Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
(Gonna leave this here ( ! ) )
Vance just stared at the alien Captain.
"I'm not sure you understand. I'm not even giving you a choice, you will either give back everyone you took and leave, or you will die. Actually, fuck that. You literally just fired a beam of whatever the fuck at me, with the intent to kill me, considering the damage you did to the land. And you just let yourself out of the thing I was using to capture you. So why the fuck should I let you live?" Vance cupped a hand around his ear. "What's that? There's no good reason why I should let you live at all? Well if you say so"

Vance put his fingers together and was about to snap them but paused.
"Actually you guys have some good technology, maybe I should save it.... Nah you'd probably have some sci-fi shit to upload your minds into a digital consciousness and then get robot bodies or something. Yeah no, total annihilation for you. Safest option. Also I can't have this world having better technology, I'm still stuck in the past. I use daggers. Fuck that, as if I'm letting them get like laser guns and shit" Vance shook his head slowly before looking up to face the Alien captain once again; His fingers placed together so that Vance could snap them and destroy all the aliens. "Tell you what though, I'll let just you live, if you bring back all the Koreans. If not I'll kill you and go get them myself. Make your choice. Give the Koreans back and be the only surviving member of your race. Or don't give them back and die along with your race."


The captain sighs and the ships land and start dropping off Koreans."your your entire fucking race acts like this just over picking them up for minutes.then you all need some god danm anger management.if you need me I'll be at the most advanced land on your planet.Ta Ta."and with that the alien teleported away,leaving Vance on the ship.
Light said:
Isabel looks at them both, smiling as she comes with an idea. "You should join the guild! It seems like Alpha is about to propose to you as well. Fola brought up proposing to me before as well." Isabel looks at Delta and her smile widens. "Do you like Jackie as well? Wait....Jackie I thought you aren't into girls. Unless you like all of Alpha and her." Isabel meant to whisper that last part but Delta was standing right there.
( ! ) As soon as Fola appears on the mountain, Itami could feel Isabel all over him. Itami instantly goes from 0 to 100, appearing behind Fola with less air pressure holding Fola together. Itami was using reality warping already. "Talk. Now." His scythe was hooked around his neck.
Fola looks down at the scythe and raises up his hands, sighing, "Look, I'm not here to fight you, even though I totally should. I'm not even here to insult you, but I AM here to ask if I can have Isabel's hand in marrige... Look, you're a shitty dad, no doubt, but your still her dad, and I'm an old fashioned guy. Now I might not even listen to what you say, but here I am giving you a CHANCE to be apart of her life..."

MTchaos1134 said:
The captain sighs and the ships land and start dropping off Koreans."your your entire fucking race acts like this just over picking them up for minutes.then you all need some goddamn anger management.if you need me I'll be at the most advanced land on your planet.Ta Ta."and with that the alien teleported away,leaving Vance on the ship.
Once the Koreans were off the ship, Vance snapped his fingers. All the ships in space were destroyed along with everything in them. The one that landed was pulled into Vance's darkness realm where it was promptly crushed into nothingness before being disintegrated. Vance turned to face the Koreans and bowed. "You're all very welcome for what I did"

( ! ) Vance snapped his fingers and teleported the most technologically advanced place, finding the Alien captain once again before dragging him into the darkness realm and nullifying his powers.
"Now what made you think I was actually going to let you live? You tried to kill me. I had to warn you three. No. Four fucking times. Before you listened to me, now the first time, I would've let you live, but remember what I said? Three strikes and you're out. Now any last words? All your ships are gone, so that means so is your teleportation. No way out of this I'm afraid, even if there was. You're stuck in here until I let you out. I might keep you as a pet if I'm feeling generous. I was never good with pets though, they always tended to starve to death"
Jerry felt nervous, as he has never seen species that come from other sentient planets than Earth, he then questions himself "What are those species? And why do they take interest on taking over this planet?", as the ship teleported in the speed of light, he just sits down and uses his powers to make even more pumpkins to grow, the ones which are really hard to break as well.
Lekar said:
Ronan felt no surprise to the figure appearing in front of him instantly and without reason. Ronan felt his presence too. He watched as the stranger made himself comfortable, propping himself up in a seat of pitch black. Ronan felt no need to be alarmed, and simply sat down too in front of him, in the leaves.
"I'm Ronan; Ronan Erudon. Sent here by... That's... unimportant right now. Who are you?"

He curled his hands up into a ball and planted his chin on it as he planted his elbows into his legs. He stared in wonder and amazement of the man in front of him. Who could he be? What are his intents? His purposes? Is he human or of higher divine power? Many questions like these raced through his head, and he wanted to get them out.
"Well I am vengance itself,a god you could say."răzbunare said as he looked at Ronan."what is your purpose here?"
GingerBread said:
Once the Koreans were off the ship, Vance snapped his fingers. All the ships in space were destroyed along with everything in them. The one that landed was pulled into Vance's darkness realm where it was promptly crushed into nothingness before being disintegrated. Vance turned to face the Koreans and bowed. "You're all very welcome for what I did"
( ! ) Vance snapped his fingers and teleported the most technologically advanced place, finding the Alien captain once again before dragging him into the darkness realm and nullifying his powers.
"Now what made you think I was actually going to let you live? You tried to kill me. I had to warn you three. No. Four fucking times. Before you listened to me, now the first time, I would've let you live, but remember what I said? Three strikes and you're out. Now any last words? All your ships are gone, so that means so is your teleportation. No way out of this I'm afraid, even if there was. You're stuck in here until I let you out. I might keep you as a pet if I'm feeling generous. I was never good with pets though, they always tended to starve to death"
"We did not try to hurt you,it was a warning shot.if we planned it we would have.and yes I can still teleport.i didn't need the ships to do that.even then if I am not around to keep unity in order,chaos will break loose in multiple galaxies.this would be one of them."the captain sighs."I think we meet on the wrong foot,I am the leader of Z zen.peacekeeper and leader of unity.who are you?"
Ronan looked into Raz's eyes, smiling.

"I'm Justice itself. A god. I represent what must be done in equality and fairness to all. My purpose here is only drawn by humankind, and that is to restore balance to all who've committed acts of injustice. I was summoned here by this tainted planet, and I'm here to right its wrongs."

Ronan finished, standing up as he brushes off his pants. Returning his gaze to the so-called God of Vengeance.

"You're either for Justice, or against it. You can't be neutral, it's impossible. I'd like to ask you something, and I want you to be truthful. Which side are you on?"
Lekar said:
Ronan looked into Raz's eyes, smiling.
"I'm Justice itself. A god. I represent what must be done in equality and fairness to all. My purpose here is only drawn by humankind, and that is to restore balance to all who've committed acts of injustice. I was summoned here by this tainted planet, and I'm here to right its wrongs."

Ronan finished, standing up as he brushes off his pants. Returning his gaze to the so-called God of Vengeance.

"You're either for Justice, or against it. You can't be neutral, it's impossible. I'd like to ask you something, and I want you to be truthful. Which side are you on?"
"Since our jobs are similar I would say for justice I guess."Raz said as he got up from his shadow seat and it disappeared.
MTchaos1134 said:
"We did not try to hurt you,it was a warning shot.if we planned it we would have.and yes I can still teleport.i didn't need the ships to do that.even then if I am not around to keep unity in order,chaos will break loose in multiple galaxies.this would be one of them."the captain sighs."I think we meet on the wrong foot,I am the leader of Z zen.peacekeeper and leader of unity.who are you?"
"You didn't try to hurt me? You fired a beam that had enough strength to create a crater directly at me with no warning whatsoever. And that's a warning shot? But even if you can still teleport, which I doubt, but whatever. You can't get out of here. Because, And I'll let you in on a little secret here; This is a completely different realm. One that I have full control over. Watch" Vance snapped his fingers and the Alien captain was encased in darkness that was slowly crushing it. "Another fun thing is, this whole realm is nothing. there's no atmosphere, no gravity. Hell it perfectly preserves things as well. Anything I want it to do, it will do. This is my realm"

Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down in it. "And as for who I am. I am your death, I am the one who-" Vance stopped and paused for a second. "You know that sounds really fucking stupid actually. But the idea behind it is true. I am the one who can kill you with a snap of my fingers. Hell I pretty much just committed genocide without a hint of remorse. Do you really think I even slightly care about this unity shit? If you were the one keeping it in order, and you needed your race to help you do that. Do you really think I'm going to have any problem dealing with them?" Vance chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "You've failed. You didn't do what I said to do the first time or the second time, you then tried to attack me causing me to wipe out your race. And now you can't give me a reason why I should spare your life."

( ! ) Vance leaned forwards and looked the Alien captain directly in the eyes. "So here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me why I shouldn't kill you. If you lie to me or even if I think you are. Then I'm going to kill you. If I don't like what you say. I'm going to kill you. If I get bored, I'm going to kill you. Because I was going to do something. But your petty attempt at an invasion interrupted that."

MTchaos1134 said:
"Since our jobs are similar I would say for justice I guess."Raz said as he got up from his shadow seat and it disappeared.
Ronan held out a friendly hand, offering a shake. He felt a lot calmer around this being.

"Well, that's fortunate..."

He looked him in the eyes again, before speaking up again.

"You obviously didn't come here for my name, though. You came here because you felt my arrival. Do you have business with me?"
GingerBread said:
"You didn't try to hurt me? You fired a beam that had enough strength to create a crater directly at me with no warning whatsoever. And that's a warning shot? But even if you can still teleport, which I doubt, but whatever. You can't get out of here. Because, And I'll let you in on a little secret here; This is a completely different realm. One that I have full control over. Watch" Vance snapped his fingers and the Alien captain was encased in darkness that was slowly crushing it. "Another fun thing is, this whole realm is nothing. there's no atmosphere, no gravity. Hell it perfectly preserves things as well. Anything I want it to do, it will do. This is my realm"

Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down in it. "And as for who I am. I am your death, I am the one who-" Vance stopped and paused for a second. "You know that sounds really fucking stupid actually. But the idea behind it is true. I am the one who can kill you with a snap of my fingers. Hell I pretty much just committed genocide without a hint of remorse. Do you really think I even slightly care about this unity shit? If you were the one keeping it in order, and you needed your race to help you do that. Do you really think I'm going to have any problem dealing with them?" Vance chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "You've failed. You didn't do what I said to do the first time or the second time, you then tried to attack me causing me to wipe out your race. And now you can't give me a reason why I should spare your life."

( ! ) Vance leaned forwards and looked the Alien captain directly in the eyes. "So here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me why I shouldn't kill you. If you lie to me or even if I think you are. Then I'm going to kill you. If I don't like what you say. I'm going to kill you. If I get bored, I'm going to kill you. Because I was going to do something. But your petty attempt at an invasion interrupted that."

"First off,that was not an invasion it was a scout regiment,so my race isn't dead.and for my reason to "live."I suppose is that I can help protect your planet."
Lekar said:
Ronan held out a friendly hand, offering a shake. He felt a lot calmer around this being.

"Well, that's fortunate..."

He looked him in the eyes again, before speaking up again.

"You obviously didn't come here for my name, though. You came here because you felt my arrival. Do you have business with me?"
"When I felt your presence I knew you were going to be part of my job,either as a rival or ally.and since I'm here,do you want to help me with someone who killed for a art piece?"he said as he shook his hand.
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CelticSol said:
Jackie runs over and slaps her hands over Isabel's mouth, and whispers quickly and low enough that Isabel can hear, but not Alpha, "If you so much as breathe another word about what we just heard, I will fucking end you."
Isabel was actually scared, backing away from Jackie. "O-oh....I'll just go and plan." Isabel lightly bows and glances up at Jackie for a quick second. She looks down and walks out the room.

LokiofSP said:
Fola looks down at the scythe and raises up his hands, sighing, "Look, I'm not here to fight you, even though I totally should. I'm not even here to insult you, but I AM here to ask if I can have Isabel's hand in marrige... Look, you're a shitty dad, no doubt, but your still her dad, and I'm an old fashioned guy. Now I might not even listen to what you say, but here I am giving you a CHANCE to be apart of her life..."

Itami's eyes grow wide and he suddenly takes his 19 year old form, going chibi afterwards. He drops the scythe and stares up at Fola. "What?! Isabel is.....what?! Who?! Who are you?! When? Where? Why? How? Wwwwwhhhhhaaaatttt?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"When I felt your presence I knew you were going to be part of my job,either as a rival or ally.and since I'm here,do you want to help me with someone who killed for a art piece?"he said as he shook his hand.
Ronan felt a bit relieved, knowing that this being shared his goals. He also felt a bit of flattery, having him ask for help with vengeance and justice.

"He had no reason to take a man's life, right? I focus with Justice, and I need to know the details before I act on my job. If he had no reason, no need to answer, just take me to the man. I will deal with him myself."

He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.
Lekar said:
Ronan felt a bit relieved, knowing that this being shared his goals. He also felt a bit of flattery, having him ask for help with vengeance and justice.
"He had no reason to take a man's life, right? I focus with Justice, and I need to know the details before I act on my job. If he had no reason, no need to answer, just take me to the man. I will deal with him myself."

He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.
He will not tell me the reason,I was trying to get him to until you showed up.so far it seems he has none."
MTchaos1134 said:
"First off,that was not an invasion it was a scout regiment,so my race isn't dead.and for my reason to "live."I suppose is that I can help protect your planet."
"Hmm, hmm" Vance curled up his fingers halfway to a fist and placed his index finger and thumb on his chin. "So that was a scout regiment? All those ships were just for scouting. A ship that could fire an orbital laser was just. For. Scouting. And IF your race isn't dead. I suppose I'll have to kill you anyway, to make sure they know not to come back here." Vance slapped his hands down onto his thighs and stood up. "But remember what I said about lying. If you lie to me, I'm going to kill you. I guess you thought I was stupid and would believe that lie about all those ships being scouts. Well news flash I'm not that stupid. never have been. I don't think any smart race would send ships with that sort of weaponry to scout a planet like ours. And you said you were the leader. Who the fuck sends the leader to scout? You could've at least come up with a believable lie"

Vance had a baseball bat made of darkness appear in his hands and whacked the Alien Captain across the head, sending him to the ground.
"Anyway, I'm going to kill you and no one is going to find your body, it will be disintegrated into dust anyway" Vance shrugged and enveloped the Alien captain in absolute darkness and disintegrated him.

Once that was done Vance teleported out of the darkness realm and back to the bridge where he was talking to Luna.
"I'm back Luna. You decided what you want to do? Like I said, I'll do anything. I just killed an entire army and Probably most of their race. Isn't that fun. Anyway, what do you want to do?"

Fola smirks at Itami's confusion, "That's right 'dad', name is Fola Keyrn, nice to finally meet you you giant piece of shit!"

MTchaos1134 said:
He will not tell me the reason,I was trying to get him to until you showed up.so far it seems he has none."
Ronan looked unamused, the thing he hates almost as much as injustice is refusing to atone or speak for themselves. If one is innocent, they should prove it. If one is guilty, they should live up to it. Refusing to speak on your own behalf is dishonest.

"Take me to him, I will make him speak."
Lekar said:
Ronan looked unamused, the thing he hates almost as much as injustice is refusing to atone or speak for themselves. If one is innocent, they should prove it. If one is guilty, they should live up to it. Refusing to speak on your own behalf is dishonest.
"Take me to him, I will make him speak."
Raz nods and opens a portal to his dimension."just,follow me."Raz said as he went into his dimension leaving the portal open for Ronan.
GingerBread said:
"Hmm, hmm" Vance curled up his fingers halfway to a fist and placed his index finger and thumb on his chin. "So that was a scout regiment? All those ships were just for scouting. A ship that could fire an orbital laser was just. For. Scouting. And IF your race isn't dead. I suppose I'll have to kill you anyway, to make sure they know not to come back here." Vance slapped his hands down onto his thighs and stood up. "But remember what I said about lying. If you lie to me, I'm going to kill you. I guess you thought I was stupid and would believe that lie about all those ships being scouts. Well news flash I'm not that stupid. never have been. I don't think any smart race would send ships with that sort of weaponry to scout a planet like ours. And you said you were the leader. Who the fuck sends the leader to scout? You could've at least come up with a believable lie"

Vance had a baseball bat made of darkness appear in his hands and whacked the Alien Captain across the head, sending him to the ground.
"Anyway, I'm going to kill you and no one is going to find your body, it will be disintegrated into dust anyway" Vance shrugged and enveloped the Alien captain in absolute darkness and disintegrated him.

Once that was done Vance teleported out of the darkness realm and back to the bridge where he was talking to Luna.
"I'm back Luna. You decided what you want to do? Like I said, I'll do anything. I just killed an entire army and Probably most of their race. Isn't that fun. Anyway, what do you want to do?"

"We'll I'm up for anything at this point really." Luna let's go of her umbrella and allows it to float above her head. "Really depends on what you want to do."

LokiofSP said:
Fola smirks at Itami's confusion, "That's right 'dad', name is Fola Keyrn, nice to finally meet you you giant piece of shit!"

"Okay, Fola. I want you to take me to my daughter right now! I need to give her something. Wait." Itami rushes back into the shrine and exits with a box in his hands. "Okay. Let's go." Itami's voice was high pitched now that he was chibi.
Before the alien was disintegrated.his bodies vitals kicked in and left some dna smaller then a atom,around the realm.
MTchaos1134 said:
Before the alien was disintegrated.his bodies vitals kicked in and left some dna smaller than a atom,around the realm.
(No. Sorry. But Vance covered everything in absolute darkness. And then disintegrated everything apart from himself. No way that could happen)

Light said:
"We'll I'm up for anything at this point really." Luna let's go of her umbrella and allows it to float above her head. "Really depends on what you want to do."
Vance look and Luna and sighed."I've already told you I'm the most boring person in the world. I read books in my free time, I've read the entire bible cover to cover twice" Vance created a chair and sat down on it. "We can pretty much do anything you want. Hell if you want me to take you out to dinner I will. Just.. I think it will be a lot less boring if you pick something"
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz nods and opens a portal to his dimension."just,follow me."Raz said as he went into his dimension leaving the portal open for Ronan.
Ronan looked up and down at the portal, it was weird to look at. It wasn't so much put on the air, like plastered to a wall, but made of the air. He looked past it and stepped in carefully, he'd never taken a portal before. There was nothing for a moment, and then he was there. Raz stood over a man on the ground, looking at Ronan. Ronan looked back and down to the man on the ground.

"Is this him? He certainly looks guilty enough..."
Lekar said:
Ronan looked up and down at the portal, it was weird to look at. It wasn't so much put on the air, like plastered to a wall, but made of the air. He looked past it and stepped in carefully, he'd never taken a portal before. There was nothing for a moment, and then he was there. Raz stood over a man on the ground, looking at Ronan. Ronan looked back and down to the man on the ground.
"Is this him? He certainly looks guilty enough..."
I can show you his art work if you want.just go through the portal again."Raz opens a portal nearby.
Fola blinked at Itami and shook his head, "Fine, whatever, just don't open your mouth about it. I still have somebody else I need to see..." He picks up Itami and teleports...


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