Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
" You killed Sage and for that I'll deliver justice. " Mars said as the chains before to appear around everyone in the area. " I only plan on killing you so the others will live. " He said before he turned to the others. " Stand down. " He said as he glared at Colin .

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Colin panicked as he was wrapped up in chains If I don't do anything I'll live, but I can't just let him kill somebody. That guy looks so scared, I need to help him. Colin had the staff appear in his hand and gripped it tightly as he began panicking. But because he was slightly panicking he ending up using the last power he used.. Colin sent out an invisible, nigh undetectable wave at Mars from his staff. When the wave hit Mars, it turned him into a eight year old with all the powers he had at eight. Colin then sent waves out to all the chains and dissolved them, freeing Oden and Illyana.

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
Mars yelled but it came out as a high pitched scream. " How dare you stop justice. This man has killed one of your guild members yet you stop me. " He yelled at Colin before he turned to Oden . " I'll destroy you soon enough. " He said.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
djinnamon said:
Mars yelled but it came out as a high pitched scream. " How dare you stop justice. This man has killed one of your guild members yet you stop me. " He yelled at Colin before he turned to Oden . " I'll destroy you soon enough. " He said.
@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Hearing the call of vengance.raz grabs his new ally and teleports them both over to where the disturbance was.all it took for Raz was to look around and see oden.with that Raz formed 6 shadow beings and they approached oden.
Taste, Taste, Taste, Taaaasssttee!!! Hakeem swung his right arm in a horizontal motion sending a wave of flames to burn down creatures. Taste, taste, taste. He jumps on the marshmallow warrior and takes a bite out of his head. @ShadowEntity

Oden began to shake. Somebody had caught him,but he'd done this song and dance before...He could handle this. Tears began to fall from his eyes at Mar's words, as he made it seem like he was genuinly suprised, "O-Oh no...I-I did it again...I am SO sorry about your freind, b-but I didn't mean to! I-I-I have this thing, were I black out and don't remember things, but it's always something terrible...I am so, so sorry...."

@djinnamon @GingerBread
As Hakeem was busy fighting off the candy people which Jerry made, Jerry then kept searching the hotel for hiding spots, as he continued to search and search, he found a dining hall filled with illuminating chandeliers, food that smelled delicious and also actual people wearing masquerades. Jerry then thought to himself "If this hotel is abandoned, then what is this, am I trap in a person's mind or something", as time froze and Jerry heard a voice through telepathic communication, he then quickly listened to it as it may help him escape the room. The voice said "Do you wish to leave the room?", as Jerry replied "Yes.." then the voice spoke again "Very well... But first lets play a game", as Jerry questioned the mysterious voice "What game?", as the mysterious voice replied "The game which we are going to play is called... Guess Who I Am", as the voice continued "To escape this room, you must find me among all the people in this room wearing the masks, I will signal you if you found me or not and if you cannot find me in 50 seconds then you will stay here forever, is that a deal", as Jerry nodded "Yes", as time started to flow back in the right direction, as 49 seconds passed Jerey kept opening the masks, but there seems to be no signal, as 33 seconds were approaching he kept on searching and searching, as the hall was bigger than a basketball court, as there were only 12 seconds everything started to turn dark, as the chandeliers started to reduce their brightness as well as the smell of the food. Jerry continued to keep on looking, as there were only 5 seconds, he then saw a 12 year old girl wearing a masquarade mask and when he opened it, the voice said "Well played", as the game ended and Jerry was able to escape the room. When Jerry escaped the room he felt tired and started to feel dizzy and so he saw a 12 year old girl wearing a cat mask and a gothic dress, as Jerry tries to stay awake, he fails and instead collapses.
Hakeem smiled as the delicious taste of the marshmallow warrior entered his mouth. He chewed and chewed until he was able to swallow. Taste, taste, Taaaasssttee. Hakeem looked towards the ice cream knight. He jumped on the knight's head and licked the ice-cream until he was only a cone. He jumped off the knight while grabbing his wooden sword and slices in a diagonally motion breaking the cone. He looks towards the lollipop Valkyrie and frowns. No taste, no taste. He holds out his left hand towards the Valkyrie. Ai's bracelet glows and water starts to gather in that hand. No. Taste. The water is fired towards the Valkyrie at high velocity shattering the lollipop.

Seeing that all the candy is gone he falls out with intense sugar overdose. A couple minutes later he awakes with a severe headache.
Ouch, my head is pounding. It's like I got chocolate wasted. He looks around. Where's Jerry?? Oh will you was in a sweet trance, he ran off. Crap! He jumps up and uses the guild symbol to teleport to Jerry.

When he appeared where Jerry was he saw Jerry on the floor. He squats down towards him and slaps him trying to wake him up.
Wake!! Jerry wake up! @ShadowEntity
MTchaos1134 said:
Hearing the call of vengance.raz grabs his new ally and teleports them both over to where the disturbance was.all it took for Raz was to look around and see oden.with that Raz formed 6 shadow beings and they approached oden.
LokiofSP said:
Oden began to shake. Somebody had caught him,but he'd done this song and dance before...He could handle this. Tears began to fall from his eyes at Mar's words, as he made it seem like he was genuinly suprised, "O-Oh no...I-I did it again...I am SO sorry about your friend, b-but I didn't mean to! I-I-I have this thing, were I black out and don't remember things, but it's always something terrible...I am so, so sorry...."

@djinnamon @GingerBread
Colin went to take a step forwards and go to help Oden, but got scared and chickened out. I really should help him. He seems a bit like me. And he seems to be friends with Illyana or something. Colin had subconsciously started to move behind Illyana. I don't want to get hurt... But I can't just let them kill him Colin peeked out from behind Illyana, hoping he wasn't being too much of a nuisance by hiding behind her. "Wh-what should I-I d-do?"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon @MTchaos1134
" Black out , you seemed to damn well have been enjoying torturing him you wretched human. " Mars growled at Oden before he turned to Colin , fury reflecting in his eyes. " Do you want to know exactly what he did to your guild mate Sage kiddo , that 'nice' guy over there. " He said in a sarcastic tone that oozed malice as he jabbed his finger toward Oden . " He tied Sage , who already had power nullifying cuffs when he was still in that body YOU put him into so he was defenceless, against the wall while that ass hole over continuous stabbed then pined his intestines to the wall. " Mars yelled the last part. Mars continued glaring at Colin. " Give me back my normal body NOW. " He demanded, his voice holding no room for argument.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Colin cowered behind Illyana even more and tried to think who Sage was. "W-wasn't S-Sage th-that p-paedophile w-who was s-sexually h-harassing I-Isabel? H-He a-also th-threatened t-to hurt m-me. I-I d-don't th-think h-he d-deserved t-to die b-but maybe h-he w-was killed i-in s-self d-defence" Colin still felt guilty about turning Sage into a child and apparently being a cause of him dying, but at the same time he Knew that Sage wasn't the greatest of people. Colin assumed that the intestines thing was a lie and that Oden just killed him in self defence, if he even killed Sage at all. "H-he d-doesn't l-look l-like he'd h-hurt a fly. A-and I-if I t-turn y-you back y-you might h-hurt m-me or s-someone e-else"

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
Colin cowered behind Illyana even more and tried to think who Sage was. "W-wasn't S-Sage th-that p-paedophile w-who was s-sexually h-harassing I-Isabel? H-He a-also th-threatened t-to hurt m-me. I-I d-don't th-think h-he d-deserved t-to die b-but maybe h-he w-was killed i-in s-self d-defence" Colin still felt guilty about turning Sage into a child and apparently being a cause of him dying, but at the same time he Knew that Sage wasn't the greatest of people. Colin assumed that the intestines thing was a lie and that Oden just killed him in self defence, if he even killed Sage at all. "H-he d-doesn't l-look l-like he'd h-hurt a fly. A-and I-if I t-turn y-you back y-you might h-hurt m-me or s-someone e-else"
@djinnamon @LokiofSP
"He never did anything like you retard , that idiot Foal lied so that he could go after Isabel instead of Sage. Also Sage and Isabel are around the same fucking age so shut the hell up about that. " He growled out. " Sage had power nullifying cuffs on when Oden saw him and had the girl you are hiding behind knock him. You are a idiotic person if you think this guy is telling the truth. " He said as he glared at Colin , fire reflecting in his eyes. " So I highly suggest you give my normal body back. " He said
Illyana wanted to tell Collin to run, she wanted to tell him tgat the man was right, that the person on the floor was a monster. But her voice was cut off by his, "It's not something I meant to do! I-I just black out! I'm so sorry...Ilyana, PLEASE, tell them about it!"

The woman's mouth moved on it's own, "It's true...I've seen him snap, it's happened many times before, we actually came here looking for help and becase he wanted to make up for his past deeds..."

@GingerBread @djinnamon
" We both know that's a lie. " Mars said glaring down at Oden before turning to Illyana. " So you still follow this guy , you are disgusting weakling. " He said . He then looked at Colin. " My body ,Now. " He demanded

@LokiofSP @GingerBread

( the reason he knows all these things is because he had a habit of stalking Sage )
"Wh-what sh-should I-I d-do?" Colin looked up at Illyana for guidance on what he should do, unsure of what he should do himself; Colin was afraid to turn the man back into an adult because of how angry he seemed to be at everyone, and how he acted when he first appeared.

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
LokiofSP said:
Oden spoke up once more, "PLEASE ILLYANA! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Oden began to bawl as Illyana's mouth moved once more, "Don't, Oden just needs...Help, don't let this man kill him..."

@GingerBread @djinnamon
" Shut up with your the victim act , you should know that once you killed him you were going to die. " He growled out before he turned to Colin and Illyana. " If you give back my body and leave now you will be allowed to be together and I won't kill you. " He said

Colin was conflicted on what to do, Illyana told him to help Oden but the man was telling that if he didn't turn him back he'd kill him. Colin assumed that Illyana really cared about Oden, like he cared about Anna. Colin moved out from behind Illyana and raised his staff up, trying to look intimidating, even though he was shaking like a tree in a storm. "I-I-I th-think y-you sh-should l-leave. I-If y-you d-do, th-then I-I'll ch-change y-you back. I-If y-you d-don't th-then I-I'll de-age y-you to an infant"

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
GingerBread said:
Colin was conflicted on what to do, Illyana told him to help Oden but the man was telling that if he didn't turn him back he'd kill him. Colin assumed that Illyana really cared about Oden, like he cared about Anna. Colin moved out from behind Illyana and raised his staff up, trying to look intimidating, even though he was shaking like a tree in a storm. "I-I-I th-think y-you sh-should l-leave. I-If y-you d-do, th-then I-I'll ch-change y-you back. I-If y-you d-don't th-then I-I'll de-age y-you to an infant"
@LokiofSP @djinnamon
" You are not very smart are you. " He asked before the staff was ripped from Colin's hands and the chains grabbed the boy. " You know , my body could just grow again , I might take a few years but whatever so I really don't need you kiddo. " He said as the chains began burning Colin. " Goodbye , never interrupt my business again. " He said before he slammed Colin into the ground to knock the boy out ( @GingerBread Suggestion : Keep him knocked out because Mars will start killing). He turned to Illyana. " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't make you pay. " He asked.

GingerBread said:
"I'll be the most coherent drunk in a minute, you sure you don't want a drink? I could get you some cola, if you'd rather not have alcohol. I'm sure they have it" Vance shrugs and starts to scan the bar, looking for a drunk while he waits for Luna to answer.

Luna disagrees with Vance. "No thank you. My mother taught me about parties and taking drinks I don't see served myself. I just want a drunk person, that's all."

LokiofSP said:
Fola catches sight of the mass of hair moving and stops. Rolling his eyes just a tiny bit, he approached her and knelt down to her level, moving her hair just enough so he could see a bit of her face. He placed a kiss upon her forehead and smiled, "Hey, so I was taking care of business, and well, a scumbag tagged along. Not sure if you want to see him, but for me to take care of my business I need to do this, alright?"



Jayn looked at Roman with a pout, "I'm going to guess it's me...But you know what I love?" She turned back to the guild quickly, "NOT BEING A MIDGIT!" She turned back to Roman, "Sorry, needed to get that out..."

Isabel looks up and tackles Fola, getting on top of him to bury her underneath the hair fortress. "Why is there a scumbag here?"

"Isabella." The voice of Itami makes Isabel look up and reveal her face. "Why are you here?"

Itami chuckles and exits his chibi and 19 year old form. He hands Isabel the black box with a grin. "Just take this. It's from your mother. She left two boxes behind for both you and Julie. Don't open it until you feel like the time is right. I know I haven't been around and there is much to say but for now. I'll leave things in his hands...as well as your own. Literally." Itami backs away and disappears.

Roman waves his hand and Jayn is no longer a child. He takes his adult form as well. "Jayn. Seriously. Who was I?"
djinnamon said:
" You are not very smart are you. " He asked before the staff was ripped from Colin's hands and the chains grabbed the boy. " You know , my body could just grow again , I might take a few years but whatever so I really don't need you kiddo. " He said as the chains began burning Colin. " Goodbye , never interrupt my business again. " He said before he slammed Colin into the ground to knock the boy out ( @GingerBread Suggestion : Keep him knocked out because Mars will start killing). He turned to Illyana. " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't make you pay. " He asked.
(All I'm going to say is the staff only works for Colin anyway and he can summon it at anytime. so taking the staff from him was kinda pointless)

Light said:
Luna disagrees with Vance. "No thank you. My mother taught me about parties and taking drinks I don't see served myself. I just want a drunk person, that's all."
"I'm hurt Luna, you don't trust me to get you a drink. You think I'll spike it or something, why would I do that anyway. I've had my soul ripped out enough times by you to know that messing with you isn't a good idea" Vance shrugged and 'acquired' a drink with his darkness manipulation. "And I'll get you a drunk person if you really want. I don't see the appeal personally. But it's your choice" Vance took a sip from his drink before placing it on a random table and walking over to a drunk person, who sounded coherent. Vance then grabbed the man and began walking them over to Luna. "Here you go, one drunk person. He sounds Coherent"
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GingerBread said:
(All I'm going to say is the staff only works for Colin anyway and he can summon it at anytime. so taking the staff from him was kinda pointless)
"I'm hurt Luna, you don't trust me to get you a drink. You think I'll spike it or something, why would I do that anyway. I've had my soul ripped out enough times by you to know that messing with you isn't a good idea" Vance shrugged and 'acquired' a drink with his darkness manipulation. "And I'll get you a drunk person if you really want. I don't see the appeal personally. But it's your choice" Vance took a sip from his drink before placing it on a random table and walking over to a drunk person, who sounded coherent. Vance then grabbed the man and began walking them over to Luna. "Here you go, one drunk person. He sounds Coherent"
( ok , Mars wasn't planning to use it he just doesn't want anymore Interference)

(Oh yay, glad I got to use these two for the ten posts I did...)

(!) Oden slightly panicked inside, what was he to do? If he gave up the act now, if he did survive he would be giving up his last chance he had at being covered. But if he didn't switch it up he may die...He took a breath and calmed himself, he needed to stick with the act, there were ways to deal with this...Besides, he was next to the guild, and who would let him die? He hadn't done anything that they knew of, and he could shake this guy off...

He kept up his upset demeanor on the outside, "NO! PLEASE! PLEASE! I didn't mean to..." He broke down into uncontrollable sobs, "Don't kill Illyana! Please! She just tries to help me! She's the only way I can get my medication, we just haven't been able to afford it recently! Illyana! PLEASE, DO SOMETHING!" Illyana's hand trembled...She couldn't open her mouth anymore but she was trying to...She was really trying to. Her hand went to her jacket...

@djinnamon @GingerBread


Fola looked at the box with wonder, "So...What do you think is inside? Sorry for bringing him here by the way...He kind of forced me to..."



Jayn looked around, attempting to find something to change topics with, "Um...Hey! Look over there! There's some people about to die or something! Fun...Right?...Don't make me go through this..." She forced a smile and pointed at the scene across from them.

(!) Mars rolled his eyes the chains wrapped around Oden's and Illyana's limbs , leaving unable to move before teleported to a forest. " We are in the grimm forest , its a forest that contains monsters. They are very hungry right now , i'll spare the girl but you will die now. " Mars said as the chains burned into Oden's skin before Mars threw the chained and defenceless man to the monsters while the Illyana was kept in a position where she could see what was happening to the man.


Oden struggles in the chains, unable to reach his bag, unable to get out. He needed a way to move! He yelled out, "ILLYANA! COVER ME!" As the woman herself had no choice. Despite the pain it caused her, despite how much she had to struggle, she feel into the hole and over Oden, covering him from the monsters. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she attempted to get up, "Good! Now you can't move! No matter what!" There was brief and light red light under Oden's clothing as Illyana was literally bound to Oden, unable to move...


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