Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
A clone of Grimm appears on the ceiling, hanging And swinging from a chandelier singing the song. His silver hair was dangling with his arms. His turquoise eyes lock on to Sage and he suddenly appears on his head in a smaller form. "Yyyyeeess?" Grimm knew exactly what he was here for but asking would be the regular way of doing things.
Kinziel smiles and nods her head, only for her eyes to widen due to a beam of light traveling through her chest and through Malren's stomach. The same tactic he used to kill Iris and Sarah, both former Dragon's Roar members. Lust curses at the poor angle he fired his beam at and walks up to both Malren and the rapidly dying Kinziel. "I'll kill you for losing... and I'll kill you for beating her." Kinziel falls forward into Malren.

"I don't need your charity! Stop!" Greed was growing weaker due to Jasmine sharing. "I hate you, all of you!"

Envy begins to stand up, slowly breathing as she does. "Yes... She's hidden within the guild of Dragon's Roar. They're a troublesome bunch, they've already killed Gluttony and they've beaten Pride. I'll send you there as soon as you're ready."

When he follows her several arrows fly his way. Since this is the training area.
Jasmine didn't understand. "I'm just trying to be nice." She looked at the food then Greed. "I thought you would have devoured it." She looked at the food. "I even made you Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches." She looked at Greed with a hint of sadness in her eyes.
Austria said:
A brow was raised when the feminine being's facial expression shifted, their lips pursing themselves together; shortly followed after by the change of their eyes' focus, which had seemed to have found some interest on the snow. Zalgo's eye stayed on them though, even if they had removed their gaze from his.
The way Jackie had reacted to his query struck him with a hollowing sensation, a response he did not expect in the slightest. Never had the Deity spoke of a trial, especially one that she thought she was failing. His visage dampened to a melancholic sort, as his loosely interlaced fingers broke apart to return to his sides. What made the atmosphere heavier on his mentality was the stare that Ashlyn directed at him, in place of Jackie's.

'Perhaps she's misinterpreted my intentions behind my question...or am I just completely in the wrong?'

Zalgo stole one last glance at the two entities ahead of him, before closing his pale blue orb. One eye remained half-open but it longer saw them. Now all in sight was the Void, and the ominous that resided within it's black.

" I sincerely apologise for...not being specific. What I meant to ask was how...how you handled the situation that you were in; the sinking snow-- "

His brows furrowed in agitation at himself.

" Just how did you manage to stop it? "

'Enough with the queries, I'm sure they've grown tired of the like. I should...its better off on returning.


But then what
of the purpose I've been given? It'll be scrapped...'

He then remembered the symbol now engraved onto his hand, how it glowed brightly above his bandages. A ghost of a sigh slithered out from closed lips, as one hand clenched and unclenched.

' ...No. Not yet... I will not. '

It'll be taken away in the end, even if he never wanted it to.

@Light @CelticSol
Sanctum's laughter shrieked in her ears like nails on a chalkboard, and immediately she knew he'd switched from his more pleasant persona, which came out only in battle or when he wanted something, to the one that wrought her mind with flashbacks and hallucinations, haunted her sleep with nightmare, taunted her when weak, encouraged her cruelty. She closed her eyes when he began to hiss in her mental/metaphorical ear, his cackle leaving goosebumps on her arms, Oh, what's this? How cute; poor little Jackie's embarrassed! Is it because you're what I want you to be? Feared in the eyes of all that behold you? Or is it because you can't even decipher a simple question? Little Jackie, couldn't even finish high school-

Stop, Sanctum. Enough. I've heard enough.

She dug her fingernail into the pad of her thumb for something to focus on other than his voice with enough force that she drew blood, which blended in seamlessly and invisibly with the blood soaking her arm. Like a knee jerk reflex, she reigned in the frown starting to furrow her brows, bringing her face to almost a complete, blank poker face. Ashlyn would get all touchy feely about Jackie and how Jackie should talk about her issues rather than keeping it inside under lock and key, and that she should open up a little, the usual bullshit she used to hear from her shrink regurgitated out of the mouth of the closest thing Jackie had to a friend.

She turned partially to Ashlyn, turning enough to include her, but not enough to shut the man from the conversation. Her eyes finally raised to Ashlyn, relieved with the knowledge that she wouldn't be afraid of Jackie's eyes, or anything about her. "I actually wanted to talk to you about it. I fought this... Thing. I say thing, because it was a demon, but different from the ones I met before. I fought and killed it - obviously - but afterwards... I don't know, this... Essence kind of thing washed over me. I didn't think anything of it until I started absorbing random shit, like the ship I was standing on, or the snow just now."

She shifted her body to face the man again, but her gaze flitted back to the ground, careful not to make eye contact. "To answer your question, I was absorbing it because I took something from that thing when I defeated it. And... I stopped it..." Jackie trailed off, biting her lip, "Y'know what? You don't really need to know. It's not important. I've got it under control now."
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Jackson used the shadows to check on the other members of the guild. He saw that Marlen and Kinziel were in trouble and shadow traveled them to him. "What happened to you two?" @Lotusy
Malren sighed in relief. He was glad that the two new people arrived. He recognized them as Dragon's Roar members, and the one he remembered as Sage began attacking their assailant. The other one popped in, asking him what happened. Malren pointed down towards Kinziel, and the hole in her chest. "She's hurt! Badly! Take her first, see if the guild leader can heal her!" He turned back to the battle with Lust. "I'll keep Lust off, but please get her to safety!" With that, he charged forward before swinging the energy sword at Lust.

@Light @Tazmodo
He waited.

Patience was a strong suit of his since all he's been doing was, well, waiting? Waiting for something amidst the black. Perhaps staring into such a shade for only time knows how long wasn't truly considered as a torturous experience, maybe not as horrid and painstakingly awful as what some others are going through or have gone through.

Yet it can still drive one mad. Mad enough to forget blocks of their memories, what made them who they were; the good pieces and the bad pieces; a past they had lived, their achievements along the way, loss and gain of friendships, family and supposedly the final thing, the lessons learnt from their mistakes. All melted into the pot of shadows, merged together then destroyed.


Zalgo's ear twitched as a monotonous voice carried its words to him, though it seemed to be focused at a specific direction. His eye remained closed and his brow furrowed; if he saw the sight of the other Deity and the entity...it would fill him with a sense of guilt and dread?

' Of being in the wrong. '

His stomach began to feel queasy at that. He hadn't commited a crime, had he? Surely not. He did just upset this Jackie...that was all...

' It happens, it occurs-- its...considered the norm...! '

With his head suddenly throbbing, he found it difficult to pay attention to what they were saying, even when the words being said was the answer his query was seeking.

Eventually the voice died down and Zalgo moved a hand up to his head, so the side of his forehead could rest against his bandaged palm.

" I...I see, "

No he didn't, nor did he fully understand what the answer was. How unfortunate, all that waiting, only for naught.

" Ashlyn, Jackie, I--It's time for me to take my leave. As much as I have wanted to linger for a while longer, there is an uncomfortable sensation flooding my head. "

So much for delaying the inevitable return.

Zalgo refused to open his eye to steal one last glimpse at them as a final remembrance, so he left for the Deity Realm; the Void. All that remained on his spot was the markings of his footwear that gradually was being filled by the crisp white snow.

Welcome home.

@Light @CelticSol

Location: The Void, Absent

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(@Light )

(Just a heads up for anyone who is more sensitive to certain material, this post does feature a detailed panic attack. Just a bit of an fyi.)

Jackie tilted her head as he left, gazing at the place where the man had once been. Her brow furrowed at his words; was he okay? Did he she actually scare him off? "Okaaaay," She drawled, shaking off some unease as her eyes lifted to Ashlyn, "So, that part about the absorption was partially a report. I didn't get everyone - a few somethings vacated the boat; I felt them leave - but I took down a big member. The ship is currently becoming a new habitat at the bottom of the ocean, and I've got new powers. Nothing overly exciting," Jackie shrugs, removing her fingernail from the skin of her thumb and rubbing it soothingly. Her face had lost some of the tenseness that went with her usual poker face - it looked much more comfortable and natural - but there was an undeniable tenseness in her shoulders from the exchange with the man who had - peculiarly - not revealed his name, and from the unknown words of her mind's demon. Her hand, though no longer harming herself, clenched into a tight fist to hide the fact it was shaking.

Sanctum's voice pops her composure like a balloon, and even without a face, she can see his smile - she can feel his smile carved into her mind. Her poker face doesn't even come up, despite years of using it as a coping mechanism, and especially in front of Ashlyn - who is one of the few people Jackie has ever bared her soul to - her expression crumbles, air coming in and out of her lungs in quick, shuddering gasps, It's because he could see you, Jackie. You're scared because he sees you, not like the little Van Fenrir or anyone else does - no, no, no - not as something to desire, not as something to admire or follow or aspire to be-! No, no, he sees you for what I've wished for you, he sees what I have painstakingly crafted you to be, he sees you for what you are - oh, what you've become! He sees you with fear in his heart- he sees your delicious, bloody sin, and fears - sees the bloodshed soaked into your skin and your soul... Oh... He cuts into shrieking laughter, the sound so sharp that it pierces Jackie to the ground. The world spins as he laugh degrades into a vicious cackle, her knees sinking into the snow from her high body heat melting the ice - When did she fall to her knees? Why did her legs give? Jackie holds her ears to hold off his voice, eyes clenched tight to hold off his laughter. Why won't he stop laughing? Stop- Oh, dear, dear Jackie, do you know what he sees? For, my dearest host, in you, he sees me.

"Stop - Stop talking! FUCK YOU! FUCKING GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" It was not until her cries echoed off the cave walls that Jackie realized that her silent scream had been anything but that - it had ripped from her like someone had physically drawn it out of her. Her nerves lit up like fire, muscles suddenly screaming in anguish like she had run a marathon three times in a row. Her arms gave under her weight, forcing her face into the snow. She could feel herself shaking in the snow, shuddering, her hands clawing at her ears -

Bone pierces skin, splinters like old wood under weight. The car slams through construction work, spinning out. There is an hand holding hers, tighter than a vice, cutting blood flow. Her name mixes in with the sound of metal being crushed. A hand presses her chest back against her seat- she sees the concrete wall of the tunnel. She thinks, I'm going to die - eyes, chocolate brown - they are gold in the light of the sunset, she remembers - meet hers, and she says something Jackie doesn't hear. She thinks, I should have done more. She's not even sure what her thoughts mean, but the car slams into the concrete, and she thinks nothing at all-

Jackie's breaths go from short gasps to full hyperventilation, barely a second between each, wheezing breath - remember to ground yourself when you're having an attack or flashback, Jackie, her shrink used to say, a thin smile the only salve for the clinical sharpness of her words. The cold bites her cheek, or maybe the cold is freezing the tears running down her face - she can barely feel her face now - Jackie reaches out to Isabel, her fingers grasping tight over the girl's ankle. She looks forward, to the small amount of sunlight beaming through the overcast - ground yourself -

Eyes like her own stare up at her. Burnt hands stop Jackie from burning her own hands further by trying to lift the support beam trapping them to the burning floor. She can see Dad hand from underneath, his wedding ring catching the light from the fire and throwing it around.
Dad, strong, large and as resilient as an ox with a smile like the sun, doesn't lift the wood trapping him and his wife in the fire. He doesn't move, doesn't twitch. "Jacqueline," Mama says, her charcoaled hands holding Jackie's between them. Her wedding ring has melted to her finger, her bone is visible through the burnt flesh, but Mama is strong. She does not scream. The touch is tender, but gives away urgency, "We are lost, angel. You only risk your own life. Go, baby - if I will not live, you will." Jackie kisses her mother's burnt palm before she runs. Tears blind her, making fire a blur of red and yellow. Her mouth tastes like ashes-

Jackie digs her nails into Ashlyn's ankle, curling into a ball, Sanctum, Sanctum, please, She begs, even her mental voice weak under the strain, no more. No more, please, please, p-please -

The next memories do not come, but the tremors wrought Jackie, short breathed puffs of air coming from her. Her grip loosened on Ashlyn as she focused on breath - breathe in for 1, hold for 2, out for 3 - the snow cold on her cheek. A shudder rocked through her, cold sweat sticking her clothes to her skin, her chest so tight it was as if Sanctum were squeezing it. Her hands practically vibrated with her shakes, and she buried her face into the snow. "Get me out of here, Bells," She moaned, her voice catching.
GingerBread said:
"One more question then i'm ready" Vance said as he went into a draw and pulled out a small smoke grenade before hiding it inside his cloak "what am i meant to do once i have her? And will she trust me or will i have to prove it somehow?" Vance asked, wanting to know these things before going I could just run off and not save this greed girl, But i've never turned down a Job and i'm not about to start now, though i don't seem to be getting much in return, though keeping my kidneys is nice i guess Vance thought, convincing himself to rescue greed.
"You are to bring her back here. That is all, you'll need to join their guild first and earn their trust to enter and gain access to the prison." With that, Envy uses darkness manipulation to send him in the area of the crystal pillar that is the guild.

Lotusy said:
Malren smiled back. "Good, now let's-" He winced as a beam of light tore through part of his lower torso, punching a clean hole in himself. Wincing, he was about to hold it in before he saw Kinziel. The girl was in a worse condition, as the light had traveled straight through her chest. Malren's eyes widened in surprise, shock, and anger as the girl fell forward into his arms. "Kinziel? Kinziel! No!" She was obviously dying, and fast, too. "No. Nonono. This can't be... it's going to be ok," he said, while setting her down at a nearby sofa. "Hang tight. Please."
As soon as he finished, he whirled around to face Lust. Despite breaking a few ribs, having two bullets in his lower body, and a small hole punched through him, Malren was reinvigorated with this new turn if events. Protecting Kinziel was his objective, and pain couldn't stop him now, but his strength was running away fast. He quickly pulled up his sleeve and touched the mark Reed left for him, before placing himself between Lust and Kinziel. Please, come fast, Dragon's Roar. We need you. He summoned Kinziel's sword from earlier, pointing it towards Lust with a style he wouldn't have been able to accomplish earlier. "Kill us? No, sir. You'll fight us." He tensed his legs, waiting for the first attack.


@Tazmodo, if you want to help them out.
djinnamon said:
Sage instantly heard the call and teleported to Malren. Once he arrived he jumped in front of Malren and shoot several ice shards at Lust.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson used the shadows to check on the other members of the guild. He saw that Marlen and Kinziel were in trouble and shadow traveled them to him. "What happened to you two?" @Lotusy
Lotusy said:
Malren sighed in relief. He was glad that the two new people arrived. He recognized them as Dragon's Roar members, and the one he remembered as Sage began attacking their assailant. The other one popped in, asking him what happened. Malren pointed down towards Kinziel, and the hole in her chest. "She's hurt! Badly! Take her first, see if the guild leader can heal her!" He turned back to the battle with Lust. "I'll keep Lust off, but please get her to safety!" With that, he charged forward before swinging the energy sword at Lust.
@Light @Tazmodo
Lust just emits a blinding light, pushing the ice back at Sage as if he were a bomb. "You cannot beat me!" Lust pushes the light further while he makes the Dragon's Roar members feel nothing but the emotion of despair. Luckily the piercing light misses Malren, Jackson, and Sage. Malden and Kinziel were suddenly unlucky because those beams went through both thighs and left her left shoulder. Blood starts to rapidly leave her body while her eyes lose their color. Kinziel was taking her last few breaths.

Embaga Elder]Inaro was finishing his water and following the annoying child when he sensed the presence of arrows flying towards. He didn't care much about the arrows because his defenses kicked in. Meaning Inaro's body turned metallic by himself protecting him fully from the arrows. When the arrows hit his body they shattered due to the impact. [I][B]So who fired those?? [/B][/I] He asked calmly. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"It wasn't me. It was the built in sensors!" The girl giggles as she walks by without setting off a single trap. It seemed like the sensors didn't even detect her as if she were a paranormal force. "What's your name?"

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine didn't understand. "I'm just trying to be nice." She looked at the food then Greed. "I thought you would have devoured it." She looked at the food. "I even made you Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches." She looked at Greed with a hint of sadness in her eyes.
At this moment Jasmine was forcefully pulled out of the area by an unknown force, sending her back to the kitchen.

CelticSol said:
(@Light )
(Just a heads up for anyone who is more sensitive to certain material, this post does feature a detailed panic attack. Just a bit of an fyi.)

Jackie tilted her head as he left, gazing at the place where the man had once been. Her brow furrowed at his words; was he okay? Did he she actually scare him off? "Okaaaay," She drawled, shaking off some unease as her eyes lifted to Ashlyn, "So, that part about the absorption was partially a report. I didn't get everyone - a few somethings vacated the boat; I felt them leave - but I took down a big member. The ship is currently becoming a new habitat at the bottom of the ocean, and I've got new powers. Nothing overly exciting," Jackie shrugs, removing her fingernail from the skin of her thumb and rubbing it soothingly. Her face had lost some of the tenseness that went with her usual poker face - it looked much more comfortable and natural - but there was an undeniable tenseness in her shoulders from the exchange with the man who had - peculiarly - not revealed his name, and from the unknown words of her mind's demon. Her hand, though no longer harming herself, clenched into a tight fist to hide the fact it was shaking.

Sanctum's voice pops her composure like a balloon, and even without a face, she can see his smile - she can feel his smile carved into her mind. Her poker face doesn't even come up, despite years of using it as a coping mechanism, and especially in front of Ashlyn - who is one of the few people Jackie has ever bared her soul to - her expression crumbles, air coming in and out of her lungs in quick, shuddering gasps, It's because he could see you, Jackie. You're scared because he sees you, not like the little Van Fenrir or anyone else does - no, no, no - not as something to desire, not as something to admire or follow or aspire to be-! No, no, he sees you for what I've wished for you, he sees what I have painstakingly crafted you to be, he sees you for what you are - oh, what you've become! He sees you with fear in his heart- he sees your delicious, bloody sin, and fears - sees the bloodshed soaked into your skin and your soul... Oh... He cuts into shrieking laughter, the sound so sharp that it pierces Jackie to the ground. The world spins as he laugh degrades into a vicious cackle, her knees sinking into the snow from her high body heat melting the ice - When did she fall to her knees? Why did her legs give? Jackie holds her ears to hold off his voice, eyes clenched tight to hold off his laughter. Why won't he stop laughing? Stop- Oh, dear, dear Jackie, do you know what he sees? For, my dearest host, in you, he sees me.

"Stop - Stop talking! FUCK YOU! FUCKING GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" It was not until her cries echoed off the cave walls that Jackie realized that her silent scream had been anything but that - it had ripped from her like someone had physically drawn it out of her. Her nerves lit up like fire, muscles suddenly screaming in anguish like she had run a marathon three times in a row. Her arms gave under her weight, forcing her face into the snow. She could feel herself shaking in the snow, shuddering, her hands clawing at her ears -

Bone pierces skin, splinters like old wood under weight. The car slams through construction work, spinning out. There is an hand holding hers, tighter than a vice, cutting blood flow. Her name mixes in with the sound of metal being crushed. A hand presses her chest back against her seat- she sees the concrete wall of the tunnel. She thinks, I'm going to die - eyes, chocolate brown - they are gold in the light of the sunset, she remembers - meet hers, and she says something Jackie doesn't hear. She thinks, I should have done more. She's not even sure what her thoughts mean, but the car slams into the concrete, and she thinks nothing at all-

Jackie's breaths go from short gasps to full hyperventilation, barely a second between each, wheezing breath - remember to ground yourself when you're having an attack or flashback, Jackie, her shrink used to say, a thin smile the only salve for the clinical sharpness of her words. The cold bites her cheek, or maybe the cold is freezing the tears running down her face - she can barely feel her face now - Jackie reaches out to Isabel, her fingers grasping tight over the girl's ankle. She looks forward, to the small amount of sunlight beaming through the overcast - ground yourself -

Eyes like her own stare up at her. Burnt hands stop Jackie from burning her own hands further by trying to lift the support beam trapping them to the burning floor. She can see Dad hand from underneath, his wedding ring catching the light from the fire and throwing it around.
Dad, strong, large and as resilient as an ox with a smile like the sun, doesn't lift the wood trapping him and his wife in the fire. He doesn't move, doesn't twitch. "Jacqueline," Mama says, her charcoaled hands holding Jackie's between them. Her wedding ring has melted to her finger, her bone is visible through the burnt flesh, but Mama is strong. She does not scream. The touch is tender, but gives away urgency, "We are lost, angel. You only risk your own life. Go, baby - if I will not live, you will." Jackie kisses her mother's burnt palm before she runs. Tears blind her, making fire a blur of red and yellow. Her mouth tastes like ashes-

Jackie digs her nails into Ashlyn's ankle, curling into a ball, Sanctum, Sanctum, please, She begs, even her mental voice weak under the strain, no more. No more, please, please, p-please -

The next memories do not come, but the tremors wrought Jackie, short breathed puffs of air coming from her. Her grip loosened on Ashlyn as she focused on breath - breathe in for 1, hold for 2, out for 3 - the snow cold on her cheek. A shudder rocked through her, cold sweat sticking her clothes to her skin, her chest so tight it was as if Sanctum were squeezing it. Her hands practically vibrated with her shakes, and she buried her face into the snow. "Get me out of here, Bells," She moaned, her voice catching.
Ashlyn looks at the spot where Zalgo stood at and teleports with Jackie to the guild leaders room. "Jackie I can feel a lot of negative things from you. Would you like any help?"
Sage cursed and he was engulfed by brilliant light. When the light receded his clothes and appearance changed


He emit a extreme bright light that seemed to bring life to everything except Lust. He raised his hand and portal appeared in front Malren. " Take Envy and run Malren" He said in what sounded like a thousands of powerful voices. He glared at Lust and several enchanted ice shards shoot at Lust with immense speed.

Inaro sighs once again at the thought of traps. This is such a drag. He said to himself as he followed the girl didn't set off one trap. She didn't even walk in a certain pattern, or way. Names Inaro and yours He said. (This girl is not human, I'm guessing ghost.) He thought as he followed the girl but instead of walking he floated above the floor. @Light
Light said:
"You are to bring her back here. That is all, you'll need to join their guild first and earn their trust to enter and gain access to the prison." With that, Envy uses darkness manipulation to send him in the area of the crystal pillar that is the guild.
Lust just emits a blinding light, pushing the ice back at Sage as if he were a bomb. "You cannot beat me!" Lust pushes the light further while he makes the Dragon's Roar members feel nothing but the emotion of despair. Luckily the piercing light misses Malren, Jackson, and Sage. Malden and Kinziel were suddenly unlucky because those beams went through both thighs and left her left shoulder. Blood starts to rapidly leave her body while her eyes lose their color. Kinziel was taking her last few breaths.

"It wasn't me. It was the built in sensors!" The girl giggles as she walks by without setting off a single trap. It seemed like the sensors didn't even detect her as if she were a paranormal force. "What's your name?"

At this moment Jasmine was forcefully pulled out of the area by an unknown force, sending her back to the kitchen.

Ashlyn looks at the spot where Zalgo stood at and teleports with Jackie to the guild leaders room. "Jackie I can feel a lot of negative things from you. Would you like any help?"
Jasmine got up and grabbed a bottle of water and bag of chips. She walked back eating the chips. "That couldn't have been you your powers are sealed. I'll take back the food if you tell me. If not I'll just be more generous." She said holding up the water. "Here." She said tossing it to her.
Light said:
"You are to bring her back here. That is all, you'll need to join their guild first and earn their trust to enter and gain access to the prison." With that, Envy uses darkness manipulation to send him in the area of the crystal pillar that is the guild.
Is superman going to fly out of the fortress of solitude in a second Vance thought as he looked at the crystal better find someone to let me in, to wherever the entrance is Vance started walking towards the Crystal "Anyone here?" Vance asked, not wanting raise his voice unless he needed to

@Light (So, do i wait for someone to let me into the guild?)
GingerBread said:
Is superman going to fly out of the fortress of solitude in a second Vance thought as he looked at the crystal better find someone to let me in, to wherever the entrance is Vance started walking towards the Crystal "Anyone here?" Vance asked, not wanting raise his voice unless he needed to
@Light (So, do i wait for someone to let me into the guild?)
"Hello?" Ashlyn's voice rings through his mind once he gets close enough to the guild.
djinnamon said:
Sage cursed and he was engulfed by brilliant light. When the light receded his clothes and appearance changed

He emit a extreme bright light that seemed to bring life to everything except Lust. He raised his hand and portal appeared in front Malren. " Take Envy and run Malren" He said in what sounded like a thousands of powerful voices. He glared at Lust and several enchanted ice shards shoot at Lust with immense speed.

Lust simply moves at the speed of light to dodge them and stands under the portal to block the exit. "Oh no you don't..."

"Inaro the idiot. My name is.... questionable." She turns to Inaro and pulls him towards her. "Why have you joined this guild."

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine got up and grabbed a bottle of water and bag of chips. She walked back eating the chips. "That couldn't have been you your powers are sealed. I'll take back the food if you tell me. If not I'll just be more generous." She said holding up the water. "Here." She said tossing it to her.
Jasmine was once again, sent to the kitchen and the prison area was locked away. As if she were failing at her job and she was being taken away from it.
Light said:
"Hello?" Ashlyn's voice rings through his mind once he gets close enough to the guild.
"Am I allowed entrance to your guild?" Vance asked gruffly, wanting to get straight to the point, not wanting this 'Job' to take long

So all i have to do is join this 'Lizard shout' group , work with them for a bit, do what i need to do and then go relax for a bit. Vance thought, mentally going over the plan

Light said:
Lust simply moves at the speed of light to dodge them and stands under the portal to block the exit. "Oh no you don't..."
"Inaro the idiot. My name is.... questionable." She turns to Inaro and pulls him towards her. "Why have you joined this guild."

Jasmine was once again, sent to the kitchen and the prison area was locked away. As if she were failing at her job and she was being taken away from it.
Jasmine sighed sat down. "I guess I'm not supposed to be nice." Derek sat at the back of her mind. 'You messed up.' "I know that" 'I'm taking over." "Fine." Darell tool over and she morphed into him. "Finally free to stretch my legs." He finished the chips. "Well what now?"
Malren watched as Sage's previous attack was rebuffed, and flinched in horror as Kinziel took another beam through her shoulder. Despair struck him like a tidal wave, courtesy of Lust. The mere thought of it parwlyzed him, but seeing Kinziel there, taking her last breaths, well, it invigorated him to unleash another flurry of blows against Lust. Malren got a second wind when Sage transformed, and he could feel more energy flowing through his body. He turned around to see the life return slightly to Kinziel's form, hopefully enough to keep her from harm. When Sage opened a portal and gave him his orders, Malren only nodded, glad for the help. "Thank you so much, Sage! I'll never forget this!" With that, he ran over, grabbed Kinziel, summoned her guns, and used the energy pulse to blast Lust away from the portal and into the wall. He then ran with Kinziel into the portal.

On the other side, he stumbled out into the Dragon's Roar building. He looked down at Kinziel to see that she was still had the life from Sage, but close to dying. He tried his best to walk through the building, while shouting, "Help! Please! We've got someone injured here!"

@Light @djinnamon @Tazmodo
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GingerBread said:
"Am I allowed entrance to your guild?" Vance asked gruffly, wanting to get straight to the point, not wanting this 'Job' to take long
So all i have to do is join this 'Lizard shout' group , work with them for a bit, do what i need to do and then go relax for a bit. Vance thought, mentally going over the plan

"Uh... sure." The inner guild symbol appears within Vance. Mental knowledge about the ranking system goes through his mind. "Dragon's Roar is an underground guild that helps the world from the shadows. Guild members are highly paid and are on the brink of saving the world from the seven deadly sins, already beating two of them. You should be able to enter the guild now."

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine sighed sat down. "I guess I'm not supposed to be nice." Derek sat at the back of her mind. 'You messed up.' "I know that" 'I'm taking over." "Fine." Darell tool over and she morphed into him. "Finally free to stretch my legs." He finished the chips. "Well what now?"
Ashlyn's voice rings through their mind. "I'd like for you to show the new guild member Vance around. Meet him in the lobby."

( @GingerBread )

Lotusy said:
Malren watched as Sage's previous attack was rebuffed, and flinched in horror as Kinziel took another beam through her shoulder. Despair struck him like a tidal wave, courtesy of Lust. The mere thought of it parwlyzed him, but seeing Kinziel there, taking her last breaths, well, it invigorated him to unleash another flurry of blows against Lust. Malren got a second wind when Sage transformed, and he could feel more energy flowing through his body. He turned around to see the life return slightly to Kinziel's form, hopefully enough to keep her from harm. When Sage opened a portal and gave him his orders, Malren only nodded, glad for the help. "Thank you so much, Sage! I'll never forget this!" With that, he ran over, grabbed Kinziel, summoned her guns, and used the energy pulse to blast Lust away from the portal and into the wall. He then ran with Kinziel into the portal.
On the other side, he stumbled out into the Dragon's Roar building. He looked down at Kinziel to see that she was still had the life from Sage, but close to dying. He tried his best to walk through the building, while shouting, "Help! Please! We've got someone injured here!"

@Light @djinnamon @Tazmodo
At this moment Ashlyn was multitasking with other guild members and situations in the deity realm but she could hear him just fine. A veil of magic covers Kinziel and starts to heal her body.

Embaga Elder]Inaro looks at the girl as he got closer raising an eyebrow. [I][B]I was bored so I joined. [/B][/I]He says nonchalantly [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Just boredom? You truthfully don't have a purpose? You're rank Chi going up to Phi and you have no purpose yet?" The girl laughs to herself at this. "You really are stupid. How about this though. You must come up with your own personal purpose for life and this guild before you hit rank Sigma or else I'll drop you down to Omega. If you can find a reason by then I'll shoot you up three more ranks. That sound like a good deal stupid?"
Well this is the third cult i've joined now Vance thought as he began to walk into the crystal finding himself inside what appeared to be a lobby Right, step one done, now for step two and three. I should try to rank up at least once before i try to complete my job, the more they trust me the easier this will be Vance walked over to a nearby shadow, making himself invisible as he stepped inside of it, not wanting anyone to see him before he saw them. I will also need to observe everyone, know and understand their strengths and more importantly their weaknesses

GingerBread said:
Well this is the third cult i've joined now Vance thought as he began to walk into the crystal finding himself inside what appeared to be a lobby Right, step one done, now for step two and three. I should try to rank up at least once before i try to complete my job, the more they trust me the easier this will be Vance walked over to a nearby shadow, making himself invisible as he stepped inside of it, not wanting anyone to see him before he saw them. I will also need to observe everyone, know and understand their strengths and more importantly their weaknesses

( That awkward moment when Ashlyn forgot to tell you she can telepathically connect with you all and she taps into your mind to tell you and hears all of this... )
Inaro sighs and crosses his legs as he floats in the air. He holds out his right hand and beer appears in a big mug. He takes sip Ahhh That hits the spot. He looks at the girl with a calm and relaxed face expression. Look kid if you've been alive as long as I have then you'll end up running out of a purpose and just end up going with the flow. Your offer sounds good and all but all I do now is travel to different worlds and dimensions observing and drinking. If they need my help then I'll step in, thats it nothing big nothing major. If you want to count that as a purpose then go ahead if not then I really don't care. He then drinks his beer after his statement. @Light
Inaro made a quizzical facial expression trying to remember when he did this became a game. (this girl is something else. This was just a game to get. Alright I'll play along.) He thought, while looking at the girl. He takes another sip from his beer, then speaks. Alright what do you have in mind?? He sounds intrigued. @Light
Malren sighed in relief as a coat of magic suddenly covered Kinziel, healing her wounds. "Thank you," he muttered quietly. "Thank you so much." As the pain and adrenaline from the battle started winding down, Malren found his eyes watering. He slowly let the tears roll down his cheeks as he waited for Kinziel to heal.

Sage smiled when he saw the two get away before turning to lust with a smirk. " Bye Bye" He said with a wink before blowing a kiss and teleporting to the guild where he promptly returned to normal and fainted.

@Lotusy @Light

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