Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
" If you call be goldilocks again I'm going break your nose." He said as he gave Reed a innocent smile. " Also do I know you? For all I know a stork dropped your fetus self near me and now you think i'm your mama , legit who are you. " He said with a raised eyebrow as he folded his arms. " You know what never mind, I'm going to scope out the castle to see if I can find any lingering people in the castle. " He said before went to search the castle.
@DizjayDeathPride @Light @LokiofSP
DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci shrugged and held it a moment before dropping his shoulders. "I don't now. We're following Isabel's lead. Id say... Kill any intruders? PAINT THE WALLS RED WITH BLOOD! Things like that"
Reed glared at him then turned to Lucifer. "One moment please." He teleported to Sage. "You threaten me one more time and I kill you do you understand? Good now do your job and make me a sandwich." He teleported back. "So what's it like be Lucifer and all powerful?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed glared at him then turned to Lucifer. "One moment please." He teleported to Sage. "You threaten me one more time and I kill you do you understand? Good now do your job and make me a sandwich." He teleported back. "So what's it like be Lucifer and all powerful?"
Sage rolled his eyes , not giving a shit. " I only follow what Isabel and Lucifer says so go fuck your self loser." He said right before Reed teleported. Sage folded his arms and eliminated any lingering people in the castle before teleporting Isabel and Lucifer. " Is there anything for me to do for you masters. " He said to the two of them , completely ignoring Reed.
Pain stabbed into Arwyn's chest and the back of her head when Dawn's Heart suddenly began lamneting at a deafening volume. Light flashed in all directions and painted the entire tunnel a rich golden glow that was blinding to behold. Desperatly the dragon knight clasped the orb in her mailed hands to block some of the searing rays of light but it just seemed to meld through the gaps in her fingers as if by its own will. Knowing that this would be fatal to the shadow demon ahead of them, Syrax extended a wing to shield the creature from most of the rays. "Arwyn, get it to stop!" Syrax grunted while holding his head away from the object.

"Its not responding!" Arwyn shouted above the loud clamor of sounds the artifact was emitting. Even though she had been soul-bound to the artifact by the god known to her as Grimm it didn't seem to follow those rules, almost as if it had a will of its own. She knew that Syrax couldn't detect it, or maybe she was just going crazy, but beneath this roaring symphony if was if she could feel powerful emotion from this object, as if it were mourning something. Arwyn concentrated on this and tried to listen even more and was surprised to experience a wave of pain and anger; something that she could relate to very much.

"Its been disturbed by something!" Since any telepathic communication between herself and Syrax had been nullified by this strange realm, she had to yell to her companion. She wondered if it had anything to do with the child Isabella.

As if in answer the noise coming from Dawn's Heart quieted to a low murmur and the light faded until there was nothing to hint that the event had happened except for a faint glow. Some strange feeling convinced Arwyn to close her eyes and when she did she could see a delicate hand, most likely female, clutching a tiny marble, then it crushed it. As the sphere crumbled Arwyn could sense a deep feeling of dread coming from Dawn's Heart and breifly before this peculiar vision ended she could hear the distant screams of voices beyond count. 'World-eater' was the word that came into her head, as if in a whisper.

She opened her eyes once more and turned abruptly to the demon who had once attacked her. "We must find this girl." she said. "She must be cut down before her roots sink deep and extinguish everything." There was no time to think about the past grudges and hatred she had for demon kind, this was a new struggle that all beings must stand and fight against, or die trying.

"I need your help though... firstly to get out of here." said Arwyn.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten meowed and purred, walking in circles on his head. "Lead us to the bike!" It spoke telepathically to him


Lucifer sighed and shook his head. "Well that was disappointingly easy. Well... Lets go redecorate dear." He cleared his throat and connected his mind to the other Van Fen. "Yo. Castle is Isabel's. Id highly suggest just letting it go"

He extended his hand forward for her to lead, following her through the halls
"This just keeps getting weirder by the minute." He said as he walked towards his bike that laid on the ground a little ways from him. When he got to the bike he lifted it up and checked it for scratches and marking from the crash, surprisingly it was unscathed. Dante then started his bike and rode off with the cat still on his head perfectly fine.
Fola looked at Lucifer with a raised brow, "Here's a good idea...How about we DON'T do that. I personally would prefer we just ASK to use the damn castle, after all, it is technically her castle... Anyways, it's up to you Isabel, how do we do this? Diplomatic? Or uh...Painting the halls?"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @GingerBread @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
Vance gave Jackie a confused look as the whole thing happened "I'm not going to question that. So anyway Sovereign is the deity of madness or something like that. Interesting, still doesn't help us find him, but at least I have some sort of a clue about what we'll be going up against. Always wanted to kill a deity" Vance began flipping and catching the medallion like a coin "Onto the letters from Grimm then. Maybe they'll clue us in a little more. your internal voice said something about killing the person who had Grimm's stuff before Grimm did. I wasn't really paying that much attention to be honest" Vance shrugged as he leaned back in his chair "If nothing comes up, we'll have to come up with a new plan. So read away"
Jackie nods, opening the two letters. When she reads the first letter from him, her cheeks puffing out as she tries not to laugh, "I'm not reading that out loud," She says with a barely restrained giggle, throwing it, envelope and all, back into the desk. She opens the next one, her lips pursed to keep from smiling, and reads the best she can with a mostly-straight expression;

"December 20th, 2009, Deity Realm

My beautiful wife,

I miss you and Siobhan already! The council is as boring as it always is, but I know that if I look forward to seeing my favourite ladies again, it will go much quicker! I know I already sent a letter, but since that was all about you, this is about things going on here, and about our lovely daughter's coming birthday.

So, want to guess which one of the deities are
supposed to be here, have no explanation as to why they aren't, and aren't here? Sovereign. Which isn't helping his case - not showing up after his trial I still do not believe he was innocent screams suspicious. I asked Spine about it, but he was oddly cryptic about it. Have either of them contacted you at all? I don't know what Sovereign is up to, but I know it's nothing good. I know he used to be one of your friends a long time ago, but please, please be careful. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you or Sio.

Besides the general unrest for him not being here, the council sessions have been going well; I've only had to threaten someone with my scythe once! (Better than last time; I thought we were never going to get something done at the rate we were going, with everyone arguing.) Usagi was in and out - something about an emergency patient? - and Timor was asking rather anxiously about you. I don't know what's gotten into her, but if you could address her in your next letter, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. Abyssum wants to meet up with you for - and I quote - "bonding time with my favourite sister", whatever that means in her world. (Timor only took a little offence to the 'favourite sister' part.)

Now, onto my favourite girl in the word (sorry, honey); how is our girl doing? I distinctly remember that a certain little girl's 6th birthday is coming up, and just in case the sessions draw out too long, I have her gift from me attached to the letter (I found it from a merchant in Dubai - It's enchanted with protective runes). I
will be there for her birthday in one way or another, don't think I'd let these people keep me away on one of the most important days of the year. Please wrap it for me, if you have the time, thanks.

That just about sums it up. Tell Siobhan I love her and that I miss my baby girl.

I love you.

Your loving husband,

Grimmavus "

Jackie drums her fingers on the desk after she finishes reading, chewing on her lower lip in thought. "Well, that's the last of them... Alpha, you've been awful quiet about this. What do you think?

(@Daimao )

"I'm fine," She grumbles, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She rests her cheek on the top of her knees, a sullen expression on her face, "She's been missing for years. I'm over it," She pauses a moment, then adds in a quiet whisper, "I just didn't know there had been that much blood."
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CelticSol said:
Jackie nods, opening the two letters. When she reads the first letter from him, her cheeks puffing out as she tries not to laugh, "I'm not reading that out loud," She says with a barely restrained giggle, throwing it, envelope and all, back into the desk. She opens the next one, her lips pursed to keep from smiling, and reads the best she can with a mostly-straight expression;
"December 20th, 2009, Deity Realm

My beautiful wife,

I miss you and Siobhan already! The council is as boring as it always is, but I know that if I look forward to seeing my favourite ladies again, it will go much quicker! I know I already sent a letter, but since that was all about you, this is about things going on here, and about our lovely daughter's coming birthday.

So, want to guess which one of the deities are
supposed to be here, have no explanation as to why they aren't, and aren't here? Sovereign. Which isn't helping his case - not showing up after his trial I still do not believe he was innocent screams suspicious. I asked Spine about it, but he was oddly cryptic about it. Have either of them contacted you at all? I don't know what Sovereign is up to, but I know it's nothing good. I know he used to be one of your friends a long time ago, but please, please be careful. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you or Sio.

Besides the general unrest for him not being here, the council sessions have been going well; I've only had to threaten someone with my scythe once! (Better than last time; I thought we were never going to get something done at the rate we were going, with everyone arguing.) Usagi was in and out - something about an emergency patient? - and Timor was asking rather anxiously about you. I don't know what's gotten into her, but if you could address her in your next letter, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. Abyssum wants to meet up with you for - and I quote - "bonding time with my favourite sister", whatever that means in her world. (Timor only took a little offence to the 'favourite sister' part.)

Now, onto my favourite girl in the word (sorry, honey); how is our girl doing? I distinctly remember that a certain little girl's 6th birthday is coming up, and just in case the sessions draw out too long, I have her gift from me attached to the letter (I found it from a merchant in Dubai - It's enchanted with protective runes). I
will be there for her birthday in one way or another, don't think I'd let these people keep me away on one of the most important days of the year. Please wrap it for me, if you have the time, thanks.

That just about sums it up. Tell Siobhan I love her and that I miss my baby girl.

I love you.

Your loving husband,

Grimmavus "

Jackie drums her fingers on the desk after she finishes reading, chewing on her lower lip in thought. "Well, that's the last of them... Alpha, you've been awful quiet about this. What do you think?

(@Daimao )

"I'm fine," She grumbles, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She rests her cheek on the top of her knees, a sullen expression on her face, "She's been missing for years. I'm over it," She pauses a moment, then adds in a quiet whisper, "I just didn't know there had been that much blood."
"Let's check out this Sovereign guy. Or Spine. Kill them and then interrogate them." He said with a yawn, still Chihualpha and still on Jackie's head.
Daimao said:
"Let's check out this Sovereign guy. Or Spine. Kill them and then interrogate them." He said with a yawn, still Chihualpha and still on Jackie's head.
She flicks him gently on the ear, "We can't interrogate them if they're dead."
Inaro reaches his hand out towards her to place it on her shoulder. It's okay will find her. he said with a cheesy encouraging smile. @CelticSol
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CelticSol said:
She flicks him gently on the ear, "We can't interrogate them if they're dead."
Chihualpha grabbed the flicked ear with his tiny paws. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine," he whined. "But I still want to kill someone."
Daimao said:
Chihualpha grabbed the flicked ear with his tiny paws. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine," he whined. "But I still want to kill someone."
Using her index finger, she pets him on the top of his head, "Don't worry, honey, you can eat the guy who took her. How's that?"
Embaga Elder]Inaro reaches his hand out towards her to place it on her shoulder. [COLOR=#808080]It's okay will find her. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] he said with a cheesy encouraging smile. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10975-celticsol/ said:
She shrugs off his hand, refusing to look at him, "That's what dad said. He's the God of Death, and even he couldn't find her. What makes your group special?"
CelticSol said:
Jackie nods, opening the two letters. When she reads the first letter from him, her cheeks puffing out as she tries not to laugh, "I'm not reading that out loud," She says with a barely restrained giggle, throwing it, envelope and all, back into the desk. She opens the next one, her lips pursed to keep from smiling, and reads the best she can with a mostly-straight expression;
"December 20th, 2009, Deity Realm

My beautiful wife,

I miss you and Siobhan already! The council is as boring as it always is, but I know that if I look forward to seeing my favourite ladies again, it will go much quicker! I know I already sent a letter, but since that was all about you, this is about things going on here, and about our lovely daughter's coming birthday.

So, want to guess which one of the deities are
supposed to be here, have no explanation as to why they aren't, and aren't here? Sovereign. Which isn't helping his case - not showing up after his trial I still do not believe he was innocent screams suspicious. I asked Spine about it, but he was oddly cryptic about it. Have either of them contacted you at all? I don't know what Sovereign is up to, but I know it's nothing good. I know he used to be one of your friends a long time ago, but please, please be careful. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you or Sio.

Besides the general unrest for him not being here, the council sessions have been going well; I've only had to threaten someone with my scythe once! (Better than last time; I thought we were never going to get something done at the rate we were going, with everyone arguing.) Usagi was in and out - something about an emergency patient? - and Timor was asking rather anxiously about you. I don't know what's gotten into her, but if you could address her in your next letter, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. Abyssum wants to meet up with you for - and I quote - "bonding time with my favourite sister", whatever that means in her world. (Timor only took a little offence to the 'favourite sister' part.)

Now, onto my favourite girl in the word (sorry, honey); how is our girl doing? I distinctly remember that a certain little girl's 6th birthday is coming up, and just in case the sessions draw out too long, I have her gift from me attached to the letter (I found it from a merchant in Dubai - It's enchanted with protective runes). I
will be there for her birthday in one way or another, don't think I'd let these people keep me away on one of the most important days of the year. Please wrap it for me, if you have the time, thanks.

That just about sums it up. Tell Siobhan I love her and that I miss my baby girl.

I love you.

Your loving husband,

Grimmavus "

Jackie drums her fingers on the desk after she finishes reading, chewing on her lower lip in thought. "Well, that's the last of them... Alpha, you've been awful quiet about this. What do you think?

(@Daimao )

"I'm fine," She grumbles, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She rests her cheek on the top of her knees, a sullen expression on her face, "She's been missing for years. I'm over it," She pauses a moment, then adds in a quiet whisper, "I just didn't know there had been that much blood."
Daimao said:
Chihualpha grabbed the flicked ear with his tiny paws. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine," he whined. "But I still want to kill someone."
"Okay, we'll kill him or whatever. But onto the more important part, how are we finding him? I mean we need to find him to kill him. Is this medallion useful. Can your hell hound puppy track him by scent? I'm kinda out of ideas here. So please speak up if you have one. I really want to save the universe so I can get a good nights sleep for once" Vance once again pulled the medallion out of his pocket and started rolling it across his fingers.

@CelticSol @Daimao
Inaro places his hand on the floor and looks straight ahead. He pops open yet another bottle of beer and chugs it down. Well....that's one hell of a question. To be honest I think everything the guild has done up until now was only a test run, and the real shit is about to begin. But to answer your question what makes us special is that we want to save the universe. Even though we fight each other a lot and go through trails and tribulations, we have one thing in common....we enjoy living. We'll do anything we have to do in order to save the universe and ourselves, and finding her is the ticket to do it. @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
"Okay, we'll kill him or whatever. But onto the more important part, how are we finding him? I mean we need to find him to kill him. Is this medallion useful. Can your hell hound puppy track him by scent? I'm kinda out of ideas here. So please speak up if you have one. I really want to save the universe so I can get a good nights sleep for once" Vance once again pulled the medallion out of his pocket and started rolling it across his fingers.
(@Daimao )

With a furious growl, Jackie steps forward and punches Vance in the mouth, throwing the full force of her weight into the hit. "I swear to fucking Christ, if you talk about Alpha like that again I'm going to tear your insides from your obnoxious mouth, you got me? Do not call him a dog," Straightening her clothes and shaking out her hand, Jackie pulls Alpha off her head and holds him in her arms, looking to him, as she pointedly ignores Vance, "Can you theoretically track Sovereign through scent? If you're not comfortable with it, we can think of something else."

Siobhan looks at him like he grew third eye, "So all you've got for this is that you enjoy living and want to save the world?" Siobhan, for the first time in nearly a year, cracks a smile, then bursts into giggles, putting her head in her hans as she descends into a fit of hysterical laughter. She stands up, throwing her arms into the air as she walks away, "Fuck this! We're screwed! It's over, guys, we've had a good run, but these morons' plans for saving the world and finding my long lost mother is to do it through the power of FRIENDSHIP!"
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
With a furious growl, Jackie steps forward and punches Vance in the mouth, throwing the full force of her weight into the hit. "I swear to fucking Christ, if you talk about Alpha like that again I'm going to tear your insides from your obnoxious mouth, you got me? Do not call him a dog," Straightening her clothes and shaking out her hand, Jackie pulls Alpha off her head and holds him in her arms, looking to him, as she pointedly ignores Vance, "Can you theoretically track Sovereign through scent? If you're not comfortable with it, we can think of something else."
"Ah" Vance rubbed his Jaw "You know, any other day I'd kill you without a second thought. But That was a damn good punch. But I didn't call him a dog. A puppy could mean many things, could be a wolf pup. Right now, he looks like cerberus, so hell hound puppy. Cause he's small. Unless you'd like me to call him a chiwawa." Vance shrugged and went back to leaning on his chair "If he doesn't want to track it, then he's absolutely useless. Why do you think I sen inaro away? I don't have the time for people who can't help. So if he can't, tell me. I'll find a alternate way" Vance shrugged and placed the medallion back inside his pocket and went quiet. "But just thinking about it, if he was able to get inside the home of death, he'd be able to cloak himself right, soul and everything. Stop me if I'm wrong. But you'd think he'd have a safeguard against this sort of thing. But who knows. Maybe he wants to be found, maybe just not by us"

@CelticSol @Daimao
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
With a furious growl, Jackie steps forward and punches Vance in the mouth, throwing the full force of her weight into the hit. "I swear to fucking Christ, if you talk about Alpha like that again I'm going to tear your insides from your obnoxious mouth, you got me? Do not call him a dog," Straightening her clothes and shaking out her hand, Jackie pulls Alpha off her head and holds him in her arms, looking to him, as she pointedly ignores Vance, "Can you theoretically track Sovereign through scent? If you're not comfortable with it, we can think of something else."

Siobhan looks at him like he grew third eye, "So all you've got for this is that you enjoy living and want to save the world?" Siobhan, for the first time in nearly a year, cracks a smile, then bursts into giggles, putting her head in her hans as she descends into a fit of hysterical laughter. She stands up, throwing her arms into the air as she walks away, "Fuck this! We're screwed! It's over, guys, we've had a good run, but these morons' plans for saving the world and finding my long lost mother is to do it through the power of FRIENDSHIP!"
"Theoretically, no, I would not be able to track Sovereign by scent. I am not the tracker. However," Alpha, who was the middle head, nipped the left head, which was asleep the entire time. "Gamma can." The left head quickly woke up at being bitten and looked around. "Huh? What? Where the fuck am I? What the fuck is going on? Why are there no waffles?" With each word, whisps of poisonous smoke drifted from Gamma's mouth.

GingerBread said:
"Ah" Vance rubbed his Jaw "You know, any other day I'd kill you without a second thought. But That was a damn good punch. But I didn't call him a dog. A puppy could mean many things, could be a wolf pup. Right now, he looks like cerberus, so hell hound puppy. Cause he's small. Unless you'd like me to call him a chiwawa." Vance shrugged and went back to leaning on his chair "If he doesn't want to track it, then he's absolutely useless. Why do you think I sen inaro away? I don't have the time for people who can't help. So if he can't, tell me. I'll find a alternate way" Vance shrugged and placed the medallion back inside his pocket and went quiet. "But just thinking about it, if he was able to get inside the home of death, he'd be able to cloak himself right, soul and everything. Stop me if I'm wrong. But you'd think he'd have a safeguard against this sort of thing. But who knows. Maybe he wants to be found, maybe just not by us"
Daimao said:
"Theoretically, no, I would not be able to track Sovereign by scent. I am not the tracker. However," Alpha, who was the middle head, nipped the left head, which was asleep the entire time. "Gamma can." The left head quickly woke up at being bitten and looked around. "Huh? What? Where the fuck am I? What the fuck is going on? Why are there no waffles?" With each word, whisps of poisonous smoke drifted from Gamma's mouth.
Jackie takes the compliment to her punch with a self-satisifed grin, "Thanks. I've been waiting to punch you in the face since the stunt you pulled in New York," She considers his words, her brow furrowed, "Maybe. But, if what Sanctum - the voice that came out of me earlier - says is true, then this guy is a Deity. The medallion had to have had his power within it, so maybe there's enough of it to track, which-" She looks down at a drowsy but awake Gamma with a smile, closing his jaw with her finger so she isn't accidentally poisoned, "-is where this cutie comes in," Jackie reaches over and plucks the medallion out of Vance's pocket and holds it up to Gamma, withdrawing her finger so the latter can speak, "Can you track anything from this medallion?"
Inaro chuckles himself as Siobhan began laughing. Even though he wasn't trying to make her laugh and she was laughing at him not with him. He still felt like he did a good job cheering her up. Hehe I didn't say anything about friendship it was more about a common goal. But we can go with friendship since that call go a long way too.

As Inaro was sitting next to Sioban he felt a painful pulsing sensation flowing through his body. The pulses went off every second. Inaro grasped his chest as the pulses continues. He pulsing slowly became more painful, but starts to occur more slowly until it stopped. The last pulsed knocked Inaro out completely.

As his body stays within the castle an aspiration of himself appears in the Darkness realm.

He looks around confused of what happened and where he is. He didn't anyone, and he couldn't teleport using the guild mark. Hello my son. said a familiar voice. Inaro heard that voice before. it was the voice of the woman who awoke him and cured him of his corruption temporarily. He looked around trying to find out where the voice came from but he couldn't pinpoint the exact location simply because the voice came from everywhere. Who are you? he asked as he floated in the darkness realm. Isn't it obvious? I'm your mother. Sadly The voice said in a disgusted tone. Inaro raised an eyebrow as he questioned the tone of the voice. If you're my mother why say it like that? Because I didn't want you, I wanted a female version of you. Uhhh so like an Inarita?? Inaro asked jokingly with the voice. Soon after his joke Inaro felt a presence suffocating him. Don't joke with me boy. The voice demanded. Inaro grabbed his throat just like people would usually do in a situation like this. S-sorry. he stuttered. The suffocating seized. Where are you? Why don't you show yourself? He asked as he looked around. You want to see me huh? You wanna see your mother? Yeah sure. Dark particles starts coming together forming the Dark Goddess.
Inaro looked the goddess up and down trying to find the resemblance. There was non. What are you? Inaro asked again. Me?? I'm your mother and the Dark Goddess. You don't get to know my name. Only my heir does? I didn't want to know it anyway. But who's this heir. He asked. The heir is the daughter I could never birth. I traveled worlds fucking powerful men in order to have the perfect daughter. But sadly like I said before I could only birth you and your useless brothers. She said with strong disgust. Aye no one told you to travel around the galaxy fucking men. That was your call. The goddess look at Inaro with rage as she was called a whore. She pointed her index finger at him and a beam of dark energy is fired at his left forearm. The energy encases his whole forearm. When the energy subsided a mark was left there. The mark of a dark god.
Inaro looks at the mark and raises an eyebrow in question. The fuck is this?!?! he asked angerly. The goddess looked at him and smiled. It's the mark of the dark gods, my son. Even thought I didn't want you're still my son. So I grant you with the powers of a dark god. Enjoy. She snaps her fingers and Inaro his forced out the dark realm.

Inaro opens his eyes seeing that he's still in the same spot with Siobhan. He looks at his arm seeing the mark and sighs.
Great, I'm in a cult now. He said jokingly.

CelticSol said:
Jackie takes the compliment to her punch with a self-satisifed grin, "Thanks. I've been waiting to punch you in the face since the stunt you pulled in New York," She considers his words, her brow furrowed, "Maybe. But, if what Sanctum - the voice that came out of me earlier - says is true, then this guy is a Deity. The medallion had to have had his power within it, so maybe there's enough of it to track, which-" She looks down at a drowsy but awake Gamma with a smile, closing his jaw with her finger so she isn't accidentally poisoned, "-is where this cutie comes in," Jackie reaches over and plucks the medallion out of Vance's pocket and holds it up to Gamma, withdrawing her finger so the latter can speak, "Can you track anything from this medallion?"
"You shouldn't reach into my clothes like that. Ever. I mean this thing has a lot of internal holes, in case I need to quickly ditch stuff. So those holes will lead to places, that I don't think your boyfriend will be happy with. So don't reach into my clothes. I really would appreciate it." Vance shrugged as he stepped back slightly "But, let's get this over and done with, and I'll get us all some drinks. If you want of course. I'm fine with drinking by myself"

Light said:
( It's funny because the Van Fen'rir castle and leadership was just overthrown. Hah... )
GingerBread said:
"You shouldn't reach into my clothes like that. Ever. I mean this thing has a lot of internal holes, in case I need to quickly ditch stuff. So those holes will lead to places, that I don't think your boyfriend will be happy with. So don't reach into my clothes. I really would appreciate it." Vance shrugged as he stepped back slightly "But, let's get this over and done with, and I'll get us all some drinks. If you want of course. I'm fine with drinking by myself"
"After what you just said? I could go for being shit faced. Right now, I do anything to forget the imagery you just gave me."

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