Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

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DizjayDeathPride said:
(Ask xD )
Annalyse sat watching tv, absent mindedly running her hand through his hair. "This show is so stupid why are these people so stupid? This acting is horrible this story is horrible" she shook her head and grumbled

Morpheus nodded and tapped his lips. "Lets see..... Okay! So do you like infiltration, battles, or escort type of activities?"
I'd say battles."
Morpheus chuckled and saluted Inaro. "I only do what I think is best. Only rarely is my vision greyed."

As Inaro left, so did the clone

MTchaos1134 said:
I'd say battles."

"Perfect! We have a bit of a... Infestation in the far north-west. Ive been informed giant killer moths are terrorizing a village. Take care of them for me"

Light said:
Reapers begin to prepare a grave for Alpha in the guilds memorial building.
Daimao said:
Alpha's initial instinct was to snap Jackie's neck. It would be so easy. She was right there. As his hand shot towards her neck, it suddenly stopped. Despite the woman that he loved being forced to kill him, he was strangely calm. Despite the excruciating burning of his veins, he felt fine. As Jackie pointlessly crushed his airways, the hand that was meant to kill her in one swift strike instead caressed the side of her face. Alpha brought her closer to him, her arms incapable of stopping him, and kissed her. The woman he loved was killing him, but he refused to hurt her. Pulling away from the kiss, he suddenly realized something. If he died, it would hurt her. It would hurt her even more when she realized that she was the one who killed him. And she would be stuck with that fucking bastard, Sovereign. That was fucking unacceptable. Alpha tore Jackie off of him and tossed her across the room like a ragdoll. "FUCKING COME HERE AND FIGHT ME YOURSELF SOVEREIGN!" Alpha roared, even with his blood burning. "I WILL FUCKING END YOU!"
Jackie growls as she picks herself off the floor, a growl building in the back of her throat. Her muscles tense in preparation of lunging towards Alpha, fury in her eyes, but halts as Sovereign raises a hand, a befuddled, bordering on awe-struck expression on his face. His slack jaw turns into a massive grin, as he looks between the two, "Interesting, interesting! No, I think I will take this fight for myself after all."

(!) Sovereign throws his hand out to Alpha, a small, ball of energy appearing in front of the latter. The detonation itself is rather small - barely a poof - but the controlled shockwave that came after held the force of a nuclear bomb, throwing Alpha back through the castle walls like he'd been hit with a wrecking ball.
Light said:
Grimmavus wraps his arms around Layla and whispers into her ear. "I'm your little masochist remember?"
An invitation to go to a movie with Grimm and several others flutters down before Ethan's eyes.

Isabel follows Fola, raising an eyebrow at his sudden actions. "What's wrong? Where are we going? I'm finally getting my tiara?"

A clone of Grimm appears before him. "Hello! Are you ready for a new day?!"
Layla groans, throwing her head back as she laughs, "We talked about this. Time and place, Grimm!"
Fola nodded, turning his head briefly with the biggest smile on his face, "If that's what you want, then yes, You're getting your tiara! I don't know how this happened, but fuck it, this is great!" He ran with her for a few blocks, his legs pumping, he had said that everything had to even out, but he hadn't expected things to get this good for him, this was like his dream life! Well...Besides the fact that his dream life would have a few more canons and pirate ships, but whatever....

It must have been an odd sight, two (Probably) dirty looking young idiots running in, one looking like a teenager who'd just eloped with the love of his life, the other trying to keep up in a long dress, they came in and the man asked for the key to the most expensive room in the entire place, and after ALLOT of arguing and convincing, was (Begrudgingly) handed the keys. He pressed the button of the elevator and was practically bouncing up and down...

Light said:
Grimmavus wraps his arms around Layla and whispers into her ear. "I'm your little masochist remember?"
An invitation to go to a movie with Grimm and several others flutters down before Ethan's eyes.

Isabel follows Fola, raising an eyebrow at his sudden actions. "What's wrong? Where are we going? I'm finally getting my tiara?"

A clone of Grimm appears before him. "Hello! Are you ready for a new day?!"
The Figure stops short, blind helm gazing down at the tiny person on the ground. A rumbling voice echos from within the helm, confusion somehow evident despite coming from nowhere at all.


The Figure briefly considered punting the little person away. Tiny people were more apt to be irritating rather than helpful. But they also knew it'd be quite rude to engage in an act of aggression so soon after meeting.

With this in mind the figure moved to one knee in front of the yet named person, still staring blindly down at them. "Who are you? And what is it that you require?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Ask xD )
Annalyse sat watching tv, absent mindedly running her hand through his hair. "This show is so stupid why are these people so stupid? This acting is horrible this story is horrible" she shook her head and grumbled
Colin smiled nervously up at Anna "H-hey A-Anna, d-do you want t-to g-go and g-get some l-lunch o-or dinner, wh-whichever t-time i-it is. J-Just me a-and y-you" Colin felt his cheeks heat up and turn a crimson colour. "I-I mean w-we don't h-have t-to, b-but I-I'd th-think i-it'd b-be nice...." Colin stopped talking and looked towards the ground as he became more embarrassed.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus chuckled and saluted Inaro. "I only do what I think is best. Only rarely is my vision greyed."
As Inaro left, so did the clone

"Perfect! We have a bit of a... Infestation in the far north-west. Ive been informed giant killer moths are terrorizing a village. Take care of them for me"
"Already on it."răzbunare Said as he went through a portal into his dimension,then out to the north west."Since they are big this should be easy to spot.."
CelticSol said:
Jackie growls as she picks herself off the floor, a growl building in the back of her throat. Her muscles tense in preparation of lunging towards Alpha, fury in her eyes, but halts as Sovereign raises a hand, a befuddled, bordering on awe-struck expression on his face. His slack jaw turns into a massive grin, as he looks between the two, "Interesting, interesting! No, I think I will take this fight for myself after all."
(!) Sovereign throws his hand out to Alpha, a small, ball of energy appearing in front of the latter. The detonation itself is rather small - barely a poof - but the controlled shockwave that came after held the force of a nuclear bomb, throwing Alpha back through the castle walls like he'd been hit with a wrecking ball.
(!) Coming to a stop, Alpha gritted his teeth. "I almost felt that," he growled, before grabbing a piece of rubble and throwing it at Sovereign with enough force to break the sound barrier.
CelticSol said:
Layla groans, throwing her head back as she laughs, "We talked about this. Time and place, Grimm!"
"What do you mean? We have an entire planet to ourselves! Besides, outdoors is one of the things not on our list." Grimmavus shrugs, once you've been alive as much as he has embarrassment was non existent. "Keep that decision in mind. Besides that though, what do you intend to do next."

LokiofSP said:
Fola nodded, turning his head briefly with the biggest smile on his face, "If that's what you want, then yes, You're getting your tiara! I don't know how this happened, but fuck it, this is great!" He ran with her for a few blocks, his legs pumping, he had said that everything had to even out, but he hadn't expected things to get this good for him, this was like his dream life! Well...Besides the fact that his dream life would have a few more canons and pirate ships, but whatever....
It must have been an odd sight, two (Probably) dirty looking young idiots running in, one looking like a teenager who'd just eloped with the love of his life, the other trying to keep up in a long dress, they came in and the man asked for the key to the most expensive room in the entire place, and after ALLOT of arguing and convincing, was (Begrudgingly) handed the keys. He pressed the button of the elevator and was practically bouncing up and down...

Isabella was still holding Fola's hand, looking at her surroundings. "So we'll be staying here for the night? Why are you so eager?" Isabel looks at the buttons in front of her and assumes she's supposed to press one. She presses the emergency button which stops the elevator, except this time the power goes out and it cuts off completely. "Oh...."

Ramjammer said:
The Figure stops short, blind helm gazing down at the tiny person on the ground. A rumbling voice echos from within the helm, confusion somehow evident despite coming from nowhere at all.

The Figure briefly considered punting the little person away. Tiny people were more apt to be irritating rather than helpful. But they also knew it'd be quite rude to engage in an act of aggression so soon after meeting.

With this in mind the figure moved to one knee in front of the yet named person, still staring blindly down at them. "Who are you? And what is it that you require?"
Grimm begins to float around in front of figure. "Grimm! I'd like to invite you to see a movie!"
Daimao said:
(!) Coming to a stop, Alpha gritted his teeth. "I almost felt that," he growled, before grabbing a piece of rubble and throwing it at Sovereign with enough force to break the sound barrier.
The rubble stops short of Sovereign by only a handful of feet, halted by an unseen force as it spins lazily from leftover momentum. Sovereign tuts Alpha, shaking his head condescendingly, "Didn't you understand me earlier? You're going to have to try harder than that," He sends the rubble flying back at Alpha, nearly matching the speed of his prior throw. However, when it comes close enough to Alpha, it detonates in an explosion of violet fire that once again throws him back. The rubble sends flaming debris in all directions, the flame scalding enough to burn someone even from far away.

Light said:
"What do you mean? We have an entire planet to ourselves! Besides, outdoors is one of the things not on our list." Grimmavus shrugs, once you've been alive as much as he has embarrassment was non existent. "Keep that decision in mind. Besides that though, what do you intend to do next."
Layla actually spends a minute considering his first offer, putting a finger to her lip in thought. After a moment, she shakes her head, "If we're doing anything, then we should be taking back home to see Siobhan..." She sighs, "Listen, Grimm... I want to come with you I do, but Sovereign, he... He took a girl as ransom so that I would come back. I can't... I can't let him do what he did to me to somebody else. I have to go back to him."
Before Fola could tell her not to, Isabel had pressed the emergency button, and the elevator stopped. He bit his lip and cursed under his breath, "Oh crap...Okay, let me think real quick, if they find us in here they'll defiantly kick us out so...Only one option." He placed a foot on the metal bar against the wall and pushed himself up, reaching the safety hatch and attempting to open it.

He cursed when he realized it didn't open from his side, so he began to breath a small stream of fire onto the lock until the lock was flexible. He pushed up and the door came open, before he went up he turned to Isabel and extended a hand,
"Alright, come on. We need to get out of here so that way nobody gets uh...Mad at us, they might kick us out if we don't..."

CelticSol said:
The rubble stops short of Sovereign by only a handful of feet, halted by an unseen force as it spins lazily from leftover momentum. Sovereign tuts Alpha, shaking his head condescendingly, "Didn't you understand me earlier? You're going to have to try harder than that," He sends the rubble flying back at Alpha, nearly matching the speed of his prior throw. However, when it comes close enough to Alpha, it detonates in an explosion of violet fire that once again throws him back. The rubble sends flaming debris in all directions, the flame scalding enough to burn someone even from far away.
Layla actually spends a minute considering his first offer, putting a finger to her lip in thought. After a moment, she shakes her head, "If we're doing anything, then we should be taking back home to see Siobhan..." She sighs, "Listen, Grimm... I want to come with you I do, but Sovereign, he... He took a girl as ransom so that I would come back. I can't... I can't let him do what he did to me to somebody else. I have to go back to him."
Standing back up, Alpha spit out some blood. Jackie's surprise attack had screwed him over. He couldn't use his magic, and the burning in his veins was getting worse and worse. But he refused to fall. He was fighting for Jackie, after all. However, the only things that he could really use were his regeneration and his strength. And that wasn't getting him anywhere. He still had to try though. And so Alpha charged Sovereign, claws outstretched and fangs bared.
Daimao said:
Standing back up, Alpha spit out some blood. Jackie's surprise attack had screwed him over. He couldn't use his magic, and the burning in his veins was getting worse and worse. But he refused to fall. He was fighting for Jackie, after all. However, the only things that he could really use were his regeneration and his strength. And that wasn't getting him anywhere. He still had to try though. And so Alpha charged Sovereign, claws outstretched and fangs bared.
Sovereign's eyes go wide at the very sudden change in tactic, his hand wrapping around the sword on his waist and drawing it just in time to catch Alpha across his waist, though the slice is relatively shallow since Sovereign was force to move out of the way of Alpha's attack.
Crimson roars having it echo throughout the castle. As he roared his rage aura engulfed. Within the aura is the growling noise of a beast. The aura burst off his body sending a wave of rage energy towards Sovereign, Jackie and even Alpha. The burst of energy revealed Crimson in his werewolf form, holding his sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/9d860b29714b0343f5503a0c46d797cd.jpg.75fa70e97b48429c38c4212bde785805.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/9d860b29714b0343f5503a0c46d797cd.jpg.75fa70e97b48429c38c4212bde785805.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/igrnantra_by_theultraman.jpg.ef475a579c37ebee48b6d8941965939d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/igrnantra_by_theultraman.jpg.ef475a579c37ebee48b6d8941965939d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crimson appears behind Sovereign swinging his sword towards his waist line.

@CelticSol @Daimao



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CelticSol said:
Layla actually spends a minute considering his first offer, putting a finger to her lip in thought. After a moment, she shakes her head, "If we're doing anything, then we should be taking back home to see Siobhan..." She sighs, "Listen, Grimm... I want to come with you I do, but Sovereign, he... He took a girl as ransom so that I would come back. I can't... I can't let him do what he did to me to somebody else. I have to go back to him."
Grimmavus raises his left eyebrow, the do I give a shit eyebrow. "Not trying to be that guy...but here's my wife." Grimmavus points up at a start that literally bursts to life far out in the distance. "This is the girl being held for ransom in my eyes." Grimmavus has a spark of light appear in his hands, which he crushes immediately. "In terms of my personal value as terrible and selfish as this sounds I am unwilling to trade you for this girl under any circumstances. We can go see Siobhan though." Grimmavus shrugs, he was used to be a sheltered asshole. "You might expect me to be the good guy and say yeah sure. Though think about it...you're My wife. Did you really think the morals of another would affect me more than the well-being of our lives?"

LokiofSP said:
Before Fola could tell her not to, Isabel had pressed the emergency button, and the elevator stopped. He bit his lip and cursed under his breath, "Oh crap...Okay, let me think real quick, if they find us in here they'll defiantly kick us out so...Only one option." He placed a foot on the metal bar against the wall and pushed himself up, reaching the safety hatch and attempting to open it.
He cursed when he realized it didn't open from his side, so he began to breath a small stream of fire onto the lock until the lock was flexible. He pushed up and the door came open, before he went up he turned to Isabel and extended a hand,
"Alright, come on. We need to get out of here so that way nobody gets uh...Mad at us, they might kick us out if we don't..."

Isabel was not only in a long dress, but a tight body hugging one at that. "I don't think I can. I'd rather wait and explain the situation, unless they plan to hurt us. I really couldn't get up there anyways even if I tried." Isabel takes his hand, but the sake of her feeling comfortable. She simply held it for the sheer fact of being able to hold his hand, not to pull herself up. "Fola why do you love me?" Isabel tilts her head, curious to hear the answer to the question Temperance keeps bothering her to ask in her mind.
Light said:
Grimmavus raises his left eyebrow, the do I give a shit eyebrow. "Not trying to be that guy...but here's my wife." Grimmavus points up at a start that literally bursts to life far out in the distance. "This is the girl being held for ransom in my eyes." Grimmavus has a spark of light appear in his hands, which he crushes immediately. "In terms of my personal value as terrible and selfish as this sounds I am unwilling to trade you for this girl under any circumstances. We can go see Siobhan though." Grimmavus shrugs, he was used to be a sheltered asshole. "You might expect me to be the good guy and say yeah sure. Though think about it...you're My wife. Did you really think the morals of another would affect me more than the well-being of our lives?"
Isabel was not only in a long dress, but a tight body hugging one at that. "I don't think I can. I'd rather wait and explain the situation, unless they plan to hurt us. I really couldn't get up there anyways even if I tried." Isabel takes his hand, but the sake of her feeling comfortable. She simply held it for the sheer fact of being able to hold his hand, not to pull herself up. "Fola why do you love me?" Isabel tilts her head, curious to hear the answer to the question Temperance keeps bothering her to ask in her mind.
Layla reaches up to his face, cradling it between her two hands as she stares at him closely. "Grimm, I need to know that girl is alright. She... I will not allow him to take her life away from her. So maybe we won't trade me back... There is a possibility that if I talk to him, he might let her go."
CelticSol said:
Sovereign's eyes go wide at the very sudden change in tactic, his hand wrapping around the sword on his waist and drawing it just in time to catch Alpha across his waist, though the slice is relatively shallow since Sovereign was force to move out of the way of Alpha's attack.
Growling as he lunged at Sovereign again, Alpha had one thought on his mind. Grab Sovereign and tear him the fuck apart.
Having finished his mission,Rev grabs a head of one of them and teleports,back into the office."I finished the job!"He said as he dropped the head onto the floor.
Daimao said:
Growling as he lunged at Sovereign again, Alpha had one thought on his mind. Grab Sovereign and tear him the fuck apart.
Sovereign reacts more quickly this time, more prepared for the onslaught of Alpha and his rage. Sovereign steels his stance, then pierces the sword through Alpha, at his hip to hinder movement. Jackie, even under the influence of Sovereign's spell, steps forward, giving an alarmed cry even through the power of an order of silence.
CelticSol said:
Sovereign reacts more quickly this time, more prepared for the onslaught of Alpha and his rage. Sovereign steels his stance, then pierces the sword through Alpha, at his hip to hinder movement. Jackie, even under the influence of Sovereign's spell, steps forward, giving an alarmed cry even through the power of an order of silence.
(!) Growling, Alpha grabs the sword with one hand and Sovereign's arm with the other, gripping it with titanic strength.
CelticSol said:
Layla reaches up to his face, cradling it between her two hands as she stares at him closely. "Grimm, I need to know that girl is alright. She... I will not allow him to take her life away from her. So maybe we won't trade me back... There is a possibility that if I talk to him, he might let her go."
"So you're asking me to assist you in helping the girl? Not trade you away?" Grimmavus raises his right eyebrow instead of his left.
Fola looked at Isabel and sighed, letting go of the top of the elevator and holding her hand a bit tighter. He leaned against the wall as he spoke, "I mean, I've already said this millions of times, so I may sound a bit like a broken record. You're just...So damn amazing. Not only are you the literally the human embodiment of sweetness and caring, but your selfless, and most important of all you did something not many people in my life have done. You trusted me..."

"I originally went with you because well...I thought you deserved a chance. I felt like I had a debt to repay, so I joined up with you. It wasn't until after we'd talked a few more times and got to know and care even more about it that actual feelings began to develop. You never intentionally wished to cause pain or suffering to others, you just didn't want to be hurt, something I can relate to... Then, to the people who stood by your side you were always trying to make sure we WANTED to be there. Never at any point did I feel forced to stay by your side, and though that helped...I didn't start falling for you then either..."

"It wasn't until you... Well there's no sugar coating it, when you saved my life, that I think I began to love you. I looked down at you and I was scared, you trusted me to protect you, yet you still didn't hesitate to do the same for me. It scared the shit out of me, yeah, but it also showed me you wouldn't stop to help me...Being with you just feels right, ya know? I feel complete, I have this lust for life that didn't exist before. I feel wrong when I'm not next to you, like there's this gaping hole in myself that only you fix...:

He laughed suddenly and pushed Isabel playfully and lightly, "Look at me now, you have me talking like some cheesy young adult novel love

interest. It feels great..."

Daimao said:
(!) Growling, Alpha grabs the sword with one hand and Sovereign's arm with the other, gripping it with titanic strength.
Sovereign, distracted by Jackie somehow overcoming an absolute order, does not retract his hand in time before Alpha grabs it and crushes it. Sovereign sword arm snaps under Alpha's grip, spurring cursing from Sovereign. Alpha is thrown back by Sovereign's telekinesis as he inspects the damage to his badly broken arm. Between Jackie and Alpha, they've made both of Sovereign's arms useless. Sovereign's eyes glow in his rage as he glares at Alpha.

Light said:
"So you're asking me to assist you in helping the girl? Not trade you away?" Grimmavus raises his right eyebrow instead of his left.
"Yes," She breathes, "Take me to Sovereign so I can free her," She makes sure his eyes on her as she speaks, her voice and expression very serious, "I swear to you that I will not leave you again."
CelticSol said:
Sovereign, distracted by Jackie somehow overcoming an absolute order, does not retract his hand in time before Alpha grabs it and crushes it. Sovereign sword arm snaps under Alpha's grip, spurring cursing from Sovereign. Alpha is thrown back by Sovereign's telekinesis as he inspects the damage to his badly broken arm. Between Jackie and Alpha, they've made both of Sovereign's arms useless. Sovereign's eyes glow in his rage as he glares at Alpha.
"Yes," She breathes, "Take me to Sovereign so I can free her," She makes sure his eyes on her as she speaks, her voice and expression very serious, "I swear to you that I will not leave you again."
Alpha's own glowing eyes meet Sovereign's, his own rage dwarfing Sovereign's monumentally. Unfortunately, Alpha was running out of strength. The pain is his veins was becoming overwhelming, he was covered in blood, and he was running out of adrenaline. Regardless, Alpha remained standing and stared Sovereign down.

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