Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Faraday grits her teeth and gracefully leaps off the ice onto the edge of the river. The ice almost instantly melts as she reaches the edge. Once her feet touches the ground she sprints towards Arwyn, a trail of water flowing along the ground behind her, forming into a solid whip.

As the dragon is distracted, looking down at Arwyn, Faraday throws the whip towards the dragon, it breaking into many ice shards as it hits the dragon to distract it.

"Stay away from her you BEAST!' Faraday yells at the dragon, not fully thinking this through
Afrobrony said:
Bruce smiled at how she didn't retaliate or even argue about them staying calm. A good thing, for certain, as he honestly did not want to be harming any innocents on this trip. "Wow, glad to see you're sensible. Usually people start bitchin', then attack me, then I kill them. But you wouldn't be that easy to take down, I'd wager, so we'd end up endangering everybody else's lies. Anyways, what's your name?"
"Celica Annesworth." She begins to walk over to Bruce, no sign of hostility.

Lotusy said:
"Africa... right..." Malren's head was dizzy, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't from seasickness. He slowly walked over to the side of the ship, taking a look around. The view was amazing, with a beautiful sun above, but the sheer amount of water made his insides churn with fear. Deciding to not think about it, he walked back over to Kinziel. "So, uh, Miss Kinziel, what am I supposed to do?"
"Whatever you like but if you need babying that much you can stick with me." Kinziel walks off the deck into the ship. "I'll show you around"

Juju said:
(mkay so the wrath demon suckerpunched me and then disappeared with gluttony right?)@Light
Syrax roared and flinched his head as if he had been physically struck as well. "Arwyn!" he mentally shouted to his companion and turned his scaled head just in time to see his human counterpart be struck down by the demon of wrath. In a fury, the wyvern sent a blast of flames to where the wrath demon was but it was too late, by the time the flames scorched the rocks the demon had disappeared. Rumbling softly, the dragon crouched over the dragonknight sprawled out on the mossy stones, Dawn's Heart glistening on the ground beside where she lay. He could feel the pain throbbing in the human's head.

( Yup )
"Babying? I don't need to be-" Malren cut himself off mid-sentence. She's pride, remember? Don't let her get to you like this, he thought. The young man only nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he said, turning around and following after Kinziel.

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Light said:
"Celica Annesworth." She begins to walk over to Bruce, no sign of hostility.
"Then I'm happy to make your acquaintance, Celica." Bruce met her halfway in the walk with his hand extended out to shake hers, keeping a good and professional posture. Like he was an official of sorts. He couldn't help but look her over either, not bad. It was a quick glance, however, since he'd already had her in his sights for quite a while.
Syrax lifted his golden gaze to the woman running towards him. "She need help!" he tried mentally communicating with the woman but it was no use, she could not detect his will. He moved a halfstep towards the human in an attempt to communicate with gestures before an icy whip shattered directly into his face with a loud crack. He reared back and growled at the human in pain and frustration.

"Arwyn usually deals with these people... " he thought. "But does she mean to help her..." Emitting a low rumble he decided to back up a bit. If this woman was truely a member of the guardians of this shrine she should be able to aid his companion. Any wrong move and he swore he would roast this woman and feast on her remains.

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Faraday stops, surprised by the dragon's lack of hostility towards her. She throws one of her hands forward, resulting in a wall of ice, forming from the precipitation in the air, between the dragon and the fallen woman. Faraday glances curiously up at the dragon that backs away... slowly approaching the woman while keeping an eye on the dragon.. knowing that the wall would prove very little against the dragon behind it. Once Faraday reaches the woman she tries to wake her up by lightly shaking her shoulders.

"Wake up... please wake up!!"

Faraday looks back up at the dragon, which surprisingly seems to keep its distance. Faraday would begin to resort to pulling her away before she notices the artifact laying beside her. Without a thought she quickly throws it in a pouch on her belt and begins to pull Arywns body further away from the dragon.
Sapphire slowly opens her eyes.she sits up now having a pounding headache.she looks over at Syrax and sees that he is blocked by a wall of ice from Arwyn.she gits up making a shield out of shadows and walking over to Syrax.

"were is Arwyn why is there a wall of ice her!?!?" she asked Syrax.

she took a deep breath but when she did she smelt a delicious flavor in the air. then she breathed out a single word.

"human." @Missy @Juju
When the woman pocketed the artifact that was the last straw. Growling, Syrax lumbered towards the woman and pinned her down to ground with a heavy paw. "Little thief!" he growled mentally, although it sounded like a predator's growls to the human ear. "I should have struck you down when I first saw you!" Steam and smoke billowed from inbetween bared teeth as the wyvern snarled down at Faraday.

It was uncertain what would have happened if not for Arwyn's stir. "Syrax... is.. did Sapphire... T-The artifact" the dragonknight muttered weakly from where Faraday had dragged her. Instantly, the red wyvern turned his head to his fallen friend and emitted a low rumble. He loosened his grip on Faraday as he turned.

Taken by surprise at Syrax's speed, the wind gets knocked out of Faraday as she struggles beneath Syrax's heavy paw. She gasps for air as she tries to concentrate, but becomes unable to call upon the aid of water. She looks up at the dragon growling, and tries to use her power to freeze the steam, but due to her lack of concentration, it becomes pitiful shards of ice that fall to the ground around her.

Faraday coughs, gasping for air as she feels the weight lifted slightly.
Afrobrony said:
"Then I'm happy to make your acquaintance, Celica." Bruce met her halfway in the walk with his hand extended out to shake hers, keeping a good and professional posture. Like he was an official of sorts. He couldn't help but look her over either, not bad. It was a quick glance, however, since he'd already had her in his sights for quite a while.
Celica shakes his hand and stands impatiently. "So what do you intend to do now?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-krenz-fallen-angel-angel.jpg.62f5c6e8f60a903426e8dce4baa2bc0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-krenz-fallen-angel-angel.jpg.62f5c6e8f60a903426e8dce4baa2bc0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lotusy said:
"Babying? I don't need to be-" Malren cut himself off mid-sentence. She's pride, remember? Don't let her get to you like this, he thought. The young man only nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he said, turning around and following after Kinziel.
"I said called me Kinziel!" She raises her hand to do something but at this moment Kavael lands on the ship by jumping off the far away dock. The ship itself seems to quake as she lands. She was carrying Gluttony with one arm and drops him on the deck. Once he hits the deck, his weight makes the ship top forward, almost dipping under the water until it stabilizes by a miracle. "Kinzie. Gray needs healing, that one Dragon's Roar member injured him. That's all the losses we have on our side that I know of." She manipulates medical troops to come over and start giving Gluttony medical attention since he was far too heavy to lift. Kavael notices Malren and glares. "Why the hell is he still alive?"

Kavael was about to rush towards him, that was until a bullet flew by her face. "Don't you harm a hair on his head. He belongs to me, Wrath." Kinziel had several guns floating around her. "Come with me, pet." Kinziel gestures for Malren to follow her into the ship.



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Embaga Elder] [I][B]Aww come on Why wouldn't you? Give me one good reason. [/B][/I]He says finishing up his beer. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"I don't want to give to any one of them. All the riches and anything seemed valuable is to be mine! Don't you even bring up the disgusting thought of pleasuring them with a single piece of my treasures!"
Light said:
Celica shakes his hand and stands impatiently. "So what do you intend to do now?"
(As I said, not bad.)

"Well I do intend to ask you to come with me to somewhere a little more private for a little chat. No need to discuss things out here in the open. We can take my house over in L.A." Bruce was careful about the location, his house was nothing hidden. It was on his Wikipedia page, after all. And he didn't want one of the deadly sins to know where Dragon's Roar was located. Ashlyn also knew where his house was and she could tell the others if she wanted them to go there.
Releasing Faraday, Syrax walks over to where Arwyn lay and sniffed at her bloodied head. "You are severely hurt..." he mentally said to her as he caught the scent of the blood leaking from her nose and gashes on her face. "Don't deny it. I can feel it too" the dragon turned his gaze back to Faraday. "I believe this one is studying the art of the monks who live here... she has the Heart."

Using Syrax's muzzle as a grip, the dragon drags his friend over to a rock and props her up against it in a sitting position. "come here..." her voice was little more than a whisper as the dragonknight beckoned over to the woman. One of the dragonknight's eyes were swelled up and shut and the rest of her face didn't look much better. In her agony, she didn't notice her vampire friend.

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Malren flinched as Kinziel moved her hand, modt likely to hit him, but lurched forward, falling flat on his front as another being suddenly landed on the ship. The newcomer sent shockwaves through the ship, and Malren hung onto the floor for dear life. As he tried to stand up, another weight crashes into the ship, sending him flying forward. He steered to the side, careful to avoid hitting Kinziel. When he tried getting up for the second time, he noticed the newcomer, another girl, was glaring at him. He let out a surprised yelp as she charged towards him, closing his eyes...

Then nothing happened. By a miracle, Kinziel decided to save him, confronting the other being, named "Wrath". Hurriedly, he ran after her, only catching up as she made her entry into the ship. "What's going on here, m- I mean, Kinziel?"

Faraday slowly stands up, a little shaken. Her hair lay a mess as she dusts herself off. She stares in awe as the dragon beckons to her, as if her loyal companion. Faraday slowly walks over to the woman propped up against a rock. She could see she was injured badly. She slowly kneels down beside Arwyn, cautiously looking up at the dragon, speechless.

" I take it... this dragon... is a friend..?" Faraday begins to inspect Arwyn's head, inspecting how severe her wounds are..." I think I can help.."

Faraday, still in the process of developing her skill, hesitates before gently holding the palm of her hand over the gash on her skull. Her wound would almost instantly stop gushing blood, as if the flow of blood was preventing from flowing out of the open wound.

Faraday bites her lip, having only done this through practice, and never in field yet.

Do you remember your name?
Arwyn smiled whenever the woman asked if the wyvern was a friend, blood oozing out of a split lip. "Friend... yes, we are one. Two sides of a same-" she flinched when Faraday touched the open gash. "-the same coin." she finished. She came to the realization that this woman did not realize that she was a dragonknight and wondered if anybody knew what one was anymore. Closing her palm into a fist, she braced herself against the pain of the spell that Faraday was preforming on her wounds. Looming over the two, Syrax looked on as the woman attended to his companion.

When Faraday asked her if she remembered her name, the dragonknight stubbornly held back the pain and proudly said. "I am Arwyn Hartwood, Defender of the Light, member of The Order of The New Dawn, and sacred guardian of the Dawn's Heart." she coughed hoarsely before continuing. "And this is Syrax the Bane of Shadows... and my loyal companion." When she had finished, she noticed that the bleeding from the wound on her head had stopped.

"That... stone you picked up. I would appreciate if you gave it back." she added.

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Inaro rubs his chin as if he's thinking. Come on theres gotta be something you don't want. Like something you'd allies would want that you wouldn't. I mean you did try to help out Lust earlier. Am I right? @Light
Faraday does not speak, but nodes slightly as Arywn explains the relationship between her and Syrax, not fully understanding what she had encountered.

She notices Arwyn flinch, " I am sorry.. I am still learning.. I have just recently developed my ability further to apply to the human body.."

Faraday closes her eyes again and gently whispers an ancient chant that she was once taught by her lost people. Arwyn's gash would begin to gush with pus as Faraday focuses Arwyn's immune system to focus upon the spot and speed up the recovery. Faraday sways her other hand over the gash, concentrating the precipitation in the air around the cut to wash over her cut, cleaning it out as it begins to scab. Faraday takes a deep breath as she slowly lowers her hands and peeks open an eye at the gash. Her eyes widen as she smiles.

"it worked!! I did it!! Yes!' Faraday coughs" Mhm, sorry... How do you feel?" Faraday tucks a strand of her white hair behind her ear as she motions for Arwyn to rest for a little longer.

She blinks, almost forgetting about the stone she throw into her pouch. " Oh! Sorry... I thought you were protecting it from the dragon.. so I- " Faraday realized she was rambling, so she quickly searched into her pouch and presented the stone to Arwyn. " Here you are, my apologies... if you don't mind me asking... what is that stone?"
(attention everyone... apparently Fluffykitty9000 told everyone that she didn't want anyone to Rp with us. There was a HUGE miscommunication and she made it sound like we didn't want anyone to interact with us. We do want to interact with others. Sorry about that.)

@Light @Everyone
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"um...that information is not for mortals like your self." Sapphire said to the person who had helped her friend.she stood uncofortable that her hunger would show in her eyes like the clour black in a white room.she felt her fangs behind her pail lips snap out when she breathed.she stoped breathing so that she would not drink all that week humans blood.she walked over to her friend trying to ignore the tasty snack next to her and went down on her knees.

"you alright?" she asked her friend.

@Juju @Missy
Arwyn's wounds sealed up with the help of Faraday's magic and although there was still pain, she knew that her wounds were healing. She lifted up a mailed hand and felt the smooth flesh that had knitted together. Even the throbbing in her head had begun to subside.

The familiar humming and warmth flooded back up the dragonknight's arm as Dawn's Heart was passed back to her. When her vampire companion approached her and asked her if she was okay, it was hard not to feel a wave of relief that her friend had survived the attack. "I've had worse." The dragonknight grunted.
Faraday glances up at Sapphire, taken by surprise. Seeing this undead stand before her made her back up.." Wh-what... a vampire... you are friend to a vampire too?!" Faraday glares at Sapphire, uneasy around her. She knew no blood coursed through this being.
Afrobrony said:
(As I said, not bad.)
"Well I do intend to ask you to come with me to somewhere a little more private for a little chat. No need to discuss things out here in the open. We can take my house over in L.A." Bruce was careful about the location, his house was nothing hidden. It was on his Wikipedia page, after all. And he didn't want one of the deadly sins to know where Dragon's Roar was located. Ashlyn also knew where his house was and she could tell the others if she wanted them to go there.
"Why don't you take me to Dragon's Roar? We already know where the base in. Did you really think that tracking system that demon used was one way? I'm surprised Wrath hasn't crushed the building and your guild yet."

Lotusy said:
Malren flinched as Kinziel moved her hand, modt likely to hit him, but lurched forward, falling flat on his front as another being suddenly landed on the ship. The newcomer sent shockwaves through the ship, and Malren hung onto the floor for dear life. As he tried to stand up, another weight crashes into the ship, sending him flying forward. He steered to the side, careful to avoid hitting Kinziel. When he tried getting up for the second time, he noticed the newcomer, another girl, was glaring at him. He let out a surprised yelp as she charged towards him, closing his eyes...
Then nothing happened. By a miracle, Kinziel decided to save him, confronting the other being, named "Wrath". Hurriedly, he ran after her, only catching up as she made her entry into the ship. "What's going on here, m- I mean, Kinziel?"

"We're going to Africa with at least 450 troops. The other blood sacrifices we need are incoming from different countries. This task was extremely easy due to the influence of Wrath. That's when I'll show the other sins who's in charge, though I think they know this already." Kinziel smirks and walks to her improvised room. "Come, open the door."

Embaga Elder]Inaro rubs his chin as if he's thinking. [I][B]Come on theres gotta be something you don't want. Like something you'd allies would want that you wouldn't. I mean you did try to help out Lust earlier. Am I right? [/B][/I][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"I was helping Lust because if he gets powerful out overall goal is complete and I can gain all that I desire. Even the other powers and the loyalty of the other sins once I become the embodiment of Greed. There isn't anything I would give up."

Taragi750 said:
"I'm sorry... {chuckle}... it is a bit funny..."
( @djinnamon @Austria @Dreamtique @Tazmodo @CelticSol )

All Dragon's Roar members who weren't handling a sin could feel the inner symbol give them a high feeling of danger. For Earl, and Reed the calling compelled them to go to the Himalayas, straight to Zalgo since he had all the information needed. For Sage, Lomat, and the hidden away Jackie. There was a calling drawing them to the docks in the annihilated section in Africa. At the most southern tip. It seemed like the inner symbol was slightly sentient in its own right. It also gave Sage the feeling to take the scythe with him. Grimm may or may not have whispered a couple things to the core symbol of Dragon's Roar.

( Alright, your jobs are important because if the ship Malren is one and a couple others reach Africa and the troops on these ships hit land. Everything goes to shit and all hell literally breaks loose once the seven sins get over there as well. Hopefully Bruce, Alicia, Inaro, and Malren can convince them to stop or switch sides or beat them. )

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