Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Isabel takes Jackie's hands in her own. "Really? Um....How much do you like him? Do you intend on mating with him? Does he take care of you?" Isabel was about to bombard Jackie with an ocean of questions.
Jackie seems taken aback by the sudden onslaught of questions, so much so that she starts automatically answering the questions, "I like him a lot, I have no idea, and he cares about me a lot more than I probably deserve."
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CelticSol said:
Jackie seems taken aback by the sudden onslaught of questions, so much so that she starts automatically answering the question, "I like him a lot, I have no idea, and he cares about me a lot more than I probably deserve."
( @LokiofSP )

"Hhhmmm.....bingo!" Isabel's eyes fill themselves with hope. "Maybe we can go on a double date! You know you and Alpha...Fola and I." Isabel takes Jackie's hands and starts to slightly bounce up and down. "We can do a lot of things together. Like uuuhhh going to amusement parks! Have a fun adventure! Being young and reckless by doing whatever we want in the city! It'll be great. Can we please do this? Please?" Isabel looks back at Fola. "Can we?!"
Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
"Hhhmmm.....bingo!" Isabel's eyes fill themselves with hope. "Maybe we can go on a double date! You know you and Alpha...Fola and I." Isabel takes Jackie's hands and starts to slightly bounce up and down. "We can do a lot of things together. Like uuuhhh going to amusement parks! Have a fun adventure! Being young and reckless by doing whatever we want in the city! It'll be great. Can we please do this? Please?" Isabel looks back at Fola. "Can we?!"
Jackie blinks at Isabel, "I mean, I'd have to ask Alpha, but... I guess? Like, I'm okay with it. I think it would be fun."
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks at Isabel, "I mean, I'd have to ask Alpha, but... I guess? Like, I'm okay with it. I think it would be fun."
"Okay, do you want me to plan the date or do you want to? I'm fine with either one." Isabel begins to tap her thighs, unable to contain her childish excitement.
Light said:
"Okay, do you want me to plan the date or do you want to? I'm fine with either one." Isabel begins to tap her thighs, unable to contain her childish excitement.
Jackie smiles wryly at Isabel, patting her on the head, "You know what? I'll leave the planning to you. I think you'd plan a good time."
CelticSol said:
Jackie smiles wryly at Isabel, patting her on the head, "You know what? I'll leave the planning to you. I think you'd plan a good time."
Light said:
"Okay, do you want me to plan the date or do you want to? I'm fine with either one." Isabel begins to tap her thighs, unable to contain her childish excitement.
Alpha, having teleported to Jackie unnoticed, taps her on the shoulder. The look on his face betrayed the fact that he was rather annoyed at his inability to speak.
Daimao said:
Alpha, having teleported to Jackie unnoticed, taps her on the shoulder. The look on his face betrayed the fact that he was rather annoyed at his inability to speak.
(@Light )

Jackie spins to Alpha with a terrified shriek, having practically been scared out of her skin. She smacks him on the chest with her palm, scowling, "Fuck, Alpha!" For good measure, she smacks him again, her expression a pout, "You scared the shit out of me!" At his face, she turns to Isabel, "Can you switch him back?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie smiles wryly at Isabel, patting her on the head, "You know what? I'll leave the planning to you. I think you'd plan a good time."
Daimao said:
Alpha, having teleported to Jackie unnoticed, taps her on the shoulder. The look on his face betrayed the fact that he was rather annoyed at his inability to speak.
Isabel beings Alpha back to his proper age and her eyes nearly roll out of her head. "Your tall! Oh, I'd like to invite you on a double date by the way!" Isabel winks at Jackie, intending to investigate her man for her. "Alright. Spit it out. What are you intentions with Jackie?!" Isabel didn't know that you needed stealth when it came to this. She looks up at Alpha, nearly straining her neck as she tries to seem threatening.
Hakeem runs up closer to the aliens in an excited manor. Wooooow. He says being super impressed by how their body is like. He pokes one of the aliens at their waist since he's the average size of a ten year old. So do you guys come in peace? He asked curiously. @MTchaos1134
Light said:
Isabel beings Alpha back to his proper age and her eyes nearly roll out of her head. "Your tall! Oh, I'd like to invite you on a double date by the way!" Isabel winks at Jackie, intending to investigate her man for her. "Alright. Spit it out. What are you intentions with Jackie?!" Isabel didn't know that you needed stealth when it came to this. She looks up at Alpha, nearly straining her neck as she tries to seem threatening.
Jackie, rather than even commenting, just puts her face in her hands to hide her total embarrassment.
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(Not dead, I swear. Just busy...)

Fola streched out his body, smiling at the sight of Isabel and Jackie. It was nice to know that she had someone other than himself. Then he heard the word 'marrige' and he froze.... Of corse he'd wanted to propose, he should have already DONE this, but he had forgotten, and now?! He stood up and walked to Isabel, kissing her forehead, "Double date sounds awsome, Bell. You should plan it and stuff with Jackie, because I need to take care of a few things...Alone... I promise to be quick!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol
Embaga Elder]Hakeem runs up closer to the aliens in an excited manor. [COLOR=#0059b3]Wooooow. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He says being super impressed by how their body is like. He pokes one of the aliens at their waist since he's the average size of a ten year old. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]So do you guys come in peace? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked curiously. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29877-mtchaos1134/ said:
When the alien got poked it scared it and almost shot Hakeem,but the other alien stopped the surprised one,then they continue duty.the three finally reach their destination.it was where the leader of North Korea was.they enter the building,regardless if the guards would let them or not,and they approached the leader.
LokiofSP said:
(Not dead, I swear. Just busy...)
Fola streched out his body, smiling at the sight of Isabel and Jackie. It was nice to know that she had someone other than himself. Then he heard the word 'marrige' and he froze.... Of corse he'd wanted to propose, he should have already DONE this, but he had forgotten, and now?! He stood up and walked to Isabel, kissing her forehead, "Double date sounds awsome, Bell. You should plan it and stuff with Jackie, because I need to take care of a few things...Alone... I promise to be quick!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol
Jackie opens gaps between her middle fingers and her index fingers so she can look at Fola with a raised eyebrow, then mouths 'you're full of shit' at him.
CelticSol said:
Jackie, rather than even commenting, just puts her face in her hands to hide her total embarrassment.
LokiofSP said:
(Not dead, I swear. Just busy...)
Fola streched out his body, smiling at the sight of Isabel and Jackie. It was nice to know that she had someone other than himself. Then he heard the word 'marrige' and he froze.... Of corse he'd wanted to propose, he should have already DONE this, but he had forgotten, and now?! He stood up and walked to Isabel, kissing her forehead, "Double date sounds awsome, Bell. You should plan it and stuff with Jackie, because I need to take care of a few things...Alone... I promise to be quick!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol
CelticSol said:
Jackie opens gaps between her middle fingers and her index fingers so she can look at Fola with a raised eyebrow, then mouths 'you're full of shit' at him.
Isabel completely forgets about threatening Alpha, having a low attention span when it comes to Fola. "Okay! I'll plan it well." Isabel grabs Fola before he can leave. "Be safe, I'll call you if I need you, Póir." She wraps her arms around his neck and stands on her toes, trying to reach for a proper kiss.

Hakeem ignores the fact that he almost got shot and continued his antics. He looked pass the guards seeing the ship. Ooooooooh. He said being completely amazed at the ship. Can I get on it? Is it safe? Without waiting he walked towards the ship planning to get on it.


Inaro was still following the three aliens. He entered his camouflage mode and phased through the building. He followed them being hidden by blending in. He quietly opened a bottle of beer and started drinking as he followed the aliens. @MTchaos1134
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#0059b3][B]Hakeem[/B][/COLOR] Hakeem ignores the fact that he almost got shot and continued his antics. He looked pass the guards seeing the ship. [COLOR=#0059b3]Ooooooooh. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He said being completely amazed at the ship. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Can I get on it? Is it safe? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Without waiting he walked towards the ship planning to get on it. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][B]Inaro [/B][/COLOR] Inaro was still following the three aliens. He entered his camouflage mode and phased through the building. He followed them being hidden by blending in. He quietly opened a bottle of beer and started drinking as he followed the aliens. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29877-mtchaos1134/ said:
When he tries getting on the ship,a shield stops him like a wall.the two aliens look down at the being.

The three aliens make it to the leader and one of them sits on a chair and spoke in a Unkown language.
CelticSol said:
(@Light )
Jackie spins to Alpha with a terrified shriek, having practically been scared out of her skin. She smacks him on the chest with her palm, scowling, "Fuck, Alpha!" For good measure, she smacks him again, her expression a pout, "You scared the shit out of me!" At his face, she turns to Isabel, "Can you switch him back?"
Light said:
Isabel beings Alpha back to his proper age and her eyes nearly roll out of her head. "Your tall! Oh, I'd like to invite you on a double date by the way!" Isabel winks at Jackie, intending to investigate her man for her. "Alright. Spit it out. What are you intentions with Jackie?!" Isabel didn't know that you needed stealth when it came to this. She looks up at Alpha, nearly straining her neck as she tries to seem threatening.
Alpha doesn't even twitch as Jackie hits him, and looks positively relieved when he is turned back. Then Isabel practically jumped him with a rather important question. Surprised, Alpha looked to Jackie, saw her hiding behind her hands, and looked back at Isabel. "Uh...um I...uh..." Alpha stammered, his face reddening. Suddenly he melted into black sludge, before the sludge reformed into a woman. The woman looked around, before her eyes zeroed in on Isabel. "I am Delta. As little Alpha was quite embarrassed, I shall answer for him. He intends to treasure Jackie and love her until the end of time," Delta says her young voice melodic and sweet, yet also intense and carrying great wisdom. "He does intend to propose to Jackie but he's too em-" she paused for a moment. "Ah, it appears I wasn't supposed to say that part."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/256df1a8d0b25d3942a468c6b32685df.jpg.374e825d1ffbf76b8e446a9fee8a7852.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/256df1a8d0b25d3942a468c6b32685df.jpg.374e825d1ffbf76b8e446a9fee8a7852.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> About the same height as Alpha



  • 256df1a8d0b25d3942a468c6b32685df.jpg
    57.7 KB · Views: 20
Fola smiled, meeting her kiss halfway before shooting Jackie a dirty look. He picked up some clothes from his dresser and heading to change. After getting into his typical clothing (jean jacket, sweatshirt, '*Insert College here* shirt, ect.) He teleprted out, attempting to head to the location of one Itami Van Fen'rir

@Light @CelticSol

Hakeem fell to the ground when he hit the shield around the ship. Ouch. He rubs his forehead. Man I just wanted to get on the ship.


Inaro entered the room behind the aliens. Because he's always drunk and probably wouldn't be able to relay what happened. He records the conversation between the aliens and the leader of North Korea. @MTchaos1134
Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#0059b3][B]Hakeem[/B][/COLOR] Hakeem fell to the ground when he hit the shield around the ship. [COLOR=#0059b3]Ouch. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He rubs his forehead. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Man I just wanted to get on the ship. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0059b3] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][B]Inaro[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080] [/COLOR] Inaro entered the room behind the aliens. Because he's always drunk and probably wouldn't be able to relay what happened. He records the conversation between the aliens and the leader of North Korea. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29877-mtchaos1134/ said:
The alien just realizing that they do t speak his language.the alien grabs the leaders translator and stabs a spike through their head,which beeps a couple times before the spike retracts."Do you understand me now?"the alien said in Korean to the leader of North Korea.
Daimao said:
Alpha doesn't even twitch as Jackie hits him, and looks positively relieved when he is turned back. Then Isabel practically jumped him with a rather important question. Surprised, Alpha looked to Jackie, saw her hiding behind her hands, and looked back at Isabel. "Uh...um I...uh..." Alpha stammered, his face reddening. Suddenly he melted into black sludge, before the sludge reformed into a woman. The woman looked around, before her eyes zeroed in on Isabel. "I am Delta. As little Alpha was quite embarrassed, I shall answer for him. He intends to treasure Jackie and love her until the end of time," Delta says her young voice melodic and sweet, yet also intense and carrying great wisdom. "He does intend to propose to Jackie but he's too em-" she paused for a moment. "Ah, it appears I wasn't supposed to say that part."
View attachment 245304 About the same height as Alpha

Already caught off guard by the declaration of love, any thought process she could've ever had in that situation came to a screeching halt for the second time in five minutes as Delta almost offhandedly mentions the fact that Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to marry her.

What was it like to have coherent thought? Jackie doesn't know, because she's not sure she's ever going to think straight again. She should say something to this mind shattering revelation, but when she tries to even think about this, her mind short circuits at every implication of that nonchalant sentence. Uncovering her scarlet face, she turns to Delta and opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. What the fuck is she even supposed to say?!

Error: Jackie.exe is not found.


"You're fucking with me," suddenly slips through the cracks of her shock, and she almost winces at how she sounds like she's drowning. At Delta's decidedly 'I'm not joking' expression, Jackie's eyes go wide as dinner plates, "You're not fucking with me. I..." Jackie trails off, and after trying to get her bearings again, "I would. Say yes, I mean. If he asked."
Daimao said:
Alpha doesn't even twitch as Jackie hits him, and looks positively relieved when he is turned back. Then Isabel practically jumped him with a rather important question. Surprised, Alpha looked to Jackie, saw her hiding behind her hands, and looked back at Isabel. "Uh...um I...uh..." Alpha stammered, his face reddening. Suddenly he melted into black sludge, before the sludge reformed into a woman. The woman looked around, before her eyes zeroed in on Isabel. "I am Delta. As little Alpha was quite embarrassed, I shall answer for him. He intends to treasure Jackie and love her until the end of time," Delta says her young voice melodic and sweet, yet also intense and carrying great wisdom. "He does intend to propose to Jackie but he's too em-" she paused for a moment. "Ah, it appears I wasn't supposed to say that part."
View attachment 245304 About the same height as Alpha

Daimao said:
Alpha doesn't even twitch as Jackie hits him, and looks positively relieved when he is turned back. Then Isabel practically jumped him with a rather important question. Surprised, Alpha looked to Jackie, saw her hiding behind her hands, and looked back at Isabel. "Uh...um I...uh..." Alpha stammered, his face reddening. Suddenly he melted into black sludge, before the sludge reformed into a woman. The woman looked around, before her eyes zeroed in on Isabel. "I am Delta. As little Alpha was quite embarrassed, I shall answer for him. He intends to treasure Jackie and love her until the end of time," Delta says her young voice melodic and sweet, yet also intense and carrying great wisdom. "He does intend to propose to Jackie but he's too em-" she paused for a moment. "Ah, it appears I wasn't supposed to say that part."

View attachment 245304 About the same height as Alpha

LokiofSP said:
Fola smiled, meeting her kiss halfway before shooting Jackie a dirty look. He picked up some clothes from his dresser and heading to change. After getting into his typical clothing (jean jacket, sweatshirt, '*Insert College here* shirt, ect.) He teleprted out, attempting to head to the location of one Itami Van Fen'rir
@Light @CelticSol
CelticSol said:
Already caught off guard by the declaration of love, any thought process she could've ever had in that situation came to a screeching halt for the second time in five minutes as Delta almost offhandedly mentions the fact that Alpha wants to propose to her.
Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to marry her.

What was it like to have coherent thought? Jackie doesn't know, because she's not sure she's ever going to think straight again. She should say something to this mind shattering revelation, but when she tries to even think about this, her mind short circuits at every implication of that nonchalant sentence. Uncovering her scarlet face, she turns to Delta and opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. What the fuck is she even supposed to say?!

Error: Jackie.exe is not found.


"You're fucking with me," suddenly slips through the cracks of her shock, and she almost winces at how she sounds like she's drowning. At Delta's decidedly 'I'm not joking' expression, Jackie's eyes go wide as dinner plates, "You're not fucking with me. I..." Jackie trails off, and after trying to get her bearings again, "I would. Say yes, I mean. If he asked."
Isabel looks at them both, smiling as she comes with an idea. "You should join the guild! It seems like Alpha is about to propose to you as well. Fola brought up proposing to me before as well." Isabel looks at Delta and her smile widens. "Do you like Jackie as well? Wait....Jackie I thought you aren't into girls. Unless you like all of Alpha and her." Isabel meant to whisper that last part but Delta was standing right there.

( ! ) As soon as Fola appears on the mountain, Itami could feel Isabel all over him. Itami instantly goes from 0 to 100, appearing behind Fola with less air pressure holding Fola together. Itami was using reality warping already. "Talk. Now." His scythe was hooked around his neck.
CelticSol said:
Already caught off guard by the declaration of love, any thought process she could've ever had in that situation came to a screeching halt for the second time in five minutes as Delta almost offhandedly mentions the fact that Alpha wants to propose to her.
Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to propose to her.

Alpha wants to marry her.

What was it like to have coherent thought? Jackie doesn't know, because she's not sure she's ever going to think straight again. She should say something to this mind shattering revelation, but when she tries to even think about this, her mind short circuits at every implication of that nonchalant sentence. Uncovering her scarlet face, she turns to Delta and opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. What the fuck is she even supposed to say?!

Error: Jackie.exe is not found.


"You're fucking with me," suddenly slips through the cracks of her shock, and she almost winces at how she sounds like she's drowning. At Delta's decidedly 'I'm not joking' expression, Jackie's eyes go wide as dinner plates, "You're not fucking with me. I..." Jackie trails off, and after trying to get her bearings again, "I would. Say yes, I mean. If he asked."
Delta smiles sweetly. "Oh honey, that's so sweet. However, you'll have to tell Alpha himself that," she said, her piercing blue eyes practically staring into Jackie's soul. "Buuuuuut," she continues, holding a finger up. "Don't say yes until he actually proposes," she practically sang.

Light said:
Isabel looks at them both, smiling as she comes with an idea. "You should join the guild! It seems like Alpha is about to propose to you as well. Fola brought up proposing to me before as well." Isabel looks at Delta and her smile widens. "Do you like Jackie as well? Wait....Jackie I thought you aren't into girls. Unless you like all of Alpha and her." Isabel meant to whisper that last part but Delta was standing right there.
( ! ) As soon as Fola appears on the mountain, Itami could feel Isabel all over him. Itami instantly goes from 0 to 100, appearing behind Fola with less air pressure holding Fola together. Itami was using reality warping already. "Talk. Now." His scythe was hooked around his neck.
At Isabel's questions, Delta shrugged her shoulders. "Joining the guild is Alpha's decision, not mine," she said. Ignoring Isabel's other question, Delta continued. "In fact, it appears my time here is up, as Alpha wants to come back. Toodle-oo," she smiled, waving her fingers at Isabel and Jackie. With that, Delta melted, before reforming as Alpha. Looking at Jackie and Isabel, he sighed. "She didn't tell you guys anything embarrassing, did she?" He questioned cautiously.
Daimao said:
Delta smiles sweetly. "Oh honey, that's so sweet. However, you'll have to tell Alpha himself that," she said, her piercing blue eyes practically staring into Jackie's soul. "Buuuuuut," she continues, holding a finger up. "Don't say yes until he actually proposes," she practically sang.
At Isabel's questions, Delta shrugged her shoulders. "Joining the guild is Alpha's decision, not mine," she said. Ignoring Isabel's other question, Delta continued. "In fact, it appears my time here is up, as Alpha wants to come back. Toodle-oo," she smiled, waving her fingers at Isabel and Jackie. With that, Delta melted, before reforming as Alpha. Looking at Jackie and Isabel, he sighed. "She didn't tell you guys anything embarrassing, did she?" He questioned cautiously.
Jackie feels as if she's about to go into cardiac arrest when Alpha reappears, and she makes a mortifiying yelping noise.

If God was truly merciful, He would smite her. Right now. Right where she stood.

"Nope," Jackie squeaks. She practically slaps herself trying to hide her face, then coughs to even out her voice. "She said nothing. Nothing at all. Nope. She didn't tell us anything."
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