Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
@GingerBread[/URL] @Tazmodo @Light
(Those are my favorite kind.)

Light said:
One of the officers show them all the video of Fola pinning Isabel upon the wall in the elevator attempting to take off her dress as she was screaming for help. Fola's smile at her screams were displayed as well. It also showed him slipping away from the police. The officer also shows a live film of Isabel looking limp and unconscious on a bed with Fola in the hotel room. Another officer glares at Derek. "He's still in the hotel room, not here! We're supposed to collect you people and any evidence of you assisting him. We're not here for Fola, other officers are. Now that you've defended him and you're even using shapeshifting to defend him it's quite clear to us that you are apart of this!"
Derek turned back into himself. "Alright you got me. But I personally don't know Fola. But again I know about those two having some sort of relationship and they live each other. This was obviously false information and before you arrest him think. What if he was framed by a shape shifter? There are a few in the world. So let's just go and resolve this situation before shit goes down." He held out his hands to be cuffed.
I ain't apart of shit. Crimson said in annoyance then drunk some of his whiskey. And I'm not going anywhere because I didn't do shit. You'll probably have to attempt to take me by force. Crimson was starting ringer angry simply because these officers came barging into their guild. His aura started flowing off of him. Cole put up his hands in response to Crimson, signaling him to calm himself. Now is not the time brother. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. Before he puts it in his mouth he speaks. Take Derek and leave us alone. We had nothing to do with this. If you don't, then I won't be able to contain Vance the assassin, Crimson the living rage, and Zane the battle crazied monster. So please don't yourself a favor and leave with Derek. Cole said as calmly as he could. Zane only chuckled as the trill of battle filled his mind. @Light @GingerBread @Tazmodo
Vance looked over to them and shook his head before looking over at the Police again "Nah, these fuckers will leave and then declare Fola innocent unless they have an actual witness statement from Isabel. Cause otherwise I will go to every police station in the world and kill them, and maybe their families if I have time. Then I'll make my own team of Police who will do a better Job than these guys can. Like there's actual crime going on in the world but these fuckers chase headlines. Like where were you people when hell broke out on earth, far as I can remember I was the only one doing shit."

@Embaga Elder @Light @Tazmodo
As Malren came back from a long day of falling out of the plot hard work, he yawned, scratching the back of his head as a habit. He was about to head down the stairs, but seeing the officers, he thought better of it, returning to his room. While there, he saw Kinziel perched on his bed. "Hey Kinz," he muttered sleepily, throwing himself lifelessly on the bed. "How was your day?"

In his office, Ivan seethed in anger. Currently, a small team of police officers had breached the perimeter, making a vein on his head bulge. He had half a mind to kick them out, but on foreign soil, Ivan wasn't so sure on how that would work. Thanks the one of his spirits, he learned they were here for the half-witch Fola, who had obviously done something wrong - but then again, who in Dragon's Roar hadn't done something wrong at this point? Instead, the security guard pursed his lips, folding his hands angrily while he waited.

After two long weeks of grueling work, Boris finally got the guild's teleportation system fully functional again. Isabel had absorbed all of the converted ley line energy, but with a lot elbow grease, he finally finished the rewiring. The earth splitting had helped a bit too, opening up old ley line flows beneath the earth so that Boris could rewire them. The aging tinkerer sat back, wiping the sweat from his brow and sighing happily. "Beautiful," he muttered happily. "Makes me happy, too." With a groan, Boris pushed himself to his feet, limping off to the security room.

A few seconds later, Boris knocked on the door to the security room. "Privet?" His greeting was returned with a small grunt from Ivan, so Boris pushed the open the door. "Having fun, Ivan?" He asked with an amused tone. The security guard only grunted again, obviously not entertained by his comrade. "Police. Make entering of the building. Watch." He stuck a finger to the screen, and Boris hobbled farther up to watch it with interest.

Meanwhile, Alexei was doing... well, other things. In fact, the youngest member of the squad was actually at the mural Ashlyn made, slowly painting over it with smaller, non-magical brushes. He'd been camped out there for half a day now, having finished his bathroom maintenance early to get to his new task. Slowly, the young Russian man finished his last brushstroke, and as he sat back, the work was revealed: Ashlyn, Alexandria, Alice, Morgan, Christina, and of course, Isabel, painted to the best of his ability from eyewitness descriptions he'd gained from the other Dragon's Roar members. Satisfied with his work, he rushed to the sound of screaming officers, only to be shocked when they were demanding something about Fola. The janitor of Dragon's Roar could only watch from the sidelines, mop hanging limply from his hand.

Finally, Viktor returned back to Alina after (supposedly) a couple more training sessions*, with his third cup of coffee held securely in his left hand. Already, he'd been training the weaker girl for a while now, stopping every so often for breaks. Quickly draining the mug, he finally re-entered the room - now turned into a gym/study area for Alina. With a huff of acknowledgement, he sat quietly before Alina. After a good few seconds of silence, Viktor tapped his head. "Power strong now. Test. Kill me." Afterwards, he only sat back, hand still resting on his head.
Jayn had sat down and calmed down in her apartment, although her initial freak out had been understandable, it had turned into awkward silence as soon as the world had been saved... This is why she hatred serious moments, because they always got awkward later, now she had endured a good *Insert number here* amount of hours of awkward silence with Roman, they had simply just been allowing the news to drone on. She WANTED to apologize, she had been a wreck and acted stupid. But what was she going to say?

'Hey Roman, sorry for throwing away everything you've done for me and not valuing you after everything you've done by putting the one thing that could kill you up against you neck. Still buds?'

That was the only apology she COULD give, and it was a mouth full, so she kept her mouth shut. She had been about to suggest he leave her house when the report about Fola came on. She yelled, "Oh god dammit! Now you HAVE to let me go to this one! World was ending? Whatever, but my BEST FRIEND just did something stupid and now everybody thinks he's a rapist! I mean, I hope he messed up at least, I'd really have to rethink my life if my best friend was ACTUALLY a rapist!"

MTchaos1134 said:
Since there was a tv in the McDonald's,Raz knew what was going on"Oh my."He exclaimed as he saw officers in the restruant.
Dante looked at officers when Raz did and asked,"why are you so worried about a couple of humans? It's not like they can do much to you and I." @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante looked at officers when Raz did and asked,"why are you so worried about a couple of humans? It's not like they can do much to you and I." @MTchaos1134
"It's just going through the trouble of deciding to kill them if they try anything or let them arrest me or you."
MTchaos1134 said:
"It's just going through the trouble of deciding to kill them if they try anything or let them arrest me or you."
Dante turned his head to Raz and said,"look I know we've only known each other for a short period of time, but the rank up's more or less depend on both of us acting like a team and completing missions together. So in saying that I got your back if you got mine, is that a deal?" @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante turned his head to Raz and said,"look I know we've only known each other for a short period of time, but the rank up's more or less depend on both of us acting like a team and completing missions together. So in saying that I got your back if you got mine, is that a deal?" @MTchaos1134
"Alright deal,and api decide how to handle the situation.we out the cops to "sleep!"

  • (Im gonna take a borrow of Loki Gingerbread and Embagas way its easier on the eyes)

    Swirling a small vial above his eyes tilted away, Ryan experimented with a chemical,.mixing it with his left and stroking his chin with his right. Hmm.. interesting. He shrugged and placed it down as it didnt change color and looked over to his bedroom door being burst open.

    Lovely. Visitors. You, my dear men, are unbelievably lucky. I just placed down my experiment. Let me answer for you. No I do not know, no I can not help, nor did I know. He does what he wants and, more so than not, often doesn't doesn't tell me. No, I don't care if we're the best of friends. He made his choices and he will live with them.

    What? Oh Fola. Totally didn't think you were talking about him. My apologies.

    As the officers said their speech about their intentions, Fola's crime, and other tedious information to the man, he rolled his eyes and just extended his arms. You're officers. You want to collect testimonies against him. Jesus why not start with that? Maybe 'Your member committed a Crime and you need to take me for questioning?"

( @Light Morpheus, Businessmen, Ryan )

(@Tazmodo Morpheus )

(@GingerBread Anna)
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • (Im gonna take a borrow of Loki Gingerbread and Embagas way its easier on the eyes)

    Swirling a small vial above his eyes tilted away, Ryan experimented with a chemical,.mixing it with his left and stroking his chin with his right. Hmm.. interesting. He shrugged and placed it down as it didnt change color and looked over to his bedroom door being burst open.

    Lovely. Visitors. You, my dear men, are unbelievably lucky. I just placed down my experiment. Let me answer for you. No I do not know, no I can not help, nor did I know. He does what he wants and, more so than not, often doesn't doesn't tell me. No, I don't care if we're the best of friends. He made his choices and he will live with them.

    What? Oh Fola. Totally didn't think you were talking about him. My apologies.

    As the officers said their speech about their intentions, Fola's crime, and other tedious information to the man, he rolled his eyes and just extended his arms. You're officers. You want to collect testimonies against him. Jesus why not start with that? Maybe 'Your member committed a Crime and you need to take me for questioning?"

( @Light Morpheus, Businessmen, Ryan )

(@Tazmodo Morpheus )

(@GingerBread Anna)
Jackson sat down next to him. "Well after Ashlyn left I flew off to try and protect them. Got the shit beat out if me by Lucifer. Then when Isabel formed I tried to pursuade her to go to Temperance and when she went to Azriel I was killed. Also Theodore died and I don't know if it's worth anything but I wanted to bring it to your attention but I think there are more pressing matters at the moment. Do you agree?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"Alright deal,and api decide how to handle the situation.we out the cops to "sleep!"
"Whatever you want to do, I will say if this line takes any longer I'm fighting everyone here. Actually you know what, fuck this shit!" Dante yelled as he spin kicked both of the officers in the head and made flyand hit against the wall leaving the line open for them. "Hi can you take our order please?" Dante asked the cashier at the front counter. @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
"Whatever you want to do, I will say if this line takes any longer I'm fighting everyone here. Actually you know what, fuck this shit!" Dante yelled as he spin kicked both of the officers in the head and made flyand hit against the wall leaving the line open for them. "Hi can you take our order please?" Dante asked the cashier at the front counter. @MTchaos1134
"Tell them I'd like a kids meal please."
LokiofSP said:
Fola had been sitting in a chair in the corner, flipping through various pages of tiara's to find one that suited the girl who was currently asleep on the bed, he yawned and stretched as he finalized an order, sending it to the guild address. He leaned back on the chair and looked at the ceiling, counting the cracks as he realized just how tired he was. He looked to the bed, smiling at the thought of curling up with Isabel, but he knew that there were some lines he couldn't cross, they weren't together together, he didn't want to scare her or go against her wishes...
That's when he heard the banging on the door, he sighed in annoyance and stood up. It was probably room service or some shit, and while they had good intentions they were going to wake up Isabel... He checked the peephole and cursed at the sight of the police, backing away as he thought of what to do. Once again he could only help but wonder what they thought was waiting behind that door, was it him, with a gun against Isabel? The look of murder in his eyes, panicking as Isabel screamed? And then he would yell out...


He turned around and there he was once more, looking like a damn scumbag. Sure he wasn't that skinny, and sure Isabel's...Proportions might have been a bit exaggerated (He was a man, had to slip up sometime...) but besides that it was believable if someone didn't know who he was. He looked back at the bed quickly and saw Isabel there still, he thanked god and questioned his sanity for a moment, but shook his head and attempted to act.

He faced a problem, he couldn't kill the cops, as that would give him no way to clear his name what so ever. But he couldn't get arrested either... He looked at the window and had an idea. He looked at the side of the building and saw a ledge, just big enough for two people. Perfect. He opened it as wide as it would go and went to the bed, gently picking up Isabel and putting ear muffs over her head, he put her on his back, slowly stepping to the ledge and carefully edging his way to the other side...

He breathed in as he shimmied best he could,
"Easy...Easy...Don't look down Fola...Don't wake her up..." He got to the other side of the building and lifted a hand to the window, opening it... He then went to gently step inside....

@Light (Now, I'm going to write a post for Jayn, but this needed to be posted so it wouldn't be TO long)
Isabel didn't even stir in her sleep, she was knocked out. Isabel was dreaming with Carnage and Julius. Julius was educating her while Carnage was training her. The news copter could see her face now but couldn't figure out who she was. They saw Fola threaten to kill her and run off with her. "Fola..." Isabel was whispering in her sleep, the way her voice sounds when whispering could only bring around frustration due to the fact that it was arousing. It was frustration inducing since you knew you couldn't appease that arousal with her.

GingerBread said:
"Whoa. Calm your tits there Mr policeman. You're a fucking liar. And what are we helping him in? Saving everything in existence. I swear you people should be bowing down at his feet for saving your lives. But if you plan on arresting me, I'll fucking kill you. I'm not going to jail for something that's fabricated anyway. At least have the decency to charge me with something I've actually done" Vance unsheathed one of his daggers and made another one out of darkness; He glared at the Policemen, silently daring them to try to arrest him.
Tazmodo said:
(Those are my favorite kind.)
Derek turned back into himself. "Alright you got me. But I personally don't know Fola. But again I know about those two having some sort of relationship and they live each other. This was obviously false information and before you arrest him think. What if he was framed by a shape shifter? There are a few in the world. So let's just go and resolve this situation before shit goes down." He held out his hands to be cuffed.
( Damn...Embaga's trio just left Fola for dead. Reasonable. @DizjayDeathPride )

The officers arrest Derek, Ryan, and Richard. "We'll be back soon to inspect that building! We have a warrant to prove it!" They put Derek in the back of the police car and begin to drive away.

Lotusy said:
As Malren came back from a long day of falling out of the plot hard work, he yawned, scratching the back of his head as a habit. He was about to head down the stairs, but seeing the officers, he thought better of it, returning to his room. While there, he saw Kinziel perched on his bed. "Hey Kinz," he muttered sleepily, throwing himself lifelessly on the bed. "How was your day?"
In his office, Ivan seethed in anger. Currently, a small team of police officers had breached the perimeter, making a vein on his head bulge. He had half a mind to kick them out, but on foreign soil, Ivan wasn't so sure on how that would work. Thanks the one of his spirits, he learned they were here for the half-witch Fola, who had obviously done something wrong - but then again, who in Dragon's Roar hadn't done something wrong at this point? Instead, the security guard pursed his lips, folding his hands angrily while he waited.

After two long weeks of grueling work, Boris finally got the guild's teleportation system fully functional again. Isabel had absorbed all of the converted ley line energy, but with a lot elbow grease, he finally finished the rewiring. The earth splitting had helped a bit too, opening up old ley line flows beneath the earth so that Boris could rewire them. The aging tinkerer sat back, wiping the sweat from his brow and sighing happily. "Beautiful," he muttered happily. "Makes me happy, too." With a groan, Boris pushed himself to his feet, limping off to the security room.

A few seconds later, Boris knocked on the door to the security room. "Privet?" His greeting was returned with a small grunt from Ivan, so Boris pushed the open the door. "Having fun, Ivan?" He asked with an amused tone. The security guard only grunted again, obviously not entertained by his comrade. "Police. Make entering of the building. Watch." He stuck a finger to the screen, and Boris hobbled farther up to watch it with interest.

Meanwhile, Alexei was doing... well, other things. In fact, the youngest member of the squad was actually at the mural Ashlyn made, slowly painting over it with smaller, non-magical brushes. He'd been camped out there for half a day now, having finished his bathroom maintenance early to get to his new task. Slowly, the young Russian man finished his last brushstroke, and as he sat back, the work was revealed: Ashlyn, Alexandria, Alice, Morgan, Christina, and of course, Isabel, painted to the best of his ability from eyewitness descriptions he'd gained from the other Dragon's Roar members. Satisfied with his work, he rushed to the sound of screaming officers, only to be shocked when they were demanding something about Fola. The janitor of Dragon's Roar could only watch from the sidelines, mop hanging limply from his hand.

Finally, Viktor returned back to Alina after (supposedly) a couple more training sessions*, with his third cup of coffee held securely in his left hand. Already, he'd been training the weaker girl for a while now, stopping every so often for breaks. Quickly draining the mug, he finally re-entered the room - now turned into a gym/study area for Alina. With a huff of acknowledgement, he sat quietly before Alina. After a good few seconds of silence, Viktor tapped his head. "Power strong now. Test. Kill me." Afterwards, he only sat back, hand still resting on his head.
Kinziel frowns at Malren's condition. She knew he worked hard and instantly felt bad since she was internally yelling at him for not showing up. She decides to do something she normally wouldn't for him. She begins to leisurely crawl on all fours upon the bed towards Malren. Once she gets the opportunity to she straddles his hips and sits down on him. "Malren." Kinziel let's the name lightly roll from her tongue as she gently lifts up his shirt so she could directly give him a massage. Just because he had one man army, it didn't mean she should neglect his muscles condition. Not everyone is above needing relaxation. "My day was calm, peaceful, and filled with thoughts about you and I both. I hope your day was successful Malren. You never seem to fail!~" Kinziel begins to slide her hands along his body, massaging any tense areas. "Do you have any plans or do you want to sleep?"

Alina nods her head and begins to focus, brining forth a small beast. This beast rushes towards Viktor and clenches it's fist. "Go for the upper cut and then push off his body to retreat!" Alina shouts out to the beast without focusing on herself. Two weaknesses of hers, she had to shout out their plans and lacked focus on herself. The being jumps up in the air, preparing to land the uppercut.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4cf1152b21437abc3f94f0047cb5018a.jpg.056605e0836d4dca0daa5df716589c5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4cf1152b21437abc3f94f0047cb5018a.jpg.056605e0836d4dca0daa5df716589c5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LokiofSP said:
Jayn had sat down and calmed down in her apartment, although her initial freak out had been understandable, it had turned into awkward silence as soon as the world had been saved... This is why she hatred serious moments, because they always got awkward later, now she had endured a good *Insert number here* amount of hours of awkward silence with Roman, they had simply just been allowing the news to drone on. She WANTED to apologize, she had been a wreck and acted stupid. But what was she going to say?
'Hey Roman, sorry for throwing away everything you've done for me and not valuing you after everything you've done by putting the one thing that could kill you up against you neck. Still buds?'

That was the only apology she COULD give, and it was a mouth full, so she kept her mouth shut. She had been about to suggest he leave her house when the report about Fola came on. She yelled, "Oh god dammit! Now you HAVE to let me go to this one! World was ending? Whatever, but my BEST FRIEND just did something stupid and now everybody thinks he's a rapist! I mean, I hope he messed up at least, I'd really have to rethink my life if my best friend was ACTUALLY a rapist!"

Roman sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. He was trying to swallow the fact that he broke a law by stopping Jayn from dying at the time she was supposed to. "Alright I'll take you to your friend." Roman believed Fola wasn't a rapist. If Jayn was sure he wasn't then he was sure Fola was innocent too. Roman and Jayn suddenly appear beside Fola.

CelticSol said:
Ever the light sleeper, Jackie stirs as she feels Alpha's muscles tense under her hands. Blinking away some sleep from her eyes, Jackie gently takes one of his hands in her, rubbing her thumb in a soothing circle in order to make him unclench his fists, and to calm what she assumes to be a nightmare. As a frequent victim of nightmares, Jackie knows that sometimes waking them up from it was a bad idea, so she mostly leaves him be. However, once she had made sure he unclenched one of his hands, she pulls his head into her chest in a more maternal gesture, cradling him in hope that it might ease the nightmare before she settled back into sleep.
As Grimm disappears and the hound enters the room, Layla curses under her breath, hissing a quiet "Coward" as the hound approaches. Layla sets Siobhan down to free her hands in case she needs to protect herself, Siobhan clinging to her leg. When the dog sniffs Layla, then flops onto her feet, she lets out an inaudible sigh of relief, though she is a bit irritated it decided the best place to sit was her feet.
The hound begins to roll around on Layla's feet. Only to catch notice of Siobhan's scent and tackle her to the ground, laying on her as soon as it does. The hound begins to roll around on Siobhan.



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Light said:
Isabel didn't even stir in her sleep, she was knocked out. Isabel was dreaming with Carnage and Julius. Julius was educating her while Carnage was training her. The news copter could see her face now but couldn't figure out who she was. They saw Fola threaten to kill her and run off with her. "Fola..." Isabel was whispering in her sleep, the way her voice sounds when whispering could only bring around frustration due to the fact that it was arousing. It was frustration inducing since you knew you couldn't appease that arousal with her.
( Damn...Embaga's trio just left Fola for dead. Reasonable. @DizjayDeathPride )

The officers arrest Derek, Ryan, and Richard. "We'll be back soon to inspect that building! We have a warrant to prove it!" They put Derek in the back of the police car and begin to drive away.

Kinziel frowns at Malren's condition. She knew he worked hard and instantly felt bad since she was internally yelling at him for not showing up. She decides to do something she normally wouldn't for him. She begins to leisurely crawl on all fours upon the bed towards Malren. Once she gets the opportunity to she straddles his hips and sits down on him. "Malren." Kinziel let's the name lightly roll from her tongue as she gently lifts up his shirt so she could directly give him a massage. Just because he had one man army, it didn't mean she should neglect his muscles condition. Not everyone is above needing relaxation. "My day was calm, peaceful, and filled with thoughts about you and I both. I hope your day was successful Malren. You never seem to fail!~" Kinziel begins to slide her hands along his body, massaging any tense areas. "Do you have any plans or do you want to sleep?"

Alina nods her head and begins to focus, brining forth a small beast. This beast rushes towards Viktor and clenches it's fist. "Go for the upper cut and then push off his body to retreat!" Alina shouts out to the beast without focusing on herself. Two weaknesses of hers, she had to shout out their plans and lacked focus on herself. The being jumps up in the air, preparing to land the uppercut.

View attachment 241021

Roman sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. He was trying to swallow the fact that he broke a law by stopping Jayn from dying at the time she was supposed to. "Alright I'll take you to your friend." Roman believed Fola wasn't a rapist. If Jayn was sure he wasn't then he was sure Fola was innocent too. Roman and Jayn suddenly appear beside Fola.

The hound begins to roll around on Layla's feet. Only to catch notice of Siobhan's scent and tackle her to the ground, laying on her as soon as it does. The hound begins to roll around on Siobhan.
Derek looked at the officers. "So beside some video do yup guys have any proof that Fola might have don't this? Like say witnesses or a confession? If not you have very little considering you just saw a shape shifter." He played with the cuffs.
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Tazmodo said:
Jackson sat down next to him. "Well after Ashlyn left I flew off to try and protect them. Got the shit beat out if me by Lucifer. Then when Isabel formed I tried to pursuade her to go to Temperance and when she went to Azriel I was killed. Also Theodore died and I don't know if it's worth anything but I wanted to bring it to your attention but I think there are more pressing matters at the moment. Do you agree?"
"Yes yes I know of Theodore's death I was there. Tragic to say the least. Though I seem to have been a bit too preoccupied to send him a cupcake to cheer him up. Poor boy. Sugar will be the death of him. A cupcake appeared above Theodore with a small plastic cursive M on a stick stabbed into the cupcake. It landed gently on his head, ignoring the whole cop ordeal

As for your death? Self provoked. I was transported there to her weird psychoanalytic realm. It was fascinating. The realm, not your death. That? Yeeeeah.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Well anyways youre right. More pressing matters. That I'm sure the others will handle. Jesus I can't be involved with EVERYTHING Jackson. I'm not thaaat egotistical. He looked away from Jackson and to his right, talking to apparently no one saying, Okay maybe I am

He snapped back to Jackson and shrugged, kicking back in the rolling chair of his desk and spinning around Well Jackson. You haven't really don't much to get ranked up. If Vance wants to idolize Fola for talking Isabel back, I'm sure failing to is worthy of a demotion in is eyes alone. And with my view of political involvement, anyone else that sides with Vance on the idolization, yeah no that's not a word... whatever, of Fola then I must believe they would to believe the other. He looked to the left and paused a moment looking up, then down. He stood up and tapped his finger to his lips.

Getting up from his seat, he tapped his finger faster and mumbled,
well... That does seem fair..... Okay... Well.... Sigh. He waved his finger and shook his head. He turned to Jackson, on the side of the desk. How's two sound?"
Light said:
Isabel didn't even stir in her sleep, she was knocked out. Isabel was dreaming with Carnage and Julius. Julius was educating her while Carnage was training her. The news copter could see her face now but couldn't figure out who she was. They saw Fola threaten to kill her and run off with her. "Fola..." Isabel was whispering in her sleep, the way her voice sounds when whispering could only bring around frustration due to the fact that it was arousing. It was frustration inducing since you knew you couldn't appease that arousal with her.
( Damn...Embaga's trio just left Fola for dead. Reasonable. @DizjayDeathPride )

The officers arrest Derek, Ryan, and Richard. "We'll be back soon to inspect that building! We have a warrant to prove it!" They put Derek in the back of the police car and begin to drive away.

Kinziel frowns at Malren's condition. She knew he worked hard and instantly felt bad since she was internally yelling at him for not showing up. She decides to do something she normally wouldn't for him. She begins to leisurely crawl on all fours upon the bed towards Malren. Once she gets the opportunity to she straddles his hips and sits down on him. "Malren." Kinziel let's the name lightly roll from her tongue as she gently lifts up his shirt so she could directly give him a massage. Just because he had one man army, it didn't mean she should neglect his muscles condition. Not everyone is above needing relaxation. "My day was calm, peaceful, and filled with thoughts about you and I both. I hope your day was successful Malren. You never seem to fail!~" Kinziel begins to slide her hands along his body, massaging any tense areas. "Do you have any plans or do you want to sleep?"

Alina nods her head and begins to focus, brining forth a small beast. This beast rushes towards Viktor and clenches it's fist. "Go for the upper cut and then push off his body to retreat!" Alina shouts out to the beast without focusing on herself. Two weaknesses of hers, she had to shout out their plans and lacked focus on herself. The being jumps up in the air, preparing to land the uppercut.

View attachment 241021

Roman sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. He was trying to swallow the fact that he broke a law by stopping Jayn from dying at the time she was supposed to. "Alright I'll take you to your friend." Roman believed Fola wasn't a rapist. If Jayn was sure he wasn't then he was sure Fola was innocent too. Roman and Jayn suddenly appear beside Fola.

The hound begins to roll around on Layla's feet. Only to catch notice of Siobhan's scent and tackle her to the ground, laying on her as soon as it does. The hound begins to roll around on Siobhan.
Siobhan squeals as the dog tackles her, her eyes brightening in delight. She shifts the hound so he's wiggling in her lap, and she pets his belly, "Oh, aren't you cute?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"Tell them I'd like a kids meal please."
"Got it, we'll take one kids meal and one of everything that contains meat and a large thing of whiskey." Dante told the cashier, she told him they didn't have any alcohol he said," Then have someone go get it for me!" She agreed and sent an employee to go get what he asked, after she sent him she asked how Dante would pay for the meal. Dante drew his guns and pointed them at her and said," This is how I'm paying. Do you understand me." She nodded and Dante went and sat down in a booth. @MTchaos1134
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yes yes I know of Theodore's death I was there. Tragic to say the least. Though I seem to have been a bit too preoccupied to send him a cupcake to cheer him up. Poor boy. Sugar will be the death of him. A cupcake appeared above Theodore with a small plastic cursive M on a stick stabbed into the cupcake. It landed gently on his head, ignoring the whole cop ordeal

As for your death? Self provoked. I was transported there to her weird psychoanalytic realm. It was fascinating. The realm, not your death. That? Yeeeeah.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Well anyways youre right. More pressing matters. That I'm sure the others will handle. Jesus I can't be involved with EVERYTHING Jackson. I'm not thaaat egotistical. He looked away from Jackson and to his right, talking to apparently no one saying, Okay maybe I am

He snapped back to Jackson and shrugged, kicking back in the rolling chair of his desk and spinning around Well Jackson. You haven't really don't much to get ranked up. If Vance wants to idolize Fola for talking Isabel back, I'm sure failing to is worthy of a demotion in is eyes alone. And with my view of political involvement, anyone else that sides with Vance on the idolization, yeah no that's not a word... whatever, of Fola then I must believe they would to believe the other. He looked to the left and paused a moment looking up, then down. He stood up and tapped his finger to his lips.

Getting up from his seat, he tapped his finger faster and mumbled,
well... That does seem fair..... Okay... Well.... Sigh. He waved his finger and shook his head. He turned to Jackson, on the side of the desk. How's two sound?"
Jackson assumed he mentioned the demotion. "Hmm you're right anyways you are in charge you do what you like. I won't complain like others do I know you are busy leading the guild. So about the cop situation though. Are you able to tap into the universe and see if it was him. I don't really know how your power works." He was worried about the situation.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yes yes I know of Theodore's death I was there. Tragic to say the least. Though I seem to have been a bit too preoccupied to send him a cupcake to cheer him up. Poor boy. Sugar will be the death of him. A cupcake appeared above Theodore with a small plastic cursive M on a stick stabbed into the cupcake. It landed gently on his head, ignoring the whole cop ordeal

As for your death? Self provoked. I was transported there to her weird psychoanalytic realm. It was fascinating. The realm, not your death. That? Yeeeeah.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Well anyways youre right. More pressing matters. That I'm sure the others will handle. Jesus I can't be involved with EVERYTHING Jackson. I'm not thaaat egotistical. He looked away from Jackson and to his right, talking to apparently no one saying, Okay maybe I am

He snapped back to Jackson and shrugged, kicking back in the rolling chair of his desk and spinning around Well Jackson. You haven't really don't much to get ranked up. If Vance wants to idolize Fola for talking Isabel back, I'm sure failing to is worthy of a demotion in is eyes alone. And with my view of political involvement, anyone else that sides with Vance on the idolization, yeah no that's not a word... whatever, of Fola then I must believe they would to believe the other. He looked to the left and paused a moment looking up, then down. He stood up and tapped his finger to his lips.

Getting up from his seat, he tapped his finger faster and mumbled,
well... That does seem fair..... Okay... Well.... Sigh. He waved his finger and shook his head. He turned to Jackson, on the side of the desk. How's two sound?"
Theodore received the cupcake and smiled. "Thanks Morphues." He ate the cupcake and held the M in his hand.
CelticSol said:
Ever the light sleeper, Jackie stirs as she feels Alpha's muscles tense under her hands. Blinking away some sleep from her eyes, Jackie gently takes one of his hands in her, rubbing her thumb in a soothing circle in order to make him unclench his fists, and to calm what she assumes to be a nightmare. As a frequent victim of nightmares, Jackie knows that sometimes waking them up from it was a bad idea, so she mostly leaves him be. However, once she had made sure he unclenched one of his hands, she pulls his head into her chest in a more maternal gesture, cradling him in hope that it might ease the nightmare before she settled back into sleep.
As Grimm disappears and the hound enters the room, Layla curses under her breath, hissing a quiet "Coward" as the hound approaches. Layla sets Siobhan down to free her hands in case she needs to protect herself, Siobhan clinging to her leg. When the dog sniffs Layla, then flops onto her feet, she lets out an inaudible sigh of relief, though she is a bit irritated it decided the best place to sit was her feet.
Alpha's eyes suddenly snapped open. The first thing he noticed was that he was shirtless. The second thing he noticed was that his face was in between two warm lumps. Realising that the warm lumps were, in fact, Jackie's breasts, he pulled back, sitting up. Getting off the bed, Alpha cracked his neck, before he thought of something. Something that pissed him off. "Vance," he growled.
Tazmodo said:
Derek looked at the officers. "So beside some video do yup guys have any proof that Fola might have don't this? Like say witnesses or a confession? If not you have very little considering you just saw a shape shifter." He played with the cuffs.
Even more evidence of Fola threatening to kill the unconscious girl was playing on one of the officers screen. "Oh yeah, every crime should be blamed on a shape shifter right? We have all the evidence we need. Several videos and eye witnesses."

CelticSol said:
Siobhan squeals as the dog tackles her, her eyes brightening in delight. She shifts the hound so he's wiggling in her lap, and she pets his belly, "Oh, aren't you cute?"
Grimmavus sends Layla and Siobhan a mental message about the situation on why he left with the hounds. He assured them that they were completely safe as long as they don't remove the muzzle or the fabric covering their eyes.

The hound begins to shift around excitedly, releasing horrendous loud choking sounds. It was the hound expressing happiness though for death hounds their laughter sounded like someone being strangled. The hounds tail wags from side to side swiftly, expecting more.
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @Fabalize )

AnthonyWrath said:
"Got it, we'll take one kids meal and one of everything that contains meat and a large thing of whiskey." Dante told the cashier, she told him they didn't have any alcohol he said," Then have someone go get it for me!" She agreed and sent an employee to go get what he asked, after she sent him she asked how Dante would pay for the meal. Dante drew his guns and pointed them at her and said," This is how I'm paying. Do you understand me." She nodded and Dante went and sat down in a booth. @MTchaos1134
Security cameras caught footage of two Dragon's Roar members threatening a cashier woman, with a gun. They refused to pay for the meal and resorted to violence, whomever handles the security footage had already leaked it out to the internet. Ruining the Dragon's Roar name even further.

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