Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage roamed the halls until he saw Reed. He instantly walked up to Reed as his once lively eyes glazed over with lust.
Reed saw him coming and paniced. He teleported to Ashlyn. "Ummm that sexton deity is trying to seduce me. Please help. I could see it in his eyes." He was still in the crutches. (It was that or brake the seals and send your dick into non existence but light said not to. You got lucky) @Light
Lotusy said:
Malren sighed in defeat as he submitted to Kinziel. Well, so much for helping Dragon's Roar, he thought. As the staves disappeared, Mal was slightly confused when Kinziel decided to just sit on him instead of getting up. He flinched as she pulled his hair, bringijg him close to her face. "Owowow! Y-yes miss- I mean Kinziel." He tried to pull away, his face already red.
Kinziel notices the blush in his face and smirks at this as well. She decides to trample the little pride he has even more and pins him down to the ground, releasing his hair. Not a second later she presses her lips on his own. She didn't even close her eyes, she continues to stare into his giving him a look that says. 'There's nothing you can do about this. You are beneath me.'

Juju said:
When Dawn's Heart reappeared in the dragonknight's hand, the usual warmth and faint humming returned. Arwyn gave the man a queer look and wondered why he was willing to give it back so easily. Perhaps he doesn't understand its worth... well the man did seem a little strange in the head. No, she decided, he knew the artifact's name, so what was he playing at?
"You promised knowledge..." she began, but stopped short when the strange man uttered a warning about a possible strike. Suddenly, Arwyn was pushed back by some unseen force and fell to the ground. With a roar Syrax stumbled onto his side and steadied himself with one wing, fighting against the sudden gust. Jarred by the impact of her fall, Dawn's Heart skidded a short distance out of Arwyn's reach, causing her to struggle towards it. After a moment's strife, she managed to place her mailed hand safely over the stone.

"What now?" she grunted as she slowly got back to her feet. Syrax clawed at the stones beneath him as she roared a challenge to whatever new threat they were to face.

Fluffykitty9000 said:
sapphire was thrown back she was caught off guard witch made her drop her shield sending her into the sun light.she let out a scream.her entire body felt like it was on fire.she quickly summoned her shield and put it over her.she was weak from the sun witch meant that her shield was small and she had to scrunch up so that she would not die.
@Juju @Light
( ! ) Suddenly Syrax is picked up and thrown at Arwyn. Not even a second later Sapphire can feel a tight and powerful grip around her neck. Then a slamming force on the back of her head as she's been slammed into a large rock in the sunlight. "You have 5 seconds to give me the relic or she dies." Kavael, Wrath was visible now that she's stopped running. She ran from the U.S. to the Himalayas in mere minutes once Lust and Greed failed at their job. She begins to grip Sapphire even tighter, soon she would break her neck.

( I'm so sorry. Out of all the sins Kavael is the worst. I feel so bad for anyone who has to fight her. I believe in you though. She's serious about the threat by the way. )

Tazmodo said:
Reed saw him coming and paniced. He teleported to Ashlyn. "Ummm that sexton deity is trying to seduce me. Please help. I could see it in his eyes." He was still in the crutches. (It was that or brake the seals and send your dick into non existence but light said not to. You got lucky) @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage roamed the halls until he saw Reed. He instantly walked up to Reed as his once lively eyes glazed over with lust.
Ashlyn appears in front of Sage a moment after. "Uuhh... are you okay?"
djinnamon said:
Sage instantly tackles Ashlyn to the ground and straddles her.
As the guild leader she couldn't just attack a member out of the blue. "Alright, Sage. I just need you to calm down and if the urge is that bad, take it out on a pillow. You can't do this to people. Okay?"
djinnamon said:
Sage ignores what she says and tugs at her shirt.
Light said:
As the guild leader she couldn't just attack a member out of the blue. "Alright, Sage. I just need you to calm down and if the urge is that bad, take it out on a pillow. You can't do this to people. Okay?"
Reed teleported behind Sage and placed his hand on his back. The symbol moved there. Sage was teleported 100 feet into the air. Every time he was one foot from going splat he teleported back. Every time he tried to moved he teleported back. Reed looked at Ashlyn and held out a hand to help her up. "Are you ok?"

(I sooooo want to castrate him)
djinnamon said:
Sage ignores what she says and tugs at her shirt.
Tazmodo said:
Reed teleported behind Sage and placed his hand on his back. The symbol moved there. Sage was teleported 100 feet into the air. Every time he was one foot from going splat he teleported back. Every time he tried to moved he teleported back. Reed looked at Ashlyn and held out a hand to help her up. "Are you ok?"
(I sooooo want to castrate him)
Ashlyn frowns at what Reed is doing to Sage. "There's something wrong with him, it's not his fault. You can't just do that to people Reed. Let him go, gently."
Sapphire bursts into shadows casing Kavael to be pushed back and Sapphire to turn invisible.Sapphire creates a horde of shadow beast to attack Kavael.(!)

Sapphire runs and grabs Arwyn turning her invisible to she carries Arwyn onto Syrax also turning him invisible.Syrax getting that they need to go flies away from the attacker faster now that he is invisible.Sapphire also whistle sending a couple near by eagles swoop down and attack Kavel to(!). @Light @Juju
Light said:
Ashlyn frowns at what Reed is doing to Sage. "There's something wrong with him, it's not his fault. You can't just do that to people Reed. Let him go, gently."
Reed frowned. "It's not to hurt him I know he can't control it. This is the only way I can contain him." He teleports sage back but with handcuffs. "Now he shouldn't be a problem."
Inaro shook his head as Greed acted as Greed should. Have you ever thought about giving something to you friends too. And by friends I mean the other deadly sins of course. The feeling you get from giving is way better than receiving. I can promise you that. But of course you still have to get yourself more than what you give your friends. He said in a calm and relax way while drinking his beer. @Light
Light said:
Kinziel notices the blush in his face and smirks at this as well. She decides to trample the little pride he has even more and pins him down to the ground, releasing his hair. Not a second later she presses her lips on his own. She didn't even close her eyes, she continues to stare into his giving him a look that says. 'There's nothing you can do about this. You are beneath me.'
( ! ) Suddenly Syrax is picked up and thrown at Arwyn. Not even a second later Sapphire can feel a tight and powerful grip around her neck. Then a slamming force on the back of her head as she's been slammed into a large rock in the sunlight. "You have 5 seconds to give me the relic or she dies." Kavael, Wrath was visible now that she's stopped running. She ran from the U.S. to the Himalayas in mere minutes once Lust and Greed failed at their job. She begins to grip Sapphire even tighter, soon she would break her neck.

( I'm so sorry. Out of all the sins Kavael is the worst. I feel so bad for anyone who has to fight her. I believe in you though. She's serious about the threat by the way. )

Ashlyn appears in front of Sage a moment after. "Uuhh... are you okay?"
"Kinzi-mmphf!" Malren's eyes widened as Kinziel suddenly pinned him down and kissed him. She was looking straight into his eyes, and he tried his best to squeeze his own shut. What's happening to me? Today's been weird. The Arctic, guilds, guns, and now this? He thought to himself. "Mmphf!" he said, trying to pull himself away.

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(Nice ship. But sadly, this "ship" still needs to go down!!! [Titanic theme] like...literally......But its okay, you two can have some fun first xD .) @Lotusy
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Faraday slowly walks across a worn and broken path as she looks up at ancient temples that cast their shadows over the life forms below the mountains. She draws in a breathe of air as she continues down the path to a river that quietly flows as if being pulled toward a source with purpose. Faraday is alone, this is what she is used to; this is what she wants.

She stops at the edge of the river, her white hair blowing to the side from the wind, as if that too was flowing in the same direction as the river. She kneels down and slowly slips her feet into the water, quietly meditating. She closes her eyes and concentrates. Practice, that is what she must do. She rests her hands on her laps as she quietly sings a melody (as seen in theme song). The water around her feet seems to instantly stand still, while further water rushes by. It was as if the nearby water was frozen in time.
Dreamtique said:
(Nice ship. But sadly, this "ship" still needs to go down!!! [Titanic theme] like...literally......But its okay, you two can have some fun first xD .) @Lotusy
(Why's that?)
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Missy said:
Faraday slowly walks across a worn and broken path as she looks up at ancient temples that cast their shadows over the life forms below the mountains. She draws in a breathe of air as she continues down the path to a river that quietly flows as if being pulled toward a source with purpose. Faraday is alone, this is what she is used to; this is what she wants.
She stops at the edge of the river, her white hair blowing to the side from the wind, as if that too was flowing in the same direction as the river. She kneels down and slowly slips her feet into the water, quietly meditating. She closes her eyes and concentrates. Practice, that is what she must do. She rests her hands on her laps as she quietly sings a melody (as seen in theme song). The water around her feet seems to instantly stand still, while further water rushes by. It was as if the nearby water was frozen in time.
Behind her stands Gluttony, who was bleeding out and weakened. "You..."

Lotusy said:
"Kinzi-mmphf!" Malren's eyes widened as Kinziel suddenly pinned him down and kissed him. She was looking straight into his eyes, and he tried his best to squeeze his own shut. What's happening to me? Today's been weird. The Arctic, guilds, guns, and now this? He thought to himself. "Mmphf!" he said, trying to pull himself away.
Kinziel makes sure to force his lips into the motion of a kiss. She would continue to do so until he broke and just gave in.
(K i will just roll with things)

One second Syrax was crashing onto the rocks aimed directly for her and the next she was dragged backwards by her vampire friend. Pain seared along her back as she felt Syrax's pain when he fell to the ground where she had once been standing. Next thing she knew, she was being dragged onto the stumbling dragon's back by her undead friend while a pack of shadowy beings sprung from the earth and shambled towards the sin. "We must protect the relic!" the dragon mentally said to his human partner. Clutched in her gloved hand, Dawn's Heart flickered brightly and let loose a panicked trilling in the back of her head, the sound was beginning to make Arwyn dizzy. "The sin will chase us." Arwyn shouted back to her vampire companion, "We must drive him off, Syrax will take care of the flying!"

She turned around on Syrax's back and unleashed a blast of dragonfire towards the Sin chasing them.

@Light @Fluffykitty9000
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Embaga Elder]Inaro shook his head as Greed acted as Greed should. [I][B]Have you ever thought about giving something to you friends too. And by friends I mean the other deadly sins of course. The feeling you get from giving is way better than receiving. I can promise you that. But of course you still have to get yourself more than what you give your friends.[/B][/I][I] [/I]He said in a calm and relax way while drinking his beer. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Greed looks at him giving him a strange look. "No I haven't and I refuse to do so."

djinnamon said:
Sage struggled and growled.
Ashlyn slowly approaches him.
Faraday sharply stops singing as Gluttony stands behind her. Faraday does not look back, but stays silent as she hears "You". Faraday speaks with a cold voice as the water below her feet begins to freeze"

"You" is not the proper way to address me. Who might I be speaking with.. "

Faraday stares into the water, hoping to get a glance at the reflection of who stands behind her.
For the first time that day, the chilled winds seemed to be at the dragon's back as he soared above the inhospitable mountain peaks. Crimson wings filled with wing as he steered them to a tall tower of stone that jutted out of the earth like a dagger. Arwyn looked at it and realized where her dragonoid partner was heading. "Of course... but time has changed this place... there may be nobody left at the shrine..." she said mentally to the dragon. "The keepers of the shrine are ancient friends to the Order... whomever is there may help us. It is their duty." Syrax said. To herald their arrival, Syrax let loose a mighty roar that echoed off of the peaks as he angled his wings into a dive towards the shrine.

@Missy @Light @Fluffykitty9000
Faraday jumps after hearing the echo and quickly jumps towards further into the river off the edge, the water freezing below her feet as she pivots around to stare at the person behind her, distance between them now. She notices the Gluttony is bleeding, and confusion overcomes her. "Who are you?!"

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