Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Grimm appears in front of Jackie, a large smile on his face. "Guess what! Ashlyn has no plan at all! You just need to stop those people on that ship from getting on land. You wouldn't want hell coming in now would you? I'd watch out for that Wrath one though, direct confrontation isn't the smartest idea when fighting her."
"You're fucked. Actually? Really?" Jackie snarls, pressing her head into the palms of her hands, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, fuck. Okay, fuck, okay. I'm gonna kick her ass when I see her next, I swear on God's name," Jackie steps back under the shade of the awning, and vanishes into the shadows. She reappears in the bowels of the ship, in engineering.

The first patrolling troop, which she appeared behind, dies with a fist through his back, the next with a crushed trachea. She grabs the next, using her as a human shield as her comrades open fire on Jackie. She relieves the corpse of the pistol at her hip, then throws the hole riddled body at the remaining members. They topple over, taking the brunt of the troop's weight. As she unloads an entire clip into the face of one downed solider, she crushes the skull of another with her boot. The final member of the patrol stands, raising his gun, but Jackie is quicker; she all but teleports into his face, pistol whipping him across the cheekbone hard enough that the bone doesn't just crack, it caves. The resulting crack is sickeningly satisfying, his echoing scream even more so as Jackie's hands lock on either side of his face. His scream, somehow, grows louder as Corruption flows into his skull. The familiar black lines flower across his face, surging out from where Jackie's fingers touch him. His scream dies as Corruption melts him from the inside out, his agony diminishing into a pathetic moan before he slumps to the floor, blood leaking out of his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Jackie wipes some of the blood on a corpse's shirt, How many was that? 5? 6? So that means I've got how many left to go?

It was 6, and there is still 444 bodies worth of blood to shed, Jackie.

Oh, fuck me.

I am you.

She sighs, bailing off the train of thought before his words could take her to a destination that was anywhere near anything remotely sexual. Don't be a dick, that was rhetorical. You said 444, right? Does she think I'm a miracle worker? I don't have the magic she has. I can't just blow the ship up. I've got nothing to do it with- Wait. Jackie pressed her palms to the starboard side of the hull at the bow, eyes up as a plan came to her, Sanctum, how thick do you figure the hull is?

If this is a war ship, then perhaps around 4 inches?

She grinned, Then let's sink this bitch. Give me everything you've got. When she felt pure, raw, exhilarating and toe tingling power rush into her body, Jackie brought back her fist and slammed it into the hull. The impact popped her index and middle finger and split open her middle knuckle, but she made a dent the size of her head in the steel, with a small hole that water sprinkling through. Jackie shoved her two fingers back into place, ignoring the way they throbbed, the punched through the bulkhead.

Water hit her like a living, moving wall, and by the time she'd stumbled to her feet, the water was already to her ankles. Her muscles ached, unused to exerting so much force. Not hesitating to even think of her injury, she sprinted down the from the bow toward the stern, water splashing behind her like a water fountain. Moving her soaking hair from her face and bypassing terrified engineers heading for the upper decks, she repeated the action on the hull at the middle of the ship, then at the very tip of the stern. By the time she had fractured her entire fist by punching the last hole, the water was up to her thighs, and she could feel a very slight tilt towards starboard. She struggled through the water, heading for the ladder to the upper decks.
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Zalgo's patience had been rewarded, for the duo had indeed proceeded on acting out whatever they intended to do. However, this reward caused the Deity's seeing eye to widen slightly as the two entites had neared his vicinity by using teleportation.

One of them, the figure who's gaze fell on his own before, approached him. Inspecting him closely, they were grayer then some of the rocks around the mountaineous area. Dreary, but intriguing.

This time they asked more than one question, and two of them he did not intend to answer in a clear sense. Yet...he finally answered.

" I am myself, as you are yourself, "

Zalgo's head tilted to a side. ' They have humour, despite their dull appearance. '

" The reasoning behind my presence in this area...is the answer your last query seeks, "

He raised the bandaged hand that held the balled-up paper within and moved his fingers that were enclosed around it, thus revealing it for a moment's notice. However, he closed his hand and lowered it by his side.

" Though before it is handed to you, it is my time to ask. What is your purpose? "

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Inaro sits up and looks at Greed with a confused expression. How Tf do you know about my ability?? You've been watching me? He ask suspiciously. @Light
"So, you do know about them......"

Earl pauses, and looks a little bit surprised by the stranger's question. As that is what he always asks himself secretly, as a demon that tries to stop his own kind.

But he tries to answer the stranger in a more formal and generic way instead of diving into his own issue.

Earl looks away from the stranger and starts to replies:"We are the members of Dragon's Roar, we are obliged to protect the Mortal Realm."
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Afrobrony said:
"Thank you, Ashlyn. Oh no no, you deserve all my thanks for being such a big help right now. You know, with this important questioning and all. Oh you're too kind, gonna make me blush. Yeah, she seems pretty reasonable. Did exactly as one would think she would and didn't answer my question with telling me what they wanted. I think I'm fine on my own now, don't worry about it. I know, I know that you want to stick around and help me out a bit more but you go on and enjoy non-guild related things. Eat a burger, fuck bitches, buy a dedodated wamboghini, read a book everyday for knowedge cause that's a lot more important this questioning going on right now. Yeah, of course you don't get the reference since you're kind of a shut in." Bruce wasn't about to sit down on the cold, wet floor. His body heat would melt what was under him and then get him all wet with it. "Right, of course you don't. But it didn't really hurt to try in the end so not too much of a loss. Anyways, onto the next question, how fucked is the world gonna be if your plans come to fruition?"
"How does hell sound to you?" Celica grins and stares into his eyes, showing she's not joking at all even though she's smiling. "Maybe you can tell me what your personal view on hell is."

Ashlyn heard everything he said and she was actually quite hurt.

Lotusy said:
"Yes! Yes ma'am! Uh, I mean, Kinziel! Mal ran over in a hurry, laying down. He closed his eyes to fight whatever heat rising to his faced, listening to the waves crash against the ship. Well, it sure is calm, and, um... gosh! His mind kept flicking back to Kinziel. Though he tried his best to think of any way out of the situation, he failed. "I give up," he mumbled.
CelticSol said:
"You're fucked. Actually? Really?" Jackie snarls, pressing her head into the palms of her hands, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, fuck. Okay, fuck, okay. I'm gonna kick her ass when I see her next, I swear on God's name," Jackie steps back under the shade of the awning, and vanishes into the shadows. She reappears in the bowels of the ship, in engineering.
The first patrolling troop, which she appeared behind, dies with a fist through his back, the next with a crushed trachea. She grabs the next, using her as a human shield as her comrades open fire on Jackie. She relieves the corpse of the pistol at her hip, then throws the hole riddled body at the remaining members. They topple over, taking the brunt of the troop's weight. As she unloads an entire clip into the face of one downed solider, she crushes the skull of another with her boot. The final member of the patrol stands, raising his gun, but Jackie is quicker; she all but teleports into his face, pistol whipping him across the cheekbone hard enough that the bone doesn't just crack, it caves. The resulting crack is sickeningly satisfying, his echoing scream even more so as Jackie's hands lock on either side of his face. His scream, somehow, grows louder as Corruption flows into his skull. The familiar black lines flower across his face, surging out from where Jackie's fingers touch him. His scream dies as Corruption melts him from the inside out, his agony diminishing into a pathetic moan before he slumps to the floor, blood leaking out of his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Jackie wipes some of the blood on a corpse's shirt, How many was that? 5? 6? So that means I've got how many left to go?

It was 6, and there is still 444 bodies worth of blood to shed, Jackie.

Oh, fuck me.

I am you.

She sighs, bailing off the train of thought before his words could take her to a destination that was anywhere near anything remotely sexual. Don't be a dick, that was rhetorical. You said 444, right? Does she think I'm a miracle worker? I don't have the magic she has. I can't just blow the ship up. I've got nothing to do it with- Wait. Jackie pressed her palms to the starboard side of the hull at the bow, eyes up as a plan came to her, Sanctum, how thick do you figure the hull is?

If this is a war ship, then perhaps around 4 inches?

She grinned, Then let's sink this bitch. Give me everything you've got. When she felt pure, raw, exhilarating and toe tingling power rush into her body, Jackie brought back her fist and slammed it into the hull. The impact popped her index and middle finger and split open her middle knuckle, but she made a dent the size of her head in the steel, with a small hole that water sprinkling through. Jackie shoved her two fingers back into place, ignoring the way they throbbed, the punched through the bulkhead.

Water hit her like a living, moving wall, and by the time she'd stumbled to her feet, the water was already to her ankles. Her muscles ached, unused to exerting so much force. Not hesitating to even think of her injury, she sprinted down the from the bow toward the stern, water splashing behind her like a water fountain. Moving her soaking hair from her face and bypassing terrified engineers heading for the upper decks, she repeated the action on the hull at the middle of the ship, then at the very tip of the stern. By the time she had fractured her entire fist by punching the last hole, the water was up to her thighs, and she could feel a very slight tilt towards starboard. She struggled through the water, heading for the ladder to the upper decks.
The ship groaned as water starts to fill throughout the ship. Kenziel makes sure Malren doesn't roll off and continues to stroke his forehead. "Whatever that is. It doesn't sound good. If anything goes wrong I can turn the ship into a submarine. Your rest won't be interrupted since you have a lot of work to handle soon and you will comply."

Jackie can feel several quakes from a different section of the ship. He was up on the upper decks she climbs up to. The moment she comes into his sight, he opens his mouth to suck her in, using his vacuum. At this moment, Jackie can feel an extra weapon strapped to her back. The scythe of Grimm.

Embaga Elder]Inaro sits up and looks at Greed with a confused expression. [I][B]How Tf do you know about my ability?? You've been watching me?[/B][/I] He ask suspiciously. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Yes, when you used the metal which made me take you here. I want more of them, give them to me and I'll set you free. Or you can refuse and I'll set you free."
Zalgo noted the averted gaze of the member of this Dragon's Roar, taking it as a loss of interest on him. The answer they had spoken was not of their own purpose, but of many others who had chosen to claim it as well--albeit the Deity still found it somewhat satisfying.

' It
is an existing purpose, and one seems to stand with good principles. However, If this one's stated purpose is to be a lie... '

An eye of his closed itself as his lips formed a crooked smile.

" Then I believe this belongs in your hands, and those you know. " He extended his hand, opening it and offered the balled-up sheet resting on his palm.

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Light said:
"How does hell sound to you?" Celica grins and stares into his eyes, showing she's not joking at all even though she's smiling. "Maybe you can tell me what your personal view on hell is."
Ashlyn heard everything he said and she was actually quite hurt.
Bruce stares back, widening his eyes to their maximum width. If Ashlyn wasn't going to help him and the guild then there was no need to worry about how she felt when he went off like that... though he probably should worry about her not answering. "My version of hell? Oh it was quite the place, I did go to it, once. Not too long in human time but it was quite a while down there. Every moment has packed in suffering right up to the brim, full of any regrets you might have, forcing you to live with all your past crimes and such. It's great. You could try it, anyone can. Just off yourself, which is not what I did, and boom! Instant hell. We don't need it up here on Earth. So why do it? What's your reasoning? Just to make people suffer or do you plan to make it your hell where you rule?"
Light said:
Jackie can feel several quakes from a different section of the ship. He was up on the upper decks she climbs up to. The moment she comes into his sight, he opens his mouth to suck her in, using his vacuum. At this moment, Jackie can feel an extra weapon strapped to her back. The scythe of Grimm.
Jackie reaches for it, holding it out to look at it. She is about to question it, but decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth as she flips it into a position for her to weild it. Out of her back, four long, tendrils sprout from her back, two, which come out of her lower back, digging into the deck plating to hold her in place. Two, which are coming out from her shoulder blades, are topped demonic, serpentine heads. She stares down the demon, trying to gauge what his power is before she initiates it.

Careful, Jackie. Look at it's mouth, how it's trying to draw you in. It will absorb you, like that monstrous, pink blob from the video game.

... You mean Kirby?

Yes, that abomination.

... I don't even have a response for that. I'm mentally speechless.

Jackie focused back on the demon before her, ignoring Sanctum's internal, bitter bitching, then to the scythe resting in her palms. Well, I got this magically for a reason. Let's go ham on this bitch. Giving it an experimental spin, feeling for the weight and distribution. It was a bit awkward for her - guns and range weapons were her thing - but something about the weapon felt inexplicably comfortable in her hands. She unhooked herself from the deck, allowing the demon's sucking ability to draw her forward as she leapt towards him, getting extra momentum from him. She wound back the scythe as far as she possibly could, then swung it with all her force through the demon, slicing it from the right shoulder to the left hip.
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Earl looks at the the stranger as he hands the sheet into his hand. The words of appreciation somehow get stuck in his throat, and he chooses to stay silent.

He then turn his attention onto the sheet on his hand an started to study it.

[The information on the sheet shows that the seven deadly sins intend to rise up to become the embodiments of the described sins and plunge the mortal realm into hell. Africa was just a failed test run but with the artifact and several other components, their goal can and will be complete. Once they become the embodiment their power will be nearly immeasurable. So far Lust, Sloth, and Wrath were on the tipping point to reach that level. Though Sloth is shaky on the whole uniting idea and Pride would rather do things on her own. One of the components needed is the blood of 1,000 mortals, which is why Pride and Wrath are handling the job of sending military flocks down to Africa, the soil to the plant of hell.]

"That make sense......" Earl mumbles.

"The Sins are trying to plunge the mortal realm into hell...not surprising at all...I knew this day will come......" Earl frowns.

"Wait...how do you..." Earl is going to question on the stranger about the strange origin of the information on this sheet, but decided to put it aside for now and stop.
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Inaro looks Greed with black expression as he thought about what she said. (if I give her some of my metal which is impossible she'll let me go. If I don't sleep let me go. Wow obviously she has something up her Sleeves) Just to clarify. If I do you it you'll let me go and if I don't you'll let me go. He asked. (If I leave then she'll probably follow me to the guild since she says she's been watching me. I guess I'll do neither I'll just chill here.) @Light
When the member had taken the paper from his grasp, his hand returned by his side.

The eye that had been shut re-opened to behold the sight of them scanning the context scribbled onto the sheet. Shortly after, his ears heard the murmurings of the other and he watched a frown appear om their visage.

Zalgo's own crooked smile melted away like the snow falling upon them as a drop of a bad feeling soiled him once more. He had thought too quickly that if he gave this to the hands of those who knew what to do with it, a certain weight would be lifted from his being. But just noticing that frown lowered another heaviness. This time he had no clue on how to get rid of it-- perhaps finally comply to the Void's suggestion.

Yet there's still the opportunity on finding out more about the Dragon's Roar if he prodded the entities interacting with him with questions of the topic...though there was still the troubling matter of the Seven Deadly Sins. He would be delaying them if he decided to do such a thing.

If his curiosity has been quenched and that the paper has found it's respectful owner(s); the Deity no longer knew why he was lingering in the Mortal Realm.

Fortunately despite his internal scramblings, he managed to hear the snippet of a question that slipped from the member's lips. Due to it being incomplete, Zalgo supposed it was directed to themselves.

" Now that you've gathered such knowledge, make good use of it. Keep to your purpose, and I-- "

He had none of the sort--a purpose.

" I wish the tides will be in your favour. "

Zalgo then began to turn his back on them.
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Afrobrony said:
Bruce stares back, widening his eyes to their maximum width. If Ashlyn wasn't going to help him and the guild then there was no need to worry about how she felt when he went off like that... though he probably should worry about her not answering. "My version of hell? Oh it was quite the place, I did go to it, once. Not too long in human time but it was quite a while down there. Every moment has packed in suffering right up to the brim, full of any regrets you might have, forcing you to live with all your past crimes and such. It's great. You could try it, anyone can. Just off yourself, which is not what I did, and boom! Instant hell. We don't need it up here on Earth. So why do it? What's your reasoning? Just to make people suffer or do you plan to make it your hell where you rule?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie reaches for it, holding it out to look at it. She is about to question it, but decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth as she flips it into a position for her to weild it. Out of her back, four long, tendrils sprout from her back, two, which come out of her lower back, digging into the deck plating to hold her in place. Two, which are coming out from her shoulder blades, are topped demonic, serpentine heads. She stares down the demon, trying to gauge what his power is before she initiates it.
Careful, Jackie. Look at it's mouth, how it's trying to draw you in. It will absorb you, like that monstrous, pink blob from the video game.

... You mean Kirby?

Yes, that abomination.

... I don't even have a response for that. I'm mentally speechless.

Jackie focused back on the demon before her, ignoring Sanctum's internal, bitter bitching, then to the scythe resting in her palms. Well, I got this magically for a reason. Let's go ham on this bitch. Giving it an experimental spin, feeling for the weight and distribution. It was a bit awkward for her - guns and range weapons were her thing - but something about the weapon felt inexplicably comfortable in her hands. She unhooked herself from the deck, allowing the demon's sucking ability to draw her forward as she leapt towards him, getting extra momentum from him. She wound back the scythe as far as she possibly could, then swung it with all her force through the demon, slicing it from the right shoulder to the left hip.
Embaga Elder]Inaro looks Greed with black expression as he thought about what she said. [I][B](if I give her some of my metal which is impossible she'll let me go. If I don't sleep let me go. Wow obviously she has something up her Sleeves) Just to clarify. If I do you it you'll let me go and if I don't you'll let me go. [/B][/I]He asked.[B][I] (If I leave then she'll probably follow me to the guild since she says she's been watching me. I guess I'll do neither I'll just chill here.) [/I][/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Once Jackie strikes Gluttony with the scythe, his body drops, dead. The ship continues to sink even faster as Pride and Wrath are disrupted in whatever activity they were doing due to pain and shock. In the end Wrath ends up leaving with Pride and Malren in her grasp. Once Jackie kills Gluttony a certain essence passes over her body, what this does is currently unknown to both her and Sanctum.

( @Lotusy )

( Pride, Wrath, Gluttony. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/hVx5VnZ.jpg.88e425f0bc1bd76b48edae925d941a18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/hVx5VnZ.jpg.88e425f0bc1bd76b48edae925d941a18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/o7BpOkd.jpg.e5b0c3ea5b78292f7d39fed9dea97d06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/o7BpOkd.jpg.e5b0c3ea5b78292f7d39fed9dea97d06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/large.jpg.048902ba142de327b7b7dc6b2f38e4db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/large.jpg.048902ba142de327b7b7dc6b2f38e4db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Now why should I tell you that?" Celica stands up and spreads her wings, she takes flight and leaves as quickly as she came. Though her flight seemed thrown off by something and she fell. "I can't believe it."

( Envy )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-krenz-fallen-angel-angel.jpg.29a03b03a10cb8be8b9f173a5fc32081.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-krenz-fallen-angel-angel.jpg.29a03b03a10cb8be8b9f173a5fc32081.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( @Dreamtique @Tazmodo @Austria )

Greed clutched her chest and pain and both her and Inaro ended up outside the shadow realm in between Reed, Earl, and Zalgo. Greed lays on the floor weakened. "I can't believe it... Gluttony? How?!" She was beginning to stand up once more.

( Greed )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/IMG_20151111_181613.jpg.f4b7be57f5b7e7fc2f31f0fd497a33f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/IMG_20151111_181613.jpg.f4b7be57f5b7e7fc2f31f0fd497a33f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( @Cryo )

Olivianna clutches her chest and let's out a scream of pain. "Gluttony was killed?!" She seems to feel pain due to this for a short moment. After that she just felt weak.

( Sloth )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/xnQmf2h.jpg.f232195681fce32154b73cb6268da951.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/xnQmf2h.jpg.f232195681fce32154b73cb6268da951.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wherever Lust was he didn't feel as weakened as the others but he still felt pain. "Damn you.... whoever's done this DAMN YOU TO HELL!"

( Lust )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1007005088a0ebd208_large.jpg.0d0f11e2b0fa35a5438c3cf518a29270.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1007005088a0ebd208_large.jpg.0d0f11e2b0fa35a5438c3cf518a29270.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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A shift in the atmosphere behind him caused him to halt his movements. He glanced over his shoulder to see what had happened, and the sight he had his back turned to was of another encountering. In front of the gray figure was the being that had been taken off the battlefield a time ago, along with his assailant's accomplice; both appeared to be in quite an unfit shape.

From the shocked cries that the accomplice was spitting out, Zalgo heard a Sin and possibly a rhetorical query, since he did not hold the answer to it.

The Deity then removed himself from where the others stood, teleporting a distance away from them. His reason on retreating from that area was not just because he believed that he longer had a part in this anymore, since the members of the Dragon's Roar were there to do their duty: protect the Mortal Realm, but its also because of the entity adorning a silver coat with a wolf ensignia at the back. The taste of fear that had brushed against his tongue the first time he had seen them became a lump in his throat.

And so, Zalgo stayed back once again to spectate the situation, pressing himself against an icy rock to slightly obscure himself from view. If a certain event would occur, such as a fall of one of the members of the Dragon's Roar, there could be a chance on the Deity dragging himself into the fray...

@Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @Dreamtique
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Things take a turn so fast before Earl even notices, Earl notice that laying in front of him was Greed and one of the dragon's roar member.

"The Sins, their power is weaken...this may be it......" Earl looks at Reed, trying to signal him that this is the perfect time to take Greed down. @Tazmodo
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Inaro felt happy since greed was weakened a smile actually came Upon his face. His body turns completely metal and both his arms turn into metallic claws. Time to die! He said as a grin grew across his face. He lunged towards Greed stabbing his claws in her chest. @Light
Embaga Elder]Inaro felt happy since greed was weakened a smile actually came Upon his face. His body turns completely metal and both his arms turn into metallic claws. [B][I]Time to die![/I][/B] He said as a grin grew across his face. He lunged towards Greed stabbing his claws in her chest. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Dreamtique said:
Things take a turn so fast before Earl even notices, Earl notice that laying in front of him was Greed and one of the dragon's roar member.
"The Sins, their power is weaken...this may be it......" Earl looks at Reed, trying to signal him that this is the perfect time to take Greed down. @Tazmodo
Reed snaps his fingers and greed teleport to his side in power sealing chains. "There's no more need for blood shed. Her powers are sealed now and she'll be sent to dragons roar until further notice. I don't know exactly what's going on but killing the sins could have catastrophic effects on humanity." Reed teleported her into a holding cell in Dragon's Roar. There was a sticky note on her forehead. "Fragile -Reed" @Light
Arwyn smiled as her vampire friend approached and bluntly told Faraday that the information was not for her. "Ah, yes. This here is Sapphire, another loyal member of the Order." The dragonkknight explained to the clearly shocked woman. It was hard not to let a chuckle escape her lips at the human's reaction to it all. "A rather unlikely trio we must seem... a vampire and a bound pair of dragon and dragonknight." Even Syrax seemed to be amused by this and began to emit deep guttural growls that sounded suspiciously like laughter.

Even though Arwyn was relieved to see her friend in one piece, concern sobered her up very quickly when she saw the red gouges on Sapphire's pale flesh and the strained way she held herself. It did not take a skilled vampire hunter to tell that the vampire's eyes had begun to fill with the dark hunger of the corruption that plagued her kind. "She must feed soon... or else she might lose herself"she thought urgently to her dragonoid counterpart. He nodded in understanding.

"Sapphire..." Arwyn began gently, "You need to go recuperate. Syrax will go with you to help if you wish." After she had said this, the wyvern stretched a leathery wing over the vampire's head to provide her solace from the sun. In truth, the dragonknight was concerned that if her undead companion did snap, she would not be able to save this woman whom had helped her without killing the vampire. She didn't even want to contemplate what she would or could do if the dark child decided to attack her.

Only when the wyvern began to lead the hungering vampire away did Arwyn turn back to the woman. "Forgive my friend, it has been long since she has appeased the darkness in her. " She said to Faraday while slowly getting back to her feet with a grunt. Now standing, she looked at Faraday in the eyes before bowing her head briefly. "You have our thanks." she said. "But i don't think I know your na-" She was cut short when a sudden heat flared from Dawn's Heart.

In an instant, blinding beams of light shone out of the stone and bathed the entire courtyard of the shrine in a rich, golden light. Arwyn cried out in alarm as her entire range of vision was obscured by an opaque field of white that made her eyes hurt to look at yet compelling her to keep them open. The usual faint humming in the back of her head was replaced by a deafening symphony of sounds that were unfamiliar but at the same time pleasant and triumphant. Searing through her hand and enveloping her entire body, the power surging from the stone made it near unbearable to hold and it took two hands with all of the dragonknight's strength behind them to keep it steady.Just when Arwyn thought she could bear it no longer, the strange occurrence faded just as quickly as it began, leaving Arwyn on her knees and holding her head.

@Missy @Fluffykitty9000

(ding dong, the witch is dead...)
Inaro looks at Reed work blood red eyes as he teleports Greed away. He was about to Roar at Reed meaning he was next to attack but Inaro caught a Hold of himself and he's eyes turned back to silver. Inaro falls back to the ground and puts up once fist in the air in triumph. Good Job guys. @Light @Tazmodo @Dreamtique
Tazmodo said:
Reed turned to the other guy. "Anyways we need your knowledge. Tell us what you know please." @Austria
( He already told Earl everything and he just left )
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Austria said:
A shift in the atmosphere behind him caused him to halt his movements. He glanced over his shoulder to see what had happened, and the sight he had his back turned to was of another encountering. In front of the gray figure was the being that had been taken off the battlefield a time ago, along with his assailant's accomplice; both appeared to be in quite an unfit shape.
From the shocked cries that the accomplice was spitting out, Zalgo heard a Sin and possibly a rhetorical query, since he did not hold the answer to it.

The Deity then removed himself from where the others stood, teleporting a distance away from them. His reason on retreating from that area was not just because he believed that he longer had a part in this anymore, since the members of the Dragon's Roar were there to do their duty: protect the Mortal Realm, but its also because of the entity adorning a silver coat with a wolf ensignia at the back. The taste of fear that had brushed against his tongue the first time he had seen them became a lump in his throat.

And so, Zalgo stayed back once again to spectate the situation, pressing himself against an icy rock to slightly obscure himself from view. If a certain event would occur, such as a fall of one of the members of the Dragon's Roar, there could be a chance on the Deity dragging himself into the fray...

@Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @Dreamtique
Ashlyn appears behind Zalgo this time, she didn't want to scare him so she gently called out to him, hoping he would hear.
Light said:
"Now why should I tell you that?" Celica stands up and spreads her wings, she takes flight and leaves as quickly as she came. Though her flight seemed thrown off by something and she fell. "I can't believe it."
( Envy )
Bruce had boosted up to give chance, not ready to be abandoned, but when he saw her fall down he quickly reacted and caught her in his arms. "To answer your question, it's because we need to know these things. If your reasoning really is just because you want to do it then I know there's no reasoning with you and that you must die. Make sense here?"
djinnamon said:
Sage arrived at the docks. He looked around wondering who he was going to fight.
Once he appears at the docks he can see the first ship sinking along with a huge gust of wind rushing across the water, away from the docks. Jackie, a fellow Dragon's Roar member sunk the ship and the inner symbol within Sage could feel another member on that very ship ( You're feeling Jackie. ) Sever other expected ships were coming into view. All of them speeding towards the completely dead land.

( Stop those ships! )

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#000000]Inaro looks at Reed work blood red eyes as he teleports Greed away. He was about to Roar at Reed meaning he was next to attack but Inaro caught a Hold of himself and he's eyes turned back to silver. Inaro falls back to the ground and puts up once fist in the air in triumph. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][B][I]Good Job guys. [/I][/B][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Dreamtique said:
Things take a turn so fast before Earl even notices, Earl notice that laying in front of him was Greed and one of the dragon's roar member.
"The Sins, their power is weaken...this may be it......" Earl looks at Reed, trying to signal him that this is the perfect time to take Greed down. @Tazmodo
Tazmodo said:
Reed snaps his fingers and greed teleport to his side in power sealing chains. "There's no more need for blood shed. Her powers are sealed now and she'll be sent to dragons roar until further notice. I don't know exactly what's going on but killing the sins could have catastrophic effects on humanity." Reed teleported her into a holding cell in Dragon's Roar. There was a sticky note on her forehead. "Fragile -Reed" @Light
Greed ends up in the cell where her powers were drained. "Damn it! I know the other sins will come for me."

Now that Greed and the information they needed was taken care of, Earl and Inaro could feel themselves growing closer to a rank up. For now, the guild symbol drew them towards the docks at the southern peak of Africa where Sage was but it wasn't compelling, as if the choice was their own.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce had boosted up to give chance, not ready to be abandoned, but when he saw her fall down he quickly reacted and caught her in his arms. "To answer your question, it's because we need to know these things. If your reasoning really is just because you want to do it then I know there's no reasoning with you and that you must die. Make sense here?"
( ! ) "Let go of me now or I swear you'll pay and you won't have time to reflect on your mistake!" Celica seemed furious.
Light said:
( ! ) "Let go of me now or I swear you'll pay and you won't have time to reflect on your mistake!" Celica seemed furious.
"Tsk tsk tsk." Bruce set her down on the ground, like he was planning to do from the start. "No gratefulness, whatsoever. You're my enemy and I've just done a courtesy by catching you before the ground did. Hmph. So am I not going to get anything out of you? Cause then that would mean that your usefulness to us is nonexistent and you know what that means."

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