Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
(Oh shit, forgot this part)

Jayn shook visibly, "No Roman! You're a reaper, you lead the Monopoly gang, you do so much more than just love me! Why don't you remember?!" She punched him in the face, "SORRY! I am just so frustrated right now!"


Oden shook in ragevas he was brought upwards, while Illyana barly contained a laugh at the boy's misfortune. Yet still, he had an act to keep up, "Oh joy, I sure do LOVE musicals! You...Start it up bud...Yeah...Let me go back to being dead please"

@Light @GingerBread
LokiofSP said:
Fola blinked a few times as he was suddenly put in froneedf Alpha. He let out an exhausted sigh, "God dammit, Bell! I was so close, the suspense is killing me!" He stood up and faced Alpha, his head slightly went up to face the man, but beyond that he was fine, "So um...Hey...Look man, my mate sent me here to talk to you, but I could honestly go either way...So whatever you want to do is fine by me."

Alpha, who was currently in a ring shop, tossed the ring he was inspecting over his shoulder. "Not good enough," he said. The shop's manager scrambled over to the ring, picking it up as if it was a child.

"Sir! You can't just throw this ring around! It's worth three million dollars! I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Alpha shrugged his shoulders and dragged Fola out of the shop with him. "Fola, do you know how FUCKING HARD IT IS TO FIND THE PERFECT RING?!?!?" Alpha practically screamed. Stomping his foot in frustration, Alpha inadvertently made a crater in the ground. Putting a hand on Fola's shoulder, Alpha hung his head. "Fola...why is life so hard?"
LokiofSP said:
Oden shook in rage as he was brought upwards, while Illyana barely contained a laugh at the boy's misfortune. Yet still, he had an act to keep up, "Oh joy, I sure do LOVE musicals! You...Start it up bud...Yeah...Let me go back to being dead please"
@Light @GingerBread
Colin looked over at Oden, Illyana and Grimm. "I-I'm g-going to g-go, I-I'll see y-you guys l-later" Colin started walking away, not really wanting to be near Grimm when he started do something. He was assuming that everything 'Event' with Grimm would end up like the first, when he got to see Anna's corpse get eaten by rats. Colin felt tears brim in his eyes as he was reminded of that memory and it reminded him of how much worse he made Anna's life by being with her.

@LokiofSP @Light
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks owlishly at Isabel, then practically launches into a sitting position, wide eyed, "I don't know my boyfriend's last name?!" She flops onto her back, covering her face with her hands as she groans, "I'm the worst girlfriend ever."
Isabel looks over at Jackie. "We'll find out soon. For now, we have to plan certain things in the date. Here's how the date is going to go." Isabel begins to whisper the plans over to her.

LokiofSP said:
(Oh shit, forgot this part)
Jayn shook visibly, "No Roman! You're a reaper, you lead the Monopoly gang, you do so much more than just love me! Why don't you remember?!" She punched him in the face, "SORRY! I am just so frustrated right now!"


Oden shook in ragevas he was brought upwards, while Illyana barly contained a laugh at the boy's misfortune. Yet still, he had an act to keep up, "Oh joy, I sure do LOVE musicals! You...Start it up bud...Yeah...Let me go back to being dead please"

@Light @GingerBread
Roman covers his face from the punch. "What the fuck are you on about Jayn?! I don't get what you're talking about! Look. Right now you're acting completely crazy and I don't understand what the fuck is up with you at the moment!" Roman turns around, preparing to use his power once more to leave.

Grimm begins to go through a musical, which would last for a good 45 minutes. "Make sure you sing along!"

LokiofSP said:
Fola blinked a few times as he was suddenly put in front of Alpha. He let out an exhausted sigh, "God dammit, Bell! I was so close, the suspense is killing me!" He stood up and faced Alpha, his head slightly went up to face the man, but beyond that he was fine, "So um...Hey...Look man, my mate sent me here to talk to you, but I could honestly go either way...So whatever you want to do is fine by me."

Daimao said:
Alpha, who was currently in a ring shop, tossed the ring he was inspecting over his shoulder. "Not good enough," he said. The shop's manager scrambled over to the ring, picking it up as if it was a child.
"Sir! You can't just throw this ring around! It's worth three million dollars! I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Alpha shrugged his shoulders and dragged Fola out of the shop with him. "Fola, do you know how FUCKING HARD IT IS TO FIND THE PERFECT RING?!?!?" Alpha practically screamed. Stomping his foot in frustration, Alpha inadvertently made a crater in the ground. Putting a hand on Fola's shoulder, Alpha hung his head. "Fola...why is life so hard?"
Ring Grimm appears before him. "Boys! Boys! No need to get angry! I have just the thing for you. If you desire the perfect rings so you two can propose tonight then I have just the thing for you." Ring Grimm opens a portal for them behind him. "Travel inside there. Only true bromance can guide you to the only two rings of their kind." Inside the realm would be a path leading to a moon.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/moon_road_by_fear_sas-d93kqa9.jpg.cdae68bf4bbf8e71f802dedc659461aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/moon_road_by_fear_sas-d93kqa9.jpg.cdae68bf4bbf8e71f802dedc659461aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CitrineGalaxite said:
She turns around and glares at the man, her eyes piercing. "Look. I am already afraid of myself for more things than what just happened. There are better people than me out there. They can protect the children." She turns to walk away. "Anyway, I need to get out of here before I'm forcibly removed again. Bye, weirdo." She waves back at him.
"I HAVE FAILED." The man drives his blade through his chest, carving his heart out.

Grimm appears beside her once more. "Good....You have passed your first test. Now...on to your second test. How good are you at eating soup?"

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz uses his dimension to get to Vance."I came to help,and to avenge the killed."Raz said as four shadow figures rise up behind him.
( @GingerBread )

( ! ) Luna shrugs her shoulders once more. "I find world domination fun. That's all. Also no I don't have anyone to screw." Luna walks around him. "Tell your friends to leave or die."



  • moon_road_by_fear_sas-d93kqa9.jpg
    451.8 KB · Views: 24
Light said:
Isabel looks over at Jackie. "We'll find out soon. For now, we have to plan certain things in the date. Here's how the date is going to go." Isabel begins to whisper the plans over to her.
Jackie listens intently to the plan, her eyebrows raising at some parts, but then nods, "Okay. Sounds like fun."
She looks at Grimm angrily. "Who are you and what are you doing? What test? I may be young but I've dropped out of school already. I don't need more tests."

Light said:
( @GingerBread )
( ! ) Luna shrugs her shoulders once more. "I find world domination fun. That's all. Also no I don't have anyone to screw." Luna walks around him. "Tell your friends to leave or die."
Vance turned around and faced the guild members that showed up. "Right, fuck off you guys. If Luna does do something then I'll let you know. Unless she replaces my soul or something. If that case you can cut off all my limbs or something." Vance ran after Luna and caught up to her once again. "Is there anything I can do to talk you out of World domination? Because I feel like you're just looking at this in the short term. But are you sure there isn't anything I can do to talk you out of this? If you need someone to screw I could probably find you someone, or me if you don't want a complete pussy. But either way, anything I can do to persuade you not to do this? I can come visit you in the spirit realm whenever you want? Seriously, stopping this is a lot of effort. I'd have to kidnap Fola, so Isabel would get involved. It's just too much effort"

@MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance turned around and faced the guild members that showed up. "Right, fuck off you guys. If Luna does do something then I'll let you know. Unless she replaces my soul or something. If that case you can cut off all my limbs or something." Vance ran after Luna and caught up to her once again. "Is there anything I can do to talk you out of World domination? Because I feel like you're just looking at this in the short term. But are you sure there isn't anything I can do to talk you out of this? If you need someone to screw I could probably find you someone, or me if you don't want a complete pussy. But either way, anything I can do to persuade you not to do this? I can come visit you in the spirit realm whenever you want? Seriously, stopping this is a lot of effort. I'd have to kidnap Fola, so Isabel would get involved. It's just too much effort"

@MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @Light
"Alright,but I'll be gone for awhile.going to change forms until I reach my last form,see yeah later."Said Raz as he opened a portal to his dimension,entered it,and started working on the rituals.
CelticSol said:
Jackie listens intently to the plan, her eyebrows raising at some parts, but then nods, "Okay. Sounds like fun."
Isabel smiles and plants her hands on Jackie's. "So, want to get ready now?"

CitrineGalaxite said:
She looks at Grimm angrily. "Who are you and what are you doing? What test? I may be young but I've dropped out of school already. I don't need more tests."
"I'm Grimm! Your best friend!" Grimm smiles and has a car appear beside them. "This is the test of life! Let's go!"

GingerBread said:
Vance turned around and faced the guild members that showed up. "Right, fuck off you guys. If Luna does do something then I'll let you know. Unless she replaces my soul or something. If that case you can cut off all my limbs or something." Vance ran after Luna and caught up to her once again. "Is there anything I can do to talk you out of World domination? Because I feel like you're just looking at this in the short term. But are you sure there isn't anything I can do to talk you out of this? If you need someone to screw I could probably find you someone, or me if you don't want a complete pussy. But either way, anything I can do to persuade you not to do this? I can come visit you in the spirit realm whenever you want? Seriously, stopping this is a lot of effort. I'd have to kidnap Fola, so Isabel would get involved. It's just too much effort"

@MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @Light
"If you want the fun to end then so be it." Luna allows the correct souls to go back to their bodies. "I'd rather screw somebody I know." Luna was extremely nonchalant about it.

MTchaos1134 said:
"Alright,but I'll be gone for awhile.going to change forms until I reach my last form,see yeah later."Said Raz as he opened a portal to his dimension,entered it,and started working on the rituals.
A clone of Grimm appears here as well. "Hello! HOW ARE YOU FRIEND?!"
Light said:
Isabel smiles and plants her hands on Jackie's. "So, want to get ready now?"
"I'm Grimm! Your best friend!" Grimm smiles and has a car appear beside them. "This is the test of life! Let's go!"

"If you want the fun to end then so be it." Luna allows the correct souls to go back to their bodies. "I'd rather screw somebody I know." Luna was extremely nonchalant about it.

A clone of Grimm appears here as well. "Hello! HOW ARE YOU FRIEND?!"
Grimm suddenly appearing startled Raz and he kept back.getting his clothes on fire,if one looked closely,where his clothing was burning looked like it was glicthing out.
Light said:
Isabel smiles and plants her hands on Jackie's. "So, want to get ready now?"
Jackie groans again, then sits up, "Fine, alright. Do you want me to do your makeup for you?"
MTchaos1134 said:
Grimm suddenly appearing startled Raz and he kept back.getting his clothes on fire,if one looked closely,where his clothing was burning looked like it was glicthing out.
"Are you alright there?" Grimm raises an eyebrow and points at the Raz. "You kind of have something....going on there."

( @djinnamon )

Grimm sits before Sage, in a small room with a glint in his eyes. "Hello."

CelticSol said:
Jackie groans again, then sits up, "Fine, alright. Do you want me to do your makeup for you?"
"Um... sure!" Isabel sits up as well, slightly bouncing with a smile.
Light said:
"Are you alright there?" Grimm raises an eyebrow and points at the Raz. "You kind of have something....going on there."
( @djinnamon )

Grimm sits before Sage, in a small room with a glint in his eyes. "Hello."

"Um... sure!" Isabel sits up as well, slightly bouncing with a smile.
Raz looks down at the glitches portion,then quickly looked at grim eps clone.two shadow figures appeared and tackled Grimm."YOU SAW NOTHING!"said one of the figures as Raz forms stone walls around himself then the walls shrink and disappear.along with Raz as he teleported to another area in his dimension.
Light said:
"Are you alright there?" Grimm raises an eyebrow and points at the Raz. "You kind of have something....going on there."
( @djinnamon )

Grimm sits before Sage, in a small room with a glint in his eyes. "Hello."

"Um... sure!" Isabel sits up as well, slightly bouncing with a smile.
Sage raised a eyebrow. " Hello Grim , is there something you wanted. " He asked as he sat down and began braiding his hair absentmindly.
Light said:
"Um... sure!" Isabel sits up as well, slightly bouncing with a smile.
"All my makeup and shit is in my room, so," She trails off, then grabs Isabel by her hands as the lights in her room flicker. When the lights return to normal, they are in Jackie's room. Jackie pulls Isabel into her bathroom, pulling out a medium-sized makeup bag, then turning to Isabel. "So, what are you thinking for makeup? More natural, or more glam?"
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz looks doouIn at the glitches portion,then quickly looked at grim eps clone.two shadow figures appeared and tackled Grimm."YOU SAW NOTHING!"said one of the figures as Raz forms stone walls around himself then the walls shrink and disappear.along with Raz as he teleported to another area in his dimension.
"I saw everything!" Grimm calls out as he's being tackled by the clones.

djinnamon said:
Sage raised a eyebrow. " Hello Grim , is there something you wanted. " He asked as he sat down and began braiding his hair absentmindly.
"Now I'm going to make you a deal. You can either sacrifice your friends lives to bring yourself back. Or you can stay dead and I can make you female to have a child in the future."

CelticSol said:
"All my makeup and shit is in my room, so," She trails off, then grabs Isabel by her hands as the lights in her room flicker. When the lights return to normal, they are in Jackie's room. Jackie pulls Isabel into her bathroom, pulling out a medium-sized makeup bag, then turning to Isabel. "So, what are you thinking for makeup? More natural, or more glam?"
"Uh...I don't use much make up. Can you explain it all?" Isabel taps her lap, looking up at Jackie with curious eyes.

( @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @Nova King @Fluffykitty9000 @MTchaos1134 @ShadowEntity @Lekar @CitrineGalaxite )

Cards float down before everyone, inviting them all to Grimmavus's gift shop. The card explained the fact that Grimmavus wanted to thank them all for being alive and once they focus on the card they would appear in a line before Grimmavus sitting in a seat. He would grant their wishes once they sat on his knees like Santa. He would grant any wish he saw fit.
Light said:
"Uh...I don't use much make up. Can you explain it all?" Isabel taps her lap, looking up at Jackie with curious eyes.
Jackie thinks a minute on how to explain this, then slowly speaks, "Well, natural is more me trying to keep it looking like you're not wearing makeup when you actually are, and I use it to enhance all your natural beauty and shit. A glam look would be more dramatic. I think you'd look beautiful either way, but it's up to you."
Sage's eyes widened and a smile came to his face. " I would love that but I can't sacrifice my friends so I could help myself. " He said sadly. He looked up at Grimm , his eyes pleadingly . " Please tell my family and friends that I love them. " He said

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Light said:
"I saw everything!" Grimm calls out as he's being tackled by the clones.
"Now I'm going to make you a deal. You can either sacrifice your friends lives to bring yourself back. Or you can stay dead and I can make you female to have a child in the future."

"Uh...I don't use much make up. Can you explain it all?" Isabel taps her lap, looking up at Jackie with curious eyes.

( @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @Nova King @Fluffykitty9000 @MTchaos1134 @ShadowEntity @Lekar @CitrineGalaxite )

Cards float down before everyone, inviting them all to Grimmavus's gift shop. The card explained the fact that Grimmavus wanted to thank them all for being alive and once they focus on the card they would appear in a line before Grimmavus sitting in a seat. He would grant their wishes once they sat on his knees like Santa. He would grant any wish he saw fit.
Reciving an invation,Raz read it then used it to teleport to Grimm.he points at Grimm before anything."you saw nothing."
CelticSol said:
Jackie thinks a minute on how to explain this, then slowly speaks, "Well, natural is more me trying to keep it looking like you're not wearing makeup when you actually are, and I use it to enhance all your natural beauty and shit. A glam look would be more dramatic. I think you'd look beautiful either way, but it's up to you."
"I'll do natural then." Isabel begins to bounce lightly on Jackie's bed. "Jackie if you do marry him. Can I be your....your... your..." Isabel lost the words for it.

djinnamon said:
Sage's eyes widened and a smile came to his face. " I would love that but I can't sacrifice my friends so I could help myself. " He said sadly. He looked up at Grimm , his eyes pleadingly . " Please tell my family and friends that I love them. " He said
Grimm nods his head. "So you'll take the child instead?"

MTchaos1134 said:
Reciving an invation,Raz read it then used it to teleport to Grimm.he points at Grimm before anything."you saw nothing."
"Yes I did." Grimmavus pats his knees. "Now sit down and make your wish."
Sage nodded his head. " Yes I will. " He said before a thought occurred to him. " Why are you giving a choice? " He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Light said:
"I'll do natural then." Isabel begins to bounce lightly on Jackie's bed. "Jackie if you do marry him. Can I be your....your... your..." Isabel lost the words for it.
She tilts her head, "You mean maid of honour? Sure. I mean, you're my best friend, so I was going to make you it, anyway, but he hasn't actually asked me yet," Shrugging, she sits Isabel on her bed, then sits cross legged from Isabel, putting her makeup bag beside her as she grabs Isabel by her chin and examines her face. "You don't need foundation or anything, because your skin is literally flawless, so... Maybe just light eye makeup," She pulls out a small makeup pallet and a few brushes, then closes Isabel's eyelids with her fingertips, "Close your eyes so I don't take your eye out," As she gets to work, she hums a little bit, "So... You and Fola are moving pretty speedy, hm?"
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded his head. " Yes I will. " He said before a thought occurred to him. " Why are you giving a choice? " He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Grimm shrugs his shoulders, unable to tell exactly why he's doing so. "I just felt like it. I don't know why." Grimm snaps his fingers. "The deal is done. In a few years your child will be born upon the mortal realm in the care of one of your friends."

CelticSol said:
She tilts her head, "You mean maid of honour? Sure. I mean, you're my best friend, so I was going to make you it, anyway, but he hasn't actually asked me yet," Shrugging, she sits Isabel on her bed, then sits cross legged from Isabel, putting her makeup bag beside her as she grabs Isabel by her chin and examines her face. "You don't need foundation or anything, because your skin is literally flawless, so... Maybe just light eye makeup," She pulls out a small makeup pallet and a few brushes, then closes Isabel's eyelids with her fingertips, "Close your eyes so I don't take your eye out," As she gets to work, she hums a little bit, "So... You and Fola are moving pretty speedy, hm?"
Isabel lightly blushes and looks away with her other eye. "Oh...um...If you'd like to know about how speedy Fola and I move." Isabel begins to explain in detail how fast Fola went in certain times during their mating session. "That's it. How are you and Alpha?" Isabel swiftly looks up, only to look back down.

djinnamon said:
The goddesses, Diana , Kotori and Terrence appeared in a line in front of Grim.
Grimmavus waves for them to come forward and sit on his knees. "Come here. Make your wishes."

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