Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
CelticSol said:
Fola appears within what appears to be a healer's quarters. It is a fairly large room, with six cots sectioned off by white, linen curtains, three of which are occupied by sleeping patients. Further into the room, Layla is seated in a chair with closed eyes as the healer seated across from her - a pretty, brown-haired Japanese woman around the age of 25 - holds her hands at Layla's temple, gold magic flowing from her finger. The healer looks up from her work, curious purple eyes landing on Fola. Her hands drop to her sides, which makes Layla look up as well. Once she recognizes Fola, she smiles and stands, "Ah, Fola," She puts a hand on the healer's shoulder, gesturing to her, "This is Usagi, Isabel's maternal great-grandmother. Usagi, this is Fola, Isabel's mate."
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Usagi's face lights up in a wide, warm smile, as she stands, crossing the room to Fola. Instead of shaking his hand or some greeting of the like, she grabs his face in both of her hands and kisses each of his cheeks. "Oh, it's lovely to meet you!" After she looks at his face a moment, she gasps, "And you're a witch! How unusual. I've only seen a handful of male witches within my lifetime, and since I'm old as dirt, that is saying something, " She laughs, then sighs wistfully, "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, it looks like the two of you have quite the conversation ahead of you," Looking back at Layla, with Fola's face still in her hands, she raises an eyebrow in question, "I'll see you on Tuesday?"

Layla nods, "Of course. I'll be there."

Smiling, Usagi turns to Fola, "I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get acquainted later on, but for now, I'll take my leave. Again, it was lovely to meet you," After she presses another kiss to his forehead, Usagi departs from the room, a flash of light enveloping her as she reaches the doorway. When the light recedes from her body, Usagi is gone.

Layla raises an eyebrow, gesturing to the seat across from her, "I'd like to say I'm surprised to see you again so soon, but I'm not. What can I do for you, leanbh?"

Leanbh = Child

( Give me Usagi. D: Let her visit Isabel. Plz. Plz. )
Light said:
( Give me Usagi. D: Let her visit Isabel. Plz. Plz. )

Fola rubs his face where Usagi's lips had just been, while he wasn't enamored with her, it had caught him by surprise. It wasn't an unusual greeting, just one he himself had yet to encounter. So it was only natural that a very light shade of pink had taken over his cheeks.

He sat down across from Layla, his usual laze slouch gone, instead he was a perfect picture of what he thought a gentleman was. Back straight, head forward, hands folded in lap as he looked directly at Layla. His palms were sweaty and his forehead matched it slightly as the few parts not covered by his hair were sightly shiny.

He cleared his throat, "Well I mean, you clearly already know that me and Isabel have...*Ahem* Accepted each other as uh...Mates...Completed the deal...On a volcano...I was scared...That's besides the point though!" He cleared his throat once more, his uncomfortable feelings only worsening after his display of getting lost in memories, "What I'm trying to say, is that even though it's not as big, I still need to do this! It's about getting acceptance from the family, and doing this makes it so if I die she's taken care of and- Wh-what I'm trying to say is can I ma...Mar...Ma...Ma...Ybe I'll ask you later, thanks for your time!" He stood up, losing all confidence he once had


Jayn sighed, "You asked for this Roman! Now I have to do something I didn't want to do!" She grabbed the sides of Roman's face slowly and gently, her breath quickening as her cheeks lit up. She slowly leaned in, closing her eyes, getting close enough for her breath to tickle him, and she kept on getting closer...And closer...And closer... Until...


Her finger was placed on the tip of his nose as Jayn smiled, "Come on now, I have to enact my plan to make you remember stuff!" She began to drag him, kicking down the doors of the guild to get to their first stop...



Oden turned around with a open-mouth smile and gleaming eyes, "Really?! Okay lets go!"

LokiofSP said:
Fola rubs his face where Usagi's lips had just been, while he wasn't enamored with her, it had caught him by surprise. It wasn't an unusual greeting, just one he himself had yet to encounter. So it was only natural that a very light shade of pink had taken over his cheeks.

He sat down across from Layla, his usual laze slouch gone, instead he was a perfect picture of what he thought a gentleman was. Back straight, head forward, hands folded in lap as he looked directly at Layla. His palms were sweaty and his forehead matched it slightly as the few parts not covered by his hair were sightly shiny.

He cleared his throat, "Well I mean, you clearly already know that me and Isabel have...*Ahem* Accepted each other as uh...Mates...Completed the deal...On a volcano...I was scared...That's besides the point though!" He cleared his throat once more, his uncomfortable feelings only worsening after his display of getting lost in memories, "What I'm trying to say, is that even though it's not as big, I still need to do this! It's about getting acceptance from the family, and doing this makes it so if I die she's taken care of and- Wh-what I'm trying to say is can I ma...Mar...Ma...Ma...Ybe I'll ask you later, thanks for your time!" He stood up, losing all confidence he once had

The door leading out of the healer's quarters closes as Layla sighs, "Sit down, Fola. Forgive the vulgarity, but sit down, grow some balls, and finish the sentence. Yes, I'm a big, scary dragon, and my word on whatever subject you're blabbering about seems to hold great importance to you, but I can't agree or disagree with you until you tell me what you're on about," Layla puts an arm around the back of her chair, crossing her legs at the knee as she looks up at him with a raised eyebrow. It's very likely she knows what he talking about, but if she does, she gives no evidence of such, instead looking at him expectantly as she once again gestures for him to sit down.
Fola took another breath and sat back down, attempting to breath as he thought through every word he could use to soften this question. He looked at Layla once more, "Look...I want to..." He took in another deep breath, exhaling after a few seconds, "I want to marry Isabel...I already know you're going to say mating is above marriage, but it's just!...This is supposed to be a big because it means the family approves of me, the state approves of me, and it's this whole thing... I just want to do a big romantic gesture for her...Just this one time..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola took another breath and sat back down, attempting to breath as he thought through every word he could use to soften this question. He looked at Layla once more, "Look...I want to..." He took in another deep breath, exhaling after a few seconds, "I want to marry Isabel...I already know you're going to say mating is above marriage, but it's just!...This is supposed to be a big because it means the family approves of me, the state approves of me, and it's this whole thing... I just want to do a big romantic gesture for her...Just this one time..."
Layla blinks at him, then smiles wryly, then holds up her left hand, showing the wedding finger on her pinky finger (probably on that finger because of the fact her entire ring finger is completely gone), "Fola, I'm married. I think it's lovely that you want to dedicate yourself to her again, in a different way that comes from your culture," She puts her hand down into her lap, her expression schooled into something very professional and business-like, though there is a genuine curiosity to her words, "Although you're already mated, and there's nothing I can do about that, you are asking me for my blessing now, so I hold the right to ask some questions. Have you, or would you, ever hurt her? Not exclusively to physically; the question involves mentally and emotionally, as well."
Fola blinks, of COURSE he would never hurt Isabel, the entire notion that he would was silly. He opened his mouth to say yes, but paused... What if this was a trick question? He took a moment to think about any way the question could be some kind of trap, but nodded once he thought there wasn't any way it could be, "Of course not!"

LokiofSP said:
Fola blinks, of COURSE he would never hurt Isabel, the entire notion that he would was silly. He opened his mouth to say yes, but paused... What if this was a trick question? He took a moment to think about any way the question could be some kind of trap, but nodded once he thought there wasn't any way it could be, "Of course not!"

She looks pleased that he seemed taken aback by the question. She keeps constant, intense eye contact with Fola, red eyes oddly bright, "Good. I didn't expect the answer to be a 'yes', and I'm glad I was right," She considers her next question, "Are you going to take care of her properly? Emotionally, mentally, and physically?"
Now the questions got a bit more difficult... It wasn't as if he didn't want to, it was just that well, he'd already come to terms with the fact that he couldn't... The emotional part was something he could do, he'd already done it so many times before, but mentally? He wasn't sure if he could. Then there was physical, which if earlier was any indication would be difficult to say the least. He didn't nod, he didn't smile, he just spoke, "I mean...I'll try, but I'm willing to admit I might not be the best option for all of it... I've told her that so many times yet, for whatever reason she's still by my side. It's odd..."

LokiofSP said:
Oden turned around with a open-mouth smile and gleaming eyes, "Really?! Okay lets go!"

Colin smiled at Oden and Illyana before gingerly placing a hand on each of them and using the guild the symbol to teleport back to the guild. "W-well here w-we are." Colin smiled at both of them again before setting away from both of them. Colin touched his guild symbol and tried to send a message to anyone who could accept Illyana and Oden. "H-hello? I-is there a-anyone a-available to accept t-two p-people into th-the guild?"

@LokiofSP @AnyoneAtAlphaOrAbove
LokiofSP said:
Now the questions got a bit more difficult... It wasn't as if he didn't want to, it was just that well, he'd already come to terms with the fact that he couldn't... The emotional part was something he could do, he'd already done it so many times before, but mentally? He wasn't sure if he could. Then there was physical, which if earlier was any indication would be difficult to say the least. He didn't nod, he didn't smile, he just spoke, "I mean...I'll try, but I'm willing to admit I might not be the best option for all of it... I've told her that so many times yet, for whatever reason she's still by my side. It's odd..."
She hums, tapping her fingers across her lips, though she doesn't look displeased with the answer, "I appreciate the fact you'll try. She was taken from me when she was young, so I know better than anyone how much of a handful she can be. What qualities in Isabel make you believe that she will be a good wife?"
Fola shrugged, "Well what makes a good wife? What I think qualifies her may be the exact reasons you think she isn't. I personally think she'd make an amazing wife because she's the person I want to spend my life with. There shouldn't have to be anything else, because I fucking love her. That's what qualifies a 'Good wife' or a 'Good husband'. Not if she's willing to wait for me all day, not if I can fix a roof, but wether at the end of the day I'm happy with her around, and I am happy when she's there..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugged, "Well what makes a good wife? What I think qualifies her may be the exact reasons you think she isn't. I personally think she'd make an amazing wife because she's the person I want to spend my life with. There shouldn't have to be anything else, because I fucking love her. That's what qualifies a 'Good wife' or a 'Good husband'. Not if she's willing to wait for me all day, not if I can fix a roof, but wether at the end of the day I'm happy with her around, and I am happy when she's there..."
Layla smiles, leaning back in her chair, "Good answer. Only a few questions left, I promise. Do you plan on having children in the future? No ulterior motive to this, I'm just curious."
Fola shrugs, "I mean, I'm in no rush. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with just her, but if we have kids we have kids, I'll love her either way."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugs, "I mean, I'm in no rush. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with just her, but if we have kids we have kids, I'll love her either way."
"Alright. Can't say I'm against the idea of having great-grandchildren, though," She smiles wryly, then shrugs, "Last question; a bit loaded, but that's the nature of things. What makes you think you deserve to marry my granddaughter, one of the people most precious to me?"
This one...This one made Fola look away. He stopped because he already he the awnser to it and it hurt him to think about, "I'm not...If I'm going to be honest I don't deserve her. I don't know why it's me, I don't know what force in the universe decided that I was to be with her, hell, maybe it was never SUPPOSED to be me... But that won't stop me from trying every day from now until I'm six feet under to make it so I am..."

LokiofSP said:
This one...This one made Fola look away. He stopped because he already he the awnser to it and it hurt him to think about, "I'm not...If I'm going to be honest I don't deserve her. I don't know why it's me, I don't know what force in the universe decided that I was to be with her, hell, maybe it was never SUPPOSED to be me... But that won't stop me from trying every day from now until I'm six feet under to make it so I am..."
Layla's expression is flat, giving away nothing. She reaches forward, taking his hand, then resting her other hand on top, "Good answer. You show humility to a good thing given to you, not an entitlement. You clearly love her very, very dearly, so I will not be the one to stand in the way of you and Isabel," She says softly, then positions her head so Fola looks at her, a small smile on her face. "You have my blessing to marry Isabel. I am eager to hear how it goes."
Fola smiles wide and hugs Layla, "Thank you...Thank you so fucking much..." He stood up and rubbed a hand through his hair, heading for the door. Once he got there and opened it he laughed slightly at a thought, "I'll see you later then...'Grand mummy'" He laughed his ass off as he left the room...

GingerBread said:
Vance shakes his head as Luna goes off with the drunk. Shrugging Vance walks over to the bartender and orders himself a drink. You know what, I don't see why I had to be here. Fuck it, I was probably going to end up getting drunk anyway
The drunk stumbles over to his seat and sits down in the chair. "Alight love. This 'ere bar was built in 189-I don't give a shite. As for the people who come 'ere. There's Micky" The drunk pointed over to a rather large man who was playing a round of darts. "He loves darts and winning, but he can't aim straight unless he's had a pint or two. Then there's Frank" He pointed over to another man who was currently getting slapped by a lady. "He thinks of himself as a proper romeo, yet he can never get a bird and ends up either slagging them off ta us, or crying into his lager. Then there's Steve." The drunk pointed over to a thin looking man who had a almost untouched drink in his hand. "And STEVE IS A FECKING ARSEHOLE. He always comes over ta us and tries to talk about shite that we couldn't care less about" The Drunk turned his full attention back to Luna. "And I am Sam, love. Your lover for the night"

Luna smiles at Sam, touching his hand gently. "Thank you so much." Soul chains rise in the bar and removes their souls. Spirits from the astral plane rise and enter their bodies. "There. You know how their lives are, try not to stand out." Luna turns to Vance, the only one unharmed in the bar. "Sorry to cut your drink short but we'll be going now. We have places to be." Luna twirls her umbrella above her head and and walks out the bar, heading down the street.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn sighed, "You asked for this Roman! Now I have to do something I didn't want to do!" She grabbed the sides of Roman's face slowly and gently, her breath quickening as her cheeks lit up. She slowly leaned in, closing her eyes, getting close enough for her breath to tickle him, and she kept on getting closer...And closer...And closer... Until...


Her finger was placed on the tip of his nose as Jayn smiled, "Come on now, I have to enact my plan to make you remember stuff!" She began to drag him, kicking down the doors of the guild to get to their first stop...

Roman's facial expression changed too many times to count. "What's first?" He looks around the guild, not exactly sure of the place even though he's been here before. "I'll follow you anywhere but I need explanations. What am I supposed to remember. I'm sure I have a complete memory. I was born a reaper and I only had to follow you as my life responsibility."
Light said:
Luna smiles at Sam, touching his hand gently. "Thank you so much." Soul chains rise in the bar and removes their souls. Spirits from the astral plane rise and enter their bodies. "There. You know how their lives are, try not to stand out." Luna turns to Vance, the only one unharmed in the bar. "Sorry to cut your drink short but we'll be going now. We have places to be." Luna twirls her umbrella above her head and and walks out the bar, heading down the street.
"Okay then..." Vance placed his half empty drink onto the counter and Followed Luna out. "So what was all that about? Do you just have something against drunks? I just want to know if I should start walking the other direction, though I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I did. But I like to think I have a chance, that's why a lot of people die you know. Because they lose hope, so they give up." Vance shrugged and realised he got a bit off topic. "But anyway, back on topic. Why drunks? Do you just have a vendetta against them? I know that guy was an arsehole, but the rest of them seemed okay... Maybe?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola smiles wide and hugs Layla, "Thank you...Thank you so fucking much..." He stood up and rubbed a hand through his hair, heading for the door. Once he got there and opened it he laughed slightly at a thought, "I'll see you later then...'Grand mummy'" He laughed his ass off as he left the room...
Though surprised by the hug, she wraps an arm around his shoulder and somewhat awkwardly pats him on the back. "It's, ah, no problem," She says, sounding as awkward as she looks. She grimaces when he calls her 'Grand-mummy', but calls after him with a small grin as he leaves, "I already regret letting you into my family, Fola!"
CelticSol said:
Though surprised by the hug, she wraps an arm around his shoulder and somewhat awkwardly pats him on the back. "It's, ah, no problem," She says, sounding as awkward as she looks. She grimaces when he calls her 'Grand-mummy', but calls after him with a small grin as he leaves, "I already regret letting you into my family, Fola!"
Layla could feel arms wrap around her waist and Grimmavus's body pressing against her own. "How's my queen?"
GingerBread said:
"Okay then..." Vance placed his half empty drink onto the counter and Followed Luna out. "So what was all that about? Do you just have something against drunks? I just want to know if I should start walking the other direction, though I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I did. But I like to think I have a chance, that's why a lot of people die you know. Because they lose hope, so they give up." Vance shrugged and realised he got a bit off topic. "But anyway, back on topic. Why drunks? Do you just have a vendetta against them? I know that guy was an arsehole, but the rest of them seemed okay... Maybe?"
"I have nothing against them or drunks. I just needed them. Drunks are easy to manipulate into giving information in most cases." Luna walks into a hospital next.
Light said:
"I have nothing against them or drunks. I just needed them. Drunks are easy to manipulate into giving information in most cases." Luna walks into a hospital next.
Vance sped up slightly and walked in front of Luna and stopped her. "Right, I've not got a problem with killing people. But this is a bit weird, don't you think? Do you have a reason for doing this? Cause I'm going to need a justification for this before I let you continue. Kinda in my job description to, 'save the Earth and all the people in it' and shit like that. So before I let you go further, Can I get a reason?"

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