Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola couldn't possibly tell how long they had walked, he had just enjoyed her company. But when they did finally stop they had reached a city, not a big one, but a city non the less. It was only then he realized he had a problem, he'd forgotten something important...How the fuck was he going to pay for shit? It's been awhile, but last time he checked his bank account it'd had allot of zeros, of course before those zeroes there was a negative symbol, but whatever.

He opened his phone, (Another thing he hadn't checked in forever) and saw multiple texts from an unknown number. He only had to read the first line of the first text to know who it was...The most cruel and disgusting parents he'd ever know, even saying their name made him shiver in fear and disgust... His parents.

Ignoring the texts he opened his bank account app and nearly dropped his phone. His eyes bulged, "That's uh...I didn't even know there was that many zeroes in existence..." He counted the amount five times before smiling and quickly booking the most expensive hotel room he could. He grabbed Isabel's hand and pulled her along, "Come on! Tonight I'm gonna make sure you live like an actual princess!"

răzbunare Joining the guild decides to walk around town,răzbunare forms into a disguise he thinks is good(A man in clothing from 1993)And starts wandering.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Don't tell me you think I died again, Colin. I thought you said you'd protect me silly" Anna walked over to him, smiling brightly.
"Oh my little hero!" She pulled him into a hug and off of the ground. "Why do you shed tears? Please don't cry!"

Colin buried his head into Anna and started Sobbing again. "I-I c-could've k-killed s-someone. I-I didn't, b-but i-if he w-wasn't im-immortal. I-it w-would've b-been s-so easy t-to. I-I didn't w-want to. b-but I-I w-wasn't allowed to l-let him past, i-if I wanted t-to help s-save the universe. I-I tried to a-ask him to s-stop. B-but when I-I did he a-attacked me further. I-I really didn't want t-to hurt him. B-but I-I promised y-you I wouldn't let y-you die again" Colin's sobs died down to whimpers as he stopped talking, the whole event taking a lot out of him emotionally.

DizjayDeathPride said:

Morpheus leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingers together. "I see.... Well three of those four things I can happily oblige. You and Fola far deserve to be Alpha. As does that... Colin being Beta. He's the one that turned into Superman. Impressive lad. Now as for raising him higher than Alpha? No can do sorry. Theres only one way and I'm sure he doesn't want to do it with me. Co-leader? Also can not oblige. He can be co-leader by fun title but by actual rank? A sort of.... Initiation is in order. Now now shadow mercenary. Before you get all huffy puffy hear me out on WHY I sided with the enemy. Sure, the guild is meant to protect all. I understand that. But what good is it to protect all if we ALL DIE?! Yes yes I could have fought her and dealt with it. But that isn't my responsibility, Vance. I am no longer one of you fighters. I am your LEADER. And a leader needs to make smart, logical choices. Did I know that... What did Dave say? Grimmavus was it? That Grimmavus would also give his side Omnipotence? No. I didn't. That is violating the laws of life and death by directly getting involved. I expected him to do nothing. And with that thought, I joined the side that would give me the most power and would keep me alive. There are 2 people in all of existence who can create or destroy all of existence. Me. And her. If she killed me, Vance, who would have recreated everything? Only by sheer luck and love did she intend to bring everyone and everything back. After she spared me I fully intended to recreate existence and the lives lost myself. So sure, I didn't openly side with you all. But you can not deny it is the logical choice of a leader to do whatever it takes to secure victory for his team. Whatever. It. Takes."

He waved his hand over Vance and he could feel himself become Alpha. As well, Colin felt himself rise to Beta through the power of the symbol

"I will reward Fola personally when he is no longer preoccupied. Anything else?"

"No. you don't give me that shit. You will give Fola a high rank. Make a new one up if need be, Fola is by far the most valuable member of this guild. Of course I'm second to that. And when me and Fola actually work together, we get shit done. So you will give him a high rank. And I don't consider you to be our leader. A leader should be fearless, A leader shouldn't just do shit to cover his own arse. You say you wanted to help so that you could bring existence and the lost lives back. How would you do this? You would be betraying them as well. Bringing back people that Azirel thought would hurt Isabel. How well do you really think that would go for you? If anything I think it would've given her a reason to destroy everything as she would then Feel that no one is trust worthy." Vance shook his head and shrugged

"I don't care about glory. But I will not have people like you say that you did what you did to help, you didn't you tried to join the winning side. You're just lucky that our side was completely about peace, otherwise you'd all be dead anyway. So take this as a warning. Pick your sides more carefully, your stupid choices will end up getting you and people you care about killed one day. Me? I have nothing to lose, I have nothing to care about in this world. I make choices based on Logic instead of Emotions like everyone else seems so fond of doing. But trust me, If we ever get to choose a new leader. I'll do my best to make sure it's someone I think is worthy. Like Fola"

@DizjayDeathPride (God I love Anna :D )
The air was clean and crisp and the sun was at its peak, spreading its warmth and light across the land. Small animals moved through the undergrowth and the birds sang lightly. If anyone had been present to observe the scene they would no doubt feel that nothing could disturb it.

And they'd have been right had the ground not chosen to start moving at that exact moment.

This in and of itself was an odd thing as the ground did not usually move of its own accord. But what followed after was significantly stranger. The Birds ceased their singing as the ground continued to rumble, startled off in great flocks. The wildlife inhabiting the area began to flee, as if somehow seeking to escape whatever was causing the earth to shift.

A large mound appeared on the ground as the earth was pushed upwards, giving way to what struggled to escape. Soon after, what could only be described as a pair of spiraling metal horns burst from the earth, followed closely by a snarling faced helmet. The helmet stilled for a moment, its visor dark. Though no eyes could be seen within the helm it seemed to be staring, observing the area around it. The sudden silence brought on by the metal helmet's sudden appearance was broken as a voice emanated from it, echoing hollowly within the helm.

"This is not right at all....."

The ground resumed its trembling as a pair of metal clad arms burst forth in a spray of dirt, and they proceeded to pull an armored torso from the ground. A giant suit of armored pulled itself from the ground with little struggle, uprooting a nearby tree in the process. The metal clad figured moved to stand, dirt falling from its armor in large clumps, and it continued to stare blindly about taking stock of its current location.

At full height the figure dwarfed some of the smaller trees, and proved to be fair competition for the larger ones.

But the figure was not interested in competing with trees.

Brushing off the dirt still clinging to their armor the metal clad figure began to stride forward, blind gaze fixed on the horizon. To anyone observing the scene, they'd have no doubt assumed the figure had a destination in mind. Driven forward by a single purpose.

They'd be wrong as the figure had no idea where they were, and knew even less where they were going.
CelticSol said:
Jackie's shaking eases in his arms, her breath evening out from terrified rasps dragged through clenched teeth to a more steady rythmn as she clings to Alpha, burying her head into his shoulder. Sovereign tilts his head at the display, "I've heard that mutts can soothe a child's nightmares. How cute that it's actually true," He crosses his arms, "I poked around in her head while she was here, and let me say, it's quite an interesting history that the pair of you have. Did she actually try to kill you?"
Glaring at Sovereign, Alpha opened a portal back to the Dragon's Roar guild building. "Yes, it's true," he growled. "But that doesn't matter. I still love her."
GingerBread said:
Colin buried his head into Anna and started Sobbing again. "I-I c-could've k-killed s-someone. I-I didn't, b-but i-if he w-wasn't im-immortal. I-it w-would've b-been s-so easy t-to. I-I didn't w-want to. b-but I-I w-wasn't allowed to l-let him past, i-if I wanted t-to help s-save the universe. I-I tried to a-ask him to s-stop. B-but when I-I did he a-attacked me further. I-I really didn't want t-to hurt him. B-but I-I promised y-you I wouldn't let y-you die again" Colin's sobs died down to whimpers as he stopped talking, the whole event taking a lot out of him emotionally.

"No. you don't give me that shit. You will give Fola a high rank. Make a new one up if need be, Fola is by far the most valuable member of this guild. Of course I'm second to that. And when me and Fola actually work together, we get shit done. So you will give him a high rank. And I don't consider you to be our leader. A leader should be fearless, A leader shouldn't just do shit to cover his own arse. You say you wanted to help so that you could bring existence and the lost lives back. How would you do this? You would be betraying them as well. Bringing back people that Azirel thought would hurt Isabel. How well do you really think that would go for you? If anything I think it would've given her a reason to destroy everything as she would then Feel that no one is trust worthy." Vance shook his head and shrugged

"I don't care about glory. But I will not have people like you say that you did what you did to help, you didn't you tried to join the winning side. You're just lucky that our side was completely about peace, otherwise you'd all be dead anyway. So take this as a warning. Pick your sides more carefully, your stupid choices will end up getting you and people you care about killed one day. Me? I have nothing to lose, I have nothing to care about in this world. I make choices based on Logic instead of Emotions like everyone else seems so fond of doing. But trust me, If we ever get to choose a new leader. I'll do my best to make sure it's someone I think is worthy. Like Fola"

@DizjayDeathPride (God I love Anna :D )
Anna nodded along to his woes and pinched his cheeks. "Now Colin sweetie. Think about it. If you didn't fight I could have been hurt. You did it because you had to and I'm so proud of you! Don't be sad, okay? Be proud with me!"

Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "That's lovely Vance. I will adequately reward him when he comes. The highest I can Rank him is Alpha, Vance. I'm sorry but that's all I can provide. Don't worry I have no intention of leading any of you. You live your own lives. You do as you wish. You never have and never will listen to me. I never expected that to change. Besides, why would I take the time to create a new rank to satisfy your need to see him surpass my leadership? You don't respect me. Shoo shoo Vance. Shoo shoo."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna nodded along to his woes and pinched his cheeks. "Now Colin sweetie. Think about it. If you didn't fight I could have been hurt. You did it because you had to and I'm so proud of you! Don't be sad, okay? Be proud with me!"

Colin nodded sadly as he hugged into Anna again "O-okay, c-can we g-go and w-watch T-TV or something. I-I don't mind what, I-I just want to do s-something. J-just me and y-you. I-If that's o-okay I mean"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "That's lovely Vance. I will adequately reward him when he comes. The highest I can Rank him is Alpha, Vance. I'm sorry but that's all I can provide. Don't worry I have no intention of leading any of you. You live your own lives. You do as you wish. You never have and never will listen to me. I never expected that to change. Besides, why would I take the time to create a new rank to satisfy your need to see him surpass my leadership? You don't respect me. Shoo shoo Vance. Shoo shoo."
"Who said it had to surpass yours? All I'm saying is he saved the entirety of reality. You owe him at least a bit more than giving him a rank higher. So if that's all you plan to do, that's far from adequate. I don't really care if he's in charge, I wouldn't listen to him either. I just think after what he's done during this whole thing, he deserves it more than someone who teleports in while we're trying to figure out how to save the world, and shouts fuck you to multiple people. So I might have to steal your rank off of you, because we both know, on equal footing I'd be more likely to win. Anyway, good bye. Try not to put your loved ones in danger because you joined the wrong side" Vance smirked facetiously at Morpheus before teleporting back to his room.
Daimao said:
Glaring at Sovereign, Alpha opened a portal back to the Dragon's Roar guild building. "Yes, it's true," he growled. "But that doesn't matter. I still love her."
Sovereign whistles appreciatively, "She's a feisty one, isn't she? Almost took off my arm when I got too close," He shows Alpha his arm, which is rotting under the influence of corruption, as he snaps with his other hand. A small ball of compressed energy enters within the portal and detonates, de-stabilizing the portal and making it collapse. "As endearing as your devotion to her is, I can't let you take her. We had a deal, don't you remember? You would get Jackie with no issue if you brought back Layla, and you've come to me empty handed."

Sovereign's smile falls, his expression steely, "I said that if you didn't bring Layla back by the end of two days, then I would break Jackie, and as of right now, your time is up," He tilts his head, as if remembering something, "And, remember when you broke the contract between Layla and I? Very clever. But since it seemed you didn't want keep your end of the bargain from the beginning, I didn't either..." His grin returns full force as he looks to Jackie, "Jackie, kill him."

(!) Jackie's hands lose their shake under the influence of the order, using her position to wrap her hands in a vice grip around Alpha's throat. On top of her cutting off his airways, which she knows he doesn't need, she sends in a massive surge of corruption into his body, poisoning his magic and altering his bloodstream, making it feel as if she turned his blood to acid.
Finishing his walk,răzbunare teleports to the front of the guild,and started to explore it,While having two shadow humanoids follow behind him.
CelticSol said:
Sovereign whistles appreciatively, "She's a feisty one, isn't she? Almost took off my arm when I got too close," He shows Alpha his arm, which is rotting under the influence of corruption, as he snaps with his other hand. A small ball of compressed energy enters within the portal and detonates, de-stabilizing the portal and making it collapse. "As endearing as your devotion to her is, I can't let you take her. We had a deal, don't you remember? You would get Jackie with no issue if you brought back Layla, and you've come to me empty handed."
Sovereign's smile falls, his expression steely, "I said that if you didn't bring Layla back by the end of two days, then I would break Jackie, and as of right now, your time is up," He tilts his head, as if remembering something, "And, remember when you broke the contract between Layla and I? Very clever. But since it seemed you didn't want keep your end of the bargain from the beginning, I didn't either..." His grin returns full force as he looks to Jackie, "Jackie, kill him."

(!) Jackie's hands lose their shake under the influence of the order, using her position to wrap her hands in a vice grip around Alpha's throat. On top of her cutting off his airways, which she knows he doesn't need, she sends in a massive surge of corruption into his body, poisoning his magic and altering his bloodstream, making it feel as if she turned his blood to acid.
Alpha's initial instinct was to snap Jackie's neck. It would be so easy. She was right there. As his hand shot towards her neck, it suddenly stopped. Despite the woman that he loved being forced to kill him, he was strangely calm. Despite the excruciating burning of his veins, he felt fine. As Jackie pointlessly crushed his airways, the hand that was meant to kill her in one swift strike instead caressed the side of her face. Alpha brought her closer to him, her arms incapable of stopping him, and kissed her. The woman he loved was killing him, but he refused to hurt her. Pulling away from the kiss, he suddenly realized something. If he died, it would hurt her. It would hurt her even more when she realized that she was the one who killed him. And she would be stuck with that fucking bastard, Sovereign. That was fucking unacceptable. Alpha tore Jackie off of him and tossed her across the room like a ragdoll. "FUCKING COME HERE AND FIGHT ME YOURSELF SOVEREIGN!" Alpha roared, even with his blood burning. "I WILL FUCKING END YOU!"
GingerBread said:
Colin nodded sadly as he hugged into Anna again "O-okay, c-can we g-go and w-watch T-TV or something. I-I don't mind what, I-I just want to do s-something. J-just me and y-you. I-If that's o-okay I mean"

"Who said it had to surpass yours? All I'm saying is he saved the entirety of reality. You owe him at least a bit more than giving him a rank higher. So if that's all you plan to do, that's far from adequate. I don't really care if he's in charge, I wouldn't listen to him either. I just think after what he's done during this whole thing, he deserves it more than someone who teleports in while we're trying to figure out how to save the world, and shouts fuck you to multiple people. So I might have to steal your rank off of you, because we both know, on equal footing I'd be more likely to win. Anyway, good bye. Try not to put your loved ones in danger because you joined the wrong side" Vance smirked facetiously at Morpheus before teleporting back to his room.
Annalyse giggled and poked his sides. "Let's go watch some sappy girly drama! Come on!" She grabbed his arm and started to run down the halls

Morpheus rolled his eyes and chuckled himself. He raised his right hand and looked it over, a brown goop like slime rising out of his sleeve and tentacling out, whipping and wriggling. "I gave him protection with the quarter. Why not give him you too?" The slime twisted in a sort of response and fizzled away. "You are right shadow mercenary. He does by far deserve more than a rank. I'm happy we're on the same page."

He knew he was talking pointlessly out loud to himself and kicked back, waiting
Crimson would've jumped in to help but it wasn't his fight. If Zane was here he wouldn't have hesitated to jump in, but this was Crimson. The brother who actually killed his family because of his rage. He saw as Alpha through Jackie and jumped across the room catching her. Which might not have been a smart move. @Daimao @CelticSol
Having no idea what to do now răzbunare tries to contact Morpheus."Hey is there anything to do here? I'm out of ideas."He said as his shadow people walked into a lit area and disappeared.
Inaro looked at Morpheus with a somewhat quizzical look as he tried figuring out what that slime was. Yeah I don't possibly know what that was, so what was it? He asked as he popped open a bottle of beer. @DizjayDeathPride
MTchaos1134 said:
Having no idea what to do now răzbunare tries to contact Morpheus."Hey is there anything to do here? I'm out of ideas."He said as his shadow people walked into a lit area and disappeared.
Morpheus popped his lips and appeared before Raz, as a small bubble that popped and splattered, him appearing out of it. "Well.... What do you want? I can send you out on a mission from one of my old contacts, you can do some training to rank up, or... Sleep?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus rolled his eyes and chuckled himself. He raised his right hand and looked it over, a brown goop like slime rising out of his sleeve and tentacling out, whipping and wriggling. "I gave him protection with the quarter. Why not give him you too?" The slime twisted in a sort of response and fizzled away. "You are right shadow mercenary. He does by far deserve more than a rank. I'm happy we're on the same page."
He knew he was talking pointlessly out loud to himself and kicked back, waiting
(Wut? Is there something here I'm not getting or.... Also it sounds really creepy "Why not give him you too?" xP)

DizjayDeathPride said:
Annalyse giggled and poked his sides. "Let's go watch some sappy girly drama! Come on!" She grabbed his arm and started to run down the halls
Colin felt a smile break out on his face as Anna pulled him through the halls "I-I never thought y-you'd be the s-sort of person to w-watch th-that sort of thing" Colin smiled warmly up at Anna "I-I don't really care what w-we do as long as I-I can spend time with you"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus popped his lips and appeared before Raz, as a small bubble that popped and splattered, him appearing out of it. "Well.... What do you want? I can send you out on a mission from one of my old contacts, you can do some training to rank up, or... Sleep?"
"Will I get candy if I do a mission?"He said in curiosity.
(Crap I forgot Inaro was there my apologies)

A clone proofed back in the room to answer his question. "Oh! I call it Omnivarus. Im uncreative. Its basically the Brown Leader but... Slime. It molds into the three different forms of matter to mold psychically to whatever I need. I'm thinking of giving it to Fola. Not like I use it"

GingerBread said:
(Wut? Is there something here I'm not getting or.... Also it sounds really creepy "Why not give him you too?" xP)
Colin felt a smile break out on his face as Anna pulled him through the halls "I-I never thought y-you'd be the s-sort of person to w-watch th-that sort of thing" Colin smiled warmly up at Anna "I-I don't really care what w-we do as long as I-I can spend time with you"

(I was talking to the slime
xD im sorry)

"Oh I'm not. I hate shows like gossip girl. But it would be a nice break from the stress of life." She went into the main TV room and plopped on the couch, pulling Colin down with her. She grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to the girliest show on at the time

MTchaos1134 said:
"Will I get candy if I do a mission?"He said in curiosity.
"As was your request. So yes! Your amount of candy is directly proportional to the level of difficulty of the mission"
Sage nodded and watched as Vance left before he walked off to find his friends. When he meet Kotori , Diana and his father it was a happy reunion. The goddesses on the other hand. Sage cringed as he remembered.


Sage was thrown across the room and hit his back against the wall after being punched by a pissed off Blanc . " How could side with her , not only did she nearly destroy everything but she also took Neptune away from us . " The small Gil yelled as Sage sat on the ground , the other three goddesses stood back and looked at him sadly. " Never allow this happen again Sage. " Blanc warned before she teleported away.

End of flashback.

Sage sat on his bed after tracking into his room. He sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair.

DizjayDeathPride said:
(I was talking to the slime xD im sorry)
"Oh I'm not. I hate shows like gossip girl. But it would be a nice break from the stress of life." She went into the main TV room and plopped on the couch, pulling Colin down with her. She grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to the girliest show on at the time
(Everyone gets cool stuff. Vance doesn't ;-; Okay this time I admit I kinda brought it on myself xP )

Colin laid his head on Anna's lap and started to relax, being with Anna helping to calm him down and make him feel better. I wonder if I should.... No, well maybe. After this show I might Colin thought to himself as he smiled up at Anna before turning his gaze towards the TV.

djinnamon said:
Sage nodded and watched as Vance left before he walked off to find his friends. When he meet Kotori , Diana and his father it was a happy reunion. The goddesses on the other hand. Sage cringed as he remembered.

Sage was thrown across the room and hit his back against the wall after being punched by a pissed off Blanc . " How could side with her , not only did she nearly destroy everything but she also took Neptune away from us . " The small Gil yelled as Sage sat on the ground , the other three goddesses stood back and looked at him sadly. " Never allow this happen again Sage. " Blanc warned before she teleported away.

End of flashback.

Sage sat on his bed after tracking into his room. He sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair.


(I'm not sure why you tagged me... Vance is in his own room. He has no reason to go into Sage's
:/ )

DizjayDeathPride said:
(Crap I forgot Inaro was there my apologies)
A clone proofed back in the room to answer his question. "Oh! I call it Omnivarus. Im uncreative. Its basically the Brown Leader but... Slime. It molds into the three different forms of matter to mold psychically to whatever I need. I'm thinking of giving it to Fola. Not like I use it"

(I was talking to the slime
xD im sorry)

"Oh I'm not. I hate shows like gossip girl. But it would be a nice break from the stress of life." She went into the main TV room and plopped on the couch, pulling Colin down with her. She grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to the girliest show on at the time

"As was your request. So yes! Your amount of candy is directly proportional to the level of difficulty of the mission"
"Then I'd like a moderate one please!"He said cheerfully,waiting for his mission.
CelticSol said:
Layla sighs, looking at him in exasperation, "Grimm, I am not hitting you. Why do you want me to hit you?"
Grimmavus wraps his arms around Layla and whispers into her ear. "I'm your little masochist remember?"

metalcity said:
Ethan was sat down drinking a cup of tea "well, I have no clue what's happening. Might as well drink some good old British tea, I hear it is the shit these days." He flicked through a newspaper, waiting for anything to do.
An invitation to go to a movie with Grimm and several others flutters down before Ethan's eyes.

LokiofSP said:
Fola couldn't possibly tell how long they had walked, he had just enjoyed her company. But when they did finally stop they had reached a city, not a big one, but a city non the less. It was only then he realized he had a problem, he'd forgotten something important...How the fuck was he going to pay for shit? It's been awhile, but last time he checked his bank account it'd had allot of zeros, of course before those zeroes there was a negative symbol, but whatever.
He opened his phone, (Another thing he hadn't checked in forever) and saw multiple texts from an unknown number. He only had to read the first line of the first text to know who it was...The most cruel and disgusting parents he'd ever know, even saying their name made him shiver in fear and disgust... His parents.

Ignoring the texts he opened his bank account app and nearly dropped his phone. His eyes bulged, "That's uh...I didn't even know there was that many zeroes in existence..." He counted the amount five times before smiling and quickly booking the most expensive hotel room he could. He grabbed Isabel's hand and pulled her along, "Come on! Tonight I'm gonna make sure you live like an actual princess!"

Isabel follows Fola, raising an eyebrow at his sudden actions. "What's wrong? Where are we going? I'm finally getting my tiara?"

Ramjammer said:
The air was clean and crisp and the sun was at its peak, spreading its warmth and light across the land. Small animals moved through the undergrowth and the birds sang lightly. If anyone had been present to observe the scene they would no doubt feel that nothing could disturb it.
And they'd have been right had the ground not chosen to start moving at that exact moment.

This in and of itself was an odd thing as the ground did not usually move of its own accord. But what followed after was significantly stranger. The Birds ceased their singing as the ground continued to rumble, startled off in great flocks. The wildlife inhabiting the area began to flee, as if somehow seeking to escape whatever was causing the earth to shift.

A large mound appeared on the ground as the earth was pushed upwards, giving way to what struggled to escape. Soon after, what could only be described as a pair of spiraling metal horns burst from the earth, followed closely by a snarling faced helmet. The helmet stilled for a moment, its visor dark. Though no eyes could be seen within the helm it seemed to be staring, observing the area around it. The sudden silence brought on by the metal helmet's sudden appearance was broken as a voice emanated from it, echoing hollowly within the helm.

"This is not right at all....."

The ground resumed its trembling as a pair of metal clad arms burst forth in a spray of dirt, and they proceeded to pull an armored torso from the ground. A giant suit of armored pulled itself from the ground with little struggle, uprooting a nearby tree in the process. The metal clad figured moved to stand, dirt falling from its armor in large clumps, and it continued to stare blindly about taking stock of its current location.

At full height the figure dwarfed some of the smaller trees, and proved to be fair competition for the larger ones.

But the figure was not interested in competing with trees.

Brushing off the dirt still clinging to their armor the metal clad figure began to stride forward, blind gaze fixed on the horizon. To anyone observing the scene, they'd have no doubt assumed the figure had a destination in mind. Driven forward by a single purpose.

They'd be wrong as the figure had no idea where they were, and knew even less where they were going.
A clone of Grimm appears before him. "Hello! Are you ready for a new day?!"
GingerBread said:
(Everyone gets cool stuff. Vance doesn't ;-; Okay this time I admit I kinda brought it on myself xP )
Colin laid his head on Anna's lap and started to relax, being with Anna helping to calm him down and make him feel better. I wonder if I should.... No, well maybe. After this show I might Colin thought to himself as he smiled up at Anna before turning his gaze towards the TV.

(I'm not sure why you tagged me... Vance is in his own room. He has no reason to go into Sage's
:/ )
(Ask xD )

Annalyse sat watching tv, absent mindedly running her hand through his hair. "This show is so stupid why are these people so stupid? This acting is horrible this story is horrible" she shook her head and grumbled

MTchaos1134 said:
"Then I'd like a moderate one please!"He said cheerfully,waiting for his mission.
Morpheus nodded and tapped his lips. "Lets see..... Okay! So do you like infiltration, battles, or escort type of activities?"
Interesting. He drinks some of his beer. Alright Morpheus, I'll be leaving again for awhile. I gotta go back home, and do somethings. He finishes his beer and walks towards his desk sitting the bottle down on the desk. Don't fuck doing whatever you do. He said as he slowly vanishes. @DizjayDeathPride

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