Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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GingerBread said:
"M-my life isn't r-really that interesting. Th-the only interesting thing a-about me th-that I can think o-of is that I-I wanted to become a-a doctor. W-went to University t-to b-become one. I-I didn't though. I-I passed th-the course a-and could s-still be a d-doctor if I-I wanted t-to. B-but I-I don't think I-I'd be able to, e-especially with m-my power. So I-I ended up g-getting a different job. B-but that's not r-really interesting anyway" Colin smiled sheepishly at Anna before picking up a menu and looking through it.
Anna stared at him with a 'really?' Expression. "Seriously? You think that isn't cool? THATS SO COOL!!! Colin be a doctor! Come ooooon that would be amazing! You could save so many people! So many lives! You could be RICH! And doctors are soooo sexy. Almost as much as lawyers"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna stared at him with a 'really?' Expression. "Seriously? You think that isn't cool? THATS SO COOL!!! Colin be a doctor! Come ooooon that would be amazing! You could save so many people! So many lives! You could be RICH! And doctors are soooo sexy. Almost as much as lawyers"
"I-I don't r-really want to be r-rich. I-I just wanted t-to h-help people, b-but I'm s-scared of n-not being able to h-help someone a-and causing th-them to die. O-or us-using my power on s-someone and h-hurting o-or even k-killing myself" Colin frowned at the thought before he looked up over his menu and smiled at Anna "Th-though I-I could b-become a d-doctor at the guild, B-but I'm not sure th-that would be u-useful to a-any of them. N-none of them s-seem to n-need to be healed a-anyway"
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GingerBread said:
"I-I don't r-really want to be r-rich. I-I just wanted t-to h-help people, b-but I'm s-scared of n-not being able to h-help someone a-and causing th-them to die. O-or us-using my power on s-someone and h-hurting o-or even k-killing myself" Colin frowned at the thought before he looked up over his menu and smiled at Anna "Th-though I-I could b-become a d-doctor at the guild, B-but I'm not sure th-that would be u-useful to a-any of them. N-none of them s-seem to n-need to be healed a-anyway"
Anna thought a moment on that. "Youre right... You'd probably have a small emotional break down with every patient. Have you considered being a.... Sur..geon? Technically a doctor. And you could totally heal your injuries after the fact, right?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"Oh sorry I was just showing off."he said as a portal opened in front of them,and there was now a floating wall blocking the view of the body.
"It's fine, let's just quick get something to eat so we can quick kill stuff and rank up as soon as possible." Dante said exiting the portal. MT chaos1134
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AnthonyWrath said:
"It's fine, let's just quick get something to eat so we can quick kill stuff and rank up as soon as possible." Dante said exiting the portal. MT chaos1134
The portal leads to a town.john follows behind Dante."hey look somewhere we can eat."Raz points to a McDonald's,having a sale.
Daimao said:
At Jackie's question, Alpha simply pulls her into a tight hug. "Yeah, I'm fine," he answered. Letting Jackie go, he stood up. "Let's go back," he said, opening a portal to the guild building. Looking at the drying blood that caked him, Alpha sighed. "I need a shower. And a na-" before Alpha could finish the word "nap", he tumbled forwards, landing face down on the ground, unconscious from the fatigue of the fight.
Jackie turns around just in time to reflexively grab Alpha around his middle before he face planted. She lays him on the ground momentarily, holding her fingers over his lips to make sure he was still breathing, then pressed her ear to his blood soaked shirt to ensure that his heart was beating - it was hard to hear the beat over her own pounding in her ear - and sighed in relief when she heard it. Like Alpha had carried her before, she hooks an arm under his knees and behind his back as she carefully stands, making sure his weight wasn't beyond her threshold as she held her 6'8", Cerberus boyfriend in bridal style. She almost snorts as she imagines what this must've looked like if anyone saw them as she climbs through the portal. She isn't completely sure who's room Alpha has dropped them into, but finds that after barely a second, she doesn't actually care, and very gently sets him down onto the bed in the room.

Carefully, to not jostle his wounds, she lifts his shirt off of his head, because it is a) covered in blood and dirt, and b) so she has access to wounds underneath. Heading to the bathroom, she grabs a handful of face cloths and wets them all with warm water, grabbing a towel before she leaves the bathroom. She settles down on the side of the bed and very meticulously starts to wipe off some of the blood, cleaning out the wounds of dirt and of Sovereign's blood as she does so. She silently prays that Alpha does not wake up to her doing this, oh my god because she's torn between thinking that he'll either tease her for being 'housewife-y', or that he'll think she's a creep for stripping him down and wiping off the blood. But she feels like she should be taking care of him - the guilt of using Sanctum on him is intense enough that she feels like the 'World's Worst Girlfriend' because this is the second fucking time she's made an attempt on his life, what the fuck, and the fact that Sanctum, knowing he was her boyfriend, went full effect on Alpha in hopes that it would kill him has pissed her off.

She's about to leave him to sleep when she realizes that, no, she's too worried to leave him alone, and plus, the near constant flashbacks Sovereign had given her has kept her awake the past few days, and adrenaline has worn off and left her dead on her feet. Kicking off her shoes, Jackie climbs in bed beside him and snuggles into his side, dozing off into a dreamless sleep.
Light said:
Grimmavus nods his head but finally remembers the orders he gave the hounds. Kill him. He never specified with Sovereign...So now that he was dead any male in the area was in danger. His eyes grow wide because that's when he knew... He fucked up. "Yeah! You two have fun with your moment!" Grimmavus opens his hand and has a condom appear in it, tossing it to Alpha. "You two have your moment and stuff, it'll be his last. I am not dying today, cya!" Grimmavus wraps his arm around Layla's hip and teleport away with her before Siobhan. Right when he does this, an ominous feeling draws near.
As Siobhan feels a presence before her, she looks up, recognizing one to be her father and one to be- wait... "Mamaí?" She asks, tears welling in her eyes as her mother - her mother!- leans down to her height and takes Siobhan into her arms, lifting Siobhan into mother's arms as if she were still as small as a baby. Siobhan buries her face into the crook of her mother's neck as she actually fully cries for the first time since her mother's disappearance. She repeats 'Mamaí' into Layla's short hair - which internally makes her cringe to see the cut hair - as Layla pets her hair lovingly. Layla turns to Grimm, taking one arm and bringing him into the embrace.
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MTchaos1134 said:
The portal leads to a town.john follows behind Dante."hey look somewhere we can eat."Raz points to a McDonald's,having a sale.
"What is this place, it looks like shit. But I guess it'll have to do" Dante exclaimed as he walked Inside the McDonald's. @MTchaos1134
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna thought a moment on that. "Youre right... You'd probably have a small emotional break down with every patient. Have you considered being a.... Sur..geon? Technically a doctor. And you could totally heal your injuries after the fact, right?"
"I-I could a-and I'd l-love to, b-but I wouldn't w-want to p-put o-other doctor's out of a j-job, I-if I-I can just h-heal anyone then wh-what would be the point of other d-doctors? A-And with th-the guild I-I might have to l-leave quickly t-to help them o-or something." Colin felt slightly bad as Anna seemed to want him to become a doctor "B-but if y-you think I-I should, th-then I-I guess I could"

GingerBread said:
"I-I could a-and I'd l-love to, b-but I wouldn't w-want to p-put o-other doctor's out of a j-job, I-if I-I can just h-heal anyone then wh-what would be the point of other d-doctors? A-And with th-the guild I-I might have to l-leave quickly t-to help them o-or something." Colin felt slightly bad as Anna seemed to want him to become a doctor "B-but if y-you think I-I should, th-then I-I guess I could"
Anna yelped and waved her hand rapidly in front of her. "No no! Its not that I really want you to! You said you really wanted to! I was trying to come up with ideas to push that dream into reality!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna yelped and waved her hand rapidly in front of her. "No no! Its not that I really want you to! You said you really wanted to! I was trying to come up with ideas to push that dream into reality!"
"I-I did, a-and I still s-sort of do. I-I just want t-to help p-people. B-but I-I don't think I-I could handle b-being a-a doctor, p-properly anyway. I-I could b-but I'm happy th-that I-I can stay w-with you all d-day if I-I want to as well." Colin smiled sheepishly at Anna "B-But should w-we order n-now? Th-the waiter i-is staring at u-us. A-actually I think H-he's staring a-at just y-you..."

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @Fabalize )

LokiofSP said:
Fola streches, "Oh you know, more clothes, a tiara for you, all that stuff...Oh, I also need to go to the guild, let them know I'm alive and tell them to fuck off while we're here. Oh, and I need to get stuff from my room, so I might be awhile...I'd like it if you came with me, just so I know you're safe..."
Isabel lays down on the bed, shaking her head. "I want to sleep." She was in fact tired but she didn't want to separate herself from Fola. Isabel faces Fola, looking away from the open window behind him. She didn't even notice herself drift off to sleep immediately.

It was at this moment that a helicopter reached a certain altitude not too far away with a camera. It was a news copter, filming Isabel's position. From their perspective it looked like her body was completely limp and unconscious. The officers from before had recorded the illusion they saw and were angered when they noticed Fola had truthfully gotten away. They had thought he had gotten away with Isabel right before their eyes and had called an entire force. The media was already on the event, spinning it to make it look like Fola had abducted and done unmentionable acts to Isabel. They also made it look like Dragon's Roar harbors criminals. The world was getting their hands on such news and the need for Fola's arrest and Isabella's safety grew larger. Officers in the area of the Dragon's Roar building we're already there, throwing open the doors with claims of arrest. The media didn't know exactly who Isabel was, which was good. Since they would make it even worse on Fola if they found out she was a Van Fen'rir. Officers were attempting to break the door to Fola's hotel down. People were outraged and stopped supporting Dragon's Roar and it's merchandise. They would continue to do so until they turned Fola in.

A new trend was starting on the internet. #Freedom for the sake of saving Isabel.

CelticSol said:
As Siobhan feels a presence before her, she looks up, recognizing one to be her father and one to be- wait... "Mamaí?" She asks, tears welling in her eyes as her mother - her mother!- leans down to her height and takes Siobhan into her arms, lifting Siobhan into mother's arms as if she were still as small as a baby. Siobhan buries her face into the crook of her mother's neck as she actually fully cries for the first time since her mother's disappearance. She repeats 'Mamaí' into Layla's short hair - which internally makes her cringe to see the cut hair - as Layla pets her hair lovingly. Layla turns to Grimm, taking one arm and bringing him into the embrace.
Grimmavus was extremely nervous about the hounds. They were still out there and nine times out of ten they'd be after his life. He still joins the family embrace but the moment he hears the steps of a hound he yelps out loud and disappears. Leaving Layla and Siobhan alone with a hound that had recently turned the corner. The hound had a muzzle on to keep it from barking and something over its eyes so it couldn't open them. A howl, cut, bite, and or glance from the hounds could kill. The hound sniffs at Layla and Siobhan, nuzzling against their legs afterwards. It sits on Layla's feet afterwards.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hellhound_by_daniellee_by_danielllee-d5tw8ig.jpg.e53e71f99067c31eecfa5911e54af2ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hellhound_by_daniellee_by_danielllee-d5tw8ig.jpg.e53e71f99067c31eecfa5911e54af2ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • hellhound_by_daniellee_by_danielllee-d5tw8ig.jpg
    137.8 KB · Views: 26
CelticSol said:
Jackie turns around just in time to reflexively grab Alpha around his middle before he face planted. She lays him on the ground momentarily, holding her fingers over his lips to make sure he was still breathing, then pressed her ear to his blood soaked shirt to ensure that his heart was beating - it was hard to hear the beat over her own pounding in her ear - and sighed in relief when she heard it. Like Alpha had carried her before, she hooks an arm under his knees and behind his back as she carefully stands, making sure his weight wasn't beyond her threshold as she held her 6'8", Cerberus boyfriend in bridal style. She almost snorts as she imagines what this must've looked like if anyone saw them as she climbs through the portal. She isn't completely sure who's room Alpha has dropped them into, but finds that after barely a second, she doesn't actually care, and very gently sets him down onto the bed in the room.
Carefully, to not jostle his wounds, she lifts his shirt off of his head, because it is a) covered in blood and dirt, and b) so she has access to wounds underneath. Heading to the bathroom, she grabs a handful of face cloths and wets them all with warm water, grabbing a towel before she leaves the bathroom. She settles down on the side of the bed and very meticulously starts to wipe off some of the blood, cleaning out the wounds of dirt and of Sovereign's blood as she does so. She silently prays that Alpha does not wake up to her doing this, oh my god because she's torn between thinking that he'll either tease her for being 'housewife-y', or that he'll think she's a creep for stripping him down and wiping off the blood. But she feels like she should be taking care of him - the guilt of using Sanctum on him is intense enough that she feels like the 'World's Worst Girlfriend' because this is the second fucking time she's made an attempt on his life, what the fuck, and the fact that Sanctum, knowing he was her boyfriend, went full effect on Alpha in hopes that it would kill him has pissed her off.

She's about to leave him to sleep when she realizes that, no, she's too worried to leave him alone, and plus, the near constant flashbacks Sovereign had given her has kept her awake the past few days, and adrenaline has worn off and left her dead on her feet. Kicking off her shoes, Jackie climbs in bed beside him and snuggles into his side, dozing off into a dreamless sleep.
Though Alpha layed silent and unconscious on the bed, the inside of his mind was a completely different story. Atop a mountain of skulls, Alpha stood, arms crossed, facing a shadowy copy of himself. They watched each other with identical glowing red eyes. Off in the distance of Alpha's dreamscape, all of Alpha's worst memories, accumulated over his lifetime, played out. Over the unending sounds of screams, gunshots, explosions, and crying in the background, Alpha spoke to his counterpart. "That's not happening, Beta," Alpha said pointedly.

Alpha's shadowy counterpart, Beta, paced back and forth, before stopping and glaring angrily at Alpha. "She's tried to kill us twice, Alpha! I'm telling you, Jackie is a liability," Beta growled. "It's in our best interests to rid ourselves of her."

Alpha growled at Beta. "That's out of the question, Beta! In all our life, I have never cared about someone as I care about Jackie."

Beta shook his head. "She's going to get us killed. Either by causing you to go and have to save her, or by doing it herself!"

Alpha uncrossed his arms and shook his head. "If there is anyone that I would die for, it's Jackie. And that's not going to change."

Beta aggressively pointed at Alpha. "You may be the Alpha now," he growled. "But you know as well as I do that that can change." Lowering his hand, Beta started to fade away. "Keep that in mind." And with that, Beta disappeared, leaving Alpha alone amongst the skulls and sounds of war and torment.

In the world of reality, Alpha, while still unconscious, clenched his fists.
Jackson went into Morpheus's office. "Hey Morphues I'm here to discuss my rank ups. @DizjayDeathPride

Theodore heard the banging and went to the door. He looked through the eye hole and saw the people. When they burst threw he fell to the ground. "That was painful. Do you have a warrant?" @Light
Tazmodo said:
Theodore heard the banging and went to the door. He looked through the eye hole and saw the people. When they burst threw he fell to the ground. "That was painful. Do you have a warrant?" @Light
"Yes we do!" The 7 officers storm into the guild. "You're all under arrest under the suspicion of being an accomplice in a recent abduction committed by a fellow guild member of yours. Fola Keryn. We also have authorization to search this entire guild building."
@Tazmodo[/URL] @Light
Light said:
"Yes we do!" The 7 officers storm into the guild. "You're all under arrest under the suspicion of being an accomplice in a recent abduction committed by a fellow guild member of yours. Fola Keryn. We also have authorization to search this entire guild building."
Theodore thanked him and looked at the officer's. "I'll get him now then." He turned the corner and connected to Derek through telepathy and told him about the situation. He teleported and turned into Fola and walked around the corner. "Is there a problem officers?" He held his hands up and slowly approached them. Theodore told the trio that it was Derek and he agreed to do this.
Fola?? Fola wouldn't abduct anyone. You are mistaken. Crimson spoke. For the time he somewhat knew Fola he could tell he was the type to go around abducting people. When Derek appeared, appearing as Fola, the trio watched to see if the plan would work. If not then they'll just allow them to search the building. @Tazmodo @Light
Vance walked to the front of the guild and saw some of the members and the police "Why are you guys here, does someone want to fill me in? Cause I can't have Police snooping around my room. It's just annoying. But seriously what are they here for? Did hell break out on earth again? Cause we didn't cause that. You shouldn't believe everything you hear"

@Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Light
Since there was a tv in the McDonald's,Raz knew what was going on"Oh my."He exclaimed as he saw officers in the restruant.
GingerBread said:
Vance walked to the front of the guild and saw some of the members and the police "Why are you guys here, does someone want to fill me in? Cause I can't have Police snooping around my room. It's just annoying. But seriously what are they here for? Did hell break out on earth again? Cause we didn't cause that. You shouldn't believe everything you hear"
@Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Light
Theodore looked at him. "They are here to arrest Fola. So Fola here decided to come out and not cause any collateral damage. This way we can resolve the situation."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore thanked him and looked at the officer's. "I'll get him now then." He turned the corner and connected to Derek through telepathy and told him about the situation. He teleported and turned into Fola and walked around the corner. "Is there a problem officers?" He held his hands up and slowly approached them. Theodore told the trio that it was Derek and he agreed to do this.
@Tazmodo[/URL] @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance walked to the front of the guild and saw some of the members and the police "Why are you guys here, does someone want to fill me in? Cause I can't have Police snooping around my room. It's just annoying. But seriously what are they here for? Did hell break out on earth again? Cause we didn't cause that. You shouldn't believe everything you hear"
@Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @Light
One of the officers show them all the video of Fola pinning Isabel upon the wall in the elevator attempting to take off her dress as she was screaming for help. Fola's smile at her screams were displayed as well. It also showed him slipping away from the police. The officer also shows a live film of Isabel looking limp and unconscious on a bed with Fola in the hotel room. Another officer glares at Derek. "He's still in the hotel room, not here! We're supposed to collect you people and any evidence of you assisting him. We're not here for Fola, other officers are. Now that you've defended him and you're even using shapeshifting to defend him it's quite clear to us that you are apart of this!"
Apparently the guy named Fola was accused for an abduction. I don't know the guy from outside what I've been told but, he sounds like he's not the type to pull this type of stuff off. Zane said while eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips while looking at the officers. @GingerBread @Tazmodo @Light
Fola had been sitting in a chair in the corner, flipping through various pages of tiara's to find one that suited the girl who was currently asleep on the bed, he yawned and stretched as he finalized an order, sending it to the guild address. He leaned back on the chair and looked at the ceiling, counting the cracks as he realized just how tired he was. He looked to the bed, smiling at the thought of curling up with Isabel, but he knew that there were some lines he couldn't cross, they weren't together together, he didn't want to scare her or go against her wishes...

That's when he heard the banging on the door, he sighed in annoyance and stood up. It was probably room service or some shit, and while they had good intentions they were going to wake up Isabel... He checked the peephole and cursed at the sight of the police, backing away as he thought of what to do. Once again he could only help but wonder what they thought was waiting behind that door, was it him, with a gun against Isabel? The look of murder in his eyes, panicking as Isabel screamed? And then he would yell out...


He turned around and there he was once more, looking like a damn scumbag. Sure he wasn't that skinny, and sure Isabel's...Proportions might have been a bit exaggerated (He was a man, had to slip up sometime...) but besides that it was believable if someone didn't know who he was. He looked back at the bed quickly and saw Isabel there still, he thanked god and questioned his sanity for a moment, but shook his head and attempted to act.

He faced a problem, he couldn't kill the cops, as that would give him no way to clear his name what so ever. But he couldn't get arrested either... He looked at the window and had an idea. He looked at the side of the building and saw a ledge, just big enough for two people. Perfect. He opened it as wide as it would go and went to the bed, gently picking up Isabel and putting ear muffs over her head, he put her on his back, slowly stepping to the ledge and carefully edging his way to the other side...

He breathed in as he shimmied best he could,
"Easy...Easy...Don't look down Fola...Don't wake her up..." He got to the other side of the building and lifted a hand to the window, opening it... He then went to gently step inside....

@Light (Now, I'm going to write a post for Jayn, but this needed to be posted so it wouldn't be TO long)
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at him. "They are here to arrest Fola. So Fola here decided to come out and not cause any collateral damage. This way we can resolve the situation."
Light said:
One of the officers show them all the video of Fola pinning Isabel upon the wall in the elevator attempting to take off her dress as she was screaming for help. Fola's smile at her screams were displayed as well. It also showed him slipping away from the police. The officer also shows a live film of Isabel looking limp and unconscious on a bed with Fola in the hotel room. Another officer glares at Derek. "He's still in the hotel room, not here! We're supposed to collect you people and any evidence of you assisting him. We're not here for Fola, other officers are. Now that you've defended him and you're even using shapeshifting to defend him it's quite clear to us that you are apart of this!"
"Whoa. Calm your tits there Mr policeman. You're a fucking liar. And what are we helping him in? Saving everything in existence. I swear you people should be bowing down at his feet for saving your lives. But if you plan on arresting me, I'll fucking kill you. I'm not going to jail for something that's fabricated anyway. At least have the decency to charge me with something I've actually done" Vance unsheathed one of his daggers and made another one out of darkness; He glared at the Policemen, silently daring them to try to arrest him.


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