Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

As soon as they arrived at the guild, Jayn immediately got off Roman and walked through the halls and to a very specific room, one that she'd been in last time. Hadn't had any cool shit, but she felt a need to let that person know their shit was weak. She approached the door and knocked, "Oi! You, whoever you are in there, if you're there, I just want you to know that your shit is lame! Nothing in there was even worth taking, you should look into getting some art or something...Maybe a Banksy, he's like a modern Picaso... At least that's what I've hear, art is subjective after all..."

She turned to Roman,
"Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, that's right!" She went back to the door, "I hope you pay for such a boring room through a traumatic experience at the grocery store, because FUCK YOU!"

@Lotusy (Because why not :P )


"Wait, new abilit- OH MY FUCKING GOD!" He dived out of the way on instinct, and imagined what would have happened had he not moved, he looked back and watched himself get blasted through the chest in vivid detail. His breath quickened as his chest rose and fell, "What the fuck is going on?! W-Why the FUCK was I just blasted?!" He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, "You people seem to forget that I'm in the dark about what the fuck is going on sometimes, hell, I was in a hotel room the one moment and on the run the next! I don't really get time to process and notice shit on my own!"


CelticSol said:
Jackie, flushed from the wonderful things he'd been doing to her neck, slowly blinks at him, trying to wrap her head around his words because she's all sorts of fucked up right now. When she does, she can't really put together a proper, coherent sentence that can truly tell him how she feels, so she puts jer hands on either side of his face and brings his lips to hers. Her hands wander across his torso as she deepens the kiss, pushing Alpha onto his back as her hands roam his body...
Alpha was laying on the bed, his arms wrapped around Jackie. The thought that they had just fucked on some random person's bed didn't bother him in the slightest. Gently squeezing Jackie, Alpha let go of her and began to look for his pants.
GingerBread said:
(So this post kinda got a bit long, I got a bit carried away :P )
Vance watched as the Policemen took various people he didn't care about away
"You try to search this place and your families will pay for your mistakes. Okay, have fun now" Vance turned around and started walking back to his room, unsure of anything to do I wonder if Luna is around still. I haven't heard from her in while though, maybe she's dead or something. I'll check later, I need to go think about things. Vance shrugged as he went into his darkness realm.

Vance sat down on a chair kicked his feet up onto a table So, I need to get rid of Isabel. Like she needs to go. She's a liability, if she gets upset or something, reality could be in danger again. No one else seems to see this danger apart from me, maybe they do but don't care I mean they'd team up with her to save their own arses again. I need to find a way to kill her, or at least find a way to split her into Ashlyn and the others again. But I'd be on my own with this, everyone else either doesn't want to hurt her or is too scared to. Hell Fola is in love with her and she seems to return the feelings.... Maybe I could use that against them. Kidnap Fola and give her an ultimatum, either Split again, or Fola dies. That could work. she seems to not have a clue about her own powers. Arizel or whatever her name was seemed to know all about the powers While Isabel knew nearly nothing about what she could do. So that could be the best way, hell it could be the only way. If I did it though everyone would absolutely despise me, and want to kill me... more than they do now at least. Vance shook his head and sighed.

Vance stood up and began pacing around his realm So I could do that and have everyone hate me and try to kill me and then probably get Isabel to reform anyway. But the split personalities need to want to do it as well, I bet they'd probably want to kill me as well. I mean they're a part of Isabel anyway aren't they? So if the guild didn't want to kill me they would. Rock meet hard place, hard place meet rock. Vance ran a hand through his hair and sighed again It'd be hard enough to actually do this in the first place, but with everyone wanting to stop me this time around. Hell it'd be damn near impossible, And I doubt I can make a deal with Luci anyway. Vance chuckled lightly I don't really care about all of this, but the Guild should be able to see that having Isabel alive and with all that power isn't a good thing. I mean I don't even trust Grimm with that much power, I don't trust Morpheus with the power he has. Power corrupts people, it starts off wanting to use it to make things better for everyone, then it progresses to making things better for the good people. Then it goes onto making things better for people who you like, then just making things better for yourself. Power is a dangerous thing to have, people tend to want to do the right thing, but their sense of morality tends to get screwed up. A lot of people don't realise what they're doing isn't morally good. Fuck I need a voice in my head to talk to or something, I'm discussing morality to myself. Vance shook his head and sat down on another chair.

Vance leaned back and sighed Some people will do anything for people they care about, Like that reaper with Jayn. Like that crybaby and his friend. Hell even like me with Sage. Emotions make a fool of people, they make you do things you normally wouldn't. And people have a hard time actually justifying it without just saying it's because they love that person and care about them. Most people tend to disregard things like that, just so that they can make the person they care about happy. It's stupid, but maybe I'm just bitter. No one cares about me, so why should I care about anyone. But even if I am bitter, I tend to make better choices than most, because I don't have to deal with emotions. I still have them, but I don't allow myself to feel them, I do my best to keep them locked away. Because I'm better off without them, or at least so I think. I don't know anymore, I have no way to actually gauge it. I mean I might've been the most optimistic person before I got amnesia, I wouldn't know. It sucks, I would love to know what I was like before I got Amnesia. It seems I was a lot happier, I was with Cass and judging by what she has said, I used to be happy and caring. Now I'm bitter and cold. I shut out everyone, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing it for my own benefit or for theirs. I mean most people seem to hate me and wouldn't stay in a room with me unless they had to, or they were trying to kill me. Funny that nearly everyone in the guild detests me, but none of them have tried to kill me yet, I know most of them have nearly no self control anyway. So why haven't they? The most I've got is threats to my life and that's about it. Hell even Lucifer didn't kill me, he shot me in a non vital place, yeah I would've died if not for Ashlyn but he didn't kill me straight away.

Vance dragged his hand down his face and sighed I should probably stop there, before I start actually wanting to care. I should speak to Luna soon, or now. Now would work well I guess. Unless she's dead or something. That would kinda suck Vance shrugged and stood up and began pacing around his realm "Yo, Luna. You still alive?"

Luna pulls Vance into the astral plane. "You called?"

LokiofSP said:
As soon as they arrived at the guild, Jayn immediately got off Roman and walked through the halls and to a very specific room, one that she'd been in last time. Hadn't had any cool shit, but she felt a need to let that person know their shit was weak. She approached the door and knocked, "Oi! You, whoever you are in there, if you're there, I just want you to know that your shit is lame! Nothing in there was even worth taking, you should look into getting some art or something...Maybe a Banksy, he's like a modern Picaso... At least that's what I've hear, art is subjective after all..."

She turned to Roman,
"Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, that's right!" She went back to the door, "I hope you pay for such a boring room through a traumatic experience at the grocery store, because FUCK YOU!"

@Lotusy (Because why not :P )


"Wait, new abilit- OH MY FUCKING GOD!" He dived out of the way on instinct, and imagined what would have happened had he not moved, he looked back and watched himself get blasted through the chest in vivid detail. His breath quickened as his chest rose and fell, "What the fuck is going on?! W-Why the FUCK was I just blasted?!" He stood up and ran a hand through his hair, "You people seem to forget that I'm in the dark about what the fuck is going on sometimes, hell, I was in a hotel room the one moment and on the run the next! I don't really get time to process and notice shit on my own!"

Roman keeps his hands in his pockets, sighing at the display of Jayn. "You're lovely, y'know that right?"

Carnage sighs and explains the capabilities of his new powers word for word once more. "You're unpredictable, you can't be trapped, and you're the master of illusion. You're so good that you fool yourself." Carnage has an orb of carnage magic appear behind her head without her noticing. "Beat me or else lover boy!" He fires a beam of carnage magic where he thinks Fola will be next.
AnthonyWrath said:
"I'll ask Morpheus where it is we're supposed to go." Dante then used his telepathy from the guild mark to contact Morpheus," Hey Morpheus it's Dante here, Raz and I need to know the location of the mission." @MTchaos1134
Morpheus' voice rang in his ear like a shrill on man. What?! Who is this?! What do you want?! I don't know nothing bout no damn chocolate!

Nah I'm kidding. Dante you're in charge of this mission buddy I don't know a daaaamn thing. You gotta lead him to whereeeever the hell your wendigo problem was. Whatever it was you kidnapped me and sent me to. Btw.

Dante heard a snap and poofing out of smoke was his motorcycle. Forgot we left our wheels. There's yours. Anyways lead him that's all on you. Prove yourself to the guild my boy. You can't always rely on me to give orders there's been threats of a mutiny. Independence, Dante. All I am to do is rank you up and guide you to missions. Its 100% up to you to solve them, get your materials, information, etc etc. I believe in you

GingerBread said:

"S-so, Could y-you tell me more a-about yourself? I-I mean you don't h-have to i-if you don't want to. b-but I would really l-like to know more about y-you" Colin started rubbing the back of his neck as he waited for Anna to respond

Annalyse looked around and pointed to herself me? Oh.... What do you want to know? Pick a genre and I'll tell you!

Light said:
Luna pulls Vance into the astral plane. "You called?"
"Yeah I did. I figure you're about the only person who doesn't hate me right now. And because of that, someone I can talk to. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though. If not though, you wanna listen to my 'plight'? I mean there's only so much I can talk to myself about" Vance shrugged "Also have you got any tea?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Annalyse looked around and pointed to herself me? Oh.... What do you want to know? Pick a genre and I'll tell you!

"A-anything. Wh-what your favourite th-things are, y-your past. I-I just want t-to get to know you b-better." Colin smiled over at Anna as he felt his face tinge Crimson once again. "Y-You don't have to tell me i-if you don't w-want to though. B-but I-I would like to know more about you. I-I mean, Y-You are th-the best person I-I've ever met."

Daimao said:
Alpha was laying on the bed, his arms wrapped around Jackie. The thought that they had just fucked on some random person's bed didn't bother him in the slightest. Gently squeezing Jackie, Alpha let go of her and began to look for his pants.
Jackie looks over as Alpha gets up, and when she realizes what he's looking for, she vaguely points to one end of the room, "I threw them over there, I think," She sits up straighter, her back against the headboard as a small smirk graces her face as she appraises Alpha. "So... do you have any idea who's room this is?"
Light said:
The officer stops right in the parking lot of the station. "We're here." The officers step out the car and help Ryan, Richard, and Derek out.
The hound begins to shove its muzzled face into Siobhan's. It would like to play more.

Roman sighs and nods his head, holding Jayn to his body, letting her lay on him as he floats on his back. "To Dragon's Roar then." Roman floats to Dragon's Roar, leaving several mach cones behind."

"Yes that's why I possessed your body. I'm handling that. So while you're here and she's being educated I need to train you on your latest ability. Use no other ability but that." Carnage explains the capabilities word for word of his new ability. "We start now." Carnage blasts a beam of carnage magic at him.

Julius was further educating Isabel about raising children after explaining what intercourse is in detail and explaining how both male and female bodies work.
"Mamaíííí~" She whines, grabbing the hounds face in her hands and tilting it upwards so Layla could look at it. "Look at its sweet face. How can you say no?"

Layla rolls her eyes, "Very easily. No. If it's got anything to do with your father, he probably made it inconvieniently dangerous. It's not meant for a home."

Siobhan frowns, turning back to the hound as she pets behind its ears, "You're not dangerous, are you, babaí?"

Babaí = baby (non romantic endearment)
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Dante got the message from Morpheus just as his bike appeared next to Raz and him."Alright well I have an idea of where the Wendigo den might be, hop on my bike with me and we'll go through your portal Raz." Dante said as he sat on the bike,"Man it's good to have you back!" He said to his bike as he reved it's engine. @MTchaos1134
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante got the message from Morpheus just as his bike appeared next to Raz and him."Alright well I have an idea of where the Wendigo den might be, hop on my bike with me and we'll go through your portal Raz." Dante said as he sat on the bike,"Man it's good to have you back!" He said to his bike as he reved it's engine. @MTchaos1134
Sitting on the bike,Raz opens a portal in front of it."Just go through when your ready."
GingerBread said:
"Yeah I did. I figure you're about the only person who doesn't hate me right now. And because of that, someone I can talk to. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though. If not though, you wanna listen to my 'plight'? I mean there's only so much I can talk to myself about" Vance shrugged "Also have you got any tea?"
Luna sighs and snaps her fingers, having a pair of chairs and a table appear beside them. "Yes I do. Go ahead."

CelticSol said:
"Mamaíííí~" She whines, grabbing the hounds face in her hands and tilting it upwards so Layla could look at it. "Look at its sweet face. How can you say no?"
Layla rolls her eyes, "Very easily. No. If it's got anything to do with your father, he probably made it inconvieniently dangerous. It's not meant for a home."

Siobhan frowns, turning back to the hound as she pets behind its ears, "You're not dangerous, are you, babaí?"

Babaí = baby (non romantic endearment)

The hound couldn't understand her words but continues to rub itself against her, wanting to play. The hound suddenly looks at Layla and sits back down on her feet, flipping over on its back to receive tickles.
MTchaos1134 said:
Sitting on the bike,Raz opens a portal in front of it."Just go through when your ready."
Dante drove the bike through the portal and continued onward to their destination. @MTchaos1134
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Jayn smiles, "Thanks, I really try to be!"


Fola jumps back away from the beam and held out his hand, attempting something. The orb behind Isabel shook and came to Fola, he smiled, "Oh, that's pretty bad ass!" He sent it behind Carnage and jumped forward, leaving an illusion of himself attempting to steal the actual beam Carnage shot, while the real Fola ducked and weaved until he got behind Carnage, he smiled and tapped his shoulder, "Hey there asshole... How are you today?"

LokiofSP said:
Jayn smiles, "Thanks, I really try to be!"


Fola jumps back away from the beam and held out his hand, attempting something. The orb behind Isabel shook and came to Fola, he smiled, "Oh, that's pretty bad ass!" He sent it behind Carnage and jumped forward, leaving an illusion of himself attempting to steal the actual beam Carnage shot, while the real Fola ducked and weaved until he got behind Carnage, he smiled and tapped his shoulder, "Hey there asshole... How are you today?"

Roman takes a step closer to Jayn, not saying a word as he gazes into her eyes.

Carnage turns around, completely shocked at the turn of events. Carnage has the red substance in a liquid form burst out from him. Carnage was currently in his black dog form.

Julius was still in the form of a purple snake, coiled around Isabel's neck as he finally finished helping her with maturity. Now they had to move on with the extra things in life and help her develop as a person since she's already developed mentally and in an educational fashion. "Hm....maybe I'll just continue to educate you on many other things including what you are and exactly what your powers consist of. How you train with them on the other hand is up to Carnage, also with developing as a person...I think I already have someone for the task." Julius looks at Fola, his tongue flicking. Julius had simply given Isabel a proper education, what she did with it and who she became because of it was yet to come. "Now let's begin."
Light said:
Luna sighs and snaps her fingers, having a pair of chairs and a table appear beside them. "Yes I do. Go ahead."
"You make it sound like it's a lot of effort" Vance smirked and sat down on one of the chairs "So you have control over souls and stuff, don't you? I'm assuming Grimm has more control than you do, since he's death. But that's unimportant. There's a heaven and hell isn't there? I already know which one I'll be going to, I mean before all this world saving crap. I never used to believe in heaven and hell, god and the devil. And I can't say I really do now. But I was fine with death, before I knew about all of that. Because I'd assumed there was nothing afterwards. I'd just stop. The thought of living forever kinda scares me, even if I was going to heaven. Because I don't want to keep existing" Vance leaned back in the chair "Feel free to stop me if you get bored of all this. It's ah, not the most 'Interesting' topic." Vance paused, waiting for Luna to say something before he carried on.
GingerBread said:
"You make it sound like it's a lot of effort" Vance smirked and sat down on one of the chairs "So you have control over souls and stuff, don't you? I'm assuming Grimm has more control than you do, since he's death. But that's unimportant. There's a heaven and hell isn't there? I already know which one I'll be going to, I mean before all this world saving crap. I never used to believe in heaven and hell, god and the devil. And I can't say I really do now. But I was fine with death, before I knew about all of that. Because I'd assumed there was nothing afterwards. I'd just stop. The thought of living forever kinda scares me, even if I was going to heaven. Because I don't want to keep existing" Vance leaned back in the chair "Feel free to stop me if you get bored of all this. It's ah, not the most 'Interesting' topic." Vance paused, waiting for Luna to say something before he carried on.
Luna passes him some tea and waits for her own to cool down. "No....continue."
Light said:
The hound couldn't understand her words but continues to rub itself against her, wanting to play. The hound suddenly looks at Layla and sits back down on her feet, flipping over on its back to receive tickles.
Layla doesn't touch the hound, resisting the urge to completely step away from it, but Siobhan eagerly pets it's stomach again with both hands.
CelticSol said:
Layla doesn't touch the hound, resisting the urge to completely step away from it, but Siobhan eagerly pets it's stomach again with both hands.
The hound begins to make the loud choking sounds again, signalling it's laughter.
Light said:
Luna passes him some tea and waits for her own to cool down. "No....continue."
"Thanks" Vance picked up the tea and took a small sip and placed it back on the table after realizing how hot it was "So, I don't want to keep existing after I kick the bucket. It's not something I fancy, I tend to get bored easily. I mean I used to be an assassin, I've pretty much stopped that now, I was pretty good at it, One of the best. But I got bored of that, I still kept doing it for a while though. Then I got dragged into saving the world. And it was fun, got my heart racing a couple of times. But now everything seems so, mundane. Just a couple of hours or so ago, The whole of everything was about to be destroyed, I hardly cared. I helped stop it, but I wasn't bothered either way. I'm just sort of bored of life, you know?" Vance paused to take another sip of his tea, doing his best to ignore the burning sensation.

Vance placed the tea cup back onto the table after drinking about half of it "Nothing gets my heart racing anymore, in my free time I just sit in the darkness realm and either sleep or think to myself about how to stop the next crisis. I'd kinda like to stop existing, be free of all of this crap. I'm not going to off myself though, cause I'd just end up living forever in hell anyway" Vance chuckled dryly "I'd get to see Lucy more often, I'm sure he'd love that. But I don't know, I'm just sort of trudging through life, not having any end goal in mind. Just existing. That's all I'm doing. Existing. Nothing more, nothing less. So for once, I don't have any Idea, I don't know what to do and I can't come up with a solutions, Hell I don't even have any smartass comments for it really." Vance shrugged "So, what are your thoughts on this, since that's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. Another persons input can be useful, or so I've heard"

GingerBread said:
"Thanks" Vance picked up the tea and took a small sip and placed it back on the table after realizing how hot it was "So, I don't want to keep existing after I kick the bucket. It's not something I fancy, I tend to get bored easily. I mean I used to be an assassin, I've pretty much stopped that now, I was pretty good at it, One of the best. But I got bored of that, I still kept doing it for a while though. Then I got dragged into saving the world. And it was fun, got my heart racing a couple of times. But now everything seems so, mundane. Just a couple of hours or so ago, The whole of everything was about to be destroyed, I hardly cared. I helped stop it, but I wasn't bothered either way. I'm just sort of bored of life, you know?" Vance paused to take another sip of his tea, doing his best to ignore the burning sensation.
Vance placed the tea cup back onto the table after drinking about half of it "Nothing gets my heart racing anymore, in my free time I just sit in the darkness realm and either sleep or think to myself about how to stop the next crisis. I'd kinda like to stop existing, be free of all of this crap. I'm not going to off myself though, cause I'd just end up living forever in hell anyway" Vance chuckled dryly "I'd get to see Lucy more often, I'm sure he'd love that. But I don't know, I'm just sort of trudging through life, not having any end goal in mind. Just existing. That's all I'm doing. Existing. Nothing more, nothing less. So for once, I don't have any Idea, I don't know what to do and I can't come up with a solutions, Hell I don't even have any smartass comments for it really." Vance shrugged "So, what are your thoughts on this, since that's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. Another persons input can be useful, or so I've heard"

Luna takes a sip of her tea and shrugs her shoulders. "Live until you find purpose in your life. Live for someone else's sake. Find love, do something useful."
Light said:
Luna takes a sip of her tea and shrugs her shoulders. "Live until you find purpose in your life. Live for someone else's sake. Find love, do something useful."
"That's easier said than done, considering I've done most of that already. I've gone out with Sage, risked my life for him on more than one occasion. I've saved the world multiple times, I'd consider that useful. And living until I find a purpose could take most of my life. But the problem is, I've done most of the stuff the world has to offer me, apart from drugs, and having a child. And it's not like I'm much use now, everything seems to be going fine without me. Though sometimes people do need a kick up the arse." Vance picked up his tea and drunk the rest of it "But I guess I'll have to see where life takes me, won't I?"
Light said:
Roman takes a step closer to Jayn, not saying a word as he gazes into her eyes.
Carnage turns around, completely shocked at the turn of events. Carnage has the red substance in a liquid form burst out from him. Carnage was currently in his black dog form.

Julius was still in the form of a purple snake, coiled around Isabel's neck as he finally finished helping her with maturity. Now they had to move on with the extra things in life and help her develop as a person since she's already developed mentally and in an educational fashion. "Hm....maybe I'll just continue to educate you on many other things including what you are and exactly what your powers consist of. How you train with them on the other hand is up to Carnage, also with developing as a person...I think I already have someone for the task." Julius looks at Fola, his tongue flicking. Julius had simply given Isabel a proper education, what she did with it and who she became because of it was yet to come. "Now let's begin."
Jayn pushes Roman back, "No! Bad Roman, I'll get a spray bottle if I need to! Keep it in your pants!"

@Lotusy @Light

Fola picks up the dog and holds it a few feet away from him, "Do I pass your test yet? To bad, I could care less, focus on driving because I have better things to do..."He sets the dog down and walks away. Sitting down next to Isabel, he looks at Julius, "Before we go any further before I ask what's going on, I have to ask something... Before she disappeared, Azriel told me not to trust the Van Fen'rir...Why? What could be so bad about them? Sure they might have messed up a few times, but they seem like decent people..."

GingerBread said:
"That's easier said than done, considering I've done most of that already. I've gone out with Sage, risked my life for him on more than one occasion. I've saved the world multiple times, I'd consider that useful. And living until I find a purpose could take most of my life. But the problem is, I've done most of the stuff the world has to offer me, apart from drugs, and having a child. And it's not like I'm much use now, everything seems to be going fine without me. Though sometimes people do need a kick up the arse." Vance picked up his tea and drunk the rest of it "But I guess I'll have to see where life takes me, won't I?"
"That's exactly it." Luna nods her head and takes a sip of tea. "Is there anything else?"

LokiofSP said:
Jayn pushes Roman back, "No! Bad Roman, I'll get a spray bottle if I need to! Keep it in your pants!"

@Lotusy @Light

Fola picks up the dog and holds it a few feet away from him, "Do I pass your test yet? To bad, I could care less, focus on driving because I have better things to do..."He sets the dog down and walks away. Sitting down next to Isabel, he looks at Julius, "Before we go any further before I ask what's going on, I have to ask something... Before she disappeared, Azriel told me not to trust the Van Fen'rir...Why? What could be so bad about them? Sure they might have messed up a few times, but they seem like decent people..."

Roman rolls his eyes and removes a dangling eyelash from Jayn's eyelids. "Oh relax. If anything I'd want to kiss you right now." Roman frowns at something. "Jayn do you have someone in your life?

Carnage was quite confused on how Fola simply bypassed the wave of carnage magic. "The Van Fen'rir....aren't always what they seem to be. Looks, masks, and actors are never whom they portray themselves to be. Though it seems like Azriel knew something we don't. I'd take her warning, they were the ones whom sealed Isabel away anyways."

Isabel was now extremely conscious about everything when around Fola since she know obtained vast knowledge. "Um....not so close...but not too far...okay?" Isabel lightly mumbles to Fola as she looks back at her list going in detail about her various physiology, species, and powers. She was trying to read but with Fola sitting so close to her, she didn't know how to handle it. Hell...she was afraid to hold his hand now...but that wouldn't stop her from hinting at him though. She simply sets her free hand that's next to him on the table.
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Light said:
"That's exactly it." Luna nods her head and takes a sip of tea. "Is there anything else?"
"Yeah, that's pretty much everything. Unless you can completely destroy my soul when I die. Or put me in a deep trance like sleep just before, just so I don't have to be alive for eternity. But if you can't, no worries. I'll just annoy Isabel, get her to completely wipe me out of existence"


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