Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Vance look and Luna and sighed."I've already told you I'm the most boring person in the world. I read books in my free time, I've read the entire bible cover to cover twice" Vance created a chair and sat down on it. "We can pretty much do anything you want. Hell if you want me to take you out to dinner I will. Just.. I think it will be a lot less boring if you pick something"
"I suggest we try going to a bar or something." Luna shrugs her shoulders and looks at the vast city across the bridge. "I like to talk to drunks. They're interesting."

LokiofSP said:
Fola blinked at Itami and shook his head, "Fine, whatever, just don't open your mouth about it. I still have somebody else I need to see..." He picks up Itami and teleports...

Itami nods his head and they're both in front of Isabel who was literally hiding from Jackie underneath her own hair. She had removed her black barrette so her hair had extended to it's real length. Isabel couldn't be seen since she was wrapped underneath the shimmering white hair.
Light said:
"I suggest we try going to a bar or something." Luna shrugs her shoulders and looks at the vast city across the bridge. "I like to talk to drunks. They're interesting."
"I don't see what's so interesting about drunk people. Yeah some of them have some interesting stories, but some of them are so drunk that you can't understand what they're saying" Vance stands up and shrugs. "But if that's what you want to do, then lets go" Vance teleported himself and Luna to the front of bar he somewhat knew. "Do you have any prefered drinks?"

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MTchaos1134 said:
I can show you his art work if you want.just go through the portal again."Raz opens a portal nearby.
Ronan steps through it again, ignoring the effects he had experienced moments ago. The air is colder than the last room, and he stands in a room with a small painting inside. He picks it up, it's a broadened landscape with a beautiful horizon, truly a well-made piece of art.

"I've seen what I have to. I'm ready to speak with him now."

He said, looking at the painting. Not making eye contact with Raz.

Fola looked around, confused, "Dammit, could have sworn this was it... Hey ah...Bell, you here? Gotta suprise for ya..."

(Forgot to do this next one
@Light )

Oden stepped in front of the guild, wide smile on his face. Here he was, the perfect place...If he could stay face in front of rolling cameras, he could take part of his...Activities during late hours without suspicion. He opened his mouth to call for somebody when...


His hand shot to the cold steel in his pocket once more. He'd found these two just as his high from the last kill had been wearing off...But there were to many witnesses dammit! He grit his teeth and stood to the side and attempted to stay face...

@Light @AnybodyJustGetTheseTwoInTheGuildPls
Lekar said:
Ronan steps through it again, ignoring the effects he had experienced moments ago. The air is colder than the last room, and he stands in a room with a small painting inside. He picks it up, it's a broadened landscape with a beautiful horizon, truly a well-made piece of art.
"I've seen what I have to. I'm ready to speak with him now."

He said, looking at the painting. Not making eye contact with Raz.
"That's not the art."Raz points to the wall.there was intestines(tube inside the body.)that was set up in the wall so it said child killer.and Raz points to where the body once was,but now dissolved.
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GingerBread said:
"I don't see what's so interesting about drunk people. Yeah some of them have some interesting stories, but some of them are so far gone that you can't understand what they're saying" Vance stands up and shrugs. "But if that's what you want to do, then lets go" Vance teleported himself and Luna to the front of bar he somewhat knew. "Do you have any prefered drinks?"
Luna shakes her head, remembering her distaste in alcohol. She was about to show Vance why. "No...I'm fine." Luna enters the bar and turns to Vance. "Try and look for the most coherent drunk there is here." Once she gives him that task she looks around herself.

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked around, confused, "Dammit, could have sworn this was it... Hey ah...Bell, you here? Gotta suprise for ya..."

(Forgot to do this next one
@Light )

Oden stepped in front of the guild, wide smile on his face. Here he was, the perfect place...If he could stay face in front of rolling cameras, he could take part of his...Activities during late hours without suspicion. He opened his mouth to call for somebody when...


His hand shot to the cold steel in his pocket once more. He'd found these two just as his high from the last kill had been wearing off...But there were to many witnesses dammit! He grit his teeth and stood to the side and attempted to stay face...

@Light @AnybodyJustGetTheseTwoInTheGuildPls
Isabel hears Fola's voice and obviously moves underneath her fortress. She was still in hiding so she couldn't say anything, assuming her position wasn't given out.

Roman was floating behind Jayn, beginning to lose more memories. He had forgotten about his human life completely. He was simply floating around lost in thought. "Jayn. Do you know what I was like?" He didn't notice Oden. Roman was also forgetting about most of the laws he was supposed to uphold.
CelticSol said:
Jackie runs over and slaps her hands over Isabel's mouth, and whispers quickly and low enough that Isabel can hear, but not Alpha, "If you so much as breathe another word about what we just heard, I will fucking end you."
Light said:
Isabel was actually scared, backing away from Jackie. "O-oh....I'll just go and plan." Isabel lightly bows and glances up at Jackie for a quick second. She looks down and walks out the room.
Itami's eyes grow wide and he suddenly takes his 19 year old form, going chibi afterwards. He drops the scythe and stares up at Fola. "What?! Isabel is.....what?! Who?! Who are you?! When? Where? Why? How? Wwwwwhhhhhaaaatttt?"
Alpha looks at Jackie, confused. "What was all that about?" He asked quizzically. "And what exactly is she planning?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"That's not the art."Raz points to the wall.there was intestines(tube inside the body.)that was set up in the wall so it said child killer.and Raz points to where the body once was,but now dissolved.
Ronan looked at the painting and set it down slowly. He looked at the words on the wall with genuine curiosity. He didn't understand why anyone would think this is nice to look at, but he's never one to judge a man for his tastes. He didn't in any way like the 'art,' but he knew that he had a job to do, and his personal tastes can't get in his way.

"I... I see... I think I've seen enough now..."
Daimao said:
Alpha looks at Jackie, confused. "What was all that about?" He asked quizzically. "And what exactly is she planning?"
Jackie turns back to Alpha, like a deer caught in the headlights of an eighteen wheeler with no time to run, and shuffles a bit, "Um," She says eloquently, then tucks her hair behind her ear as a nervous fidget. Before she can delve back into the mental hell of 'hey, your really attractive, Cerberus boyfriend wants to pop the question, but he doesn't know that you know that, no pressure, lmao', she grabs onto his last question with both hands and metaphorically holds on for dear life. "Oh, Isabel's planning a double date. She's invited us to go with her and Fola - her new boyfriend," She rolls her eyes a little bit, still trying to absorb that fact, along with the fact that Alpha - stop that, Jackie. You'll give yourself an aneurysm, she mentally chides herself, before she continues, scrambling for something reminiscent of composure, "I left it up to you to decide whether or not we go or not. It doesn't matter to me."
CelticSol said:
Jackie turns back to Alpha, like a deer caught in the headlights of an eighteen wheeler with no time to run, and shuffles a bit, "Um," She says eloquently, then tucks her hair behind her ear as a nervous fidget. Before she can delve back into the mental hell of 'hey, your really attractive, Cerberus boyfriend wants to pop the question, but he doesn't know that you know that, no pressure, lmao', she grabs onto his last question with both hands and metaphorically holds on for dear life. "Oh, Isabel's planning a double date. She's invited us to go with her and Fola - her new boyfriend," She rolls her eyes a little bit, still trying to absorb that fact, along with the fact that Alpha - stop that, Jackie. You'll give yourself an aneurysm, she mentally chides herself, before she continues, scrambling for something reminiscent of composure, "I left it up to you to decide whether or not we go or not. It doesn't matter to me."
Alpha shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, why not? It sounds like it could be fun. Besides, I'm pretty sure we're well overdue for a date anyways," he says with a smile. He could tell that there was something that she wasn't telling him, but he shrugged the feeling off. She is allowed to keep secrets of her own, after all.
Lekar said:
Ronan looked at the painting and set it down slowly. He looked at the words on the wall with genuine curiosity. He didn't understand why anyone would think this is nice to look at, but he's never one to judge a man for his tastes. He didn't in any way like the 'art,' but he knew that he had a job to do, and his personal tastes can't get in his way.
"I... I see... I think I've seen enough now..."
"Alright.but he probably aLeast moved.we need to find him."
Daimao said:
Alpha shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, why not? It sounds like it could be fun. Besides, I'm pretty sure we're well overdue for a date anyways," he says with a smile. He could tell that there was something that she wasn't telling him, but he shrugged the feeling off. She is allowed to keep secrets of her own, after all.
Jackie almost cries in relief when he lets her very shady behavior go, almost kisses his precious face because he didn't press when he literally had every right to. She turns to completely face him, closing the gap between them with a few steps. She wraps her arms around him at his waist as she smiles up at him warmly, "That we are. Plus, she was talking about maybe going to an amusement park, so I might finally be able to fulfill that promise I made to you a couple years back."
Light said:
Luna shakes her head, remembering her distaste in alcohol. She was about to show Vance why. "No...I'm fine." Luna enters the bar and turns to Vance. "Try and look for the most coherent drunk there is here." Once she gives him that task she looks around herself.
"I'll be the most coherent drunk in a minute, you sure you don't want a drink? I could get you some cola, if you'd rather not have alcohol. I'm sure they have it" Vance shrugs and starts to scan the bar, looking for a drunk while he waits for Luna to answer.


(I just remembered Colin still exists :P )

Once Vance had started fighting Isabel, Colin had gone to his room; Once again going back to crying into his pillow because he didn't want to look even weaker in front of everyone at the guild. He didn't doubt that people probably had either a bad opinion of him or none at all, but he still tried to make everyone not dislike him.

Colin sat up and tried to think of something he could do to take his mind off of Anna breaking up with him.
I've dealt with her dying, but this is even harder to deal with. But I'm glad she's alive, maybe she'll find someone who can make her happy. I'm obviously not that person, I always made things worse for her. Colin stood up and forced away the tears that were forming in his eyes. I could go find Illyana, though she might hate me now that I'm not a child anymore. She said I could always talk to her though.

Colin sighed and decided to try to look for Illyana, or at the least go for a walk to clear his head. I guess I could always go talk to Boris if I can't find her, though he might not want to deal with me. Colin sighed and walked out of the dragon's roar building with his head towards the ground, just in case there was still fighting going on.

@LokiofSP (Plz interact with Colin) @Light
Hakeem teleports to his new friend Jerry, appearing a few feet behind him. Hakeem was weirded in the pranking mood. He had two water balloons in his hands and he slowly walked towards Jerry trying not to make a sound. When gotten very close to Jerry he sadly stepped on a twig, snapping it with his feet. Hakeem makes "oops" type face I hope he didnt hear that? He thought to himself, so he thought. Amon the ahole just had to respond. Yeah of course he didn't hear the snapping of the twig even though he's right there in front of you! Gosh your pretty slow kid. Hakeem stuck his tongue out towards Amon even though he's in his bracelet. Go play with your left hand or something like that you big meanie. He thought in response to Amon, who is now quite being fully surprised by what Hakeem said.

Hakeem continues walking towards Jerry hold both balloons in the air about to hit him with them. @ShadowEntity
CelticSol said:
Jackie almost cries in relief when he lets her very shady behavior go, almost kisses his precious face because he didn't press when he literally had every right to. She turns to completely face him, closing the gap between them with a few steps. She wraps her arms around him at his waist as she smiles up at him warmly, "That we are. Plus, she was talking about maybe going to an amusement park, so I might finally be able to fulfill that promise I made to you a couple years back."
Draping his arms over Jackie's shoulders, Alpha lightly kissed her. "Man, when you make a promise, you really do mean it, don't ya," he said with a grin. "I'd almost forgotten about that amusement park promise," he chuckled.
Jerry could somehow sense strong energy coming from his right, as he turns to his right he sees Hakeem holding water balloons in his hands, Jerry thought to himself "What is with the water balloons.... Wait.. Oh. I know", as Jerry sprouted a pumpkin which is large enough to crush an airplane and also created a guardian made of chocolate and cinammon, he then made use of his ability to create Fear, by turning the skies as crimson as blood.
Daimao said:
Draping his arms over Jackie's shoulders, Alpha lightly kissed her. "Man, when you make a promise, you really do mean it, don't ya," he said with a grin. "I'd almost forgotten about that amusement park promise," he chuckled.
"Of course I do," She says, trying to be completely serious, though her lips twitch from a barely held back smile, "I mean, I promised to show you happiness and friendship, and then went the extra mile to show you what love was like... among other things," She grins at the last part, adding a wink so he gets what she's referencing.

Fola catches sight of the mass of hair moving and stops. Rolling his eyes just a tiny bit, he approached her and knelt down to her level, moving her hair just enough so he could see a bit of her face. He placed a kiss upon her forehead and smiled, "Hey, so I was taking care of business, and well, a scumbag tagged along. Not sure if you want to see him, but for me to take care of my business I need to do this, alright?"



Illyana looked up for just a brief moment and briefly gasped in surprise. It was just a quick one, surprise at the sight of seeing him again, shock at how different he looked as an adult, many things. She tried to keep it down, but Oden had heard it, he turned to see where she had been looking and smiled predatorily, "Oh...Do you know him? Is that some kind of connection I see on your face? When did you have time to make a connection huh? I thought that damn church you lived in was burned to the fucking ground..."

She continued looking to the floor, as the sadistic boy rubbed his chin at the sight of Colin. He looked upset, depressed...Inoccent. He'd be so FUN to break! And he already had a tool to do so...He smiled brightly, "Okay then! Go talk to him...NOW!"

There was a flash of red and Illyana gasped, her body moving instinctively to close the gap between her and Colin, she put a hand to his shoulder and smiled at him,
"Hello there chil- I mean...Well clearly you're no longer a child anymore..." She stifled a laugh. She was terrified at what she was more than likely being used for, but at the same time, there were worse people to have to socialize with, so even if she was being used...It didn't have to be all miserable, and she needed some kind of silver lining



Jayn looked at Roman with a pout, "I'm going to guess it's me...But you know what I love?" She turned back to the guild quickly, "NOT BEING A MIDGIT!" She turned back to Roman, "Sorry, needed to get that out..."

CelticSol said:
"Of course I do," She says, trying to be completely serious, though her lips twitch from a barely held back smile, "I mean, I promised to show you happiness and friendship, and then went the extra mile to show you what love was like... among other things," She grins at the last part, adding a wink so he gets what she's referencing.
At Jackie's suggestive words, Alpha blushed slightly, clearing his throat. "Uh, um...yeah," he said lamely. "Uh yeah, you uh...most certainly did," he stammered.
Daimao said:
At Jackie's suggestive words, Alpha blushed slightly, clearing his throat. "Uh, um...yeah," he said lamely. "Uh yeah, you uh...most certainly did," he stammered.
With a self-satisfied smirk, she takes in Alpha's apparent embarrassment with a small thrill, very pleased to have thrown him off guard. Through half-lidded eyes, she reaches up and runs the back of her index finger across his flush cheeks, an arch to her brow, "Not so funny when the tables are turned, are they, Alpha? Good to know I have that leverage, though," Running her finger along the curve of his jaw all the way down to his chin, she moves closer to him as her fingers trail up, briefly brushing over his lips. She completely breaks the effect by poking him on the noise, emphasizing it by adding the sound effect of 'boop' as she laughs.
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Hakeem slowly began to freak out as he first saw a giant pumpkin, causing him to drop the water balloons in amazement, and shock. He then witnesses a chocolate and cinnamon guardian appear. His jaw dropped. I want to taste it. He said somewhat crazy. As the sky turned Crimson Hakeem charged forward towards the Guardian with the ambition to taste it. His ambition to taste it over powered his fear.

(!) Hakeem channels Amon's Powers onto his right hand allowing it to catch aflame. He swings his right fist in a hook motion firing fireballs of intense flames.
Taste, taste, taste, taste. With each swing the word "taste" came out Hakeem's mouth. At this point Hakeem's pupils where huge as if his in a trance. @ShadowEntity
Jerry looked at the flames being produced by Hakeem's ring, he felt excited and made a marshmallow warrior, an ice cream knight and also a lollipop Valkyrie, he then ran away from Hakeem, as he jumped through the buildings and as well as leaving a track of candy on the way, he then hides inside an abandoned hotel, as Jerry thinks its the perfect place for his fear powers to work greatly. @Embaga Elder
LokiofSP said:
Illyana looked up for just a brief moment and briefly gasped in surprise. It was just a quick one, surprise at the sight of seeing him again, shock at how different he looked as an adult, many things. She tried to keep it down, but Oden had heard it, he turned to see where she had been looking and smiled predatorily, "Oh...Do you know him? Is that some kind of connection I see on your face? When did you have time to make a connection huh? I thought that damn church you lived in was burned to the fucking ground..."

She continued looking to the floor, as the sadistic boy rubbed his chin at the sight of Colin. He looked upset, depressed...Inoccent. He'd be so FUN to break! And he already had a tool to do so...He smiled brightly, "Okay then! Go talk to him...NOW!"

There was a flash of red and Illyana gasped, her body moving instinctively to close the gap between her and Colin, she put a hand to his shoulder and smiled at him,
"Hello there chil- I mean...Well clearly you're no longer a child anymore..." She stifled a laugh. She was terrified at what she was more than likely being used for, but at the same time, there were worse people to have to socialize with, so even if she was being used...It didn't have to be all miserable, and she needed some kind of silver lining

Colin looked up at Illyana and smiled sadly at her, part of him wanting to talk to her about what happened with Anna and part of him not wanting to feel like a burden to her. "Y-yeah" Colin started rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I c-can b-be th-though. I-If you'd pr-prefer." Colin offered, part of him wanting to do it so he'd have an excuse to get a hug.

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Mars appeared in front of Oden . " Time to die tucker. " He said in a deep voice as the hell chains surged to ward the man at high speeds.

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Illyana shook her head and smiled at Colin, "There's no need for that sir. As long as you are fine and comfortable, I'm fine with whatever appearance you may take..." She paused, "But you on the other hand...You seem saddened...Do you need to talk? I'm here if you do sir..."

Meanwhile Oden watched intensely at Colin and Illyana's conversation, it was only when he saw Mar's that this focus was lost. In an instant he nearly dropped the act, but he NEEDED to appear helpless...As much as it pained him. So he cried out a name, "Illyana! Help!" And just like that Illyana herself was forced to his side, using her weapons to redirect the Hell Chains as Oden made himself trip while walking backwards. He looked at Mar's in 'fear' though his acting abilities were good enough to fool him, "Wh-why are you attacking me! I-I didn't even do anything to you! I-I j-ju-just want to join the guild...Please...Don't hurt me..."

@djinnamon @GingerBread

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