Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @CelticSol )
View attachment 239430

Grimm gestures to the realm and the people talking to the three girls up ahead. "This is the realm of decision. Up ahead is the girl."

Azriel was looking at Vance as she closed her hand into a fist, completely deleting Jackson's existence and deleting him from mom existence. Azriel didn't respond to Vance at all, she refused too. He was trying to get into her head and she knew it. She represents the hatred and protective side of Isabel. Isabel's hatred towards the world and has accumulated over the years and her feeling of being targeted was too great for Azriel to put down her shield. She would not stop, she will protect Isabel, Temperance, and herself from the world. She would not let these people stand in her way, not even Temperance whom naively trusts everyone. "Isabella....I acknowledge your choice and I ready to accept...Temperance?" Azriel looks towards Temperance to see if she is ready as well. She wouldn't stand for a no, the years of suffering...The years of Isabella being alone with no ally. The ruthless claws of emotional torment holding them down as they were sealed away. She remembered....even if Isabel forgot...She wouldn't let it happen again. So she would destroy everything to make sure of it.

Temperance looks at Fola and shakes her head, "It's alright silly!" She runs up to Fola and gives him a warm hug. "You're always forgiven." Temperance backs away from Fola and looks at Azriel, then towards Isabel. "Hhhmm....okay!" Temperance just wanted the excitement of being apart of a team. Temperance reaches out for Azriel and Azriel accepts her hand. They both reach out for Isabel whom accepts both hands. At this moment all three girls begin to glow and the realm shakes.
As the realm begins to shake Sage looks around and stares at the three girls. " Whoa' " He muttered.
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus rolled his eyes and began pushing himself forward through the air as if he were swimming. Every so often he'd turn his head and inhale, as if he were under water. He swam above Dante and continued forward through the halls.

    He dipped his head down with and audible splash that let water drip from his hair onto the ground as he hung upside down. "This place sure is.... Quiet. Should we cause a ruckus? Where is your contract? Dante I'm scared"

@AnthonyWrath (clone)

@GingerBread (annalyse)
"Shhhh I hear something close, stay alert." Dante said as he slowed his pace, as he and Morpheus turned the corner the sound got louder and louder until they came to a door which seemed to hold the source of the sound. @DizjayDeathPride
MTchaos1134 said:
răzbunare Quickly makes his way over by jumping into his dimension and hopping out next to them."Hello you might not know me but here me out ok?"He said as he was quickly thinking of an offer/Reason not to destroy everything.
djinnamon said:
As the realm begins to shake Sage looks around and stares at the three girls. " Whoa' " He muttered.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer raised his eyebrows in surprise when she ended Jackson. "Well I'll be damned. Wonder if that'll teach him not to talk big when you're so small. Whatever."
The the three held hands and he pushed his lips together while everything shook. "Alright Isabel you've seem to have made your choice. You must stand by it until the end. Don't back out or you'll just feel regret. Regret is bad grand daughter. Regret is soooo bad."

As everything shook he took a seat and relaxed. If she killed him she killed him. If she didnt, she didnt. He didnt care either way and lord knew he could give a fuck about everyone else. He just wanted to see events transpire.
GingerBread said:
Vance felt the realm shake but kept calm, shoving his hands in his pockets "So you're adamant on killing everything? I mean you obviously care about Isabel, you probably would've killed her if you didn't. So this can't just be hatred for the universe, this is something more, isn't it? Maybe you want Isabel to be the most powerful, maybe you want to keep her from all the bad people in the world. Either way, I don't care. If you are doing this because you care about her, you're an idiot. People are going to start targeting her, attacking her because they're scared of them and their loved ones dying." Vance sighed and shook his head
"I've seen it happen before. Dragon's roar got attacked because Lucifer spread lies about it, saying that the hell he unleashed on earth was caused by the Guild. Every country rose up and started to attack the guild, out of fear. They didn't care if it was true at that point, they were scared. So they reacted in the most primal way, they lashed out. Sent A.I's after the guild, thinking that the best way to bring peace was to destroy it. This caused more problems. After the world was saved by the guild. The robots rose up and tried killing everything, they almost did. But once again the guild managed to stop them."
Vance walked closer to Isabel and the other two girls, with no concern for his own safety.

"So ask yourself, do you really think this is the best way forwards? To try to bring peace by destroying everything? I'm a cold blooded killer, if the price is right I'll kill anything. But I'm trying to give you a chance, I know what it's like to care about someone so much that you'd fight through heaven and hell for them. But in the End Violence only leads to more violence. The choice is yours to make in the end. It's up to you make the right one"

@Light @LokiofSP
djinnamon said:
As the realm begins to shake Sage looks around and stares at the three girls. " Whoa' " He muttered.
( @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP )

Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance shift into ethereal bodies and fuse into one. Seal #17 appears above the single ethereal body, only to be absorbed by it and cause it to evolve once more as it shatters. The ethereal body forms into Azriel, whom can only smile at the outcome. "Now....." Azriel blasts them all away from her with a burst of power. "You can make your choice now. You're either with me or against me. Make your choice now and you'll be one of the few to live once Temperance rebuilds. The moment you even have a traitorous thought you'll die though....just know that." Azriel turns to Răzebunare and Vance. "Karma? Targeting? You're both foolish....once I'm done. The concept, effect, and term of karma will no longer exist. There will be no one to target her since I'm deleting all of existence and non existence. Not a single universe or realm will be spared. Not even God himself shall be if he sides against me. I shall take my leave now....pick your side. The moment you do there will be a....present for you." Azriel opens a portal for them all in case they'd like to leave. She disappears, going to other universes to delete existence there first.
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Light said:
( @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP )
Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance shift into ethereal bodies and fuse into one. Seal #17 appears above the single ethereal body, only to be absorbed by it and cause it to evolve once more as it shatters. The ethereal body forms into Azriel, whom can only smile at the outcome. "Now....." Azriel blasts them all away from her with a burst of power. "You can make your choice now. You're either with me or against me. Make your choice now and you'll be one of the few to live once Temperance rebuilds. The moment you even have a traitorous thought you'll die though....just know that." Azriel turns to Răzebunare and Vance. "Karma? Targeting? You're both foolish....once I'm done. The concept, effect, and term of karma will no longer exist. There will be no one to target her since I'm deleting all of existence and non existence. Not a single universe or realm will be spared. Not even God himself shall be if he sides against me. I shall take my leave now....pick your side. The moment you do there will be a....present for you." Azriel opens a portal for them all in case they'd like to leave. She disappears, going to other universes to delete existence there first.
Reed sighed looking at where Jackson was. The guy in the fox mask appeared. "How did it go?"


"Oh ok." He knelt down and Reed did as well. "We will always side with the all mighty one."

Reed nodded in agreement.
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP )
Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance shift into ethereal bodies and fuse into one. Seal #17 appears above the single ethereal body, only to be absorbed by it and cause it to evolve once more as it shatters. The ethereal body forms into Azriel, whom can only smile at the outcome. "Now....." Azriel blasts them all away from her with a burst of power. "You can make your choice now. You're either with me or against me. Make your choice now and you'll be one of the few to live once Temperance rebuilds. The moment you even have a traitorous thought you'll die though....just know that." Azriel turns to Răzebunare and Vance. "Karma? Targeting? You're both foolish....once I'm done. The concept, effect, and term of karma will no longer exist. There will be no one to target her since I'm deleting all of existence and non existence. Not a single universe or realm will be spared. Not even God himself shall be if he sides against me. I shall take my leave now....pick your side. The moment you do there will be a....present for you." Azriel opens a portal for them all in case they'd like to leave. She disappears, going to other universes to delete existence there first.
Sage thought it over and nodded. " Ok , I'll be on your side. " He thought.
Light said:
Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance shift into ethereal bodies and fuse into one. Seal #17 appears above the single ethereal body, only to be absorbed by it and cause it to evolve once more as it shatters. The ethereal body forms into Azriel, whom can only smile at the outcome. "Now....." Azriel blasts them all away from her with a burst of power. "You can make your choice now. You're either with me or against me. Make your choice now and you'll be one of the few to live once Temperance rebuilds. The moment you even have a traitorous thought you'll die though....just know that." Azriel turns to Răzebunare and Vance. "Karma? Targeting? You're both foolish....once I'm done. The concept, effect, and term of karma will no longer exist. There will be no one to target her since I'm deleting all of existence and non existence. Not a single universe or realm will be spared. Not even God himself shall be if he sides against me. I shall take my leave now....pick your side. The moment you do there will be a....present for you." Azriel opens a portal for them all in case they'd like to leave. She disappears, going to other universes to delete existence there first.
Vance sighed as he stood up and dusted himself off and saw that Azriel had already left "So that's how it's going to be, I gave you a chance. I really tried to, went out of my way to even. But you've made your choice and I've made mine. I'm committed to saving this whole universe. I'll die before it does" Vance shrugged and turned to everyone else in the realm "I'm giving you the same ultimatum she did. You're either with me or you're against me. If I know you people, You'll go against me. Either just to spite me or to save your own arses. And If I die, do me a favour. Ask your new god for some brain cells, maybe then you'll see that siding with her was a bad Idea. So who is with me? Or am I on my own?"

@Tazmodo @Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
GingerBread said:
Vance sighed as he stood up and dusted himself off and saw that Azriel had already left "So that's how it's going to be, I gave you a chance. I really tried to, went out of my way to even. But you've made your choice and I've made mine. I'm committed to saving this whole universe. I'll die before it does" Vance shrugged and turned to everyone else in the realm "I'm giving you the same ultimatum she did. You're either with me or you're against me. If I know you people, You'll go against me. Either just to spite me or to save your own arses. And If I die, do me a favour. Ask your new god for some brain cells, maybe then you'll see that siding with her was a bad Idea. So who is with me? Or am I on my own?"
@Tazmodo @Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Sage looked at him sadly and turned away , folding his arms over his chest and he bit his lip. " I'm sorry. " He muttered, he only reason he was doing this was try and sway girls.
răzbunare Is now sitting down,having no idea which side too choose,as he goes through benefits if you join one of the sides."Well I guess I'll join the one with more benefits,So I guess pro destruction."He Said as he went through the portal.
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @CelticSol @LokiofSP )
Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance shift into ethereal bodies and fuse into one. Seal #17 appears above the single ethereal body, only to be absorbed by it and cause it to evolve once more as it shatters. The ethereal body forms into Azriel, whom can only smile at the outcome. "Now....." Azriel blasts them all away from her with a burst of power. "You can make your choice now. You're either with me or against me. Make your choice now and you'll be one of the few to live once Temperance rebuilds. The moment you even have a traitorous thought you'll die though....just know that." Azriel turns to Răzebunare and Vance. "Karma? Targeting? You're both foolish....once I'm done. The concept, effect, and term of karma will no longer exist. There will be no one to target her since I'm deleting all of existence and non existence. Not a single universe or realm will be spared. Not even God himself shall be if he sides against me. I shall take my leave now....pick your side. The moment you do there will be a....present for you." Azriel opens a portal for them all in case they'd like to leave. She disappears, going to other universes to delete existence there first.
GingerBread said:
Vance sighed as he stood up and dusted himself off and saw that Azriel had already left "So that's how it's going to be, I gave you a chance. I really tried to, went out of my way to even. But you've made your choice and I've made mine. I'm committed to saving this whole universe. I'll die before it does" Vance shrugged and turned to everyone else in the realm "I'm giving you the same ultimatum she did. You're either with me or you're against me. If I know you people, You'll go against me. Either just to spite me or to save your own arses. And If I die, do me a favour. Ask your new god for some brain cells, maybe then you'll see that siding with her was a bad Idea. So who is with me? Or am I on my own?"
@Tazmodo @Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon @DizjayDeathPride
Lucifer chuckled and stood up. "As if Id go against that. Sorry buddy-o you're riding solo. Now if you don't mind? I have someone I need to go get"

He saluted to the group, and disappeared
AnthonyWrath said:
"Shhhh I hear something close, stay alert." Dante said as he slowed his pace, as he and Morpheus turned the corner the sound got louder and louder until they came to a door which seemed to hold the source of the sound. @DizjayDeathPride
Morpheus dove out of the water-air and landed in front of the door, placing his ear. "What.... The fuck... Is that?"

He waved Dante over to listen as well. "Is.... It dangerous? Should we break the door open?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer chuckled and stood up. "As if Id go against that. Sorry buddy-o you're riding solo. Now if you don't mind? I have someone I need to go get"
He saluted to the group, and disappeared
"Yeah as if you'd help me anyway Lucy loo" Vance shook his head and turned to the group. "So that's it is it? You're all against me? I can understand why you'd all hate me. But is groveling at the feet of Isabel in fear of your own life, better than working with me for a while. Hey who know's I'll probably die. But I guess you all don't care about your family's getting wiped out" Vance shook his head "Well, I wish you all luck in groveling. I expected better from the elite group of world savers. But I guess when the going gets tough.."

@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Tazmodo
GingerBread said:
"Yeah as if you'd help me anyway Lucy loo" Vance shook his head and turned to the group. "So that's it is it? You're all against me? I can understand why you'd all hate me. But is groveling at the feet of Isabel in fear of your own life, better than working with me for a while. Hey who know's I'll probably die. But I guess you all don't care about your family's getting wiped out" Vance shook his head "Well, I wish you all luck in groveling. I expected better from the elite group of world savers. But I guess when the going gets tough.."
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Tazmodo
Sage growled and glared at him. " Do you think I want to do this. " Sage said as he walked up to Vance. " I don't want to , I really don't. But i'm going to so I can at the very least try and convince her. It may not work but I'm still going to try. " He said as he backed away and portal appeared that lead to his house.
răzbunare,having no idea what to do now decides to head back,as all the fun people to talk to was over there."Hello again everyone,so who did everyone choose?"

  • Decimus rose a wall of corrupted darkness to block the bees. Thousands crashed into the wall before they split around and went to capture the men

    Ryan hopped back and shot an arrow of light at the bees, exploding and engulfing them. When the light faded, the contract was no where to be seen. "Typical. Alright let's go find the real stone. Im not letting this fuck ruin our reputation." They nodded to each other and flashed, disappearing

GingerBread said:
"Yeah as if you'd help me anyway Lucy loo" Vance shook his head and turned to the group. "So that's it is it? You're all against me? I can understand why you'd all hate me. But is groveling at the feet of Isabel in fear of your own life, better than working with me for a while. Hey who know's I'll probably die. But I guess you all don't care about your family's getting wiped out" Vance shook his head "Well, I wish you all luck in groveling. I expected better from the elite group of world savers. But I guess when the going gets tough.."
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Tazmodo
(So I went back. Juuust noticed Colin. Was wondering why you didn't post xD I'm stupid)

Anna began to reply to him, convince him that she just couldn't do it. But she was at a loss for words. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly. And in succession, Isabel became their demise. "See? It's pointless. We're all going to die... She's not sparing us. She's sparing no one. It's all over...."

Annna looked down to the ground and took a step from Colin, clutching her arms to her chest. "I'm going to die... Again.. it doesn't matter what or who we choose. She's going to kill us all..."
DizjayDeathPride said:
(So I went back. Juuust noticed Colin. Was wondering why you didn't post xD I'm stupid)
Anna began to reply to him, convince him that she just couldn't do it. But she was at a loss for words. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly. And in succession, Isabel became their demise. "See? It's pointless. We're all going to die... She's not sparing us. She's sparing no one. It's all over...."

Annna looked down to the ground and took a step from Colin, clutching her arms to her chest. "I'm going to die... Again.. it doesn't matter what or who we choose. She's going to kill us all..."
"N-no! I-I won't let her hurt you. I-I'm not going to l-let you d-die again. S-she said that i-if w-we side with her s-she won't k-kill us" Colin swallowed down a nervous lump in his throat, trying to get rid of the fear he felt, so that he could be strong for Anna, like she had been for him in the past. "S-so I'm going t-to f-fight against her. B-But I want y-you to s-side with her. J-Just promise m-me you'll do that. Y-you won't have to fight. J-Just don't even think about h-helping me o-or going against her. I-I wouldn't know what to do if you died again" Colin smiled at Anna and hugged her as he began crying into her again "I-I'm sorry, I-If I'd tried h-harder to s-stop her, th-this wouldn't of happened"

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DizjayDeathPride said:
(So I went back. Juuust noticed Colin. Was wondering why you didn't post xD I'm stupid)
Anna began to reply to him, convince him that she just couldn't do it. But she was at a loss for words. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly. And in succession, Isabel became their demise. "See? It's pointless. We're all going to die... She's not sparing us. She's sparing no one. It's all over...."

Annna looked down to the ground and took a step from Colin, clutching her arms to her chest. "I'm going to die... Again.. it doesn't matter what or who we choose. She's going to kill us all..."
"Well if that is the case, if the girl is going to somthing, she has to do it right,and since she probably won't be willing to end herself after she is finished. ill do it for her,or you know.. just try to save everything instead."
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GingerBread said:
"N-no! I-I won't let her hurt you. I-I'm not going to l-let you d-die again. S-she said that i-if w-we side with her s-she won't k-kill us" Colin swallowed down a nervous lump in his throat, trying to get rid of the fear he felt, so that he could be strong for Anna, like she had been for him in the past. "S-so I'm going t-to f-fight against her. B-But I want y-you to s-side with her. J-Just promise m-me you'll do that. Y-you won't have to fight. J-Just don't even think about h-helping me o-or going against her. I-I wouldn't know what to do if you died again" Colin smiled at Anna and hugged her as he began crying into her again "I-I'm sorry, I-If I'd tried h-harder to s-stop her, th-this wouldn't of happened"

Anna hesitated a moment before finally lifting her arms to hug him back. After a few seconds she lifted the end of her shirt to wipe his eyes given she didn't have sleeves. She didn't care about the under breast flash since she was sure he didn't either. Once she dried his eyes she kissed his forehead and smiled widely, closing her eyes. She didnt have any words to say anymore. But she trusted he would find a way.

She pinched his cheeks up into a smile and lightly bit his nose before hugging him tightly one more time, then going through the portal silently
Fola looked on as everything came to a head. Isabel chose to destroy...There really was no going back now.He had resigned his life to her, and yet here he was doubting himself. He had no doubt in his mind he'd sacrafice reality for Isabel if that's what she wanted, yet he needed to know if it was whatshe truely wanted...She'd chosen destruction over peace, but maybe that was because she didn't truely understand peace... Or maybe that was bullshit. Fola slapped his head and yawned, he was tired of it all, tired of trying so damn hard to be so posotive, trying so damn hard to be better, it was difficult work. He wanted to just go home...Wherever that was.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at Vance, "One last time. I'd try to convice her one last time, but if that doesn't work then I'm done...I'll give up if I can't do it...:

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride

Tears where begining to build up in Jayn's eyes as she looked at Roman, "THAT'S NOT YOUR CHOICE ROMAN! I decied if something is to much for me! I decide when my life ends! And I decide when I give up! I refuse to sit by as the world and everything I know and love dies! I care to much! I-I don't want to die like this! Not like this..." She hugged herself as tears began to fall...

@Light (Completly forgot to respond to this one)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna hesitated a moment before finally lifting her arms to hug him back. After a few seconds she lifted the end of her shirt to wipe his eyes given she didn't have sleeves. She didn't care about the under breast flash since she was sure he didn't either. Once she dried his eyes she kissed his forehead and smiled widely, closing her eyes. She didnt have any words to say anymore. But she trusted he would find a way.
She pinched his cheeks up into a smile and lightly bit his nose before hugging him tightly one more time, then going through the portal silently
(God the feels QAQ )

Colin blushed as Anna kissed him on the forehead and smiled as he lightly bit his nose. Once she had left Colin turned around to face Vance and started walking towards him, doing his best to look brave despite the tears rolling down his face. I won't fail, I can't fail. I will do anything to make sure Anna is safe, anything. But I don't want to have to kill anyone if I don't have to. I hope I can talk her out of it

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked on as everything came to a head. Isabel chose to destroy...There really was no going back now.He had resigned his life to her, and yet here he was doubting himself. He had no doubt in his mind he'd sacrifice reality for Isabel if that's what she wanted, yet he needed to know if it was whatshe truly wanted...She'd chosen destruction over peace, but maybe that was because she didn't truly understand peace... Or maybe that was bullshit. Fola slapped his head and yawned, he was tired of it all, tired of trying so damn hard to be so positive, trying so damn hard to be better, it was difficult work. He wanted to just go home...Wherever that was.
He rubbed his eyes and looked at Vance, "One last time. I'd try to convince her one last time, but if that doesn't work then I'm done...I'll give up if I can't do it...:
Vance shrugged "Hey whatever floats your boat Fola. I was expecting people to actually join me. But apparently I'm the only one that cares enough. Though, you do have my respect Fola, and that's not an easy thing to get. So well done." Vance smiled indifferently at Fola before turning to Colin "What do you want? To grovel at my feet to save you? I mean you don't look like you can do much. We're going up against a god here and you look like you're ready to run for the hills"

Colin looked at Vance and stood up straight "I-I know. A-and I want to h-help. I-I want to make sure A-Anna will be okay. I-I'm a medic s-so maybe I-I can help. I-I don't really want t-to hurt Isabel i-if I don't have to"

Vance glared at Colin "That stutter is going to get on my nerves pretty quickly. And I doubt someone who can heal will be much good against a god that can delete people from existence" Vance shook his head and turned back to Fola "I ask for help and I get useless people as opposed to the demi gods in the-"

Colin summoned his staff and slammed it into the ground; He created three clones of himself which he then morphed into superman. He then turned himself into superman and made his other arm into a blade that was harder than steel "I-I'm not u-useless. I-I can help. P-please, I-I just want to m-make sure A-Anna and everyone else is s-safe"

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răzbunare Approaches Vance and taps his shoulder."I'm willing to help stop the end as well."as he is saying this four shadow figures appear behind răzbunare with shields and blades,ready to help the cause.
Tazmodo said:
Reed sighed looking at where Jackson was. The guy in the fox mask appeared. "How did it go?"

"Oh ok." He knelt down and Reed did as well. "We will always side with the all mighty one."

Reed nodded in agreement.
djinnamon said:
Sage thought it over and nodded. " Ok , I'll be on your side. " He thought.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer chuckled and stood up. "As if Id go against that. Sorry buddy-o you're riding solo. Now if you don't mind? I have someone I need to go get"
He saluted to the group, and disappeared
GingerBread said:
"Yeah as if you'd help me anyway Lucy loo" Vance shook his head and turned to the group. "So that's it is it? You're all against me? I can understand why you'd all hate me. But is groveling at the feet of Isabel in fear of your own life, better than working with me for a while. Hey who know's I'll probably die. But I guess you all don't care about your family's getting wiped out" Vance shook his head "Well, I wish you all luck in groveling. I expected better from the elite group of world savers. But I guess when the going gets tough.."
@LokiofSP @djinnamon @Tazmodo
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna hesitated a moment before finally lifting her arms to hug him back. After a few seconds she lifted the end of her shirt to wipe his eyes given she didn't have sleeves. She didn't care about the under breast flash since she was sure he didn't either. Once she dried his eyes she kissed his forehead and smiled widely, closing her eyes. She didnt have any words to say anymore. But she trusted he would find a way.
She pinched his cheeks up into a smile and lightly bit his nose before hugging him tightly one more time, then going through the portal silently
MTchaos1134 said:
"Well if that is the case, if the girl is going to somthing, she has to do it right,and since she probably won't be willing to end herself after she is finished. ill do it for her,or you know.. just try to save everything instead."
All those whom chose Azriel's side and stayed there gain Omnipotence directly stemming from Azriel like a thread.

All those whom sided against Azriel gain Omnipotence directly stemming from Grimmavus like a thread.

( Omnipotence )
Light said:
All those whom sided against Azriel gain Omnipotence directly stemming from Grimmavus like a thread.
Vance smirked as he felt, well everything. He felt like a god. He felt all powerful "So looks like someone has decided to give us pretty much unlimited power, we're still outnumbered though and I'm going to go ahead and guess that they've got this as well or will have if Azriel finds out we have. So, the plan is. I'm going to go and try to talk her out of it one last time. No one else is to get involved, if anyone does you stop them, got that? If it doesn't work Then we're going to have to kill her."

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Vance smirked as he felt, well everything. He felt like a god. He felt all powerful "So looks like someone has decided to give us pretty much unlimited power, we're still outnumbered though and I'm going to go ahead and guess that they've got this as well or will have if Azriel finds out we have. So, the plan is. I'm going to go and try to talk her out of it one last time. No one else is to get involved, if anyone does you stop them, got that? If it doesn't work Then we're going to have to kill her."
@LokiofSP @GingerBread
"I don't think we will be out numbered.."răzbunare Turns around and quickly put his new strength to use,he creates 54 shadow creatures of various sizes and shapes,each one holding some form of a shadow like weapon.(if there is no room,he creates a platform only the shadow beings can stand on.)"Now we are just about outgunned."
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MTchaos1134 said:
"I don't think we will be out numbered.."răzbunare Turns around and quickly put his new strength to use,he creates 54 shadow creatures of various sizes and shapes,each one holding some form of a shadow like weapon.(if there is no room,he creates a platform only the shadow beings can stand on.)
Vance stared blankly at Razbunare and his shadow constructs, "We will, pretty much everyone else is against us. They can also summon shit I'm sure, hell I'm sure they could just kill those things off. But if you want to keep being cocky and get yourself killed, go right ahead. Nervous breakdown, get more of those clones"

"O-Okay" Colin tapped the ground with his staff and created 50 more clones and then shapeshifted them into superman. Colin looked over at Fola and smiled kindly "I-I really hope W-we don't have to hurt Isabel"


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