Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Why don't you take me to Dragon's Roar? We already know where the base in. Did you really think that tracking system that demon used was one way? I'm surprised Wrath hasn't crushed the building and your guild yet."
"We're going to Africa with at least 450 troops. The other blood sacrifices we need are incoming from different countries. This task was extremely easy due to the influence of Wrath. That's when I'll show the other sins who's in charge, though I think they know this already." Kinziel smirks and walks to her improvised room. "Come, open the door."

"I was helping Lust because if he gets powerful out overall goal is complete and I can gain all that I desire. Even the other powers and the loyalty of the other sins once I become the embodiment of Greed. There isn't anything I would give up."

( @djinnamon @Austria @Dreamtique @Tazmodo @CelticSol )

All Dragon's Roar members who weren't handling a sin could feel the inner symbol give them a high feeling of danger. For Earl, and Reed the calling compelled them to go to the Himalayas, straight to Zalgo since he had all the information needed. For Sage, Lomat, and the hidden away Jackie. There was a calling drawing them to the docks in the annihilated section in Africa. At the most southern tip. It seemed like the inner symbol was slightly sentient in its own right. It also gave Sage the feeling to take the scythe with him. Grimm may or may not have whispered a couple things to the core symbol of Dragon's Roar.

( Alright, your jobs are important because if the ship Malren is one and a couple others reach Africa and the troops on these ships hit land. Everything goes to shit and all hell literally breaks loose once the seven sins get over there as well. Hopefully Bruce, Alicia, Inaro, and Malren can convince them to stop or switch sides or beat them. )
Reed teleported him and Earl to their destination. "What are we supposed to bemail doing here?" He asked Earl.
450!? Malren's face blanched as he heard Kinziel said it. And... blood sacrifices, too? His mind was going through loops, trying to find a way to fix the situation. Oh, this is bad! I hope Dragon's Roar is ready... When Kenzie asked him to open the door, he nodded, opening the door for her. Good god, I feel like a servant, he thought. He followed her into the room, standing by the door. "Um, pardon if I ask, Kinziel, but exactly why are you doing, well, all this?"

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Inaro had no type Of response. He wasn't the convincing type. He's on the verge on taking greed on without any powers. (This bitch just had to have a negation room. Im getting tired of sitting here trying to talk this shit out. You know what Fuck it.) Inaro got tired of trying to talk it out with Greed. He balled up his right first and punched the wall with the side of his fist, cracking the wall with his brute strength. He then unsheathed his hidden blade in his cane and stood up off the wall. Alright I'm done talking. I was never the convincing type. He said as he held his cane in his left hand and the blade in his right. @Light
Light said:
"Why don't you take me to Dragon's Roar? We already know where the base in. Did you really think that tracking system that demon used was one way? I'm surprised Wrath hasn't crushed the building and your guild yet."
Bruce took a moment of silence to think this through. This could all just be a bluff for her to be taken there under the false guise that she and the other sins knew of where they were. She knew about the tracking system they used so they had to have some knowledge about them for sure. "All righty then. Just to make sure, since I want to exercise caution and make sure you actually know where the guild is, how about you lead the way? A reasonable request, right?"
Snow whipped at Zalgo every-time he stopped for a second to gather his surroundings, and for the path to lead him to his destination. With the ground being almost usually unlevelled and irritably easy to slip on if a foot decided to make one wrong move, the Deity saw it as an omen: once he reached the area where once the entrails of gray smoke reached for the sky, a scenario of chaos would be awaiting his presence.

'With Mother Nature causing my struggles, whatever I must be doing is against her wishes--or she is giving me warning...'

At a certain point the Deity stopped his advance, though his environment remained the same; harsh, ruthless and cold. A battle was taking place ahead of him as his eye could see, and the sounds of conflict was audible even when the winds were howling. His mind rang loudly with an idea of turning a blind eye to all of this, returning to the Void where he belonged, for he had no purpose entirely but to just...linger-- involving himself into the affairs of the Mortal Realm would just strain his mentality even further.

'I had only intended to quench my curiosity / Not to become a part of whatever this could be...'

Zalgo felt the texture of the crinkled paper within his bandaged hand and he shook his head, disappointed in himself for the internal scramblings he had. Whatever he now held must return to the hands of the person or persons who knew what to do with it. Suppose it's only a messenger's task, nothing more. Then he'll return to the Void to cease such negative feelings swelling up within him.

His advance continued once more but he remained far enough to only observe and not stumble into the fray. From here, he could see the finer details of the conflict. Four entites were against each other, one he could only recognise as his assailant. A male with brown locks bombarded his assailant and, from what he can only assume their accomplice, with heated flames. However, the attempt was futile and it was only absorbed by the gaping mouth and vacuum force. The other entity was one of metal and Zalgo indeed found it fascinating, but he sensed that they weren't the same species of the beings he had encountered so far. A taste of fear melted in his tongue at the sight of them.

The battle seemed to be almost over in his perspective, the metal being had been kidnapped by his assailant's accomplice, in which they also disappeared. Now it was only the male with brown locks and fire elements, and the gaping monster. The Deity still refused to join in the conflict, only spectating with the paper now rolled into a ball within his palm.

Location: Himalayas, Site of a Battle

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Austria said:
Snow whipped at Zalgo every-time he stopped for a second to gather his surroundings, and for the path to lead him to his destination. With the ground being almost usually unlevelled and irritably easy to slip on if a foot decided to make one wrong move, the Deity saw it as an omen: once he reached the area where once the entrails of gray smoke reached for the sky, a scenario of chaos would be awaiting his presence.
'With Mother Nature causing my struggles, whatever I must be doing is against her wishes--or she is giving me warning...'

At a certain point the Deity stopped his advance, though his environment remained the same; harsh, ruthless and cold. A battle was taking place ahead of him as his eye could see, and the sounds of conflict was audible even when the winds were howling. His mind rang loudly with an idea of turning a blind eye to all of this, returning to the Void where he belonged, for he had no purpose entirely but to just...linger-- involving himself into the affairs of the Mortal Realm would just strain his mentality even further.

'I had only intended to quench my curiosity / Not to become a part of whatever this could be...'

Zalgo felt the texture of the crinkled paper within his bandaged hand and he shook his head, disappointed in himself for the internal scramblings he had. Whatever he now held must return to the hands of the person or persons who knew what to do with it. Suppose it's only a messenger's task, nothing more. Then he'll return to the Void to cease such negative feelings swelling up within him.

His advance continued once more but he remained far enough to only observe and not stumble jnto the fray. From here, he could see the finer details of the conflict. Four entites were against each other, one he could only recognise as his assailant. A male with brown locks bombarded his assailant and, from what he can only assume their accomplice, with heated flames. However, the attempt was futile and it was only absorbed by the gaping mouth and vaccuum force. The other entity was one of metal and Zalgo indeed found it fascinating, but he sensed that they weren't the same species of the beings he had encountered so far. A taste of fear melted in his tongue at the sight of them.

The battle seemed to be almost over in his perspective, the metal being had been kidnapped by his assailant's accomplice, in which they also disappeared. Now it was only the male with brown locks and fire elements, and the gaping monster. The Deity still refused to join in the conflict, only spectating with the paper now rolled into a ball within his palm.
( @Dreamtique )

Zalgo can now see Reed and Earl now that Reed teleported them there.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce took a moment of silence to think this through. This could all just be a bluff for her to be taken there under the false guise that she and the other sins knew of where they were. She knew about the tracking system they used so they had to have some knowledge about them for sure. "All righty then. Just to make sure, since I want to exercise caution and make sure you actually know where the guild is, how about you lead the way? A reasonable request, right?"
Celica grabs Bruce and spreads her wings, flying in the direction of the guild. In time they finally make it and she drops him, the guild was in the horizon line since she didn't want to get too close. "That enough?"

Greed merely watches as Inaro makes a fighting stance and suddenly he's unable to breath. "I hope you know this is my personal realm. I make the rules and laws here." Inaro was no longer able to see but Greed decided to make things interesting. She gave him the ability to use his powers and allowed him to see and breathe. "Calm down." The more Inaro was here, the more Greed corrupted him.

Lotusy said:
450!? Malren's face blanched as he heard Kinziel said it. And... blood sacrifices, too? His mind was going through loops, trying to find a way to fix the situation. Oh, this is bad! I hope Dragon's Roar is ready... When Kenzie asked him to open the door, he nodded, opening the door for her. Good god, I feel like a servant, he thought. He followed her into the room, standing by the door. "Um, pardon if I ask, Kinziel, but exactly why are you doing, well, all this?"
"We're doing this to raise hell on Earth, as instructed." Kinziel sits down on her bed and pats the bed and her lap. "Rest your head here and lay down. You must be tired. Don't worry a hair on your head though, I won't let anything happen to you as long as you know who your supreme one is."
Light said:
Celica grabs Bruce and spreads her wings, flying in the direction of the guild. In time they finally make it and she drops him, the guild was in the horizon line since she didn't want to get too close. "That enough?"
Bruce squirms for the first part of the way and breaks away so he can fly beside her. It wasn't like he couldn't and he didn't appreciate that he was being manhandled like this. Once at the guild he simply hovers right next to her and nods. "Yeah, that would definitely be enough... Now to get you in. Just hang onto me while we're going through the crystal and you should be able to enter."
Light said:
( @Dreamtique )
Zalgo can now see Reed and Earl now that Reed teleported them there.

Celica grabs Bruce and spreads her wings, flying in the direction of the guild. In time they finally make it and she drops him, the guild was in the horizon line since she didn't want to get too close. "That enough?"

Greed merely watches as Inaro makes a fighting stance and suddenly he's unable to breath. "I hope you know this is my personal realm. I make the rules and laws here." Inaro was no longer able to see but Greed decided to make things interesting. She gave him the ability to use his powers and allowed him to see and breathe. "Calm down." The more Inaro was here, the more Greed corrupted him.

"We're doing this to raise hell on Earth, as instructed." Kinziel sits down on her bed and pats the bed and her lap. "Rest your head here and lay down. You must be tired. Don't worry a hair on your head though, I won't let anything happen to you as long as you know who your supreme one is."
"H-hell on Earth?" Malren took a few steps back, backing into the wall. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. I really need to warn Dragon's- His thoughts were cut off as Kinziel commanded him to lay down on her lap. Mal blushed, averting his eyes from her. "If... you insist, Kinziel," he said, slowly stepping over, laying his head on her lap. His face started to heat up again. "Um, I'm just wondering... Kinziel... but why are you caring about me now?"
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Afrobrony said:
Bruce squirms for the first part of the way and breaks away so he can fly beside her. It wasn't like he couldn't and he didn't appreciate that he was being manhandled like this. Once at the guild he simply hovers right next to her and nods. "Yeah, that would definitely be enough... Now to get you in. Just hang onto me while we're going through the crystal and you should be able to enter."
"No. I don't want to go in, that's why I didn't get close. Ask your questions." Celica glares at Bruce.

Lotusy said:
"H-hell on Earth?" Malren took a few steps back, backing into the wall. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. I really need to warn Dragon's- His thoughts were cut off as Kinziel commanded him to lay down on her lap. Mal blushed, averting his eyes from her. "If... you insist, Kinziel," he said, slowly stepping over, laying his head on her lap. His face started to heat up again. "Um, I'm just wondering... Kinziel... but why are you caring about me now?"
"I don't care about you. You're just one of my pets and how am I going to use you if you're not at a peak condition to carry out my tasks. I can't mistreat you and expect your body to put out good results. Besides, how would that look if my pet looked like and felt like trash under my command?"
Light said:
"No. I don't want to go in, that's why I didn't get close. Ask your questions." Celica glares at Bruce.
"Well I guess we can start with an easy one, Celica." "Jeez, this girl is so apprehensive." Bruce contacted Ashlyn one more time to ask her for some questions to ask her himself. "I'm tempted for us to go to my house. Russia is not very hospitable. Anyways, what do you guys want with Africa? You don't seem like the person who would do something to gain nothing. And you guys have Greed on your team too."
Light said:
"No. I don't want to go in, that's why I didn't get close. Ask your questions." Celica glares at Bruce.
"I don't care about you. You're just one of my pets and how am I going to use you if you're not at a peak condition to carry out my tasks. I can't mistreat you and expect your body to put out good results. Besides, how would that look if my pet looked like and felt like trash under my command?"
Malren's heart fell when Kinziel said she didn't care about him, though he wasn't quite sure why. At the very least, though, he was happy that she wasn't abusing him like he thought. As he lay down, he looked up at the girl above him. He definitely wasn't in the worst of situations. The ship was calm, the bed was nice, and, well, she was kind of pretty... Malren shook himself out of that train of thought, just in time to catch the last part of her question, thinking for a moment. "If I failed you would feel..." Sad? No. Angry? No... humiliated, his mind said, completing the sentence. That's her opposite, right? Humility? Is there a way I would use this? He felt bad, plotting against the Kinziel, but he still had to aid Dragon's Roar. I hope she can be converted. I wouldn't want her to just disappear...

The amount of entities that were engaged in battle returned once more to Four, when two other beings appeared from thin air and replaced the former combatants. He assumed that the newcomers would throw themselves into the conflict, since they were closer than he was; joining in on the violence was also a temptation for them and another assumption was made that they wouldn't resist it's call.

' Two males; the duo must've used the ability of teleportation. Are they here to aid the other? Or attack side-by-side with my assailant? '

Zalgo would be able to see the conflict unfold once more, and hopefully find the answer to his thought.
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"I...need to go help them now...toy car......" Earl says and suddenly be teleported away.

Reed is beside him.

"We should go check around first, but we don't have much time now for confusion......" Earl replies. @Tazmodo
Sadly since he was in Greed's domain he had no choice but to lose his breath. She controlled his very being in that room. Greed needs someway to get out of that room. He thought about using his deity abilities and teleport out of the room but if she could make a god lose his breath then she could of course take his abilities away. So he didn't try. So he just calms down and sheaths his sword and plops down on the floor. @Light
Earl looks around, and clearly notices a stranger near them, he doesn't say anything, but have a stare contest with the stranger instead, waiting for the stranger's respond. @Austria
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He felt a gaze fall upon him from the battlefield, and his pale blue orb switched it's focus from the whole ruinic scenery to the one that held the stare.

Zalgo blinked his eye as the icy winds blew up the snow, causing swirls of white dust to flow around the area of his current location.

Perhaps his second assumption was wrong, the newcomer he was now staring back at curiously proceeded to do...nothing.


Location: Himalayas, Site of a Battle

Light said:
All Dragon's Roar members who weren't handling a sin could feel the inner symbol give them a high feeling of danger. For Earl, and Reed the calling compelled them to go to the Himalayas, straight to Zalgo since he had all the information needed. For Sage, Lomat, and the hidden away Jackie. There was a calling drawing them to the docks in the annihilated section in Africa. At the most southern tip. It seemed like the inner symbol was slightly sentient in its own right. It also gave Sage the feeling to take the scythe with him. Grimm may or may not have whispered a couple things to the core symbol of Dragon's Roar.
As Jacqueline Sapienti felt like she was being physically pulled south, as she rolled out of bed to get there and smashed the back of her skull on her side table, she knew it was going to be a shitty morning.

The covers tangled around her legs as she pulled herself off the floor, clutching her hand over the mark at the juncture of her shoulder and neck, which was practically burning with the need to be somewhere - anywhere - other than her Sicilian apartment. "Fuck," She hisses under her breath, feeling the back of her head for the bruise blossoming there, whispering despite the fact no one is around to hear her, "Fuck. Okay. Isabel, this better be fuckin' good." Shrugging on the closest clean shirt and a pair of leggings, she charged out of her room and into the bathroom as she tied up her hair into a ponytail.

Brushing her teeth, she spoke within her mind, Sanctum, what have you got for me?

His voice came after a brief pause, as pleasant as gargling glass and as sweet as a swarm of pissed off bees. South. Troops, hundreds of them, are heading to the tip of Africa. A couple miles out of Cape Town.

Jackie spit in the sink and slipped on a pair of boots, tying them tightly. After slinging a bow and an assault rifle over her shoulder, she spoke, "Take me there," Without a warning or recognition, Jackie was dropped underneath the awning of beach-front cafe, staring down the water. With her strong eyesight, Jackie could see the bow of a ship, headed directly for shore. Jackie sighed, cursing loudly enough that a few passerbys covered the ears of their children. "She's better have a good goddamn plan."
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"There is a guy standing right there, we might be able to acquire some information from him." Earl speaks to Reed. @Tazmodo

As he knows it surely isn't coincidence that someone is around here with them.
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His gazer spoke out to him; their voice was able to reach his ears since the wind softened its cries enough to carry out the words. As commanding as it sounded, the Deity shared only his silence and peaked curiosity in his pale blue eye.

When he offered no response, Zalgo watched his gazer exchange words with the companion that arrived with him from thin air. He shifted his footing on the spot clad in snow, and awaited their next action.

' They're trying to interact with me, it seems. '

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@Tazmodo Reed teleports Earl and himself in front of the stranger while Earl starts to walk nearer to the stranger.

"Tell me... who are you and why are you here, I am pretty sure you aren't here just for hiking, you must know something about The Seven Deadly Sins."

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Afrobrony said:
"Well I guess we can start with an easy one, Celica." "Jeez, this girl is so apprehensive." Bruce contacted Ashlyn one more time to ask her for some questions to ask her himself. "I'm tempted for us to go to my house. Russia is not very hospitable. Anyways, what do you guys want with Africa? You don't seem like the person who would do something to gain nothing. And you guys have Greed on your team too."
"I don't intend on telling you." Celica shakes her head and sits down.

Lotusy said:
Malren's heart fell when Kinziel said she didn't care about him, though he wasn't quite sure why. At the very least, though, he was happy that she wasn't abusing him like he thought. As he lay down, he looked up at the girl above him. He definitely wasn't in the worst of situations. The ship was calm, the bed was nice, and, well, she was kind of pretty... Malren shook himself out of that train of thought, just in time to catch the last part of her question, thinking for a moment. "If I failed you would feel..." Sad? No. Angry? No... humiliated, his mind said, completing the sentence. That's her opposite, right? Humility? Is there a way I would use this? He felt bad, plotting against the Kinziel, but he still had to aid Dragon's Roar. I hope she can be converted. I wouldn't want her to just disappear...
Kinziel raises an eyebrow at his words. "ARE you going to accept the gesture or not?" She was talking about her lap and the bed.

Embaga Elder]Sadly since he was in Greed's domain he had no choice but to lose his breath. She controlled his very being in that room. Greed needs someway to get out of that room. He thought about using his deity abilities and teleport out of the room but if she could make a god lose his breath then she could of course take his abilities away. So he didn't try. So he just calms down and sheaths his sword and plops down on the floor. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"It's nice to know that you understand. You produce as much metal as you can for me and I'll set you free."

CelticSol said:
As Jacqueline Sapienti felt like she was being physically pulled south, as she rolled out of bed to get there and smashed the back of her skull on her side table, she knew it was going to be a shitty morning.
The covers tangled around her legs as she pulled herself off the floor, clutching her hand over the mark at the juncture of her shoulder and neck, which was practically burning with the need to be somewhere - anywhere - other than her Sicilian apartment. "Fuck," She hisses under her breath, feeling the back of her head for the bruise blossoming there, whispering despite the fact no one is around to hear her, "Fuck. Okay. Isabel, this better be fuckin' good." Shrugging on the closest clean shirt and a pair of leggings, she charged out of her room and into the bathroom as she tied up her hair into a ponytail.

Brushing her teeth, she spoke within her mind, Sanctum, what have you got for me?

His voice came after a brief pause, as pleasant as gargling glass and as sweet as a swarm of pissed off bees. South. Troops, hundreds of them, are heading to the tip of Africa. A couple miles out of Cape Town.

Jackie spit in the sink and slipped on a pair of boots, tying them tightly. After slinging a bow and an assault rifle over her shoulder, she spoke, "Take me there," Without a warning or recognition, Jackie was dropped underneath the awning of beach-front cafe, staring down the water. With her strong eyesight, Jackie could see the bow of a ship, headed directly for shore. Jackie sighed, cursing loudly enough that a few passerbys covered the ears of their children. "She's better have a good goddamn plan."
Grimm appears in front of Jackie, a large smile on his face. "Guess what! Ashlyn has no plan at all! You just need to stop those people on that ship from getting on land. You wouldn't want hell coming in now would you? I'd watch out for that Wrath one though, direct confrontation isn't the smartest idea when fighting her."
Light said:
"I don't intend on telling you." Celica shakes her head and sits down.
"Thank you, Ashlyn. Oh no no, you deserve all my thanks for being such a big help right now. You know, with this important questioning and all. Oh you're too kind, gonna make me blush. Yeah, she seems pretty reasonable. Did exactly as one would think she would and didn't answer my question with telling me what they wanted. I think I'm fine on my own now, don't worry about it. I know, I know that you want to stick around and help me out a bit more but you go on and enjoy non-guild related things. Eat a burger, fuck bitches, buy a dedodated wamboghini, read a book everyday for knowedge cause that's a lot more important this questioning going on right now. Yeah, of course you don't get the reference since you're kind of a shut in." Bruce wasn't about to sit down on the cold, wet floor. His body heat would melt what was under him and then get him all wet with it. "Right, of course you don't. But it didn't really hurt to try in the end so not too much of a loss. Anyways, onto the next question, how fucked is the world gonna be if your plans come to fruition?"
"Yes! Yes ma'am! Uh, I mean, Kinziel! Mal ran over in a hurry, laying down. He closed his eyes to fight whatever heat rising to his faced, listening to the waves crash against the ship. Well, it sure is calm, and, um... gosh! His mind kept flicking back to Kinziel. Though he tried his best to think of any way out of the situation, he failed. "I give up," he mumbled.


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