're making great progress with stopping the seven deadly sins and we're ready for any other threat that comes our way. I'd like for you to join us since I believe you'd be a really addition to our cause."

Tazmodo said:
Jackson crossed his arms. "I can't make any exchanges without knowing your intentions. Just tell me your intentions and we can make a deal. You seem like one of the more reasonable ones so you should understand where I'm coming from."
djinnamon said:
Sage teleported back to Jackson in time to hear his little speech. Sage stomped over to him. " I don't what your problem is but it has to stop you are rude as hell" He said
Envy just watches as they start to destroy one another, at this moment Wrath and Pride were close to hitting their embodiment. She wished she had popcorn on her for this.

Dreamtique said:
Many thoughts are still racing through his mind.

"I hope that they will be fine......opposing Envy......"

"I wonder what are the others sins at......"

"The sins are probably aware of the location of the guild, I should keep an eye out......"

He decided to petrol around the guild, just to make sure.
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine stays in her shell. "Why did you scare me earlier?" She didn't believe his name was Bobby it was to normal of a name.
Outside the guild Earl can see Grimm talking to a turtle. Grimm shrugs his shoulder in response to her question. "I just wanted to say hi. Sorry if I scared you."
There was an immense pressure coming off of Inaro that rumbled the cave causing a cave in . Inaro looks at Jackson with his glowing red eyes. He gentle pushes Jackson with his deity strength sending him into the cave wall. Don't ever call me a dog. He said in a dark way. As silver Aura came off his body. @Light @Tazmodo @Dreamtique
Embaga Elder]There was an immense pressure coming off of Inaro that rumbled the cave causing a cave in . Inaro looks at Jackson with his glowing red eyes. He gentle pushes Jackson with his deity strength sending him into the cave wall. [I][B]Don't ever call me a dog. [/B][/I]He said in a dark way. As silver Aura came off his body. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Envy grins while watching the fight start. "Oooooohh.... you better do something. He's serious! Maybe calling him a dog wasn't a very good idea."

At this moment, Wrath hits her embodiment.
Malren stared back at Kinziel with a bit of defiance, then flinched as she called him worthless. "It's not my fault! I was just raised in a forest, I don't know how to operate these things!" Nonetheless, he was grateful when Kinziel showed him how to use all of the utilities in the bathroom. It was sort of embarrassing, not being able to use all of these human inventions. Of course, things got more embarrassing when Kinziel asked him to shower, expecting him to undress. "W-what? No w-way!" He went into the showers, closed the curtain, and then undressed, shoving the clothes through an opening in the curtain. "I, uh, appreciate the help, but I think I can m-manage this on my own." His teeth chattered as the cold air rushed past him. When he turned on the shower, he let out a very non-masculine shriek, before covering his mouth. After a minute of just awkwardly letting the water wash over him, he shouted to Kinziel, "S-s-see? I can handle myself!"

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Whilst listening to Ashlyn, his nerves simmered down to dregs of a dying fire. They meant good will, even they had stated that, but something about their person continued to trouble him--the sensation he was experiencing felt like an itch in his mentality, and he could not reach to scratch it.

The terms "guild" and "ranking system" were new to him, and he could already suspect that these were of importance. Now it was his time to face the commitment that she was asking for, though there was also the option of rejection.

' "Cause" is just another replacement for purpose. Attempting to persuade me on becoming involved with their ordeal--how...fulfilling it sounds. '

Zalgo slowly nodded to show his understanding after she had finished. Before speaking, his two bandanged hands moved to link themselves around each other in front of his stomach.

" I am...quite flattered with your choice of words in the end. But I cannot give you my decision yet, since I must ask you this, "

The Deity tilted his head.

" What are you? "

Vague is the query, but he is depending on their interpretation. If their answer suffices then his resolve will be revealed to them.

Embaga Elder]There was an immense pressure coming off of Inaro that rumbled the cave causing a cave in . Inaro looks at Jackson with his glowing red eyes. He gentle pushes Jackson with his deity strength sending him into the cave wall. [I][B]Don't ever call me a dog. [/B][/I]He said in a dark way. As silver Aura came off his body. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
( ! )

Jackson used his gravity to stop himself. "Do you honestly think that with strength that minimal would down anything." He was anchored down with gravity 1000 times stronger then normal. "Quick little news flash just because you're a deity doesn't mean you're all powerful. Jackson put his gravity back to normal and cracked his knuckles. He ran at the wolf at speeds just shy of the speed of sound. He kicked the wolf with power ten times as strong and added gravity to the wall. He was pinned there. "I trained with a dragon on the scale that puts deities like you to shame." The wolf bursts into flames. "Now stop this before I get serious."
(Oh trust me I'm aware)

Inaro laughed Evilly as he was forced onto the wall, engulfed in flames. Hehe you started it child. He fires silver energy laser beams from his eyes aimed for Jackson then counters Jackson's gravity that's holding him down by changing the weight of himself and the wall which allowed him to float. Inaro's body was covered in metal as the fire continued to burn on him. So when is this actually going to start??? He says nonchalantly. @Tazmodo
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Lotusy said:
Malren stared back at Kinziel with a bit of defiance, then flinched as she called him worthless. "It's not my fault! I was just raised in a forest, I don't know how to operate these things!" Nonetheless, he was grateful when Kinziel showed him how to use all of the utilities in the bathroom. It was sort of embarrassing, not being able to use all of these human inventions. Of course, things got more embarrassing when Kinziel asked him to shower, expecting him to undress. "W-what? No w-way!" He went into the showers, closed the curtain, and then undressed, shoving the clothes through an opening in the curtain. "I, uh, appreciate the help, but I think I can m-manage this on my own." His teeth chattered as the cold air rushed past him. When he turned on the shower, he let out a very non-masculine shriek, before covering his mouth. After a minute of just awkwardly letting the water wash over him, he shouted to Kinziel, "S-s-see? I can handle myself!"
Kinziel sighs and throws the shower curtain open, she begins to heat the water for him. "I've decided you're useless and you need help with absolutely everything." She picks up the bar of soap and runs it under the water, "I've told you how to use this, now shower." Kinziel was going to watch him to make sure he did so properly.

Austria said:
Whilst listening to Ashlyn, his nerves simmered down to dregs of a dying fire. They meant good will, even they had stated that, but something about their person continued to trouble him--the sensation he was experiencing felt like an itch in his mentality, and he could not reach to scratch it.
The terms "guild" and "ranking system" were new to him, and he could already suspect that these were of importance. Now it was his time to face the commitment that she was asking for, though there was also the option of rejection.

' "Cause" is just another replacement for purpose. Attempting to persuade me on becoming involved with their ordeal--how...fulfilling it sounds. '

Zalgo slowly nodded to show his understanding after she had finished. Before speaking, his two bandanged hands moved to link themselves around each other in front of his stomach.

" I am...quite flattered with your choice of words in the end. But I cannot give you my decision yet, since I must ask you this, "

The Deity tilted his head.

" What are you? "

Vague is the query, but he is depending on their interpretation. If their answer suffices then his resolve will be revealed to them.

Ashlyn smiles at this and takes a deep breath. "I'm the deity of Chaos... but more than that I'm just the physical embodiment of a dead girls positive emotions. There's a story to this, to tell the truth I'm a split personality. A fragment to be specific... there are 4 other split personalities out there in the world. That's all I can say without drowning you in information."

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson used his gravity to stop himself. "Do you honestly think that with strength that minimal would down anything." He was anchored down with gravity 1000 times stronger then normal. "Quick little news flash just because you're a deity doesn't mean you're all powerful. Jackson put his gravity back to normal and cracked his knuckles. He ran at the wolf at speeds just shy of the speed of sound. He kicked the wolf with power ten times as strong and added gravity to the wall. He was pinned there. "I trained with a dragon on the scale that puts deities like you to shame." The wolf bursts into flames. "Now stop this before I get serious."
( @djinnamon )

Lust appears in the cave with Envy, transporting her elsewhere along with the addition of taking Sage. They end up in the same hotel with Pride but in the living room. Kenziel was forcing Malren to shower while she was watching with the bathroon door locked. "Welcome to a really good five star hotel in Vegas." Lust grins at Sage while Envy walks off to a bed to sit on.
Malren almost screamed again as Kinziel threw open the curtain. Heat quickly rushed to his face, coloring it a bright red, and he quickly proceeded to cross his legs and cover his crotch area with one hand. He grabbed the bar of soap, scrubbing himself so fast that he might have gotten a few blisters, furiously blushing all the while. Kinziel seems intent on humiliating me, he thought. This is going to be rough. She seems intent on asserting dominance. I really, really, need to find a way out of here, no matter how I feel about this. He leapt out of the shower and put on his clothes in a flash, and hurried out of the bathroom, looking truly mortified. "W-why? Why did you do that? Have you no pride? I'm just a servant, for god's sake!"

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Zalgo's lips took form of a crooked smile when he saw the female's own lips curve upwards. However the smile dampened somewhat after hearing the first line of their response.

' A Deity. One such as myself, but they are Chaos. My unease seemed to have already known it's cause--I just did not choose to believe it. '

It was interesting though, even being Chaos they had printed a friendly impression on him--excluding the crawling fear he unfortunately feels at the sight of them and the recent incident of sending the other entity away with such psychic force.

' One must've had a motive behind their actions; I should not assume the worse, since they had shown me such good will. '

The Deity then decided this was truly the moment to announce his decision on the commitment.

" It is best to be informed than not, I believe. But...it does not hinder me at all if you decide to tell me your story, "

Zalgo paused for a second, twiddling his thumbs.

" In fact, will you share it with me one day, if I agree on commiting myself to your...cause? "

Extra Filler

In doing so, one would think that their search for a purpose has finally ended. He is and was wrong--the Void has taken his all and will only be his all. Foolish entity, endlessly falling into the abyss that he gazed at first. He'll always return, in the end.


Location: Himalayas

When Inaro appeared at the guild, soon after he immediately calmed down going into the kitchen getting him 5 bottle of beer.
Lotusy said:
Malren almost screamed again as Kinziel threw open the curtain. Heat quickly rushed to his face, coloring it a bright red, and he quickly proceeded to cross his legs and cover his crotch area with one hand. He grabbed the bar of soap, scrubbing himself so fast that he might have gotten a few blisters, furiously blushing all the while. Kinziel seems intent on humiliating me, he thought. This is going to be rough. She seems intent on asserting dominance. I really, really, need to find a way out of here, no matter how I feel about this. He leapt out of the shower and put on his clothes in a flash, and hurried out of the bathroom, looking truly mortified. "W-why? Why did you do that? Have you no pride? I'm just a servant, for god's sake!"
"You are not to call yourself a servant! I don't need to depend on you, you're simply here as my pet! You obviously depend on me! I did that because its not good for your health to leave yourself so dirty. I will not have you get sick under my watch. Come, we're going to get food." Kinziel walks to the door and opens it, leaving it open for Malren to follow. Envy simply watches Pride yell at Malren and shrugs.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson doesn't move and makes a shield using light. He notices that they got away. "Good job now let's stop this before someone has to get hurt." He stopped the added gravity. He shadow traveled them back to the guild.

Location: Himalayas

Ashlyn extends her hand for Zalgo to take. "Yes! Definitely."

Inaro takes a sip from his beer hoping to enjoy the taste of his beer, but it only tasted like water. He likes at the beer glass and saw that they all was turned into water. He looks around to see who caused this word transition and he sees a girl run around a corner. You asshole how dare you do this to me. He follows the girl scent Walking after her with his hands in his pocket. @Light
Malren only sighed as Kinziel started scolding him again. He started calming down from his previous flustered state. Well, he thought, At least she cares about me, albeit in a really twisted sort of way. He followed her outside, throwing a glance at the twinkling Vegas lights. God, for a human creation, this is such a beautiful place. It's a shame I had to visit it like this. As he walked behind Kinziel, he remembered the mark left on his arm from earlier. Though he didn't know its specific purpose, he was sure it was supposed to help him somehow. He was tempted to activate it, but his resolve crumbled as he looked back at Kinziel in front of him. No. I need to change her, or something!


(So, when do you think it would be a good time for Malren to confront Pride?)
Lotusy said:
Malren only sighed as Kinziel started scolding him again. He started calming down from his previous flustered state. Well, he thought, At least she cares about me, albeit in a really twisted sort of way. He followed her outside, throwing a glance at the twinkling Vegas lights. God, for a human creation, this is such a beautiful place. It's a shame I had to visit it like this. As he walked behind Kinziel, he remembered the mark left on his arm from earlier. Though he didn't know its specific purpose, he was sure it was supposed to help him somehow. He was tempted to activate it, but his resolve crumbled as he looked back at Kinziel in front of him. No. I need to change her, or something!

(So, when do you think it would be a good time for Malren to confront Pride?)
( Not now she still sees him as a pet. You better do something to make yourself more valuable in her eyes then inch your way into her heart as something she cares about deeply along with her pride, then flirt like mad. )

Kinziel leaves the hotel and walks around the city at the night, she seemed to be strictly going to a restaurant. No distractions or detours seemed possible since she didn't even move out of the way for even the toughest of people. She expects everyone to move out of her way and occasionally checks on Malren to see if he's keeping up with her. "What would you like to eat? Depending on your answer I'll decide if your choice in food is good and I'll direct us to that certain restaurant. You need to eat since tomorrow I need to sharpen your terrible fighting abilities." Kinziel glances behind him and stares him in the eyes for a second. In the darkness her blue eyes seemed to faintly glow, catching more attention than any other pair eyes around. Simply showing how different she was in comparison to others.

Once he turns the corner the girl is no longer there, but instead she's far behind him down the hall.
" Then your request is accepted, I'm looking forward to hearing it. "

Zalgo closed his vision as his small crooked smile grew slightly on his lips, this time allowing a glimpse of teeth. He then removed a bandaged hand to grasp Ashlyn's extended own, and the simmering fear he had from understanding that this one was a Deity, was doused completely.

' Such a warm sensation. But, what will this concrete decision lead me to? Obviously new experiences, the fascinating unknown... '

Zalgo opened his pale blue eye.

' ...? I now have been given a purpose, yet why do I feel indifferent? '


Location: Himalayas

Inaro followed the scent of the random girl that's playing games with him. The scent seems to stop when he turned a corner. Hmm He sniffs again catching the scent again, but this time it's behind him. He turns and walks towards the source of the scent. @Light
"What would I like to eat? Well..." Malren began to panic. Human restaurants? I've never eaten at a restaurant! All I've eaten is grass and other plants, for my whole life! He looked back up at Kinziel, who was breaking through the crowd, letting other people part for her. He sighed. Sometimes, I wish I could just be bold like that. Mal was about to pipe up with a suggestion he saw on a road sign before he got caught in Kinziel's piercing stare. "G-grass?" He squeaked out apprehensively. Wait, shit! That was not what I wanted to say! He put his fingers in his ears, bracing himself for when Kinziel would yell at him.

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Austria said:
" Then your request is accepted, I'm looking forward to hearing it. "
Zalgo closed his vision as his small crooked smile grew slightly on his lips, this time allowing a glimpse of teeth. He then removed a bandaged hand to grasp Ashlyn's extended own, and the simmering fear he had from understanding that this one was a Deity, was doused completely.

' Such a warm sensation. But, what will this concrete decision lead me to? Obviously new experiences, the fascinating unknown... '

Zalgo opened his pale blue eye.

' ...? I now have been given a purpose, yet why do I feel indifferent? '


Location: Himalayas

The inner symbol forms within Zalgo and Ashlyn lets go of his hand. "Well it all started with a girl named Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir. I'm not allowed to speak of my family and the certain types of species the Van Fen'rir bloodline carries but I can tell you this. Isabel was made up of every species her bloodline could offer from unique individuals, a gene pool of 125%. The only transcendent hybrid of her kind. There were people in the world who would do anything for the sake of curiosity and power. So nameless but powerful scientists abducted her at the age of seven and for three years they tortured her, treating her like a lab rat. They treated her that way because she was a lab rat, going through their experiments countlessly. At the age of 10 she could no longer handle the stress and she did something they didn't expect but utilized. She killed herself... slighty... she split herself into five fragments. A fragment for each trait. One fragment was her anger, another was her sense of neutrality, one held all her positive aspects, one held her sense of independence, and the other held all her negative aspects. Those were her most influence traits in her personality. Then... they worked them to near death to unlock their full potential in experiments... they worked us until we surpassed any limits we could for 8 years, until we broke out using our collective powers. Most of refused to interact with each other after the fact. That's all I'm willing to tell." Ashlyn seemed extremely upset after explaining the story... which wasn't even in detail.

The girl was behind him once more and she laughs at him running back and forth. She looked like she was around the age of 10. After he sees her well enough to make a guess at her age, she disappears and his beer turns back to regular beer.

Lotusy said:
"What would I like to eat? Well..." Malren began to panic. Human restaurants? I've never eaten at a restaurant! All I've eaten is grass and other plants, for my whole life! He looked back up at Kinziel, who was breaking through the crowd, letting other people part for her. He sighed. Sometimes, I wish I could just be bold like that. Mal was about to pipe up with a suggestion he saw on a road sign before he got caught in Kinziel's piercing stare. "G-grass?" He squeaked out apprehensively. Wait, shit! That was not what I wanted to say! He put his fingers in his ears, bracing himself for when Kinziel would yell at him.
Kinziel stops and looks at Malren, she didn't say a word. Her eyes just glared into his own for a good two minutes. "Alright." She begins to walk towards the nearest restaurant and steps inside, making reservations immediately. In a few minutes they're guided towards their seat. "So you said you'd like grass, correct?"
Light said:
Once Jackie strikes Gluttony with the scythe, his body drops, dead. The ship continues to sink even faster as Pride and Wrath are disrupted in whatever activity they were doing due to pain and shock. In the end Wrath ends up leaving with Pride and Malren in her grasp. Once Jackie kills Gluttony a certain essence passes over her body, what this does is currently unknown to both her and Sanctum.
Jackie shivers in disgust as the essence passes over, "Fuck, that's weird. Nope. Nope. It's gonna be a no from me - nope, nopity nope nope, nope nope," She shudders, shaking off the goosebumps developing on her arms. Sanctum, what was that?

Sanctum is quiet, and a chorus of whispers rings in Jackie's head, sending a chill down her spine and making her curl her toes in discomfort. She shudders again - it doesn't matter how many times Sanctum and his demons make a consensus, it still freaks her the fuck out when they start whispering. It falls silent, and Sanctum's voice rumbles over the rest, an edge to his voice, None of us know for sure. Perhaps a remnant of his soul, but that disgusting thing probably didn't have a soul. Too filthy for it.

I'd ask what got your panties in a bunch, but I'm not in the mood for a bitch rant. Sorry, boo.

As Sanctum snarls and is ignored, she makes her way up through the ship, running into few people since most were gone to the main deck to abandon ship, with nobody to really stop her from sashaying through the halls. Those she doesrun into, however, were unlucky; when some unfortunate soldiers recognized the fact she was not dressed in any type of sailor's uniform, they opened fire. As compensation for their efforts, the demonic tendrils coming from her back wrenched a thick, steel door from it's hinges with ease, using it to slam the soldiers into the plating and out of the way. Jackie didn't even break her stride as she smeared the walls with them.

Sunlight warms her skin as the serpentine heads shred a Jackie-sized hole into the door for her to step through. Shielding her eyes with her hand, she inspects the deck; there were not that many people actually there, and were all crowded in one lifeboat. So the inhabitants were either a) placed into a watery grave, courtesy of herself; b) magical and teleported out of this bitch, or, the most unlikely, c) just jumped overboard. She shrugs, deciding not to worry about it - if Isabel (or Ashlynn - Jackie doesn't care enough to get the names straight) wanted to be picky, that wasn't her issue. When she makes her way to the life boat, the civilian occupants - a handful of crew, some soldiers - scream. She doesn't really blame them - she is positive that she had blood smeared on her face, and she is pretty sure that a lump of cardiac tissue had congealed with the blood dripping from her fingers, and that wasn't even touching on the demon shit coming out her back. One of the engineers passed out as Jackie leans against the edge of the lifeboat, smiling sickeningly sweet as they stare back in complete, frozen horror.

One solider raises his weapon, and without even looking at him, a tendril snaps his rifle out of his hand and bludgeons him with it. Another crew mate passed out, the rest screamed. She smiles wider, exposing her sharp teeth, "What ever happened to 'go down with the ship'? Damn, hard to get faithful workers these days," Jackie tuts, shaking her head, and looks up to them. She makes eye contact with one sailor, who actually flinches as if Jackie had hit them. "So, here's how it's going to work, folks; you're either going to get off this life boat and be loyal bitches for whoever is calling the shots and drown in the lovely, warm, Pacific ocean, or I'm going to tear half of you limb from limb, and choke the other half with the first half's organs. So, it's up to you."

They all look at each other, daring each other to call her on her bluff - which wasn't the case; civilian or not, unconscious orders were still orders - before they slowly climb out of the life raft. Jackie smiles, proceeding to drop every life boat into the ocean by destroying the mechanism holding it up. The life rafts, at full momentum, shattered like glass against the waves. She jumps onto the railing of the boat and sits, caressing her hand over her guild seal, which activates a communication to Ashlynn, "I sank one of the ships, just like you so kindly requested of me," Jackie inspects her nails, hooking her foot around the lower rung of the railing as the ship starts to tilt at a dangerous level towards starboard, "Tell me you've got different guild members to take care of the others, I'm kind of in a bitchy mood, and I'm not really feeling the whole 'ya-gotta-save-the-world-Jackie' vibe today."

(@Light )
CelticSol said:
Jackie shivers in disgust as the essence passes over, "Fuck, that's weird. Nope. Nope. It's gonna be a no from me - nope, nopity nope nope, nope nope," She shudders, shaking off the goosebumps developing on her arms. Sanctum, what was that?
Sanctum is quiet, and a chorus of whispers rings in Jackie's head, sending a chill down her spine and making her curl her toes in discomfort. She shudders again - it doesn't matter how many times Sanctum and his demons make a consensus, it still freaks her the fuck out when they start whispering. It falls silent, and Sanctum's voice rumbles over the rest, an edge to his voice, None of us know for sure. Perhaps a remnant of his soul, but that disgusting thing probably didn't have a soul. Too filthy for it.

I'd ask what got your panties in a bunch, but I'm not in the mood for a bitch rant. Sorry, boo.

As Sanctum snarls and is ignored, she makes her way up through the ship, running into few people since most were gone to the main deck to abandon ship, with nobody to really stop her from sashaying through the halls. Those she doesrun into, however, were unlucky; when some unfortunate soldiers recognized the fact she was not dressed in any type of sailor's uniform, they opened fire. As compensation for their efforts, the demonic tendrils coming from her back wrenched a thick, steel door from it's hinges with ease, using it to slam the soldiers into the plating and out of the way. Jackie didn't even break her stride as she smeared the walls with them.

Sunlight warms her skin as the serpentine heads shred a Jackie-sized hole into the door for her to step through. Shielding her eyes with her hand, she inspects the deck; there were not that many people actually there, and were all crowded in one lifeboat. So the inhabitants were either a) placed into a watery grave, courtesy of herself; b) magical and teleported out of this bitch, or, the most unlikely, c) just jumped overboard. She shrugs, deciding not to worry about it - if Isabel (or Ashlynn - Jackie doesn't care enough to get the names straight) wanted to be picky, that wasn't her issue. When she makes her way to the life boat, the civilian occupants - a handful of crew, some soldiers - scream. She doesn't really blame them - she is positive that she had blood smeared on her face, and she is pretty sure that a lump of cardiac tissue had congealed with the blood dripping from her fingers, and that wasn't even touching on the demon shit coming out her back. One of the engineers passed out as Jackie leans against the edge of the lifeboat, smiling sickeningly sweet as they stare back in complete, frozen horror.

One solider raises his weapon, and without even looking at him, a tendril snaps his rifle out of his hand and bludgeons him with it. Another crew mate passed out, the rest screamed. She smiles wider, exposing her sharp teeth, "What ever happened to 'go down with the ship'? Damn, hard to get faithful workers these days," Jackie tuts, shaking her head, and looks up to them. She makes eye contact with one sailor, who actually flinches as if Jackie had hit them. "So, here's how it's going to work, folks; you're either going to get off this life boat and be loyal bitches for whoever is calling the shots and drown in the lovely, warm, Pacific ocean, or I'm going to tear half of you limb from limb, and choke the other half with the first half's organs. So, it's up to you."

They all look at each other, daring each other to call her on her bluff - which wasn't the case; civilian or not, unconscious orders were still orders - before they slowly climb out of the life raft. Jackie smiles, proceeding to drop every life boat into the ocean by destroying the mechanism holding it up. The life rafts, at full momentum, shattered like glass against the waves. She jumps onto the railing of the boat and sits, caressing her hand over her guild seal, which activates a communication to Ashlynn, "I sank one of the ships, just like you so kindly requested of me," Jackie inspects her nails, hooking her foot around the lower rung of the railing as the ship starts to tilt at a dangerous level towards starboard, "Tell me you've got different guild members to take care of the others, I'm kind of in a bitchy mood, and I'm not really feeling the whole 'ya-gotta-save-the-world-Jackie' vibe today."

(@Light )
"Yes I do, turns out when you killed Gluttony you affected all the other sins and stalled their plan by a lot! Other guild members have already handled the ships. Thank you for your work! I'm sending your pay check over to your account at the moment mentally and due to taking out a ship and beating Gluttony you're one step closer to Alpha! I have something to tell you... Reed kissed me today and I kind of... didn't kiss back. I frowned into the kiss and used telekinesis to send him to Brazil. I know that was too far but I was just upset and I don't know what to do. There's a new guild member! He's just.... adorable. We have an abundance of new members actually." Jackie can feel the ship moving in a strange manner. In fact she didn't notice the fact that she was absorbing the ship into her body, making her feel more energized as she absorbed more matter.
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Jasmines head came out of the shell. "You aren't scary it's just when you popped out of nowhere you scared me. I'm Jasmine by the way." @Light

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