Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
The light died down before anything could happen. He narrowed his eyes at Envy but stood still next to Jackson.
Faraday's eyes widen as she whispers softly in recognition of the artifact, as she looks in awe at it" The Dawn's heart you say? I-" Faraday composes her expression, smiling softly before she continues.

" That is a beautiful name, but I fear I do not recognize a name such as that, nor an artifact."

Faraday shakes her head slowly and sighs " Sadly, I am not... they have been gone for a long time, only their creations are left to preserve what once was. You see, very few remains of my kind as well... but the few that are left, we will preserve what was once was as well. It appears that this place has some relation to this artifact of yours, mind you tell me? I may be of assistance." Faraday offers a caring smile.

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Faraday returns her hands to the hilt of her scimitars at the return of Sapphire, her body position shifting slightly as she waits for Arwyn's response.

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djinnamon said:
Sage glares before looking at his team. " Get out of here" He said before he was engulfed by a large flash of light.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson remains standing. He looks at Envy. "Ok then let's talk. What do you and the other sins want with us? Why are the people of Africa suddenly disappearing?" He turned his gravity back up.
Dreamtique said:
"Re...ed!!!" Earl notice a "shift" in Reed's mind, and it takes not longer than a second to figure out it was the doing of lust. Within the few second, through Reed, he tries to access lust's mind." (Waiting for direct information from @Light )
Due to Sage flashing light and his anger boiling, Envy was about to run until Sage decided on calming down. "I'm not obligated to tell you anything, just because you have numbers. Doesn't mean I have to follow your every demand, unless you come up with a compromise."

Lust wasn't inside Reed, he was just boost Reed's lust. "What a foolish demon." Lust decides to boost Earl's lust to an irresistible level as well just because of his attempt to interfere.

Tazmodo said:
Reed tried to take to Cecilia before Lust got him. He did his best to fight it but it won him over. He didn't want her to find out this way but he couldn't stop himself. He teleported to Ashlyn and didn't say a word. He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. He put his hands on he waist and wrapped his arms around here looking in her eyes. He then kissed her without hesitation.
( @Austria )

Ashlyn was waiting for Zalgo's response but that was until she felt a shoulder on her hand. She was spun around, only to see Reed and smile, he might have some good news or a joke to tell. When Reed proceeds to wrap his arms around her she assumes the worst, maybe something went wrong and he needed a hug. That was until he kissed her with no hesitation, her smile was definitely gone and her concern was slightly gone as well. She knew he was undergoing the same spell as Sage due to the manipulation of Lust but she could only frown as his lips were on hers. She stares at him as he kisses away, thinking about the only reason why he'd go specifically for her. Ashlyn was already internally pissed at Bruce but now she was equally upset with Reed but she didn't know why, nor could she tell if it was anger. She uses telekinesis to push Reed away from her, far away from her since she just couldn't be around him anymore at the moment. By the time the telekinesis releases Reed he's already in Brazil.

Lust begins to manipulate Reeds emotions after this, making him feel nothing more than an irresistible sexual and emotional lust for Ashlyn that he couldn't feed which led to a high amount of frustration and sorrow.

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine shrieked and turned into a turtle. "Don't scare me like that I could have killed you!"
"You're going to kill me!" Grimm was so shocked he also turned into a turtle. "No!" He starts to run away at a turtle's pace.
Light said:
Due to Sage flashing light and his anger boiling, Envy was about to run until Sage decided on calming down. "I'm not obligated to tell you anything, just because you have numbers. Doesn't mean I have to follow your every demand, unless you come up with a compromise."
Lust wasn't inside Reed, he was just boost Reed's lust. "What a foolish demon." Lust decides to boost Earl's lust to an irresistible level as well just because of his attempt to interfere.

( @Austria )

Ashlyn was waiting for Zalgo's response but that was until she felt a shoulder on her hand. She was spun around, only to see Reed and smile, he might have some good news or a joke to tell. When Reed proceeds to wrap his arms around her she assumes the worst, maybe something went wrong and he needed a hug. That was until he kissed her with no hesitation, her smile was definitely gone and her concern was slightly gone as well. She knew he was undergoing the same spell as Sage due to the manipulation of Lust but she could only frown as his lips were on hers. She stares at him as he kisses away, thinking about the only reason why he'd go specifically for her. Ashlyn was already internally pissed at Bruce but now she was equally upset with Reed but she didn't know why, nor could she tell if it was anger. She uses telekinesis to push Reed away from her, far away from her since she just couldn't be around him anymore at the moment. By the time the telekinesis releases Reed he's already in Brazil.

Lust begins to manipulate Reeds emotions after this, making him feel nothing more than an irresistible sexual and emotional lust for Ashlyn that he couldn't feed which led to a high amount of frustration and sorrow.

"You're going to kill me!" Grimm was so shocked he also turned into a turtle. "No!" He starts to run away at a turtle's pace.
Jackson sighed. "I didn't mean to sound demanding. It was only a few questions. Of you cooperate so will we."

Reed crashed throw some more buildings on his way there braking more of his bones. He laid there unable to move and not want to. His body and heart hurt. Dread clouded his mind and he was starting to lose himself.

Jasmine laughed and chased him. "Get back here or so help me I will nibble your ankles."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson sighed. "I didn't mean to sound demanding. It was only a few questions. Of you cooperate so will we."
Reed crashed throw some more buildings on his way there braking more of his bones. He laid there unable to move and not want to. His body and heart hurt. Dread clouded his mind and he was starting to lose himself.

Jasmine laughed and chased him. "Get back here or so help me I will nibble your ankles."
"Alright then, I want Greed back. Are you willing to cooperate?" Envy smiles.

( I just floated him there but... okay. )

Grimm starts to move even faster, he wasn't joking. He was actually terrified and due to her laughter he thinks she enjoys killing others. "Stop!"
Earl feels the power of lust channeling down him, it was a quite new experience for him.

"This is......" the feeling is weird and Earl tries to ignore the feeling.

Earl dashes away to find a place to sit down.

Leaving Sage and Jack who are facing Envy.
Sapphire walks over to Arwyn and whispered:

"why is she so afraid of ? I can smell her fear." then she sat cris cross on the ground with a shadow umbrella to protect her from the sun.her wounds had still not healed but were pinkish whitish now.

"so human witch are you with us now?"

@Juju @Missy
Dreamtique said:
Earl feels the power of lust channeling down him, it was a quite new experience for him.
"This is......" the feeling is weird and Earl tries to ignore the feeling.

Earl dashes away to find a place to sit down.

Leaving Sage and Jack who are facing Envy.
Soon the lust becomes impossible to ignore as Lust himself makes Earl bisexual so he could also find one of his partners in the cave he left attractive.
Arwyn was almost disappointed that the woman did not know much about the shrine or the ancient keepers of it. "She truly must not know... how could she. The year of the Fallen Dawn must have been centuries ago". Just thinking this thought to Syrax made Arwyn feel as if a cold hand had gripped the pit of her stomach. Syrax rumbled softly in response but made no sign of his own despair; if of course he felt any, "We must tread lightly. She may not know of the artifact's history, but by us being defenders she might sniff out its worth." He mentally showed his friend his memory of how the woman had pocketed the Heart while the dragonknight had been unconscious. "There are daggers in men's smiles."

After their mental conversation, Arwyn looked back to Faraday, "This shrine is sacred ground to our order and its allies and followers. It must have fell during the Year of the Fallen Dawn... or perhaps before." She looked up at the crumbling building and for the first time noticed the hint of ancient burn marks. "Was it the inquisition or was it the darklings? Perhaps the crusaders?" she thought before turning back to Faraday with arms crossed, waiting to see what she would say to Sapphire's questions.

@Missy @Fluffykitty9000
Sage glared at Envy and shoot large shards of ice and torrents of fire after her as she ran.

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Light said:
"Alright then, I want Greed back. Are you willing to cooperate?" Envy smiles.
( I just floated him there but... okay. )

Grimm starts to move even faster, he wasn't joking. He was actually terrified and due to her laughter he thinks she enjoys killing others. "Stop!"
Jackson thought for a moment. "Before I just give him to you I at least need to know your intentions. And don't worry she is safe Reed wouldn't let her die."

( ! )

Reed goes deeper into madness. His seals grow weaker. 'It's never going to work out. You may as well give in now. You tried your best for her and it wasn't good enough. You weren't good enough. Just give in to your true nature. You know you want to.' Reed fell deeper and deeper. "Just be honest with you true before she taint you. She never cared for you anyway. Just do it." His seals were waking by the second.

(Fair warning Reed will kill everything and everyone and will easily be manipulated so you might want to hide or hope to god a miracle happens)

Jasmine stopped and in a quiet tone she said. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She went into her shell.
Faraday grits her teeth slightly, a sign of frustration at her new "nickname". Her eyes settle on the vampire sitting on the ground, her shadow casting over her. " I am no wit-" Faraday clutches one of her fists slightly as they move back to her side, she knows that one day she can release her anger.. but not today. " If you are a friend of Arwyn, and both of your motives are true..." Faraday bows slightly " I would be honoured to partake in this quest. I too have my own tasks I must do.. but I believe that we can both be of assistance to each other. " Faraday pulls her cloak around her. "It would seem these ruins will be where we start, shall we begin?" Faraday's purple eyes rests upon Arwyn, her face soft as her white hair gently rests down her back.
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Inaro pulls a beer bottle out his cloak and he begins drinking it. He looks at the sins that are in the cave with he's other allies. He saw that Sage attacked Envy while she was talking about Greed. @Light
Light said:
( I was gone for a bit and you all managed to track down some sins. Good job. )
( @Afrobrony )

Envy was the only one left in the cave with Bruce just because Wrath left only seconds before the group arrived along with Pride and Malren. Bruce was unconscious and notices them almost immediately, not even wanting to attack she just sits down on a moderately large rock. "Hm.... so you do have good tracking skills. I give you a thumbs up... I assume you're here for your friend?" From far away, Lust put up Reed's desires for his favoured one ten fold. Making his lust for this person impossible to resist.

Wrath was preparing several armies around the world to rush over to Dragon's Roar and annihilate their base. She was so angry she couldn't even focus on the real task at hand, getting 1,000 blood sacrifices to Africa. Rallying up the armies would take some time though.

Pride ends up at a hotel in Vegas, in a five star on a high floor, she did not seem happy at all. "You!" She looks towards Malren and and points towards the door. "If the person isn't a sin, they don't come in. If they insist, kill them." With that, Kenziel walks off into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Um.... I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Ashlyn." She extends her hand but pulls it back knowing he might not shake it. "I just want to propose an idea." She found his timidness quite cute in a sense, it made it more bearable.

"Everything is going on here!" Grimm appears behind her.
After Pride finished her leap, Mal opened his eyes to see the lights of Las Vegas. It was beautiful, but he didn't have time to savor the sights as Pride whirled on him, commanding hin to giard the door. Though he was shocked by her change in attitude, he otherwise complied, standing by the door. "K-kill, miss Kinziel? I'm not sure if I can-" His voice trailed off as she went inside, to shower by the sounds of it. Mal did his best to guard the door, trying to keep his mind off of the girl inside. He really did have a problem with her. Ever since the ship, he dound his mind strangely invaded by thoughts concerning her.
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A pale blue orb blinked at the feminine being's short speech and gesture. She had pulled back her hand before he could register his reaction to it; perhaps he would've had extended his own or just stare at it. Despite her reassurance of that she meant no harm to him, the fear remained, but now it took a form of a light haze in his eye.

' Ashlyn. One that strikes me with unpleasantries, like the being of metal--offers a proposition? '

The Deity's curiosity had been re-ignited, wondering on what exactly they have in mind. However, fear continued to overpower curiosity and it caused a struggle for his voice to even utter a sound. Nevertheless, this Ashlyn was awaiting on his answer and Zalgo planned on contemplating his response even if his tongue would refuse to speak.

After a few moments of pondering, he felt ready to interact with them verbally, until a distraction arrived. It was the entity that he had seen capture and send the enemy away, Zalgo by now assumed that they had the capability of teleporting--thus the reason on how he appeared behind Ashlyn.

Whatever had occured next caused the Deity to enter a short stage of confusion, then back to a fearful state when Ashlyn had used a force against them, sending them reeling back at first then further away.

' That...was not the case of teleportation. Telekinesis? It may be. '

Zalgo's thought-of response had gotten lost, and once more he only shared his silence. He did not bother to move away though, since his curiosity was rooting him on the spot.

Amber eyes met purple as Arwyn returned the stare. "Very well. If you wish to help our cause, the Order of the New Dawn will be grateful. However, I cannot guarantee your safety..." she trailed off when Syrax took a heavy step towards the woman and lowered his head so that his molten gaze was level with Faraday's. "Syrax would also like to remind you that we are in charge of the artifact's defense and will act out what is necessary." The dragon rumbled deeply in approval but continued to stare at the water witch for a moment before withdrawing.

After that was finished, Arwyn began to walk towards the temple and motioned for the others to follow. "Come, Faraday. I wish to know about your own people."

@Missy @Fluffykitty9000
Faraday smirks and nods that she understands." I can care for myself, I assure you." Faraday holds her ground, looking straight into Syrax's eyes as Arwyn speaks, having a better understanding of the relationship with the woman. " Of course, I understand.. perfectly.." Faraday maintains her gaze towards the dragon a moment longer before breaking it to walk beside Arwyn towards the temples, her cloak trailing behind her.

" You are curious about my people? Sadly, not many know of them... say.. have you heard of the lunar tribe?"

"Lust...I remembered it...I am actually feeling it...how weird......" Earl turns around and wants to run back to the nearest person around.

The lust was strong and irresistible.

Earl expects he would feels empowered but he is not, and he is actually confused.

The power of the sins is what he use to dream of, but...he has to admit it... not anymore, not after he entered this guy's mind.

Earl struggles while tries to leave Earl's body.

He starts to slowly leaves his own body.
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Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Reed goes deeper into madness. His seals grow weaker. 'It's never going to work out. You may as well give in now. You tried your best for her and it wasn't good enough. You weren't good enough. Just give in to your true nature. You know you want to.' Reed fell deeper and deeper. "Just be honest with you true before she taint you. She never cared for you anyway. Just do it." His seals were waking by the second.

(Fair warning Reed will kill everything and everyone and will easily be manipulated so you might want to hide or hope to god a miracle happens)

Jasmine stopped and in a quiet tone she said. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She went into her shell.
Grimm sends a clone over to Reed and turns around, thinking maybe she wont nibble his ankles anymore. "Alright.... it's okay." He turns into a turtle eating bird. "Just in case though...."

The clone of Grimm cuts off Reed's powers, also affecting his existence in other realms. The clone casts Absolute Life Inducement, Variable Collapse, and Unrestricted Murdering while he holds his hand up to reap his soul with his finger nail. "You have 5 seconds to calm down before I end your life. I will not hesitate. 5.." Grimm starts counting down already after cutting off Lust's influence on Reed. At this moment, Reed was an existing, living, human being. ( ! )

Embaga Elder]Inaro pulls a beer bottle out his cloak and he begins drinking it. He looks at the sins that are in the cave with he's other allies. He saw that Sage attacked Envy while she was talking about Greed. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Tazmodo said:
Jackson thought for a moment. "Before I just give him to you I at least need to know your intentions. And don't worry she is safe Reed wouldn't let her die.".
djinnamon said:
Sage glared at Envy and shoot large shards of ice and torrents of fire after her as she ran.
( For the sake of roleplay I'll continue with the attack. )

Envy was striking a deal regarding Greed when Sage shot ice and fire at her. That's when she grew angry and took the form of Wrath and summons ancient Egyptian warriors. They defend her with their shields and start pushing forward.

Austria said:
A pale blue orb blinked at the feminine being's short speech and gesture. She had pulled back her hand before he could register his reaction to it; perhaps he would've had extended his own or just stare at it. Despite her reassurance of that she meant no harm to him, the fear remained, but now it took a form of a light haze in his eye.
' Ashlyn. One that strikes me with unpleasantries, like the being of metal--offers a proposition? '

The Deity's curiosity had been re-ignited, wondering on what exactly they have in mind. However, fear continued to overpower curiosity and it caused a struggle for his voice to even utter a sound. Nevertheless, this Ashlyn was awaiting on his answer and Zalgo planned on contemplating his response even if his tongue would refuse to speak.

After a few moments of pondering, he felt ready to interact with them verbally, until a distraction arrived. It was the entity that he had seen capture and send the enemy away, Zalgo by now assumed that they had the capability of teleporting--thus the reason on how he appeared behind Ashlyn.

Whatever had occured next caused the Deity to enter a short stage of confusion, then back to a fearful state when Ashlyn had used a force against them, sending them reeling back at first then further away.

' That...was not the case of teleportation. Telekinesis? It may be. '

Zalgo's thought-of response had gotten lost, and once more he only shared his silence. He did not bother to move away though, since his curiosity was rooting him on the spot.

"I'm sorry about that... but like I said I have a request." Ashlyn didn't seem as happy as she was before. "I'd like for you to listen to me about what Dragon's Roar is about... and think about whether or not you'd like to join."

Lotusy said:
After Pride finished her leap, Mal opened his eyes to see the lights of Las Vegas. It was beautiful, but he didn't have time to savor the sights as Pride whirled on him, commanding hin to giard the door. Though he was shocked by her change in attitude, he otherwise complied, standing by the door. "K-kill, miss Kinziel? I'm not sure if I can-" His voice trailed off as she went inside, to shower by the sounds of it. Mal did his best to guard the door, trying to keep his mind off of the girl inside. He really did have a problem with her. Ever since the ship, he dound his mind strangely invaded by thoughts concerning her.
In time Kinziel exits the bathroom and steps out looking less angry than she did before. "How long has it been since you've washed up?" She wasn't looking at him but she was addressing him.

Dreamtique said:
"Lust...I remembered it...I am actually feeling it...how weird......" Earl turns around and wants to run back to the nearest person around.
The lust was strong and irresistible.

Earl expects he would feels empowered but he is not, and he is actually confused.

The power of the sins is what he use to dream of, but...he have to admit it... not anymore, not after he entered this guy's mind.

Earl struggles while tries to leave Earl's body.

He started to slowly leave his own body.
( Interesting. )

Lust's grip was shaken off due to Grimm cutting off all his current ties at the moment so Earl was set free. He was also set back to his regular sexuality.
"Wait!!!" Earl stops instantly, realising that the feeling has gone. He slowly goes back into Earl's body.

He falls onto his knee, and starts to path*.

He is really confused, for how he acted and what he was thinking just now.
Light said:
Grimm sends a clone over to Reed and turns around, thinking maybe she wont nibble his ankles anymore. "Alright.... it's okay." He turns into a turtle eating bird. "Just in case though...."
The clone of Grimm cuts off Reed's powers, also affecting his existence in other realms. The clone casts Absolute Life Inducement, Variable Collapse, and Unrestricted Murdering while he holds his hand up to reap his soul with his finger nail. "You have 5 seconds to calm down before I end your life. I will not hesitate. 5.." Grimm starts counting down already after cutting off Lust's influence on Reed. At this moment, Reed was an existing, living, human being. ( ! )

( For the sake of roleplay I'll continue with the attack. )

Envy was striking a deal regarding Greed when Sage shot ice and fire at her. That's when she grew angry and took the form of Wrath and summons ancient Egyptian warriors. They defend her with their shields and start pushing forward.

"I'm sorry about that... but like I said I have a request." Ashlyn didn't seem as happy as she was before. "I'd like for you to listen to me about what Dragon's Roar is about... and think about whether or not you'd like to join."

In time Kinziel exits the bathroom and steps out looking less angry than she did before. "How long has it been since you've washed up?" She wasn't looking at him but she was addressing him.

( Interesting. )

Lust's grip was shaken off due to Grimm cutting off all his current ties at the moment so Earl was set free. He was also set back to his regular sexuality.
Jasmine stayed in her turtle shell. "Who are you anyways?" She said with curiosity.

(Dang all I was gonna do was have him disappear)

Reed laid there still not moving. He didn't want to. "Heh I guess I fucked up. Go ahead I have nothing now anyways. I could have gotten past the heart brake but now I can't even run away from my problems. Now I'm normal. You've taken everything." He looked up at him. "I can feel the change I'm not even me anymore so go ahead and do it." His voice held no emotions. He felt hollow inside.
"Wait...envy......" He stands up and runs back after realizing that he stills have works to do.

He hides himself completely in his illusion before going back into the battlefield.

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