Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer held a moment, holding his breath, contemplating. "I think this technically makes me a bad grandfather. Alright if I get shit I swear to fuck I'm killing everyone. Personally"
He raised Isabel up and squeezed her neck, looking into eyes. No malice. Just... Sympathy and compassion. "You know if you don't come back I'm gonna have to rip open Heaven Hell and Purgatory right?"

After her response, he crushed the life out of her and snapped her neck, laying her on the bed
(So you just laid her on the same bed Colin was curled up crying on..... ;-; )

Colin looked away as Lucifer put his hands around Isabel's neck, not wanting to see what was happening. Colin tensed up as he heard a snap and then opened his eyes to see Isabel's body right next to him. Colin screwed his eyes shut and started sobbing again I always make things worse, I couldn't even save her. I can't save anyone, I always make things worse Colin curled up into the fetal position and whimpering for Anna to come and make things better like she had before.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked at him with dumbfounded expression. "You think I can just conjure up anything on a whim? What the fuck do I look like the goddamn backpack from Dora the explorer? Fuck you man!" He flicked his wrist to Dante and manifested s flashlight for him. "Here. Scrub. Let's go"
Dante just stared at Morpheus with an emotionless face and said," first off I'm no scrub, two how the hell would I know that you don't like to just make things out of nowhere, I mean you've been spawning cars,fire,a magnifying glass, a monocle, and you even transformed into a cat for fuck sake and just sat on my head so don't get heated at me for assuming you love to create things for the hell of it." Dante then began to walk through the long hallways with the flashlight guiding the way. @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Fola's eyes went wide, he didn't think Isabel had been being serious. He yelled for a moment as Lucifer killed her, right then and there... There was a brief moment where any sort of rational thought that could be processed in Fola's mind was quickly discarded, he felt his voice break a bit as he looked at Lucifer and his eyes narrowed, "Tell me she can come back! I swear to God, if you killed another one, I'll fucking END you!"

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread

Jayn freezes, putting down what was in her hands, "Isabel is in this building? Does that mean we're to late?! Where am I going?! I am so confused right now..."

"Relax Child Killer she'll be fine. I'm sure. Or Dea- Grimmavus will try to keep her in the other realm. At which point.... Whoops. Probably shouldn't do what a child says and I'll keep that in mind"

GingerBread said:
(So you just laid her on the same bed Colin was curled up crying on..... ;-; )
Colin looked away as Lucifer put his hands around Isabel's neck, not wanting to see what was happening. Colin tensed up as he heard a snap and then opened his eyes to see Isabel's body right next to him. Colin screwed his eyes shut and started sobbing again
I always make things worse, I couldn't even save her. I can't save anyone, I always make things worse Colin curled up into the fetal position and whimpering for Anna to come and make things better like she had before.
GingerBread said:
After Colin left Anna went to make him a quick lunch since he figured he'd be hungry after his travels. She didn't quite know what he liked so she made.... Everything. Literally. Turkey, chicken, Ham, hamburgers, salad, celery. She had so many platters being caried by roots as she walked back to the room happily, listening to music from her phone. It was so loud she heard nothing of what was going on. When she walked back into his room she stopped at all of the blood.. and corpse. "Well....someone threw a party" She pulled out an earbud and immediately everything else was ignored when she heard the sound: Colin's tears. She ran to him, the roots off of her body raising the food up as she pulled him closer. "Shhhhh don't cry Colin! What's wrong? What happened? Tell your Anna" Sh ran her hand over his cheek trying to calm him

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante just stared at Morpheus with an emotionless face and said," first off I'm no scrub, two how the hell would I know that you don't like to just make things out of nowhere, I mean you've been spawning cars,fire,a magnifying glass, a monocle, and you even transformed into a cat for fuck sake and just sat on my head so don't get heated at me for assuming you love to create things for the hell of it." Dante then began to walk through the long hallways with the flashlight guiding the way. @DizjayDeathPride
"Someone's a grumpy Sally" he mumbled under his breath, following along.

After a few moments he said, "pssssssst Dante... Do think there's any.... G-g-g-ghosts?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Relax Child Killer she'll be fine. I'm sure. Or Dea- Grimmavus will try to keep her in the other realm. At which point.... Whoops. Probably shouldn't do what a child says and I'll keep that in mind"

After Colin left Anna went to make him a quick lunch since he figured he'd be hungry after his travels. She didn't quite know what he liked so she made.... Everything. Literally. Turkey, chicken, Ham, hamburgers, salad, celery. She had so many platters being caried by roots as she walked back to the room happily, listening to music from her phone. It was so loud she heard nothing of what was going on. When she walked back into his room she stopped at all of the blood.. and corpse. "Well....someone threw a party" She pulled out an earbud and immediately everything else was ignored when she heard the sound: Colin's tears. She ran to him, the roots off of her body raising the food up as she pulled him closer. "Shhhhh don't cry Colin! What's wrong? What happened? Tell your Anna" Sh ran her hand over his cheek trying to calm him

"Someone's a grumpy Sally" he mumbled under his breath, following along.

After a few moments he said, "pssssssst Dante... Do think there's any.... G-g-g-ghosts?"
"I heard that. However,no I don't think there are any ghosts in here and if ghosts are here I'm pretty sure we can handle it, because both of us are basically god's so I'm not to worried about them." Dante said as he shined the flashlight in the rooms while passing and checking inside. @DizjayDeathPride
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DizjayDeathPride said:
After Colin left Anna went to make him a quick lunch since he figured he'd be hungry after his travels. She didn't quite know what he liked so she made.... Everything. Literally. Turkey, chicken, Ham, hamburgers, salad, celery. She had so many platters being caried by roots as she walked back to the room happily, listening to music from her phone. It was so loud she heard nothing of what was going on. When she walked back into his room she stopped at all of the blood.. and corpse. "Well....someone threw a party" She pulled out an earbud and immediately everything else was ignored when she heard the sound: Colin's tears. She ran to him, the roots off of her body raising the food up as she pulled him closer. "Shhhhh don't cry Colin! What's wrong? What happened? Tell your Anna" She ran her hand over his cheek trying to calm him
Colin hugged closer to Anna as he cried more "I-I tried t-to stop Isabel f-from d-destroying th-the w-world, b-but I-I only m-made things w-worse and now s-she's d-d-dead" Colin buried his head into Anna as he started crying even more; Colin saying the situation out loud made himself feel worse. Colin wished he'd wake up and that it had all been a bad dream, that Isabel was fine and never wanted to destroy the world in the first place.

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride
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Daimao said:
Without hesitation, Alpha swung the scythe at Layla, stabbing the blade through her heart.
GingerBread said:
"P-Please Isabel. D-don't destroy the w-world. Y-y-you don't have to do this, y-you're not a b-bad person. Y-you just n-need s-some help t-to be n-nice a-again" Colin sat up and looked Isabel in the eyes, tears flowing freely from his own "y-you just n-need someone t-to help s-show you th-that. P-please, j-just give t-the w-world one more ch-chance, i-it isn't f-fair if you destroy th-the world when you h-haven't met all the p-people in i-it. Y-you shouldn't judge p-people be-before you've given them a-a chance" Colin broke down sobbing again and lowered "P-Please, I-I can't handle l-losing anyone e-else. I-I don't w-want to see people d-die. I-I j-just....P-Please I-Isabel"
@LokiofSP @Light

"Right cool, let's go save the-" Vance glared at Alpha as he stabbed Layla in the chest and killed her "Great, now she's dead. I just don't understand why you-" Vance then saw her get brought back to life "For fucks sake, I quit. This fucking bullshit is just too far, fuck this"
Layla turns just in time to recieve scythe to the heart, blood dripping from her startle-parted lips as blood flooded her heart and lungs. Before her legs can even give in death, she is revived, and she looks at Alpha with confused, but edging into the territory of angry, "What the hell?"

Back in the castle, Sovereign sharply straightens as he feels his connection to Layla sever violently. A laugh bubbles out of his chest as he rises, but he whips around and slams his fist into the wall, which crumbles under the force of his strike. "Clever... Very clever," He bites out, taking a few deep, calming breaths before he continues, reassembling his composure, "They want to search for loopholes? Fine, then I will, too," A sickening, sadistic smile contorts his face as he opens a door behind the throne, a chuckling rising from him, "After all, there is more than one way to break someone."

As the door closes behind him, Sovereign laughs once more.
CelticSol said:
Layla turns just in time to recieve scythe to the heart, blood dripping from her startle-parted lips as blood flooded her heart and lungs. Before her legs can even give in death, she is revived, and she looks at Alpha with confused, but edging into the territory of angry, "What the hell?"
Back in the castle, Sovereign sharply straightens as he feels his connection to Layla sever violently. A laugh bubbles out of his chest as he rises, but he whips around and slams his fist into the wall, which crumbles under the force of his strike. "Clever... Very clever," He bites out, taking a few deep, calming breaths before he continues, reassembling his composure, "They want to search for loopholes? Fine, then I will, too," A sickening, sadistic smile contorts his face as he opens a door behind the throne, a chuckling rising from him, "After all, there is more than one way to break someone."

As the door closes behind him, Sovereign laughs once more.
Vance saw how Layla was looking at Alpha, Angrily and not looking like she was waiting for commands like before. Putting two and two together, Vance assumed that whatever Sovereign had done to her had been undone "So ah, I'm going to be the first to point this out" Vance turned his attention towards Alpha "You're a fucking Idiot. You just killed the thing that was stopping Jackie from being, well whatever. Fucked, literally and metaphorically probably. Why the absolute fuck did you think that would go well? I can now see that Jackie is the brains of your relationship, does she have to remind you to breath sometimes?" Vance shook his head and sighed "Well we don't really have time to go back for her, do we? Cause the longer we take, the more of a chance reality is going to disappear. So well done Alpha, you could fucking contain your blood lust for 5 fucking minutes"

@CelticSol @Daimao
GingerBread said:
Vance saw how Layla was looking at Alpha, Angrily and not looking like she was waiting for commands like before. Putting two and two together, Vance assumed that whatever Sovereign had done to her had been undone "So ah, I'm going to be the first to point this out" Vance turned his attention towards Alpha "You're a fucking Idiot. You just killed the thing that was stopping Jackie from being, well whatever. Fucked, literally and metaphorically probably. Why the absolute fuck did you think that would go well? I can now see that Jackie is the brains of your relationship, does she have to remind you to breath sometimes?" Vance shook his head and sighed "Well we don't really have time to go back for her, do we? Cause the longer we take, the more of a chance reality is going to disappear. So well done Alpha, you could fucking contain your blood lust for 5 fucking minutes"
@CelticSol @Daimao
(@Daimao )

Layla watches Vance rant with cold eyes, as it slowly dawns on her what the purpose of that had probably been. She hastily rolls up one of her sleeves, revealing numerous tattoos, just in time to see a tattoo of a snake around a dagger vanish. She runs her hand across the bare area of flesh with wide eyes before she looks at Alpha. She inclines her head thankfully, "I... I thank you." She turns to Vance, "You're right; Sovereign is less likely to keep his end of the bargain now. We should hurry, and finish this. We have two days to think of something."
Sage woke up and looked around. He stood up slowly and rubbed his head. " What the hell happened. " He muttered to himself , he sat on the bed and sighed as he pulled out his phone. " Might as well do something. " He muttered as he scrolled through his ohone to put on music.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer held a moment, holding his breath, contemplating. "I think this technically makes me a bad grandfather. Alright if I get shit I swear to fuck I'm killing everyone. Personally"
He raised Isabel up and squeezed her neck, looking into eyes. No malice. Just... Sympathy and compassion. "You know if you don't come back I'm gonna have to rip open Heaven Hell and Purgatory right?"

After her response, he crushed the life out of her and snapped her neck, laying her on the bed
LokiofSP said:
Fola's eyes went wide, he didn't think Isabel had been being serious. He yelled for a moment as Lucifer killed her, right then and there... There was a brief moment where any sort of rational thought that could be processed in Fola's mind was quickly discarded, he felt his voice break a bit as he looked at Lucifer and his eyes narrowed, "Tell me she can come back! I swear to God, if you killed another one, I'll fucking END you!"

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
(So you just laid her on the same bed Colin was curled up crying on..... ;-; )
Colin looked away as Lucifer put his hands around Isabel's neck, not wanting to see what was happening. Colin tensed up as he heard a snap and then opened his eyes to see Isabel's body right next to him. Colin screwed his eyes shut and started sobbing again I always make things worse, I couldn't even save her. I can't save anyone, I always make things worse Colin curled up into the fetal position and whimpering for Anna to come and make things better like she had before.

@LokiofSP @Light @DizjayDeathPride
( @Tazmodo @djinnamon )

Everyone in the room was drawn into a realm of decision. Isabel was standing before two females in the distance. They could see her talking to two young girls. One girl had brown hair and blue eyes while the other had purple eyes and white hair similar to Isabel's.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg.56d804697320cc016bdc4697c83d96df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg.56d804697320cc016bdc4697c83d96df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LokiofSP said:
Jayn freezes, putting down what was in her hands, "Isabel is in this building? Does that mean we're to late?! Where am I going?! I am so confused right now..."

"I'll explain later. You just have to take my hand and trust me." Roman looks into her eyes, his hand still extended.



  • desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg
    714.9 KB · Views: 22
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Layla watches Vance rant with cold eyes, as it slowly dawns on her what the purpose of that had probably been. She hastily rolls up one of her sleeves, revealing numerous tattoos, just in time to see a tattoo of a snake around a dagger vanish. She runs her hand across the bare area of flesh with wide eyes before she looks at Alpha. She inclines her head thankfully, "I... I thank you." She turns to Vance, "You're right; Sovereign is less likely to keep his end of the bargain now. We should hurry, and finish this. We have two days to think of something."
GingerBread said:
Vance saw how Layla was looking at Alpha, Angrily and not looking like she was waiting for commands like before. Putting two and two together, Vance assumed that whatever Sovereign had done to her had been undone "So ah, I'm going to be the first to point this out" Vance turned his attention towards Alpha "You're a fucking Idiot. You just killed the thing that was stopping Jackie from being, well whatever. Fucked, literally and metaphorically probably. Why the absolute fuck did you think that would go well? I can now see that Jackie is the brains of your relationship, does she have to remind you to breath sometimes?" Vance shook his head and sighed "Well we don't really have time to go back for her, do we? Cause the longer we take, the more of a chance reality is going to disappear. So well done Alpha, you could fucking contain your blood lust for 5 fucking minutes"
@CelticSol @Daimao
Alpha nodded his head to Layla in acknowledgement. Twirling the death scythe around his fingers, he opened a portal back to the castle with his free hand. "Let's go," he said, his voice cold and emotionless.
Still within the castle Inaro watched over Siobhan. He leaned against the castle walls as he tried contacting Vance and Alpha via guild symbol. Yo fellas, did y'all find Layla? Yes or no? He drunk beer as he communicated with his guild members. @Daimao @GingerBread @CelticSol
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @djinnamon )
Everyone in the room was drawn into a realm of decision. Isabel was standing before two females in the distance. They could see her talking to two young girls. One girl had brown hair and blue eyes while the other had purple eyes and white hair similar to Isabel's.
Colin was still clinging onto Anna and audibly sobbing into the crook of her neck; He hadn't noticed that they were no longer in his room anymore. After a couple of seconds Colin realized that he wasn't on his bed anymore he looked up and saw Isabel in the distance "A-am I-I d-dead?"

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @Tazmodo @Light
Looking around at the gigantic expanse of the place, Fola felt a sense of smallness and foreboding, yet also felt calm and at peace... If he could he would just stare at the landscape, taking in the beautiful chaos once more. But his eyes snapped to the sight of Isabel and the two woman besides her. They didn't seem to be hurting her, just talking... He got a bit closer and cleared his throat, "Excuse me ladies, but it seems that you have out fair princess in your custody, I would be very happy i-. You know what? Screw it, what do you want with Isabel?"

@Light @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon

Jayn takes Roman's hand with a huff

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Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head to Layla in acknowledgement. Twirling the death scythe around his fingers, he opened a portal back to the castle with his free hand. "Let's go," he said, his voice cold and emotionless.
Vance sighed and decided to have a little fun with Inaro Yeah, we found her as a bloody corpse on the floor, apparently sovereign had been keeping her preserved all this time, maybe it was to spite Grimm, I don't know. But we're bringing back her body so she can have a funeral Vance shrugged and then walked through the portal.

@Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol
Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head to Layla in acknowledgement. Twirling the death scythe around his fingers, he opened a portal back to the castle with his free hand. "Let's go," he said, his voice cold and emotionless.
GingerBread said:
Vance sighed and decided to have a little fun with Inaro Yeah, we found her as a bloody corpse on the floor, apparently sovereign had been keeping her preserved all this time, maybe it was to spite Grimm, I don't know. But we're bringing back her body so she can have a funeral Vance shrugged and then walked through the portal.
@Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol
Layla steps through the portal to the castle, taking a deep breath as she enters her home for the first time in 6 years. A flood of memories, faded or corrupted by Sovereign, flood her, causing her eyes to shut as she tries to sort them. Taking in Itami, marrying Grimm, Isabel and Julie, Siobhan; they flood into her like a tidal wave, forcing her to reach out to the wall for support. Immediately, she reaches out her senses to locate Isabel, but a frown comes to her face when she realizes that she can't feel Isabel anywhere in the castle. "She's not here," Layla mumurs, her eyes flickering open.

Layla presses her palm over her neck, infusing magic into a tattoo there to open up communication, Grimm, I am aware that we will need to talk very, very soon, but I know that you are aware of what's going on with Isabel. I need your help finding her. We're on a bit of a time crunch.

(@Light )
( you know Vance? When was the last time Vance made a joke? I don't think he has at all)

Yeah sure Inaro, I'll be sure to tell a dead woman that her granddaughter wants to see her. What the hell do you want me to do about this? Should I prop her up on some sticks and pretends she's alive, Cause I'm pretty sure that will just scar her granddaughter Vance sighed and shook his head.

@Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao
Yeah I want you to do exactly that. I know she's alive. When he said that he heard new foot steps appear from nowhere. Inaro smelt the air catching scents of Vance, and a females scent, and she smelt pretty much alive. So Vance he pauses where's Jackie? @GingerBread @Daimao @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
Colin was still clinging onto Anna and audibly sobbing into the crook of her neck; He hadn't noticed that they were no longer in his room anymore. After a couple of seconds Colin realized that he wasn't on his bed anymore he looked up and saw Isabel in the distance "A-am I-I d-dead?"
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @Tazmodo @Light
LokiofSP said:
Looking around at the gigantic expanse of the place, Fola felt a sense of smallness and foreboding, yet also felt calm and at peace... If he could he would just stare at the landscape, taking in the beautiful chaos once more. But his eyes snapped to the sight of Isabel and the two woman besides her. They didn't seem to be hurting her, just talking... He got a bit closer and cleared his throat, "Excuse me ladies, but it seems that you have out fair princess in your custody, I would be very happy i-. You know what? Screw it, what do you want with Isabel?"

@Light @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon
Azriel looks up at Fola and raises an eyebrow. "Who me? I'm Isabel."

Temperance giggles at the game Azriel is playing and nods her head. "Yes I'm Isabel."

Isabel looks at Fola and frowns. "They're here to assist me in my choice."

CelticSol said:
Layla steps through the portal to the castle, taking a deep breath as she enters her home for the first time in 6 years. A flood of memories, faded or corrupted by Sovereign, flood her, causing her eyes to shut as she tries to sort them. Taking in Itami, marrying Grimm, Isabel and Julie, Siobhan; they flood into her like a tidal wave, forcing her to reach out to the wall for support. Immediately, she reaches out her senses to locate Isabel, but a frown comes to her face when she realizes that she can't feel Isabel anywhere in the castle. "She's not here," Layla mumurs, her eyes flickering open.
Layla presses her palm over her neck, infusing magic into a tattoo there to open up communication, Grimm, I am aware that we will need to talk very, very soon, but I know that you are aware of what's going on with Isabel. I need your help finding her. We're on a bit of a time crunch.

(@Light )
Layla and all those she would like to come with her appear in the realm in which Isabel is making her decision. Fola was talking to the trio of Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance in the distance.

( @LokiofSP )

Roman appears in Jayn's room, a non amused look displayed across his face. "I'm sorry but there really is no safe place. So I decided on taking you somewhere you'll feel comfortable in."
AnthonyWrath said:
"I heard that. However,no I don't think there are any ghosts in here and if ghosts are here I'm pretty sure we can handle it, because both of us are basically god's so I'm not to worried about them." Dante said as he shined the flashlight in the rooms while passing and checking inside. @DizjayDeathPride
Morpheus eyes turned to glittering pointy stars as he leaned into Dante's face "I'm a God? You think I'm a God? Thank you!" He jumped in the air and froze there for a moment
GingerBread said:
Vance sighed and decided to have a little fun with Inaro Yeah, we found her as a bloody corpse on the floor, apparently sovereign had been keeping her preserved all this time, maybe it was to spite Grimm, I don't know. But we're bringing back her body so she can have a funeral Vance shrugged and then walked through the portal.
@Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol
(I've been busy like aaaaall day my bad. I don't really have a strong grasp Oh what's going on so...)

Anna held Colin closer to her in this strange land. She didn't think it would be safe to talk to these strange girls. Especially since she was sure one was a corpse not 3 minutes ago.

"pssst... Colin.... What're we gonna do?"
Fola looks between the trio, "Woah! I thought we'd already come to a decision! Don't tell me you're gonna change your mind or something! After everything?"

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread

Jayn looks at her room and shakes her head, taking Roman's hand once more, "Take me back! I refuse to sit by like some helpless damsel while somebody else attempts to solve the problem!"

DizjayDeathPride said:
(I've been busy like aaaaall day my bad. I don't really have a strong grasp Oh what's going on so...)
Anna held Colin closer to her in this strange land. She didn't think it would be safe to talk to these strange girls. Especially since she was sure one was a corpse not 3 minutes ago.

"pssst... Colin.... What're we gonna do?"
(It's cool man, I'm not 100% on what's going on either )

LokiofSP said:
Fola looks between the trio, "Woah! I thought we'd already come to a decision! Don't tell me you're gonna change your mind or something! After everything?"
@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
(Why is Fola against her changing her mind? Does he want the universe to go?)

Colin looked over to Isabel, Fola and the other two girls. He was mostly focusing on Isabel as he looked over towards them, he heard Fola exclaim something about Isabel changing her mind. Colin looked back at Anna, his eyes looking like orbs of pure fear and guilt. "I-I think y-you should g-go and t-talk to I-Isabel. S-she wanted to d-destroy th-the universe. I-I tried t-to c-convince h-her n-not to. B-But I e-ended up m-making h-her want t-to end her l-life. S-so I-I think y-you should g-go over there and t-talk to her" Colin smiled sadly at Anna "Y-You're th-the n-nicest person I-I know. B-But sh-she is a b-bit nervous a-around new people"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus eyes turned to glittering pointy stars as he leaned into Dante's face "I'm a God? You think I'm a God? Thank you!" He jumped in the air and froze there for a moment
Dante raised an eyebrow at Morpheus," It's not so much that I think you're a god as much you're more or less one, I mean you seem to be able to create just about anything. Also seeing you now makes me believe that you can defy physic's, but It could just be that you're incredibly powerful. Oh well it doesn't really matter to me just as long as you don't get In my way." Dante said as he turned to continue down the hallway, until Dante was able to hear breathing in a room not too far from them. @DizjayDeathPride

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