Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @Fabalize )

Azriel looked up to Fola, thinking about the day she was born out of Isabel's hatred and longing for protection. Azriel swore since that day of her birth that nothing would ever harm Isabel again since she would destroy everything. She would protect Isabel at all costs, from that love for Isabel, Temperance was born. Together Azriel and Temperance had decided that they would defend Isabel, Azriel would destroy and Temperance would love. Due to Isabella's loneliness and hatred for the world she had fabricated two beings...to be driven so far off the edge feelings came to life. That's what sickened Azriel, even though she was the product of it. Azriel believed no one could love or understand Isabel the same way. If she must be evil for Isabella's safety then she will be. The real reason in which she fears Temperance is because she's afraid of letting go. Once she destroys...Isabel would need love...love that she cannot give. So why? Why is this man so persistent on saving not only Isabel but her herself? Why is he so persistent on loving her? It bothered her, it stung her soul, IT ANGERED HER BEYOND LOGICAL REASONING. Though it also made tears stream down her face. She didn't want to let go, she didn't want to lose Isabel or Temperance yet....this is what she wanted. She didn't care about existence, she didn't care about how many lives she'd end, and couldn't care about even the Van Fen'rir. That's why all of the previous attempts failed....the only thing she did care about was Temperance and Isabel specifically. Their mental, emotional, and physical well being is the only thing she needed to exist. That's right....they didn't want to destroy they wanted to be accepted and loved. She had it all wrong...Isabella's tears weren't because she was in a world she wanted to end. It was because she was in a world that she wished to join. "Alright...." Azriel looks up at Fola and smiles, she could already feel the hatred within Isabella diminishing, she could feel herself fading away. Her legs slowly float away in the form of ashes. "You...Fola Keryn...are forever bound to love Isabella Sunset Van Fen'rir and Temperance Van Fen'rir until the the end of your own existence. You are to protect her, stay by her side, educate her, develop with her, laugh with her, cry with her, and accept her. She'll make mistakes and she's not good at picking herself up afterwards. You need to be the hand to pull her up." Azriel's hips were turning to ash, blowing away. "Assure her that even if I'm not here everything will be okay under your wing." Her chest was turning to ash, floating away. "Most of all don't let her around any other Van Fen'rir. No matter how kind they seem, they cannot be trusted...Not one of them." Azriel reaches out for Fola, touching his cheek as existence continues to collapse. "Most of all....Thank you." Azriel's hands and arms float away in the form of ash, as well as the rest of her body. At this moment, all of existence and non existence was deleted. The moment after, a flash of light appears and spreads outward. All things that were killed and deleted by Azriel and Isabel come back. Except for the things she absorbed though universes she absorbed were at least restored. All the Dragon's Roar members were inside the guild without the omnipotence they gained before. Even if they had made items with it, it was gone. Temperance had brought these things back, switching back to Isabel once she was done. Fola and Isabel were standing in a forest. Isabella was directly behind him. "Excuse me...what is the definition of love?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20150802_031456.jpg.d5362ed9c61efe57664183b2968d035b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107634" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/IMG_20150802_031456.jpg.d5362ed9c61efe57664183b2968d035b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Deep inside a hidden labyrinth held Grimmavus, Itami, Julie, Abyssum, and another unknown figure. Grimmavus, Itami, Julie, and Abyssum were kneeling before the figure whom had a similar form to Grimmavus in his life and death form, except white. Grimmavus raises his head to stare up at the being sitting in it's throne. "Father....they have been tested and have failed. Though the end of existence has been stopped. Are we to go through with the plan of annihilating them all as you've instructed?"

The being merely looks at Grimmavus and shakes it's head. "No....you are to wait. Our focus is simply the people whom inhabit all realms....we don't want to annihilate them any longer. Plans have changed....either they will destroy themselves for us or I must strategize once more." It looks around at the Van Fen'rir before them. "They will all suffer as planned in the end....disperse." At it's orders, all those in this realm disappear. "Dragon's Roar...your blood will soak the mortal realm...and I shall be the one to swing the blade that kills you all."





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Sage smiled brightly nada jumped around happily before hugging the closest person to him , who was Vance. " Thanks goodness. " He said , he was incredibly happy at the moment. His family and friends were safe.

Reed teleported to the realm of non existence. His job was done so now he wanted to relax and be alone for a while. If he was needed then he would come out until then he decided to be left alone for all of eternity.

Dave went to the headquarters of the organization. He needed a new name for it but he decided to think if one later and a new purpose now that they were done.

Jackson laid in his bed. He sat up and teleported to the Van Fen'rir castle. "Emily." He called out looking for her. @Light

Theodore gasped for air happy to be alive again. He walked outside the guild and laid down in the grass. He connect to Morpheus telepathically. "Hey you never told me. What does the TDR symbol do?" @DizjayDeathPride
Fola had just sat there for a few moments, processing everything still. He had just devoted his life to eternal support and love, something he himself was only just still learning to do. Of course a bit of doubt crept into his mind, what if he messed up? What if he wasn't enough? What if he couldn't give Isabel the support she needed?

"Excuse me...what is the definition of love?"

It was when he turned around to face Isabel that any doubt was erased. She was more than just a task, more than something he had to do, even more than somebody he loved! She was his purpose, the one thing he wouldn't hesitate to live for...No, most couples say that they would die for the other, but for her? He knew he would do more than that, he would live for as long as he possibly could, so that she wouldn't be alone.

The biggest smile crept onto his face as he laughed a bit, tears of joy welling up in his eyes. He stood up,
"Love is...Hard to define. It's the most beautiful yet infuriating thing... It's the feeling you get in your chest when your heart wants to burst out of your chest when you look at somebody. It's the willingness to move the stars and moon for somebody, the need to be by their side to be at your best...It's the same feeling I feel every time I'm with you..."

He bowed slightly and extended a hand, "My princess? Your carriage awaits..."

MTchaos1134 said:
Noticing everything was back to normal răzbunare quickly uses his dimension to try and get to Grimm.
Using his telepathy, Morpheus connected to the mind of Razbunare (sorry on the lack of symbol it's not in my phone keyboard) with a telephone ring. "Heeeello? Howdy stranger! Morpheus again! I have a fun little question. Would you like to join Dragon's Roar? If so, come to my office in the guild. My name is on the door. If not, ignore me. Byyyye!" Without waiting, the line made an audible click and he waited patiently in his office
DizjayDeathPride said:
Using his telepathy, Morpheus connected to the mind of Razbunare (sorry on the lack of symbol it's not in my phone keyboard) with a telephone ring. "Heeeello? Howdy stranger! Morpheus again! I have a fun little question. Would you like to join Dragon's Roar? If so, come to my office in the guild. My name is on the door. If not, ignore me. Byyyye!" Without waiting, the line made an audible click and he waited patiently in his office
Now interested in their guild,răzbunare changes direction as a portal opens in Morpheus office and he steps out"I'd like to ask a few questions first."
MTchaos1134 said:
Now interested in their guild,răzbunare changes direction as a portal opens in Morpheus office and he steps out"I'd like to ask a few questions first."
Morpheus extended his hand to the chair in front of his desk and closed the room off from any other visitors. He felt each conversation should be personal with no interruption.

"Please. Have a seat. Ask me anything and k will oblige"

Tazmodo said:
Reed teleported to the realm of non existence. His job was done so now he wanted to relax and be alone for a while. If he was needed then he would come out until then he decided to be left alone for all of eternity.
Dave went to the headquarters of the organization. He needed a new name for it but he decided to think if one later and a new purpose now that they were done.

Jackson laid in his bed. He sat up and teleported to the Van Fen'rir castle. "Emily." He called out looking for her.

Theodore gasped for air happy to be alive again. He walked outside the guild and laid down in the grass. He connect to Morpheus telepathically. "Hey you never told me. What does the TDR symbol do?"

A clone appeared before him and tapped his forehead. "It connects you to all of us members silly just like the guild symbol. It's a show of your connection to the cult. I mean clan. Each of those colors filling a slot represents a member. The outer ring colors are primary members and the inner ring are secondary." He pinched Theos cheeks and smiled. "I'm happy you're alive again. You never quite asked me to revive you so I never did. Before you go, 'I didn't know I could', why didn't you try?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus extended his hand to the chair in front of his desk and closed the room off from any other visitors. He felt each conversation should be personal with no interruption.
"Please. Have a seat. Ask me anything and k will oblige"

A clone appeared before him and tapped his forehead. "It connects you to all of us members silly just like the guild symbol. It's a show of your connection to the cult. I mean clan. Each of those colors filling a slot represents a member. The outer ring colors are primary members and the inner ring are secondary." He pinched Theos cheeks and smiled. "I'm happy you're alive again. You never quite asked me to revive you so I never did. Before you go, 'I didn't know I could', why didn't you try?"
"First off,what are the benifts and how many times do you deal with exsistance ending scenarios like the one that up happened moments ago?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola had justt there for a few moments, processing everything still. He had just devoted his life to eternal support and love, something he himself was only just still learning to do. Of course a bit of doubt crept into his mind, what if he messed up? What if he wasn't enough? What if he couldn't give Isabel the support she needed?
"Excuse me...what is the definition of love?"

It was when he turned around to face Isabel that any doubt was erased. She was more than just a task, more than something he had to do, even more than somebody he loved! She was his purpose, the one thing he wouldn't hesitate to live for...No, most couples say that they would die for the other, but for her? He knew he would do more than that, he would live for as long as he possibly could, so that she wouldn't be alone.

The biggest smile crept onto his face as he laughed a bit, tears of joy welling up in his eyes. He stood up,
"Love is...Hard to define. It's the most beautiful yet infuriating thing... It's the feeling you get in your chest when your heart wants to burst out of your chest when you look at somebody. It's the willingness to move the stars and moon for somebody, the need to be by their side to be at your best...It's the same feeling I feel every time I'm with you..."

He bowed slightly and extended a hand, "My princess? Your carriage awaits..."

Isabel stares at Fola, lightly bowing in response. She didn't move back, nor did she move forward. She was in a state of...surprise. She wasn't afraid, that's what shocked her. She wasn't afraid of Fola, she understood the feeling he was trying to reach out with now. It was something she was craving for years. Isabel reaches out and sets her hand in Fola's, nodding her head. "My knight....I await my carriage." Julius unlocks Fola's potential as a witch, giving him full mastery over his own specific talent as a which. Morgan's taken was summoning.

( Choose whatever power you want to master. That goes well with Fola. )

CelticSol said:
(@Daimao @GingerBread )
As all returns to normal, Layla sighs, "Well, as glad as I am about this being over, I'm afraid my vacation is done," She looks to Alpha and Vance, "It's time to make the trade, I suppose."
Grimmavus appears before Layla, only to disappear and ends up on another planet. He kept Layla safe through the conditions using his powers. "Hello there..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/twin_novas_by_andiihsandi-d5kzcdr.jpg.397676491cb9a899e7ef71d812fb89c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107653" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/twin_novas_by_andiihsandi-d5kzcdr.jpg.397676491cb9a899e7ef71d812fb89c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tazmodo said:
Jackson laid in his bed. He sat up and teleported to the Van Fen'rir castle. "Emily." He called out looking for her. @Light
( ! ) An ominous feeling was growing close to Jackson.



  • twin_novas_by_andiihsandi-d5kzcdr.jpg
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Fola smiles as Isabel takes his hand, leading her through the forest and thicket, being careful of any and all things that may hurt her. He brought her to the edge of the forest, overlooking the water. He stayed there, silent for a few moments before Fola spoke, "You know...What happens next is up to you. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, I'll be right there besides you, but the choice is ultimately yours..."

Light said:
Grimmavus appears before Layla, only to disappear and ends up on another planet. He kept Layla safe through the conditions using his powers. "Hello there..."
As they vanish on what appears to now be their own personal planet, Layla looks towards Grimm, her eyes widening as she takes him in, "Grimm," She breathes, her gaze losing much of it's ice, softening as she regards him. Her opposite hand goes to her left pinky finger, where her ring used to be, and her eyes go to the ground as her hand curls around her her empty finger. "It's, ah... It's been a long time," She says lamely, her eyes absolutely anywhere but on him, her voice thick. There is something about her demeanour that is decidedly un-Layla, a far cry from the composed confidence she usually exhibited, and an even farther stretch from how loving and affectionate she would be to her husband whilst in private. Her shoulders are hunched, curled into herself as she leans away from him, hands cradled to her chest with an ashamed expression on her face, eyes glued to the floor.
MTchaos1134 said:
"First off,what are the benifts and how many times do you deal with exsistance ending scenarios like the one that up happened moments ago?"
"Well... You get a fancy symbol thats completely personal to your design! Said symbol allows you to telepor- right. She absorbed that. Hold on." He twisted his Cane and slammed it to the ground. With a loud groan, he recreated the mana supply that allowed the teleportation that shot back into the sky from the top of the guild.

"As I was saying. With it, you can teleport anywhere in the world. As well, you are telepathically linked to all the members. But it's a two way street. If they don't accspt the connection, you won't be in their mind. The symbol also burns and notifies you of major crisis. And finally, my favorite. Ranking up. Everytime you rank up you either lose one limit on your powers or boost the capabilities of your powers. So that when you become the highest rank, Alpha, you have full mastery over your powers! To a whole new extreme! But be careful. This is bound to the symbol, not you. So if you leave the guild all of that power is gone.

And to answer, we don't have it tooooo often. There were the Sins, Lucifer, the AI Rebellion, theeeen the Orbs of the split personalities causing negativity, physical, and emotional deterioration across the universe. Followed by
Isabel destroying everything!"
LokiofSP said:
Fola smiles as Isabel takes his hand, leading her through the forest and thicket, being careful of any and all things that may hurt her. He brought her to the edge of the forest, overlooking the water. He stayed there, silent for a few moments before Fola spoke, "You know...What happens next is up to you. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go, I'll be right there besides you, but the choice is ultimately yours..."

Isabel didn't truthfully understand the circumstances of her relationship with Fola. Nor did she know about her feelings towards him. Though that wouldn't stop her from staying with him. "I'm not ready to face the rest of the world yet...or this realm. If you could take me elsewhere, that would be nice."

CelticSol said:
As they vanish on what appears to now be their own personal planet, Layla looks towards Grimm, her eyes widening as she takes him in, "Grimm," She breathes, her gaze losing much of it's ice, softening as she regards him. Her opposite hand goes to her left pinky finger, where her ring used to be, and her eyes go to the ground as her hand curls around her her empty finger. "It's, ah... It's been a long time," She says lamely, her eyes absolutely anywhere but on him, her voice thick. There is something about her demeanour that is decidedly un-Layla, a far cry from the composed confidence she usually exhibited, and an even farther stretch from how loving and affectionate she would be to her husband whilst in private. Her shoulders are hunched, curled into herself as she leans away from him, hands cradled to her chest with an ashamed expression on her face, eyes glued to the floor.
Grimmavus watches these strange actions of Layla, deciding not to push her for answers. When she felt comfortable enough to talk she would, she was her own woman. He would step closer to her though, allowing her body to bump into his to say he's there without words.
"Elsewhere? Well, not sure about that...Let me think...I could take you back to the Guild? There are nice people there...But if not that then well...I suppose I have an idea for that situation..."

Light said:
Grimmavus watches these strange actions of Layla, deciding not to push her for answers. When she felt comfortable enough to talk she would, she was her own woman. He would step closer to her though, allowing her body to bump into his to say he's there without words.
She almost flinches when he steps close, before internally chastising herself, Stop it. This is Grimm. He'd sooner drop dead than hurt you. Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, she ducks her head to lay her forehead on his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist as she breathes in his scent, the feeling of home bringing tears to her eyes. She balls the back of his shirt into her hands, quietly just breathing and allowing herself to just hold him and be held. When she feels like she won't break from speaking, the words tumble from her mouth, soft and painfully vulnerable, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry I never came back to you and Siobhan."
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LokiofSP said:
"Elsewhere? Well, not sure about that...Let me think...I could take you back to the Guild? There are nice people there...But if not that then well...I suppose I have an idea for that situation..."

"No...for now I'd just like it to be us until I can adjust to things." Isabel lightly squeezes Fola's hand. "Are you alright with this?"

CelticSol said:
She almost flinches when he steps close, before internally chastising herself, Stop it. This is Grimm. He'd sooner drop dead than hurt you. Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, she ducks her head to lay her forehead on his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist as she breathes in his scent, the feeling of home bringing tears to her eyes. She balls the back of his shirt into her hands, quietly just breathing and allowing herself to just hold him and be held. When she feels like she won't break from speaking, the words tumble from her mouth, soft and painfully vulnerable, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry I never came back to you and Siobhan."
Grimmavus wraps his arms around Layla and rubs her back. "I know...even with the child support it wasn't the same without you. Layla...it's okay. If you have to talk about anything or let it out it's alright. I'm here for you."
Fola smiled, "No problem! If you want, I can teach you whatever you need to know about life! In fact, this'll be out little adventure, alright? Then, one day maybe soon, maybe a long time from now, we'll come back and show everyone just how we did, okay? Until then..." He let go of Isabel's hand for a moment and made some space between them, he spun around in a circle and stuck his arm out, pointing out to nowhere. He stumbled a bit as he regained his balance and the world stopped spinning, he shook his head and his finger was pointing to the west. "We go west! We don't stop until we come across a town, or a city, or a hotel, or whatever! When we find something though, that's where we'll stay until we're ready to go again! Then, we'll just pick another direction and head that way again! Sound good?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola smiled, "No problem! If you want, I can teach you whatever you need to know about life! In fact, this'll be out little adventure, alright? Then, one day maybe soon, maybe a long time from now, we'll come back and show everyone just how we did, okay? Until then..." He let go of Isabel's hand for a moment and made some space between them, he spun around in a circle and stuck his arm out, pointing out to nowhere. He stumbled a bit as he regained his balance and the world stopped spinning, he shook his head and his finger was pointing to the west. "We go west! We don't stop until we come across a town, or a city, or a hotel, or whatever! When we find something though, that's where we'll stay until we're ready to go again! Then, we'll just pick another direction and head that way again! Sound good?"
Isabel reaches out and takes the hand she's lost within her own once more. She nods her head and gives him a sheepish smile. "Mhm..." Isabel begins to walk West, turning around so she could pull Fola along with her.
The brothers appear in the kitchen all standing around the island. Inaro's drinking beer, Crimson is drinking whiskey, Cole is smoking, and Zane is eating on a small bag of chips. So what now? He asked while smacking on his chips.

Now? I leave and you boys stay. He then takes a sip of his beer.

Why are you leaving?

Well because I've enjoyed my time here and I need to handle some thing back home. So while I'm away you guys level up and protect this guild.

No problem Naro.

You can count on us, mainly me though. Crimson smacks Zane a across his head. Shut up. He said while chuckling. Inaro looks at his brothers and smiles.

Be safe. Inaro said as he slowly starts to fade away.

Alright boys I'll be back I gotta head to the castle to visit a little girl. Crimson disappears in a crimson light appearing at the main door of the castle. Yeah I'm no longer teleporting inside the castle. Crimson knocks on the door, while rage comes together beside crimson forming into Zedd. Crimson looks down. What's up Rose you ready to see Emily. @Light
GingerBread said:
Colin colappsed to his knees and curled up into the Fetal position as everything he just did hit him. I could've killed someone, everything I did just then could of killed someone. But I didn't want to hurt anyone, I tried to talk to them and get them to stop, but I couldn't, he just ended up tricking me. Even though everyone was in no danger of death he still felt guilty about what he had done.
@DizjayDeathPride (Plz send help to Colin ;-; )

Vance pushed Sage away as he was hugged "Don't hug me. Go spend time with your friends. I need to go do something. I might see you later" Vance smiled at Sage before teleporting to Morpheus's office. "Oi, I want a word. You're going to Rank three people up and three people only, No one else deserves it. First off, Crybaby. I think his name was Colin. You're going to rank him up to Beta. You're then going to rank me up to Alpha. And then you're going to make Fola the leader of this guild, or at the very least make him co-leader. Along with giving him a rank that's higher than Alpha" Vance slammed his hands down onto Morpheus's desk

"Because you don't deserve to lead this guild. You don't deserve to even be in here. You were going to help Isabel kill all of exsistance. Have you forgotten what this guild was made for? It was made to save the world, and you were contributing to getting rid of it. If it wasn't for me, Fola and Colin. Everything would be dead right now. I lead the little resistance group, Colin stopped you fucks from stopping or interrupting Fola from talking Isabel out of it. So you will give us the Ranks I asked for."

"Don't tell me you think I died again, Colin. I thought you said you'd protect me silly" Anna walked over to him, smiling brightly.

"Oh my little hero!" She pulled him into a hug and off of the ground. "Why do you shed tears? Please don't cry!"

Morpheus leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers together. "I see.... Well three of those four things I can happily oblige. You and Fola far deserve to be Alpha. As does that... Colin being Beta. He's the one that turned into Superman. Impressive lad. Now as for raising him higher than Alpha? No can do sorry. Theres only one way and I'm sure he doesn't want to do it with me. Co-leader? Also can not oblige. He can be co-leader by fun title but by actual rank? A sort of.... Initiation is in order. Now now shadow mercenary. Before you get all huffy puffy hear me out on WHY I sided with the enemy. Sure, the guild is meant to protect all. I understand that. But what good is it to protect all if we ALL DIE?! Yes yes I could have fought her and dealt with it. But that isn't my responsibility, Vance. I am no longer one of you fighters. I am your LEADER. And a leader needs to make smart, logical choices. Did I know that... What did Dave say? Grimmavus was it? That Grimmavus would also give his side Omnipotence? No. I didn't. That is violating the laws of life and death by directly getting involved. I expected him to do nothing. And with that thought, I joined the side that would give me the most power and would keep me alive. There are 2 people in all of existence who can create or destroy all of existence. Me. And her. If she killed me, Vance, who would have recreated everything? Only by sheer luck and love did she intend to bring everyone and everything back. After she spared me I fully intended to recreate existence and the lives lost myself. So sure, I didn't openly side with you all. But you can not deny it is the logical choice of a leader to do whatever it takes to secure victory for his team. Whatever. It. Takes."

He waved his hand over Vance and he could feel himself become Alpha. As well, Colin felt himself rise to Beta through the power of the symbol

"I will reward Fola personally when he is no longer preoccupied. Anything else?"
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