Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
Sage looked thoughtful for a second before he smiled. " How about you come on my mission " He asked
Lomat's eyes widen at the suggestion. "I... I've never actually fought anything before... heck the only time I've even killed was a pure accident..."
Alicia have never come across a guild that throws away fame for peace. She thought if she joined, Alicia would get the kind of respect she'd always wanted not the kind of respect people did out of fear. So without hesitation she said "Sure, sounds good to me."

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Once everyone was inside of the circle, Syrax reared back his head and unleashed a loud roar that reverberated off of the peaks of the surrounding mountains and signaled the start of the battle. "May the best warrior win" Arwyn said to the three inside the circle.

@Light @Tazmodo
Cryo said:
Alicia have never come across a guild that throws away fame for peace. She thought if she joined, Alicia would get the kind of respect she'd always wanted not the kind of respect people did out of fear. So without hesitation she said "Sure, sounds good to me."
"Alright! Now that you've accepted the inner symbol is now inside of you. It should allow you to walk through the crystal barrier into the tower. Just a heads up the floors change every day. So the lobby could be on the third floor tomorrow. The inner symbol should help you navigate though. The symbol also allows you to instantly teleport to the guild. Step inside! Some guild members on the second floor are discussing a new mission. If you can get in on it, a rank up is possible."

Tazmodo said:
Sarah nodded and stepped into the circle. She was determined not to lose. @Light @Juju
Juju said:
Once everyone was inside of the circle, Syrax reared back his head and unleashed a loud roar that reverberated off of the peaks of the surrounding mountains and signaled the start of the battle. "May the best warrior win" Arwyn said to the three inside the circle.
@Light @Tazmodo
The man has searing and piercing light waves burst out of his body. The woman slips into the shadows to evade this attack and have darkness wrap around Sarah's legs to hold them in place. ( ! )

( @Tazmodo )
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" Ok great , I'm taking the lust demon. " Sage said as he reached to grab Lotmat's hand and lead him back to the kitchen as his power of attraction began to show it self.
He re-opened his eye to the sight of nature greeting him back with it's grand colours. The whisperings of the other sent him back. Looking besides him at the snoozing figure, the man's frown was replaced with a corner of his lip curved up; a tiny crooked smile.

'Suppose the lullaby of sleep was too strong to resist on listening to for this one. Well, that isn't a terrible thing...'

Zalgo took in what they had murmured in their slumber, a name. Mount Everest. Mount was in short for mountain, of course. The name pulled at a memory string for the Deity, and he remembered that this mountain was considered the greatest of all--being the highest point on the Mortal Realm.

'Is this one dreaming of reaching such a point? How dangerous...'

Since she had fallen asleep, he suddenly felt as if he should leave her to the care of the Wood; her faith on the safety of this place was shown to him when she actually fell asleep on the grassfloor.

Zalgo himself pondered on what exactly was he to do next as he quietly rose from the grass to a standing position. With no need to stretch his limbs since his muscles no longer felt such strains, he gazed at the sky. He never had been to Mount Everest, but since Olivianna uttered it's name, he became curious. Too long had he spent time in the Deity Realm--this could be a chance on exploring the Mortal Realm as much as he could before the Void calls for him.

Glancing down once more at the sleeping maiden, he spoke to her.

" I will see to this Mountain, Olivianna. If we ever encounter each other again, I will tell you of its sights. "

Zalgo bent down to gently stroke a strand of her hair, before standing up and beginning his travels. He may not have seen Mount Everest personally, but his unseeing eye has known the path to it.


Location: Leaving the Wood, traversing to Mt. Everest.

I'll probably skip the process of him getting there in my next post, unless he ends up encountering something else, alright? Also I hope this is what you semi-expected, heh.
djinnamon said:
" Ok great , I'm taking the lust demon. " Sage said as he reached to grab Lotmat's hand and lead him back to the kitchen as his power of attraction began to show it self.
Being pulled along, Lomat thinks back to what just happened, chuckling softly before they get back to the kitchen. Once there he keeps fairly quiet, just listening to the precedings.
Light said:
"Alright! Now that you've accepted the inner symbol is now inside of you. It should allow you to walk through the crystal barrier into the tower. Just a heads up the floors change every day. So the lobby could be on the third floor tomorrow. The inner symbol should help you navigate though. The symbol also allows you to instantly teleport to the guild. Step inside! Some guild members on the second floor are discussing a new mission. If you can get in on it, a rank up is possible."
The man has searing and piercing light waves burst out of his body. The woman slips into the shadows to evade this attack and have darkness wrap around Sarah's legs to hold them in place. ( ! )

( @Tazmodo )
( ! )

Sarah rose more dead in the circle. She blasted the light guy with both fire and lightning. Her lowers body engulfed in flames and released her from the shadows. She used the flames to fly.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Sarah rose more dead in the circle. She blasted the light guy with both fire and lightning. Her lowers body engulfed in flames and released her from the shadows. She used the flames to fly.
( ! ) Both beings charge up their next attack, since Sarah couldn't go far this would mean certain death for her and probably all others in the area. They were done playing games and they needed to complete their objective.

Austria said:
He re-opened his eye to the sight of nature greeting him back with it's grand colours. The whisperings of the other sent him back. Looking besides him at the snoozing figure, the man's frown was replaced with a corner of his lip curved up; a tiny crooked smile.

'Suppose the lullaby of sleep was too strong to resist on listening to for this one. Well, that isn't a terrible thing...'

Zalgo took in what they had murmured in their slumber, a name. Mount Everest. Mount was in short for mountain, of course. The name pulled at a memory string for the Deity, and he remembered that this mountain was considered the greatest of all--being the highest point on the Mortal Realm.

'Is this one dreaming of reaching such a point? How dangerous...'

Since she had fallen asleep, he suddenly felt as if he should leave her to the care of the Wood; her faith on the safety of this place was shown to him when she actually fell asleep on the grassfloor.

Zalgo himself pondered on what exactly was he to do next as he quietly rose from the grass to a standing position. With no need to stretch his limbs since his muscles no longer felt such strains, he gazed at the sky. He never had been to Mount Everest, but since Olivianna uttered it's name, he became curious. Too long had he spent time in the Deity Realm--this could be a chance on exploring the Mortal Realm as much as he could before the Void calls for him.

Glancing down once more at the sleeping maiden, he spoke to her.

" I will see to this Mountain, Olivianna. If we ever encounter each other again, I will tell you of its sights. "

Zalgo bent down to gently stroke a strand of her hair, before standing up and beginning his travels. He may not have seen Mount Everest personally, but his unseeing eye has known the path to it.


Location: Leaving the Wood, traversing to Mt. Everest.

I'll probably skip the process of him getting there in my next post, unless he ends up encountering something else, alright? Also I hope this is what you semi-expected, heh.

Olivianna didn't move much in her sleep. Once she fell asleep, she was completely out of this world. Waiting at the peak of Mount Everest was none other than Gluttony, only momentarily though.
Alicia didnt know how important the mission was but as soon as she knew the amount of members involved. It was quite obvious. It's very important. She had the courage to come forward listen and spoke up.

"Hey I know I just got here. But is there anything I can help with?"Alicia asked.
Once the three had entered the circle, Arwyn waited for the fighting to begin before she made her move. Sprinting away from the circle, she jumped onto Syrax's back while the dragon ran past Sapphire. Not caring if the vampire had any objections, the dragonknight grabbed Sapphire by the arm and swung her on Syrax's back behind her as the great beast charged towards the edge of the cliff. Great wings folded as he dived off of the edge and sliced through the icy air. "Hold on!" she shouted back to Sapphire as they plummeted. Once he had reached a good velocity, the dragon unfurled his wings and began flapping wildly away from the tomb that held the remains of two of their allies. Pulsating softly, Dawn's Heart hummed in the back of Arwyn's mind. As the dragon swooped over another peak and then between two more, she urged Syrax's wings to bring them swiftly away from this place... but where to?

(I have to go to bed now guys :3 )

@Fluffykitty9000 @Light @Tazmodo
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Light said:
( ! ) Both beings charge up their next attack, since Sarah couldn't go far this would mean certain death for her and probably all others in the area. They were done playing games and they needed to complete their objective.
Olivianna didn't move much in her sleep. Once she fell asleep, she was completely out of this world. Waiting at the peak of Mount Everest was none other than Gluttony, only momentarily though.
Juju said:
Once the three had entered the circle, Arwyn waited for the fighting to begin before she made her move. Sprinting away from the circle, she jumped onto Syrax's back while the dragon ran past Sapphire. Not caring if the vampire had any objections, the dragonknight grabbed Sapphire by the arm and swung her on Syrax's back behind her as the great beast charged towards the edge of the cliff. Great wings folded as he dived off of the edge and sliced through the icy air. "Hold on!" she shouted back to Sapphire as they plummeted. Once he had reached a good velocity, the dragon unfurled his wings and began flapping wildly away from the tomb that held the remains of two of their allies. Pulsating softly, Dawn's Heart hummed in the back of Arwyn's mind. As the dragon swooped over another peak and then between two more, she urged Syrax's wings to bring them swiftly away from this place... but where to?
(I have to go to bed now guys :3 )

@Fluffykitty9000 @Light @Tazmodo
Sarah watches them leave. "Cowards." She turned back to the fight. The fire and lightning his the light guy both showering him in purifying flames and devistating lightning. The undead grab onto the shadow guy/girl. The bit into him/her and held him/her there. More and more piled on. She blasted the pile with more purifying flames and lightning. Killing the two. (Sense they are demon they should die. If they can survive go ahead.)
Cold Unknown

Warmth, he had found within the Wood, was now a distant memory once he had arrived at the base of Mount. Everest. His journey would've taken an impressive amount of time at norm, but his curiosity urged him to haste and so he regularly teleported through the places he passed by, occasionally stopping to observe, in awe, creatures and other beings from afar.

Zalgo's lips quivered from the cold as his physical wellbeing felt the sting and misery of the mountain's endless winter. However, his mental state was extremely intrigued and energised, hoping to see what he would find at the end point of this great mountain.

'Being the highest point in the Mortal Realm, its tip must've passed by the heavens. I must see it for myself.'

As he let a sigh escape, the warmth of his breath formed a light cloud that evaporated as quickly as it had formed. The Deity stared at the sight before him, trying to spot a place where he could teleport to and continue from there. He still could not grasp the harsh beauty in all its entirety.

After teleporting once on a somewhat stable platform, his leather footwear scraped against some icy rocks and a chill spiked up his entire body. He did not fall or anything, it just made an ominous vibe return to him.

Zalgo shook his head and looked up once more, refusing to wallow in the negative vibes. He repeated the same actions over and over until he reached the top of Mount. Everest. As a reward of his efforts, rays of sunlight splashed itself upon his body, blending the warmth and the cold and creating a soothing sensation. The view was breathtaking, as what the Deity was expecting.

He was so engrossed on soaking in the vast blue heavens again that the presence that was also apparent at the top was ignored completely.


Location: Top of Mount. Everest

Tazmodo said:
Sarah watches them leave. "Cowards." She turned back to the fight. The fire and lightning his the light guy both showering him in purifying flames and devistating lightning. The undead grab onto the shadow guy/girl. The bit into him/her and held him/her there. More and more piled on. She blasted the pile with more purifying flames and lightning. Killing the two. (Sense they are demon they should die. If they can survive go ahead.)
( You can't purify with fox fire also the shadow girl is in the shadows. Sorry. )

The man erupts in light, piercing through all of Sarah's defenses in a nova. After the nova, the woman has all things left be obliterated by violent burst of darkness. Only to envelop the area in absolute darkness and light in the same order for special measures to obliterate all obstacles. Once Sarah was eliminated they look up at the relic, expecting it to come towards them. That was until they saw a portal open beside them. Both Lust and Greed get ready for what may come out.

( @Juju )

Cryo said:
Alicia didnt know how important the mission was but as soon as she knew the amount of members involved. It was quite obvious. It's very important. She had the courage to come forward listen and spoke up.
"Hey I know I just got here. But is there anything I can help with?"Alicia asked.
( @Tazmodo @Afrobrony @Embaga Elder @Taragi750 @djinnamon @Lotusy )

Grimm appears in a small form on Alicia's shoulder. "It's about time you all left! I'll send this new girl to a special place to uphold an important job that was warmed up! Have fun!" Alicia was sent to a forest, 8 feet in front of the sleeping Olivianna with many animals around her. Including a Pegasus.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/38693f40e50bad47a3aefdc2b67a5471.jpg.ea1e8975298ed06d8413fea3dde40f4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/38693f40e50bad47a3aefdc2b67a5471.jpg.ea1e8975298ed06d8413fea3dde40f4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reed was sent to the U.S. air force base Wrath was located at. There was a young girl who didn't give off a human aura giving orders to the troops who nod their head in agreement. She was standing on the landing strip while Reed was hidden behind the large wheels of a jet 30 feet away.

Bruce was sent to a slightly modern village in Africa, right in front of the small hut of the village elder.

Malren ends up on a ship's deck staring Kinziel dead in the eyes. She was standing directly in front of him with a rifle to his head. ( ! )

Sage, Lomat, and Inaro end up in front of Lust who was accompanied by Greed right after they killed Dragon's Roar member Sarah. Lust, a tall blonde man seems to grow more powerful from the mere sight of Sage.



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Austria said:
Cold Unknown

Warmth, he had found within the Wood, was now a distant memory once he had arrived at the base of Mount. Everest. His journey would've taken an impressive amount of time at norm, but his curiosity urged him to haste and so he regularly teleported through the places he passed by, occasionally stopping to observe, in awe, creatures and other beings from afar.

Zalgo's lips quivered from the cold as his physical wellbeing felt the sting and misery of the mountain's endless winter. However, his mental state was extremely intrigued and energised, hoping to see what he would find at the end point of this great mountain.

'Being the highest point in the Mortal Realm, its tip must've passed by the heavens. I must see it for myself.'

As he let a sigh escape, the warmth of his breath formed a light cloud that evaporated as quickly as it had formed. The Deity stared at the sight before him, trying to spot a place where he could teleport to and continue from there. He still could not grasp the harsh beauty in all its entirety.

After teleporting once on a somewhat stable platform, his leather footwear scraped against some icy rocks and a chill spiked up his entire body. He did not fall or anything, it just made an ominous vibe return to him.

Zalgo shook his head and looked up once more, refusing to wallow in the negative vibes. He repeated the same actions over and over until he reached the top of Mount. Everest. As a reward of his efforts, rays of sunlight splashed itself upon his body, blending the warmth and the cold and creating a soothing sensation. The view was breathtaking, as what the Deity was expecting.

He was so engrossed on soaking in the vast blue heavens again that the presence that was also apparent at the top was ignored completely.


Location: Top of Mount. Everest

Suddenly Zalgo could feel his balance shifting as he was being sucked into the jaws of Gluttony like a vacuum.
Sage smirked at Lust and cocked his hips. " Hi Mr. Tall , blonde and sexy, I'm sorry to say this but I have to kill you" He said before icicles appear in the air above Lust and began to rain down on him.

One pale blue orb widened as the view began to move by itself--no, he was the one that was moving. Zalgo never gave his body a thought of movement and so the entire ordeal was causing panic to swell within his chest.

When he had fully rotated on the spot, still trying to regain his balance, the deity raised his head and beheld a grotesque sight.

And he was being pulled straight towards it.

His lips parted and opened up in shock, no sound slithered out. In any given situation that involved such frightening performances such as this, the Deity's entire body began to deconstruct into cubes. Slowly at first, beginning by his feet, but it began to rapidly move upwards to his upper half and everything of him became pieces. However he still lingered, and the pieces of him scattered away from the vaccuum, a few of the cubes struggled but managed.

' ?! '

Zalgo's thoughts were unable to collect itself.


Location: Top of Mount. Everest, in Fear.

Reed didn't like the whole kill thing but if he had to he would. He teleported in front of her. "Hi I'm Reed." He said waving.
Inaro flicked the beer cap off of the glass bottle, and takes a sip. He then glares at both Greed and Lust releasing his immense deity pressure. Who's first? He said in a dark toon as a devilish grin came across his face. @Light

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