Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

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  • Athena

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Colin woke up to the sound of Oden Shouting and opened his eyes to see Oden, Illyana and Mars disappear. Colin had his staff appear in his hand and sent adrenaline into his system to wake himself up. Colin then tried to think of how to teleport to where Illyana was, since she wasn't in the guild he couldn't teleport to them that way. Colin started panicking and looked around for a way to find Illyana. Colin saw some tears on the floor and went over to them

Colin was able to find some of Oden's Dna in the tears, using this Colin teleported through Oden's skin but made sure to completely numb the pain while he was doing it.

(( ! ) I guess this needs to be here for Mars, since there are monsters) Colin looked over at the eight year old Mars and sent a invisible wave at him, paralyzing him and completely cutting off all bits of his brain to his body; Colin made sure his heart and lungs were still working though.

He looked down at Oden and Illyana and had his staff ready to heal them if they needed it. "A-are y-you two o-okay? D-do y-you need m-me t-to h-heal you? I-I c-can i-if you n-need m-me to" Colin offered, focusing his attention solely on them.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
Colin woke up to the sound of Oden Shouting and opened his eyes to see Oden, Illyana and Mars disappear. Colin had his staff appear in his hand and sent adrenaline into his system to wake himself up. Colin then tried to think of how to teleport to where Illyana was, since she wasn't in the guild he couldn't teleport to them that way. Colin started panicking and looked around for a way to find Illyana. Colin saw some tears on the floor and went over to them
Colin was able to find some of Oden's Dna in the tears, using this Colin teleported through Oden's skin but made sure to completely numb the pain while he was doing it.

(( ! ) I guess this needs to be here for Mars, since there are monsters) Colin looked over at the eight year old Mars and sent a invisible wave at him, paralyzing him and completely cutting off all bits of his brain to his body; Colin made sure his heart and lungs were still working though.

He looked down at Oden and Illyana and had his staff ready to heal them if they needed it. "A-are y-you two o-okay? D-do y-you need m-me t-to h-heal you? I-I c-can i-if you n-need m-me to" Colin offered, focusing his attention solely on them.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
The fire eventually consumed Oden and killed him. @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
(What fire? The chains were burning into him, you never said they were on fire. And they wouldn't burn him to death that quickly anyway)
The chains holding Oden set the man on fire , hell fire to be exact.
As Jerry collapses, he then finds himself in a school where there is currently a terrible storm, after seeing his surroundings, he decides to go out of the classroom he collapsed in and as he went out, he saw the same girl who wore the cat mask and the dress, Jerry thought it was best to follow her so he did and she lead Jerry to a door that shined the brightest, as it looked like the gates of heaven. The girl got worried, as she turned her back she saw that the school started to turn into a nightmarish world, she then told Jerry "Hurry up, there isn't anytime left", as Jerry opened the door leaving the girl behind, but as Jerry was about to close the door, the girl said "Someday we will meet and someday we will become allies", as her body started to dismember and that what was left of her were bones and a skull. That terrible dream left Jerry to waking up, as he woke up he noticed that he wasn't in Korea, but he was back in the beach house.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Alright.but he probably aLeast moved.we need to find him."
Ronan smirked at the being.

"If you think one running is a problem, perhaps you're unaware of how justice actually works. Nobody can run from an injustice. All acts must be atoned for."
djinnamon said:
The fire eventually consumed Oden and killed him. @LokiofSP
(I'm going to assume this one is void because of the one you posted after. But you didn't post a ( ! ) for it. And it wasn't in brackets so it can't be OOC either, so Oden is in the process of dying anyway. if this is against the rules @Light you may delete it, but I am sure I'm playing by the rules here. Yes there was a death threat but then Djinn added more information without a death threat, so that would be against the rules also. )
djinnamon said:
The chains holding Oden set the man on fire , hell fire to be exact.
Colin watched as Oden and Illyana were set on fire; he slammed his staff into the ground and got rid of all the fire and took away the magic from the chains, making them normal chains. Colin then got onto his knees and attempted to push Illyana off but found he couldn't. Colin rolled Oden onto his back along with Illyana since she seemed to be attached to him. Colin started doing CPR on Oden, Slightly healing him and taking some of the damage onto himself to help speed the healing process up.

@djinnamon @LokiofSP
Oden slowly awoke, his heart picking up the pace progressively as he got up. Allowing himself to breath as he looked around, 'So that's what dying feels like...Thrilling...Dear god, I feel as if I've been doing a service to people this entire time!' He began to cry a bit and hugged Colin, attempting to recover and keep up the act, "Thank you! Thank you so much..."

@djinnamon @GingerBread
Colin breathed sigh of relief as Oden started to get up; He was shocked when Oden hugged him, Colin hugged him back and smiled at him. "I-It's o-okay. I-I c-couldn't j-just l-let y-you die. B-but I-I n-need t-to check i-if I-Illyana is o-okay" Colin unwrapped his hands from around Oden and tried to get out of the hug, without furthering either of their injuries. Since Colin hadn't completely healed them yet.

@LokiofSP @djinnamon
Yay, you're finally awake. You've been sleep for awhile. Hakeem was sitting in a chair eating some Korean food he picked up on the way here. He followed the scarecrow that took Jerry all the way from Korea to the beach house. When he first arrived he wondered why here. Why not the guild hall. But it is what it is. @ShadowEntity
As Jerry awoke, he asked Hakeem "Where are we? Is this the beach house?", as Jerry remembered what happened in his dream, about the mysterious girl wearing the cat mask and the gothic dress, he then asked Hakeem "Also, do you know any guild member who wears a cat mask and a gothic dress?". @Embaga Elder
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Yeah it's the beach house. I don't know why your scarecrow brought you hear, but I'm alright. He takes a big spoon full of some fried rice and eats it. He was chewing when Jerry asked about the girl, which caused him to stop and make a thinking face as he touched his chin with his index finger thinking. He swallows the rice and speaks. Hmm nope, cant say that I did. Why do you ask? @ShadowEntity
Jerry then replies "That mysterious girl appeared in my dream, when I collapsed and she told me that we will meet each other very soon", as Jerry thought about it, he then asked "Well, are there any race of supernatural creatures that have dream-based abilities", as he knew only a few such as the sandman, bogeyman and the succubus. @Embaga Elder
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GingerBread said:
"I'm hurt Luna, you don't trust me to get you a drink. You think I'll spike it or something, why would I do that anyway. I've had my soul ripped out enough times by you to know that messing with you isn't a good idea" Vance shrugged and 'acquired' a drink with his darkness manipulation. "And I'll get you a drunk person if you really want. I don't see the appeal personally. But it's your choice" Vance took a sip from his drink before placing it on a random table and walking over to a drunk person, who sounded coherent. Vance then grabbed the man and began walking them over to Luna. "Here you go, one drunk person. He sounds Coherent"
Luna smiles at the coherent drunk. "Hello how are you today?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at the box with wonder, "So...What do you think is inside? Sorry for bringing him here by the way...He kind of forced me to..."



Jayn looked around, attempting to find something to change topics with, "Um...Hey! Look over there! There's some people about to die or something! Fun...Right?...Don't make me go through this..." She forced a smile and pointed at the scene across from them.

Isabel shrugs her shoulders and sits down on the bed. She sets the box down on her lap and nervously smiles at Fola. "Uh...can you get my black barrette?" She points at it sitting on her dresser. She seemed to take over this spare room. "Are you going anywhere soon...or are you staying?"

Roman nods his head and exits his reaper form. "Jayn. What are you interested in?"
He chuckles. Dude, I'm ten. I still have trouble with my bladder. What makes you think I know anything about the supernatural?? The left bracelet glows and water in the shape of a cup appears. He leans forward and drinks it all. Aww that hits the spot. I hope we do find that girl though. @ShadowEntity

Fola grabbed the barrette and handed it to Isabel, rubbing the back of his neck and nodding, "I promise I'll make it to that double date, but I still have two stops to make...This is important Bell, I just gotta handle it..."



Jayn shrugged, "Allot of things, jumping out of things, shooting things, shooting and jumping out of things, there's allot there. So why do you ask? Are you going to do something stupid?"



Oden nodded and smiled as sweetly as he possibly could, allowing Colin to see Illyana on the floor. The woman hadn't been injured much, but she shot Colin a dirty look. If only he knew what he had just done, if only he knew that he had just condemned her to a life time of slavery... He had good intentions, but she had no way of telling him. So she would have to continue playing the role of the puppet for now...

"So...Do you recruit for the guild? Me and Illyana have been looking for months now and we need a place to stay."

LokiofSP said:
Fola grabbaI woud the barrette and handed it to Isabel, rubbing the back of his neck and nodding, "I promise I'll make it to that double date, but I still have two stops to make...This is important Bell, I just gotta handle it..."



Jayn shrugged, "Allot of things, jumping out of things, shooting things, shooting and jumping out of things, there's allot there. So why do you ask? Are you going to do something stupid?"

Isabel puts the barrette on and her hair shrinks down. Isabel sets the box down on the bed and stands up, venturing over to Fola. Isabel hugs Fola as if this would be the last time they've met. "Can you just stay? Even if it's just for five more minutes?" Isabel begins to sway from side to side with Fola, as if they were slightly dancing. "I just...like you being by my side." Isabel's existence begins to open up towards Fola once more, hoping he would accept so she could open his and combine them.

"I don't know what I'm into. I'd like to try some of that though!" Roman made sure he was in his human form. Slightly surprised by his attire.
Vance stands off to the side while Luna talks to the drunk, knowing if he did anything she'd be able to defend herself well enough without his help. "I can go get you some water or something if you'd like Luna, you'll look silly coming into a bar without buying anything. But whatever" Vance shrugged.

The drunk leaned closer to Luna, almost falling off balance because of it.
"You look like a pretty thing love why are you 'anging around with this tosser? I'll bet all me wages that I could please you better in one night than he could in 'is 'hole life." The drunk continued leaning closer and ended up 'falling' onto her. The drunk planted a kiss onto Luna's lips, his tongue trying to force its way into her mouth.


When Illyana gave him a dirty look, Colin frowned. What did I do wrong? Was it because I wasn't quick enough to help them? I should've been quicker, it's my fault he came so close to dying anyway. I shouldn't've let myself get knocked out. Colin smiled apologetically at Illyana and Oden. "N-no, I-I don't th-think I-I can r-recruit f-for the guild. I-I don't th-think I'm a h-higher enough r-rank. S-sorry" Colin walked over to Illyana and offered her his hand to help her up.

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Jerry replies "Yes.. I also hope we find that mysterious girl", as Jerry decided to go out of the beach house and checked the scenery, as the sun was set, he kept on staring at the sunset, as for the rest of the day he just began exploring the beach in search of answers to the mysterious girl. When he was walking near the sea, he found a bottle and when he opened it, it said:

If you are reading this letter right now, then it means that you have got my message and that you've seen me before. I was told that one day, that I shall cross paths with you and that one day I shall find those who will see me, as an ally rather than a demon. I shall one day go to this location and I shall one day get what I want.

Sincerely, Margaret Hamilton.

After Jerry read the letter, he then showed it to Hakeem in hopes of finding out who she is? @Embaga Elder
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Hakeem followed Jerry to wherever he was headed just encase he was gone pass out again. He sat down on the beach at looked at the ocean. When Jerry shows him the letter, Hakeem looks at it funny as he tries reading it. It took longer than expected but he managed to do it. He looks up at Jerry. What's so special about this location? Why not the guild hall? @ShadowEntity

Fola pauses for a minute. This was important to him, he understood that mating was considered above, he understood that he was already beyond that point with her...But it was more than that. If she didn't say he was worth it he had to stop... He took a breath, his lips briefly meeting hers once more, "I'll be back soon, alright? After that, I swear to you I'll stay with you as long as you want me to... This is just really important to us..."

He backed away from her briefly, attempting to go as slow as possible so she knew he was just as reluctant to leave as she was reluctant to allow him to go. He knew he would be back, it wouldn't take to long. He smiled as he left, "I swear to you Bell, I am all yours after this! I just need to get this one thing done..." Then he was gone, off for Layla

@Light @CelticSol


Jayn shook her head and pushed Roman back slightly, "Nope. You'd hate it, trust me, we've done it before. It's no fun if you're WILLING to do it anyways..." She huffed and looked away, unsure of how to feel. How did this happen? Was it something she did? No, this wasn't right, the Roman she knew should have tried to stop her as soon as she brought the idea up, she should have had to force the Roman she knew to do it...Fun times.

She shook her head,
"Roman, if you don't come to your senses and remember I'm going to have to do something drastic, so stop now..."



Illyana took the hand and stood up, still remaining silent, going into her thoughts. She felt so bad, now this man was most likely going to die. He'd tried to do the right thing, and in return he'd condemned two people, himself and her, to an untimely and gruesome end. The only difference is that Colin's would come sooner, but she knew hers wouldn't be to far behind. The moment Oden was caught he'd have her off herself, there was nothing she could do about it... She looked down and mumbled a thank you before crossing her arms and looking away from the boy

Oden on the other hand let out an annoyed sigh,
"Well I mean, thank you for saving me sir, but I don't know if we can stay here for to long then. We need to get in that guild now, it's the only place we'll be safe." He shrugged, "Anyways, we really have to get going..." He gently grabbed Illyana's hand, "We'll see you later hopefully!"

LokiofSP said:
Fola pauses for a minute. This was important to him, he understood that mating was considered above, he understood that he was already beyond that point with her...But it was more than that. If she didn't say he was worth it he had to stop... He took a breath, his lips briefly meeting hers once more, "I'll be back soon, alright? After that, I swear to you I'll stay with you as long as you want me to... This is just really important to us..."

He backed away from her briefly, attempting to go as slow as possible so she knew he was just as reluctant to leave as she was reluctant to allow him to go. He knew he would be back, it wouldn't take to long. He smiled as he left, "I swear to you Bell, I am all yours after this! I just need to get this one thing done..." Then he was gone, off for Layla

@Light @CelticSol


Jayn shook her head and pushed Roman back slightly, "Nope. You'd hate it, trust me, we've done it before. It's no fun if you're WILLING to do it anyways..." She huffed and looked away, unsure of how to feel. How did this happen? Was it something she did? No, this wasn't right, the Roman she knew should have tried to stop her as soon as she brought the idea up, she should have had to force the Roman she knew to do it...Fun times.

She shook her head,
"Roman, if you don't come to your senses and remember I'm going to have to do something drastic, so stop now..."

Isabel felt saddened due to the fact that he had to go. She wanted to follow him, stop time if she were allowed. Just so she could spend eternity with him right now. He was her undying Romeo, except this time he isn't so eager to romance her in her balcony. Isabel decides on standing right there, planning the date in her mind. She wouldn't move at all because Fola said he'd be back. She had to wait patiently for him, just as he waited for her. The only force that would get her to move would be his voice, his embrace, or his kiss. Other then that, all forces that would cause her to move no longer apply and she made sure of it by separating herself from them. She takes a deep breath enjoying her still position mainly because it's for Fola. "Póir..." The name alone soothes her soul, causing her to close her eyes as the warmth obliterates the cold like Absolute Light does to Absolute Darkness. After all....names held power.

Roman was slightly frustrated, she kept saying these things and he didn't understand them. "I don't understand it all. What do you mean?! Remember what?"

GingerBread said:
Vance stands off to the side while Luna talks to the drunk, knowing if he did anything she'd be able to defend herself well enough without his help. "I can go get you some water or something if you'd like Luna, you'll look silly coming into a bar without buying anything. But whatever" Vance shrugged.
The drunk leaned closer to Luna, almost falling off balance because of it.
"You look like a pretty thing love why are you 'anging around with this tosser? I'll bet all me wages that I could please you better in one night than he could in 'is 'hole life." The drunk continued leaning closer and ended up 'falling' onto her. The drunk planted a kiss onto Luna's lips, his tongue trying to force its way into her mouth.

Luna lightly pushes the drunk away to refrain from offending him. "Not right now." Luna ignores Vance and pays attention to the drunk. "Now, I'd like you to tell me everything you know about this bar and the people who come here. If you can, I might take you up on that night." She takes his hand in her own and leads him to a table.
LokiofSP said:

Illyana took the hand and stood up, still remaining silent, going into her thoughts. She felt so bad, now this man was most likely going to die. He'd tried to do the right thing, and in return he'd condemned two people, himself and her, to an untimely and gruesome end. The only difference is that Colin's would come sooner, but she knew hers wouldn't be to far behind. The moment Oden was caught he'd have her off herself, there was nothing she could do about it... She looked down and mumbled a thank you before crossing her arms and looking away from the boy

Oden on the other hand let out an annoyed sigh, "Well I mean, thank you for saving me sir, but I don't know if we can stay here for to long then. We need to get in that guild now, it's the only place we'll be safe." He shrugged, "Anyways, we really have to get going..." He gently grabbed Illyana's hand, "We'll see you later hopefully!"

Why does she still dislike me? she won't even look at me. Is it because I'm not a child? or is it because I'm just easy to hate. The girl who slapped me did say I was very slappable... Colin shook his head, trying to get the negative thoughts out of his head. He turned towards Oden and gave him a smile. "I-I can t-take y-you t-to the g-guild i-if y-you'd like. I-it might be d-difficult for y-you b-by yourself. S-since y-you were t-teleported h-here"


Light said:
Luna lightly pushes the drunk away to refrain from offending him. "Not right now." Luna ignores Vance and pays attention to the drunk. "Now, I'd like you to tell me everything you know about this bar and the people who come here. If you can, I might take you up on that night." She takes his hand in her own and leads him to a table.

Vance shakes his head as Luna goes off with the drunk. Shrugging Vance walks over to the bartender and orders himself a drink.
You know what, I don't see why I had to be here. Fuck it, I was probably going to end up getting drunk anyway

The drunk stumbles over to his seat and sits down in the chair.
"Alight love. This 'ere bar was built in 189-I don't give a shite. As for the people who come 'ere. There's Micky" The drunk pointed over to a rather large man who was playing a round of darts. "He loves darts and winning, but he can't aim straight unless he's had a pint or two. Then there's Frank" He pointed over to another man who was currently getting slapped by a lady. "He thinks of himself as a proper romeo, yet he can never get a bird and ends up either slagging them off ta us, or crying into his lager. Then there's Steve." The drunk pointed over to a thin looking man who had a almost untouched drink in his hand. "And STEVE IS A FECKING ARSEHOLE. He always comes over ta us and tries to talk about shite that we couldn't care less about" The Drunk turned his full attention back to Luna. "And I am Sam, love. Your lover for the night"

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LokiofSP said:
Fola pauses for a minute. This was important to him, he understood that mating was considered above, he understood that he was already beyond that point with her...But it was more than that. If she didn't say he was worth it he had to stop... He took a breath, his lips briefly meeting hers once more, "I'll be back soon, alright? After that, I swear to you I'll stay with you as long as you want me to... This is just really important to us..."
He backed away from her briefly, attempting to go as slow as possible so she knew he was just as reluctant to leave as she was reluctant to allow him to go. He knew he would be back, it wouldn't take to long. He smiled as he left, "I swear to you Bell, I am all yours after this! I just need to get this one thing done..." Then he was gone, off for Layla
Fola appears within what appears to be a healer's quarters. It is a fairly large room, with six cots sectioned off by white, linen curtains, three of which are occupied by sleeping patients. Further into the room, Layla is seated in a chair with closed eyes as the healer seated across from her - a pretty, brown-haired Japanese woman around the age of 25 - holds her hands at Layla's temple, gold magic flowing from her finger. The healer looks up from her work, curious purple eyes landing on Fola. Her hands drop to her sides, which makes Layla look up as well. Once she recognizes Fola, she smiles and stands, "Ah, Fola," She puts a hand on the healer's shoulder, gesturing to her, "This is Usagi, Isabel's maternal great-grandmother. Usagi, this is Fola, Isabel's mate."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/usagi.PNG.43d5fbe6c76d80f0493ddce44c3ab1fd.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/usagi.PNG.43d5fbe6c76d80f0493ddce44c3ab1fd.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Usagi's face lights up in a wide, warm smile, as she stands, crossing the room to Fola. Instead of shaking his hand or some greeting of the like, she grabs his face in both of her hands and kisses each of his cheeks. "Oh, it's lovely to meet you!" After she looks at his face a moment, she gasps, "And you're a witch! How unusual. I've only seen a handful of male witches within my lifetime, and since I'm old as dirt, that is saying something, " She laughs, then sighs wistfully, "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, it looks like the two of you have quite the conversation ahead of you," Looking back at Layla, with Fola's face still in her hands, she raises an eyebrow in question, "I'll see you on Tuesday?"

Layla nods, "Of course. I'll be there."

Smiling, Usagi turns to Fola, "I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get acquainted later on, but for now, I'll take my leave. Again, it was lovely to meet you," After she presses another kiss to his forehead, Usagi departs from the room, a flash of light enveloping her as she reaches the doorway. When the light recedes from her body, Usagi is gone.

Layla raises an eyebrow, gesturing to the seat across from her, "I'd like to say I'm surprised to see you again so soon, but I'm not. What can I do for you, leanbh?"

Leanbh = Child



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