Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Earl was back to the guild, so much things are on his mind. "Mortal realm actually stand a chance after all......" He mumbles to himself.

To be honest he still can't believe that the guild members manage to stop the sins.

He wants to know how are the rest of the members are doing, and remembered that Reed had an "ugly" symbol on his shoulder without proper permission. He also recalled that he do the same thing on some others guy. So he goes to find Reed to confirm their current position, in case they need any help.
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djinnamon said:
" First off , I don't even think you are remotely attractive , Second , I'm gay and finally I don't remember such a thing. " He said as he placed a hand on his hip.
Reed scratch his head. "It was after your sin fight. If she wasn't there you'd still be falling in an infinite loop."
Earl eventually find the guy he remembered call Reed and starts to ask him for help, though he will rather not if can......

He cuts into the conversation and shouts at him:"You, Reed right, are you able to locate the rest of the members now? We should be a little bit more concern on their situation."
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Faraday looks back at the vampire and rests her hands on the hilts of her twin swords that hang on the sides of her hip, uneasy, as if sensing the hunger that stirred inside her.

Faraday's violet eyes go wide as they stare at the piece of artifact, taking a step back. " What just happened? Can you at least explain this to me? I am afraid that I am unfamiliar with this area of the world and its customs and lore."
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Dreamtique said:
Earl eventually find the guy he remembered call Reed and starts to ask him for help, though he will rather not if can......
He cuts into the conversation and shouts at him:"You, Reed right, are you able to locate the rest of the members now? We should be a little bit more concern on their situation."
Reed turned to Earl. "Only the ones with symbols on them. They were in the kitchen before we set out to fight the sins. Why?"
"Inaro,me and......Bruce..."

Earl tries to remember who he had tagged.

"And......That girl.....Envy..."
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Afrobrony said:
(Yeah, that's why I was asking cause the other ones have.)
Bruce didn't even use his power ups from his rank ups, sticking with his family's philosophy of training for all of his power and that could never be taken away. "This whole situation is such a bitch... Fucking hell, I hate this place... it's even colder than Russia and I hate Russia. I hope everybody else is doing well cause I'm gonna be stuck here for a while. I'm not giving them any information either. But then again that guy did mention something about being possessed. Only one way to stop myself from giving it if that's the case." He started to hit his head as hard as he could muster on the nearest cave wall, attempting to give himself brain damage and forget anything.
Wrath merely watches Bruce bash his head on the wall, not seeming to care at all as she leaves to handle other things. They didn't need their information at all so he was basically hurting himself for zero reason at all. Celica made sure to get the symbol Reed left behind off of Bruce though.
djinnamon said:
Sage glared. " You were the one who did that" He asked
Reed turned to Sage. "You were a problem so I had to do something."

Dreamtique said:
"Inaro,me and......Bruce..."
Earl tries to remember who he had tagged.

"And......That girl...Cecilia...Envy..."
He turned back. "Yeah I think that's all. I also have one on Ashlyn and you."
"So far Inaro is fine, I left him at the dock. Reed, help me to try and check on the location of Bruce. I still doesn't sees him around......"

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(All of his power is drawn, including the power of your tag, but don't worry, YOU TAGGED CECILIA!!! Perfect coincidence.)
Light said:
Wrath merely watches Bruce bash his head on the wall, not seeming to care at all as she leaves to handle other things. They didn't need their information at all so he was basically hurting himself for zero reason at all. Celica made sure to get the symbol Reed left behind off of Bruce though.
Bruce ends up knocking himself out and splintering his skull, just laying there on the floor. It was better than being a hostage for whatever they were going to do with him. He wasn't about to be a pet, after all. He didn't even care if he went to hell again since it would be better than being stuck up here.
Dreamtique said:
"So far Inaro is fine, I left him at the dock. Reed, help me to try and t check on the location of Bruce. I still doesn't sees him around......"
Reed tried but nothing happened. "Envy must have gotten rid of it. She's the only person who can. There's nothing I can do without knowing his location."
Tazmodo said:
Reed tried but nothing happened. "Envy must have gotten rid of it. She's the only person who can. There's nothing I can do without knowing his location."
(It's okay, there's not much he could even if he knew the location of Bruce.)
Faraday's voice was distant and faint as the dragonknight struggled onto one knee. Her eyes were open but still the only thing she could see was the endless white broken up by occasional flashing symbols. "The Heart..." she started "A great evil has been defeated. It must be one of the Sins." Her vision began to return as she stood up on weak limbs and leaned heavily on her sword. "Its power grows." she muttered to herself as she looked down at the shimmering stone with awe.

"What happened?" Syrax mentally said "Was it the Heart? I couldn't move...". She sent the dragon some images from her memory. His thoughts seemed troubled.

"Wait!!! You can't locate him......something must be wrong...who he said he was going after again......" Earls tries to recall while waiting for answer. @Tazmodo
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Sapphire and Syrax walked into the nearby woods once they got off the mountain.Sapphire stood on the tips of her toes and jumped onto a branch of a tree.she crouched stalking a doe.she waited till the doe took a drink from a near by pond then she ponced.when her body made contact with the animal she sank her fangs into its neck.her fangs sank into the flesh like the flesh was silk.she felt the warm pleasure of blood in her mouth.after about 5 does she headed back to her friend and the human witch.

@Juju @Missy
Faraday watches the dragon and vampire until they reach the woods, only then does she return her gaze towards Arwyn. " I know you are quite reluctant to tell me details... but why EXACTLY are you here... and who/or what attacked you? I only just arrived at this temple. It appears we both seem to have a purpose here... what is yours?" Faraday arches an eyebrow, curious.
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Dreamtique said:
(Reed can teleport you away if he knows your position.) @Afrobrony
(Except he doesn't, and Bruce believes that Celica wants information from him so he's doing what he thinks is best to keep it from her, especially with the threat of being possessed.)
Dreamtique said:
"Wait!!! You can't locate him......something must be wrong...who he said he was going after again......" Earls tries to recall while waiting for answer. @Tazmodo
Reed scratched his head. "I dont know honestly."
"This is not good, Bruce may be failing his job......"

"Wait...who is the one that teleported us away again......"

"Grimm......" He walks away instantly when the words come into his mind without saying anything and starts to walks around the guild to search for Grimm.

"Grimm!!! Or what ever you name is!!! Come out now!!!" He walks around aimlessly while shouting.
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"Dammit!!! We really didn't really have much time now......" Earls sign.

"Damn!!! This guys memory sucks as always......" He knocks his own head.

"What does he said...what does he said...he mentioned Greed...and Envy......well Greed is already been taken care of...could he be with envy?......but how am...Reed!!!" He runs back suddenly after trying very hard to recall what did he said.

"I hope I am right......" He thinks while running back to Reed.
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After discussing it with Syrax, the dragonknight considered the young sorcerer for a moment before beginning. "My two companions and I were charged to defend the Dawn's Heart." she said while holding up the glimmering artifact so that the woman could see it. "We were attacked by the Sin of Greed, among others, and were forced to flee using deception. When we escaped the threats we were ambushed by the Sin of Wrath and fled to this temple in hopes that the ancient keepers of the shrine would help us to restore the Heart's power."

Syrax returned from the forest and stood behind his friend and gazed at the water sorcerer with his molten gaze. Arwyn placed a mailed hand on the side of the beast's head. "Although it appears that the original keepers of the shrine are no longer here... nor are you one of the keepers"

@Missy @Fluffykitty9000

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