Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
răzbunare opened his eyes"Well today is the day I finally go out of my dimension and talk to people for once.who knows? Maybe I'll even help the first people I see."

răzbunare has been talking to a corpse of a person he trapped last time he went out."Well wish me luck."He said as he opened up a portal to exit,and went through it.

  • Morpheus rolled his eyes and began pushing himself forward through the air as if he were swimming. Every so often he'd turn his head and inhale, as if he were under water. He swam above Dante and continued forward through the halls.

    He dipped his head down with and audible splash that let water drip from his hair onto the ground as he hung upside down. "This place sure is.... Quiet. Should we cause a ruckus? Where is your contract? Dante I'm scared"

@AnthonyWrath (clone)

@GingerBread (annalyse)
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DizjayDeathPride said:
(I've been busy like aaaaall day my bad. I don't really have a strong grasp Oh what's going on so...)
Anna held Colin closer to her in this strange land. She didn't think it would be safe to talk to these strange girls. Especially since she was sure one was a corpse not 3 minutes ago.

"pssst... Colin.... What're we gonna do?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola looks between the trio, "Woah! I thought we'd already come to a decision! Don't tell me you're gonna change your mind or something! After everything?"

@DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
(It's cool man, I'm not 100% on what's going on either )
(Why is Fola against her changing her mind? Does he want the universe to go?)

Colin looked over to Isabel, Fola and the other two girls. He was mostly focusing on Isabel as he looked over towards them, he heard Fola exclaim something about Isabel changing her mind. Colin looked back at Anna, his eyes looking like orbs of pure fear and guilt. "I-I think y-you should g-go and t-talk to I-Isabel. S-she wanted to d-destroy th-the universe. I-I tried t-to c-convince h-her n-not to. B-But I e-ended up m-making h-her want t-to end her l-life. S-so I-I think y-you should g-go over there and t-talk to her" Colin smiled sadly at Anna "Y-You're th-the n-nicest person I-I know. B-But sh-she is a b-bit nervous a-around new people"

Isabel shakes her head as Temperance giggles at his answer. "No...I'm just talking about what they intend to do with my choice. I want to know that Azriel will keep my promise." She gestures to the young girl that looks like her.

( @LokiofSP )

"Yeah so then what Jayn? I bring you to them and then what? Are you going to stop her?!" Roman was glaring at Jayn. "I'm not going to put you in that type of danger!"
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MTchaos1134 said:
răzbunare opened his eyes"Well today is the day I finally go out of my dimension and talk to people for once.who knows? Maybe I'll even help the first people I see."
răzbunare has been talking to a corpse of a person he trapped last time he went out."Well wish me luck."He said as he opened up a portal to exit,and went through it.
A clone of Grimm appears before him. "Hello!"
MTchaos1134 said:
"Uh.. Hello?" răzbunare said as he was expecting to be alone when he went through the portal.
"I'd like to welcome you to our wonderful world that's about to end!" Grimm extends his hand for Răzbunare to take, grinning as he does. "I'm a clone but that's okay. It's not like all of existence is about to end! Well....it is."
Light said:
"I'd like to welcome you to our wonderful world that's about to end!" Grimm extends his hand for Răzbunare to take, grinning as he does. "I'm a clone but that's okay. It's not like all of existence is about to end! Well....it is."
"Does that include my dimension? If so who is the fucker that is going to end it?"
Light said:
Azriel looks up at Fola and raises an eyebrow. "Who me? I'm Isabel."
Temperance giggles at the game Azriel is playing and nods her head. "Yes I'm Isabel."

Isabel looks at Fola and frowns. "They're here to assist me in my choice."

Layla and all those she would like to come with her appear in the realm in which Isabel is making her decision. Fola was talking to the trio of Isabel, Azriel, and Temperance in the distance.

( @LokiofSP )

Roman appears in Jayn's room, a non amused look displayed across his face. "I'm sorry but there really is no safe place. So I decided on taking you somewhere you'll feel comfortable in."
Layla takes in the appearance of the realm with calm composure, steeling herself for the conversation that was coming. Taking a deep breath, she crosses the distance standing between Isabel and herself with sure, confident steps. She taps Isabel's shoulder as she reaches the girl, "Isabel, do you know who I am?" she asks, her voice gentle.
Light said:
Isabel shakes her head as Temperance giggles at his answer. "No...I'm just talking about what they intend to do with my choice. I want to know that Azriel will keep my promise." She gestures to the young girl that looks like her.
( @LokiofSP )

"Yeah so then what Jayn? I bring you to them and then what? Are you going to stop her?!" Roman was glaring at Jayn. "I'm not going to put you in that type of danger!"
Reed and Jackson were silent up until now. Reed stepped up but Jackson stopped him. "There are 3 kids that I would like to be saved. I can't leave them they are worth more then my life will ever be. So please even if I must be sacrificed spare them. They are the only three I have left." He said while kneeling down.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna looked between the girls and Colin rapidly back and forth before stopping at him after four checks. "You want... ME? I... I don... What? No I.. I can't do that... I mean if she's capable of destroy everything....... I.. I think we should just... Go. Leave her be. Stay out of her way and hope she spares us..." She looked down away from Colin, her eyes falling down in a decent show of shame and fear. "Wh.. what if she tries to...... Kill.. me?"
Colin was surprised when Anna looked and sounded afraid; he felt guilty for thinking Anna was incapable of being afraid. Colin thought back to what Ashlyn said about being a shoulder to cry on for other people, just as other people were there for him. Colin hugged Anna and smiled up at her "O-Okay, We'll s-stay back and n-not s-say anything. I-I d-don't want you to get h-hurt ever a-again. y-you mean too much to me A-Anna, I-I w-won't let you d-die again" Colin smiled up at Anna and hugged her, trying to comfort her like she had comforted him many times in the past "B-but I-I don't think we can l-leave until I-Isabel has f-finished"

MTchaos1134 said:
"Does that include my dimension? If so who is the fucker that is going to end it?"
"Yes it includes all of existence my friend! Prepare yourself." The clone looks around and shrugs his shoulders. "She's in a different realm, making her decision on whether or not she'll destroy existence."

CelticSol said:
Layla takes in the appearance of the realm with calm composure, steeling herself for the conversation that was coming. Taking a deep breath, she crosses the distance standing between Isabel and herself with sure, confident steps. She taps Isabel's shoulder as she reaches the girl, "Isabel, do you know who I am?" she asks, her voice gentle.
Tazmodo said:
Reed and Jackson were silent up until now. Reed stepped up but Jackson stopped him. "There are 3 kids that I would like to be saved. I can't leave them they are worth more then my life will ever be. So please even if I must be sacrificed spare them. They are the only three I have left." He said while kneeling down.
GingerBread said:
Colin was surprised when Anna looked and sounded afraid; he felt guilty for thinking Anna was incapable of being afraid. Colin thought back to what Ashlyn said about being a shoulder to cry on for other people, just as other people were there for him. Colin hugged Anna and smiled up at her "O-Okay, We'll s-stay back and n-not s-say anything. I-I d-don't want you to get h-hurt ever a-again. y-you mean too much to me A-Anna, I-I w-won't let you d-die again" Colin smiled up at Anna and hugged her, trying to comfort her like she had comforted him many times in the past "B-but I-I don't think we can l-leave until I-Isabel has f-finished"
( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @djinnamon )

Isabel moves away from Layla's touch, hiding behind Azriel and Temperance in fear. She looks towards her people for help, unable to answer Jackson's question herself.

Azriel didn't like the fact that there was so many people here for here for her since she was still Isabel in a sense. She didn't get why they were so persistent with saving the world, there was nothing here to love and she was sure of it. Only hatred....The sadistic arms of hatred embracing her was the only feeling that could convince her that at least a variation of love exists. The fact that they cling on to something so terrible sickened her, it confused her, it angered her. It made her want to destroy them all.

Temperance could feel these emotions off of Azriel even though she isn't displaying them due to their inseparable connection. She grins at this and leans over to the ear of Azriel. "Not everything is to be hated." She smiles at Azriel once she steps back, adding fuel to the hellfire.
Light said:
"Yes it includes all of existence my friend! Prepare yourself." The clone looks around and shrugs his shoulders. "She's in a different realm, making her decision on whether or not she'll destroy existence."
( @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @djinnamon )

Isabel moves away from Layla's touch, hiding behind Azriel and Temperance in fear. She looks towards her people for help, unable to answer Jackson's question herself.

Azriel didn't like the fact that there was so many people here for here for her since she was still Isabel in a sense. She didn't get why they were so persistent with saving the world, there was nothing here to love and she was sure of it. Only hatred....The sadistic arms of hatred embracing her was the only feeling that could convince her that at least a variation of love exists. The fact that they cling on to something so terrible sickened her, it confused her, it angered her. It made her want to destroy them all.

Temperance could feel these emotions off of Azriel even though she isn't displaying them due to their inseparable connection. She grins at this and leans over to the ear of Azriel. "Not everything is to be hated." She smiles at Azriel once she steps back, adding fuel to the hellfire.
Jackson looked Azriel dead in the eye. "I'm guessing you are the destroyer then. It's always fun to put a name to a face. You my dear however are nothing but a coward aren't you. You're to scared to see what the world and it's beauty has to offer so instead you destroy it. You say you're fueled by hatred but all I see is a little girl in a big world. And that's ok fear isn't a bad thing it just makes good people make bad decisions. But you don't need to be afraid when there's nothing to be afraid of. You see existence as something that is disgusting but what would you know. You've only seen bad your whole life. And in what a day or so you make up your mind that it isn't worth saving. If you would pause for a moment and stop thinking about what little you have seen, maybe you'll see what everyone else has seen. At least that's the way I see it."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked Azriel dead in the eye. "I'm guessing you are the destroyer then. It's always fun to put a name to a face. You my dear however are nothing but a coward aren't you. You're to scared to see what the world and it's beauty has to offer so instead you destroy it. You say you're fueled by hatred but all I see is a little girl in a big world. And that's ok fear isn't a bad thing it just makes good people make bad decisions. But you don't need to be afraid when there's nothing to be afraid of. You see existence as something that is disgusting but what would you know. You've only seen bad your whole life. And in what a day or so you make up your mind that it isn't worth saving. If you would pause for a moment and stop thinking about what little you have seen, maybe you'll see what everyone else has seen. At least that's the way I see it."
( ! ) Azriel slowly raises her hand up.

Temperance knows what's about to happen and opens up a portal to go back to the guild behind Jackson. "Run!"

MTchaos1134 said:
"Then if possible I'd like to offer my assistance,I am răzbunare,Deity of vengeance."He said as he gives a slight bow.
"Alright then Răzbunare, I'm Grimm. Deity of cupcakes! Off we go!" Grimm bows back and they both appear in the realm of decision.
Light said:
( ! ) Azriel slowly raises her hand up.
Temperance knows what's about to happen and opens up a portal to go back to the guild behind Jackson. "Run!"
Vance swaggered over to Azriel, ignoring the fact that she looked ready to kill "So you want to destroy all of the universe, right? Do you have a reason why? Are you just doing it for shits and giggles? And don't try that killing shit on me, it won't work. Just explain your reason to me and we can have a reasonable discussion, Cause I'm not to fond of this world either. But I do like some parts of it, So I want your main reason, Go ahead. Tell me"

@Light @Tazmodo
Light said:
( ! ) Azriel slowly raises her hand up.
Temperance knows what's about to happen and opens up a portal to go back to the guild behind Jackson. "Run!"

"Alright then Răzbunare, I'm Grimm. Deity of cupcakes! Off we go!" Grimm bows back and they both appear in the realm of decision.
Jackson didn't move. "No she knows I'm right. I've seen Death many times and I will not cower in fear. I stand by what I said and if she wants me dead there is nothing to stop her. This is how she anyways. She can't say anything just destroy. So go ahead look me in the eye. I'm not afraid to die. Thus is the cowards way out right? Just kill everything that bothers you. You hate everything so you think that gives you the right to take it from others. So go ahead prove me right. You aren't the only one with hate." He looked to Temperance. "I'm sorry for not being able to persuade Isabel."
Vance and Jackson appeared and Fola groaned inwardly. They were messing everything up! They were going to die because to jackasses thought it'd be a good idea to insult people who decided on the fate of everything! They didn;t get it! But, maybe Fola could talk them down...He stepped in front of the idiots and put his hands up, "Woah, woah, woah! Look, while these twoare definatly idiots who don't get what they're talking about, what they say has a LITTLE bit of merit! Not much, but a little!"

"You haven't had a true chance to see everything life has to offer, so you assume that the world is cruel and disgusting and not worth saving, but the fact is you haven't seen or understood all of it yet! There's so much good in the world! Things like love, laughter, freindship and companionship are things that make life worth living, things that keep the world semi-good!"

"I know how you feel becuase I was once- Hell, I still am just like you! I haven't seen most of those things in action, but everytime I find one of them it makes me want to fight alittle bit more! You just need to see it..."

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
LokiofSP said:
Vance and Jackson appeared and Fola groaned inwardly. They were messing everything up! They were going to die because to jackasses thought it'd be a good idea to insult people who decided on the fate of everything! They didn;t get it! But, maybe Fola could talk them down...He stepped in front of the idiots and put his hands up, "Woah, woah, woah! Look, while these twoare definatly idiots who don't get what they're talking about, what they say has a LITTLE bit of merit! Not much, but a little!"
"You haven't had a true chance to see everything life has to offer, so you assume that the world is cruel and disgusting and not worth saving, but the fact is you haven't seen or understood all of it yet! There's so much good in the world! Things like love, laughter, freindship and companionship are things that make life worth living, things that keep the world semi-good!"

"I know how you feel becuase I was once- Hell, I still am just like you! I haven't seen most of those things in action, but everytime I find one of them it makes me want to fight alittle bit more! You just need to see it..."

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Vance glared at Fola as he decided to get involved. "Yeah there are some good people, there is love in the world. There is happiness. Those can all be reasons for saving this Universe" Vance turned his attention back to Azriel "But Fuck that. That's not the reason this place is worth keeping around. People are fucking arseholes. No, you want my opinion? This place is worth keeping around just for the sheer hell of it, we don't need someone like you to help destroy the universe. We're slowly doing ti ourselves. Hell World war 3 has almost broken out many times and once we kill this planet we'll end up moving onto the next one and the next. So you want my advice, let this universe survive." Vance shrugged and moving in front of Fola

"Enjoy the fireworks. The good people will get to live, while the bad people will wipe each other out. Bring some popcorn, the end is inevitable. But the problem is, no matter what you do, Living things are like rodents, you think you got rid of them, but then they come back stronger than ever. And you've then got a worse problem."
Vance folded his arms and just looked at Azriel with an expressionless gaze.

"These things adapt, they will come back stronger, eventually stronger than even you. And then even more problems will occur because of you. Violence only makes more violence, hate only makes way for stronger hate. and this works in the opposite way as well. Love leads to stronger Love, Peace leads to more peace."
Vance shrugged "So if you get rid of everything, you'll only be leading to your own demise, but if you leave it alone, you be leading everything else to it's demise. If you decide to help, you can probably create peace, it won't be easy to create peace, it will take a long time. But it won't be easy to just get rid of everything either. Do you really think that everyone will just lie down and die? They stand up and fight, because at the end of the day, everyone is scared of death in some form and will go to great lengths to stop it, whether it be their own or someone else's"

@Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Light
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GingerBread said:
Vance swaggered over to Azriel, ignoring the fact that she looked ready to kill "So you want to destroy all of the universe, right? Do you have a reason why? Are you just doing it for shits and giggles? And don't try that killing shit on me, it won't work. Just explain your reason to me and we can have a reasonable discussion, Cause I'm not to fond of this world either. But I do like some parts of it, So I want your main reason, Go ahead. Tell me"
@Light @Tazmodo
GingerBread said:
Vance glared at Fola as he decided to get involved. "Yeah there are some good people, there is love in the world. There is happiness. Those can all be reasons for saving this Universe" Vance turned his attention back to Azriel "But Fuck that. That's not the reason this place is worth keeping around. People are fucking arseholes. No, you want my opinion? This place is worth keeping around just for the sheer hell of it, we don't need someone like you to help destroy the universe. We're slowly doing ti ourselves. Hell World war 3 has almost broken out many times and once we kill this planet we'll end up moving onto the next one and the next. So you want my advice, let this universe survive." Vance shrugged and moving in front of Fola

"Enjoy the fireworks. The good people will get to live, while the bad people will wipe each other out. Bring some popcorn, the end is inevitable. But the problem is, no matter what you do, Living things are like rodents, you think you got rid of them, but then they come back stronger than ever. And you've then got a worse problem."
Vance folded his arms and just looked at Azriel with an expressionless gaze.

"These things adapt, they will come back stronger, eventually stronger than even you. And then even more problems will occur because of you. Violence only makes more violence, hate only makes way for stronger hate. and this works in the opposite way as well. Love leads to stronger Love, Peace leads to more peace."
Vance shrugged "So if you get rid of everything, you'll only be leading to your own demise, but if you leave it alone, you be leading everything else to it's demise. If you decide to help, you can probably create peace, it won't be easy to create peace, it will take a long time. But it won't be easy to just get rid of everything either. Do you really think that everyone will just lie down and die? They stand up and fight, because at the end of the day, everyone is scared of death in some form and will go to great lengths to stop it, whether it be their own or someone else's"

@Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Light
LokiofSP said:
Vance and Jackson appeared and Fola groaned inwardly. They were messing everything up! They were going to die because to jackasses thought it'd be a good idea to insult people who decided on the fate of everything! They didn;t get it! But, maybe Fola could talk them down...He stepped in front of the idiots and put his hands up, "Woah, woah, woah! Look, while these twoare definatly idiots who don't get what they're talking about, what they say has a LITTLE bit of merit! Not much, but a little!"
"You haven't had a true chance to see everything life has to offer, so you assume that the world is cruel and disgusting and not worth saving, but the fact is you haven't seen or understood all of it yet! There's so much good in the world! Things like love, laughter, freindship and companionship are things that make life worth living, things that keep the world semi-good!"

"I know how you feel becuase I was once- Hell, I still am just like you! I haven't seen most of those things in action, but everytime I find one of them it makes me want to fight alittle bit more! You just need to see it..."

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Tazmodo said:
Jackson didn't move. "No she knows I'm right. I've seen Death many times and I will not cower in fear. I stand by what I said and if she wants me dead there is nothing to stop her. This is how she anyways. She can't say anything just destroy. So go ahead look me in the eye. I'm not afraid to die. Thus is the cowards way out right? Just kill everything that bothers you. You hate everything so you think that gives you the right to take it from others. So go ahead prove me right. You aren't the only one with hate." He looked to Temperance. "I'm sorry for not being able to persuade Isabel."
MTchaos1134 said:
"So where are we now?"He said as he looks around.
( @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @CelticSol )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg.fb291197cb5ddbc9a9435749a67a3f6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg.fb291197cb5ddbc9a9435749a67a3f6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Grimm gestures to the realm and the people talking to the three girls up ahead. "This is the realm of decision. Up ahead is the girl."

Azriel was looking at Vance as she closed her hand into a fist, completely deleting Jackson's existence and deleting him from mom existence. Azriel didn't respond to Vance at all, she refused too. He was trying to get into her head and she knew it. She represents the hatred and protective side of Isabel. Isabel's hatred towards the world and has accumulated over the years and her feeling of being targeted was too great for Azriel to put down her shield. She would not stop, she will protect Isabel, Temperance, and herself from the world. She would not let these people stand in her way, not even Temperance whom naively trusts everyone. "Isabella....I acknowledge your choice and I ready to accept...Temperance?" Azriel looks towards Temperance to see if she is ready as well. She wouldn't stand for a no, the years of suffering...The years of Isabella being alone with no ally. The ruthless claws of emotional torment holding them down as they were sealed away. She remembered....even if Isabel forgot...She wouldn't let it happen again. So she would destroy everything to make sure of it.

Temperance looks at Fola and shakes her head, "It's alright silly!" She runs up to Fola and gives him a warm hug. "You're always forgiven." Temperance backs away from Fola and looks at Azriel, then towards Isabel. "Hhhmm....okay!" Temperance just wanted the excitement of being apart of a team. Temperance reaches out for Azriel and Azriel accepts her hand. They both reach out for Isabel whom accepts both hands. At this moment all three girls begin to glow and the realm shakes.



  • desert_by_ishutani-d8rmami.jpg
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răzbunare Quickly makes his way over by jumping into his dimension and hopping out next to them."Hello you might not know me but here me out ok?"He said as he was quickly thinking of an offer/Reason not to destroy everything.
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @CelticSol )
View attachment 239430

Grimm gestures to the realm and the people talking to the three girls up ahead. "This is the realm of decision. Up ahead is the girl."

Azriel was looking at Vance as she closed her hand into a fist, completely deleting Jackson's existence and deleting him from mom existence. Azriel didn't respond to Vance at all, she refused too. He was trying to get into her head and she knew it. She represents the hatred and protective side of Isabel. Isabel's hatred towards the world and has accumulated over the years and her feeling of being targeted was too great for Azriel to put down her shield. She would not stop, she will protect Isabel, Temperance, and herself from the world. She would not let these people stand in her way, not even Temperance whom naively trusts everyone. "Isabella....I acknowledge your choice and I ready to accept...Temperance?" Azriel looks towards Temperance to see if she is ready as well. She wouldn't stand for a no, the years of suffering...The years of Isabella being alone with no ally. The ruthless claws of emotional torment holding them down as they were sealed away. She remembered....even if Isabel forgot...She wouldn't let it happen again. So she would destroy everything to make sure of it.

Temperance looks at Fola and shakes her head, "It's alright silly!" She runs up to Fola and gives him a warm hug. "You're always forgiven." Temperance backs away from Fola and looks at Azriel, then towards Isabel. "Hhhmm....okay!" Temperance just wanted the excitement of being apart of a team. Temperance reaches out for Azriel and Azriel accepts her hand. They both reach out for Isabel whom accepts both hands. At this moment all three girls begin to glow and the realm shakes.
As the realm begins to shake Sage looks around and stares at the three girls. " Whoa' " He muttered.
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride @djinnamon @CelticSol )
View attachment 239430

Grimm gestures to the realm and the people talking to the three girls up ahead. "This is the realm of decision. Up ahead is the girl."

Azriel was looking at Vance as she closed her hand into a fist, completely deleting Jackson's existence and deleting him from mom existence. Azriel didn't respond to Vance at all, she refused too. He was trying to get into her head and she knew it. She represents the hatred and protective side of Isabel. Isabel's hatred towards the world and has accumulated over the years and her feeling of being targeted was too great for Azriel to put down her shield. She would not stop, she will protect Isabel, Temperance, and herself from the world. She would not let these people stand in her way, not even Temperance whom naively trusts everyone. "Isabella....I acknowledge your choice and I ready to accept...Temperance?" Azriel looks towards Temperance to see if she is ready as well. She wouldn't stand for a no, the years of suffering...The years of Isabella being alone with no ally. The ruthless claws of emotional torment holding them down as they were sealed away. She remembered....even if Isabel forgot...She wouldn't let it happen again. So she would destroy everything to make sure of it.

Temperance looks at Fola and shakes her head, "It's alright silly!" She runs up to Fola and gives him a warm hug. "You're always forgiven." Temperance backs away from Fola and looks at Azriel, then towards Isabel. "Hhhmm....okay!" Temperance just wanted the excitement of being apart of a team. Temperance reaches out for Azriel and Azriel accepts her hand. They both reach out for Isabel whom accepts both hands. At this moment all three girls begin to glow and the realm shakes.
Lucifer raised his eyebrows in surprise when she ended Jackson. "Well I'll be damned. Wonder if that'll teach him not to talk big when you're so small. Whatever."

The the three held hands and he pushed his lips together while everything shook. "Alright Isabel you've seem to have made your choice. You must stand by it until the end. Don't back out or you'll just feel regret. Regret is bad grand daughter. Regret is soooo bad."

As everything shook he took a seat and relaxed. If she killed him she killed him. If she didnt, she didnt. He didnt care either way and lord knew he could give a fuck about everyone else. He just wanted to see events transpire.
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Light said:
Azriel was looking at Vance as she closed her hand into a fist, completely deleting Jackson's existence and deleting him from mom existence. Azriel didn't respond to Vance at all, she refused too. He was trying to get into her head and she knew it. She represents the hatred and protective side of Isabel. Isabel's hatred towards the world and has accumulated over the years and her feeling of being targeted was too great for Azriel to put down her shield. She would not stop, she will protect Isabel, Temperance, and herself from the world. She would not let these people stand in her way, not even Temperance whom naively trusts everyone. "Isabella....I acknowledge your choice and I ready to accept...Temperance?" Azriel looks towards Temperance to see if she is ready as well. She wouldn't stand for a no, the years of suffering...The years of Isabella being alone with no ally. The ruthless claws of emotional torment holding them down as they were sealed away. She remembered....even if Isabel forgot...She wouldn't let it happen again. So she would destroy everything to make sure of it.
Temperance looks at Fola and shakes her head, "It's alright silly!" She runs up to Fola and gives him a warm hug. "You're always forgiven." Temperance backs away from Fola and looks at Azriel, then towards Isabel. "Hhhmm....okay!" Temperance just wanted the excitement of being apart of a team. Temperance reaches out for Azriel and Azriel accepts her hand. They both reach out for Isabel whom accepts both hands. At this moment all three girls begin to glow and the realm shakes.
Vance felt the realm shake but kept calm, shoving his hands in his pockets "So you're adamant on killing everything? I mean you obviously care about Isabel, you probably would've killed her if you didn't. So this can't just be hatred for the universe, this is something more, isn't it? Maybe you want Isabel to be the most powerful, maybe you want to keep her from all the bad people in the world. Either way, I don't care. If you are doing this because you care about her, you're an idiot. People are going to start targeting her, attacking her because they're scared of them and their loved ones dying." Vance sighed and shook his head

"I've seen it happen before. Dragon's roar got attacked because Lucifer spread lies about it, saying that the hell he unleashed on earth was caused by the Guild. Every country rose up and started to attack the guild, out of fear. They didn't care if it was true at that point, they were scared. So they reacted in the most primal way, they lashed out. Sent A.I's after the guild, thinking that the best way to bring peace was to destroy it. This caused more problems. After the world was saved by the guild. The robots rose up and tried killing everything, they almost did. But once again the guild managed to stop them."
Vance walked closer to Isabel and the other two girls, with no concern for his own safety.

"So ask yourself, do you really think this is the best way forwards? To try to bring peace by destroying everything? I'm a cold blooded killer, if the price is right I'll kill anything. But I'm trying to give you a chance, I know what it's like to care about someone so much that you'd fight through heaven and hell for them. But in the End Violence only leads to more violence. The choice is yours to make in the end. It's up to you make the right one"

@Light @LokiofSP
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"Violence will only kill those you try to protect,even then like everyone else said,Karma will hit you hard if you do this."

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