Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
CelticSol said:
Jackie takes the compliment to her punch with a self-satisifed grin, "Thanks. I've been waiting to punch you in the face since the stunt you pulled in New York," She considers his words, her brow furrowed, "Maybe. But, if what Sanctum - the voice that came out of me earlier - says is true, then this guy is a Deity. The medallion had to have had his power within it, so maybe there's enough of it to track, which-" She looks down at a drowsy but awake Gamma with a smile, closing his jaw with her finger so she isn't accidentally poisoned, "-is where this cutie comes in," Jackie reaches over and plucks the medallion out of Vance's pocket and holds it up to Gamma, withdrawing her finger so the latter can speak, "Can you track anything from this medallion?"
Gamma obediently sniffed the medallion, before immediately recoiling. "Ah, holy fuck, who is this guy? He smells fucking terrible. Like a dead goat took a shit, fucked it, had a goat-shit child, ate it, and then fucking died again. But he doesnt smell as bad as pretty boy over here. But still, holy fucking Tartarus," Gamma complained, before immediately perking back up, his head again surrounded in a cloud of poisonous gas. "I can track him, but I better get some fucking waffles for doing this."
Daimao said:
Gamma obediently sniffed the medallion, before immediately recoiling. "Ah, holy fuck, who is this guy? He smells fucking terrible. Like a dead goat took a shit, fucked it, had a goat-shit child, ate it, and then fucking died again. But he doesnt smell as bad as pretty boy over here. But still, holy fucking Tartarus," Gamma complained, before immediately perking back up, his head again surrounded in a cloud of poisonous gas. "I can track him, but I better get some fucking waffles for doing this."
Jackie nods in agreement to Gamma's demand, still grinning at his spiel against Sovereign, "Honey, if you can find this guy, then I will buy you as many waffles as you'd like, in whatever flavour you want, with whatever toppings you want."
CelticSol said:
"After what you just said? I could go for being shit faced. Right now, I do anything to forget the imagery you just gave me."
Daimao said:
Gamma obediently sniffed the medallion, before immediately recoiling. "Ah, holy fuck, who is this guy? He smells fucking terrible. Like a dead goat took a shit, fucked it, had a goat-shit child, ate it, and then fucking died again. But he doesnt smell as bad as pretty boy over here. But still, holy fucking Tartarus," Gamma complained, before immediately perking back up, his head again surrounded in a cloud of poisonous gas. "I can track him, but I better get some fucking waffles for doing this."
"I'm glad we have the same sentiments, I don't want that image in my head either. I mean, you are good looking. But personal things, you know" Vance shrugged and looked at Gamma "I'll get you a goddamn truck load of waffles if you shut up and lead us to him. I want to finish this crap"
CelticSol said:
Siobhan, who, in her frustrated ranting, had not even realized Inaro had lost conscious, turned to him with a very confused expression. Her expression goes mostly blank as she deadpans, "You're crazy."
Inaro looks at the girl and chuckles. You have no idea. He gets up and opening another bottle of beer. He looks down at the spot he was sitting seeing 4 empty bottles there. Wow I really do drink alot. He looks at Siobhan. Are you done ranting?? @CelticSol

  • Lucifer rubbed his chin nodded along. "Hmm.... I guess that makes sense. Diplomacy is nice." He felt a... Ringing in his ears and closed his eyes, irritation apparent on his face. "I need to take care of some Hell business.... Eh." He popped his lips and pointed forward. "Tooooo Diplomacy!"

CelticSol said:
Jackie nods in agreement to Gamma's demand, still grinning at his spiel against Sovereign, "Honey, if you can find this guy, then I will buy you as many waffles as you'd like, in whatever flavour you want, with whatever toppings you want."
GingerBread said:
"I'm glad we have the same sentiments, I don't want that image in my head either. I mean, you are good looking. But personal things, you know" Vance shrugged and looked at Gamma "I'll get you a goddamn truck load of waffles if you shut up and lead us to him. I want to finish this crap"
Nodding his head, Gamma exhaled a large cloud of poisonous gas, away from Jackie and Vance. The cloud formed itself into a ring, which then formed a portal. "There ya go. I'll be expecting my waffles after this," Gamma said cheerfully, before turning completely serious. "From both of you."
AnthonyWrath said:
"This just keeps getting weirder by the minute." He said as he walked towards his bike that laid on the ground a little ways from him. When he got to the bike he lifted it up and checked it for scratches and marking from the crash, surprisingly it was unscathed. Dante then started his bike and rode off with the cat still on his head perfectly fine.
As Dante was riding his bike, he heard a nearby chopper on the rode roaring loudly as it approached him. The rider was Zane. Zane looks over at Dante and he became neck and neck with him. He was surprised by what he saw. Is that a damn cat?? He thought to himself. He shook his head and pulled head. Dante saw the tags on the bike. It spelled out. 1 man army.

@AnthonyWrath @DizjayDeathPride
Daimao said:
Nodding his head, Gamma exhaled a large cloud of poisonous gas, away from Jackie and Vance. The cloud formed itself into a ring, which then formed a portal. "There ya go. I'll be expecting my waffles after this," Gamma said cheerfully, before turning completely serious. "From both of you."
"You won't get shit from me if I die. So you best hope I don't" Vance stood up and looked at the portal "You know, I'd normally be really sarcastic and say ladies first, since there might be danger. But Meh. I get the feeling that I should go first. I've been leading this whole thing so far haven't I?" Vance smirked at Jackie and walked through the portal

@CelticSol @Daimao
GingerBread said:
"People are disturbing the balance. I must stop them before they completely destroy it. So right now you are either a advantage or you are a hinderance. One of them will cause you to lose your life. So are you an advantage or not?" Bliss asked, his expression and tone sounding emotionless, neither angry nor hopeful.
"Depends on how much you want to see a reaper though." The demons found it amusing, thinking that she could affect them with her powers in hell. She was dead, what good are powers to her. "If you can tell us how much you want it we might consider it."

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at Lucifer with a raised brow, "Here's a good idea...How about we DON'T do that. I personally would prefer we just ASK to use the damn castle, after all, it is technically her castle... Anyways, it's up to you Isabel, how do we do this? Diplomatic? Or uh...Painting the halls?"

@DizjayDeathPride @Light @GingerBread @CelticSol
Tazmodo said:
Reed went through the portal with Jackson. "So what are doing?" He said looking at Lucifer. "Also please for the love of Isabel make Goldilocks wear rags. I would be so happy if he wore rags." @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage looked at Fola and tilted his head in confusion. " Why are you asking , I painted the walls already. " Sage said innocently.
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Lucifer rubbed his chin nodded along. "Hmm.... I guess that makes sense. Diplomacy is nice." He felt a... Ringing in his ears and closed his eyes, irritation apparent on his face. "I need to take care of some Hell business.... Eh." He popped his lips and pointed forward. "Tooooo Diplomacy!"
Isabel turns to Lucifer, still standing in front of the castle. "I apologize for interrupting you but I must ask....what is....diplomacy?" Isabel only had the education level of a freshman in high school whom didn't finish the year. Her life was cut short after all and at the age of 10 the level she has now was amazing. Though at the age off 22 it isn't too helpful. There was somethings she knew and others she didn't. The word and definition of diplomacy wasn't one of them. She had to know what diplomacy meant since everyone else knew. She didn't feel bad about it at all since she doesn't realize that there's a large gap in her education level compared to their own.
Fola sighed, "Diplomacy is when instead of using violence and fighting, you talk things out with the opposition in a neutral or friendly territory, in this case it might be best so we can avoid unnecessary conflict and tarnish your image. Also, maybe it'd just be nice to let any possible family know your alive." He shrugged and smirked, "Just a thought..."

Light said:
"Depends on how much you want to see a reaper though." The demons found it amusing, thinking that she could affect them with her powers in hell. She was dead, what good are powers to her. "If you can tell us how much you want it we might consider it."
"My purpose in life is to bring Balance no matter the cost to myself or others. So I'll put that in simple terms for you. I need to be alive to keep balance in the Universe" Bliss stared at the demons, one of her eyes showing impatience, giving the impression that she would kill them if they took up too much of her time. The other eye showing patience and giving the impression she had all the time in the worl.

GingerBread said:
"You won't get shit from me if I die. So you best hope I don't" Vance stood up and looked at the portal "You know, I'd normally be really sarcastic and say ladies first, since there might be danger. But Meh. I get the feeling that I should go first. I've been leading this whole thing so far haven't I?" Vance smirked at Jackie and walked through the portal

@CelticSol @Daimao
Daimao said:
Nodding his head, Gamma exhaled a large cloud of poisonous gas, away from Jackie and Vance. The cloud formed itself into a ring, which then formed a portal. "There ya go. I'll be expecting my waffles after this," Gamma said cheerfully, before turning completely serious. "From both of you."
"Sure, sure," Jackie replies with a roll of her eyes, and nudges Alpha/Gamma/Beta towards the portal with a grin, "Hey, you're coming, too. Let's go," She walks ahead of them, stepping into the portal smoothly. Once at the other side, she looks around the massive foyer, all of it seeming to be carved out of shiny obsidian. Jackie's mouth makes a small 'o' in awe, "Woah," Her voice echoes through the empty hall. "So, Vance, do you want to stick together, or do you want us to split up? Since you've been leading us up until this point."
CelticSol said:
"Sure, sure," Jackie replies with a roll of her eyes, and nudges Alpha/Gamma/Beta towards the portal with a grin, "Hey, you're coming, too. Let's go," She walks ahead of them, stepping into the portal smoothly. Once at the other side, she looks around the massive foyer, all of it seeming to be carved out of shiny obsidian. Jackie's mouth makes a small 'o' in awe, "Woah," Her voice echoes through the empty hall. "So, Vance, do you want to stick together, or do you want us to split up? Since you've been leading us up until this point."
"You're really giving me the decision? I'm honored Jackie" Vance placed his hand over his heart mockingly "But, I don't really care to be honest, though If we do Split up, me and you should stick together and Your boyfriend should go on his own. And before you get any ideas. I'm saying this purely because I'm not that powerful in comparison to a deity. But your hell hound pup seems to be at least somewhat powerful and he's got 3 heads. So, it works out well. Any objections?"

@CelticSol @Daimao
GingerBread said:
"You're really giving me the decision? I'm honored Jackie" Vance placed his hand over his heart mockingly "But, I don't really care to be honest, though If we do Split up, me and you should stick together and Your boyfriend should go on his own. And before you get any ideas. I'm saying this purely because I'm not that powerful in comparison to a deity. But your hell hound pup seems to be at least somewhat powerful and he's got 3 heads. So, it works out well. Any objections?"
@CelticSol @Daimao
"No, not from me. Alpha can handle himself, and I can handle myself if you try to pull anything," She gestures to further into the castle with a mocking bow, "After you, oh fearless leader."
CelticSol said:
"No, not from me. Alpha can handle himself, and I can handle myself if you try to pull anything," She gestures to further into the castle with a mocking bow, "After you, oh fearless leader."
"You're damn right I'm fearless. You can only be afraid if you have something to lose, I have the advantage of not having anything I care about to lose" Vance starts walking to where Jackie had gestured "You watch my back, and I'll watch yours. Remember that. I'm putting trust in you, I expect you to do the same for me"

@CelticSol @Daimao
Colin watched Ethan carefully, scared that he'd turn on him at any moment I need to get away from him, but he might follow me. I don't want to risk losing Anna again, just because I was in danger Colin tried to think of someone he knew who would be able to help him Fola? Yeah, Fola seems like a good option right now. I'll go to him Colin reached his free hand to his guild symbol, slowly and made it look like he was rubbing his arm "I-I've got to g-go."

Colin used the guild symbol to teleport and appear next to Fola "H-hey F-Fola. How are you?" Colin asked, trying to not say anything about what happened and unnecessarily worry anyone.

@metalcity (You can Follow Colin and get more into the action now.) @LokiofSP @Light @WhoeverElse is at the castle.
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed, "Diplomacy is when instead of using violence and fighting, you talk things out with the opposition in a neutral or friendly territory, in this case it might be best so we can avoid unnecessary conflict and tarnish your image. Also, maybe it'd just be nice to let any possible family know your alive." He shrugged and smirked, "Just a thought..."

( @Tazmodo @djinnamon )

Isabel looks down once he says his last sentence. It had completely spoiled her mood and she no longer wanted to become a princess. "Excuse me." She lightly bows and turns around, walking out into the forest alone.

GingerBread said:
"My purpose in life is to bring Balance no matter the cost to myself or others. So I'll put that in simple terms for you. I need to be alive to keep balance in the Universe" Bliss stared at the demons, one of her eyes showing impatience, giving the impression that she would kill them if they took up too much of her time. The other eye showing patience and giving the impression she had all the time in the worl.
The demons rolls their eyes and begin to leave. "Why does she have to be so uptight?"
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @djinnamon )
Isabel looks down once he says his last sentence. It had completely spoiled her mood and she no longer wanted to become a princess. "Excuse me." She lightly bows and turns around, walking out into the forest alone.

The demons rolls their eyes and begin to leave. "Why does she have to be so uptight?"
Sage scowled and smacked Fola across the head. With the quiet mumble of the word idiot Sage went after Isabel. " What's wrong Isabel? " He asked as he walked beside her and let the illusion on his clothes disappear, he new it was better not to play the princess game anymore.

@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo
CelticSol said:
"No, not from me. Alpha can handle himself, and I can handle myself if you try to pull anything," She gestures to further into the castle with a mocking bow, "After you, oh fearless leader."
GingerBread said:
"You're damn right I'm fearless. You can only be afraid if you have something to lose, I have the advantage of not having anything I care about to lose" Vance starts walking to where Jackie had gestured "You watch my back, and I'll watch yours. Remember that. I'm putting trust in you, I expect you to do the same for me"

@CelticSol @Daimao
Alpha nipped Beta, waking him up, and, with everyone awake, Chihualpha trotted off in a different direction from Jackie and Vance, all three heads held high and looking around.
Daimao said:
Alpha nipped Beta, waking him up, and, with everyone awake, Chihualpha trotted off in a different direction from Jackie and Vance, all three heads held high and looking around.
( I love how they're at the castle and Isabel just walked away from it. )
djinnamon said:
Sage scowled and smacked Fola across the head. With the quiet mumble of the word idiot Sage went after Isabel. " What's wrong Isabel? " He asked as he walked beside her and let the illusion on his clothes disappear, he new it was better not to play the princess game anymore.
@LokiofSP @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo
Isabel was extremely uncomfortable with others around her without the addition of Lucifer. She begins to walk faster, moving away from Sage. "Please leave me alone."
Fola watched as Isabel walked away, then felt a hand hit the back of his head, by the time Collin came, he turned around with a frustrated yell, "WHA- Oh...It's you. Shit, I need to see if i can't deactivate this thing or something..." He looked at Collin and smiled, snapping his finger and dragging Collin around, "You're perfect to have around! Look, all you have to know is that that man..." He pointed at Sage, "Is a uh...Sexual predator, and he's chasing a girl through here! I need your help to deal with him!"

@GingerBread @djinnamon @Light
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GingerBread said:
"You're damn right I'm fearless. You can only be afraid if you have something to lose, I have the advantage of not having anything I care about to lose" Vance starts walking to where Jackie had gestured "You watch my back, and I'll watch yours. Remember that. I'm putting trust in you, I expect you to do the same for me"

@CelticSol @Daimao
"Of course," She says seriously, her eyes already peering around them as they move further into the castle. It's mostly quiet - there's an occasional, rhythmic tapping echoing from somewhere distant, but it's quiet enough and far enough away that it can be easily ignored as the mind playing tricks. The castle itself feels odd, like a living entity; shadows suddenly morph into shape, but snap back into a regular form the minute Jackie tries to look at them.

"This place is weird," She comments idly, trying to dismiss the feeling of dread in her stomach with conversation. Turning a corner in the hall, Jackie spots someone standing at the end, hands at their sides, and the ram skull acting as their face staring expressionlessly at the pair. She catches Vance's arm and points, her voice a low whisper, "Look."

However, when Vance looks to where Jackie is pointing, he sees nothing.

(Ignore the child)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.83964b4ad7e70a217ce17ff88650194b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.83964b4ad7e70a217ce17ff88650194b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daimao said:
Alpha nipped Beta, waking him up, and, with everyone awake, Chihualpha trotted off in a different direction from Jackie and Vance, all three heads held high and looking around.
As they walk the halls, they hear occasional whispers, like someone was watching them and muttering comments even though Chihualpha could see no one, nor sense them. The walls take on an almost suffocating nature, as if they were drawing close and the halls were becoming smaller.



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