Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Zalgo watched the scene unfold in front of him:

A gust of wind that caused his coat to flutter, was strong enough to send the slimy creature hurtling towards the floppy one's gaping circular mouth. It disappeared into it and never came out, and the floppy creature began emitting noises that made the male, who was given the name Red, rushing towards it with urgency in his voice.

The Deity himself just stood idle and observant. His confusion remained obvious, though a spark of curiosity was ignited when Red threw at him, this time, a single sheet of paper. His hand extended to catch it and catch it he did. Deciding to not analyse the sheet yey, he reverted his attention back at the grief-stricken entity whom had lashed venom from his mouth before the paper was handed over.

'Sick? Sadist? I've heard such poisonous terms before, but 'bastard' is new to me. I haven't acted towards them yet...nor do I think I poise as a threat...'

Zalgo remained where he was, not a single limb was moved after he had caught the paper, even when Red moved to the edge and proceeded on bidding his farewell. He assumed that this one wouldn't actually jump like what his assailant did, but he was proven wrong when they, indeed, leaped over the edge.

' ...! '

He took one step in haste but Red appeared above the edge once more, though this time the flopping creature became a flying creature, which carried the entity and itself away into the vast blue.

Both left Zalgo alone on the top of the mountain, and the feeling of isolation came slowly creeping back. Despite the craziness that Red seemed to have, he kept the Deity some company, no matter how nonsensical it was.

Shaking his head, he rid the negatives thoughts from his mind and remembered the paper at his hand. He took one more glance at the distant figure flying ahead, before inspecting the context scribbled onto the sheet.


Location: Top of Mount. Everest, with Notable problems

Cryo said:
"Well I'm actually a half angel. My mother was an angel but was forced to heed god's calling and my father was a wizards but was kept busy by the elders, so I'm a half angel. Though some wizard tricked me and tried to steal my powers for himself. I got it back! Well sort of... it's trapped in a crystal and I can only use it when shit gets real. REALLY REAL!"Alicia explained.
"Ah... so you're a Nephilim. I'm sorry about your mother, it must be tough but I wouldn't know. I wouldn't let Envy around you if I were you, she'd be furious that you have such power and she'd want it for herself. You'd be fine though since angels are a great weakness to us as we are to them. Can I tell you something, that's to be kept between us?"

Austria said:
Zalgo watched the scene unfold in front of him:
A gust of wind that caused his coat to flutter, was strong enough to send the slimy creature hurtling towards the floppy one's gaping circular mouth. It disappeared into it and never came out, and the floppy creature began emitting noises that made the male, who was given the name Red, rushing towards it with urgency in his voice.

The Deity himself just stood idle and observant. His confusion remained obvious, though a spark of curiosity was ignited when Red threw at him, this time, a single sheet of paper. His hand extended to catch it and catch it he did. Deciding to not analyse the sheet yey, he reverted his attention back at the grief-stricken entity whom had lashed venom from his mouth before the paper was handed over.

'Sick? Sadist? I've heard such poisonous terms before, but 'bastard' is new to me. I haven't acted towards them yet...nor do I think I poise as a threat...'

Zalgo remained where he was, not a single limb was moved after he had caught the paper, even when Red moved to the edge and proceeded on bidding his farewell. He assumed that this one wouldn't actually jump like what his assailant did, but he was proven wrong when they, indeed, leaped over the edge.

' ...! '

He took one step in haste but Red appeared above the edge once more, though this time the flopping creature became a flying creature, which carried the entity and itself away into the vast blue.

Both left Zalgo alone on the top of the mountain, and the feeling of isolation came slowly creeping back. Despite the craziness that Red seemed to have, he kept the Deity some company, no matter how nonsensical it was.

Shaking his head, he rid the negatives thoughts from his mind and remembered the paper at his hand. He took one more glance at the distant figure flying ahead, before inspecting the context scribbled onto the sheet.


Location: Top of Mount. Everest, with Notable problems

The information on the sheet shows that the seven deadly sins intend to rise up to become the embodiments of the described sins and plunge the mortal realm into hell. Africa was just a failed test run but with the artifact and several other components, their goal can and will be complete. Once they become the embodiment their power will be nearly immeasurable. So far Lust, Sloth, and Wrath were on the tipping point to reach that level. Though Sloth is shaky on the whole uniting idea and Pride would rather do things on her own. One of the components needed is the blood of 1,000 mortals, which is why Pride and Wrath are handling the job of sending military flocks down to Africa, the soil to the plant of hell.
"Lay it on me. I promise to never tell anyone!"Alicia promised.

By now Alicia had fully believed the fact that Olivianna isn't dangerous at all. She was eager to know what she wanted to tell.
Cryo said:
"Lay it on me. I promise to never tell anyone!"Alicia promised.
By now Alicia had fully believed the fact that Olivianna isn't dangerous at all. She was eager to know what she wanted to tell.
"I think.... that we sins are a necessary evil even though we're not wanted. If we weren't at least a fraction necessary I don't think that God would have let us come into existence in the first place. We help keep the balance and set an example of what's good by being the exact opposite of it. Not one of the other sins would believe that I thought of this and I'd like it to stay that way. They just think I sleep and do nothing. I sleep, do nothing, and think. I need you as much as you need me. I corrupt you as much as you exorcise me." Olivianna slight taps her own stomach. "Sorry about that...." A loud growl emits from her stomach, by the looks of it she hasn't eaten in days. She completely ignores it, favouring rest over the necessities to live.
Scanning the information scribed on the paper a few more times, the only thing that stood out to the Deity was mentioning of the 7 Deadly Sins, the reptition of the word "hell" and the necessity of the blood 1,000 mortals. Even though he might not have an inkling on what exactly this could mean, he could understand the context was important to someone else, and that it was within the wrong hands.

This could be the reason why there was a sudden spawn of numerous activity in the Mortal Realm...

Zalgo removed his eye away from the sheet and back to the horizon; his visage grew concerned--no longer confused.

' A sacrifice up to this scale...why must these Sins hunger for such power and destruction?'

He lowered the hand that grasped the paper by his side, as he continued to gaze.

' I suppose, I can answer that question for myself: those with great strength will thirst for more--A new purpose to run after, despite how morally wrong it could be. '

Zalgo caught himself revelling in something irrelevant, where instead he should be focusing on a new search--a search for the one or ones that need this information more than he does. Though where could he begin? He knew the Mortal Realm, yes, his unseeing eye has seen paths to its' wondrous locations and the like...

But he did not know who to search for.
Austria said:
Scanning the information scribed on the paper a few more times, the only thing that stood out to the Deity was mentioning of the 7 Deadly Sins, the reptition of the word "hell" and the necessity of the blood 1,000 mortals. Even though he might not have an inkling on what exactly this could mean, he could understand the context was important to someone else, and that it was within the wrong hands.
This could be the reason why there was a sudden spawn of numerous activity in the Mortal Realm...

Zalgo removed his eye away from the sheet and back to the horizon; his visage grew concerned--no longer confused.

' A sacrifice up to this scale...why must these Sins hunger for such power and destruction?'

He lowered the hand that grasped the paper by his side, as he continued to gaze.

' I suppose, I can answer that question for myself: those with great strength will thirst for more--A new purpose to run after, despite how morally wrong it could be. '

Zalgo caught himself revelling in something irrelevant, where instead he should be focusing on a new search--a search for the one or ones that need this information more than he does. Though where could he begin? He knew the Mortal Realm, yes, his unseeing eye has seen paths to its' wondrous locations and the like...

But he did not know who to search for.
A small but visible explosion goes off somewhere in the Himalayas. Zalgo can see this since he's on the tallest mountain in the area. It was in the general direction of where Gluttony was but chances it could be a calling were debatable.
Old Encounters, New Experiences

Perhaps it was a good thing that the Deity ended up getting invested on staring at scenery, or it might've been a stroke of bad luck on his part, that a cloud of gray smoke danced its way into his vision. His concern continued to grow when a despairing thought floated into his mind.

' Are they beginning their havoc? Or had it already begun before I even acquired knowledge on their malicious intentions...? '

The Void came calling to him, persuading him to return to ignorance and leave it the Mortal Realm to defend itself. Zalgo, of course, ignored it's voice for he was only here to satisfy his curiosity, since it was the sensation that brought him to the Realm. However, a new reason came to light, not just his curiosity is making him stay, it was a need to assist...

He decided that he had no longer the leisure to take his time, and the area where the great wisps of gray arose from would be his next destination. The location, he could not put a name to it, but the path had already been seen and the Deity was on his way--with paper clutched tightly in hand.

Location: Top of Mount Everest > Next Destination

Same thing again, next post he would arrive at the Himalayas in quite a hurry.
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Rye finishes his beer and throws the bottle on the ground. Hethen scans the room looking at every sin that's in front of him. Gluttony, Lust, Greed.....which one of you are dying today. He says nonchalantly as his skin turns into a very hard type of metal that's not found on Earth. @Light
Malren jumped, transforming into a jackrabbit and running between Pride's legs. Knowing they had a gun, he shot back and forth in a wild zigzag.

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Starting to get over his shock at seeing actual combat, Lomat realizes he needs to probably stay away from Greed, as such he turns to Gluttony and starts to summon his magic.
Sage fell to his knees and panted. As he catched his breath he glared and growled at Lust. " I'm gonna end you" He said as ice shards of various sizes appear and shoot at Gluttony and Lust.

@Light @Taragi750
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Syrax struggled against the howling wind that always seemed to plague the peaks of these mountains, beating his wings in determined and powerful arcs. The gale whipped back Arwyn's hair with invisible fingers and raked at her face, but the dragonknight was more concerned about her vampire companion slumped behind her. It had been years (well as far as Arwynn could tell) since the vampire had feasted on blood and from her experience with hunting down many of Sapphire's kind she knew that the hunger was a terrible and compelling thing to resist. As she thought of this, Arwyn was acutely aware of how close Sapphire's fangs were to her neck.

She is strong, she thought to Syrax, I know few vampires whom have taken the path of light as she has. The dragonknight could feel her dragon companion's exhaustion beginning to grow as he fought the wind but the creature managed to rumble in agreement.

The sun was shining brightly down on the desolate peaks of the Himalayas, but shyly hid her warmth away from the abandoned reaches above the peaks. The little warmth that was keeping Arwyn from freezing was the heat radiating off of Syrax's sides and the ever glowing radiance shimmering off of the relic. An involuntary shiver gripped Arwyn as she tightened her cloak about her to drive off the unyielding winds. It wasn't fur trimmed or meant for cold weather and stank of the musty smell of the tomb, but it helped stick some of the warmth to her body.

As they drifted over another peak, Syrax spotted what looked like a man stood atop the highest peak and passed on the knowledge to his human companion. Arywn shook her head and sent her own thoughts through the bond, "He may be one of their sentries, or a new threat entirely. Our priority is to get the artifact away from those three whom wish to use it for ill."

(it goes so much with our characters' quest ^-^)

Far over the Misty Mountains rise

Leave us standing upon the heights

What was before, we see once more

Our kingdom a distant light

Fiery mountain beneath the moon

The words unspoken, we'll be there soon

For home a song that echoes on

And all who find us will know the tune

Some folk we never forget

Some kind we never forgive

Haven't seen the back of us yet

We'll fight as long as we live

All eyes on the hidden door

To the Lonely Mountain borne

We'll ride in the gathering storm

Until we get our long-forgotten gold

We lay under the Misty Mountains cold

In slumbers deep and dreams of gold

We must awake, our lives to make

And in the darkness a torch we hold

From long ago when lanterns burned

Till this day our hearts have yearned

Her fate unknown the Arkenstone

What was stolen must be returned

We must awake and make the day

To find a song for heart and soul

Some folk we never forget

Some kind we never forgive

Haven't seen the end of it yet

We'll fight as long as we live

All eyes on the hidden door

To the Lonely Mountain borne

We'll ride in the gathering storm

Until we get our long-forgotten gold

Far away from Misty Mountains cold.
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Sapphire sat behind her friend Arwyn looking at the ground that we were flying over.she focused her vision on the ground trying to ignore her hunger.she still had her shield over her head to protect her from the sun but every once and a wail her feet would go a little out of the shade sending bursts of pain through her.but she just focused her self on the ground ignoring the rest she just stared at the ground not even paying attention to Arwyn or the artifact.

Arwyn glanced back at her friend as she heard a hiss of pain, wondering if her friend could tolerate travelling in the bright sun or if they should wait until dusk to continue. "Stay strong, Sapphire. We are looking for a meal for you as we speak." she shouted, the wind almost sweeping away her words. A break from this torrenting wind would do all of them good, but the threat behind them was not to be ignored.

Eventually, the lower regions of the harsh peaks began to show signs of life and it didn't take long for Syrax to spot a stout creature slowly making its way along the stones. "Hold on." Arwyn warned her friend and tightened her grip on Syrax's scales. Folding his wings, the wyvern dived down towards the goat-like creature before stretching them out at the last second in a swooping motion. The hooved animal gave a cry in alarm just before the scarlet wyvern closed its talons around the creature. Snow and pebbles stirred as the dragon slowed his decent and landed upon the rocky overhang with a heavy thud and held down the creature with his hind leg. The shaggy creature struggled feebly under Syrax's grip and gave one last quavering groan before resting its head and panting.

Once Arwyn and Sapphire had dismounted, Syrax spread out his wings to act as an umbrella against the sun for the vampire girl.
Austria said:
Old Encounters, New Experiences

Perhaps it was a good thing that the Deity ended up getting invested on staring at scenery, or it might've been a stroke of bad luck on his part, that a cloud of gray smoke danced its way into his vision. His concern continued to grow when a despairing thought floated into his mind.

' Are they beginning their havoc? Or had it already begun before I even acquired knowledge on their malicious intentions...? '

The Void came calling to him, persuading him to return to ignorance and leave it the Mortal Realm to defend itself. Zalgo, of course, ignored it's voice for he was only here to satisfy his curiosity, since it was the sensation that brought him to the Realm. However, a new reason came to light, not just his curiosity is making him stay, it was a need to assist...

He decided that he had no longer the leisure to take his time, and the area where the great wisps of gray arose from would be his next destination. The location, he could not put a name to it, but the path had already been seen and the Deity was on his way--with paper clutched tightly in hand.

Location: Top of Mount Everest > Next Destination

Same thing again, next post he would arrive at the Himalayas in quite a hurry.

Taragi750 said:
Starting to get over his shock at seeing actual combat, Lomat realizes he needs to probably stay away from Greed, as such he turns to Gluttony and starts to summon his magic.
djinnamon said:
Sage fell to his knees and panted. As he catched his breath he glared and growled at Lust. " I'm gonna end you" He said as ice shards of various sizes appear and shoot at Gluttony and Lust.
@Light @Taragi750
( Embaga, they're not in a room. They're out in the open in the Himalayas. )

Gluttony was extremely interested in Inaro's new type of metal, seeing that it could have a new taste. Though Greed was even more invested, she could barely focus on the others once this new metal came into play. Not one of them noticed the deity of the void joining the fray. Gluttony opens his mouth to devour all incoming attacks such as the ice and flame, still wanting more. He starts to absorb matter from the ground, dragging Lomat and Inaro towards him. Tendrils of darkness shoot towards Gluttony and Lomat. She was going to kill her target and stop Gluttony from eating her precious metals. Once a tendril at least distracts Gluttony both Lomat and Inaro are released from his matter quick sand. Only to have Inaro be pulled into the shadow realm. Gluttony turns back to Lomat with a face of rage, hoping the dark tendrils pierce and kill him.

Inaro was now inside a room privately with Greed without her face mask on. In the shadow realm, all of Inaro's powers were negated. "I can tell this armour comes from you. So I cannot kill you or else I'll risk such precious things. So I'll make you a deal, I will give you what you desire the most in trade for my trophy. I'll also debate on whether my body is also an option." She slowly approaches Inaro while deciding she might as well give the option of empowering Lust since he was helping the empowering of herself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/c481ae78b6f7200bdb524ccb436b965a.jpg.f8ecbdc6f5cd9ff4fa09550208e6772c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/c481ae78b6f7200bdb524ccb436b965a.jpg.f8ecbdc6f5cd9ff4fa09550208e6772c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chance ( Lust ) dodges the ice by moving at the speed of light towards Sage, wrapping his arms around him. "Why are you so stressed? Next time I'll be gentle." He leans in and steals a quick kiss from Sage, the second he does, he disappears.

Lotusy said:
Malren jumped, transforming into a jackrabbit and running between Pride's legs. Knowing they had a gun, he shot back and forth in a wild zigzag.
Kinziel raises her hand and the turrets with sensors begin to lock on to Malren, tracing his every move. She didn't want to shoot yet since she slightly had respect for his... courage when she believed that he knew he couldn't win. "What is your name?"

Fluffykitty9000 said:
Sapphire sat behind her friend Arwyn looking at the ground that we were flying over.she focused her vision on the ground trying to ignore her hunger.she still had her shield over her head to protect her from the sun but every once and a wail her feet would go a little out of the shade sending bursts of pain through her.but she just focused her self on the ground ignoring the rest she just stared at the ground not even paying attention to Arwyn or the artifact.
Juju said:
Arwyn glanced back at her friend as she heard a hiss of pain, wondering if her friend could tolerate travelling in the bright sun or if they should wait until dusk to continue. "Stay strong, Sapphire. We are looking for a meal for you as we speak." she shouted, the wind almost sweeping away her words. A break from this torrenting wind would do all of them good, but the threat behind them was not to be ignored.
Eventually, the lower regions of the harsh peaks began to show signs of life and it didn't take long for Syrax to spot a stout creature slowly making its way along the stones. "Hold on." Arwyn warned her friend and tightened her grip on Syrax's scales. Folding his wings, the wyvern dived down towards the goat-like creature before stretching them out at the last second in a swooping motion. The hooved animal gave a cry in alarm just before the scarlet wyvern closed its talons around the creature. Snow and pebbles stirred as the dragon slowed his decent and landed upon the rocky overhang with a heavy thud and held down the creature with his hind leg. The shaggy creature struggled feebly under Syrax's grip and gave one last quavering groan before resting its head and panting.

Once Arwyn and Sapphire had dismounted, Syrax spread out his wings to act as an umbrella against the sun for the vampire girl.
Grimm recently flies above them, holding on to his fish with wings. "Hey! Nemo! Swing back around!" Nemo flies down to Syrax, Sapphire, and Arwyn, flipping in Grimm's hands once they land. "Why hhheellooo!"



  • c481ae78b6f7200bdb524ccb436b965a.jpg
    15.1 KB · Views: 18
"My name?" Malren turned around, slipping back into his human form. He'd already heard the turrets locking onto him, and knew it was hopeless. "I'm Malren Belrond, one of the Druids of the Shaded Forest." His eyes flitted back and forth between the turrets, identify each one, before looking back at the being he assumed was Pride.

Sage stands completely still in shock before he puts a finger on his lips.' I'll pay him back for this.' Sage thought as a smirk played on his lips and he turned his attention on Gluttony. He placed a his hand on the ground and giant roses and spiked branches, made out of ice, burst out of the ground before surrounding gluttony and attacks her with thorns.

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Sapphire was about to drink her meal when she heard a voice behind her say hello.

"ugh!!!"she said under her breath she turned to the stranger.she was even more hungry because she could smell her prey behind her and she could not eat in front of anyone she still finds it hard to feast in front of Arwyn and she could definitely not do it in front of the man standing in front of them.

@Juju @Light
Arwyn draws her blade and approaches the figure holding what looked like some sort of fish thing in his hands. "Who are you and what do you want?" she demanded, careful to keep Dawn's Heart out of the stranger's sight. The goat-like creature squirmed in renewed panic as Syrax bared his fangs and smoke billowed from his jaws.

Reed looked around. "Coward." He teleported to his room and looked at his leg. The pain didn't bother him. He could just beak the seal and heal himself but it wasn't life threatening. He laid there with a splint on his leg.
Fluffykitty9000 said:
Sapphire was about to drink her meal when she heard a voice behind her say hello.
"ugh!!!"she said under her breath she turned to the stranger.she was even more hungry because she could smell her prey behind her and she could not eat in front of anyone she still finds it hard to feast in front of Arwyn and she could definitely not do it in front of the man standing in front of them.

@Juju @Light
Juju said:
Arwyn draws her blade and approaches the figure holding what looked like some sort of fish thing in his hands. "Who are you and what do you want?" she demanded, careful to keep Dawn's Heart out of the stranger's sight. The goat-like creature squirmed in renewed panic as Syrax bared his fangs and smoke billowed from his jaws.
"Oh ppfftt. We're all friends here! It's okay to feed in front of me, I've see you feed countless times. I even know when you get your next meal and how you drink from it, that poor poor victim. I am your father!" Grimm starts to make heavy breathing sounds. "I hold the Dawns Heart in my possession now!" Grimm literally holds the Dawns Heart in his hands. "You can win it back if you beat me in hide and seek! I'll even throw in knowledge about anything you want!"

Lotusy said:
"My name?" Malren turned around, slipping back into his human form. He'd already heard the turrets locking onto him, and knew it was hopeless. "I'm Malren Belrond, one of the Druids of the Shaded Forest." His eyes flitted back and forth between the turrets, identify each one, before looking back at the being he assumed was Pride.
"I am Kinziel Annesworth and you are to be my opponent." She has the turrets shut down once more. "I like your nature... choose your weapon and I shall fight with the same." Once Malren names the weapon of choice, it'll appear in front of him and the same would go for her. "How about I make things interesting. If I lose I'll go back with you and follow any command you wish for me to follow. If I win you're to be my loyal pet." She was throwing both of their pride on the line.

djinnamon said:
Sage stands completely still in shock before he puts a finger on his lips.' I'll pay him back for this.' Sage thought as a smirk played on his lips and he turned his attention on Gluttony. He placed a his hand on the ground and giant roses and spiked branches, made out of ice, burst out of the ground before surrounding gluttony and attacks her with thorns.
Gluttony grows even angrier as blood sprays from his body due to he thorns. He absorbs the ice, which is matter into his body. He has deep wounds in his stomach due to this attack and it seemed like a leak more than a wound. A swift force ends up slamming into Gluttony, taking him away. All three of he deadly sins left as quickly as they came. Sarah, a Dragon's Roar member was killed by both Lust and Greed, barely any ashes were left of her. Inaro was taken away by Greed and Reed also failed at capturing Wrath. Sage ended up helping Lust be the first out of the seven to become the sin embodiment with immeasurable power. So at things weren't going in the favour of Dragon's Roar.
(Weapon? Well, Mal's in trouble now lol)

Malren only gulped as Kinziel said her challenge. "Weapon, miss? I... I'm not even sure I can use a weapon. But, if you insist..." He thought for a moment. "A quarterstaff!" As soon as he said it, a simple wooden stick appeared in front of him. He grabbed it, twirling it around like a fighter, then lost his balance and fell, looking at Kinziel sheepishly. "Er... sorry. I'll carry on." He stood up.


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