Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

  • Morpheus eyes lit up a bright deep royal blue at the word. His voice became smoother and much more wicked. He had no intention of letting such a creature escape. Or be injured. Dying? Absolutely not "Wendigo.... Oh my I only have one of you. Do you know how rare you are, precious?" As he walked forward, the fire split around him, granting him passage to the creature. He had forgotten about Dante and extended his hands to the beast. "I'm going to love adding you to my collection. A semi transformed wendigo.... How.. exotic. What are you afraid of again? Fire?" His arms turned into strong fuming pillars of flames. "Come to Daddy wendigo. Oh I have a friend that would love to experiment all inside you. Pun intended. Now cone along. I don't want to hurt you. You're too valuable"

@AnthonyWrath (clone)

@Light @djinnamon @Tazmodo (Lucifer, TDR)



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Inaro and his brothers all smile at the fact they have been given omnipotent abilities. Well this is wonderful. Now this will even things out. Thank you Grimm. Boys it's time to find our buddies. Using his new abilities Inaro locates Vance and teleports to him, while his brothers teleports to Inaro. Hey Vancey how's it going? @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus eyes lit up a bright deep royal blue at the word. His voice became smoother and much more wicked. He had no intention of letting such a creature escape. Or be injured. Dying? Absolutely not "Wendigo.... Oh my I only have one of you. Do you know how rare you are, precious?" As he walked forward, the fire split around him, granting him passage to the creature. He had forgotten about Dante and extended his hands to the beast. "I'm going to love adding you to my collection. A semi transformed wendigo.... How.. exotic. What are you afraid of again? Fire?" His arms turned into strong fuming pillars of flames. "Come to Daddy wendigo. Oh I have a friend that would love to experiment all inside you. Pun intended. Now cone along. I don't want to hurt you. You're too valuable"

@AnthonyWrath (clone)

@Light @djinnamon @Tazmodo (Lucifer, TDR)
Sage summoned a rapier and folded his arms as he watched the clones argue. He turned to Azriel. " Should I attack now or what? " He asked.
MTchaos1134 said:
"First off,the trump card,during our huge battle each of us could put some sort of delayed magic or seed in our enemies,so if we do lose it would go off and the universe would be recreated,if no one remembering what happened,another one is setting up the battlefield to our advantage,set traps,place guards,make shields,place hidden portals that would lead the rivals into areas of certain death,like a black hole,if we do things like this.we will have an advantage on the battlefield.or ifwe know we are going to losejust reverse time to before this happened,making sure everyone forgot what happened,but leave a scroll or tablet so one of us can find it and stop it before it even starts."
"They'd notice the magic seeds. They'd notice the traps. No black holes, you can't control them." Grimmavus merely looks at him and he could feel himself losing power and dying. "If you even think about messing with time again, your life will end at that moment. Do you understand me?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer sighed. "Alright. Ill stay with... Well you're no longer Isabel, correct. It was.... Ariel? No there's an s or so. Asriel? No... To soft....... Azriel? Yeah.. that feels right. Azriel. Anyways, staying with Azriel. The rest of you, figure out what you're doing. Morpheus do be a-" He was cut off as the man handed him the scythe he was just requesting. "My thoughts exactly. Carry on"
Morpheus handed Lucifer the scythe and turned to his group. "Alright Maggots! This is WAR! And you know what that means!"

"You're going to change into your war blue camouflage that doesn't hide you from... Anything?"

Morpheus, having just turned his clothes into such a thing, stared at Ryan with squinted eyes. "Those kinds of words can get a man put down for treason."

"Treason against what? The Morpheus Republic?"

"Oh no Damian he's not that ridiculous. Its the Morpheus Republic of Awesome"

"No I'm sure he'd make it the Morpheus Republic of Super Awesome"

Morpheus' eyes turned to squiggly black vertical lines that shot rain drop drawn tears from the sides. "Why do you all hate me so! This is why I never share my feelings with you!"

Ryan laughed and shook his head. "Never? You sure about that, Sir Morpheus the Emotional? Never? Never ever?"

His eyes turned back to normal as he pointed to the group. "AS I WAS SAYING, MAGGOTS! THIS IS WAR! SO WE NEED TO BE ON OUR A GAME! Our formations need to be TIGHT. Our formations need to be SLIM. Our formations need to remind you of the girls you chased in high school!"




"We didn't have 'high school' in the 1400s"

Morpheus groaned and ran his hands down his face. "You're hopeless. You're all hopeless. Fuck it we're going to be the army. When someone comes to.... Wherever the fuck we are, we will stop them"

"See now how hard was that? Good job buddy you're learning"

"Eat my ass anorexic cock block"

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Is that desire I hear?"

"Is that blinding arrogance I smell?"

Decimus shook his head and walked forward, followed by Damian and Richard, then followed by the bickering two
djinnamon said:
Sage summoned a rapier and folded his arms as he watched the clones argue. He turned to Azriel. " Should I attack now or what? " He asked.
"Attack whenever you feel necessary or if they come. Most of them are still in the realm of decision. Lucifer would you mind staying beside me? The rest of you can go attack."
"Alright understood." răzbunareMaid as he was getting ready to check on his allies."I thought they would not work anyways."
"Don't worry chicken puff nothing will happen to the guards or anyone down there." she said as she rolled her eyes.she then did a back flip off the side of the building landing on the concrete on the tips of her toes.she then swished her hands to teleport the dragon and the dragon knight,that for reasons unknown were not able to do what she just did.she had landed in a dark ally next to dumpsters of the fancy restaurant near them.she walked over to the left dumpster and pushed it aside,behind it was a hole.

"Ok just go in here." she said right before she pushed her self through it.she went lightning fast down the slide like tunnel.when she reached the bottom she waited for the dragon knight to come then teleported the dragon into the tunnel.

"we need to leave him behind he wont fit in the rest of the tunnel."she then grabbed the knights hand and ran through the tunnel till they reached a rusty metal ladder.they climbed it till they reached the top and crawled forward into the air vents. they quickly reached an open part of the vent that over looked the room were the meeting was taking place in.

"ok we jump down on your say." she whispered quietly to the knight.

"Don't call me vancey. And it's going shit at the moment. I'm going to try one more time to stop Isabel. If it fails then we'll have to kill her, I'm sure you'll have no problem with that. But just keep everyone away from us. No killing. Understand? We need to be peaceful, show Isabel that we are actually the good guys. So try to keep injuries to a minimum, Colin here will keep you healed, so don't worry about getting hurt too much." Vange looked at Inaro and his friends, Expecting them to go with his plan without argument.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder (sorry for the kinda lackluster post. I'm on mobile so I don't want to make too long a post)
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LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head, "No, if it gets to that point we deal with her by knocking her out or something. If you'd done your job, you should have found the old lady like I asked, in which case we'll just put the seals back on, but we are under NO circumstances going to kill her! Am I clear? Good!"

@GingerBread @CelticSol @Light @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134
"Fola, we'very tried to be peaceful and it hasn't worked so far. So if it doesn't work this time we have to. Our first priority is keeping the universe safe. Second is saving Isabel." Vancey shrugged apologetically at Fola.

"But, if it will make you feel better, you can come up and talk to her with me. But. You will stay behind me. You will not interact with her unless I give the okay. I will be the only death in our group if we can help it. Got that? Good. Now really we shouldn't have to be doing this right now. But some dead twat saw fit to insult and piss off the person who can kill everything with a thought. So, no causalitys if we can help it. But it might end up being necessary, Remember. Universe comes first. And I did find her Grandmother, whether she helps or not isn't up to me. We need a back up plan"

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
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MTchaos1134 said:
"Alright understood." răzbunareMaid as he was getting ready to check on his allies."I thought they would not work anyways."
Grimmavus nods his head now that the conversation was over. He was preparing to visit the Sun.
Fola exhaled a breath and looked down, "O-okay...Fine, yeah reality comes first..." He winced at that thought, he promised her that he would stay by her side. Yet here he was, going back on that promise. 'I'm such a piece of shit...' He shook his head and looked up at the group, "Are we ready to get this started? I don't think they'll wait for us to start eating reality, and I'd personally prefer we do something about that..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder
LokiofSP said:
Fola exhaled a breath and looked down, "O-okay...Fine, yeah reality comes first..." He winced at that thought, he promised her that he would stay by her side. Yet here he was, going back on that promise. 'I'm such a piece of shit...' He shook his head and looked up at the group, "Are we ready to get this started? I don't think they'll wait for us to start eating reality, and I'd personally prefer we do something about that..."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder
"I'm not going to force you you to fight her Fola. You can just go and spend time with people you care about after trying to talk her down" Vange shrugged and walked closer to Fola and put a muffle around both of them so no one could hear. " I personally don't think we'll win if the talking doesn't work. We're going up against a God. We might've had a chance if everyone stood with us. But everyone was more of a coward than I thought. I'm tempted to send the rest of this team away if we can't talk her down. You guys have people who care about you. I don't have that. So I'm not going to make your last moments alive fighting. Especially since everyone else will die." Vance nodded solemnly at Fola and stepped back.

Vance undid the muffle and turned to a dress the whole group.
"So the plan is to talk her down before anything else. If we have to resort to violence you're all free to leave. But I say we best get going. Whenever you guys are ready"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP
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Inaro and his team looked at each other as Vance and Fola went back and forth. They decided to fight and protect the universe and that's what they are going to do. Though just encase they all sent copies of themselves to their home world to spend their last times with their families. You guys should get going. He have everything under control here. I'll make sure no one fights anyone until you guy return. @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Fola shook his head and took a step forward, "Me saying goodbye won't matter if we fuck up here. They won't have memories or emotions, nothing will be left. So fuck it, let's just get this done already!"

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder (Yo, you make the first move :P )
Azriel had previously deleted all other universes and realms. The only one she had to delete was this universe and the mortal realm. Even the plane of non existence had been deleted. "It's time to finish this. Isabel...Nothing will hurt you ever again after this...I swear."
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @Fabalize )

Azriel leaves the planet she stands on with her spork and knife in her grasp, appearing in the solar system. She has her knife grow larger and throws it towards Venus, a beam erecting from behind it, annihilating the planet. Her knife pierces through the planet and appears back in her right hand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/requiem_by_phoenix_06.jpg.ad02f6dc9bc325ea8ea09c3cae367cfc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/requiem_by_phoenix_06.jpg.ad02f6dc9bc325ea8ea09c3cae367cfc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Azriel turns towards Earth and squints, precisely having her knife fake cut through it. Once she was done the cut actually appears upon Earth and splits it in half.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/earth_s_engine_exposed_by_priteeboy-d8ut8y6.jpg.85763fda8fcc6c1046932784e909e2dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/earth_s_engine_exposed_by_priteeboy-d8ut8y6.jpg.85763fda8fcc6c1046932784e909e2dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Azriel flies off towards the Sun afterwards, preparing to use her large spork.



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A portal opens up in front of Azriel and răzbunare exits out of it in his final form."Hi there."He said as Four shadow beings in the shape of his 2nd form exit the portal.
MTchaos1134 said:
A portal opens up in front of Azriel and răzbunare exits out of it in his final form."Hi there."He said as Four shadow beings in the shape of his 2nd form exit the portal.
The group of TDR stood before the 4 clones and this new face. Morpheus facing the original. "Helloooo! My name is Morpheus! Leader of The Dragon's Rawriors! How are you? Are you here to harm my new friend? I wouldn't much like that"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The group of TDR stood before the 4 clones and this new face. Morpheus facing the original. "Helloooo! My name is Morpheus! Leader of The Dragon's Rawriors! How are you? Are you here to harm my new friend? I wouldn't much like that"
"It depends on how things turn out."He looks at Azriel."so are you sure you want to do this? I would understand if you created a better place after this with people being you know, alive.but just nothing?it gets boring and lonely,and if you do plan to keep them alive.it is only so long until you realize it was a bad idea and your stuck with them.not saying they are horrible or anything but think about it."
MTchaos1134 said:
"It depends on how things turn out."He looks at Azriel."so are you sure you want to do this? I would understand if you created a better place after this with people being you know, alive.but just nothing?it gets boring and lonely,and if you do plan to keep them alive.it is only so long until you realize it was a bad idea and your stuck with them.not saying they are horrible or anything but think about it."
Azriel continues to float on, ignoring Răzbunare. "Kill him." She speaks to Morpheus only as she continues to fly towards the Sun.
Light said:
Azriel continues to float on, ignoring Răzbunare. "Kill him." She speaks to Morpheus only as she continues to fly towards the Sun.
MTchaos1134 said:
"It depends on how things turn out."He looks at Azriel."so are you sure you want to do this? I would understand if you created a better place after this with people being you know, alive.but just nothing?it gets boring and lonely,and if you do plan to keep them alive.it is only so long until you realize it was a bad idea and your stuck with them.not saying they are horrible or anything but think about it."
Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "I don't know why you thought that would work. Alright team you heard the lady"

Ryan extended his hand and appeared his bow made of pure Light. "My apologies'

( ! ) He shot an arrow of Light into the chest of the clone that exploded on contact, illuminating the whole area in Light and pushing the clone back

( ! ) Darkness broken into thousands if threads stretched and wrapped around Decimus' clone, holding him in the air and pulling him apart

( ! ) Damian rushed forward with his Absolute Speed to his clone, fist to its chest, followed by rapid succession of blows, ended with a heel to the top of its head, dropping the clone down

( ! ) As well, Richard flashed forward, rapidly hitting the pressure points of his clone, paralyzing it

( ! ) Morpheus flashed forward with his Twilight Speed, hand around the man's neck, holding him up as the team attacked their enemy. He threw the man back to Damian who rushed forward, up kicking his jaw to send him flying into the air, knocked down by a kick from Richard to Decimus who had Darkness wrap around the man, spinning him rapidly and flinging him to Ryan who shot an arrow of Light to the man's, exploding before it touched him, blinding and burning his retinas finished with a rapid strike to the nose with enough force to send him flying back at Mach 2
The feeling of something terrible overcame Fola, something in the pit of his stomach telling him to go. There was a spark of lightning that collapsed on itself, and the half-witch was gone. He looked on at the scene, a planet gone and Earth itself split into pieces. He bit his lip in panic, attempting not to scream in frustration. He looked at Azriel, if he could just get to her, even for a moment... There was another flash of lightning and he was in front of her, his hands were up to show the absence of his weapons, "STOP! Please, for the love of god just stop for two seconds...Don't do this, please..."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed and shook his head. "I don't know why you thought that would work. Alright team you heard the lady"
Ryan extended his hand and appeared his bow made of pure Light. "My apologies'

( ! ) He shot an arrow of Light into the chest of the clone that exploded on contact, illuminating the whole area in Light and pushing the clone back

( ! ) Darkness broken into thousands if threads stretched and wrapped around Decimus' clone, holding him in the air and pulling him apart

( ! ) Damian rushed forward with his Absolute Speed to his clone, fist to its chest, followed by rapid succession of blows, ended with a heel to the top of its head, dropping the clone down

( ! ) As well, Richard flashed forward, rapidly hitting the pressure points of his clone, paralyzing it

( ! ) Morpheus flashed forward with his Twilight Speed, hand around the man's neck, holding him up as the team attacked their enemy. He threw the man back to Damian who rushed forward, up kicking his jaw to send him flying into the air, knocked down by a kick from Richard to Decimus who had Darkness wrap around the man, spinning him rapidly and flinging him to Ryan who shot an arrow of Light to the man's, exploding before it touched him, blinding and burning his retinas finished with a rapid strike to the nose with enough force to send him flying back at Mach 2
The huge being stops himself while he was flying and face his rivals,summons 86 shadow humanoids that charge his foes as răzbunare shoots huge beams of shadows at his rivals aiming for Morpheus hitting him directly,răzbunare then starts working on forming a shadow ball increasing its mass quickly as works on it.

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