Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
AnthonyWrath said:
"Got it, we'll take one kids meal and one of everything that contains meat and a large thing of whiskey." Dante told the cashier, she told him they didn't have any alcohol he said," Then have someone go get it for me!" She agreed and sent an employee to go get what he asked, after she sent him she asked how Dante would pay for the meal. Dante drew his guns and pointed them at her and said," This is how I'm paying. Do you understand me." She nodded and Dante went and sat down in a booth. @MTchaos1134
Sitting down with him,Raz opens a small portal and pulls out a teddy bear,and places it on the table."Don't ask."He said.
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Light said:
Even more evidence of Fola threatening to kill the unconscious girl was playing on one of the officers screen. "Oh yeah, every crime should be blamed on a shape shifter right? We have all the evidence we need. Several videos and eye witnesses."
Grimmavus sends Layla and Siobhan a mental message about the situation on why he left with the hounds. He assured them that they were completely safe as long as they don't remove the muzzle or the fabric covering their eyes.

The hound begins to shift around excitedly, releasing horrendous loud choking sounds. It was the hound expressing happiness though for death hounds their laughter sounded like someone being strangled. The hounds tail wags from side to side swiftly, expecting more.
Derek looked at him. "You see the problem with people like you is you're all pessimistic assholes. Just because I believe in the person who saved all of existence and brought us all back after confessing his love to a girl would not go and rape said girl a day after. Do you see the bullshit? Because I do." Derek was starting to grow annoyed.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson assumed he mentioned the demotion. "Hmm you're right anyways you are in charge you do what you like. I won't complain like others do I know you are busy leading the guild. So about the cop situation though. Are you able to tap into the universe and see if it was him. I don't really know how your power works." He was worried about the situation.
Morpheus chuckled and waved his hand over him, ranking him up twice. No that's not how my power works. Okay no yes it does but to an extent. Yes, I can do that but it's complicated.

First off, every single mind on the planet chatters in my head. Do I listen? No I don't really care. As well, every shift in reality I can feel. With both of that,
He raised both hands to his head and pointed to his temples. My mind naturally stores all of it in my subconscious. Here.

He snapped and he and Jackson were in a dark endlessly tall and wide room with giant filing cabinets as wide as 30 of them in a line and and stretching endlessly high. These cabinets were lined next to each other, touching, spanning endlessly out

The cabinets started to all groan and creak loudly as somewhere down the mass of cabinets, the one labeled 'Fola' opened.

He turned to his left and it was as if it had been next to him all along as he had turned them to the open drawer, appearing there.

He rummaged through the files and pulled out the one stamped 'Fola and Isabel'

Inside of that file, he flipped through what looked like blank pages to Jackson but were photographs of drastic shifts in reality to Morpheus.

He held up the what seemed blank sheet of paper and threw it up. It fluttered and floated down as he put the file away and closed the drawer. Once the paper touchsd the ground, the room rippled away to the moment Fola and Isabel were in the elevator, just as Isabel pulled from Fola's chest.

When Fola ran past, leaving his trick behind, Morpheus gestured forward. So it seems he didn't. Or at least... Hasn't.

The room rippled like a stone in still water and the two were back in his office. Seems like he's innocent. My legal friend can handle that part
Daimao said:
Alpha's eyes suddenly snapped open. The first thing he noticed was that he was shirtless. The second thing he noticed was that his face was in between two warm lumps. Realising that the warm lumps were, in fact, Jackie's breasts, he pulled back, sitting up. Getting off the bed, Alpha cracked his neck, before he thought of something. Something that pissed him off. "Vance," he growled.
Jackie snaps awake as Alpha woke, her hair ruffled from sleep, so hazed from sleep that she doesn't even recognize what Alpha said, though she does realize he's angry. She sits up herself, watching Alpha as he rises from the bed, wringing her hands in her lap, "Sorry. I tried to clean out your wounds a little bit and get rid of all the blood, but I had to take off your shirt to do it," She pauses a second, her confidence wavering as she finds an intense, sudden interest in look down at her chipped fingernails, "Look, if you're mad at me, that's... I get it."

Light said:
Even more evidence of Fola threatening to kill the unconscious girl was playing on one of the officers screen. "Oh yeah, every crime should be blamed on a shape shifter right? We have all the evidence we need. Several videos and eye witnesses."
Grimmavus sends Layla and Siobhan a mental message about the situation on why he left with the hounds. He assured them that they were completely safe as long as they don't remove the muzzle or the fabric covering their eyes.

The hound begins to shift around excitedly, releasing horrendous loud choking sounds. It was the hound expressing happiness though for death hounds their laughter sounded like someone being strangled. The hounds tail wags from side to side swiftly, expecting more.
Though slightly put off by the noises coming out of the hound, Siobhan continues to pet the hound's stomach, but uses her other hand to also scratch behind its ear.
MTchaos1134 said:
Sitting down with him,Raz opens a small portal and pulls out a teddy bear,and places it on the table."Don't ask."He said."
"I wasn't even going to." Said Dante as he waited for his order. After some time the lady brought their food and Dante's whiskey over while she was shaking, as she walked away Dante stopped the girl and said," Thank you for the meal, you have my word that no harm will come to anyone else in this establishment. This is just what happens when I get very hungry, so I hope you can forgive me." The girl was questioning whether or not to believe him, but she had a feeling that he was telling the truth and calmed down a bit and went back to work. Dante handed Raz his happy meal and then he began to devour his meal and whiskey as fast as possible. Having finished all of it in seconds. @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
"I wasn't even going to." Said Dante as he waited for his order. After some time the lady brought their food and Dante's whiskey over while she was shaking, as she walked away Dante stopped the girl and said," Thank you for the meal, you have my word that no harm will come to anyone else in this establishment. This is just what happens when I get very hungry, so I hope you can forgive me." The girl was questioning whether or not to believe him, but she had a feeling that he was telling the truth and calmed down a bit and went back to work. Dante handed Raz his happy meal and then he began to devour his meal and whiskey as fast as possible. Having finished all of it in seconds. @MTchaos1134
Picking up his happy meal he stared at it for a couple a minutes,then tosses it into his dimension.
Fola sighed as he stepped into the room, he now had no idea of what to do. Police were still standing between him and the exit, which was REALLY bad, hearing Isabel call his name made him a bit frustrated yes, but mainly due to the fact that he didn't know how to help her at that moment...In fact he was unsure if he could help her at all. He squeezed her hand for what it was worth, and planned to bum rush past the police, it was the only option he ha-

"Okay, before I even ask what's happening, I just need to know. You're no a rapist right? PLEASE tell me you're not because then I have to do some serious self-reflection..."

Jayn stood there behind him, hand on her hip and a foot tapping on the floor, he smiled, "Oh thank god, I needed help so much an-Wait...Okay, hold up, what?! Why the fuck would I-? No...Just...No."

Jayn let out a breath of relief, "Oh thank god! Okay Roman, we can go no-"

"Wait! No, I have a problem, I kind of have to find a way to get the cops out of the hallway there, and I need a distractio-"

Jayn shushed him, "Sh...Hush child, I get it, you want me to shoot cops. I would have done it even if you hadn't asked me to! Okay Roman, so here's what's going to happen! I'll run down the hall and shoot a few of the cops in the legs before jumping out a window! No that last part isn't necessary, it's just fun! So you need to catch me on my way down okay? 123 LETS GO!!!"

With a wide smile Jayn unholstered her pistols and opened the door winking at Roman as she did so. She began rushing the cops still trying to break down the door to the other room, she let loose a few shots and aimed for non-vitals (There were kids in the hotel had to keep it PG-13), laughing the entire time...

Fola watched this happen and sighed internally,
"Why am I friends with her again? Oh wait...She was the only one who would talk to me...Damn my life is sad." He adjusted Isabel and took off running once more, staying behind Jayn as she did her mad woman antics. He reached the staircase and burst down the stairs two at a time...

CelticSol said:
Jackie snaps awake as Alpha woke, her hair ruffled from sleep, so hazed from sleep that she doesn't even recognize what Alpha said, though she does realize he's angry. She sits up herself, watching Alpha as he rises from the bed, wringing her hands in her lap, "Sorry. I tried to clean out your wounds a little bit and get rid of all the blood, but I had to take off your shirt to do it," She pauses a second, her confidence wavering as she finds an intense, sudden interest in look down at her chipped fingernails, "Look, if you're mad at me, that's... I get it."
Though slightly put off by the noises coming out of the hound, Siobhan continues to pet the hound's stomach, but uses her other hand to also scratch behind its ear.
At Jackie's words, Alpha quickly calmed down. At her mentioning of him being mad at her, Alpha frowned. Beta's words about Jackie being a liability rang in his mind, but he pushed them away. Alpha reached out and gently grabbed Jackie's head, raising her gaze to his. "Don't talk like that. You have nothing to be sorry for and I have no reason to be angry at you," he said softly, before kissing her.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus chuckled and waved his hand over him, ranking him up twice. No that's not how my power works. Okay no yes it does but to an extent. Yes, I can do that but it's complicated.
First off, every single mind on the planet chatters in my head. Do I listen? No I don't really care. As well, every shift in reality I can feel. With both of that,
He raised both hands to his head and pointed to his temples. My mind naturally stores all of it in my subconscious. Here.

He snapped and he and Jackson were in a dark endlessly tall and wide room with giant filing cabinets as wide as 30 of them in a line and and stretching endlessly high. These cabinets were lined next to each other, touching, spanning endlessly out

The cabinets started to all groan and creak loudly as somewhere down the mass of cabinets, the one labeled 'Fola' opened.

He turned to his left and it was as if it had been next to him all along as he had turned them to the open drawer, appearing there.

He rummaged through the files and pulled out the one stamped 'Fola and Isabel'

Inside of that file, he flipped through what looked like blank pages to Jackson but were photographs of drastic shifts in reality to Morpheus.

He held up the what seemed blank sheet of paper and threw it up. It fluttered and floated down as he put the file away and closed the drawer. Once the paper touchsd the ground, the room rippled away to the moment Fola and Isabel were in the elevator, just as Isabel pulled from Fola's chest.

When Fola ran past, leaving his trick behind, Morpheus gestured forward. So it seems he didn't. Or at least... Hasn't.

The room rippled like a stone in still water and the two were back in his office. Seems like he's innocent. My legal friend can handle that part
Jackson had a blank face. His mind was blown. "Holy shit. How do you process anything. Jesus Christ. Also there is something else picking at my mind. Who framed him and they might try again with others. Do you think that if I go in I can search and find out without having you go through the headache?"
MTchaos1134 said:
Picking up his happy meal he stared at it for a couple a minutes,then tosses it into his dimension.
Dante was confused by Raz tossing his meal in the portal, but didn't pay much attention to it. All he could think was what was the point of getting him the meal then,"Well seems we've both finished, what do you say we go do the mission? Dante asked Raz as he got up and threw his trash away. @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante was confused by Raz tossing his meal in the portal, but didn't pay much attention to it. All he could think was what was the point of getting him the meal then,"Well seems we've both finished, what do you say we go do the mission? Dante asked Raz as he got up and threw his trash away. @MTchaos1134
"Alright,and at least give somthing to the nice people here if you have anything."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson had a blank face. His mind was blown. "Holy shit. How do you process anything. Jesus Christ. Also there is something else picking at my mind. Who framed him and they might try again with others. Do you think that if I go in I can search and find out without having you go through the headache?"
Morpheus put his hands up and backed away. Oh no that's not my responsibility I'm not wooorthy of being leader. I'm a traaaaitor. I should be kicked oooout. Blah. He mocked Vance and Inaros words, speaking in a higher, more childish voice.

Voice returning to normal, he rolled his eyes and went back to his seat.
Do whatever you want. Have fun. Bring me any good information. If I deem it note worthy, I'll rank you up. Kay? Consider it a mission
Daimao said:
At Jackie's words, Alpha quickly calmed down. At her mentioning of him being mad at her, Alpha frowned. Beta's words about Jackie being a liability rang in his mind, but he pushed them away. Alpha reached out and gently grabbed Jackie's head, raising her gaze to his. "Don't talk like that. You have nothing to be sorry for and I have no reason to be angry at you," he said softly, before kissing her.
Jackie manages to keep her eyes down only a moment before she meets his gaze, her eyes apologetic and sad. She kisses him back when he presses his lips against her's, though she breaks it off with a sigh, earlier than she often ever does. She leans back, cross legged as she looks away - to anywhere but him, "This is the second time this has happened, Alpha. You should be angry, and you have every reason to be mad, or - or at least be frustrated with me," She laughs, but it's a harsh, bitter sound, "Heaven knows I deserve it. You're literally the only good thing I've got going for me and I've tried to kill you twice."
After quickly remembering somthing Raz opens up his portal and says."Sorry man uhh.."It seemed he was trying to think of somthing to say."I have to check up on someone? Bye!"As he said that he entered his portal and was gone,leaving his friend.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Alright,and at least give somthing to the nice people here if you have anything."
Dante said reluctantly, "Yeah you're right I will, I think I have enough for most of the meal." Dante walked over to the counter and pulled a hundred dollar bill and gave it to the cashier." Here this should cover most of not all of the amount owed, I would also like to once again apologize for my actions they were inexcusable and it sullies my colleagues good names as well as my own." Dante then began to walk away then stopped and spoke in a loud voice,"just so you know we're not the bad guys." And then made his way over to Raz. @MTchaos1134
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus put his hands up and backed away. Oh no that's not my responsibility I'm not wooorthy of being leader. I'm a traaaaitor. I should be kicked oooout. Blah. He mocked Vance and Inaros words, speaking in a higher, more childish voice.
Voice returning to normal, he rolled his eyes and went back to his seat.
Do whatever you want. Have fun. Bring me any good information. If I deem it note worthy, I'll rank you up. Kay? Consider it a mission
Jackson stared at him blankly. "If you're a traitor then so am I but that's a later conversation just send me in and I'll look for it."
CelticSol said:
Jackie manages to keep her eyes down only a moment before she meets his gaze, her eyes apologetic and sad. She kisses him back when he presses his lips against her's, though she breaks it off with a sigh, earlier than she often ever does. She leans back, cross legged as she looks away - to anywhere but him, "This is the second time this has happened, Alpha. You should be angry, and you have every reason to be mad, or - or at least be frustrated with me," She laughs, but it's a harsh, bitter sound, "Heaven knows I deserve it. You're literally the only good thing I've got going for me and I've tried to kill you twice."
Alpha smiles as he sits down on the bed. "Jackie. It wasn't your fault. That bastard was controlling you. And the first time wasn't your fault either," he said, putting his hand on her knee and stroking it with his thumb. "But it doesn't matter, because I'm still here. And I'll always be here, no matter how hard you try to get rid of me. I'm not angry, I can't get angry, at you because I love you. And I always will."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson stared at him blankly. "If you're a traitor then so am I but that's a later conversation just send me in and I'll look for it."
Right.... Well my friends have been arrested. Go bust them out! With an audible click His office returned to its proper spot in reality and the door opened gently for Jackson to walk out
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MTchaos1134 said:
After quickly remembering somthing Raz opens up his portal and says."Sorry man uhh.."It seemed he was trying to think of somthing to say."I have to check up on someone? Bye!"As he said that he entered his portal and was gone,leaving his friend.
Dante watched as Raz left In his portal,"Well that's karma I guess, eh it doesn't matter I'll just go for a walk for a little while and see where that takes me." Dante said as he walked out the doors and made his way down to the street and began to follow that path. @MTchaos1134
Daimao said:
Alpha smiles as he sits down on the bed. "Jackie. It wasn't your fault. That bastard was controlling you. And the first time wasn't your fault either," he said, putting his hand on her knee and stroking it with his thumb. "But it doesn't matter, because I'm still here. And I'll always be here, no matter how hard you try to get rid of me. I'm not angry, I can't get angry, at you because I love you. And I always will."
Almost unconsciously, her hand moves to rest overtop of his, her other hand moving so she holds his hand in both of hers, sighing, "This probably sounds pathetic to you," She breathes a laugh as she shakes her head, a small smile on her face as she finally looks up at him. Using her grip on his hand, she pulls herself closer to him, shifting to sit on her knees so she can kiss him, "Thank you. It doesn't change the fact I'm really sorry about what happened, but... It does help to know I have Alpha diplomatic immunity."
Tazmodo said:
Derek looked at him. "You see the problem with people like you is you're all pessimistic assholes. Just because I believe in the person who saved all of existence and brought us all back after confessing his love to a girl would not go and rape said girl a day after. Do you see the bullshit? Because I do." Derek was starting to grow annoyed.
The officers choose to completely ignore Derek, growing close to the station.

CelticSol said:
Jackie snaps awake as Alpha woke, her hair ruffled from sleep, so hazed from sleep that she doesn't even recognize what Alpha said, though she does realize he's angry. She sits up herself, watching Alpha as he rises from the bed, wringing her hands in her lap, "Sorry. I tried to clean out your wounds a little bit and get rid of all the blood, but I had to take off your shirt to do it," She pauses a second, her confidence wavering as she finds an intense, sudden interest in look down at her chipped fingernails, "Look, if you're mad at me, that's... I get it."
Though slightly put off by the noises coming out of the hound, Siobhan continues to pet the hound's stomach, but uses her other hand to also scratch behind its ear.
The hounds laughter went from choking to blood curdling screams as it rolled around Siobhan for more.

LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed as he stepped into the room, he now had no idea of what to do. Police were still standing between him and the exit, which was REALLY bad, hearing Isabel call his name made him a bit frustrated yes, but mainly due to the fact that he didn't know how to help her at that moment...In fact he was unsure if he could help her at all. He squeezed her hand for what it was worth, and planned to bum rush past the police, it was the only option he ha-
"Okay, before I even ask what's happening, I just need to know. You're no a rapist right? PLEASE tell me you're not because then I have to do some serious self-reflection..."

Jayn stood there behind him, hand on her hip and a foot tapping on the floor, he smiled, "Oh thank god, I needed help so much an-Wait...Okay, hold up, what?! Why the fuck would I-? No...Just...No."

Jayn let out a breath of relief, "Oh thank god! Okay Roman, we can go no-"

"Wait! No, I have a problem, I kind of have to find a way to get the cops out of the hallway there, and I need a distractio-"

Jayn shushed him, "Sh...Hush child, I get it, you want me to shoot cops. I would have done it even if you hadn't asked me to! Okay Roman, so here's what's going to happen! I'll run down the hall and shoot a few of the cops in the legs before jumping out a window! No that last part isn't necessary, it's just fun! So you need to catch me on my way down okay? 123 LETS GO!!!"

With a wide smile Jayn unholstered her pistols and opened the door winking at Roman as she did so. She began rushing the cops still trying to break down the door to the other room, she let loose a few shots and aimed for non-vitals (There were kids in the hotel had to keep it PG-13), laughing the entire time...

Fola watched this happen and sighed internally,
"Why am I friends with her again? Oh wait...She was the only one who would talk to me...Damn my life is sad." He adjusted Isabel and took off running once more, staying behind Jayn as she did her mad woman antics. He reached the staircase and burst down the stairs two at a time...

Roman floats outside of a window, waiting for Jayn to jump out the window. He had so much explaining to do if he ever got caught by other reapers.

Isabel seemed to be doing fine in her sleep and Fola's getaway was a-okay. Julius was using up as much time to mature Isabel. He was explaining certain adult things to her and how she should act. Basically teaching her all the things you would learn as you grow up. He was only doing maturity for now. "Okay...Isabella. Now that I've taught you about responsibilities its about time I taught you about handling your emotions, life choices, adult things, and most of all the current world around you. Now to start it off you must learn about the real weight of responsibility. Flip to the R section of the dictionary and write it down. After you write it down, right down the synonyms and antonyms. After this I'd like you to write down three examples of responsibility using some of its synonyms and antonyms. Lastly read it all to me."

Isabel nods her head and flips to the page, picking up her pencil once she's ready. The state of being the person who caused something to happen. A duty or task that you are required or expected to do. Something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc. Blame, fault, and liability. Dodginess, unreliability. The puppy was to blame. Unreliability is the bad guy to the embodiment of responsibility. It wasn't her fault that he's a liability. Isabel repeats this all to Julius, receiving a tongue flick of approval from him.

"Good. Good. We're making progress with the lesson." He made sure to remember she needed help with adult sentences. He continues on with his lesson to help Isabel mature.
CelticSol said:
Almost unconsciously, her hand moves to rest overtop of his, her other hand moving so she holds his hand in both of hers, sighing, "This probably sounds pathetic to you," She breathes a laugh as she shakes her head, a small smile on her face as she finally looks up at him. Using her grip on his hand, she pulls herself closer to him, shifting to sit on her knees so she can kiss him, "Thank you. It doesn't change the fact I'm really sorry about what happened, but... It does help to know I have Alpha diplomatic immunity."
Stroking Jackie's face, Alpha smiles, before poking her nose. "Now, never tell me that I should be angry at you ever again," he said, before smirking. "And next time you take off my shirt and put my face on your breasts, don't fall asleep," he said with a grin.

There was silence on the outside of the building...Until there was a crash as a girl came jumping out the window, bullets flying past her as she did so. She yelped in joy as she fell, falling into Roman's arms and touching the tip of his nose, "See? This is why you're the best! I can always count on you!"


Fola began to breath a bit heavy as he ran through the lobby and out to the street, fatigue from the entire day finally beginning to catch up with him as he neared his limit. He hit the side of his ribs in attempt to keep adrenaline flowing, but it was still begging to fail him. He didn't know where he was going, but he also knew that walking wouldn't get anywhere by running...So as bad as it was, he had to do something a bit more drastic.

He ran up to a man in a car who was currently at a red light. He didn't bother even saying anything, instead planting his scythe through the top of the car, an inch away from the man's ear. He yelled and got out of the car, attempting to get away as quickly as possible. Fola opened the backseat and gently placed Isabel in, before getting in the front seat and coming to a scary realization...

"I don't know how to fucking drive..." He let his head fall onto the horn for a moment, "Why did I think this was a good idea? This is so fucking stupid...."

Ethan saw a letter appear in front of him, he picked it up and inspected it "Oh wow a film! wonder what we will watch. Maybe "death, deaf and deather." Ethan teleported to the cinema.

Daimao said:
Stroking Jackie's face, Alpha smiles, before poking her nose. "Now, never tell me that I should be angry at you ever again," he said, before smirking. "And next time you take off my shirt and put my face on your breasts, don't fall asleep," he said with a grin.
Jackie flushes bright red, covering her face with her hands, "Oh my god, I was trying to be comforting! I thought you were having a nightmare!"

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