Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The ball seals his movement by negating any and all kinetic energy. The more he struggles he feels massive quantities of sheer pain shoot through every nerve in his body. Suddenly the all shatter. "This is really tedious. Reed looks at Colin. "Time for a real fight I guess." He takes his scythe and bonds it to his soul. He makes slashes of energy at every swing moving faster then the speed of Twilight and using absolute speed. @GingerBread

The fox guy slammed into the the diety of vengeance full force using absolute strength. He throws punch making atomic blasts on contact.
răzbunare Blocks the attack taking the hit on his arm,he then grabs the fox guy with one of his large hands and throws him into răzbunares pocket dimension where the fox man would suddenly experience pain he has never experience before.
MTchaos1134 said:
răzbunare Blocks the attack taking the hit on his arm,he then grabs the fox guy with one of his large hands and throws him into răzbunares pocket dimension where the fox man would suddenly experience pain he has never experience before.
The fox guy cuts off his pain receptors and teleports back. Billions of arrows made of energy fire from every angle at him exploding on contact. The fox man laughs as he fades away his laughter coming from every angle as well. The arrows fade away too but they still hit him.
Tazmodo said:
(I mean you wanted Grimm in here so your welcome.)
( ! )

Reed paused for a moment before talking. "I don't want to either but all those who decide to a pose Azriel must perish." His arm extended and grabbed him by the throat eternal fire spreading around him. Reed held onto him as tight as possible his fingers coiling around his body. "Why must you resist?! She's only going to get what she wants anyway. If you keep this up she won't spare you
(Oh yeah, thanks for the eternal fire, Nice upgrade for Colin :D )

Colin winced in pain as the fire started burning his neck. Colin twisted his head caused it to pop off before he grew a new one as the old one disintegrated "S-sorry for th-this" Colin increased his strength to the strongest it could be, he then created a clone that locked onto Reed and stopped him fron using any motor functions such as moving. Colin the charged at reed while he was unable to do anything and kicked him, which ended up breaking most if not all of his bones as it was a kick that should've sent him flying light years away but he was held in place.

GingerBread said:
(Oh yeah, thanks for the eternal fire, Nice upgrade for Colin :D )
Colin winced in pain as the fire started burning his neck. Colin twisted his head caused it to pop off before he grew a new one as the old one disintegrated "S-sorry for th-this" Colin increased his strength to the strongest it could be, he then created a clone that locked onto Reed and stopped him fron using any motor functions such as moving. Colin the charged at reed while he was unable to do anything and kicked him, which ended up breaking most if not all of his bones as it was a kick that should've sent him flying light years away but he was held in place.

Reed laughed. "Man that wouldn't effect me even with the new powers." Lasers shot from his eyes and into Colin's blinding him. Reed voice echoed through Colin's mind. "Why are you resisting? All you have to do is restart existence. It's like pushing the reset button after getting a bad ending on a video game. If you just work with Azriel you will be spared with the rest of us. You do know that no one can beat her right? Not even god himself."
Tazmodo said:
Reed laughed. "Man that wouldn't effect me even with the new powers." Lasers shot from his eyes and into Colin's blinding him. Reed voice echoed through Colin's mind. "Why are you resisting? All you have to do is restart existence. It's like pushing the reset button after getting a bad ending on a video game. If you just work with Azriel you will be spared with the rest of us. You do know that no one can beat her right? Not even god himself."
Colin healed his eyes and looked at Reed sadly "I-I'm doing this t-to save someone I-I care about. D-do you not h-have anyone y-you care about? I-Is that why y-you're helping h-her destroy the u-universe?" Colin shook his head before sending out a pulse from his

staff, disintegrating all of Reed's limbs in the blink of an eye, leaving him as just a head that was kept alive purely by Colin sending blood to his brain.
"P-please give u-up, I-I don't want t-to hurt y-you more" Colin walked over to the Reed head and placed his hand on it and started absorbing all of his reserve energy, so that he couldn't use any powers, every time Colin absorbed too much power for himself to handle he'd create a clone and put it into that.

Tazmodo said:
The fox guy cuts off his pain receptors and teleports back. Billions of arrows made of energy fire from every angle at him exploding on contact. The fox man laughs as he fades away his laughter coming from every angle as well. The arrows fade away too but they still hit him.
răzbunare makes a clone of himself inside himself and becomes invisible, goes into his dimension shape shifts into Azreil,gives himself a knife and spark and appeared back,a some distance away from where he left and destroyed the clone.
GingerBread said:
Colin healed his eyes and looked at Reed sadly "I-I'm doing this t-to save someone I-I care about. D-do you not h-have anyone y-you care about? I-Is that why y-you're helping h-her destroy the u-universe?" Colin shook his head before sending out a pulse from his
staff, disintegrating all of Reed's limbs in the blink of an eye, leaving him as just a head that was kept alive purely by Colin sending blood to his brain.
"P-please give u-up, I-I don't want t-to hurt y-you more" Colin walked over to the Reed head and placed his hand on it and started absorbing all of his reserve energy, so that he couldn't use any powers, every time Colin absorbed too much power for himself to handle he'd create a clone and put it into that.

Sage noticed what happened to Reed and gave the man a prosthetic body made of eternal ice.
GingerBread said:
Colin healed his eyes and looked at Reed sadly "I-I'm doing this t-to save someone I-I care about. D-do you not h-have anyone y-you care about? I-Is that why y-you're helping h-her destroy the u-universe?" Colin shook his head before sending out a pulse from his
staff, disintegrating all of Reed's limbs in the blink of an eye, leaving him as just a head that was kept alive purely by Colin sending blood to his brain.
"P-please give u-up, I-I don't want t-to hurt y-you more" Colin walked over to the Reed head and placed his hand on it and started absorbing all of his reserve energy, so that he couldn't use any powers, every time Colin absorbed too much power for himself to handle he'd create a clone and put it into that.

The Reed poofed into smoke and three more appeared. "The only person I care about was fused together to make Isabel. Now I work with the organization. But they changed and serve for Azriel. There are a few more in my squad but they aren't here yet. You wouldn't understand though. After the whole guild thing with my memory erased they are the only ones who reached out to me. Told me who I was and cared for me. Now all I have is a job. No one who I cate about and no one who cares about me. And if you're fighting for someone then take them with you so you won't have to go through this. Conflict will only stall the inevitable." More Reed's appear from no where. "You won't ever understand. You'll always have someone to care about and fight for. Mine was taken from me so now I do what I must to survive." This was all an illusion with the real Reed sitting there unmoving curled into a ball looking at Colin. "I really don't want to kill you."
Sage busted forward at amazing speed toward Rāzbunare. He grabbed the man by the neck and flew forward hitting the man into a asteroid , making a large crater. " Free the person you just trapped or else. " (!) Sage said as eternal ice began to encase the man slowly as a Sage glared down at the man.
"What the fuck I didn't trap anyone!"he said as he teleported behind sage and changed his hand to a big hammer then hit sage.
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus eyes lit up a bright deep royal blue at the word. His voice became smoother and much more wicked. He had no intention of letting such a creature escape. Or be injured. Dying? Absolutely not "Wendigo.... Oh my I only have one of you. Do you know how rare you are, precious?" As he walked forward, the fire split around him, granting him passage to the creature. He had forgotten about Dante and extended his hands to the beast. "I'm going to love adding you to my collection. A semi transformed wendigo.... How.. exotic. What are you afraid of again? Fire?" His arms turned into strong fuming pillars of flames. "Come to Daddy wendigo. Oh I have a friend that would love to experiment all inside you. Pun intended. Now cone along. I don't want to hurt you. You're too valuable"

@AnthonyWrath (clone)

@Light @djinnamon @Tazmodo (Lucifer, TDR)
When the Wendigo heard Morpheus talk about being experimented on he began to freak out and leap from wall to wall at blinding speeds yelling," NO NO NO I WON'T GO BACK I WON'T, NO MORE PAIN NO MORE NEEDLES, NO MORE CUTS PLEASE!!!" Dante was trying to follow the Wendigo's speed with his eyes as much as possible,"hey Morpheus we may have to help each other out a bit if we're going to catch this guy, so what do you think about some combo moves to help this go more smoothly?" Dante said as he turned his head towards Morpheus. @DizjayDeathPride
MTchaos1134 said:
"What the fuck I didn't trap anyone!"he said as he teleported behind sage and changed his hand to a big hammer then hit sage.
Sage dodged and kicked the man in the face sending him soaring. " You know , the guy you sent away. " Sage said as ahoot several icicles after the man.
djinnamon said:
( eternal ice means it can't melt or break )
(We had this discussion before. Eternal fire wins out over ice)

Tazmodo said:
The Reed poofed into smoke and three more appeared. "The only person I care about was fused together to make Isabel. Now I work with the organization. But they changed and serve for Azriel. There are a few more in my squad but they aren't here yet. You wouldn't understand though. After the whole guild thing with my memory erased they are the only ones who reached out to me. Told me who I was and cared for me. Now all I have is a job. No one who I cate about and no one who cares about me. And if you're fighting for someone then take them with you so you won't have to go through this. Conflict will only stall the inevitable." More Reed's appear from no where. "You won't ever understand. You'll always have someone to care about and fight for. Mine was taken from me so now I do what I must to survive." This was all an illusion with the real Reed sitting there unmoving curled into a ball looking at Colin. "I really don't want to kill you."
Colin saw that the Reed's around him were Illusions and just focused on the real one "S-so why f-fight m-me then. I-I d-don't e-even want to d-do this. B-but I-I don't think a-anyone s-should die. E-ever. E-everyone has a right t-to live, e-even if they're n-not important. N-no one p-person should d-decide who l-lives and w-who dies. I-It's wrong. A-and w-who says w-we have to lose?" Colin felt a couple of tears Roll down his cheeks "I-I'm scared o-of dying. B-but I'm more s-scared of p-people I-I care about dying. N-none o-of you need to f-fight us y-yet. V-Vance s-said that we were going to t-talk to her o-one more time." Colin smiled down at Reed, trying to show him he meant no harm to anyone.

"i-if that didn't w-work then w-we should leave h-his side a-and j-join I-Isabel o-or something. H-he said he'd take on all on you o-on his own, N-none of u-us actually want t-to hurt Isabel, w-we just want to h-help her. V-vance might w-want to hurt her, b-but he t-told me t-to not kill a-anyone and h-heal anyone w-who came close. W-we were only meant to k-keep you a-away while h-he talked to h-her. H-he said you'd mess it up"
Colin offered Reed a hand to help him up "N-No one wants t-to see the e-end of the u-universe, b-but Vance s-said you lot w-were too scared to d-die. S-so you joined I-Isabel. I-I think that, w-we shouldn't fight a-and just w-wait to see the outcome o-of what happens. A-and i-if talking doesn't w-work. Th-then it will probably o-only be V-Vance against y-you guys"

djinnamon said:
Sage dodged and kicked the man in the face sending him soaring. " You know , the guy you sent away. " Sage said as ahoot several icicles after the man.
Vance saw Sage attacking one of his team mates and rushed towards him at the speed of darkness and tackled him away. Vance stood up and looked over to the man "Oi, you. Get out of here, Sage is mine. to fight anyway, find someone else" Vance turned back to Sage and glared at him "You always were a coward, always too afraid to stand up for yourself. Do you even know what you guys are trying to stop right now? A peace talk, where if it goes wrong my whole team will probably defect and join you. I'd be going against all of you because you all only care about your own lives. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JOIN THE GUILD? At least I had my reasons, I joined because I was pretty much forced to, I stayed because of you at first. And now I'm certain the guild would've crumbled apart without me there. Look at you all, doing the opposite of what the Guild is about. I don't think Ashlyn would approve of this, I don't think your mother would've approved of this"

Vance sighed and noticeably slumped before straightening back up "I've saved your life many times Sage, but this is where I stop doing that. I will kill you if you stand in my way. But the thing stopping me from doing that is the peace negotiations, I'm meant to stop you idiots from interrupting it. Cause you lot fuck up more than you help"

@djinnamon @MTchaos1134
GingerBread said:
(We had this discussion before. Eternal fire wins out over ice)
Colin saw that the Reed's around him were Illusions and just focused on the real one "S-so why f-fight m-me then. I-I d-don't e-even want to d-do this. B-but I-I don't think a-anyone s-should die. E-ever. E-everyone has a right t-to live, e-even if they're n-not important. N-no one p-person should d-decide who l-lives and w-who dies. I-It's wrong. A-and w-who says w-we have to lose?" Colin felt a couple of tears Roll down his cheeks "I-I'm scared o-of dying. B-but I'm more s-scared of p-people I-I care about dying. N-none o-of you need to f-fight us y-yet. V-Vance s-said that we were going to t-talk to her o-one more time." Colin smiled down at Reed, trying to show him he meant no harm to anyone.

"i-if that didn't w-work then w-we should leave h-his side a-and j-join I-Isabel o-or something. H-he said he'd take on all on you o-on his own, N-none of u-us actually want t-to hurt Isabel, w-we just want to h-help her. V-vance might w-want to hurt her, b-but he t-told me t-to not kill a-anyone and h-heal anyone w-who came close. W-we were only meant to k-keep you a-away while h-he talked to h-her. H-he said you'd mess it up"
Colin offered Reed a hand to help him up "N-No one wants t-to see the e-end of the u-universe, b-but Vance s-said you lot w-were too scared to d-die. S-so you joined I-Isabel. I-I think that, w-we shouldn't fight a-and just w-wait to see the outcome o-of what happens. A-and i-if talking doesn't w-work. Th-then it will probably o-only be V-Vance against y-you guys"

Reed sighed. "I had plans to." He took his hand and made a dagger stab into his intestines and up into his heart. "I could erasers a sense of right now but what's the point. I wanted to bring back the world and all the good once this was done. Temperance was going to show up after Azriel finished. This could have been done easily. Why must you resist? There is no point she is just playing with us now. She gave us the power that can easily be taken away." Spikes shot from Colin's body killing all the clones. "Why don't you just join us so we can make a new world. A better world. Where good happens and not bad. Where people don't have to die or hate. Where everyone can be happy and pass on when their time comes instead of dieing." Colin's energy was absorbed. "Just wait I promise I'll bring you back." With all of his energy gone Reed stopped all kinetic and potential energy inside Colin.
GingerBread said:
Vance saw Sage attacking one of his team mates and rushed towards him at the speed of darkness and tackled him away. Vance stood up and looked over to the man "Oi, you. Get out of here, Sage is mine. to fight anyway, find someone else" Vance turned back to Sage and glared at him "You always were a coward, always too afraid to stand up for yourself. Do you even know what you guys are trying to stop right now? A peace talk, where if it goes wrong my whole team will probably defect and join you. I'd be going against all of you because you all only care about your own lives. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JOIN THE GUILD? At least I had my reasons, I joined because I was pretty much forced to, I stayed because of you at first. And now I'm certain the guild would've crumbled apart without me there. Look at you all, doing the opposite of what the Guild is about. I don't think Ashlyn would approve of this, I don't think your mother would've approved of this"

Vance sighed and noticeably slumped before straightening back up "I've saved your life many times Sage, but this is where I stop doing that. I will kill you if you stand in my way. But the thing stopping me from doing that is the peace negotiations, I'm meant to stop you idiots from interrupting it. Cause you lot fuck up more than you help"

@djinnamon @MTchaos1134
Sage growled. " You have no right to lecture me or even talk about my mother. I don't care if you saved my life cause you ended breaking my heart in the end " He screamed as he punched Vance away before grabbing the man by the hand and slamming him into a asteroid. " I'm not attempting to stop you, you could have kept trying to convince her but no you decided to let Fola do it. " He growled out as he glared down at. " You have no right to lecture me , I told you already why I joined Azriel but you never listen to. You can try and kill me if you wish but i'll fight you. " He said as large floating stage appeared and Sage flew to other side. " Come on , let's end this Vance if you wish. " Sage said.
AnthonyWrath said:
When the Wendigo heard Morpheus talk about being experimented on he began to freak out and leap from wall to wall at blinding speeds yelling," NO NO NO I WON'T GO BACK I WON'T, NO MORE PAIN NO MORE NEEDLES, NO MORE CUTS PLEASE!!!" Dante was trying to follow the Wendigo's speed with his eyes as much as possible,"hey Morpheus we may have to help each other out a bit if we're going to catch this guy, so what do you think about some combo moves to help this go more smoothly?" Dante said as he turned his head towards Morpheus. @DizjayDeathPride
(Light destroyed Earth lemme save you xD )

Morpheus went to answer when he felt the planet splitting. Once the first chunk of Earth cracked, he ran to Dante and the Wendigo. He didn't want to use his powers fully in front of Dante but to save his life he had no choice. He had to move at impossible speeds to out match the speed Azriel had cut the planet. In a spark of time, he grabbed Dante and the Wendigo and took them in a flash of Twilight to the fight.

A cage of Twilight warped around the Wendigo and it disappeared as Morpheus turned to Dante. "Welcome to the fight. Yadda yadda yadda the earth is gone. Now you have a choice my friend. Side with the girl who is destroying all of Reality or side with the team protecting it. If you side with destroy, you fight Grimmavus' team.

Basically Death. If you side with protection you face Azriel, the Anti-God, Lucifer, and the real me. Make your choice and you will be given unlimited power. See those people?" He pointed to Sage, the Fox, Reed. "Those are the destroy. (Djinnimon and Tazmodo) "And those?" He pointed yo Vance, Colin, Răzbunare and Fola. (Gingerbread, LokiofSP, and MTchaos1134) [if I forgot someone I'm sorry I stopped keeping up its just too much]

Morpheus clapped and smiled. "And her? That Azriel." (LIght) "And the guy next to her is Lucifer" (Me)

"Cool make a choice. You're surviving in the vacuum of space right now thanks to me. Once I leave, you start to freeze and lack of oxygen. Just say who you want to fight with. Protect or destroy. Aaaaaaand... BYE!"

The clone winked and disappeared, leaving Dante in the vacuum to make his choice
Tazmodo said:
Reed sighed. "I had plans to." He took his hand and made a dagger stab into his intestines and up into his heart. "I could erasers a sense of right now but what's the point. I wanted to bring back the world and all the good once this was done. Temperance was going to show up after Azriel finished. This could have been done easily. Why must you resist? There is no point she is just playing with us now. She gave us the power that can easily be taken away." Spikes shot from Colin's body killing all the clones. "Why don't you just join us so we can make a new world. A better world. Where good happens and not bad. Where people don't have to die or hate. Where everyone can be happy and pass on when their time comes instead of dieing." Colin's energy was absorbed. "Just wait I promise I'll bring you back." With all of his energy gone Reed stopped all kinetic and potential energy inside Colin.
(Seriously, no warning? Whatever. And Colin now has kinetic and potential energy manipulation along with eternal fire. Sweet. )

Colin still had a grip on the staff and healed himself using it, transfering all the stuff Reed did to him to the staff before transferring it to Reed "A-and Isabel w-wants you t-to create a-a world full of g-good people? I-I offer to help y-you and you just throw i-it back in m-my face? Wh-why? I-I just wanted t-to help. Th-that's all I-I've ever wanted t-to do. I-I'm guessing y-you're the reason I-Isabel g-got those I-Ideas in her h-head. I-I'm sorry th-that you had such a-a bad life th-that you h-have to h-hurt others to make yourself f-feel better" Colin felt more tears start to stain his face, feeling like an idiot for trusting Reed. Trusting him naively like he used to trust everyone when he was a child "I-I can never get a-anything right. I-I just g-get tricked o-or make things worse"

djinnamon said:
Sage growled. " You have no right to lecture me or even talk about my mother. I don't care if you saved my life cause you ended breaking my heart in the end " He screamed as he punched Vance away before grabbing the man by the hand and slamming him into a asteroid. " I'm not attempting to stop you, you could have kept trying to convince her but no you decided to let Fola do it. " He growled out as he glared down at. " You have no right to lecture me , I told you already why I joined Azriel but you never listen to. You can try and kill me if you wish but i'll fight you. " He said as large floating stage appeared and Sage flew to other side. " Come on , let's end this Vance if you wish. " Sage said.
Vance shook his head as he landed alongside Sage "I told you I would kill you if you stood in my way. I can't kill you right now was we're doing peace talks. But even then, I'm not sure that I could. You done fucked me up Sage. I still care about you funnily enough. I mean, not enough to try to get you back, cause I just can't be arsed with that hassle, and to be honest, I like a more.. assertive partner. You were like that at first, don't know what happened to you. But I'm going to let you walk away now. Because if push comes to shove, I will shove you into the Icy cold embrace of death. Stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. Simple as that Sage" Vance sighed and created a chair out of darkness before sitting down on it "I don't hate you by the way. And yes, I did sleep with Cassandra. But your friend Diana, I think. Told me that you were breaking up with me. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings that I'd moved on so quickly. But I'm not interested in Cass, I mean she's like my dream girl. But she knows more about my past than I do. And I can't have that. Anyway make your choice and make it quickly"

GingerBread said:
(Seriously, no warning? Whatever. And Colin now has kinetic and potential energy manipulation along with eternal fire. Sweet. )
Colin still had a grip on the staff and healed himself using it, transfering all the stuff Reed did to him to the staff before transferring it to Reed "A-and Isabel w-wants you t-to create a-a world full of g-good people? I-I offer to help y-you and you just throw i-it back in m-my face? Wh-why? I-I just wanted t-to help. Th-that's all I-I've ever wanted t-to do. I-I'm guessing y-you're the reason I-Isabel g-got those I-Ideas in her h-head. I-I'm sorry th-that you had such a-a bad life th-that you h-have to h-hurt others to make yourself f-feel better" Colin felt more tears start to stain his face, feeling like an idiot for trusting Reed. Trusting him naively like he used to trust everyone when he was a child "I-I can never get a-anything right. I-I just g-get tricked o-or make things worse"

Vance shook his head as he landed alongside Sage "I told you I would kill you if you stood in my way. I can't kill you right now was we're doing peace talks. But even then, I'm not sure that I could. You done fucked me up Sage. I still care about you funnily enough. I mean, not enough to try to get you back, cause I just can't be arsed with that hassle, and to be honest, I like a more.. assertive partner. You were like that at first, don't know what happened to you. But I'm going to let you walk away now. Because if push comes to shove, I will shove you into the Icy cold embrace of death. Stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. Simple as that Sage" Vance sighed and created a chair out of darkness before sitting down on it "I don't hate you by the way. And yes, I did sleep with Cassandra. But your friend Diana, I think. Told me that you were breaking up with me. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings that I'd moved on so quickly. But I'm not interested in Cass, I mean she's like my dream girl. But she knows more about my past than I do. And I can't have that. Anyway make your choice and make it quickly"

Sage sighed and sat down with his arms folded. " I don't know my self , maybe because you kept saving me so I changed. " He said as pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. His eyes widened exponentially. " Diana wouldn't do that , Noire is more likely to do that. " He said as his eyes returned to normal. " I wasn't going to break up with you. Keeping that from me hurt me even more " He said as he stood up. " Anyway , have you made a progress on convincing Azriel to stop. " He asked.
GingerBread said:
(Seriously, no warning? Whatever. And Colin now has kinetic and potential energy manipulation along with eternal fire. Sweet. )
Colin still had a grip on the staff and healed himself using it, transfering all the stuff Reed did to him to the staff before transferring it to Reed "A-and Isabel w-wants you t-to create a-a world full of g-good people? I-I offer to help y-you and you just throw i-it back in m-my face? Wh-why? I-I just wanted t-to help. Th-that's all I-I've ever wanted t-to do. I-I'm guessing y-you're the reason I-Isabel g-got those I-Ideas in her h-head. I-I'm sorry th-that you had such a-a bad life th-that you h-have to h-hurt others to make yourself f-feel better" Colin felt more tears start to stain his face, feeling like an idiot for trusting Reed. Trusting him naively like he used to trust everyone when he was a child "I-I can never get a-anything right. I-I just g-get tricked o-or make things worse"

Vance shook his head as he landed alongside Sage "I told you I would kill you if you stood in my way. I can't kill you right now was we're doing peace talks. But even then, I'm not sure that I could. You done fucked me up Sage. I still care about you funnily enough. I mean, not enough to try to get you back, cause I just can't be arsed with that hassle, and to be honest, I like a more.. assertive partner. You were like that at first, don't know what happened to you. But I'm going to let you walk away now. Because if push comes to shove, I will shove you into the Icy cold embrace of death. Stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours. Simple as that Sage" Vance sighed and created a chair out of darkness before sitting down on it "I don't hate you by the way. And yes, I did sleep with Cassandra. But your friend Diana, I think. Told me that you were breaking up with me. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings that I'd moved on so quickly. But I'm not interested in Cass, I mean she's like my dream girl. But she knows more about my past than I do. And I can't have that. Anyway make your choice and make it quickly"

(He's already omnipotent he can do these things himself. You do know what omnipotence is right?) (P.S. I'm not trying to be insulting)

( ! )

Reed forms a baseball bat and bashes into Colin's face with it. "You don't understand. Azriel is making a new existence. One where things like this don't have to happen. People like you won't understand. All you ever want to do is play hero but you don't get it. In a world like this there are no heroes. But in the world we can create there can be." He kept bashing Colin with the bat. "I don't want to kill people but if I have to then so be it." The bat turned into a sword and Reed went to cut his head off. Last second he teleported behind him and stabbed into his spine.
djinnamon said:
Sage sighed and sat down with his arms folded. " I don't know my self , maybe because you kept saving me so I changed. " He said as pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. His eyes widened exponentially. " Diana wouldn't do that , Noire is more likely to do that. " He said as his eyes returned to normal. " I wasn't going to break up with you. Keeping that from me hurt me even more " He said as he stood up. " Anyway , have you made a progress on convincing Azriel to stop. " He asked.
"Well I don't know their names, they just all blur together. And unfortunately, I don't think we have gotten any further. I'm putting my trust in child Killer though. He seems to be the closest to Isabel. And Cold hard logic doesn't seem to work. But you know, I'm sure Isabel will burn that bridge when she comes to it" Vance leaned back further in his chair "And you never told me why you were looking so shifty that day. Did you have sex on the beach or something? Were you embarrassed because it was straight sex?"

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Reed forms a baseball bat and bashes into Colin's face with it. "You don't understand. Azriel is making a new existence. One where things like this don't have to happen. People like you won't understand. All you ever want to do is play hero but you don't get it. In a world like this there are no heroes. But in the world we can create there can be." He kept bashing Colin with the bat. "I don't want to kill people but if I have to then so be it." The bat turned into a sword and Reed went to cut his head off. Last second he teleported behind him and stabbed into his spine.[/quote
Tazmodo said:
(Yeah but now he gets to keep it beyond all this. He gets it forever man. Also how did Reed move if you made it to where Colin couldn't move? Colin transferred everything Reed did to him to Reed. So I don't see how this is possible)

( Alright just a warning to you all out there. If I see anymore bs being pulled you will regret the consequences. )
GingerBread said:
"Well I don't know their names, they just all blur together. And unfortunately, I don't think we have gotten any further. I'm putting my trust in child Killer though. He seems to be the closest to Isabel. And Cold hard logic doesn't seem to work. But you know, I'm sure Isabel will burn that bridge when she comes to it" Vance leaned back further in his chair "And you never told me why you were looking so shifty that day. Did you have sex on the beach or something? Were you embarrassed because it was straight sex?"
Sage blushed. " I was close to but I told the guy I wanted to get married first so we could make it special. I don't know what happened to make me like that. " He said as the forced away the blush. " Well from what I heard he is wat closer to her than I thought. " He said with a small chuckle.
GingerBread said:
"Well I don't know their names, they just all blur together. And unfortunately, I don't think we have gotten any further. I'm putting my trust in child Killer though. He seems to be the closest to Isabel. And Cold hard logic doesn't seem to work. But you know, I'm sure Isabel will burn that bridge when she comes to it" Vance leaned back further in his chair "And you never told me why you were looking so shifty that day. Did you have sex on the beach or something? Were you embarrassed because it was straight sex?"
(The problem with omnipotence is that any power can be used and manipulated. It will always be a stalemate. I use fire you use fire. I use water you use water. We have every power so the fight is nothing but character development and trying to win people over to your side until light decides the fight is over.)

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